Dear Tasuki,
Hey, you like christmas trees right?
I hope so, you're gonna be sitting under one!
*tackles Tasuki, tangles him up in wrapping paper, gags him with ribbons and sticks a bow on his head - shoves him under Mind-chan's Christmas tree*
Be good Tasuki-chan! Mindy is a nice fangirl, don't worry. Nuriko will join you soon!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Ya' better explain this to One-chan. Keetia, an' Firefury 'cos they're gonna be pissed!!!!!! An' where th' h*ll is my *^%$#@@ sake?!?!?!?!?!
Dear Nuriko,
*tackles Nuriko, tangles him in wrapping paper, gags him with ribbon and sticks a bow on his head - shoves him under Mind-chan's tree next to Tasuki*
There, you have company now Tasuki.
*Sticks tags on them reading - For Mind-chan, Love Amanda, Merry Christmas*
I promise Mindy will be nice to you!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
You better explain this to Inori!!! I was supposed to be under HER tree!
Dear Mitsukake,
Me loves you! You're not boring at all! Hee hee... You're actually kinda cute... I think you're just scared to show people who you really are for fear of getting too close, and losing them again, like what happened to Shoka. Aw, my poor Mitsu-chan, don't be lonely anymore. If Shoka were sill here, she'd want you to be happy! In fact, you can talk to her at "Ask the Fushigi Yuugi Cast". She's there and she misses you a lot.
Um, if you're not interested in that, however, I'm not exactly single, but I can change that! Me loves you! Buh-bye!
Tammy Neko
Dear Tammy Neko,
Arigato! I sent her a letter.
Dear Chiriko,
Yes!! I am a Mac person!! My dad is a computer programmer (he wrote Eudora, if you've heard of it) and we have always used Macs. He got me a little green iMac because I was using mom's computer too much. ^^ It's really cool, but it goes slow 'cuz I have a lot of anime stuff on it. ^^;;; Anyway, the Mac people fixed the Y2K problem in '84. (I think) So I don't have to worry.
P.S. I kind of have a grudge against IBM because my friend's IBM ate one of my favorite Creatures from Creatures! (That sounded weird...)
Dear Moon,
I have heard of Eudora! Kakkoii! Chichiri no Aijin started learning computers on a Mac Classic and the server we are on is a Mac.
Dear Hotohori,
Arigato, Hotohori-san, you are always so understanding! ^_^ *HUGS*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Your're very welcome! *Hugs her back*
Dear Tasuki,
*hands Tasuki a bottle of sake with a bow around it* Here you go, Merry Christmas! The short play that I was in went well, my costar didn't slam me into the stage the other two nights. Well, I auditioned for my high school musical, Grease. I think that I might have a good chance at getting a lead role this year. Hopefully I'll get to play Jan..... Anyway, I'll write you again after they post the cast list. Tell all the others I wish them a very Merry Christmas!
Dear Spooky-chan,
Good luck! Break a leg! Merry Christmas!
Dear Tasuki,
GUESSSSSSS WHAT, TASUKI-SAN??????? My parents are NOT getting a divorce after all! They made up!!!!!! ^_^ They told me that they didn't mean anything about what they said to each other before. WHEEEEEEE! YAY! *hugs Tasuki* I'm sooooo happy! But before, I sure was scared.... *_*; they were snapping at each other and talking about a bunch of nonesense.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!! *Hugs her and swings her around in the air.* I'm glad they kissed an' made up! Merry Christmas!
Dear Tasuki,
Is there a Lina Inverse hanging around here?
I'm supposed to tell her that it's Milsar season.
Dear Gourry,
OI LINA!!!!!!!! Yer boyfriendo is here fer ya'!!! *Runs for his life...*
Dear Tamahome,
Forgive me but, no, I don't go on the message board. In, fact, I've never been there. I write letters to the seishi and read the replies.
I would have much appreciated being told that continuing saga's get put on the board!
Also, I can't get on the dumb board. The server brings up a 'Bad Request' sign.
Alright, I'll tell you what. I can't get into the message board and you can't keep posting serial letters so what time will you be in chat? We'll settle it there.
And Yuri is NOT smarter than Soi and I! It's not that I don't think my daughter is a bright child but if you'll read the fine print, mr. smarty pants, that crazy cat of Mitsukake's wrote the sign for her! *points to the small characters at the bottom of the sign*
Dear Nakago,
Gomen, I guess the computer doesn't care for you. Perhaps Tama-neko or Yuri can help you with it... Considering your child was smart enough to get the cat to do her sign for her, I'd say they BOTH rate in the high IQ department! I'll try to be in the chatroom this weekend. I don't the exact time. Sumimasen...
Dear Tamahome,
If someone gave you a large sum of money, would you cut Hotohori's hair?
Dear Megu-chan,
I may be greedy but I'm not a suicidal moron!!!
Dear Tasuki,
hihihihi!!!**looks destrested**there are five guys at my school that won't give up! they insist an calling you a; fag, flamer, or the last**sweat drops and picks up a club to go beat them with** butt-pirate(?). so I told them about your thing you had for miaka(?) and they said it was a cover up. now they just won't they demand reasons from you...**looks ready to kill them all**ARRGGHHH!!! I already beat the living f@#*k out of them at school...heheheh, I guess they won't learn...
Dear navi,
Ahhhh... ignore 'em! They're jus' a buncha jealous losers anyway!
Dear Tasuki,
*stops crying and look at Tasuki with big puppy eyes* In the letter that i send to you, that you didnt get, i said that my birthday is one day before yours(but im in Chirikos age). Now i hope that you will get this, or else.... *Jennie looking VERY MAAAAD*
Dear Jennie,
Oh, THAT letter! My sister's are: Aidou, Jiang, Li' an, Pa'liu, an' Mai. An' yes, it's cool that our birthdays are a day apart.
Dear Chiriko,
Well, at least you tried ^_^ Arigatou!
The best man(or women) wins....hahaha. But, i still gonna give you that picture that i promised you. Merry Christmas to you to.*Gives Chiriko a big christmas hug*
Dear Annie,
Ariagto! *Hugs her back* Merry Christmas!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Why does everybody and their sister write to you? Love you and all,but really...
Dear Nobody,
Because I'm so *^%$#@* COOL!!!! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*comes in with black robes and dark glasses*
Ladies and Gentlemen, I sure we have all have heard rumors as if Tasuki, the lengendary Suzaku Shichiseishi, is really gay or not. Some people like to believe that he is one. Well, here in my hands, I have a video tape, but not just ANY video tape. This tape is proof that Tasuki might by gay! Watch!
*pops tape into VCR and watches Tasuki being kissed on the cheek by a guy* Well, there you have it folks! The real living proof! And being a nice person like I am, I'll even sell it to the most highest bidder! Now lets start it off with $10! 10 dollars, people! Does anyone want to bid higher? ^_^
unknown person
Dear unknown person,
Yer NOT funny Sakura! OI! Masao! Can't ya' control her???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello Oh mighty Suzaku! Damn I sound like a peasant or something.... Oh well anyways um . . . Why does Seiryuu like bein' an ass to everyone? Well, that's all I wanted to ask.
P.S. I like your hair in your human form! ^_^
Dear Quezacotl,
Arigatpo! I do not believe that is true! Seiryuu did fight with the rest of the Gods against Tenkou in OAV 1. He also protected his Miko and her friends in OAV 2.
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever played the Final Fantasy series before on SNES and Playstation?
Dear Chichiri,
How many times have you said "no da" in the past year?
Dear Hilary,
More than you or I can count, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
This is a REAALLLLY stupid gonna ask it anyway! Do you snore??? I love you Tasuki!!!!!
Dear Hilary,
I dunno! Ya' gotta ask someone who's slept in th' same room as me.
Dear Tamahome,
If beating up Tasuki is for free, then why'd you take my money? ¬_¬ I want my two ryou back! ^^;
Dear Yuri,
The 2 ryou are for asking a question, no t pounding on Tasuki. Sorry, no refunds!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
means I probably said something I shouldn't have) Think Tasuki-san will be okay? Anyway, I brought Christmas presents for all of you:
*hands Tamahome a 3 ft plastic tree decorated with real ryou* Now, don't get any strange ideas. The only reason you happen to be my fave seishi is because you are so loyal and loving to Miaka. ^v^ You guys are so kawaii!
*hands Hotohori a tree with miniature mirrors* So you can admire yourself and the tree at the same time.
*Nuriko, a tree with miniature picture frames of Hotohori; Mitsukake, a tree with different herbs tied with red ribbons (including some catnip for Tama-neko); Chiriko, a tree with snippets from history, poetry, literature, and math books* Don't worry Chiriko, they're copies. I didn't destroy the books.
For Chichiri, a tree with miniature kasas; and for Chichiri no Aijin, a tree with miniature Chichiri dolls!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all!! ^_^
Dear Moonsong,
Domo arigato gozaimashita!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!
Suzaku Seishi and Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys! You know how I reak havoc on this page and drive you guys all up the wall. Bad news, I brought some insane friends of mine over.
Nyanko Neko: Hey! I'm not insane!
Taiitsu no Miko: You're NOT insane? AND WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING TO TELL ME THIS!?!
Crossdresser From A Galaxy Far Far Away: Hey, Chichiri! Start running before Shrine Maiden Keisei gets to you!
S.M.Keisei: Nice try, I'm already here! *grabs Chichiri's arm* Don't worry, I'm nice.
Taiitsu no Miko: Well now you did it! She's got him! *smirks* Hey, you get a seishi, I get a seishi. *grabs an arm at random - Tamahome* Hmmm, well, Miaka won't hurt me too bad if I give her a porkchop.
NyankoNeko: *Reaches in and pulls out a cute ball of fur* Oh goodie! A kitty cat! How are you neko-chan. *pets him*
Crossdresser: *Grabs Tasuki by the hair* Only way to find you in that bishonen mess, carrot top. *hangs on his arm*
Taiitsu: Now that we've all introduced ourselves we have some questions.
Keisei: Chichiri, what was the name of your best friend again? And can you and Chiriko come overto my house some time - tell Chiriko to bring his leaf whistle. I play the flute and it would be nice to have someone to play with. You'd be a fair critic, ne Chichiri?
Crossdresser: *cough , cough* flirt *cough* Say Nuriko, I sort of really incredibly like this guy. Should I tell him? *grins and starts complementing Tasuki on his biceps*
Taiitsu: *gags* Oh get over it, he doesn't like girls. Sheesh. Now, Hotohori, can my world have some big candles from your palace for Y2K?
Tamahome, have you ever seen The CN Tower?(It's a very tall expensive building in Toronto in case you didn't know. And, to the seishi in general...are my friends as annoying as me?
Nyanko Neko:(to Tama-neko)Oh! Has Mitsukake been feeding you okay? You look thin! Here! *gives him a fish bigger than he is*
Taiitsu no Miko: Well, Arigatou! Answer Soon!
Yukai Kisumasu! (I think that means Merry Christmas and if I'm way off ... S.M.Keisei was the one who told me how to spell it!)
Taiitsu no Miko and Friends
Dear Taiitsu no Miko and Friends,
Actually it's just me-ri kurisumasu, but that's OK. Chichiri's best friend's name was Hikou and he and Chiriko would love to come to your house if they can ever find a way to your world. Nuriko says if you're too pushy men run in fear, Tamahome says he's never been to Toronto, and Tama-neko says "Nyao" for the fish! As for more annoying we're not sure but certainly more kowai!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
*runs in and tackles Nuriko like a footbal player - sits up stradling him around the waist - grins* Konnichiwa Nuri-papa! *leans down and kisses his cheek* How are you today? *Climbs off him and sprawls on the floor smiling like an idiot.*
It's Christmas soon and I've deliberately hung mistletoe in every archway in the palace - which is alot of archways! *grins* Hotokimi won't be able to get away from me!
*frowns* I know I seemed very happy but I do have a bit of a dilemma. Well it's moreso that I just need someone to vent to. I was talking to Orian a bit ago and... well... I don't know. She just seems sad about my marrying Hotokimi, you know? I thought she'd like being part of the wedding party but she just seems to give me these horribly sad glances. I wonder what's bothering her.
I asked if she'd tell me the other day and she got this freaked out look on her face and said to ask you.
You don't know what's wrong do you? I'm getting worried about her.
Dear Kourin,
Hmmm... I will talk to her for you. *Goes in search of Orian.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Konnichi wa! O genki desu ka? It may be obvious, but I have a question for you. Today I went caroling ALL DAY, which meant playing my flute for 8 hours straight. My face is now equivalent to jell-o. Do you know of anyway I could prevent my face from fatiguing? If I relax my ambauscher too much, the pitch suffers.
Ja ne!
Dear Kodama,
As I don ot play the flute, no. However, have you tried stretching your facial muscles in-between playing as you carol? It might help.
Dear Hotohori,
I kinda forgot about you, eh heh. ^^;;; As to my comment on your seiyuu, he's THIS weird
(just read the interview, chichiri's seiyuu, and keisuke's *I think* is there too) very very strange ^^;
Dear Lina,
Hmmm... omoshiroii desu!!
Dear Chichiri,
hihihihi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel way better now**gives you a hug**. I finally got some rest and my homework was lightened^-^. I have a question for you...if you had the chance to go back to who you were would you?
Dear navi,
I'm glad you are doing better, no da! If it meant that Hikou and Kouran would still be alive, then yes, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Christmas break!!! Weeeeeeeheeeeee!!! I feel so relaxed because I have NOTHING DUE TILL I GET BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!! WEEEEEEE! *grabs all the seishi and gives them hugs* I AM SOOOOO HAPPY!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! ^_^ Ummmm yah so...what's up? Heheheh you should of seen my reaction when Lina told me she kissed you! I WAS GONNA BEAT HER @$$!!! I mean, I am part Nyan Nyan and I recently became a sorceress. Lady Ultimecia passed her powers onto me, so I became Sorceress Yui! Don't worry, I won't turn evil...although she told me not to use my powers for good...But I know I will!!! Let's see...what else...oh yeah! One of my really good friends drew and painted me a Tasuki and Van picture on a canvas for Christmas! IT'S SO KAWAII!!! I WAS SCREAMING AT SCHOOL AND EVERYTHING! Maybe I could scan it in my computer and send it to you! School's doing ok, I hope. I dunno if I ever told you or if you remember, but I go to an extremely tough high school. It's a college prep school except it's a public school, but you have to pass tests and stuff. But I hope I'm doing ok in my classes. What else? How has your day been? Remember, if you need a body guard, talk to me! I'm a sorceress, nyan nyan(come on...they're cute...but annoying...but cute none the less!), and also I'm grand funk masta Yui! (don't ask) Ja ne!
Dear Yui,
Cripes! Who th' h*ll wound up yer clock???? *Tries to calm her down...* Glad to hear yer so happy an' that yer doing good in school. I'd like to see yer tomodachi's pic of me!
Dear Tasuki,
Wounded? I didn't mean to hurt you but I never actually said you were my fave seishi...You assumed it. You actually want another fangirl glomping you? don't have to answer that ^^; How 'bout we just be friends, 'kay? Besides, I DID find your restaurant right? ^_~
Oh, and here's your Christmas present! I normally don't condone alcohol consumption but, for you, I'll make an exception. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!! ^_^
*hands him a 3 ft. plastic Christmas tree decorated with tinsel and miniature bottles of sake.*
Dear Moonsong,
Kakkoii! Arigato! 'Course friends is OK!
Dear Tasuki,
::walks in sluggishly:: Hello, I'm not as hyper as I usually am 'cause I think I'm getting sick. That's just great. First day of Christmas vacation and I get sick. And I NEVER get sick! I don't think it's contagious(sp?), so you don't have to hide from me for fear of getting whatever I have.
Why does Kouji keep calling you kowai(sp?)-faced man? What does kowai(sp?)mean? ::yawn:: I would talk more, but I'm just too tired. Night!
::staggers off to bed::
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Kowai means scary. He does it 'cos he's a *&^%$#@ ahou! *Tucks her into bed...* Odaijini! (Take care and get well soon.)
Dear Tasuki,
*poof* Santa Tasuki-san! Santa Tasuki-san!
*goes SD and starts running around him* Santa Tasuki-san! Kiite kudasa~i! *sits down in his lap*
Sakura has been a veeery gooooood girl alll year so Sakura was wondering if Santa Tasuki-san could give Sakura Nuriko-san for Christmas cause she gets alll lonely sometimes and needs someone to *ahem* entertain her so please do that for her. Onegai shimasu! Oh yeah! *HUG!* *HUG! *HUUUUUUG!!!!!!* Hee hee. ^_^ Though I forgot, ne. Arigato, Santa Tasuki-san! Ja ne! Mata ne! Bai Bai! *poof*
Dear Sakura,
Suuurrrreeee... heh-heh-heh... Oi! Nuriko! Get yer @$$ over here...!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey!remeber me?lonetime no see, ya doing? anything happen?
Meow chan
PS.Do you miss me? heh-heh!
Dear Meow chan,
OI!! Ogenki desuka? I've been doin' OK. Jus' th' usual abuse an' s--t...
Dear Tasuki,
*walks into his resturant* HA! Look who's laughing now, hmm? ^_____________^ *sits at the best table* I want the best sushi! for FREE! mwahahahahahahaa...
Dear Yuri,
Don't push yer luck kid!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You know what bugs me? That handsome, romantic, sweet, intelligent guys like you are not in my world. Not one guy I have ever met has appreciated me. (Well...I scare them a little....when you are literally 6 ft. tall and collect swords....uh....I can see why they WOULDN'T go for me...) In fact, I am fed up with men in general. I mean,a girl who has weapons and knows how to use them isn't THAT scary, no da? And come on - a girl who loves to fight and stuff should be ideal for a guy....right? Really...not all the cute, girl, feminine, can-eat-all-she-wants-and-never-gain-an-ounce type who will always do what she is told,...right? Why can't there be guys here like Chichiri and Hotohori and Nuriko (now HE would be great to shop with), and even Tasuki (although I think that since both of us have quick tempers...may not work...). But really....anyway, enough of sounding pitiful ::sniff::...I'll leave you all alone.
Kelli-The Bishounen no Miko
Dear Kelli,
*Taps her on the shoulder* Ano, I believe that there is someone for everyone, no da. I'm certain that you will find your special someone, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Geez! Count on a Suzaku seishi to use false advertising!
Dear Suboshi,
The offer was for just about anyone but you and any other Seiryuu Seishi. YOU don't count!
Dear Tamahome,
And who do you know that clean ghosts out of theathers? The ghost-busters?! Be reasonable here! *dangles a bag of okane in front of him* You want it or not? I'm losing feeling in my leg here!!
(an exasperated) Shuurei
Dear Shuurei,
Hai! *Takes okane and peels her friend off of her leg.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys! I am CELEBRATING! THought I'd share....don't have many people to tell...I am going to be singing The Queen of the Night in my opera conservatory's spring opera, The Magic FLute! Since I am just a freshman, it is a really big honor....will be a challenge though...::sigh:: wish you all could come see, is a beautiful opera, even though I am portraying the evil dark queen, blahblahblah...anyway, thanks for listening!!!!!
*Points at Mistletoe* ::batting eyelashes:: Pretty please?
Kelli-Bishounen no Miko
Dear Kelli-Bishounen no Miko,
Ganbatte kudasai, no da! *Looks at mistletoe and kisses her on the cheek.* For luck, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Since WHEN are you the only one that counts?????? ::hands on hips:: From what I can see, there are 7 Suzaku Seishi....Hotohori is more romantic, Nuriko is a beautiful man or woman (and it takes a real man to make a beautiful woman!), CHiriko is extremely intelligent, Mitsukake has an amazing power of healing, Tasuki is....Tasuki, and Chichiri needs absolutely NO description. He just IS. ::sparkly eyes:: AND I bet I could defeat you in battle ::tosses hair over shoulder::.
Dear Kelli,
Because I'm the hero and Miaka fell in love with me! I beat out an Emperor for the hand of the Miko! That's why!
Dear Tasuki,
HI! Man, you have any idea how hard holiday shopping is? The crowds, the stress, the idiot drivers on the road.... *sneaks up behind Tasuki and snatches the tessan* I mean, it's enough to drive a person nuts! And I still don't have something for One-chan! *grabs a roll of wrapping paper and some scissors and tape and ribbon* I was wondering if you had any ideas, since I know she simply ADORES you. *tackles Tasuki and gets him tied up in ribbons and wrapping paper very fast with a little help from Keetia* ^.^
Keetia: *walks off with the tessan and hides it in the deep end of someone's pool, anchored further with rocks, concrete, etc.* One-chan'll be SOOOOOOOOO happy! ^.~
By the way, that big fight on IRC has been settled peaceably. Thank the Goddess for small miracles! Now, no talking or One'll figure out what it is!! Okay? *sticks a big poofy concealing ribbon on Tasuki's head* Shush! Don't move until Christmas, okay? ^.^ *sticks her hostage under the Christmas tree and ties some mistletoe to the ribbon* Shush! Okie! I've got a big barrel of sake waiting for you if you behave! Actually, Keets has it, so you'd better behave and stay put! Don't worry, Keets'll bring dinner around later, okie? You'll prolly be the first one One-chan opens (which is on Christmas Eve) so you'll be able ta get out a day early. =p Arigato! *sticks a tag on the wrapping paper*
Tag: To One-chan, with sisterly love from: Firefury *flees*
Firefury, One-chan's annoying older sister person
Dear Firefury,
*Glares and grumbles about what he puts up with for his fans, but settles down with thoughts of sake barrels and getting his tessen back dancing in his head.*
Dear Tasuki,
What was that about?! My mother IS a professional stylist!! That's her job! And she DID fix it yesterday. She added a different color dye and now it's brown. I do miss the blond in the front though....Oh well.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Well ya' NEVER said THAT!!! Glad she fixed ya'! Why don'tcha' wait fer about a month or so an' then bleach yer bangs blonde...
Dear Chichiri,
*sneaks up with wrapping paper and ribbon* >=D *wraps Chichiri up for Chichiri no Aijin and gags him with a bow.* Sssssssh ^-^ *drags Chichiri over to CnA and drops him* MERRY CHRISTMAS, CnA! ^.~
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
YATTA!!!! Domo arigato gozaimashita!!!!! WOO-HOO!!! *Brings mistletoe over to him, removes his gag & points to it smiling...*
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sneaks up on Tamahome and Hotohori with wrapping paper and ribbon.* HI! *wraps them up and gags them with bows* Be quiet, okay? *sticks a gift tag that reads "To Rita" on them and dumps the under the x-mas tree.* Don't spoil the surprise! *checks her gift list*
*sneaks up a Nuriko and wraps him up for Inori-momma, and gags him with a bow* SSSSSH! ^-^ *dumps Nuriko under the tree and skips off to find Trunks for her sister*
Dear One-chan,
MMMMMM!!!! MMMMM!!!! MMMMMMM!!!!! *Sweatdrops @_@;;;*
Tamahome, Hotohori, and Nuriko
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Happy Christmas!!! (No, I'm not from Britain . . .) I hope everyone has a nice winter break & such!! *hands out egg nog (6 non-alchoholic & 1 alchoholic ^_~) and chocolate* See ya!
P.S. Happy New Year! I hope your computer doesn't go wacky if it's an IBM...
Dear Moon,
Merry Happy to you, too! Arigato for the egg nog, oishii desu! So, do you use a Macintosh?
Dear Hotohori,
Ano...gomen, Heika, but Eiji is just more drool-worthy than you are. At least you can understand those distinct advantages that he has...being 3D, and in this world and all. I'm even going to make an official 'Live Seishi Fan Club'! Chichiri no Aijin said I could. *lower lip starts to tremble* But it isn't fair!!! Chichiri no Aijin said I could only have one of them if I was 20 or older, could prove it, and live in SoCal. Well, I'm 16, can barely prove that, and live in OHIO!!!
Dear Shuurei,
Ja, gomen nasai that you are unhappy, but since they are men (over 18) it would be inappropriate in your world for them to have teenage paramours (girlfriends). Would it make you feel better if one of them e-mailed you? I can ask Chichiri no Aijin to ask them next time they are over. *Hugs her and hands her a handkerchief*
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles faintly* I don't take breaks when it comes to my friends. At least, not until they drive me to the point of breaking down. But things seem to have worked out. *hugs*
Dear One-chan,
Glad to hear things are workin' out! Take care of yerself! *Hugs her*
Dear Nuriko,
Ah, call it wishful thinking, Nuriko-sama! Who's to say they WON'T marry? Tasuki? *snickers* Ah, well! I will believe always!! But wouldn't you wanna help anyway? ^_^! By the way, Nuriko-sama, are you okay? You seem down lately...*checks his forehead* Do you feel sick? Have you been resting? Oh! And I got you this! *gives Nuriko a videocamera* It's your Christmas gift! I just thought, you guys have gone through so many nifty moments together and none of them were really recorded so you could view them again! Think of them memories you could make! ^_^! (looks up and sees the mistletoe) *under her breath* Everyone else has been doing it, so why not! Ne, Nuriko-sama! Look up! *blushes* I'm so corny...^_^;;
P.S: Merry Christmas to all the seishi and Chichiri no Aijin too!!
P.P.S: And a Happy New Year!!
Dear Inori,
*Looks at mistletoe, grabs her and kisses her!* And a Merry Christmas to you, too! Ano... *Waves hand in front of her face...* Daijobou desu ka? (Are you OK?)
Dear Tasuki,
I am very pissed and upset.... my parents are talking about a divorce.... *starts to cry*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Gives a hug and holds her.* I don't know what to say to make ya' feel any better. But ya' should know that yer parents both love ya' even if they don't love each other anymore. *Hands her a handkerchief.* An' ya' still got me as yer tomodachi...
Dear Nuriko,
Who do you think dresses better- Tamahome or Tasuki?
Dear Megs,
Neither. I do!
Dear Tasuki,
*breaks down and cries* Everyone is mad at everybody on IRC now. They keep coming to me for answers, that I don't have! *cries* And Speed isn't on and.... Oh screw it! *cries* I'm tired of them always fighting. I can't deal with it anymore. I'm tired of being the balance the peace rests on for them! ;-;
A very depressed One-chan
Dear One-chan,
*Gives her a big hug* Don't be so hard on yerself! It ain't yer job to make sure th' world runs smooth! Let 'em fight it out an' settle their own differences for once. Take a break!
Dear Hotohori,
Don't worry Heika-sama! Eiji-san is definitely not cuter, more droolworthy etc. than you! ^_^** It's true! ::looks around nervously for bricks being thrown at her..*BRICK*:: Itai...But don't worry..**I** still think that you're the cutest man I've ever seen! ^_^
Dear Angelique,
Arigato! Although it was pointed out to me that since he is three dimensional and a part of your world that he does have a distinct advantage over us. But at least I am better looking...
Dear Tamahome,
(this letter didn't get posted so here it is again in slightly different content...)
*takes Yuri from Tamahome and clutches her against his chest* Oh Seiyruu, Yuri-chan! *kisses her forehead* *looks up at Tamahome* What do you mean she came to you for 'protection'. Don't you tell me she trusts a Suzaku Seishi more than her own parents! *rocks Yuri against his shoudler*
Besides which I doubt she could have gotten here by herself! YOU probably KIDNAPPED HER!!! *glares*
Dear Nakago,
Hmph! Obviously SOMEBODY NEVER visits the message board... It was posted there as a continuing saga. And check this out... *shows him the sign Yuri wrote.* Seems your child is smarter than you and Soi put together. Not only can she write she trusts ME not YOU to protect her...
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs Tasuki-san tightly* THANKS for signing my slambook! *kissed Tasuki*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Hugs her back* Yer welcome!
Dear Tasuki,
BAKA!BAKA!BAKA!BAKA! *Hits Tasuki in the head with a horse* You didnt answer my letter that i send you...*starts to cry*
Now you have to make it up to me!
Dear Jennie,
ITAI!!! What letter was that?
Dear Chiriko,
AAAH! You gonna vote for meee!! *Hugs Chiriko VERY hard and then starts to jump* You are so nice! Im gonna send a really beautiful picture of you after Christmas (you know, when i have gotten my scanner^_~)
See ya later! *Jumps away with sparkle eyes*
Dear Annie,
Arigato! But I saw my vote didn't help. Gomen... Good luck with the scanner! Merry Christmas!
Dear Tasuki,
*sighs and gently lands safely on the ground, one foot first. Then taps Tasuki who has wrapped on to her, on the shoulder* can let go now ^^; *mumbles "wuss" under her breath*
Dear Lina,
*Lets go of her, glares and mumbles...* I ain't no (*^%$$#@ wuss....
Dear Tasuki,
Hello. Im just wondering if you know why did they pair you up with Chichiri. I already get the point about the kouji and u but Chichiri? ::shudders:: going to be sick. Well that all.BYe
Dear K.D,
I dunno!!! Th' whole *^%$#@@ thin' is sick!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Wow... Someone actually cares about me...?~!?! Eh... well not exaclty.. but...anyway... I can't go to the docotr by myself. My mom has me on a medical plan with a private physician, and if i even tried to make an appointment he'd have to charge me for it with money, money that I don't that I don't have and NEED... Oy! I sound like Tamahome!!! *shudder*.. *coughcough* ooooyyyy... and the teachers at school aren't helping me get better, either!! My PE teacher makes me run double the distance the other students have to for complaining!!! Bla!!! What a mean Psycho!!! ehheh... Thanks anyway for the suggestion though, Taiitsu no Miko!!! I appreciate it!
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Well, we ALL care about you. Odaijini! (Take care and getr well soon.)
Dear Tasuki,
Sorry I had to leave during our contest or duel whatever you want to call it. I had to go on a sudden business trip to do my line of work(which I cannot say what it is because it is strictly confidential). Anyway just to let you know my total count was 45 bottles, the taste got pretty boring after that ( and maybe if you had notice you would have seen Chichiri acting a little strange but we know how little you pay attention to those sort of things).
Dear nodaing ,
I ended up wit' 50 an' a half bottles. (Kouji took it away from me before I could finish! Somethin' 'bout alcohol poisonin'...) I WIN!
Dear Tasuki,
*cocks an eyebrow at Tauski* Okay... *scribbles on a clipboard - whispers to self* IQ Zero.... *louder* Okay thank you, Tasuki.
Now, could you do me one or two more favours?
Could you tell me which of your fans you fear the most? For instance, which one beats you up most, which fanficer marries you to people the most, etc.
And could you also tell me, what is the weirdest match that someone has ever made for you? What is the weirdest person you've been married off to besides Kouji or a fangirl?
Dear Ashurin,
'Che! I don't fear ANY of my fans! But Keetia sure is a pain! An' I'd hafta say th' pepople who keep pairin' me off wit' Chichiri ain't wrapped too tight either! He would also be th' weirdest match!
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