Dear Hotohori,
Wah! There are so many girls after Tasuki-san that it's not even fun anymore..... Too much competition... Speaking of competition, I really like this guy at school, his name is Lance. He sure is hot. But he is wayyyyyyy too popular. A lot of girls are after him. He's a senior. Whenever I see him, he's ALWAYS talking to a different girl. Either that or that stupid brunnete girl..... ugh! Gosh..... I really like him. *_*; That time when I first saw him, I even told myself that I shouldn't fall for him..... He sure is cute though.... On Monday, there was a chorous practice after school..... after the practice, he was playing at the piano.... So I got up my courage and went up to talk to him. That was my first time to talk to him. I said hi. And he said hi..... and then we talk for a little while, I told him my name.... etc. He was really nice. But I don't have any classes with him at all. And I never see him in the hallways... *_*... And he has chorous a different period than I do.... -_-.. That sucks, huh? Hotohori-sama, any advice ya can give me?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Try to get to this young man as a friend. But realize that he is your senpai and may only see you as a kawaii imouto, so please do not be disappointed if he does not return your feelings. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Walks in* *Bows to each of the seishi* *Hands them each large peppermint sticks wrapped in red and green ribbons* *Puts a Christmas song on a CD player* *Smiles and walks through the door*
Wishing you all the best of holidays!
Dear Hoshi,
Arigato, no da! Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year to you, too, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
I'm back!!!!! ^_^ And I've finally got my hands on your mini-novel..Suzaku Hi Den. Hurray! I can't understand half of it tho..^^; Ah well. Anyway..::looks up at the mistletoe and blushes:: Aa..::kisses Hotohori:: Merry Christmas! ::runs away::
Chyin Yu
Dear Chyin Yu,
*Catches her* How was your trip to Japan? Good I hope. Merry Christmas!
Dear Nuriko,
Oh! Well, Lina dared me to call you hunnybun! We were playing truth or dare! *nods* It was frightul and scary... But we are planning!! What for, you ask? Lina and Tasuki's wedding! Heehee... You'd help me, wouldn't you? Please don't say no! Come on! You know you wanna help plan it! *nudges Nuriko* You're the best person for it! You have the style!! *continues to drag Nuriko chanting* We must succeed! We must succeed! We must succeed!
*stops for a moment and looks scared* Let's go before Lina finds out! *continues to drag Nuriko to the planning room still chanting* Chant Nuriko-sama!! Chant!! Be free and skip along and chant! We must succeed, you know! ^_^! What color would the bridesmaid dresses be...Hm...
(a very hyper) Inori ^.^!!!
Dear Inori,
Ano... why do you think they're getting married???
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, I already told Kouji this, but I might as well tell you. My mom turned my hair ORANGE! IT'S THE EXACT SAME COLOR AS YOURS!!! (Not that there's anything wrong with it, I like the color, just not on me.)I could get kicked out of school for my hair being this color. Well.....I have to GO to school today first....I don't think I can take any more exams......2 a day.....At least I don't have to go in until 12:00 today and I get out at 12:00 tommorrow. What should I do about my hair color?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Nuriko tol' me to tell ya' to go to a professional stylist!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, so you kissed Lina first, huh? *sticks tongue out at him and runs away*
Dear Gen-chan-no-miko,
Yeah, an' ya' shoulda' seen th' look on her face!! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Ch' Yer stupid bandit! And you call yourself a man?! *kisses Tasuki's cheek* *wipes mouth* Ok. That was disgusting! Are you happy now?!
*sakura nods pointing to cam* *sigh* the things I do. *mumbles* Better brush my teeth when I get home. *pats Tasuki's back* Aw, don't worry, Genchan. Think of it as an early Christmas present. Besides it's an honor to receive a kiss from me. Ja na! *poof*
Dear Masao,
*Washes face with sake.* UGH! Are ya' takin' Tomo lessons or somethin'???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
who will I marry
Dear me,
Whoever you fall in love with that is worthy of you.
Dear Tamahome,
I realllllllllyyyyy like this guy. (i bet you can already see where this is going) Anyway.....i wanted to ask you if i should tell him i like him and ruin our relationship, or not tell him and keep my feelsings bottled up?
Dear ^^;;;,
Are you already good friends? If so, I'd bide my time and see what develops. Relationships that start as good friendships tend to laast the longest. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Of course Eiji isn't cuter than you! *hopes he doesn't notice she's lying through her teeth*...*puts on her angel halo*
Dear Mary,
Then why are you and all the others so atracted to him?
Dear Mitsukake,
*gives Mitsukake a long kiss* I thought I'd visit for Christmas! How are you? Still treating that sweet little kitty cat well, ne?
*smiles and hugs him tight* Taiitsu-kun-sama said I could come back from the dead for the holidays! *puts a little package in his pocket* Don't open it till Christmas! So are you happy to see me or are you going to stand there grinning all day!?
Shouka's (rather undead) Ghost
Dear Shouka,
*Hugs her* Of course I'm happy to see you!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oi, oi! *gives all the Suzaku Seishii big huggles* I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas.. ^_^ This is ~sorta~ my first time writing.. I DID write to Chichiri before, asking where he got his staffy thing.. though he prolly doesn't remember anyway... *pouts* (Ne, Chichiri-san, I wish you had told me the store in Konan, so I could have bought like, 20 an' hung 'em all from my ceiling).... Anyway, I thought I'd make a good.. ~sorta~ first impression, so I got you all perdi presents.. lesse.. *starts digging through a big bag she had been carryin'* Tama-chan.. catnip ^_^..Um..Obake-chan *grins* didun know what to getcha,soooo...I thought you'd just like okane...Nuriko, here's a Hotohori wallscroll... Hotohori.. lotsa more bucket hats (i got you a mad array of colors, hehehehe, it's crazy man)Chirko..I figured you had enough books, so I got you lots of candy..(all cute little boys like candy, right?) Mitsu, I gotcha some RED PANTS *giggles as she remembers the story* and Chichiri, I got you earmuffs (i dunno why though... they're jus' silli, keep ya warm...).Um.. oh yeah.. Tasu-kun.. *digs throuugh bag for remaining objects, and pulls out two big bottles*. Of course, Tasuki, I got you some sake, because I know how you love getting drunk...alot. Be sure to share some with Kouji, okay? I'm sure he loves getting drunk as much as you. ^_^Ok, anyway, I think that's all I got. And I should atleast ask a question, huh?OK... so..uh, you all like marshmallows, right?
Oya, I'm glad I could write, but now I must graph the acceleration of model a, and hypothesize how the postion of clamp 1 affects the speed of model b. or something. weeeheee. Jaaa ne *gives them all another hug and runs off*
P.S *throws an enormous ham at Obake-chan's head* Give Miaka my regards, onegai? ^_^
Dear Molliness,
*All the Seishi bow to her* Domo arigato gozaimasu!!!! Merry Christmas!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
Hi. Have you seen this site? Its one of the best sites there is!(Well, the second best ^_~) If you check the contest thats going on you can see a picture that I have done ^_^
See ya later...*gives Chiriko a hug and runs of*
Dear Annie,
I did! It's a very nice picture. I'm going to vote for it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Maybe this is a liiiittle mean......why does EVERYONE fall for Miaka? I mean, there are plenty beautiful, intelligent girls ::subliminal message: me:: who would love to be with any of you, excluding Chiriko-sorry, you are a bit young. So hey, cut all of us a little slack....we love you too!
Kelli~the Bishounen no miko
Dear Kelli,
Well, Mitsukake, CHichiri, and Chiriko aren't in love with her. Besides, I'M the ONLY one that counts!!
Dear Chichiri,
How's it going? Just wanted to tell you how kawaii you are!!!! I love you to pieces!!!!!!
Your Loving Miko
PS-Can I go for a trip in the kasa sometime? Please?
Dear Your Loving Miko,
Ariagto! Genki desu, no da! Love me to pieces, no da? That sounds painful, no da! If I can ever find my way toyour world you may have your kasa trip.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
A-ano...Chichiri no Aijin-sa~n. Ano, just asking, how old is Motohisa-san and Eiji-san?
Dear Sakura,
Motohisa-san wa 30 sai desu. Eiji-san wa 29 sai desu. Gomen, that they are too old for you.
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
Hello!! I got this in my e-mail, and for some odd reason, I immediately thought of you. (And you know how infrequently THAT happens...)
Twas the night before Christmas,
Da whole house was mella,
Not a creature was stirrin',
Cuz I had a gun unda da pilla.
When up on da roof
I heard somethin' pound,
I sprung to da window,
To scream, "YO! Keep it down!"
When what to my
Wanderin' eyes should appear,
But da Don of all elfs,
And eight friggin' reindeer!
Wit' slicked back hair,
And a silk red suit,
don Christopher wuz here,
And he brought da loot!
Wit' a slap to dare snouts,
And a yank on dare manes,
He cursed and he shouted,
And he called dem by name.
"Yo Tony, Yo Frankie,
Yo Vinny, Yo Vito,
Ay Joey, Ay Paulie,
Ay Pepe, Ay Guido!"
As I drew out my gun
And hid by da bed,
He flew troo da winda
And slapped me 'side da head.
"What da hell you doin'
Pullin' a gun on da Don?
Now all you're gettin' is coal,
You freakin moron!"
Den pointin' a fat finga
Right unda my nose,
He twisted his pinky ring,
And up da chimney he rose.
He sprang to his sleigh,
Obscenities screamin',
Away dey all flew,
Before he troo dem a beatin'.
Den I heard him yell out,
What I did least expect,
"Merry Christmas to all,
And yous better show some respect!"
(You wouldn't happen to be moonlighting and not tell anybody, would you?!?)
Merry Christmas!!
Dear Iridal,
Nah. Cute poem, though.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up and pushes him back onto a lawn chair* Hold still this won't hurt! *sits behind him in another chair and slowly pours warm water over his scalp* Don't worry I'm not going to drown ya! *grins and squeezes some shampoo out of a nearby bottle and massages his scalp* Ya know an Aries pressure points I think is in the head, scalp and face? *smiles innocently while massaging his scalp thoroughly, then pour some more warm water over his scalp again to wash the soap away, dries his face where is got a bit wet* Oops. Sorry! ^_^ *squeezes out the cold conditioner onto his scalp and massages it in* Ya know they say Aries the Ram is very aggressive and forceful but can turn into a gentle lamb when these pressure points are massaged. *smiles again and pours warm water onto his scalp again then brushes his hair gently while squeezing out the excess water and toweling it dry then massages his face a bit with some cream and then stands up and looks down at Tasuki* Well what did ya think?
P.S. By your birthday, you're an Aries and your horoscope can be found here if your the slightest bit curious.
P.S.S. Look! We'd make a perfect match, you an Aries, me a Leo, though you're probably running away as fast as you can now that I typed that! ^_^
Oh well, wutcha think of my shampoo and massage job?
Dear Jenn,
*Blissfully asleep and snoring quietly...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
just wanted to say.... MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ^_^ i know it's early...
Dear fuyuyume,
Arigato! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Did you know you have a song all to yourself. *smiles* Well, if you didn't now you know! A song all to yourself? Well it's true, you've got one. It's called the Nuriko song. You didn't sing it but it's yours.
C.D.F.A.G.F.F.A: *waves to Nuriko hyper-ly* It was my idea!
Amboshi Femme: Taiitsu, I don't think 'hyper-ly' is a word.
Quiet you...
My friends and I wrote the Nuriko Song about you and the other Suzaku Seishi! It's actually a 'Suzaku Song' but we stuck with 'Nuriko Song' because all of the lines begin with a reference to you! For example it might go like,
'Nuriko knows suzaku seishi so-and-so'. See?
My friends and I LIKE songs and we started a Christmas one!
It's called 'Deck Nakago' and it's done to the tune of 'Deck the Halls' They're not on the net though so I can't give you links.... *sweatdrop*
Anyway, when they're up I'll send you links! How do they sound so far?
Taiitsu no Miko and Friends
Dear Taiitsu no Miko and Friends,
Arigato! They sound interesting. When they're up I'd like to see them. Especially the one about decking Nakago!
Dear Tasuki,
*covers her face with her hands embarrassed* THAT WAS EVIL!!! *almost mono volts him but stops* BAKA!!! -.- *sighs and runs after him stepping on the knocked out suboshi* whoops! gomen! eh heh heh ^^; *runs through a large crowd of people til she finds the fanged baka and casts a levitation spell, grabbing tasuki by the neck of his shirt, making sure she has a safe grip. Then flies up to a height high enough to freak him out and says...* HA HA HA very funny. I hope you realize that one wrong comment and I may just 'accidentally' loose my grip, heh heh heh ^^ SO! if ya want down you're going to have to say "oh please miss powerful sorceress, I realize that I'm a total baka now, and would like to be put down, your all powerfulness" hee.
Dear Lina,
*Wraps himself tightly around her.* I don't THINK so! An' I ain't lettin' go till we're BOTH SAFELY on th' ground!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
So you'll really beat on Tasuki for free? How do I place an order?
Dear Suboshi,
YOU DON'T! I don't pound on my friends for the delight of my enemies!! You want to fight Tasuki, YOU take him on!
Dear Tasuki,
*runs up and kicks Tasuki into orbit with steel-tipped boots provided by Yuri-chan* NO BE MEAN TO YURI-CHAN! ^_^ Let her back into yer restaurant! *waits until he returns back down to Earth then grabs him and dangles him by his ankle over a nearby lake/ocean or some body of water* Apologize now or I'll drop ya into the gross polluted waters below!! ^_^ Bwahahahaha!
Seriously Tasu-chan, Yuri-chan's all upset so make up and be friends 'gain k? ^.^ *helps him up* I woulda never dropped ya 'cuz I know what it's like the have a fear of water and have friends that torment ya.... I just wanted you to be friends with Yuri-chan 'gain k? ^_^ *runs off before he can grab her and dangle her over the edge* AND don't be mad at me either please! ^_^ *tosses a bottle of sake to him as she takes off*
Dear Nykee-chan,
*Drinks the sake* OK, she can come into my restaurant...
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san! Guess what? I'm doing much better in school now! I get high 80's.... which is okay! ^_^ Last week, I actually studied for my World Cultures test.... I wonder what I got on it.... But this time, I KNOW that I did pretty well. :) YAY for me! And tomorrow's my Algebra test, wish me luck.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Good fer ya'! Glad to hear yer grades are gettin' better! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does it bother you that a lot of people think your miko is gluttonous, stupid, and annoying? (I don't think so!! Miaka's cool! ^^;;)
Dear Moon,
Well, yes! But it could be that they are all just jealous of her. Besides, I love her and that's all that matters.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! How are you today, Chiriko-sama? ^_^ Okay. I noticed something that has been bugging me. In the anime, you are 13. They treat you like a baby!! And in all of the artwork, too!! You're only 2 years younger than Miaka and they treat you like a little kid!! You're a teenager for Suzaku's sake!! Okay, I'll stop now. ^^;;;;
Dear Moon,
Arigato! But, it's OK, we all had our parts to play...
Dear Nuriko,
*poof* Ha~i! ^_^ Omi-kun is 17 years old! His codename is Bombay, bloodtype O, Birthday is February 29, weapon is bow and arrows and darts, flower is freesia, and height is 163 cm! I even memorized all of that in my head!
*feels proud of herself* ^_^! Hee hee. Wanna me to show you how much I know any bishonen, Nuriko-san?
Dear Sakura,
I'm impressed!! And since he is 17 and you're 14, Masao was WRONG! Tee-hee...
Dear Chichiri,
Would Mike and Rachel be a good couple?
Mr. Russ
Dear Mr. Russ,
Who are they, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
I wasnt sure if i should ask you or mitsukake but THIS DUMB CAT OF MARY'S IS STUCK TO MY EAR AND IT HURTS LIKE .. A LOT!!! CAN YOU GET IT OFF!! PLEASE!! *ear is in pain* ITS TRYING TO EAT ME!!
Dear Yuffie002,
OK, who strapped the tuna to Yuffie002's head, no da? *Pulls both the cat and the fish off of her.* Happy birthday, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
HIYA~~~!!! *runs toward Tasuki jumping ontop hugging tightly* Guess who's back!! It's me!! I know, I know ... I sure haven't written in here for ages ... well maybe a month or so ... been so caught up in everythang ... how have u been? *hands some sake over* here ya go ... n how ish every1 else?
Wut are u all doing for christmas ... or wut are u all wanting for christmas ... course I know wut u want ... I got ur gift over there .. *points to a big wrapped up present behind me* It's full of sake that should last u a month or less ... knowing how much u drink... But drink it wisely man ... that cost me bucks to bargain with all that sake!
I want to wish u a early Merry Christmas n to all the seishi~~!! I'm happy christmas break is coming soon ... I can't wait .... are u and Tama-chan getting along okie dokie?
How's Nuriko? Gib him a hug for me n a merry christmas. N also a warm kiss to Chichiri as well n tama-chan (the cat) .. n a hug to Chiriko n Mitsuake n Hotohori n Miaka ... and if they wonder why u are hugging them all ... tell them it's from me!! if u make up something werid ... u might not get that big box of sake .. so u better be nice this christmas .. hehehe ... just joking .. well i gots to be off ... i'll try to write in later n not a month or so later ... Be good n watch out for the misatoe~!!
Bai bai!! *gibs u a kiss on the cheek* like i said .. watch out for the misatoe!! hehehe
Arigato fer th' sake an' a Merry Christams to ya', too! I'll give yer regards (Gomen I ain't huggin' an' kissin' 'em fer ya'.) to th' rest of th' Seishi!
Dear Tasuki,
Hai you are so Gen-chan! *brawls with him* That's the only reason the past leader let you join and the Suzaku Seishi let ya follow them around! They took sympathy upon your kowai face! BWAHAHAHAHA! *grabs his earrings and gives them a slight tug* But don't despair, I overheard some of Nykee-chan's friends saying that you were very cute! Some even said you looked girlish!! BWAHAHA KOWAI-GIRL-FACED man! *continues to brawl with him*
*Nykee-chan pops up* Let it be known that I only agreed with the kawaii bit NOT the girl look-alike part! I defended him with all my strength! I beat them all into semi-solids! Bwahaha *runs away*
Dear Koji,
Oh, yer so VERY funny!!!!!! Go answer Rikaku no Miko's letter already ya' yoppari sukebe!
Dear Mitsukake,
They're fourteen and in gifted I believe. ^_^
P.S. What did you think of the STORY?!
Dear Whee!,
I think they are too young for that sort of thing. The story was OK, but we do wear fundoshi (underwear) in Konan and considering they didn't do anything in it, I wouldn't worry too much.
Dear Tasuki,
Who do you think is the cutest Fushi Yuugi girl?
Dear Amanda ,
Miaka! It sure as h*ll ain't Taiitsu-kun!!!
Dear Tasuki,
TTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAASSSSSSSUUUUKKKKIIIIII!!!!!!:::GIVES TASUKI A BIG HUG AND KISS:: OHHHHHH I missed you soooo much!!!So how's my favorite seishi in the worrrrllldddd???Oh how I missed you!My computer has been dead for several weeks but it's fine now!!!Grrr i have to goooo ;;pout::Au revior!
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
*Gasps* AIR!!!!! I need air!!!!! *Inhales deeply* We missed ya', too!
Dear Tasuki,
Psst! Tasuki! C'mere! *walks closer to Tasuki* Well, me and Lina were looking through some photo albums and stuff and I came across this nifty little pic! Tsk tsk! She's spilling the wine! Waste of good alcohol thingie! *looks around* I better go now...Lina's gonna kill me if she finds out I showed this to you! *runs off*
Dear Inori,
*Facefaults* That CAN'T be her!!!! She looks too good!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!!! She's spillin' th' sake!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko!!! Did you see that??! *points at Tasuki and Lina* Haa!! Oh, this is wonderful, isn't it!! There is much to be done, Nuriko-sama, MUCH to be done!!! We must plan!! Come now, hunnybun(there ya go Lina!)! *runs to the planning room dragging Nuriko behind*
Dear Inori,
"Hunnybun"???? *Facefaults* What are we planning for???
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs Tasuki* I wish ya were real! *sighs* I also wish I had you as a boyfriend.... *starts to cry*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Gives her a hug* Stop cryin'! I'd probably make a sh*tty boyfriend! Anyway's you'll get one soon enough.
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm still trying to get my momie to take me to the doctor... because i'm getting sicker every day ;.; *sigh* In the meantime, Here! This is a Sailor Moon Fanfic I wrote about a year ago before I had the internet.. Eheh... It's a nice, LOOONNNGGG Fic for all of you to read and keep you busy... wehehe... ^___________^;; *cougchough*
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Arigato! I'll read it when I get a chance to. Odaijini! (Take care and get well soon.)
Dear Mitsukake,
You know how Fuki Yuki has been so sick? I'd like her to know that her parents don't have to take her to a doctor. I am thirteen and I was told by my doctor that I am perfectly within my rights to call the doctor's office and make an appointment for myself with or without my parents knowledge. I am reasonably sure that they can arrange for transportation as well if that is a problem.
If she is worried she should see a doctor any way possible. She's the one who's sick, not her parents.
Just thought she would like to know that.
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Domo arigato gozaimashita for the information. I hope she is able to put it to good use.
Dear Tamahome,
Arigatou! I was very happy that you liked my poem! *squeezes Tamahome* Anyhow, I have a job preposition for you. *holds out a bag of gold ryou* My friend Asumi works at a movie theater, which we believe to be haunted. Asumi's not the bravest person in the world, and she was hoping to have a...a bodyguard, I guess. We were going to ask Yuuhi, but he seemed a little tied up with Aya...
Asumi: *pops up behind Shuurei* YUUHI?! DOKO?!!!!!
Shuurei: *sweatdrops* He's not here, Asumi. Remember, he was "busy" with Aya? *gestures towards Tamahome with the bag of ryou* This is Tamahome, our next best bet.
Asumi: *face-faults* Oh, him. Why are we talking to him?
Asumi: *cringes at the mention of ghost and Tasuki* Scary scary scary scary scary scary scary...fang-boy and transparent people are scary scary scary.....
Shuurei: *sigh* Can you help us? Or more like, help me? She won't let go of my leg!!
Asumi: *glomped on to Shuurei's leg* scary scary scary...
Shuurei and Asumi
Dear Shuurei and Asumi,
*Sweatdrops* Ano... sure, but what you REALLY need is someone who can clean the ghost out of the theatre.
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, I won't call you that anymore. I was just wondering how you would react. Did you like the bracelet?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Yup! I'm wearin' it! *Shows her his wrist with the bracelet.*
Dear Tasuki,
;_; How could you do this to me and One?!?!?!?!? You KISSED Lina!!! That's not fair! Remember, me and One own you! *takes out a copy of the contract* Even you signed it! How could you!?!? *cries* *grabs Tasuki and gives him a nice long kiss* Now you have to remember me and One!!!! Oh yeah, hello. I'm back! Sorry I haven't written so much. Been soooooo busy with school, and finals are coming up! Hey, have you heard anything about my brother on the news? It's getting pretty big now...
Dear Yui,
Well, I was jus' tryin' to freak her out... I ain't seen nothin' on yer big brother. But if it makes ya' feel better... *kisses her on the cheek*
Dear Tasuki,
Hello, Would you be so kind as to solve a quick Algebra equation for me? Solve for the value of 'x' 6+3x-x = 10 Do Not Request Help From Chiriko Or Any Other Seishi! I Wish To See If You Can Complete This Question By Your Own Devices!
PS: You MAY use a calculator but in order to complete this question you will need to know the method by which to solve it.
Dear Ashurin,
How th' H*LL should I know?!?!?!?!?! I'm a (*&^%^%$# BANDIT!!! Not a &*^%$#@ child genius!!!!! 'CHE!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Now everyone is kissing you on the lips.... :( I used to be the only one.... *starts to cry* AND YA KISSED LINA BACK?????
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Nah, evr'body tries to kiss me on th' lips! I hadda start carryin' chapstick! 'Che! Whaddya mean back? I thought I kissed her first... *Looks confused*
Dear Tasuki,
I don't think I should be writing this but...I didn't expect you to be pleased with my "taste" in seishi...^^; If you visited my YKYVT"ATSS"STMW... polls, you'd know who my fave seishi is...^^;; try not to fry him...^^;;;
Hey, if you don't have time to sign my book, how 'bout asking him to? ^v^
Arigatou & Ja ne!
Dear Moonsong,
Ya' write to me to ask a favor an' Obake-chan's yer favorite??? I'm wounded...
Dear Tasuki,
*poof* Before I do this stunt, I will tell you that my sister FORCED me into doing this for punishment for what I called her a few days ago. (D*mn you Nuriko!) *mistletoe appears over both heads* *sakura hiding with video cam*
Sakura: ^_^! *sigh* Oh Gen-chaaaaaan~! *points mistletoe*
Dear Masao,
Her - yes! You - not a chance in h*ll!! Are ya' nuts or somethin'????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who do all of you like better, Taka-chan or Tamahome??!! Just wondering... Dat waz stupid.*
Dear Ummm...,
They are one and the same person.
Dear Tasuki,
*crawls out from under her puter table wearing her DTFC shirt and waves at His Banditness*
Don't worry, Royal Flaming One, I left all the whipping cream, and whips for whipping the cream, and all chocolate syrup and jell-o at home.
I have merely come to beg of Your Most Gracious Red-Headedness an answer to my dilemma. *starts crying and stuffs the onion back in her pants pocket*
Anooo...I was talking to some of my friends, and we were arguing who would be best in marriage, you, Oh Holy Fanged One, or Ho-ri-sama. Unfortunately, they came to the conclusion that while you'd be really great as a fling, Ho-ri-sama is simply the better bride's choice.
O h Thee of the Shining Tessen, alay my fears that what they say isn't true! *sniff sniff* I've always believed that you were the greatest in all things.
Please don't force me to tell my clubmates that you disagreed with my devoutness and hunt you down for another round of strip poker and Summoning fanfics...
Belovedly yours.
Kei Yamete, Keeper of "Rekka Shinen!" Rodent no Miko, the Goddess Drag Queen, and Twinkie no Miko
Dear Kei,
I dunno... I say go wit' Hotohori! H*ll! I don't even WANNA get married!!!!!! *Puts on LOTS of extra clothes and jewelry.* OK, deal me in. I'm ready fer ya'...
Dear Chiriko,
Do you think you'll be a really good looking teenager? I know you are a teenager now technically but I mean when you're like sixteen, maybe seventeen years old. I saw a fan art of you once as an eighteen year old with the most georgeous haircut and the sweetest face! You looked so great! I was just wondering you think you'll be as great looking as the other seishi. Or even just change your hairstyle.
I bet if you took that hair out of that ponytail, trimmed it and wore some pants instead of that robe it would tack on ten years!
Whadda ya think?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I don't know, butanything is possible!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I hate my aunt and uncle...I hate my aunt and uncle...I hate my aunt and uncle.... Actually, that's not true. I LOVE my aunt and uncle. I just don't particularly like them. (By the way, Hi! Long time no speak. I'm back to bitch again.)
Latest of my reasons to be angry at them. 1: Apparently, the oldest of my cousins didn't even know that my sister was getting married, or he would've come, and he'll hopefully be at my brother's wedding.
2: They wouldn't let the boys come to my Grandma's birthday party!!!! Apparently, they specifically asked if my cousins' boyfriends would be there (neither is Jewish), and then said that the boys couldn't come. 3: They keep saying that they won't visit us because we don't keep strictly kosher, but that's such a load of BS because they bring their own food to visit my aunt's family, but they won't do it for us.
OY!!!! It's getting really bad now. My dad, other aunt, and brother are ready to get into a real bad fight with them over all of this, and it's just going to result in things getting worse. It just sucks, and my mom and grandma get caught right in the middle because they don't want to hurt anyone. And I get hurt too, because I was closest to the boys. I bitch about this too much. You can tell it bugs me. And I've cried too much over it too. It's really starting to get on my nerves. I wish they weren't such jerks. I miss them.
On a more positive note, I'm doing really well in all of my school stuff, and my friends and OTHER family and I are all getting along really well. My life is really very good, I just can't stand my aunt and uncle (in case you couldn't tell all ready). I need to get a punching bag or something, so I can get rid of all this damned anger more productively than making all my friends sick of hearing about it. Sometimes I get very annoyed at the person who makes up my life...
Love to all of you, and hugs all around.
Dear Ju-Chan,
Ah, long time, no hear from, no da! How is Fran-nyan, no da?
Perhapsyou can write a letter to your aunt and uncle and tell them how you feel in the letter, no da. You do not have to give it to them, but it might make you feel better.
Have you tried discussing this with your rabbi, no da? He or she might be able to help convince your aunt and uncle about the error of their ways. Good luck, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I'd like to know if I'll find myself a reeeeeeeally cute guy before this school year ends. Thanks, bye!
Dear Kotori,
Tasuki: Do we look a *&^%$#@ crystal ball?!?!?
Chichir: Now Tasuki-kun, be nice, no da!! We really don't know, but anything is possible, no da. Gomen nasai for Tasuki's outburst. I think he woke up on the wrong side of the futon, no da!
Tasuki & Chichiri
Dear Tasuki,
Awwww . . .*sniffles* You're so sweet. ^^;;; But isn't your badass reputation going down the drain??
Dear Moon,
Mebbe, but this time it's worth it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have a holly jolly KWISUMAS!!!(Christmas)!!!!!!
1. Is the meaning of christmas the birth of Santa???
2. *looks up* is that mistletoe???(if it is will you give me a kiss on the cheek?)
3. Does Mary bother you guys alot?
4. Do you know the Lyrics to "White Christmas".... all of them??
5. Are you in the Christmas Spirit?
6. Do any of you have a fear of large dogs?
7. Do any of you desire a tiger for christmas?
8. Do any of you desire Mary for Christmas?..i'd be happy to wrap her myself!(even though she wants Eiji-san)
9. DO your ears hang low do they wobble to and fro, can you tie them in a knot can you tie them in a bow, can you trow them over your sholder like a contentil soilder, do you ears hang low?
10. have a very merry christmas!!!!
Dear Hilary,
Here are all your answers in order:
1. No, it's about getting lots of presents!
2. Sure. *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.* Just don't tell Miaka!
3. Nah... why should she??
4. No. Gomen.
5. No, I'm in the humble cyber-abode.
6. No. As a matter of fact Tasuki likes wolves.
7. NO! Thanks anyway...
8. Ano... no... Who IS this Eiji guy and why does EVERYONE want him????
9. Noooo.... do yours?
Arigato! Merry Christmas to you, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*takes her eyes off of the Eiji picture just long enough to write this letter* Is it wrong of me to drool? *goes back and stares at the Eiji picture drooling*
Dear Mary,
Only if you're soaking the picture... Why are you drooling? He's not more beautiful than I, is he?
Dear Mitsukake,
*taps Mitsukake on the shoudler* Juan? *he turns around* BOO!
Shouka's Ghost
Dear Shouka's Ghost,
*Smiles and points to the mistletoe.*
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko!! I just wanted to tell ou that I think you're one of the best Seishi, and that you're importance is severly under-rated! I think you're so cute and adorable!! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that and here...*hands him some chocolates* Gotta go rejoin Lina and Suboshi...
Ja ne!
Dear Iridal,
*Blushes* Domo arigato gozaimashita for your kind words and the chocolates!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan! Does this mean you don't love me anymore?
Dear Psycho Yo-Yo Brat!
I NEVER loved ya', ya' little Tomo freak in trainin'!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Whisper of the Heart is an anime, of course. It's made by that guy that made Grave of the Fireflies, Totoro, Laputa....etc. I forgot his name though...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
All those movies are by Hayao Miyazaki.
Dear Tasuki,
::hugs Tasuki till he can't breathe:: YAAAYYY!!! My Bible teacher told me what my grade was!!! He said I was passing!! I've NEVER passed Bible class before!! And on my last test, I got a 96%(A)! That was one of the highest grades in class!!!!!
::squeezes him even tighter::
And I got an 88%(B) on my Geography test, an 90%(B) on my English test, and 94%(A) on my Math test!!! That's the best I've EVER done!!! And since I did so good, my Grandma took me to the mall and let me get a Talking Gizmo(It's like a you even know what that is? It's like a toy that will talk back to you and it's all fuzzy and cute and has an adorable voice. The Gizmo is from the movies Gremlins and Gremlins2. If you havn't seen them then you should. The first one is more on the lines of horror, and the sequal is more on the lines of a comedy. Gizmo is from a race called: Moguai(sp?). The 3 rules for them:
1) Never EVER get them wet.
2) Keep them out of direct light, especially sunlight.
3) ABSOLUTELY do NOT feed them after midnight!!!!
My dog(Zeus) hates it. Seeing as I have 4 Furbys and the Gizmo and they talk and sing all the time(Yes, they can sing) and he grabbed one and tried to eat it. I stopped him luckily. I swear he's part goat....)
::notices Tasuki turning blue from lack of oxygen and lets go::
Umm...hehe.....sorry....forgot. (Umm...I'm not good with Japanese, so what did you say to Kouji when you yelled at him last time? I had no idea what it said.)
::Hugs him one more time and kisses him::
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
i don't blame th' dog fer eatin' 'em! They sound annoyin'! I jus' called him an' idiot an' told 'im to wtite to ya' now!
Dear Tamahome,
I'll pay you two gold ryou to beat Tasuki up, get my money back from him, and take some of his sushi too. How about it? =^.^=
Dear Yuri,
Hmmm... Sure! *Takes okane* Of course beating on Tasuki I'd do for free! Ha-ha-ha... Arigato! ...Yo! Tasuki...!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
*poof* That stupid aniki of mine! What sort of rumors has he been telling you? I'll have you know that I am NOT going for going for guys under 13. Jeez, even I have some limits! I just happen to think that Akira-kun is a very sweet and cute bishonen but sometimes I do wish that I was Utako-chan. *blush*
The same goes for the rest of them. Besides, I doubt it would be legal to go on a date with a 4th grader. That and you'd always be my favorite no matter what! ^_^ *HUG* Now then, if you'll excuse me. I'll go back glomping on Honou-kun from Mosquiton *poof*
Dear Sakura,
Dear Nuriko,
a girl dressed in all black steps forward*... Konnichiwa, Nuriko-san... I... think i'm having an identity crisis or something... ...I feel like... I'd be a happier person if I were a guy... ...I don't really know what I should do anymore... I've probably cried alot this year for some reason, and...I don't know what I should do anymore... Please respond Nuriko-san... I'm so terribley tired of trying to be pretty and "one of the girls" when I know I don't have a chance...
Dear Synfil,
Well, are you worried about competeing to be a gorgeous fashion queen or do you think you would be truly happy as a male? If it's the firts one, then my advice to you is stop competing and just be the you you can be! That is what makes a person truly beautiful! All the makeup, clothes, jewelry, and plastic surgery in the world can't hide a ugly soul. So just be the best you and let your beautiful soul shine through!
Dear Mitsukake,
My parents for some reason don't wanna take me to the doctor.. I've been bugging my kaasan about it for a while, but still no go... *coughcough* you'd think after 3 weeks it would have gotten better, ne..? *chest begins to hurt again* ITAI!! ;.; I'm going to go take a nap or something... *sniffle* night-night Mitsukake-san... *COUGH*
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Keep insisting on seeing the doctor. A painful cough that lasts that long may be a sign of a serious infection in your lungs.
Dear Mitsukake,
Konnichiwa! My friend's boyfriend wrote a story. *clears throat* And it went soemthing like this.... You and Shoka were out on a walk one day (mind you I can't remember it all - just the important part of the story) and you happened to be on a higher hill or something above the village.... You were settling down to enjoy some sort of a picnic when you saw some kind of enemy (probably Kutou) invading.... Well, there was no time to run down to warn the villages so you had to think fast. You were wearing red pants. *bursts out laughing then a few minutes later regains composure* So, you took them off and signalled the village.... I think everything turned out to be okay, except for the fact that T-Neko and I assumed there was no such thing as underwear in Ancient China-like countries.... So we began to ponder. T-Neko is often nicknamed Shoka with her boyfriend and her boyfriend nicknamed Mistukake because of the major height difference and his and her personality traits. Anyways, T-Neko began to think that this was maybe a sign that her boyfriend (keep in mind, she's his first gf) wanted to move further along - maybe a kiss or something. (he's also given her uh, distinguishing looks, er hints) I told her go for it, kiss him or atleast ASK him if he wants to be kissed, because she keeps brewing over it indecisively. I just wanted to ask your opinion on the story and the whole thing. What do you think? ^_^
Dear Whee!,
Before I answer the question, I need to know how old are your friend and her boyfriend. Thank you.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi Gen-chan!!!! I could hear ya from way up in Canada! *twaps him across the head with a halisen* Tell RnM that Nykee-chan's been swamped with homework.... It's been a very busy time around her house and she maybe will have the chance to post our answers this weekend or maybe not until Christmas vacation!
Nykee-chan: *runs by with a crazy look on her face cackling like Tomo* Essays, seminars and research papers.... OH MY! *giggles and runs off*
*Scary look to Nykee* Ya see what I mean Gen-chan? Anyways, tell 'er not to be yellin' at me ANYMORE or I won't answer anything! I was on the verge of not answering after I got her all caps letter.... *scowls*
*grins and swings Gen-chan around* Kowai-faced man! Kowai-faced man! BWAHAHAHAAHHAHA! *hits Gen-chan several times on the head with a halisen while doing so*
Dear Koji,
Yeah, I think Chichiri no Aijin warned her 'bout that happenin'. They are demandin' ain't they? Heh-heh-heh... OI! What's this kowai faced man cr*p???? I AIN'T kowai faced!!!! *Starts brawling with him.*
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