Dear Tasuki,
Aiya Tasuki-kun! I've switched yet another Otaku into Complete Fushigi yuugi mode. It's pretty funny, so far in her story, she runs face first into Hotohori, and, well, it turns out she's a missing seishi. It's hard to explain. The way she put it, was that she is a seishi, but she isn't specific to any side, she's just kinda'..there. I just woke up when she started telling me this. And yeah, well...I would talk more, but My eyelids are getting pretty..heavy...*Falls right to sleep at his feet*
A very Exhausted Kaori
Dear Kaori,
*Picks her up & puts her in bed.* Poor thin' all worn out from being super otaku...
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for the info. I'll have to wait till Monday so I can talk to her at school, 'cause her family's moving and they already disconnected their phone line, well, that's what she says.
Like I said, her family's moving to Tennessee(sp?), and that is REALLY far away from where she lives now. She's not going to tell her boyfriend that she's moving either, she's too afraid that he'll follow her. I'm gonna miss her, but her dad got a job there. But at least she'll be safer there, as long as nobody tell's her boyfriend.
I'll let you know what happens.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Glad to be able to help ya' out! Well, ya' may miss her but hopefully she'll be safer there an' her parents can get her th' help she needs so she don't get into that kinda realtionship again!
Dear Chiriko,
Ne, Chiriko-kun! What does "ketsu" mean? Everyone keeps saying it!
Dear Inori,
I do hope that they are using it in the proper context! Ketsu wa oshiri desu ne!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, it sure sounded like you hated me, but I've got bigger problems to worry about. Sorry if this letter is long, but I have to tell someone.
Ok. I have this friend at school that is dating this guy. Sounds normal enough, right? WRONG! This guy is a complete jerk! He treats her like garbage! I heard him talking to her one day and this is what he said: "I'm only going out with you because your a hottie and popular here. Your just something for me to show off." Can you BELIEVE this guy?!! And she does nothing at all! If it was me I'd kick his a*s! All he does is use her to copy her homework everyday. She knows about it, but she doesn't care. She used to be one of the snobbiest girls at school, but now that she's dating this guy, she has no self-esteem at all. He's cut her off from all of her friends, people she's been around for years! I called her on the phone one day and she was just plain sobbing her eyes out. So, I asked her if she was talking to her boyfriend and she said yes. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it, but she said no and just hung up on me! (I'm not mad at her and I don't blame her for the way she's acting, though. My old boyfriend tried to break me, but I don't break, so he just got rid of me.)
But that's not the worst thing he did to her. Listen to this: She came to school one day with her right forearm all wrapped up in bandages and you could see a little blood coming through. I asked her what happened and she took off the bandage to let me see. God, it was horrible! She said that her dog did it, but since when could a dog cut the word 'WHORE' into someone's arm?! I didn't believe that story, but she wouldn't tell me the real reason. Later I found out that her and her boyfriend had been in a fight and he had done that to her. And she STILL didn't break up with him. She said: "He only hurts me because he loves me." She comes to school with bruises and cuts all over her every time she's been on a date with him, but it's like she doesn't care. I hate seeing her like this, I mean, she's one of my friends! How could he do this to her? What I'm asking is what should I do?
She's only 15 and he's 16, so she thinks it's just a phase that all guys go through and that it'll eventually stop. I don't think it's going to. She doesn't even fight back when he hits her. My last boyfriend hit me one time, but that was the last time he ever did, I almost busted his jaw I hit him so hard after that. I didn't let my boyfriend push me around, and she shouldn't let hers. What should I do? I don't want to go and tell the principle at the school, because I'll get called in to testify against him and then he'll get mad at me. I can't go through that again, not after my ex-boyfriend tried to strangle me when I had to be a witness and testify against him for breaking a girl's leg at school last year, she was another one of my friends. I want to help her, but I don't know what to do.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Th' H*LL wit' tellin' th' principal!!! Ya' gotta go to her parents an' th' police!!!!! This baka yarou is one seriously f***ed up piece of work if he's doin' THAT to yer friend!!! I know yer scared an' all but he could kill her! Ya' gotta think 'bout th' big picture here. He ain't gonna change an' ya' gotta get yer friend outta that situation NOW!!!!!!
Try some of these links an' see if ya' can get her some help through them: NCADV Domestic Violence Links . But PLEASE tell her parents an' get her to go to th' police. She needs help an' support to get outta this mess an' he needs help before he kills her! See if there's a local battered women's shelter wit' people that deal wit' this all th' time. If there is take her there even if ya' gotta hog-tie her an' drag her there! I ain't kiddin' on this subject, I'M SERIOUS! Good luck an' lemme know how it goes. *Gives her a hug.* Be brave!
Dear Nuriko,
Secondly - I'm a bandit. I have lots of jewlery. Yes, I have a ring. (I sold a buncha my other stolen stuff for it. *fanged grin*)
Thirdly - I couldn't even consider asking her publicly! I'm even more afraid of giving speeches ... unless I'm drunk. Acorrding to Orian I get raving reviews for my drunk toasts.
Fourthly - *hugs Nuriko very very tight* THANK YOU! YOU'RE SO HELPFUL!
Fifthly - One more question. How should I wear my hair? (it's exactly like yours only Tasu-papa's colour)
Dear Kourin,
You're welcome! I see your hair done the same as mine was when I wa at Court as Princess Kourin. What do you think?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey.... wanna know something weird? Well, two years ago, I have a crush on a counselor from camp. His name is Pat. He's 20 now. I have been to that camp for two summers, during 1997 and 1998. Just this summer, I couldn't go 'cause I was too old. It was for kids 5-12.... and I was 13 then. Anyway, it was a year ago, the last day of camp(that was the last time I saw him,) and that night I've started having these dreams about him. They weren't nasty dreams. Just dreams of me seeing him. ^_^ and then for about a week, I dreamt about him every night.... then it slowed down to a few a week. Now, it's like once in a while.... It has been like this these two years....I was wondering.... am I in love with him? Is it why I kept on dreaming about him..... I cannot forget him... I thought it was just a crush...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I don't think yer in love wit' him. But if he was yer first crush then he'd be important to ya' an' ya'd probably dream 'bout him.
Dear Nuriko,
Geez, yelling at me like that!!! she wanted to turn into Mazoku! Anyways I turned her back, I hope you're happy, cause she's upset. -_- And what's this about Inori hanging around with the wrong crowd?! She hangs around with ME most of the time!......waitaminute.
Dear Lina,
I am and she'll be, too. I'm going to speak right after this. Thanks for changing her back.
Dear Nuriko,
*comes back in her original form* Nuriko-sama...Tadaima! Lina changed me back... ^_^! It was a very tough decision... I basically had to choose between you and Xell-papa!...So I chose you... *turns away for a moment and then turns back with a small smile* I hope you appreciate this, Nuriko-sama! It's the hardest choice I made this year! *gives a peace sign* I'm gonna miss being Xell's daughter...He was a good father...I got to keep my staff though...! ^_^; So what is my task for today?
Dear Inori,
Thank Suzaku you're you again!! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* Why not just keep me company today?
Dear Chiriko,
Hi again! I know that manga is a comic book...thats where i got the idee of writing my own. It is called "En ängel på min axel", translated to english that would be "An angel on my sholder". I have a lot more to do on it and very little time(so much school work). I would really like you to see it, if I can get my scanner fixed somtime(its broken, maybe i have to buy a new one;_;) My friends that have read it loved it!(Thats a good start, isnt it ^_^) Well...take care
Bye for now!
Dear Annie,
Gomen, I wasn't sure if you knew or not. I look forward to reading it when you are able to send it to me.
Dear Nuriko,
KOWAII!! *sweatrops* But truly, Nuriko, you would make a beautiful elf. Green is a good color for you, ne??
a veeeeeerrrrryyyy scared Moon
P.S. Is the war official now?
Dear Moon,
War? *Looks at Tomo buried in the rubble of what is left of a wall...* What war? AS for how I look as an elf, you'll just have to wait for our Christmas picture.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san! *bows* I have brought you a gift! *offers Tasuki a shirt* This is a gift of friendship... so not accepting it would be such a terrible insult. Please accept my offering! I mean that... PLEASE! And no, this has nothing to do with citris.
Dear Suboshi,
OK... arigato for the shirt... *Looks at him strangely and sweatdrops...*
Dear Hotohori,
*Washes Hotohori's handkerchief* Aahh..gomen if I dirtied this..Anyway, I took your advice and showed the letter to my parents..discreetly of course..and my mum said that she was sorry and she didn't know it was hurting me so I'm feeling better! ^_^** Arigatou Heika! And I think what you say is true, that everyone is gifted in their own way..coz today my Chinese teacher told me that I was selected for some training course for people gifted in writing Chinese essays..WaIi!!! Anyway I'm really grateful for your help and advice....*hugs Hotohori*
Seravi no Miko
Dear Seravi no Miko,
I'm so happy that I was able to help you! *Gives her a big hug back.* See, I told you that you were gifted!
Dear Tasuki,
do you know your chinese horoscope's a water dog? ^^; Nykee wants to know how you feel about that... and you're interested, go to this page
and check it out for yourself. ^.~
"Always empathetic, always rational, their ability to play Devil's Advocate helps open up whole new ways of approaching problems and finding solutions."
*glances at Tasuki* heh.
Yuri & Nykee
Dear Yuri & Nykee,
Ya' left out all th' stuff!
"While it is true that they have sharp tongues and are a bit stubborn and eccentric, in a work situation they tend to work very well with other people. What is more, they always seem to have money and make excellent leaders. Because of their high moral stance, they are inspiring beyond measure."
An' there's more good stuff 'bout me on that peeji!! Heh-heh...
Dear Mitsukake,
have you ever heard of Mary Poppins or whatshername? ^^;;; Nykee and me wants to know if you would ever sing this song:
Just a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down,
Medicine go down, Medicine go down,
Oh, just a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down,
*sweatdrops* personally I would have a heart attack if you sang that. O.O
Yuri & Nykee
Dear Yuri & Nykee,
I believe that I too would suffer greatly if I had to sing that "song".
Dear Tasuki,
I'd have to say that this has got to be the sadest I have ever been in a long time. I don't know if you recall the time I wrote to you about a bird I adopted from work. He had a deformed beak. Well I finally named him Michelle on Sunday. He finally got a name, but sadly on Tuesday, two days later he passed away... He was so sweet. When I first saw him I didn't notice his beak. I saw his awsome colors and how pretty he was. I could tell he was a sweet bird. I came home from school on Tuesday at four o'clock to find him all puffed up in the cage. When I reached in to hold him he was so cold. I wraped him in my sweater and held him against my chest to keep him warm.I gave him some medicine and set him up in a seprate cage in a warm room. He was to weak to perch by then so he laid on the flanel I put at the bottom of the cage. Then at 8:15pm Michelle passed away in my hands. He was so fraile... so cold... I still can't believe he's gone. He was so sweet. I wish I could have done something to save him.
I try to see positive things out of this but I can only find one, that I now have an open space in my home for another bird that no one wants to see or bother about. But I wish I could find more things that will come out of this. So many people had complained about him when he was in the shop that they put him in a cage in the back to keep him out of customers sight. I then decided to adopt him. My friend says that even though he died young, he was able to live his last few months in a warm loving home. I realy miss him though. I cried so hard when I saw him take his last breath. I cry each time I think about him in my hands that night. I buried him a couple hours later.I drew a picture of him after he died. He was so pretty. I also feel real bad because I have a bird in isolation right now. He would chirp to all my other birds and Michelle was the only one who would respond to his calls. I broke down again when I was getting ready to have him buried because that little bird in isolation was chirping and no one would answer his call. Michelle was a small parakeet but he made a deep impact on my heart. I will always rember him. Thanks for listening to me weep over Michelle. All I hope is that he is out of any suffering he may have been in.
Dear Heenker,
I'm sorry yer bird died an' yer so sad. *Gives her a hug.* But yer friend's right. Ya' gave that poor lil' bird a lovin' home an' he couldn't ask fer more in his last months. Ya' done a good thin'. An' I'm sure Michelle was happy to have been in yer care. *Gives her another hug and a handkerchief.*
Dear Tasuki,
which song is more annoying, Nakago's 'Blue Eyes, Blue' song or this hamster dance song at HamsterDance ? Just wondering. BTW, tell Mitsukake my ears feel and hear fine now.
Dear Yuri,
Blue Eyes Blue!! Hamster Dance didn't make me wanna commit seppuku!!!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
How are you doing today? *looks at the last letter she wrote* You really would like to hear my MIDI? Thank you! *grins and feels honored* I only have the first minute or so of it done, but I need feedback...where should I send it?
Oh yes...I have a strange request...could you show me how you put all your hair in that crown of yours? *takes out her evil marching band hat and hands it to Hotohori* We have to wear these and tuck all our hair in...and my hair is very long, so trying to tuck it in doesn't really work. ^_^; Heehee...that hat wouldn't look too bad on you, though the sparkly plume probably would look a bit strange! Well, I think I shall go bother another seishi now. Take care!
Dear Hoshi,
*Looks at the hat...* Well for your hat You might want to try putting your hair in a bun on the top of your head. Ganbatte kudasai!
You can the MIDI to the admin email address: Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
I had a real great day at school today, I only burned my hand on a hotplate in science class during an experiment. I mean REALLY burned it, it's killing me to even move my fingers, so typing this is not fun. I have to keep gauze around it for the next week. Luckily, it was my left hand instead of my right one, not that you really care, considering the fact that you hate me.
a very much in pain, Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
'Che! Take care of yerself! I don't hate ya'! *Gives her a hug.* Mitsukake says to make sure ya put aloe an' calendula cream on it so it heals fast!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
coke or pepsi? ^^
Dear Yuri,
Coke! It's the real thing!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
KONNICHIWA, MINNA-SAN! *HUG* *HUG* *HUUUUUG* Hee hee. Guess what! today's a special day! Know why? Cause... *a BIG banner comes down in the backround with coffeti flying all over the place, saying "SAKURA'S WEBPAGE IN FIANALLY OPEN! WAI!"* Minna-san! Please come visit my page the address is:
A BIG arigato to Chiriko-kun! Without him, I wouldn't be able to put my fanfics on the web. Arigato Chiriko-kun! *HUG* Oh yeah! I *fianally* got the time and put some mini shrines on. Nuriko-san, Chichiri-san, please visit! OK, have to go now! Bai Bai! ^_^
Dear Sakura,
We did and it's very nice, no da!
Dear Moon,
I DID!!!!!!! *Punches Tomo into a wall and pours the entire 10 gallons of cold cream over him.* Old and wrinkled my ketsu!
Dear Nuriko,
A PROPOSAL WOULD QUALIFY! *sniffs* I'm not trying to scare Hotokimi at all.
It IS a commitment - of me to her - and I consider that I gift.
Ever since we all died in that end-all against the Kaiitsu no Seishi all the seishi have really tried to squeeze everything out of life ... I tend to do that by spending all the time I can with my buddies - alot of whom are girls....
Hotokimi worries, you know. She's afraid - we both are - of loosing each other again. She hates it when I talk to other girls and it never seems to convince her completely when I tell her I love her. I want her to be sure, you know. *rubs her eyes again*
If I wasn't sure she loved me as much I'd never consider asking her.
It's her parents that worry me - that and how I even ask her in the first place. It's the words. They don't come easy...
(a very mad and depressed) Kourin
Dear Kourin,
Did you buy her a ring yet? Can't propose without a ring. We WILL have to ask Hotohori and Houki for their blessing. When you ask her make it a private moment, not a big to do in front of the entire court. Speak to her from your heart and the words will flow. So, how's that for suggestions?
Dear Tasuki,
*looks up at her sister, then manages free from her grasp* I dunno!! do whatever you want just leave me out of it! *starts to run off but turns back and kicks Tasuki* MAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *sticks her tongue out at him and takes off*
Dear Lina,
*Glares at her and takes off after her...* Keep this up an' they'll all be sayin' yer in love wit' me!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello. um..about that answer you gave to sade..
"But it has less to do with her than with me no da"
What does that mean? Really, i need to know.
Thank you.
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
She may be perfect but because of my past I am not.
Dear Tasuki,
I was jus' kiddin'! Jeez! And my mom says I can't take a joke! You know I like to bug ya, I don't mean any harm. Is it true that your Miko went insane? If she did, I'll be happy to take her place *evil grin*, considering the fact that one of my other screen names is Tasuki no Miko 2 ...hehehe.....Now that makes: Bandit no Miko, Reikaku no Miko, and Tasuki no Miko 2! And I'm still thinking of more....Jus' watch how ya answer me or I'll bash you good in my story...or add in that you "sleep" with Miaka again...oops, did I say that? Oh well, it's my story and I can do whatever the h*ll I want with it. (Or do I have to go around and burn every place in the entire world that has alcohal so that you can't have anymore? If you don't apoligize for yelling at me, I'm going to do something very bad to you in the story. I could do something with you and Kouji...and possibly add Miaka! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)
Reikaku no Miko (Tasuki no Miko2)
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Ya' know, yer scarier than my insane miko!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
The Ring Ceremony went fine (at least I didn't fall off the stage like I thought I would....*sweatdrop*) ALthough, when I went up to receive my ring, my Mom yelled out "GO IRIDAL!!!" at the top of her lungs in a fairly quiet gymnasium....o.O
It's a tradition for loved ones and friends to buy each other yellow roses for the girls at the Ceremony, but my family never got the order form, so I was sure I would be rose-less...but my boss here at school (I work out of the maintenance dept.) showed up at my door to deliver 5 roses that the maintenance men all got for me...I was so surprised!!
Anyway, it was a nice, SHORT ceremony, so I didn't have to hang around in a dress TOO long. That's all that matters as far as I'm concerned...
Dear Iridal,
Go MOM!!! Tee-hee... That was so sweet of your co-workers to do that for you! Don't forget to thank them for their kindness. Maybe you can make them some cookies...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
pardon have any of you seen shiro? i can't seem to find him and i know he was hanging around here a few days ago....he must have lost his way home ^^;;;
Dear mizu,
Who or what is shiro?
Dear Chichiri,
You seem to bear a great resemblance to the trickster priest Xelloss from the anime Slayers. Both of you smile in the same way, both of you look real cute in SD form, etc. Are you guys related or something?
Tendo Akane
Dear Tendo Akane,
Not that I know of! Besides it's my understanding he's a demon, no da! Shouldn't you be beating up Ranma, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Chugs two bottles of sake and relizes that she won't get drunk chichiri will. O well! Reaches for two more bottles and chugs "em both
Dear nodaing,
An' jus' why will Chichiri get drunk an' not you? *Chugs down his 8th bottle.*
Dear Chichiri,
Who is/was your best friend???
Dear A-chan,
Hikou, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
How are you doing?
Sweden isn´t so bad...well, sometimes...I wish that they would show more manga here(especially Fushigi Yuugi) I have only seen 5 episodes so far ;_; I am writing my own manga to feel better. Right know i have done 55 pages. Hmm..I would rater live in Austrailia or something like that. My uncle lives there. And I am going to USA in the summer to visit my aunt.
Well...See you later! Bye
Dear Annie,
Well, manga is really more like a comic book and anime is what you're watching on the televison. So you're writing your own manga? Sugoi! It would be interesting to see it when you are done.
Dear Chichiri,
Help!!!!!! What do I get my girlfriend for Christmas??? She wants an Amiboshi, where do I get one?? She says she won't settle for a plushie just Amiboshi!!!! Help!!!!! Thank you. (And Tasuki wants to know why I want to get away from her!!!)
Dear Jem-kun,
I suppose you could go to Konan and kidnap him for her. But why would you want to, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
There is this guy that is really bugging me and doesn't seem to get a clue when I tell him to bug off. I have even gone so far as to be really rude, and he STILL won't leave. Should I just ignore him, or should I take it to the next level and tell him to meet me at the local tavern for a "nice, friendly talk?"
Truly Burned Up
Dear Truly Burned Up,
Try totally ignorin' his livin' on yer planet. Maybe he'll get a clue. If not there's always chargin' him wit' harrassment or stalkin' ya' if he's THAT bad!
Dear Tasuki,
I have to hear it from your own lips. Why are you so luvable?
Dear JupiterDiva,
I guess it's 'cos I'm SOOOOOOOO *&^%$#@ COOL!!!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*kakkui yo!!!!!* this page is so cool! why didn't anyone tell me about it before??? :goes sd jumps up and down and screams:
chichiri, about how long is that staff of yours? i'm trying to carve a staff, see, and i think it's a bit short for me...
Ami Mizuno
Dear Ami,
Isn't that a rather personal question, no da? Jodan dayo, no da! The staff is about 3-5 inches taller than I am, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Just wanted to tell you something: I didn't realize it until today but, 'aisle' and 'kaiser' ARE words (if kaiser really IS a word) with 'ai' pronounced 'eye'. Didn't notice till today, but still... anyway, ja ne..
Dear Tonberry,
Oh my! That must have been one of those times when I lose my Seishi symbol and powers! I stand corrected. Sumimasen!
Dear Nuriko,
Actually, Xelloss is a member of the demon race (hence the reason why I think Inori is hanging with the wrong crowd...) I heard you gave her a talking to, so thanks.
Dear Iridal,
You're welcome! So, how did your ceremony go? And thanls for telling me what Xelloss is. I certainly don't want my handmaiden looking like a demon!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san! How kind of you to be worried about my health! But, really, I'm doing quite well! In fact, I think I'll go for a walk! Care to join me?
Dear Suboshi,
Ano... no thanks. Does this got anythin' to do wit' that lemon chick?
Dear Tasuki,
*is tempted to kick him in the who-knows-where space*
BAKA!! He has a girlfriend!!! *stops* Wait... they broke up... ARRRGGGHHH!!! Now my life is even _more_ compicated!! !#($!&@#&!(#@(*@$#^@(#$^@#$^*(@$^(@#$^&@#$^*(!!!!
Also, pulling my ponytail is a sign of affection?? CHE!! Why can't he just be nice to me for once instead of picking on me all the time? Also, WHERE IS KYORI?? AAAAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!! WHY DO MEN HAVE TO BE SO FRUSTRATING????
*punches the wall and ends up breaking it down*
A very frustrated Jean
Dear Jean,
*Watches and sweatdrops* Ya' sure WE ain't related???? So, th' guy's a bit immature, why not give him a chance if that's what ya' (an' him) want?
Dear Nuriko,
You really don't like it, Nuriko-sama? *gets teary eyed* I didn't know I'd turn out this way, honest! I was just talking to Lina and Xelloss (Xelloss is a Mazoku, BTW! Mazoku are supossed to be beautiful!) and I asked Xelloss if he wanted to be my kid and he said no. Then he said he wanted me to be his daughter! So I was honored and said yes! (Xell's a good dad!) And Lina did the weird spell and I only found out afterwards! And now I look like this! I kinda liked it...But no one except One-chan, Xelloss, Lina, and me liked it...*sighs* I really look that freaky, huh...*sits there not knowing what to do* Am I fired??! *gets even more teary eyed*
Dear Inori,
You were far prettier as yourself. And no, you aren't fired. But PLEASE change back!
Dear Nuriko,
Ummmm, thanks(?) for the cream stuff for Tomo. *sweatdrops* I'm sure he could use it . . . .It seems to me that you and Tomo are not getting along, is that true? I know Inori doesn't like Tomo, and you once put itching powder in his makeup, and Tomo did this illusion once- well, nevermind about that. ^^;;;
Dear Moon,
Yeah, that about sums it up...
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri, if you found the right girl would you get married to her?
Dear sade,
Perhaps, no da. But it has less to do with her than with me, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Um... I gotta ask. What does 'jamakusai' mean? It sounds good but I've never heard it before.
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Th' polite definition is an uncontrollable woman. Ya' can figure it out from there...
Dear Nuriko,
To marry her! That's what I had in mind... *rubs her eyes* I haven't even asked her yet....
Damn, I'm so scared. *sits down and curls up in a ball*
I'm gonna screw it all up, I know I will, an then she'll hate me an I'll lose her all over again. *cries again*
I still can't forget that look on her face .... when I lost her the first time ..... I thought I'd never see her again... I've got friends but she's the only one I care so much about. I couldn't live without knowing I'd see her again...
Dear Kourin,
MARRY HER??????? That's not a gift! That's a commitment! Why don't you start out with a friendship ring instead? You don't want to scare her, do you?
Dear Tasuki,
If you hadn't thrown that sword at Nakago I wouldn't have had to jump in front of him! I've got half a mind to kill you just for trying to hurt him!
*hits Tasuki on the head* Idiot! Throwing a deadly weapon isn't an accident, it's a deliberate attempt to end a life!
*starts to cry* You stupid bandits are all so mean!
Dear Soi,
If ya' hadn't jumped in front of him I wouldn't have killed ya'!!!!! Of course I was aimin' fer Nakago an' tryin' to end his life! 'Che! His death would have been deliberate, yer's was an accident! An' stop hittin' me ya' baka! We ain't mean!!!!! An' if I'm so d*mn stupid how come yer th' one that died??????
Dear Tasuki,
Ok ok. So it wasn't you, but how could I have known? For all I know it could have been you, thankfully for you it wasn't. And I know your not a lowlife bastard, your just an ordinary bastard....hehehe.....just kiddin', I know your not. (There is absolutely NOTHING ordinary about you.)
Ok, I'm trying to work up the courage to ask you this...and you'll probably get mad at me, but I need this information for a fanfic I'm working on....Oh remember when you were under that spell and tried to rape Miaka? Umm....jeez....You did kiss her at some point during that whole scene right? Well, if you did...I was...umm....ahahaha....wondering...if you....umm..tongued her? Don't get mad at me! I really need this info!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
That's a disgustin' hentai question an' I ain't answerin' it!!!!! Shame on ya' fer even askin'!!!!!!!
Dear Chiriko,
WAI! Chiriko-kun! KAWAIIIII!!!!
*HUG* *HUG* *HUUUUUUG* Ne, Chiriko-kun. How can I post up my fanfics? I tried to do that html code thing by it's really hard. How can I do things like this:
Nuriko hit Tasuki.
"Itai!" he said.
And not turn it like this: Nuriko hit Tasuki."Itai." he said.
Arigato ne!
Dear Sakura,
To make them as two separate lines it needs to look like this:
<P>Nuriko hit Tasuki.
<P>"Itai!" he said.
Or alternatively, you could place a <BR> between the two lines in order to prevent a blank line from appearing between the two lines of text. I hope this was helpful.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Anoo... i'm having a bit of a jam... my best friend has been being really mean to me. I was born in another country and when I first came down, i didn't know much english. anyway, i met this really nice girl and we became best friends. I'm gonna move soon and all of a sudden, she's become very cold to me. Also, she's been saying that i'm not a good friend or anything and she's stubborn. When I try talking to her, it doesn't work. What should I do?
Sakura Kagami
Dear Sakura,
Perhaps she is just upset that you are moving and she is losing her friend, no da. She may be trying to distance herself so she won't feel as sad, no da. Ask her if she wishes to keep in touch. Even if she says no try to keep in touch anyway, no da. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Greetings Hoto-sama...There's something that I have to get off my chest. Well, It's kind of stupid, and I know you will think so too. My brother has recently been identified as an intellectually gifted child, and everyone is fussing over him. I also almost made it to the gifted programme, but I failed the last paper. All my relatives somehow think and they say that I am dumb, yet my brother is gifted, and how could my parents produce both such a stupid child and a gifted child. It hurts a lot, Hotohori-sama... *cries*..I really don't know what to do..It hurts to the extent that I've felt like disappearing of the face of the earth...*curls up in a corner and cries*
Seravi No Miko
Dear Seravi No Miko,
8Gives her a hug and a handkerchief to dry her tears.* Your letter was not stupid and neither are you! Just because you aren't labeled as gifted, doesn't mean that you aren't gifted in your own way. Your relatives shouldn't say such cruel things to you and neither your parents! Perhaps you should show them this letter and let them know how they are making you feel. Please remember that everyone is gifted in their own way! *Gives her another hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey there Mitsukake, I just wanted to tell you that YES, you do have a following and we love you very much! Even if it is just me and my friend... But I'm sure there are more out there! Personally, I think your hot, and no, I am not commited. Love ya!
Dear Betsy,
Arigato for your kind words and sweet letter. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does anyone kno who PDOGG89 is?
Dear Anonymous,
No. Sumimasen!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How old is Suzaku? How old is Taittsi-kun? I like Omakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone from Makai
Dear Someone from Makai,
Suzaku is a god so he would be ageless. Taiitsu-kun is certainly older than the hills!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello, Tasuki-sama! Okay, I haven't been here for well, a pretty long time, anyway, here's something that you can laugh about. Go to this place: I promise you this is nothing hentai. So, you scroll down until you see two blanks. It says person #1: you type in Hotohori. Then in Person #2: you type in Taittsi-kun, and click on CALCULATE. Then, voila! Big laughing! You can go righ ahead and tell Hotohori, but don't blame me if he gets mad. So, I bet you think that I'm stupid or something. You might even think that I don't know much about FY. But I do know quite a bit. (Think back to when I asked you about you r reaction to a swimming pool.) I know you can't swim, but I just wanted to know if you would go in. So, here's the questions:
1. Tell me about Video #4 because some PERSON JUST TOOK VIDEO #4 FROM THE PLACE I RENT FY!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Okay?
2. Is it true that one of your sisters chucked a piece of wood at your head?
3. How old is Suzaku?
4. Which outfit of yours do you like the most? The blue one, or the raspberry-ish one, or (my favorite) the white one that you wore on the cover of an FY CD?
Well, thanks for listening to me blab on and on. Ja, Tasuki-sama!
Dear Hikaru-chan,
Been to that site already. Here's yer answers:
1. It's a real good one... heh-heh-heh...
2. Yep! An' her name's Aidou!
3. He's a god!!!! He's ageless!!
4. I liked th' blue one better. But they're all OK.
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you like Miaka and not Yui? I think that Miaka's cooking is worse than Kaoru's cooking, don't you? Well, anyway, ja!
Dear Hikaru-chan,
I don't love her for her cooking!
Dear Tasuki,
Mwahahahahahahah!!! Now it's legal! You can't do anything!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Oh, I got my permit! Watch out, Yui's on the road!!! *laughs* Of course I would never hurt my Tasuki-chan!!! Mwahahahaha...
Dear Yui,
KOWAI!!!!! Yui is drivin'!!!!!! ABUNAI MINNA!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Accident? You 'hit me with a sword' by accident?
*elctrocutes Tasuki and pours water over him*
*sarcastically* Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dump water on you and fry your hair. It was an 'accident'...
*glares and thwaps Tasuki up the side of the head, steals his necklace, and walks off fuming*
Dear Jamakusai,
*Tackles Soi, gets shocked, grabs his necklace back.* It WAS an accident ya' baka onna!!!! I wasn't aimimg fer ya'! If ya' hadn't decided to play shield ya' would still be alive! BAKABAKABAKABAKA!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Someone said they were going to be homeschooled, eh? I was homeschooled for three years myself and have than returned to the public system in highschool! Grade Nine is so great! All the troublemaker kids - the teachers WILL NOT put up with them!!!!
My Excellent Math Teacher - Alright if you two here can't shut up you're out of my class and I'll expect you to have your homework done tomorrow
The discipline is sooo much better than in grade school and the Vice Principal has such a rep that people REALLY don't want to be sent to the office!
I don't like homework and I don't like exams but god, I LOVE highschool discipline! This may sound queer to you but seeing as I am a generally good person and get picked on sometimes discipline is a good thing to me.
I have had a major snappy opinion of the way public school is run for a while - grade school discipline sucks these days!
Anyway - have fun in homeschool One-chan! I loved it! I'm sure you will too!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Thanks fer tellin' One-chan 'bout yer homeschoolin' an' how much ya' liked it!
Dear Tasuki,
*stomps in angrily*
TASUKI!! YOU GOTTA HELP ME!!! *takes a deep breath*
My Hapkido teacher is a senior at my school!! ARRRGGHH!! Wanna know what he did? Okay, I was walking toward my World History class, talking with me tomodachi Anne and minding my own business.... WHEN I FELT SOMEONE *YANK* MY PONYTAIL!!!! I shrieked and nearly lost my balance!! I turned around and there my Hapkido teacher was, grinning like a NEKO!!!
*growls and stomps around some more* I'm gonna pound him, I am SOOOO gonna pound him!!
*stops* But he's so much TALLER than me... and and... HE'S A BLACK BELT!!! What should I do??
*stops and begins to think* Okay... first I can hide in my classroom and jump out at him... element of surprise is good... hmmm... then before he can do anything, i can punch him in the stomach and kick him in the nu--
*sees tasuki turning pale* Oro... ^^;; Any suggestions?? OR should i use my plan??
Dear Jean,
Ever think he might like ya'?? Mebbe he thinks yer kawaii? An' all ya' wanna do is kick his ketsu!!! 'Che!!!! An' this is why I hate women!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki!! I have a small favor to ask of you! Can you hug Iridal here? *shoves Iridal in front of Tasuki* And wish her well? She has Ring Ceremony tomorrow and is VERY nervous!! She needs some encouragement! You're her fave, ya know! Please?? She had a bad week! She REALLY needs that hug!
Dear Inori,
*Gives Iridal a hug* Good luck wit' yer ceremony! Ganbatte kudasai!
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