Dear Chiriko,
Lately I have been having problems with one of my friends, Jean. The other day she went out to see Toy Story 2 with her little bro. After i got off the phone with her, i called one of our friends because i NEEDED chemistry help. She told me that Jean invited her and another person to see the movie. I sat on my bed wondering why she wouldn't ask me. So then i called up Mandy. She said she and jean had talked about going, but Mandy said that she didn't want to go. And Chiriko, this isn't the first time it's happened either. Jean had been planning for all four of us to go see Princess Mononoko (i think that's it). And i was left out.
What should i do? Last night I was on IM's with her, i asked her how the movie was and eventually i got the courage to write 'Thanks for inviting me to the movie' all she did was go ' ^^;; ' and then i told her how i called anne up for Chem help and she said that she was going to the movie, again another sweatdrop. I really don't know how to go about this at all. Help from you would be greatly appreciated Chiriko. Gracias!
Dear Mary,
Chichiri no Aijin called and spoke to Jean. It sounded like a lot of bad timing on both of your parts. You and Jean need to talk about this and maybe make plans to do something together.
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you always end your sentences with "Ya' Know" or "Da"? you seem like a really cool guy, but that's a weird habit. Also, where do you get those rent-a-faces?
Dear Rick,
That's how the people in my village speak, no da. The mask I wear is magical and renewable, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello again~it's been awhile. I have a problem...maybe you can help me out.
I went to an anime con a couple of months ago, and met a guy. His friends are now currently dating my friends, and he has a crush on me. It's pretty obvious. Everyone assuming that we're a pair now, and the group is together often. Here's the thing--I don't want to date him. he's a great guy and sweet friend, and I really enjoy his company, but I don't want any romantic involvement. What's a good way to put him down gently, because I don't want to hurt him nor lose his freindship--and keep my friends calm as well?
Dear ttj,
Tell him while you're flattered by his attentions and that while you do like him, you don't want to ruin a great friendship by getting involved romantically. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sweatdrops* did any of you happen to hear a big boom and see something that looked a lot like an explosion? eh heh ^^; cause if ya did, One-chan and I have NOTHING to do with it! was Nakago! BAD NAKAGO!!! tsk tsk.. ^^;;; even ask keetia!
Dear Lina,
No... what did you do THIS time Lina????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Daaaaa...*winces* Well, I _was_ going to search through the archives to see if my question has already been answered somewheres, but I kinda gave up after an hour and a half. Whew, you guys are popular. (Hmm, I wonder why? ^_^ ) Anyways, my question. Can somebody tell me what that note said that was on Kouji's back in episode 14, 'Wolf in the Fortress'? I'm trying to write a fic, and I'm jus' trying to figure out if I can put that little bit of info in there. And don't worry--I'll give you all the credit for the info!! Arigato minna!
Dear 'Teek,
I believe it said, "We love you TV Tokyo."
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks* aww... I was only delivering Nykee's message to you! don't take it out on the messenger gu-- I mean girl. *holds up a plate and eyes start to water* so can I have my sushi noooooooow? I already paid $13.50! =O.O=
Dear Yuri,
*Dries off and glares at her...* I dunno. I gotta think 'bout this... NOPE! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Hello!! I just thought you'd want to know that me and Arashi have begun to post a series of Funky FY Fairy Tales. We have two up so far...Cinderlad (featuring you, of all people) and East of the Sun, West of the Moon (and Somewhere South of Konan), as requested by Inori (read: it ahs lots of Nuriko in it).
Please check it out!!
Dear Iridal,
Amusin'... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Well you weren't even supposed to find out about that..-_- thanks all the same though! AND YOU SHOULD BE SCARED!!!!! I CAN GET *REAL* SCARY WHEN PROVOKED!!!! *makes a scary face, failing* SEE??? look what you went and did!!! Now I'm mad!!!! *takes out a glass of milk and says in a low voice* better run.. uwahahahahaha ^^; *peace sign*
Dear Lina,
*Looks at her unimpressed...* Been there, drank that.
Dear Hotohori,
Oh...where can you get one? hm. *slaps some duct tape over Tasuki's mouth and ties his hands behind his back* THIS is much cheaper and less time consuming ^^;;;
BTW do you know how strange your seiyuu is? O.o;
Dear Lina,
*Smiles as he enjoys a few moments fo silence...* Ano.. how strange IS my seiyuu?
Dear Hotohori,
*poof* OI! What the h*ll do you mean by that?!
*imitates hotohori, complete with long hair and ducky shoes* "I sencerely doubt that Masao is more beautiful than I."
How the F*cking H*ll would you know that?! I happen to be a Very good looking person, thank you very much. Even girls agree with me on that! And another thing. DON'T COMPARE ME WITH SOMEONE LIKE GEN-CHAN! I AM NOTHING-
*BONK* *Sakura hits him with kodomo hammer tm*
*Neko ears pop out and smiles*
Sakura: Gomen ne, Hotohori-sama! Aniki just had a bad day. This girl that he was kinda going out with still had something going on with her ex soooo he's like you know. ^_^ I'll see you guys later ok. Bai! ^_^ *drags an unconsious aniki out of the room*
Dear Masao,
Arigato Sakura!
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in laughing hysterically* hehehehe...Bob...Sailor Tasuki...oh, its too funny! Who would have thought...hehehe...that BOB would be so much more honorable and...haha...tougher than you! *doubles over laughing* Go here and you'll see what I mean...Bob...
*sits down and tries to stop laughing* Gomen, but it is so funny! By the way, the Sailor Tasuki pic is...hahaha...hanging on my wall now! Must have been drinking a little too much sake when they took that picture, huh? *breaks down laughing again*
Ah, gomen...I have something for you! MERRY CHRISTMAS! *gives Tasuki a case of sake* Get good and drunk...I want my own picture opportuniy! *hugs and kisses Tasuki on the cheek, then runs out*
Dear Shuurei,
Thanks fer th' sake! An' of course he beat on h\me! I don't pound on defenseless animals! 'Che!
Dear Tasuki,
I just read your other letter. Actually, the Christian school I go to now is exactly like a public school, except we have Bible class. You know, girls can wear pants and makeup and stuff. It's a really awesome school (Most of the time).
RnM has more questions! YAAAYYYY!!!!:
1) If your tessen could talk, what would it say?(I know, stupid question.)
2) If you could have anything in the world other than any kind of alcohal, what would it be?
3) What would you do if you were dropped into a huge pit filled with every single DTFC member(I'd be included! hehe..) and there was no way out?
4) I know this is a strange question, but what texture is your hair? You know, like is it soft or coarse?(Hey, I always wondered)
5) (Ok, now I know you told me to lay off the Miaka stuff and I have, but I've been wondering about this for a while. So don't get mad at me for asking) If Miaka fell in love with you and didn't love Tamahome anymore and she told you, what would you do?
6) I can't remember if I asked this already but anyway: Remember when you swiped Miaka from Eikan and took her to your hideout? Well, what would you have done if she hadn't hit you? Why did you try to kiss her anyway?
7) And another question about that hideout: If nobody else knows about it, then how did you and Kouji find it?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Here's all yer answers in order of askin':
1) Yer right it is.
2) That my sister Aidou would get married already an' stop abusin' me!
3) Drink myself into a stupor.
4) Thick and soft. At least that's how Chichiri no Aijin described it...
5) I dunno!
6) I'd have kissed her! DUH! She's a cute girl!
7) That's OUR secret!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi, Tasuki-chan! *looks up and sees mistletoe* *blushes*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I can take a hint... *gives her a kiss on the cheek...* Merry Christmas! *Fanged grin...*
Dear Tasuki,
::RnM enters room and bows(sp?) down:: Greetings, your Royal Banditness! How are you? Anything interesting happening? Do you have any idea why it takes so long to update the 'Ask the Fushigi Yuugi Cast' page? I've written Kouji like 6 times and havn't got one response! You need to go and make him answer my letters!
I was going to write this letter yesterday, but I was helping my dad move down here. Anyway, here goes.
My 9th grade class had a feild trip to Bob Jones Highschool(I don't know why). I had to go to that school for 5 years and it was HELL! It's this Christian school(I'm in a different school now, obviously) where they think they can control your life even when your out of school. Anyway, when I had gone there for the 5 years, I was made fun of everyday! Those people are such jerks! And it calls itself a Christian school! BS! Well, all the people that used to make fun of me were still there (And some of my friends were there as well), and they couldn't even reckognize(sp?) me! Namely 'cause I used to have really long hair and I always wore these really long dresses and had glasses(Ok, so I was a nerd. At least I'm not anymore. Really! I'm not!). Now, I have my hair cut REALLY short and it's bleached in the front dyed red in the middle, and violet-black in the back(That color was an accident), I have contacts now(You know, the little round things you put on your eyes instead of glasses) and I was wearing these really tight jeans and shirt (Now, I don't normally dress like this. I was just doing it to go against every rule that dumb school had). One of the people that used to make fun of me even had the nerve to ask me out on a date! HA! Like I would ever go out with one of them after what they did to me! AS IF!! It was so funny to see the look on their faces when I walked in! Boy were they surprised!
I actually do have a question(I don't know why I told you about all that, but oh well). Ok, I already have my ears peirced twice(Three times if you count when I had it done before, but let them heal back up), and I only want to get one of my ears peirced one more time, cause, you know, everyone at school is doing it. So I'd have 2 in one ear and 3 in the other. But my mom wouldn't let me! That's not fair! I could be doing a lot worse things! What should I do?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Live wit' it. How many holes do ya' really need in yer head anyways?? Besides if ever'one drove a spike through their tongue, would ya' do it, too? I only got one hole in each ear an' that's good enough fer me!
Dear Tasuki,
YOU ARE SOOOO MEAN!!! *begins to cry and covers her face*
*grabs Tasuki by his hair and drags him to jusenkyo and then drop-kicks him into SPRING OF DROWNED GIRL*
You deserve it!!!
*pulls him out, drags him back to the palace and dumps Tasuki-chan into Tamahome's arms*
*teleports away to whine to nuriko*
Dear Jean,
*Looks at Tamahome and then at where Jean was...* WHAT TH' H*LL DID I DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Dear Nuriko,
*poof* Konnichiwa Nuriko-san! ^_^
*HUG* *HUG* *HUUUUUG* O genki desu ka? Atashi genki yo! ^_^ Aniki got tired of me whining and complaining all the time so he's making sure that I am not getting in his way by making me go on the computer to go writie to you or something.
*looks at aniki, who is keeping an eye her very carefully and blushes a little* *-_-*
Ara. Gomen ne. I haven't written to you guys for a very long time. Me and aniki were veeeery busy taking care of the house while mom was taking care of dad in the hosipital. We were running around back and forth and back and forth. I must have took at least 5 asprins a day!
*sweatdrop* ^_^;
Anyway, dad recently got surgey on his foot but now he's back with us again. So now he uses a wheelchair to get around most places and me and aniki have to take care of ourselves now! *cat ears pop from her head* Hm? Oh don't worry! Those darn things come out every once in a while* *does a neko pose and pouts*
Ne, ima gakkoo ga Daikirai yo! The staff is really mean and the teachers always give you all these hard stuff like making video boxes and essays. Speaking about essays, I have to do TWO really long essays by the SAME sensei that are all due the same day! Hidoi ne! It's sooo hard! I was almost even thinking about quiting school but aniki stopped me because he said that even monsters need to learn about history and all sorts of mean stuff to make me stay in school. Hmph! Atashi wa kaijyuu ja nai!
Ne, Nuriko-san. You went to my peeji ne? How was it? Was it bad? Did you like the mini-shrine? *smile* Anyway, I'm glad I got to talk to you. That made me feel sooo much better. Sorry that I just throw it all out on you. I know you don't deserve to. *HUG*
Oh, by the way, what is a "pedophile"? I heard that from somewhere and when I asked aniki what in means he said something like: "That's what you are." Please tell me. I'm not sure whether I should thank him or beat him up.
Bai Bai!^_^
Dear Sakura,
Boku wa genki desuyo! A pedophille is a horrible adult that preys on children in nasty hentai ways. I suspect your aniki has a beating coming to him... Your peeji was quite kawaii. I'll try to visit it again. *give her a hug*
Dear Nuriko,
Arigatou! *hugs Nuriko* I took your advice and told my friends that they hurt my feelings--quietly, with no screaming--and they apologized. Well, most of them. I also took my flute into get fixed, and it ONLY cost me $58 dollars! I figure the guy who injured it owes me. He's agreed to pay for half, AND I'm being allowed to challenge again since I was playing on a different flute other than the one I am used to! Domo arigatou gozaimasu! *turns around to leave*
*turns back* You wouldn't happen to be busy tomorrow, would you? Some of my friends are coming over to make cookies, go Christmas shopping, and watch a Ricky Martin tape! It will be fun, I swear! Maybe I can play my caroling music for you to see what an audience thinks?
Dear Kodama,
I'm so happy it worked out for you! Don't worry if the guys didn'y apologize, it's not our strong point... I would love to join you and your friends, but I have no way to get to your world. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
One's Ghost: --* Who said you could dig Romeo and Juliet out of my backpack???
^-^ Sore wa himitsu desu! ahahahahah!!!!!!
One's Ghost: AND WHY DO YOU WANT A PLAGUE ON TASUKI, KEETIA!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!
Um. . . I'll let Essence answer that question!!!!
Essence: BECAUSE HE'S A FANG FACED **censored** FREAK!
One's Ghost: ¬.¬ Any idea when you'll be in the chat-? Don't KILL Suboshi, k? ^.^ He is actually a friend of mine. And he and I agreed not to hold grudges, so you have to not hold a grudge either!
Keetia and One-chan's Ghost
Dear Keetia and One-chan's Ghost,
I won't kill 'im!! Jus' beat 'im enough tp bring ya' back! If ya' don't want him beaten up, then COME BACK TO LIFE D*MN*T!!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Bridesmaid? Nah! I wanted you to be my best man!
I've seen people pick the worst coloured outfits for best men. Aaack!
I think I've been living with Kimi-chan too long.
I don't know about the message board, a realtime chat maybe, I'd have to ask Kimi first....and we still really have to tell her parents.
Oh well! I'm too happy to care right now! Arigatou for letting me complain to you.
Dear Kourin-chan,
Best man??? Sugoi!! Just let me know when and where it will be!
Dear Tasuki,
can I have one Tasuki sushi please? ^^ *hands him $13.50* oh yeah, before I forget... *dumps a pail of water on Tasuki* Nykee asked me to do this since your ego seemed to be pretty inflated after reading your horoscope... water-logged wolf! *cackles and waits for her sushi*
Dear Yuri,
*Glares at her driiping wet...* Yer NOT funny!!! I ain't gonna let ya' in MY restaurant! So there!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, I don't exactly know how to put it on my cousin said I need a photo-scanner or something. (I don't know a whole lot about computers).
You don't know what Bible class is? I go to a Christian school, so you HAVE to have that class. But man is it boring! (Anyway, I'm writing this before school, so I have to go. Bye!)
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Ah so desu... I thought ya' went to a regular public school.
Dear Tasuki,
*WAI!* Tasuki-sama! ^_^ *quickly leaps into your arms* Ohayo! ^^ *quickly ties you up and drags you off* ^_^ teehee...! Gotta keep you away from all those other crazy fangirls.. ^_~
Dear Nyan-chan,
OI! Lemme go ya' crazy fangirl! 'Che! At least gimme some sake...
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs him back* Thanks for the URLs. They were very helpful. It really scares me that I would even think about commiting suicide. But the new school year was really hard. I think the change is getting to me. No one listens. . . So . . .I'm going to try that e-mail help thingy. I'll tell you how it goes. ^^;;
Dear Moon,
Pleasew do. School is NO reason to off yerself! Take care an' lemme know how it goes. I'm here fer ya'!
Dear Nuriko,
Okay . .well, I wouldn't have asked about flirting but this really annoying girl always flirts with this guy by calling him stupid . . .she made me think that's the only way . . .
You read my letter to Tasuki? Oh my. Well, whenever I try to act my age (basically watching anime with ANY cussing at all) my mom goes totally ballistic. (sp?) And my teachers and friends don't encourage me to act my age. My teachers esp. My English teacher always thanks me for being so mature in class. (Basically telling everyone to shut up.) Only one friend doesn't . . . nevermind . . .(that's my letter to Tomo. ^^) Thanks for your concern. ^_^
Dear Moon,
There are times when being mature is a good thing, such as in class. There are other times such as flirting, kissing, boys, etc. when it is best to wait until you are older. Also, I don't think that acting mature is really Tomo's strong point... Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever considered a more...civilized manner of insulting people? Being a frequent player at Renaissacne Faires, I have stumbled upon some outstanding Shakespearean insults. Here are a few for you:
"Thou lumpish rude-growing clack-dish!"
"Out of my path, thou spongish rat-faced foot-licker!"
"Thou fawning motley-minded hedge-pig!"
my personal favorite:
"Thou wilt be as valiant as the wrathful dove, or most magnanimous mouse?"
"Drop into the rotten mouth of death."
If this small sampling has not significantly whet your appetite for new and creative ways to insult someone, then I suggest you visit Shakespearean Insult Generator.
Dear Rosalind,
Interestin'... We already have that site bookmarked. Thanks though.
Dear Hotohori,
Lina: Hotohori!!! The unspeakable has happened!!!! *jumping up and down SD waving her arms*
Hoshi: *walks in with her censeror machine and sits in the corner with it. Then flashes minna a peace sign*
Lina: Hotohori! you aren't the only person who sparkles around here anymore!!! isn't that -*BEEP!!!!*
Hoshi: *beeping Lina's cussing out*
Lina: - ING CRAZY!?! *points to Masao* he's a sparkling fool for - *BEEP!*
Hoshi: *winks*
Lina: sakes! Make him -*BEEP!*
Hoshi: *sweatdrops*
Lina: -ING STOP!!!
Inori:*cheers in the background*
Hoshi: actually Hotohori-sama we were wondering if you mind someone trying to take your place as the most beautiful? *smiles*
Lina: that too...*sweatdrops and shrugs*
Hoshi, Lina and Inori
Dear Hoshi, Lina and Inori,
I suppose I would have to live with it... But no matter how much he "sparkles", I sincerely doubt that Masao is more beautiful than I. By the way, where can I get one of those wonderful machines for Tasuki?
Dear Tasuki,
How'd ya like "your" site? Tee hee. ^_^ Maybe Chichiri no Aijin and anyone else in Southern California could go there to celebrate your birthday!! ^_^ Anyway, FYI, your info page is up. The only reason I got to you first is because you seem to be featured in the two fics I've got up so far...I wonder why? (Please don't say "Cuz I'm so f******* cool!" I think you're more creative than that...)
Oh, and could you pleeeeeeeeeeeeease sign my slambook? Onegaishimasu? If you don't have the time, how about one of the other guys or Chichiri no Aijin?
*looks up with starry eyes*
Dear Moonsong,
OK! Only 'cos ya' got great taste in Seishi! Heh-heh-heh... I'll try to sign yer book, too.
Dear Tasuki,
Ohayo, Tasuki-san! I haven't talked to you for a long while now. ^_^ So, how are you? What's new? Tell everyone in Mt. Reikaku that I said hi! I'm not doing too well in school lately.... *_* I got a 70 on my math test, a 60 on my Spanish quiz, and a 55 on my World Cultures quiz... And you know what else? I actually studied for them, except for the math one that is. Because math is impossible to study from... *nervous laugh* You must be mad that I did real bad at school.... sumimasen *bows* Hey, did you ever do well in school before you ran away from home?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
What's up wit' yer doin' so poorly in school? Ya jus' gotta study more! (Did I jus' say that??? OI! Chiriko mus' be havin' a bad influence on me!) I ain't mad at ya', jus' disappointed. So, if ya' do better, I'll sign yer slam book! How's that?
School???? Whoever said I even WENT to school???
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko....I am haveing a MAJOR problem with my my couisn. It started about last year when she turned 15, she started getting into all this trouble...ya know...smokeing,drinking and stuff like that...well, It has gotten SO much worse this year...Now that she has a car, she's been skipping school and going to so many parties and getting drunk, it sickens me to death.She's only a year older then i am so i try to help her as much as i can because all her mom and dad do is yell at her , so there not much help..well...I talked to her yesterday and she told me that she hasn't been in school for 3 weeks!!! 3!!!...and she is the schools BEST basketball player..she has alot going for her but she dosen't care anymore, and about 2 weeks ago her mom took her car away from her but she turned around and stole the keys. Well, My aunt called the police on her and she almost got arrested!!...and yesterday she really scared me because She threw something at her moms mirior and it shattered everywhere cutting her arm...and her mom wasn't home at the time so she came over my house and i saw the cut on her arm...I swear you could see the bone it was so deep!!!and it had a pice of class still stuck in her arm.So we called my other couisn and had her take us to the hospital...and her mom STILL doesn't know!!I'm so afraid that if she keeps this up she might do something REALLY stupid in the future...and I tryed as hard as i could to tell her she needs help but she doesn't listen...and beleive me i tryed! I went as far as slaping her in the face!!I don't know what to do anymore. How can i posably help her? please help....thanks
Dear Momoko-chan,
First thing you should do is tell your aunt (her mom) what you have told me. Your cousin needs some serious help! She is traveling down a VERY dangerous path! She needs to get some counseling before she does some permanent damage to herself! Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Da... why does it seem that my life is full of nothing but bad news and frustrations this semester? *SIGHS*
On top of school problems, my numerous and repeating health problems, worry over grieving friends at Texas A & M University.... my sister nearly died over Thanksgiving because she had a severe allergic reaction to something she ate that sent her into shock. She was hospitalized, and had she gotten to the hospital five minutes later, I'd be attending a funeral at the moment @_@
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... I'm stressed to the max, I need a nice long vacation. *bangs head against the wall* And a really nice long Rip Van Winkle sorta nap. I'm back though, I'll be in and out for the next couple of weeks, I love finals *sarcasm*
*curls up with her chichiri dolly who's looking as frazzled as wmc because of all the squeezing it's been getting lately* Anyway I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.
Anyone doing anything special for the Holidays? Christmas, Channukah, Candlemas....?
What about New Years?
Dear WMC,
Sorry to hear about your sister, no da! *Gives her a hug and a new Chichiri doll.* Thanksgiving wa tanoshikatta no da! But we have no big plans for the rest of the holidays aside from Chichiri no Aijin's birthday, no da. Maybe I can spend some time with you, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*whacks Gen-chan with a log* BAKAYARO! Where were you over Thanksgiving! I thought you ahd promised ma to roast the turkey for her!
*mau* *whacks him again* Yeah, and I'm back to torment ya. Gotta do something to appease my boredom when that @#$% @#$% Kouji ain't around.
Dear Aidou,
I was wit' th' Seishi an' Chichiri no Aijin! ITAI!!!!! Yer aim's gettin' better... That does it! I'm gonna see if I can find Kouji so ya' can abuse HIM instead!
Dear Chichiri,
DA I've missed you *HUGZ* So, are you going to pose as Santa this year and deliver Tasuki to the Drooling Tasuki Fanclub? Or should I jsut leave you out some milk and cookies no da.
Dear WMC,
Daaaa... *Considers Santa idea...* I guess it depends on how Tasuki behaves, no da! Demo, the milk and cookies sound oishii no da! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
EH!? *blinks* BAKA!!! *chases after him and grabs him by the back of his jacket* That was SO funny!!! *rolls her eyes* You're going to pay for THIS! *pointing to the kanji* -_- let's see, torture by Momoko, or death by rabid fangirls..? *raises an eyebrow while pondering*
Dear Lina,
OOOOHHHHH... I'm sooooooooo... scared! *Fanged grin* So, I guess yer feelin' better, eh? I KNOW ya' got th' card I sent ya'. Don't ya' jus' hate it when I'm nice to ya'? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! This is my first time writing 'cause I just found out about this page. It's great!
I had a really bad day today at school. In my Creative Writing class, I went to the auditorium to watch a scene being performed by some kids. So I started coughing really loud and I was in the middle of the row. Then I can;t get out of my row, and I'm still coughing, so I try jumping over my chair *teardrop*... hee, hee, hee. My shoe got caught in my first chair, and I couldn't move. So I was still coughing and I really needed a drink, and I didn't know what to do. My teacher pulled down the chair and my foot got free, but my shoe was still stuck. My friend was laughing at me and I hit him, and I got a drink.
But, you see, I really love acting and my drama teacher doesn't like me. So when I interrupted his class (by accident, mind you), he gave me this evil stare even though I said I was sorry. I don't know what to do. If he doesn't like me, I won't get a part in any more plays or musicals! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! This is my worst nightmare other than no more FY videos. So please write back!
Dear Rach-chan,
Hmmm... I dunno what to tell ya'! Ya' already apologized an' there ain't much more ya' can do. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
*walks in sniffling* Ah, Nuriko-sama...*starts to cry* my friends are jerks! I lost a challenge in band today, causing me to go from playing first part flute to second part flute, because one of them injured my flute on the weekend! I don't usually show much emotion in public, but I had lunch right afterwards and I started to cry. My girl friends started laughing at me, and my guy friends (including the one I sat next to who injured my flute!) didn't even notice, or at least care! What should I do to let them know they really upset me without screaming at them for being inconsiderate a**holes?!
Thank you for listening. *blows nose*
Dear kodama,
*Gives her a hug and a hankie.* Well, fix your flute, tell your friends (quietly and without screaming) that they hurt your feelings, and don't worry about the guys. Most of us hate to see girls cry and will ignore and avoid it as much as possible. You might want to let the person who injured your flute know what they did and the consequences of their actions. If they're real friends, they'll apologize.
Dear Nuriko,
*sweatdrops* Because Tasuki's a BAKA BANDIT..-_-; why else would I have footstool written on my head in kanji..? some sort of strange pass time..? geez!
Dear Lina,
Tasuki did THIS??? Why???
Dear Hotohori,
Hi. I'd-answer-a-question-for-me-cause-I'm-making-a-peeji-about-you? Ah, sumimasen. Some of my friends (okay, it was me) were curious about your choice of bride. Houki DOES look a lot like Nuriko, ne? Any suppressed homosexual tendencies there? O, please, for the sake of your fangirls--say NO! That, and any 'troubles' in the marriage? Divorce (and re-marriage) is always an option, you know.
Dear Shuurei,
NO! And we are very happily married, too.
Dear Tasuki,
*drinks Mitsukake's mixture and sits up feeling perfectly fine, eyes wide* What about my green dress?
Dear Soi,
*Looks towards Nakago and Tamahome and whistles innocently...*
Dear Tamahome,
*groans* Well, time to go home and see if I should set up camp on the sofa again. *Walks off dejectedly - then his head snaps up and he turns around to glare at Tamahome* If I get fried I want my money back! *runs off*
Dear Nakago,
Gomen, no refunds! Oh, look! I think I see Soi coming... Sayonara!
Dear Nuriko,
*Buries her face against Nuriko's shoudler, hugging him around the waist* Whadda ya THINK she said? *sniffs - then throws Nuriko up in the air*
*runs around and around in circles for a few minutes, then settles down panting* I'm so happy! Hey, you wanna be in a wedding? I promise, Kimi and I have good fashion taste!
A Very Very Ecstatically Happy Kourin-chan
Dear Kourin-chan,
She said YES???? Omedeto gozaimasu!!!!! Of course I'd love to be in the wedding!! But NOT as a bridesmaid. Have you considered holding it on the message board?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Did you see the seishi of the week yet?
*rolls on her back in hysterics pointing at Tasuki and the picture and teasing him mercilessly*
Taiitsu no Miko (still laughing)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Ano... no... why?
Dear Tasuki,
Do you really think it's normal for me to think like this? I can't stop thinking how much better I will feel when I am in heaven with God. I can't wait!! I've seriously been thinking of comitting suicide. I really have nothing to live for. My mom actually told me I was in danger of going to Hell. Can you believe that? She just blurted that out without talking to me nicely. I was really ready to die then.
Dear Moon,
No it isn't!!!!! Ya' really need to find a school counselor or another adult that ya' trust to talk to 'bout this! Ya' also might wanna check out these sites: Suicide Helpline, Befrienders, Youth Suicide. Ya' know, ya' might still be needed here on Earth. Ya' were put here fer a reason so I think ya' better stick around! I'm very worried about ya', so please take care of yerself an' keep in touch. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
What's the best way to flirt with someone without calling them stupid?
Dear Moon,
I read your letter to Tasuki and you are too young for such things! I know your world pushes you to grow up faster than you might be ready for, but please try to slow down and enjoy being the age you are now. When the time is right, the flirting will just come naturally. By the way, NOT calling someone stupid is alwaya a good start!
Dear Chiriko,
I say algebra sucks? What do you think?
Actually vacuum cleaners suck so to speak. Algebra is just a harmless form of mathematics.
Dear Tasuki,
I just saw the Seishi of the week and it was say the least. Where have you guys been?
Oh yeah, and the thing about the guy grabbing me in school, well, I'm still suspended 'cause I hit him, but he got expelled. End of story.
Anyway, my class took this art trip to Atlanta to see the Norman Rockwell exhibit yesterday, but I didn't go. If I had, I would have had to make up a whole bunch of science experiments and quizzes for other classes. Since I didn't go, the teacher is making me do a term paper on that Rockwell guy! No fair! I was really busy and it was an all day trip, and I had a load of stuff to do! At least I'm not the only one that didn't go. Now, I might have gone had it been an A day(We have an A day B day schedule at school, you know, 4 classes one day, then the other 4 the next day then repeat) because I'd do anything to miss Bible class. I am so sick of that class! ::gag::
And remember when I told you my mom wanted me to get braces? Well, I went to the orthodontist yesterday and the daybefore. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I only have to get braces on my bottom teeth, not the top! But, they do have to pull to of my baby teeth out....that is not going to feel good.....but there's no roots holding the teeth in, so it shouldn't be that bad.
In bible class today we had a memory verse quiz. And a long one too! (Acts 17: 24-31) That is just to difficult to do! But I did it. Yes, there is a point to this. Anyway, on every memory verse quiz, my teacher has the pointless but funny question he wants us to answer. Well, today he wanted us to make a new state flag. Well, guess who I put on it? YOU!! hehehe.....He had absolutely no idea who you were though, and he couldn't even pronounce your name! It was a good drawing. I'm a very talented artist. At least, that's what everyone says. Considering the fact that whenever I draw something during lunch or break at school I draw a crowd.
Anyway, bye! ::kisses him and runs off:: Does it bother you that I kiss you so much? Oh well, even if it does it won't stop me!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Yer kissin' me ain't that annoyin'. Glad to hear th' b*st*rd was expelled! Ganbatte kudasai on yer term paper! So, do I ever get to see this drawin' of me that ya' did? Ano.. what kinda school has a bible class??
Dear Nuriko,
Tomo: Ro Chuin
You: Ryuuen Cho
Coincidence? I think not. What passed through Watase-sensei's mind as she designed you two? The answer . . .is a mystery. MWAHAHAHA!!!
Dear Moon,
I don't know, but it does worry me...
Dear Tasuki, *Starts laughing so hard she can barely type* Tasuki... *falls off the chair laughing* Owie! *Gets back up and takes a deep breath* Okay...gomen...I think I've found your new hangout...
check this out! ^v^
Hey DTFC! Wanna know where you can get "Tasuki sushi?" ^_~
*Resumes laughing*
Moonsong ^_^
Dear Moonsong ^_^,
OK, I GOTTA see this picture!!!!! *Takes a peek at Seishi of the Week... glares at Chichiri no Aijin who is hiding behind Chichiri for protection...* OI!!! I can't BELIEVE she did THAT to ME!!!!! I...I.. ARGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
At least SOMEONE has enough respect fer me to name a restaurant after me! Since it's in L.A. Chichiri no Aijin wants to go there and have sushi. I dunno if I'll let HER into MY restaurant....
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAI! Everybody wish Oneesan *points at Firefury* a happy 18th birthday! ^.^ *looks at the "senshi" of the week.* Poor Lady Wolfette got grounded so she hasn't been able to scan her picture in! And now her idea's been taken! Oh well...
The Ghost of One-chan
Dear The Ghost of One-chan,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu Firefury!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama!! Such a long time!! *hugs* How have you been?? I've been hanging in there...My school is run by Nakago's minions!!!! HELP ME!!!! *ahem* Anyway, I was wondering, do you think I should dye my hair blue and become an elf? Since I can't be Mazoku? Or is it against job policy? I will understand if I can't! Just wondering! ^_^! Oh, guess what! Victory! My friend who couldn't seem to be convinced you were a guy saw you with short hair and drooled over you! I bonked her over the head of course, since she was drooling on the picture, but it is a victory! *does a victory dance* The world shall be Nurikified!! Ne?
Dear Inori,
Natural hair colour is not a requirement, but why can't you be happy just being you? I like you. Although a deep blue-black does sound intriguing...
Dear Tasuki,
*crosses her arms* Well, I don't see you doing anything, Fangie-chan. 'Sides, you think I know anybody who can bring people back to life-? I'M EVIL! I hang out with other EVIL people/beings. Sheesh! How dare you be so rude to one of One-chan's characters! I should torture you... *sets up a stage*
One's Ghost: o.o; Ano.... Keetia....
*cackles* I should rewrite the whole thing! >=D
One's Ghost: ;_; I can't pounce cause I'm a ghost! *sulks*
Keetia and One-chan's Ghost
Dear Keetia and One-chan's Ghost,
Oh yeah?!?!? Where th' h*ll is Suboshi??? If it takes beatin' th' snot outta him to bring One-chan back to life I'm willin' to make th' sacrifice! An' yer singin' is torture enough, thanks...
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