Dear Tasuki,
::Walks up to Tasuki dragging Lina behind her kicking & yelling::
Are *you* picking on *my* little sister??? *I'm* the only one who's supposed to do that!!! IT'S *MY* JOB!!!! After all, where do you think she learned everything she knows?? ::growls:: Well! Let me tell you one thing! Your little seishi friends are *not* going to be able to save you from where *I'm* about to send you...::glares::
::continues to glare::
Luna Inverse
Dear Luna Inverse,
Looks at Luna and then at Lina* Ya' never said ya' had a big sister. Is she as big a pain as ya' are? Think I should introduce her to Aidou? Or just fry her where she stands?
Dear Chichiri,
::looks at her little sister, looks back at Chichiri, then at her sister again:: Am I to understand that *you're* responsible for *this*?? ::points to her little sister lina::
Luna Inverse
Dear Luna Inverse,
No, I believe that your parents are responsible for "that", no da! *Points at Lina* Besides she ahs been rather wicked and is being punsihed for her EXTREMELY expensive misdeeds, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Maybe you misunderstood my question about the braces. I actually DO have fangs. And I've got proof: Ok, when I was about...umm...I think it was 8 years old, me and my mom were driving down to visit my Grandma and she hit a bump in the rode. Well, I bit a hole ALL THE WAY THROUGH my tongue! (Not on purpose mind you). Damn, that was painful. I still got a scar.I've just got something against having wire wrapped around my teeth. There's nothing else wrong with them anyway.
Did ya notice that the last letter I wrote didn't make you give me a response where you were yelling at me? There's a first.
Oh look! Even more ?'s! (That's my little symbol for question's by the way)
1) If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?(And don't say an unlimited amount of sake.)
2) (This isn't really a ?, but oh well.) No, hitting Soi or any other enemy doesn't count. I mean have you ever hit one of your female hostages (before Miaka showed up and collected you as a Seishi)? I mean like have you ever smacked them in the face or somethin? You said you hate women (yeah RIGHT!), so I was just wonderin. Has Kouji ever hit a girl?
3) Who has better fightin' skills? You or Kouji?
4) Have you guys ever heard of a PlayStation?
5) A friend brought this subject up at lunch today (Don't ask me why. She's strange.), and it got me to thinking-::SHUT UP NANCY!:: ermm..sorry, my friend started laughing when she heard that last sentence. How often do bandits bathe if you even bathe at all? (Don't get mad at me for askin' this. I wuz just wonderin.)
6) Did you ever steal anything from the palace while you stayed there?
7) Did I ever tell you how much I love you?
::Gives Tasuki a kiss and runsoff::
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Sounds painful! I've ALMOST done that! Here's alla yer answers in order of askin':
1) An unlimited amount of beer! Heh-heh-heh...
2) Neither of us have ever hit a female hostage!
3) ME of course! Heh-heh-heh...
4) Yep.
5) Everyday if we're at th' stronghold. Whenever we can if we're on th' road.
6) Nope!
7) Yep! Lots!
Dear Nuriko,
*aproaches Nuriko with a worried look*
Um, I think you should keep an eye on your handmaiden, Inori. We were hanging out with Lina and Xelloss, and I had to leave to go to class. When I came back, I found out she got Xelloss to "change" her. *sweatdrops* She looks very different (she took offense when I said she looks trampy now), and is taking lessons from Xel on how like him?!?! o.O
I've been trying to convince her to change back, but she doesn't want to be her normal self (somehow, I think your opinion of how pretty she does or doesn't look ties up in this...)
*drags Inori over* Anyway, I just thought you could have a little talk with her on not having to change her looks drastically to impress you (since she won't listen to me!)
Dear Iridal,
I will speak to her about this. By the way, who or what is a Xelloss?? Is he the golem?
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama! Look! Lina turned me into a Mazoku like Xelloss! He just became my father! ^_^! But I changed! My hair's purple now, like Xelloss'! See? Isn't it cool? But it IS strange not being able to feel pain anymore... Very freaky, actually! I had to have my Nuriko-handmaiden uniform adjusted! It...didn't fit anymore! ^_^;; Xelloss wants to meet you now! ^_^! Well, I'm off to my daily tasks! ^_^!! Just wanted to say my usual hello!! *goes to make Nuriko's breakfast*
Dear Inori,
EEP!!!!! What the H*LL did she do to you?????? I want the old Inori back!!!! NOW!!!!! Do you hear me Lina????????
Dear Hotohori,
Do you ever burn incense? It's a great stress reliever, and it smells nice. I have some really nice white rose incense . . .do you want some? *hands the packet to him* I think you'll like it. It's my favorite scent! Have a nice day! *smiles*
Dear Moon,
Arigato. It has a lovely scent. I do sometimes burn incense for relaxtion as well as ceremonial purposes.
Dear Tasuki,
Why, I am fine, thank you! And, again, how are you on this beautiful day? *smiles* If there's anything I can do for you, just ask!
Dear Suboshi,
*Looks at him and sweatdrops* MITSUKAKE!!!!!!! I think we gotta problem here!!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs back* Can we go shopping sometime here? I'd love to show you around Dunedin :) Get you out of China for once :)
I was wondering.. if i sent you guys my link, and my url for my story could you put it up?
Dear Jill,
Sure! I'd love to go shopping wih you! As for the link, send it on and we'll check it out and put it up. We did get the first link but it didn't seem to be fully constructed.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I hold grudges and that's that. It's the way I am. But I only hold grudges when someone upsets me enough that I cry. (If I held grudges against everyone who upset me, I'd lose some of my best friends.) Ž.Ž of course I still get a diploma! You think I'd enroll if I didn't? I'm crazy, not stupid. My mom found some pictures of my sister, my friend, and I with Jake. ;_; It'll be so strange the next time I visit my aunt with him not being there, cause he's always been there. *sniffles* Know if yer gonna be in the chat this weekend-?
Dear One-chan,
Mebbe, we got a lotta letters an' they gotta be done first! An' today we're takin' Chichiri no Aijin's nihonjin tomodachi (Japanese friends) out fer th' day.
Dear Nuriko,
Uh...I'm not good at mushy gifts....
I've kinda had something in mind but it's sort of something that would involve me winning over her parents first....
You see marrying a princess would be a major deal.
Her older brothers, except for Boushin of course, married into other countries and if anything happened to Bu-san, Hotokimi - being the new seishi, and with the best political knowledge in her family - would become the new empress, whoever she marries being emperor and, well you understand....
I don't think her parents like the idea of a bandit as emperor, little lone a girl bandit with as bad a political education as I've got...
Dammit! I'm hopeless aren't I!
*Kourin begins to cry*
Dear Kourin,
*Holds her* There, there, don't cry... We'll do what we can to win them over. So, what do you have in mind?
Dear Tasuki,
*evil look* NO ONE SPEAKS TO ME THAT WAY!! *throws him a bottle of sake* first one to fall loses!!
Dear nodaing,
COOL!!!! *Chugs the entire bottle* Ready fer th' my next one! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
You wouldn't happen to have an E-Mail address or screenname called: Tasuki418 would you? Because I got a VERY nasty comment about my story from this certain individual and responded with an even nastier E-Mail of my own. If I find out this was you, your going to think your sister was an angel compared to what I'm going to do to you.
Hell hath no fury like a women scorned.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
H*ll no!!! An' I'm hurt that ya' think I'm such a lowlife b*st*rd to do such a thin'!!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, I've got a few questions this time so I thought I'd write all of you.
Chiriko: Do you have any advice to deal with a really boring physics class? I never pay attention, but I ace every test. I'm just completely bored. Not that physics is that exciting anyway...
Nuriko: I was wondering if you have any ideas for what I can do with my hair? My hair looks like Tasuki's only curly. I know that sounds strange, but it's the only way I can describe it.
Tasuki: Out drinking and out brawling ALL of the bandits? I'll have to think about that... How about if I cook for you guys or something? Could I be an honorary bandit?
Tamahome: Since you have a lot of little siblings, do you have any suggestions as to what I can get my little cousins for Christmas? They are 2 and 1 I think.
Mitsukake: Okay, this isn't really a question, but... could you say hi to Tama-neko for me? Oh yeah, and my friend thinks you're cool.
Hotohori: What's your favorite color?
Chichiri: This really isn't a question either, but I just want to say that the way you talk is so kawaii!
Dear Spooky-chan,
Chiriko: Do they have Advanced Placement Physics? Perhaps you can ask your teacher for more interesting assignments. Ganbatte kudasai!
Nuriko: Get a good haircut! Perhaps your stylist can recommend a hair straightener if that is what you're looking for.
Tasuki: Nope! No such thin' as an "honorary bandit"! Gomen...
Tamahome: Hmmmm... cute toys? A stuffed bear perhaps? Or maybe something they could learn from?
Mitsukake: Arigato. I shall say hello to Tama-neko and give him a pet from you. Tell your friend thank you from me.
Hotohori: Suzaku Red.
Chichiri: Arigato, no da!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
hhhiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!my sister is taking intinsive japanese until dec 1st. I haven't lost a thumb yet thanks for caring^-^. I have alot of homework plus finals are next week, I am soooo stressed!!!well I should go study....bye
Dear navi,
Studying Japanese, no da? Kakkoi! Good luck with your tests, no da! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Talking to him in real life? I couldn't, I don't have any classes with him. I only see him in the hallways. And for on-line, after that "incident" I spoke to him a lot lesser.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ya' could try sayin' hi to him in th' hallways. Or ya' could have lunch wit' him...
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko. Water color? Hmm...I think that I am going to try that.
You wanted to know were I live? I live in Sweden. The best NON-manga country in the world. I LOVE manga but here in Sweden the only manga is Sailor Moon (episode 27 right now, its going sloooow -_-;) My real name isnīt Zejna either, thats a name that i "stole" from one of my good friends. My real name is Annie. By the way, did you know that the swedish "Usagi Tsukinos" name is "Annie Tsukino"? ^_^ Maybe im thinking of changing my lastname.*Laugh*
Dear Annie,
Sweden wow! I'll bet it's beautiful there!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konichiwa, no da!!! I'm back, no da! I'm so happy, no da. I missed you, no da. ::Runs and hugs everyone:: Didja miss me, no da? I'll try to come more often like in summer, no da. If only I didn't have so much homework, no da. ::sigh:: Oh well, no da. I guess it's education before entertianment, no da. Ja ne, no da!
Dear Chiri,
We missed you, too no da! But you are right, education before entertainment, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Somebody has to like Tomo!! Here are my reasons:
1. He's not very popular. He only has 1 fan club (as far as I know) and most of the seishi have at least 2! Like you, for example: Club Ryuuen, Nurikoholics, Shirtless Nuriko Fan Club, The Nuriko Mission, and the Nuriko Webring!! No offense, but that's a lot! And even though there is a fanclub for Tomo, a lot of people just like him for being a badass. But the funny thing is, every time I look in the directories, like the Koibito and Aijin directories, he's taken!! (-_- I went searching for titles last night . . .)
2. He's persecuted. Now, it's not Tomo's fault the way he is. He was orphaned as a child, and grew up surrounded by all males. For him to be so strange, he couldn't have had an easy childhood. And to be so twisted that he likes someone like Nakago . . . You know how people have defended Nakago for so long, saying that it's not his fault? Well, that's what I'm doing with Tomo. Someone needs to stick up for him. (I also noticed that the Tomo no Koibito, Aijin, etc. aren't very vocal. . . )
3. He's nice to me. Just like this site, I have talked to Tomo at Nykee's page and the chatroom. He is very nice to me, and he seemed understanding and just plain cool! I know, not a very solid point, but it's what is important to me.
Well, I hope you aren't bored out of your skull. ^^;;
Dear Moon,
*Sighs* I suppose so. Well then can you give him this, *hands her a 10 gallon jar of Pond's cold cream* and tell him to get rid of that gawd-awful make-up job! Thanks! *Smiles sweetly*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*poof* *hides behind a vase and whispers*
Konnichiwa, minna-san. *gives small hug* Guess what I got! *takes out a tape*
I just saw aniki getting a smooch from someone on the board and I decided to tape it and send it to people. *gives tape* Please be careful with it because when my brother finds out, he'll get very angry. *pops it in their VCR*
Dear Sakura,
*Watches video...* OOHHH!!! Omoshiroii desu ne!! Tee-hee....Masao... Mary-chan! Tsk...tsk... tee-hee...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Relm is about to paint her picture...*
??: No, Relm, don't!!!
*An old man rushes in and takes the paintbrush away from Relm*
Strago: Now, now, Relm....
Relm: Oh, come on, Gramps...
Strago (to the Seishi): My apology, everyone. You see, my granddaughter can be a kind-hearted girl, but it's just about her tendency to draw pictures of people... It's hard to explain, but these pictures COME TO LIFE. And then they'd probably beat you up too. Again, sorry for any trouble this would've caused. Let's go, Relm...
Relm: Oh, all right, Gramps...
Relm Arrowny and Strago Magus
Dear Relm Arrowny and Strago Magus,
Ah so desu. Arigato Magus-san! Gomen Relm-chan...
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I'm gonna be home schooled (that's what I wanted all along, but noooo..... Ž.Ž I told Okaasan I'd have trouble at Alemany) Now, where was I about the ficcy?
Keetia: Two person scene! Teeeeeheheheheh!
Ah, yes. ^-^ I don't think I should tell you. You'll get really annoyed! Good thing I get Thursday and Frieday off. --* I don't think I could take school for those days. Just having to walk by Father Beto's office- Bleeeh! Stupid fat priest. Ž.Ž The only good thing that came out of this week was the fact I'll be leaving Alemany. That priest had me in fricken' tears. Maybe, years from now, I'll come back to Alemany to visit... And tell him off. Because there won't be a thing he can do about it then! Heh-heh-heh... I can hold grudges for a looooong time..... Um... I should shut up now. ^^;
Dear One-chan,
Chichiri says ya' shouldn't hold grudges an' anger that long 'cos it'll make ya' sick! But I'm glad yer outta there!
So, how does this home schoolin' thin' work? Do ya' still get a diploma?
Dear Tasuki,
WAI!!! *tackle* How's everyone doingg?? I just wanted to pop up and say Hi so... HI... umm...oh yea!!!
I went as Tomo for Halloween!!! ^O^ very successful I might add!!! I scared alot of people on my block!!! SO THIS GOES OUT TO TOMO--ARIGATOU FOR BEING A FREAK!! ^_^;;
I finally got into Drama club!!! Wai! *Happy* Our play is on the 2&3 of December... I want you guys to come!!!
Sadbecausesheknowsyouguyswon'tcome* :( It's 4 dollars on the first night of the performance and 10 on the second night because it's a Dinner Theatre type thing... Heh...^_^;; I'm playing Clement Clarke Moore's daughter Charity. ^O^;; So ummm... ANYONE WHO LIVES ANYWHRE NEAR ARTESIA, COME TO FAYE ROSS MIDDLE SCHOOL'S PLAY!!! ><;;
Besides, I need to sell more tickets to the play or else my Drama teacher's gonna be pissed!! -.-;; Hopefully, someone near Cerritos, Artesia, Norwalk or anywhere in L.A. see's this.....^^;;
Gomen Nasai For advertising!!! ^_^;;
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Ganbatte kudasai! Break a leg! Gomen we can't come to your world to see it.
Dear Tasuki,
*sd* 0.0 EH??? *dodges the fire just in time* grr... Ž_Ž; ya know, if you just asked nicely I probably would have given them back! but fine! if THAT'S the way you want to be! FIREBALL!!!!!!!
Dear Lina,
*Dodges fireball, grabs a bucket of water and douses Lina with it. Takes off running at TOP speed...* Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
*pouts* I don't wanna sound too jealous here, but how come you signed Inori's guestbook and didn't sign mine? *sniffs* I've only got 3 entries and one of them was a threat! *blinks and runs off*
Dear Myrna-chan,
Gomen nasai! I signed her book because she is my handmaiden. Send me your URL again and I'll try to visit or have one of the other Seishi visit you.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello! I got a 93% on my Spanish 1 test! I've never gotten above a D on those! For a present, my mom got me a Siren action figure(Super cool Guardian Force from Final Fantasy 8). I really wanted Shiva (Ice G.F. from same game), but Siren's my second fav. Now if only I could keep getting grades like those......
Have you ever heard of Pokemon? If you havn't, you need to. It's like SOOOO cool! (Yes, I realize I am a little to old to be watching it, but who cares) My fav. is Rapidash(Fire type Pokemon. Unicorn with fire for it's mane and tail.) My second fav. is Vaporean (Water type Pokemon. Looks like a little fox, but with blue skin, fins, and a mermaid tail.) I wanted to go see the movie, but the tickets were all sold out! So my mom said she's take me to see it this weekend. Yippee! If you were a Pokemon, I'd say you were either a Charmader or Charmeleon(Both fire type, Charmeleon is Charmader's second form. Adorable, sligtly tempermental, like's to burn people. Just like you!)
Look! I have more questions!
1) What are those things Kouji wears on his shoulders? Some kind of armor or somethin?
2) What are your necklaces made out of? What happened to the first 2 you had? What was that gold thing hanging off the...I think it was red and yellow one?
3) My mom wants me to get braces to correct my little 'fang' problem, what should I do?
4) Who are your friends aside from Kouji and the Suzaku Seishi?
5) Have you ever hit a girl? (Aside from the time you smacked Miaka over the head when she was messin' with your Talisman. What happened to all those anyway?)
6) Do you have a good luck charm?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Congrats on yer grade!!! Keep up th' good work! Yeah, I heard of Pokemon. It's OK I guess... Here's yer answers:
1) Yeah it's like armor. Keeps yer arms from gettin' cut off in a battle.
2) They're made of gems. Nothin' happened to th' first set. I jus' got tired of wearin' 'em an' put 'em in a safe place. Th' gold thin' was jus' a cool lookin'charm/coin.
3) Get yer teeth fixed. Fangs ain't got th' same meanin' in yer world as they got in mine.
4) Th' rest of th' bandits of course!!!!
5) Miaka.... baka... she used ALL of 'em up to wish fer food an' Obake-chan! 'Che! I hit Soi wit' a sword by accident once. Does that count?
6) My tessen!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san, how are you today? Can I get you anything? Some sake, maybe? *smiles*
Dear Suboshi,
*Looks at Suboshi and sweatdrops...* Ano... are ya' feelin' OK???
Dear Tasuki,
Will you marry me? I know I''ve asked this already but I love you! (~lol) anyhoo, that's it today, see you next week!
Dear Cammo,
'Che!!! How many times do I gotta tell ya' broads NO!?!?!?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
Of course I'm a guy!!! What do I have to do to join the bandets? Help me escape my girlfriend and her best friend!!!
Dear Jem-kun,
Then jus' join! That's all ya' gotta do! So, why do ya' wanna get away from yer girlfriend?
Dear Chiriko,
What's the difference between Son May CDs and import ones?
Dear Moon,
Aside from the cost, the imports ARE the originals. My understanding is that the Son May CD's MAY be in the "legal grey area" so to speak when it comes to America's definition of copyright infringement. They are made in Taiwan and sound just as good as the imports, though. So if they are able to be sold I guess you should be able to buy them.
Dear Hotohori,
Waiiiiiiii!!!!!! Really? Really? ::disbelieving:: I am so honoured, Heika!! ::faintz:: You're welcome anyway..^_~ I'm working on one of Tomo's childhood, and one on Nuriko...^_^ Hmm..:: turns SD and pulls a cart full of gold ryou up to the palace gates:: I know you probably have loads of these already, but I would rather give these to you than to Tamahome..::looks at Tamahome:: No grudge, I just do not really like the way you treat Nakago sometimes...^^; And Heika! Do you know you look really kawaii in the picture on Chichiri no Aijin's page? Oh well. Arigatou for your compliments on my ficcie Heika!
Chyin Yu
Dear Chyin Yu,
Arigato for your kind words and your touching story. *Bows to her.*
Dear Tasuki,
HHHHIIII!! How are you today? I hope you are feeling good! Anyway, I have a question for you. I am writing a story for a writing contest. So, it starts out with this guy who adores his sister (that would be the day) and some people kill her. I have the beginning, but I can't decide how to finish it. Here are my ideas: 1. the guy kills the people who killed his sister, 2. he finds out that he killed his mother, 3. or he finds out that he has a mental condition and he actually killed his sister. Bloody, ne? How do you think I should end it? I'm having a really hard time.
P.S. What should the main character's name be?
Dear Moon,
I say he should seek revenge and kill his sister's killers!! I dunno what to call 'im though. Is he Japanese? Call him Daichi or Eiji or Kazuhiro I guess... If he ain't call him whatever ya' want! 'Cept Tasuki or Genrou, etc...
Dear Nuriko,
*laughs her head off about Nuriko's suspicions about her tomodachi* HAHAHA!!! *suddenly gets serious* Thank you for your concern, but my tomodachi doesn't take steiroids. (He is about as tall as Chiriko *no offense!* and really weak.) But- I did ask him about taking drugs, and he started joking about going to Colombia. Anyway, I feel much better now! You're sooooo nice Nuriko-sama!!! See, I would be your die-hard fan, but Inori probably wants you all to herself. ^^ So you are my favorite Suzaku seishi, and Tomo is my overall favorite. (I know, he's mean, but he's nice to me!! ^^;;)
Dear Moon,
Arigato! You're quite welcome! TOMO?!?!?!?!?!? Saa, I guess there's no accounting for taste...
Dear Nuriko,
I never said I wouldn't take a bath!
I just said I'd be disgruntled about it...
Shopping, yes I'm ready. A week of appointments? Ummm....I - uh - promised alot of people - um - arm wrestling matches! Yeah! Sorry, I'm booked up! *backs away sweatdropping* Too many appointments are bad for your health you know!
*backs further away* Please don't make me, Nuri-papa.....
*blinks* Waitaminute! I have a tassen, and I'm a strong as you are. You can't make me do nuthin I don't want too! Ha!
*thinks* Ooh but you control my allowance...
*frowns* Allowance! Kuso! I'M A &^%*$@! BANDIT!
*shakes her head* Woah! I'm starting to sound like Orian! Anyway, lecture, bath and shopping - okay. Ten hundred appoinments - Nuh uh! And no way on Aunt Aidou either! If anyone, you and Aunt Kourin!
Hey, did Taiitsu no Miko tell you? Your sister is alive where I come from! She don't live too far from Lekaiku!
So let's go shopping already! *grabs Nuriko's hand and pulls him off to the mall* Let's go to Wild Rock Outfitters first!
PS: *grinds to halt* Um - I just realized something... Nuri-papa? What's a good thing to get a princess for her 18th birthday?
Dear Kourin,
 For starters... no appointments equals NO shopping! There are things you must learn about palace life and now is a perfect time for you to be instructed. As to what to get her highness... hmmmm... good question. Perhaps a book of love poems or a portrait of you for her room...
Dear Tasuki,
I asked all my other friends. They all say I hardly talk. My friend, Erica, said that I'm the quitest person she knows. Now that I think about it, whenever I talk to "him" it's always on-line. So, it seems like I'm more talkative on-line. I hardly talk to him in real life. Maybe once or twice when I say hi.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, on-line ya' do tend to type a lot. But, that's OK. I never minded. Mebbe ya' should try talkin' to him in real life an' then you'll type less on-line.
Dear Chichiri,
how many people have complimented you on your looks? i mean in a good way. cuz if nobody else has, then may i be the first to say your a cutie ^_~ ::grins:: ok then, i think that's all, c ya later!
Dear Orca-san,
Arigato, no da! I've never kept count of such a a thing. So I have no idea, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*watches Tasuki gagging over the Chocolate Milk*
Well, at least you tried it. Now you can say you're not a wimp when it comes to this kinda' stuff!! (Don't hurt me!)
Other than the missing of the Sake, is it okay? like..hmm....*Pours a little of her private keg of sake into the Chocolate milk carton* Better now?
Dear Kaori,
*Tastes the "improved" sake...* Much better! Thanks!!
Dear Mitsukake,
I was in a car accident waaaaaaaay back in April and my doctor said I got mild whiplash. Here it is, November and I'm still getting major migranes and neck pains! Could that stupid accident still be causing this or am I just getting sick? Arigato for any advice you may have. *pounds her head on her desk* >.<
Meowy T.n.M.
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
It is possible that you are still suffering from whiplash. You should see your family physician and tell them what has been happening to you since your accident. Take care.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi there!! May I draw a picture of you guys? Hee-hee-hee...
Relm Arrowny
Dear Relm Arrowny,
Sure... Why th' h*ll not? Everybody else does...
Dear Chiriko,
For the love of the Goddess! FIX THE UPDATE DATE! "Last updated on 12/31/69 " @.@ Of is it just my browser screwing up..... fiiiiiiiiix it!
Dear One-chan,
You are using Netscape for your browser and it seems to be having problems with the Java script. IE 5.0 is just fine with it. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
Heika!! ::glomps onto Hotohori...blushes:: A..ano, that seems very rude, ne? I beg your pardon..^^;; Anyways, go read my fic about you and Houki at: Shooting Star k? Hope you like it...
Chyin Yu
Dear Chyin Yu,
I read your story and was genuinely touched by it. Domo arigato gozaimasu.
Dear Tasuki,
Are you realy gay? If you are I will hate you- because if you are- my feelings will be confirmed with Ashitaka- you now from Princess Mononoke...
A lover of Tasuki and Ashitaka
Dear yo,
I am NOT a *&^%$#@ OKAMA!!!!!!!1
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Guess what? I'm getting out of Alemany! All because I wouldn't stand at class mass I had to talk to two deans and Father Beto who was rude and disrespectful of me and my beliefs! I was upset then and spent most of the day crying, but now I'm happy. I get to get out of Alemany! ... heh... heh... heh... I'm gonna make sure the public knows how they discriminated me for not being Catholic. *hugs!* Finally! At the end of this term I'm getting OUT! Victory! ^.~ V
Dear One-chan,
Congratulations! Hope yer gonna be happier where yer goin'!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki! We finally came to the conclusion that whether you intend to be one or not, you ARE a playboy! So we adapted the Mambo #5 to you and your many ladies! We only did the chorus though... ^_^! Hit it!
*Iridal presses play and the song starts*
A little bit of Amy-chan in my life!
A little bit of Peach by my side!
A little bit of Glastig's what I see!
A little bit of Lina's what I need!
A little bit of Yui in the sun!
A little bit of Iridal all night long!
A little bit of One-chan, here I am!
A little bit of you makes me your man!
Waahahaha!! ^_^! Hope you enjoyed! *runs fast*
Dear Inori,
Gen-chan no Miko's gonna KILL ya' guy's fer leavin' her outta this...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Inori: Good morning! I brought Hoshi to play music for you!
Hoshi: *grins* *begins to play Perfect World on oboe*
Inori: Remember the seishi holidays I spoke to you about once? Well, they're ready! We put them up in our FY humor site!
Hoshi: We are proud to present to you....Minna's FY humor heaven!!!!!
Inori: Our site is fat free and has no preservatives! We've also found it's good for you heart rate!
Both: *smile and nod*
Hoshi:....and we dedicate this site to you! *bows and continues playing*
Inori: Oh yes! We keep forgetting to mention this to you (Nuriko-sama and Hotohori-sama) both are very special seishi! For you are ONES! ONES are special beings of light....And they fight crime all over town! Like the Samurai Pizza Cats!
Hoshi: *sweatdrops* Pizza Cats? ..... Well, consider yourself very privelidged to be ONES! We live by your greatness!
Both: *bow* (Well, Hoshi bows as much as she can considering she's still performing)
Inori: *Sits down and start knitting her kids' clothes*
Inori & Hoshi
PS from both: We have a guestbook too! ^_^ *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Dear Inori & Hoshi,
I checked out your site and found it quite kawaii and delightful. Check out your guestbook... hee-hee...
Dear Tamahome,
*sweatdrops* Actually Yuri used to have a Pikachu, Tomo gave it to her, but she shocked it so many times that it's afraid of her. It's been hiding in the upstairs closet ever since that unfortuante bathtub incident...
You'd babysit again! Great! Soi and I can't find anybody else willing to put up with this little munchkin. She must like you or something. She's burned everyone else that has even held her besides the other seiyruu seishi, and only Soi and I come away without a case of static cling.
Anyway, I'll see you around. Bye, Tama-dork! *laughs evily* And remember Psyciatrists can only do so much, suzaku seishi!
*dissapears with Yuri waving cutely over his shoulder*
Dear Nakago,
Yes, and you're living proof of that aren't you?
Dear Tasuki,
No. I'm not TRYING to piss you off, unless you want me to. ::smiles sweetly:: Don't yell at me 'cause of that letter, I had a rough week. My uncle had 2 heartattacks and is in the hospital, but he's doing much better, so I'm not that worried. He's too much of a bas--- to die easly. He'll be fine. But if he isn't, I'll have to take care of his 6 year old kid for a while till he's out of the hospital. (Personally, I'd rather take a bullet in the head than watch that kid.)
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
'Che! An' I thought MY relatives were a pain!! Hope yer uncle gets better! An' stay away fron th' bullets!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi.... Eh, maybe this is a silly question that you donīt know the answer to....but here it goes.. What kind of color does Yuu Watase use when she paint pictures of you...? I, itīs not oil painting... Her colored pictures look GREAT and i really want to try and coloring my pictures like she does...Maybe you dont know the answer but I had to ask..
P.S.Sorry for my BAD english.^_^;
Dear Zejna,
Actually your English is fine. We understood what you were asking. Unfortunately we really don't know either. Our best guess is watercolors. So, where are you from?
Dear Nuriko,
Actually, I think my fiance can handle it. We're moving me outta my parents' house (YAY!) and into an apartment. I won't ever have to deal with living with my drat-blasted parents again! (Double YAY!)
Meowy T.n.M.
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
That's good news I guess... So, just curious but how old are you guys?
Dear Tamahome,
*sighs in frustration* Tama! It's been 6 years!!!!
Meowy T.n.M.
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
6 years!!!!! What did he do to them???
Dear Mitsukake,
AAAAHHH!!! I just heard part of the song 'Blue Eyes Blue' .....and.... *turns green* I heard what other people said about it, but I never thought Nakago's singing would be that *BAD*!! *cries* I feel sick now...
Dear yuri,
Gomen nasai. There is no cure for Nakago's "singing".
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
latley i began liking somebody and now my friends found out that i like somebody and are asking me to tell them how can i get them to stop asking without telling them who i like? (an example: my friend is right now asking me on aim -.-;;;)
Dear halo,
Tell them that right now you you don't want to say who it is, but if you change your mind that you'll tell them then. If they don't like that answer, tell them that who you like is your business and you'd rather not discuss it with anyone at this time. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
HI... I'm having problems with a certain best friend... I wish I'd stop caring so much. She's like a sister to me, but now I dont know. :( She spends waaaay too much time on the internet which i realized i have too. But after i finish downloading all the mp3s i'm looking for i'll spend much less time on the internet and i hope no one makes a voodoo doll of me and gets angry because i dont spend as much time talking to them as i used to (some ppl scare me) but i know i could do better things. i need to get back to writing my stories and i need to read more books. i told her if she spends this much time on the computer (5 hours a day) -_-;; she'll need glasses at an early age which is true and she has problems at school with a kid that takes her homework and i told her to tell the teacher but she said she steals it back sometimes, but he just keeps taking it and she plans revenge at the end of the year (she can be trouble-maker sometimes). and she says sometimes she has to do her work over again. and if she doesnt do something i'm gonna tell her teacher for her. i dont get along with him well so i wont care if he gets in trouble... but i do this all the time. or atleast it feels like it. and she might move next year! *now thinks she's gonna kill something*punches pillow hard enough to make the stuffing fly out* and **reads it over to see if she mentioned this yet**thinks:::wow thats long!* i think she likes her online friends more than me! she talks to them more than me now! i tell her how much i miss her and i want her to spend less time online, but she wont listen. (i hope she reads this!!) ><* and nowi feel bad, because i feel i've been dissing her with my complaining and......... @,@;; oh how can i talk some sense into her?? i've been trying for two weeks and i told her how i feel! she's addicted to the internet!!
Dear somebody ,
Addictions to anything are difficult to overcome, no da. I doubt that she likes her online friends better than she likes you. Right now they are just a novelty, no da. She should get out more though. Even Chichiri no Aijin manages to have a job, help us with our peeji and letters, and still have a life, no da!
As for the kid that steals her homework, Tasuki says,"Rat 'im out!" and I tend to agree with him, no da. Her teacher should be made aware of this situation and if her teacher fails to act on her behalf, tell her parents, no da. Good luck, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hiiiiiiiiii Nuriko!! You're looking very nice today. ^^;; I just wanted to say how cool you are, and make a fool of myself. No, actually, I have a question. One of my friends (he's a guy) , has been acting very hostile towards me and my friends. He keeps using excessive profanity, screaming at people, and telling them to shut up when they aren't even talking. (Every time I pass him in the hallway, he shouts "Shut up, Moon!" or "Shut your mouth!" and glares his evil little glare.) It's starting to worry me. I'm kinda scared of saying something to him . . . .every time I try, he says, "I don't give a f***." What should I say? Or should I ignore him?
Dear Moon,
Ariagto for your sweet compliment! So, your tomodachi, is he an athlete? The reason I ask this is because a lot of young men that are athletes take steroids and abuse of steroids can lead to psychotically aggressive behavior as can abuse of other illegal drugs.
Have you discussed his behavior with a school counselor? Or his parents? They should get him some form of help. Either way, be careful and good luck.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello! I just thought you'd like to know that my performance yesterday was an absolute success. *smiles* For the first time I got all of my solos perfect; I think I just needed that extra confidence boost. ^_~ Thanks again!
Are you familiar with "Pictures at an Exhibition"? If not, Chichiri no Aijin should play a recording of it for you and the other seishi was our highlight and is very beautiful music. Though I think on of the orchestra's other pieces "Procession of the Nobles" is more your style! *laughs* Speaking of music, as I type here I am composing a MIDI of "Legacy" (my favorite FY song)...would you like to hear it when I am done with the first part?
Dear Hoshi,
Chichiri no Aijin played it for us so we could understand what you were performing. Sugoi! Omedeto on your performance! I was glad that I was able to help you. I would be honored to hear your MIDI of "Legacy".
Dear Chichiri,
hihihiihi**SDs and runs around you in fast circles** I'MMM BAAACK!!did you miss me?I have been so busy here at woolman...Plus my sister just moved to japan so I have been chatting with her.I am learning how to fight with a katana too**grins**.how is life in your world?**hands you a apple pie**try that and tell me what you think.^-^
Dear navi,
So your sister has moved to Japan, no da? Is she there to study or work, no da? Be careful with the katana, kudasai! You could slice a thumb off, no da! Arigato for the oishii apple pie, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up to tasuki setting down a bucket of hot pink paint on the ground next to her* You know, lately you seem nicer than Chichiri (a.k.a. meanie) and I just didn't think it was possible for either chichiri to sink past your level of meaness, or for you to surpass his level of niceness. Well either way, you're nicer than chichiri at the moment and I just never thought it could happen. So you have my respect for now... that is until you do something very stupid, and I know that wont take long, cause that's the kind of person that you are. oh and by the way *swipes tasuki's earings and drops them in a sack* I'll just be taking those. ^^;; take care now, bye bye then * picks up the paint, goes sd and runs away with the sack of earings*
Dear Lina,
*Runs after her yelling* GIMME BACK MY *&^%$#@ EARRINGS!!!!!!!! *&^%$$@ BRAT!!!!!!!! LEKKA SHINEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
You wouldn't believe how long it took me to translate your last message, thank goodness we just learned half of the stuff last week...And yes!! It is delicious!! (me be idiot now) OISHII DESU!!
anywho...You really should try it. *hands out a small carton of chocolate milk for Tasuki with big puppy eyes*
Dear Kaori,
*Takes it from her, sniffs it suspiciously, takes a swig and starts to gag...* *gasp* Needs sake...
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa, Chichiri! It's Rose. Wow, I haven't wrote in like a million years! Neither has Antonia. Well, she misses you and says "hi"!
Well, Anyhoo, I am getting really annoyed. Wanna know why? Because she's constantly accusing my dad of engaging in infelicitous acts behind her back. What is so terrible about it is that I know that my dad doesn't do things like that. My dad has always done the right thing. And my mom...well...always accuses when she's wrong. She does it to me ALL the time. Well, what really made me angry was recently when my dad was in a car accident. We didn't know at first. He was like an hour let coming home from work when he called saying that he had been in a car accident. Before that, my mom was going absolutley nuts, playing Sherlock Holmes all over the neighborhood trying to track him down, COMPLETELY convinced that he was doing naughty things with my AUNT. "Why" you ask? Because she wasn't home and neither was my dad. Liek my aunt doesn't have a life?! Like she has to sit around the house and never go out unless she goes to work just so she won't be accused of something? How unfair is that?
Well, when we found out that my dad was in an accident, in a passionate fury, she said the most horrile thing I've ever heard. "I hope he died." When she said that, I burst into tears. It was just that my dad could very well have died, and here she is condemning him to something like that. It was so cold and uncaring. I couldn't understand how someone could pledge their love to someone, but still say something like that. I thought marriage was about loving your spouse and trusting him, not about ruinging eachother's lives! My mom insists on putting my dad on some kind of leash, completely stripping him of his freedom. I just hink that's so wrong!! Marriage shouldn't be a prison, don't you think? Why can't my mom get that through her head. I just can't understand how people can be that way to eachother. So cruel, so suspecting, so untrusting. It's not right. I mean, if dad leaves the houe for 20 minutes to buy some soda, my mom freaks out and starts shouting profanities and a huge fight follows. But of course, she can disappear to Atlantic City for 2 days and that's okay. She's such a hipocrite! I can't stand it. And do you think it's right that my mom tries to hire me to spy on my dad and keeps saying things like "We're gonna get a divorce" to me? She alwys tries ot get me do things like see what time he gets home. And when I don't do it because I trust my father, who is the one who was always there to take care of my brother and I when my mom hit the town for three nights leaving us with no money or car, she gets mad at me.
I think my mom is so insecure. She's so afraid of losing my dad. But why can't she understand that my treating him like the way she does is only going to inevitably drive hime away? Why do people do things like that to eachother. Are all marriages terrible? Seeing how my mom and dad treat eahcother, I get really scared of getting married. What if I choose the wrong preson? What if I marry someone and he turns out to be the opposite of what I expected. What if I ruin my whole life? I always thought that if you love someone enough, to the extent that you would give your own life for his, it would all work out in the end. But my mom makes me doubt everything I beleive. I don't want to live with the same kind of abuse htat my dad lives through. What do you think about this?
Well, I've written a ludicrously humungous amount of carp, but I really want you to answer this letter. it's really important to me. Well, gotta go. O-sewa ni narimashita!
Love you, Chichiri!!!!!!!
Dear Rose,
Please tell Antonia, I send my best, no da.
*Takes off his mask and gives her a hug.*
Saa, your okaasan (mother) is VERY much in the wrong acting as she has been in front of you. She should not be involving you in her plots nor should she say what she has been saying to you. You are quite right that if she continues with this behavior she will most likely push your otousan (father) into doing the very thing that she is accusing him of now and she will probably alienate you in the process, if she hasn't already.
She sounds as if she is in need of serious counseling (both on a personal level as well as for her marriage) however, from what you have said I doubt she will willingly seek it. You, however, should seek counseling as your mother is mentally abusing you and seems to have soured you on the idea of relationships and marriage. While there is no easy fix for the situation you are in, having an adult that you trust to talk to will make you feel better and will help you in the long run. You must also do your best to not involve yourself in any of her schemes against your father. It just an unhealthy situation all the way around!
Chichiri no Aijin does assure me that ALL marriages are NOT like your parents!!! I am very certain that you will learn what NOT to do from your mother's mistakes and will end with the loving and sugoi soul mate that you deserve, no da!
*Gives her another hug*
Take care,
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