Dear Nuriko,
Ahh...errr...well...*whistles innocently*..Heheh. Are you mad at me? *gets tears in eyes*...Sorry...^^;
Chyin Yu
Dear Chyin Yu,
I'm not angry with you. It's just that there is already enouh tragedy in the world... why invent more?
Dear Tasuki,
Hmm..if you need to know, I CAN bring One-chan back to life! With the help of Seravi...^_-
*Seravi no Miko mutters some chants*
*sparks begin to fly from One-chan's corpse*
Uhh....I don't know whether One-chan wants me to bring her back, cuz I don't even know her...^^ But..if that makes ya happy..*shrugz*
Seravi no Miko
Dear Seravi no Miko,
Yes, that would make me happy! Besides, I know she wants vengeance, but I'd rather have her alive to see me kick Suboshi's @$$ than dead.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey I'm having trouble! You are my last hope!! Where can I find information on Pop Music for a speech? I've looked everywhere!! You might not know but it's worth a shot!! Please help me!! Thanks Chichiri!!
Dear Tasuki,
*knocks on door*
Who is it?
It's me, Koji from the Ask the FY Cast board! Gen-chan's best friend!
Why come on in....
*walks up to Tasuki and grins* Nykee-chan lent me on of her FY tapes and I just saw the funniest thing. *grins wider* Kowai-faced man! *points at Gen-chan* Bwahahaha! The little boy who called Tamahome oniichan in Hokkan ran away from you and called you kowai-faced man! Bwahaha! *gets a thinking look on his face* Mind you I can't remember if those were the exact words but it's close enough! *grins widely again* Kowai-faced man! Bwahahahahahahaha! You scared the poor child with your face! BWAHAHAHA! I always knew you'd become a scary bandit someday - but never that SCARY-LOOKING! *points to Gen-chan again* Bwahahahahahhaha!
Dear Koji,
*Whacks Kouji upside the head...* BAKA!!!!! I ain't THAT scary lookin'!!!!!!!! At least I know what color MY eyes are......
Dear Tasuki,
::short brunette comes bouncing in high enough to reach the ceiling::
Guess what, Tasuki-chan! My dad moved down! YIIPPEEEE!!!!! That means no more of my b*tchy cousin picking me up from school! YAAAAAYYYYY!!!! I am just like SOOOO hyper today! Well, my math teacher brought a chocolate cake in for my friend's B-Day, and I think I ate a little to much. I was on a MAJOR sugar high all day! I'm like talking a mile a minute today, sorry if I seem weird, this is just what happens to me when I have a lot of sugar. (No I am NOT crazy! I'm 15, what do you expect?)
Ok, I do actually have a serious question. In school today,(I think it was the beginning of Bible class), one of the guys in my class, umm....let's just say "grabbed" me. Well, I slapped him. Natural response. Bad thing is, the teacher walked in when I hit him, not when he grabbed me. He suspended me! He wouldn't believe that the guy had grabbed me! It's SOOO unfair!! My mom's not mad at me, cause' she does believe me. But what should I do? I didn't deserve to be suspended! This is like the 5th time this has happened to me! (All for the same reason) I wish you were here so you could kick this guy's @$$, but your not. Oh well.
Thanks for listening! ::grabbs onto him and kisses him, then runs off on the sugar high::
::runs back:: Oh yeah, I forgot. I asked Kouji what color his eyes were, and even he didn't know! ::gives him another kiss and runs off again::
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Well sometimes Kouji can be a baka... *Smiles* I'd ask yer mom to talk to yer teacher or whoever suspended ya'. What that guy was doin' was sexual harrassment an' th' school could be sued fer it! I bet if she tells them that yer suspension gets lifted! Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! I gotta question! What are all of your favorite outfits? Personally I think Nuriko's green dress with that design on the back an' sleeves an stuff kicks butt! Please reply!
Taiitsu no Miko
PS: Tamahome - Soi said she sent you a letter a bit ago that you never replied to - Nak and Yuri were in it. Do you get it?
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Here's your answers:
Chichiri: My wanderer's clothes, no da!
Hotohori: Modern suits
Nuriko: My male clothing. Getting dressed is not as time consuming.
Tamahome: The outfit I wore when I was at Nakago's and drugged. Gomen, Miaka!
Chiriko: Modern clothes
Tasuki: My outfit from th' series, no th' OAV.
Mitsukake: I only have the one outfit...
I do remember getting her letter. I guess I chose not to answer it. *Shrugs*
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for the suggestion. I loooove chocolate. ^^ I've been having a pretty bad school year . . .my teachers are nothing like the teachers I had last year. I get so much homework!! And I have played soccer since I was 7, and I was always on a boys team. But THIS year, they split us up. My team was f***ing BAD! We won only one game by sheer luck. It was very damaging to my mental status. Not that the boys team won every game, far from it, but we could play! The girls just screamed when I kicked the ball and had no clue. I have no appetite, I hate school, I hate my mom, I semi-hate my dad, I hate my friends . . . My mom always nags me, "Moon, get OFF the stupid computer and be with the family!!" it's really annoying. She shouldn't talk, either. She is TOTALLY obsessed with our new dog. It's not even funny. And when one of my teachers was commenting on how I didn't like this schoolyear, she got reeeaaally upset and kept bothering me about what was wrong. She won't leave me alone! Otherwise, school has become unsafe. I hate walking in the hallways. There are these people who constantly make trouble and I am scared of them. This is the first time I have been scared of anyone. I always feel persecuted and insecure . . .Math is another thing. I hate math, I've always hated math, but I'm in the higher level. Everyone thinks that I will always be right, so they compare their answers. And then my answers are wrong. It's awful to have 3 people around you get a grade they didn't deserve...
I need a psychologist, ne?
Dear Moon,
Nah, ya' jus' sound like a high school kid in yer world. But, ya' need to tell yer teacher and parents that you don't feel safe in school and why. Ya' also need to tell yer buds not to cheat offa ya'. Who knows? They might get better grades that way! By the way, Chiriko says there ain't no such thin' as too much homework! *Fanged grin* Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
HiyaZ! Could you please read the fic I wote about you and a friend at: To Forgive?
I know it..well, kind of sucks..but please? And do tell me what you think, any improvements to me made yadda yadda. ^_^ Thankew!
Chyin Yu
Dear Chyin Yu,
*Has a look of utter horror on his face...* You KILLED me!!!!!!! That's so mean and depressing and ... I'm sorry...
Dear Tasuki,
hI aGaIn TAsuKI!! =) I've made a name. (bottom of letter) =) and Did you give Kouji the turkey plushie? *remembers sticking bottle os sake in the stufed animals* Well I hope you have a great thanksgiving! and i hope you're thankful for all you great fans! .. er friends. and i hope i'm not annoying or anything! and dont bother saying i'm not you would probably tell me that i'm not if i were as bad as eiken. well as bad as eiken o.O you'd tell me to leave the d--- board. ^^; well i gtg. and my friend told me i hurt her feelings, but i dont mean to and she hurts mne. what should we do? ByE! ^.^
Dear Atsuko,
Yer not annoyin'. Well, if yer both hurtin' each others feelin's... STOP IT! Th' two of ya' should apologize to each other an' stop doin' whatever it is that's hurtin' ya's! I gave Kouji th' stuffed turkey. *Looks innocent...* Ya' mean th' sake was fer him???? *Fanged grin...*
Dear Tamahome,
*Nakago stalks in glaring* Apparently the dress is not suitable for a 'dry cleaners'. *He holds up the perfectly clean dress - which suddenly disintigrates.*
You were ALOT of help Mr.This-one's-free! I guess you get what you pay for.
*hands Tama two gold ryou* NOW what do I do!? I doesn't even look like a dress anymore!!!!!
*pauses* Unless, of course, you happen to think that she would understand that it was an accident and forgive me.
Dear Nakago,
Oops! Well blame it on the kid and she'll probably forgive you. If not you'll have a lovely perm...
Dear Tasuki,
What am I good for? More than YOU, obviously! You can't even protect her corpse which Suboshi was kicking earlier when he was telling her to come back to life! HMPH! *SMACK!* I had to go and kick him between the legs.
One's corpse: XoX
Dear Keetia,
Like THAT was *(&^%$%# helpful???? Go get someone to bring her back!
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks dizzily, sits up a bit, then falls back again* Ugh. That wasn't good. *takes a deep breath and sighs* I take it that scared the hell out of you, ne? *shakes her head* Damn I hate being sick.
*looks at Tasuki's questioning expression and blushes a little* It's just the flu, but I've had a fever. I wasn't supposed to get out of bed - Nakago's going to be on my back. Unless you don't tell him.....
*sits up again and holds out an electric shock* You tell him and you loose your hair - got it? He ran off somewhere this afternoon with the baby and my favorite dress for god knows what reason..... *cringes and falls back again*
Ugh. I really don't feel good. I should go home... *sighs* So how the hell do I get home if I feel to naseous to sit up!? *groans* Oh this is great.
Dear Soi,
Ya' don't! *Wipes her forehead with a cool damp cloth and hands her something to drink.* Here, drink this. Mitsukake said it will make ya' better. An' try not to fry Nakago's er... ummm... well... ya' know off when ya see what happened to yer green dress...
Dear Nuriko,
*walks in looking shaken wearing her previously described outfit*
Hi! Uh...those pants you loaned me fit. *reaches to run a hand through her hair - finds it bound up, and shuffles her feet instead*
I, uh, I went and talked to Hotokimi before the dance. I remembered how she has to spend so much time with, like, everyone that comes to her parties, so she would have been too busy to talk with just me, you know. *sighs*
I..I asked her... *falls silent for a long time - swallows hard and looks up at Nuriko with tears in her eyes*
Dear Kourin,
SO?!?!?!?!? *Gives her a hug and holds her tight.*
Dear Hotohori,
HiyaZ! Anyways now that I'm in the Chinese Writers Programme...I have to write story in Chinese and pass it to the Ministry of Education..o__0;; you have any ideas as to what I should write..? I first thought about doing a story on Nakago...then I changed my mind..and wanted to write about Amiboshi and Suboshi..then I wanted to write about you...@_@ please Heika?? *looks at him with big, big eyes*
Seravi no Miko
Dear Seravi no Miko,
Why not study some of the ancient myths of China and write about those gods?
Dear Nuriko,
Oh don't let that smiling face of his fool you Nuriko! he's a kowaii one! *is talking about Xelloss*
Dear Lina,
I suppose... but he did seem quite plesant for an oni. By the way, why do you have "footstool" written in kanji on your forehead???
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops* Do I look like something you can just sit on!?! Do I have footstool carved on my forehead??? (if you say "no, but we can arrange that" I will hurt you -_-) *tries to push him off*
Dear Lina,
*Looks at her forehead and then writes ashi no koshikake on it in kanji.* Nope. But ya' do now! Heh-heh-heh... *Runs for his life...*
Dear Chiriko,
How old are you really? o_O
Dear Hotaru-chan,
Dear Tasuki,
Ever tried anything besides sake?
My step-dads got whiskey,rum,gin,vodka.. and my mom's got a recipie for long island tea! *smiles* *grabs a bucket of water* Did iever tell you how much water keeps you clean?
HA! Gotcha! HEE HEE! *hands you a towel* Just for the purpose of my friend andi killing me for dumping water on you.. put the towel over you. and you'll be safe.
*whispers to tamahome* get your bucket ready after mine.. *hints* throw him in the ocean again!
ON 3! 1-2..................3 *dumps the water on tasuki* Hee hee! *drops the bucket on her toe* OUCH! I guess i'm in for it now.. *runs from tasuki, hides behind tamahome* Save me tamahome-chan save me! *laughing* i'll get you yet!
Andi: She is really evil i tell you evil!
Sheila: That's my justin your talking about!
Oy .... Life goes on...
Jill Haldeman *ready to get tamahome burnt*
Dear Jill,
OI! What th' H*LL got into ya'??? Why ya' bein' such a brat?
Dear Nuriko,
This is what Tomo said:
"Oh, did you mention to him how much more he looks like an elf when he gets all huffy and mad? His face wrinkles worse than Happosai (from Ranma 1/2) in the bathtub for a week! KAKAKAKAKA!" He also said that that was an illusion you threw into the wall. He has quite a few replicas, you know.
What a nice argument!! *smiles* Ja!!
Dear Moon,
I DO NOT have wrinkles!!!!! I'm only 20 fer crying out loud! Besides with all the makeup he uses, he probably has burned craters in HIS face and needs putty to fill them all in! To bad he's too much of a coward to face me without the Shin face to face. You know man to man... oh yeas he IS Tomo... make that man to freak!
Dear Tasuki,
Are you saying I'm odd? I don't really care. Everyone says that when they first meet me. And I only play those games because I like to scare myself. Go figure. And I have played Final Fantasy 8. It's awesome! I especially like the Leviathin, Shiva, and Siren G.F.'s. I have the Siren action figure. It's so cool!
Oh yeah, about my friend. Her parents are taking her out of school until they move, and they won't let her boyfriend see her. She'll be a whole lot safer now!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
No I ain't sayin' yer odd. Well, mebbe a little... Glad to hear yer tomodachi's parents are protectin' her from him!
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles at Tasuki-san and shrugs* Maybe so.... You've had so much more experience than me.... *looks over at Miaka-san and laughs hysterically*
Gen-chan no miko
P.S. Did you ever watch Hana Yori Dango?
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Not funny! Nope, never heard of it!
Dear Tasuki,
But, Tasuki-san! The shirt was for YOU! How horrible, to give away a gift! And don't listen to anything One-chan says, she's a compulsive liar.
Dear Suboshi,
OI! He wanted it so I gave it to him! Get over it! So... i'm told ya' killed One-chan. If I kill ya' does that being her back...?
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya cutey! Hey, how did ya like that pic I drew of ya? Pretty kewl, ne? Ja matta ne!
Neko, the desert bandit
Dear Neko,
Pretty good! But I don't remember posin' fer it...
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko! Sorry, its been a while since I wrote to you. Well, no harm done. Of course i will send you my manga when its done. I also have some fanart that i would like you to see^_^ Right know I am working on a homepage for you and the rest of the seichis(eh, did I spell that right...? ^_^) I will tell you when its up. Now i have a little question for you: Were does your family live? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Hope you will answer my questions.
Bye for now!
Dear Annie,
My family lives in a village in Konan. I have an older brother. Sumimasen, it's spelled seishi. Hope you don't mind that I corrected you.
Dear Tasuki,
How many bottles of sake does it usually take to get drunk? *grin* I'm not having a very good day...
P.S. I probably son't get drunk anyway . . .*sighs* I'm underaged . . . @#*&! Do you want the sake? *hands him 20 bottles* Well, bye then!
Dear Moon,
Sorry to hear yer havin' a lousy day. As to how much sake it takes to get drunk, is that fer ME or an amateur? Mebbe ya' should try chocolate instead...
Dear Chiriko,
Arigatou!! *gives Chiriko a big hug* I didn't think you would actually be able to visit my little site. I'll let you guys know when the info pages are up. I'd also be happy to add your site to my links page. Am I on yours?
Anyway, thanks again for the good wishes!!
*skips off to go cross-eyed learning more HTML @.@*
Dear Moonsong,
You are very welcome! And you are on our links peeji under Related Links. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
*runs over to nuriko sobbing* AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! TASUKIII'S PICKING ON MEEEEEE~!!!!! MAKE HIM STOP!! MAKE HIM STOP!! Pweety pweety please??? *.* *insert bishoujo eyes* oh, and I lost CnA's #... can she call me??
Dear Jean,
I'll ask her to call you. That is if she hasn't lost your number... Now, why do you say Tasuki is picking on you? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*sings* Don't you know know know, IT'S LOVE!!!
Dear Jean,
I DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He probably does so like ya'!!!!!!!! An' I bet ya' do like him, too! Anyway, that was punishin' her fer bein' a brat!!!!!! So there! *Sticks his tongue out at her.*
Dear Tasuki,
^.^ hI tASUki. :) You're my favorite seishi! You have great legs, nice fangs, good.. OrAnGe.. hair, cute build, and a fine outfit. ^_~ but I remember you saying Kouji never hit a girl. I know Kouji is girl's dreamguy (He's mine!!) *heart eyes* but i remember him hitting Miaka over the head when she was biting everybody's clothes off. *laughs* i cheered! and i know he's still a sweet guy who'd never hurt a girl ^_~ but he hit miaka. right over the head. with a fist. and there were those comic-boom lines and stars around her head if i remember correctly. its obvious he didnt hit her hard because she wasnt knocked out like i had hoped, but it counts, ne? ^.^ well HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! *hands him turkey stuffed animal* ^.^ for you and give this one to Kouji for me ok? And be thankful for it! please. BWUAHAHAHAHAHA! *hands him another turkey stuffed animal with heart necklace* ;) oh by the way. I'm sorry for dissing Miaka. I really don't know why I don't like her. Maybe because she's foolish a lot of times and gets into a LOT of trouble, so I'm trying to think of her good traits. :) Well bye now! *cant hold back from hugging him* YA CANT DO NOTHIN ABOUT THAT!! :)
Another Somebody
Dear Another Somebody,
Aw, he only gave her a tap. Neither of us would EVER hit a woman in anger or to deliberately hurt her!
Dear Chichiri,
could you sign my slambook at Yuri's Slambook please? =o.o= the questions might be a bit weird and boring though ^^;;;;
Dear Yuri,
I did, no da. It was a rather interesting site, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
What? You think that's within my power? I'm EVIL. I don't make people come back to life! I KILL people, stupid. I'm a demon. Sheesh. Her ghost read her will on the msg board. =p At least she died laughing! She didn't leave me anything her will. Damn. I think she'll come back to life... maybe. She USUALLY does... although... she's never had a ryuseisui thrown through her chest before. Usually she dies when she's poked by Fury's boyfriend, which is easy to bring her back to life from. Oh well! ^-^
One: x_x *is... well... dead... still*
Ta-ta! *wavies*
Dear Keetia,
Well reverse time ya' stupid demon!! Do somethin'! 'Che! Whaddya good fer anyways????
Dear Mitsukake,
hello, Mitsukake I decided to write to you because it seems that nobody does ^_^ so! your not too boring and will read my letter, right?
hee hee what is your favorite thing to do? and your favorite color? mines green make sure to write back now!
Dear Felanor,
I like yellow as it is a cheerful color. I also like to study nature in my spare time. Thank you for writing to me.
Dear Tasuki,
hi tasuki! how are you?
Dear Jess,
I'm fine! An' yerself?
Dear Chiriko,
Your power's still not online 24-7, eh? I understand. It's about the same as someone who studies over and over for an exam till it's burned into his/her brain, and when the test comes, s/he completely forgets the answer...sad, ne?
Anyways, I just want to see if you're back to normal. So answer this: What are the prime-number factors of 1001?
Dear Tonberry,
The prime factors of 1001 are 7,11,13. Next time, do your own homework.
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks fer' listenin' to me about that. It helped. I'm really tryin' to concentrate on other things right now, so I don't get depressed about her moving.
This will probably be another long letter, but I've been trapped inside a car with my dad since 4:00 A.M. And he LOVES to listen to country music :shudders: My self, I like to listen to Techno and a little Gothic(mainly just the instrumental ones). He's moving down here, so he needed someone to keep him company while he was on the road. Guess who got volunteered? Me! I am so not used to waking up that early....I slept most of the way, with my headset on listening to Savage Garden. But somehow, I'm still so tired.
Remember when I asked you if you heard of Playstation? Of course you do. Why wouldn't you? You don't forget anything I ever tell you do you? (You'd better not) Well, do you own one? If so, have you ever heard of the games Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Resident Evil 3: Nemisis, Tenchu: Stealth Assassins, and Tomb Raider 1, 2, and 3? Those games are SOOO cool! Most of those games are horror based, and being the chicken that I am, I'm scared stiff. I can't even sleep with the lights off now! Ok, lets see: Legacy of Kain is a vampire game. Here's the reason I'm scared of it: (believe me, telling you this has a point). The whole scene is set around an ancient vampire named Kain that took over this place called Nosgoth (I don't know where that is) and recruited a bunch of generals to destroy all the humans. They are Dumah, Rahab, Melchiah, Zephon, and Raziel. You play as Raziel (who is also cute, if not unusually pale), who was cast down by Kain for growing wings before him. You basically play through the game trying to get revenge on Kain for killing you. The reason it scared me was because Rahab (the aquatic vampire boss) is in a totally creepy water filled chamber and no matter what you do, you can't kill him, because Raziel can't swim yet. He has like a mermaid tail and a really ugly head. It was just freaky!
Resident Evil 3 scared me cause it's about zombies trying to eat you because they've been infected by a virus. And there's this 8 foot tall guy that you CANNOT kill! He follows you through the whole game breaking through walls, doors, jumping up balconies. I just got scared from it big time.
Sorry to go on and on about stuff you probably don't even care about, but I just can't help it. Once I start talking about something I just keep going on and on and on...umm...sorry, there I go again. Anyway, I wouldn't be so scared if you could give me a kiss good night. Please? It would make me feel a whole lot better.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
*Looks at her and smiles* That has got to be the oddest way a chick has EVER tried to convince me to kiss 'em! *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.* An' jus' stop playin' them games if they scare ya' so bad! Try FFVIII fer cryin' out loud! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
I've started liking Pat since I was 12...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I still say it's a crush. An' he's way too old fer ya' anyway!
Dear Tasuki,
Are you wearing the shirt I gave you?!
Dear Suboshi,
No. Yer aniki liked it so much I gave it to him. Gotta problem wit' that?
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I've been talking to Suboshi and I think I'm sorta bringing him back to his senses.... maybe, anyways. He thought you loved him and he has undying love (undying love is my department, damnit.) for you or something. I told him you didn't and it's a really long story that I can't really explain. I told him he'll have to kill me before I let him have you or love you. --* I think I've brought him back to his senses... I hope..... He said he'd go back to lemons.... Whew... I thought he was gonna kill me when that ryuseisui started spinning. Gee... I've done a lot of mean things to him.... we started talking about all I've done to him. Including laughing at him for falling when he was trying to kill me...... um.... he's glaring at me. ^^; Suppose it was something I said? ....... um....... *panics and hugs Tasuki* HE'S TRYING TO KILL - *dies*
Keetia: Ano... Well... She died laughing. What a way got go. *pulls out a crumpled piece of notebook paper* This is her will. Want me to read it?
The corpse formerly known as One-chan
Dear One-chan,
No. I want ya' to bring her back!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!! D'ya hear me????? *Cradles One-chan in his arms as he glares at Keetia...*
Dear Tamahome,
*drops a bag of gold* If Suboshi goes around proclaiming his undying love to any of you, kill him, alright?
Dear One-chan,
*HUGE Cheesy/greedy grin...* No problem! He's already annoying Tasuki... Arigato!!!!!!!!!!! *Takes off with gold*
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, you've got a point, with that - but you still tried to kill him. And I really really don't like you for that!
Anyway, what's with the that 'jamakusai' comment?! *smacks Tasuki*
Tell you what, I'll stop bopping you when you apolgize for that, Okay? *looks around for something to hit him with* Crap! Nothing!
Okay - suppose I give you sake if you apologize? But I don't have any sake... Double Crap!
Aw! This isn't gonna work! *looks pleadingly at Tasuki* Could you just please apologize then? I hate to leave things in a wronged state...
*pauses* Do you think it's hot in here? W-who turned up the thermostat? *looks dizzy* Oh god. Do you have any water... something cold... I... *passes out*
Dear Soi,
KUSO!!!!!! OI!!!! Mitsukake, Tamahome!!!!!! We gotta problem here an' I ain't got nothin' to do wit' it!!!!! *Picks her up gently and places her on a couch. Feels her forehead and gets a cool wet cloth for it...*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi nuriko^_^!....I figured you would be the one to tell this, I kinda like this one guy at my school...He's in 2 of my classes and any chance i get i talk to him (we mostly yell at each other just for fun ^^;;)...All my friends are telling me to ask him out, but i'm too shy and I don't know if HE likes me. For the past couple of days, I have seen him A MILLION times!!! He's like everywhere i the mall...even when me and my best friend were walking to her aunts house...guess who comes walking the other way!!!!!HIM!...and he's even in my dreams!!! THATS scary!...Personally, I wanna forget about him and go on with my life, but i know THAT ain't happening!!!*smiles* but the other day in class my friends kept telling me he was looking at me and when i looked over to him he smiled! *blush*....Oi...I'm not good at relationships so i have no idea what to do. I'm shocked to see myself really likeing someone....cuz...most of the guy friends i have I'm always mean too and i like to fight with ...cuz beating up guys is so fun!*sweatdrops*..and I'm not a tomboy -_-....AHH!! nuriko! what can i do to get him outta my head!!Please help!;_;
Dear Momoko-chan,
If he seems to be everywhere you are, perhaps the gods are trying to tell you something...
Ask him out for lunch or a movie or if that's too intense ask him to come over to your house or meet you at the library to study together. See what happens from there. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
what the hell were you thinking when you were being mean to Miaka after the time when she told you that she loved you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
why where you mean to her after that??
Dear bella,
Which time? When he was drugged or when was jus' bein' a &^%$#@* babk???
Dear Nuriko,
^_^ I don't know you except for what Inori has told me. It's nice to meet you, Nuriko sama ^_^. I have a comment and a question for you.
^_^ You have the most beautiful singing voice I've ever heard.
The question, though. ^_^ How long have you known Inori?
Dear Xelloss,
Arigato for your sweet comment! Lina was ceratinly wrong about you! As for how long I have known Inori... hmmmm... several months I believe. Doushite?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya minna-san! Wai! I finally got my own webpage up!! Please check it out and lemme know what you think 'kay? Pretty please? The whole point of the site is to let people (who never seem to have the time or energy or whatever to finish a fanfic) have other writers finish it for them!
It's at Moonsong's Realm of Anime and Fantasy . Some of the pages are up including the links for submissions, as well as my guestbook, and free email.
Hmmm...on second thought...if you guys (or anyone else for that matter) have the time, check out the source code and tell me how I'm doing. I just learned basic HTML this morning and the thing is REALLY rough. I'm still waiting for people to give me permission to use their images so there aren't any up right now.
Well, anyway, let me know 'kay?
Ja ne!
Moon Song
Dear Moon Song,
Well, your peejis on us and the Seiryuu Seishi aren't up yet, but that's OK. It's an interesting idea. We have included you on our links peeji. Will you do the same for us onegaishimasu? Good luck with it!
Dear Nuriko,
Hmm.....That's a little bit complicated for what I was going to wear.
I found a really great jacket down at Wild Rock Outfitters a while ago - a kind of semi-dressy, velvet thing - with this great white scarf!
It looks killer on me. (granted I still need pants to go with it but...)
Since I look so buttoned up in the outfit already I'd kind of like to whip my hair up, really tight. I was thinking, braid it thin as I can and bun it up tight at the back of my head with that same kind of hair acsessory thing as you had when you were a court princess! That cool decoration that was embroidered so nicely. (Whadda ya call that thing anyway?)
Anyway, does it sound nice?
(a much much happier) Kourin
PS: Nuri-papa...Could do me a quick favour? Could I maybe have a hug before I have to leave for the dance? *nervously holds out her arms*
Dear Kourin,
*Gives her a hug and a pair of white silk pants.* Here, I hope they fit you. *Hands her the hair clip he wore as Princess Kourin.* Ganbatte kudasai! *Gives her another hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
THAT IS WHAT HE DOES TO ME!! Besides, I'm already into a guy.....
*sighs dreamily*
Life is so frustrating neh? Hell, why does all this have to happen _NOW_ when I wanted it to happen like two years ago?? Sheesh, life does suck and then you die! (~Mr. Garcia, my 6th grade history teach)
Dear Jean,
I bet her thinks yer kawaii... Better start bakin' them cookies!
Dear Tasuki,
Because I'm he's evil spirit. Grabs 12th bottle.
Dear nodaing,
*Looks at a perefectly sober Chichiri and then looks at her...* So ya' say! *Starts on his 15th bottle...*
Dear Tamahome,
*A hand reaches up and taps Tama's shoulder - a timid voice mumbles* I have a problem....
*Nakago appears holding Yuri on his hip, a stained mass of green cloth in one hand - he holds the cloth out*
You see that? That's Soi's favorite green dress. It was in the laundry room. I mistook it for one of our lovely green rags and wiped off a raspberry jam covered counter top with it. *he looks at Yuri* The munchkin likes her toast and jam messy... *sweatdrops*
You've lived with kids right? Whadda ya do to wash out a dried and set in raspberry jam stain. Soi's gonna kill me if I don't fix this!
I hate to ask you for this but - HELP!!!
Dear Nakago,
*Smirks* This is soooo good it's on me! OK, did you try to rinse it out? If you got as much out as you could, the next step is to take it Miaka's world to a place called a Dry Cleaner's. They should be able to get the rest out. And from now try to use paper towels before you're shocked into idiocy by your wife.
Dear Tasuki,
*stops running, tripping Tasuki, and looks down at him* Why do you keep mentioning that!? *blinks* Mou, you're no fun. *grins and takes his boots and laughs running away with them. Then stops running when she's in safe distance and waves one of the boots in the air* Hope you won't be needing these 'cause I could make a lot of money off of them *grins*
Dear Lina,
*Runs after and tackles her for his boots* Got 'em! *Sits on her as he contemplates what to do with her next...*
Dear Tasuki,
Pat wasn't my first crush...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well at 14 he may not have been yer first, but sure as h*ll ain't gonna be yer last!
Dear Nuriko,
The Makeup Wars, of course!! That's what Tomo said. He also said he was having fun with this argument. (He's learning new insults for Soi!!)
Dear Moon,
Makeup Wars? *Smirks* Why not? His face already looks like a war zone! Tee-hee...
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