Dear Suzaku Seishi,
While wandering around in Tasuki no Miko's image gallery I stumbled into the postcard section. I wonder when THIS was taken. My oh my...
Dear One-chan,
Why does MY Miko have a picture of Obake-chan?????? An' her link ain't workin' now!! Stupid Tamahome musta busted it wit' his nasty picture!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Do I talk too much? :( The guy I like says I do.... Gosh, he didn't have to be so damn straight-forward!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno. I ain't never talked to ya' so to speak... heh-heh-heh... Sorry if he hurt yer feelins', but now that ya' know mebbe ya' can do somethin' 'bout it...
Dear Chichiri,
Hovers over chichiri and follows him....Daaaaa, does this annoy you?
Dear nodaing,
It don't seem to be botherin' him!! But it sure as H*LL is buggin' me!!!! Knock it off!
Dear Nuriko,
Personal Hygene? Aw it only get's bad when I've been fighting. I don't care about clothes much but I'd just DIE if I didn't wash my hair! It gets all knotted and tangled and ratty if I don't wash it and then I can't even BRAID IT!
Needless to say you're a stickler as to which hairbrushes are yours and which are mine. I swear, those hairdryer things in Aunt Miaka's world are unbelieveable! I want one that works on batteries so I don't need electricity, which of course we don't have - unless Soi is visiting.
Anyway, I guess you can lecuture me if you want although you'd be better served to keep me away from Tasu-papa and Uncle Kouji for a week! *grins* It's not that I don't know everything, I just procrastinate! Besides, other than washing my hair, you can't get me too near to a bucket of water. You had some kind of fun trying to give me baths when I was little! *laughs* I take after Tasu-papa for things to be afraid of too, though Aunt Aidou is alot more kowai than some stupid lake!
I like your side of the family lots better! Aunt Kourin is sooo nice!
*leafs through her wallet* Hmm, I guess I got enough okane for some shopping - I 'borrowed' it from Mikomi. *grins* Let's go!
Dear Kourin,
Hmmm... I think I can keep you busy enough that you won't see them until AFTER the dance... hee-hee... I will be setting up appointments for you with various ladies in waiting, beauticians, tailors and royal dressers. That should keep you busy for a week! You will be schooled in etiquette, dance, small talk, and any other social graces you may want or need for this affair.
As for your fear of water, you WILL bathe, even if I have to drag you into the tub and scrub you myself! Or I could have your Aunt Aidou bathe you...
So, ready to shop till you drop?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichi wa!! O-genki desu ka?
Hi, everything is goin great here.. i finally convinced myself i was in love with my friend sheila.. and her feeling the same almost scared me soemwhat.. but i think it's ok for now.
Andi my friend who's 2 months older than me.. understands what i am now.. doesnt regret a freaky friend like me.. and as for school.. my end of the year exams i took.. i failed.. (but it's too hard!) Their passing me onto 6th form so i can start fresh next year, taking 3rd form japanese will be so fun! I know very little japanese from trying to teach myself but it's helped. things over here are alot different then america.. if anyone reads this.. wants me to send them a - anime fan friend letter email me at
I should start a page on NZ. and what my shcool is like. Oh well.. not that smart yet.. I'm very glad i chose this page as a counseling rescourse... it cleared my thoughts and cleaned the mess up. (I may be dumb but i'm not that stupid.. i may be a freak but at least something cleared my mind)
To all the seishi(Peeps who made this page):
Thanks for bein there for me and others who need mental counselling as fushigi yuugi fans.. more or less sometimes charachters make more sense than real people!
Chiriko: Please help me study for 6th form certificate next year i wanna pass badly!
Tamahome: Duel me sometime.. i'd love to train under martial arts
Hotohori: The best man of handsome categorys and other things.. i'd say you deserve any goodthing you get
Nuriko: I can say i'm exactly in a weird situation, but it's cleared.. and i've classified everythign.. and through reading about you it helped me understand people better
Chichiri: Noda. the best phrase for my 11-year old cousin and 18 year old friend to say when bored... i guess it keeps peoples spirit's up
Tasuki: Can i cook you a moutainous meal for you and koji? (I heard about Aidou.. i can shoot her if needed)
Kouji: You kick-azz man! you may be older than tasuki but skill comes with age and cuteness comes with age also :)
Mistukake: Keep up the good work
Jill Haldeman from Overseas New Zealand
Dear Jill,
Minna wa genki desu! We're glad that you are doing well! Chiriko says he will help you, but you must study and do your own work. Tasuki is ALWAYS up for a good meal! However, I don't think he wants you to shoot Aidou! All the Seishi send their best. Just please remember that you aren't a freak! You are who you are and there's nothing wrong with that. Just be the best you that you can be! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Chichiri,
*looks at a picture of Xellos.* ... *looks at Chichiri* ... *looks at a picture of Xellos* ... *looks at Chichiri* Your mask and his face bear an uncanny resemblence. *boggles* Not to mention you both have trademark phrases. *looks at a picture of Xellos* ... *looks at Chichiri* You both carry staffs too. You both (--*) disappear without telling anybody, and pop in at the oddest of times and places. *looks at a picture of Xellos* ... *looks at Chichiri* ... @.@ *falls over*
Firefury: And ya both can be annoying, no offense to you, plenty to Xellos. =) .. *looks at a picture of Xellos* ... *looks at a picture of Chichiri* ... If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two were related =p You both smile waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much =p
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
Ani... who or what is Xellos, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*A big white furry beast walks in!!* Me hear Mog visit here while back... Uh, seen him?
Dear Umaro,
He was here and is now gone. Are we to assume that you are a sasquatch?
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you have such a high pitchted vioce!?!?!?!?
(p.s.- I'm madly in love with you!!!
Dear Saber,
I don't, no da. When I am not wearing the mask and am serious you will hear how I truly sound, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Stupid people are so stupid. For 'Health Awareness Day' at school they didn't even put me in what i signed up for. --* I was in 'Anger Managment" Which was succesful in making me more angry =) Being as the idiot up there didn't know what he was talking about. Thus, making him stupid.
I have scared Wolfshadow into agreement, after much um..... talking. Yeah, talking... ^.~; *hides various weapons behind her back*
I called Speed ^^; He's okie, he's just been very very very busy. And his folks are still working on their divorce.
Oh well. When ya gonna be in the chat? ^-^ i was gonna say something that had a point... I just forgot what it was...
OH YEAH! Since in my fic, I drop you and Koneko off in various other dimensions because, well, I'm the author and I thought it'd be fun to drag you to the real world and through school! >=) GWAHAHAH! And since we're alllllllll in Theatre class, and we have to do a two person scene... I pick one out for you =) Being as I am SO nice. It's from FY =) Should I tell you?
Dear One-chan,
A class in Anger Management, eh? Sounds like a class I should teach!! *Fanged grin* Glad yer bud Speed is ok, but sorry to hear 'bout his parents. If ya' wanna tell me th' scene feel free...
Dear Tasuki,
I was talking to one of my friends at school who is also a Fushigi Yuugi fan (Although, she likes......Tamahome! ::gag::). Well, she said that you and I are exactly alike and would make a perfect couple. I DO agree that we would be the perfect couple, but we are not EXACTLY alike. Here are some differences and similarities:
1) You like to beat the sh-- out of people, I like to beat the sh-- out of people.
2) You have a bad temper, I have a bad temper.
3) You swear alot, I swear alot (Being fifteen, I don't think that's a good thing. Oh well, 5 guy cousins'll do that to ya!)
4) You wear lot's a jewelry, I wear lots of jewelry.
5) Your dumb, I'm wait....I'm smart, that's a difference ::smiles::
1) I do not snore in my sleep, I mumble incoherently.
2) I don't have a drinking problem, you do.
3) I don't look clueless all the time...wait...actually I do.
4) My hair color is blond, red, and purple, your's is orange 'er somethin.
5) I don't use a fan for my main weapon, I have a 10 pound notebook (Which I had to smack someone in the head with repeatedly when he was harrasing me)
See? We have our differences as I told her. And no, I'm NOT making fun of you (I think).
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I am NOT DUMB!!!!!! An' I ain't got no problem wit' drinikn' either! 'Che! Ya' tryin' to piss me off or somethin'?
Dear Tamahome,
Yes I AM strange! But I'm PROUD OF IT! Gotta problem???? *makes a fist* YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?????? Somethin' wrong with being strange? HMM?? Ya say it like it's a bad thing! You got a problem with me being strange?????
Firefury: *runs in a pats Tama on the shoulder* I'm sorry you have to put up with her. But, I have to but up with her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! So, don't feel too bad! besides, yer taking some of the heat off me! THANKS. *forks over some cash*
I heard that. *Fury leaves in a hurry* Ahem. *storms up to Tamahome with a fist clentched, standing a MIGHTY (note sarcasm) 5'1".* You think my being strange is bad? HMM? Do ya? Is my being strange a problem fer ya? HMM???? *stands on her tip toes* Is it?
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
*Pats One-chan on the head and then turns to Firefury as she is running off and says...* They're so cute when they're little aren't they? *Ducks a punch* Nah, strange isn't bad, in fact it can be a good thing sometimes...
Dear Nuriko,
Wanna help me move? ^_^
Meowy T.n.M.
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
Move what?
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen. Didn't mean to bring up bad memories. Just wondering if you had any advice, that's all. Oh, here's a ryou. It's all I can afford for now. *sighs and trudges off*
Meowy T.n.M.
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
It's hard to try to make a good impression after you have mead a bad one. Try doing something nice and unexpected for them. But do keep in mind that their impression of you will change over time and NOT right away. Always be on your best behavior when you are around them. Thanks for ryou! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chiriko,
Okay, Chiriko! I have a question for you! If you were stuck in the middle of a frictionless frozen lake, how would you get across? And you can't call for help or use a cell phone!
Dear Inori,
There are many options here. I could wait for a breeze to blow me across, roll across, stand up and dive onto the lake and let the momentum carry me across, or expel a puff of air (from my mouth) and propel myself across. Now, go do your own homework!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama! Wai! I did it! I had a good day today!! Mission accomplished! ^_^! OOH! Which reminds me! Lina taught me a Nuriko smiley! ^_^.! See? And a Nuriko wink would be ^_~. Just thought you should know, since you ARE Nuriko-sama! ^_^!! So what are you guys doing for Thanksgiving and Christmas? I say we should have a party at the MB or chat! Oooh... Preparations!! If we did have a party, could I help? It would be so cool!!
Dear Inori,
I think Chichiri no Aijin is giving us that time off so the letters part will be shutdown over those holidays. But, we may be in the Chatroom or on the Message Board during those times instead.
Dear Tamahome,
really? kakkoi! ^^ *tickles baby Yuri again and gives her a cracker* if that's the case, you should continue calling her 'Yuri' then! ^^ and Tamahome, have fun with Nakago! ^_~ *coughs*
Dear yuri,
Sure... uhmmmmm, thanks...
Dear Tamahome,
Aw Kuso! I KNEW she'd so something like this! I just KNEW IT! *he sighs and give Tamahome and bag of thirty ryou* Here. You've been paid. Sheesh....
Oh right, I forgot to ask. Yu-chan wasn't naughty for you was she? I've gotten electrocuted a couple of times. According to Soi she LOOKS like me but if she got ANYBODY'S powers, they're her mother's!
*Nakago thinks for a minute* I've been picking on you pretty bad the past while, haven't I. I beginning to think that I'm regretting it.
If it helps to know that I think you're lucky for being able to admit your emotions to your girlfriend...... well, than I guess it helps. I can't believe I just said that!
Anyway, I guess I'm something resembling 'sorry' for all that mean stuff about your IQ and whatever. I mean, you killed me. You'd have to have an IQ of some sort to do that!...Although I wager that Chiriko is still smarter than you!
*grins - then looks at his watch* Hey, I have to go. Now, I picked up milk, picked up the baby, paid Tamahome........what else?
Oh right! I thought you might like to know - a while back someone said Miaka had the IQ of a raisin. It wasn't me I swear. Some cat person. Something Neko. I thought you'd want to know.
I'll see you around Tama-dork!
Dear Nakago,
Thanks for the ryou. I too regretted having to kill you when I saw into your mind and realized what you had been put through as a child. But we all did what we had to...
Well, Chiriko IS smarter than me. He's smarter than you, too! Your daughter is adorable and quite a good child. I would be happy to babysit her again. You know, she might like a Pikachu to play with...
Dear Chichiri,
*SD and glomps on Chichiri* Hello! Hi! How ya doing?! Did i ever tell you that i think you're cute? Well you are! *lets go* Ahemm..sugar-overload, hehehehe. Anyways, i see that Iridal hasn't told you guys about our fanfic yet so I'll tell you! Oh and we also have a webpage too! It's Tell Chichiri no Aijin to check it out too! And spread the word!
BTW, i know Lina has to pay for what she did and all, but shouldn't Hotohori be the one to do that? And why do you keep insisting on changing her attire?*moves close to inspect Chichiri* Are you a hentaii hiding inside that mask as well?*pokes Chichiri* She really is a nice person, so will you please stop picking on her already? *sidles up to Chichiri* You can pick on me if you want. I don't mind.*cheeky grin*
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
Actually Iridal did send us a letter to tell us about your fanfic, no da. It is interesting, no da. I AM NOT hentai, no da!! Lina has 2 more weeks of punishment and then she is free to dress as she pleases, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I think you're ssssssoooooooo nifty, and most definately the best character in Fushigi Yuugi. (Suzaku Seishi!says moon). Since i don't know what that means because i am ignorant, ill asume that it is a compliment and extend it to you with all my heart.
P.S. How do you get your hair to stand up like that? It is totally kick-ass.
Dear ^_^,
Thanks! My hair's just sooooo *&^%$#@ COOL! That's why it does what it does!
Dear Chichiri,
(*Smiles* Not bad, no da! Now watch... *Concentrates and turns into a superdeformed WMC with a Chichiri doll and then glomps onto her leg!* DA!!!!!!!!!)
DA! KAWAII!!!!!!! *pries sd glomping Chichiri( as WMC) from her leg, and holds him (as wmc) in her arms and cuddles her 3 foot tall live dolly. DA, Kawaii no da! *giggles as she herself is in full Chichiri illusion*
Dear WMC,
*Squirms in her* Put me down, no da! *Concentrates... and is now his proper size and is holding a SD WMC in his arms.* Da...
Dear Tamahome,
*gives him 2 bags of gold ryou*..I just got my allowance...and I'm in a pretty good mood I'll just drop by and give ya this..
Dear Peizhen,
Wow!!! *Bows* Arigato!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a dumb question that I really should know the answer to but don't cause I'm too lazy - and have too much homework! - to research it!
What colour are all of your eyes? I know Nuriko's are that pretty hazel, but everyone else...I'm lost. And I need to know so I don't screw up describing you in my stories!
Please help!
Taiitsu no Miko
PS: I know I'm pathetic and I should know this but the Nyan Nyan's up here on Taiitsu-kun's mountain keep stealing my seishi information files! I've given up on getting them back. The ransom they want isn't worth it for your basic info. I've got plenty of pictures to verify your powers and hair colour and your birthdays were memorized long ago!
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
You are neither dumb nor pathetic. Here is your answer:
Tamahome: Grey
Nuriko: Violet
Hotohori: Brown
Chichiri: Brown
Tasuki: Amber
Chiriko: Green
Mitsukake: Black
Dear Tamahome,
Ano... Tama-chan, Miaka's parents were strongly opposed to the whole thing of you and Miaka being together. Remember in manga 16, you and Miaka disappeared for 2 whole months, and then when you came back, Miaka's mom slapped you and yelled at you to get out of the house and Miaka's step-father kinda just stood there. And I don't think we ever knew from the manga what happened afterwards. Miaka-san just said she's dropping out of High school to be with you or something. So, there! That clears it all up! ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Sweatdrops...* Ano... thanks for reminding me of that unpleasant incident. I was trying my best to put it all behind us...
Dear Nuriko,
Re: Suggestions for Politeness and Shopping.....
Bind my chest down? I do that normally!
Anyway, about the shopping. I could really go for that! *grins* I don't think walking into a ballroom in muddy boots with a tassen over your shoulder, looking like you just killed a couple people on the way in, falls under the category of 'politeness'.
I really do need a formal outfit. *sweatdropps* Auh, but those tuxedo coats are so clostrophobic! *grumbles* Life really wouldn't suck so much if people never invented clothes.
*thinks for a minute - sweatdrops* I didn't mean that in the hentai sense!
I guess I can try not to swear for a few hours but if the drinks are spiked all that politeness that I'm working on is gonna go right out the window. How do get around that?
And on a lighter note... Shopping! Kakkoii! I guess I'm enough like you! When are you free?
Dear Kourin,
Why not start now? And I'll even teach you how to act (properly) in front of Hotohori-sama and the court. Hmmmm... before we shop, how about a crash course on personal hygiene? You seem to take after Tasuki in THAT area...
Dear Tamahome,
Arigatou again!! *slups soda* I didn't know you had soda in Konan...Wow, 2 questions and a much am I gonna owe ya? Anyway, I think they had a problem with least in the manga...Miaka's mom slapped him...
BTW, what do you think of Heero from Gundam? I'm listening to "Ore Dake no Kotoba de" and the voice sounds strangely familiar...Cheers! ^_^
Meowy T.n.M. =^.^=
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
I think my seiyuu does Heero's voice from Gundam. As for that "incident"... saa, I'm just trying to forget it.
Dear Tasuki,
Sumimasen, demo...what "rep?"
Tenshi no Hoshi
Dear Tenshi no Hoshi,
NANI?!?!?!?!?!? Whaddya' mean "What rep?" My bad @SS rep as a bandit!!! THAT REP!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey, I was thinking... (No, I didn't hurt myself) Since your power comes from your life energy, and that's what limited it (if you used too much energy you'd lose your life) then after death, does that mean you can heal indiscriminately? Or does that mean that if you heal too much, your energy will all be gone and your spirit will disappear? o.O Just wondering...
Dear Suboshi,
I'm noy all that certain myself. Nor am I all that eager to find out.
Dear Tamahome,
*holds up a bag of 50 gold ryou* this is for you if you are able to answer my questions.*clinks the bag* Does Tasuki sprawl on his bed when he sleeps? Does he move around a lot?Does he snore?*clinks the bag some more* And does Chichiri "daa" in his sleep? You can have this gold as soon as you answer my questions..*clinks the bag* think of it as my contribution to your and Miaka's nest egg.*big smile and clinks the bag some more*
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
Saa... OK! Tasiki is a moving bed hog and he snores loud enough to rattle the shingles on the roof!!!! I don't really know about Chichiri as he is pretty quiet although Chichiri no Aijin did say that he will occasionally "da" in his sleep if he happens to talk in it. I wasn't able to ask WMC, but maybe she'll write in about it. *Grabs bag and runs off...* ARIGATO!!!!!1
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is important to me. An online friend of mine I met today was talking to me and apparently his whole time in highschool has been a living hell. I spent hours talking to him. Examples: When he got a yearbook all of the students gave him deaththreats, curses, and only one positive message was written (playstation rulez) by a girl he talked to. He said he gets beaten up every year and he doesnt have 1 friend at that school. (his friends are in middle school)He said the people at that school dont care if he lives or dies. They push him out in front of moving vehicles to try and get him hurt and when he thinks he has friends, when someone's beating him up the person either backs away or cheers for the guy beating on him. People call him stupid and... ok much MUCH worse. He doesnt know why they treat him like this. No girls like him either. He's not stupid. He doesnt do drugs and he doesnt break all the rules, but he's not a goody-little-twoshoes. i didnt know schools with such rotten kids actually existed..... ~_~; he's really nice, but when someone invited him to a chat today he wanted ME to see his webpage (which was really cool) and everyone started bashin' on him and insulting his page. Even some of my other friends! i couldnt believe it! anyway i forgot my question.... that really sucks... umm.... what should he do? how can i make him feel better? i dont know. i cant stop thinking about this..... ~_~ he's really nice too. help me (or help him?) PLEASE ~ he is about to face another torturous day... and again and again.
Yuffie (worried)
Dear Yuffie,
He should be bringing this abuse (especially being pushed in front of moving vehicles) to the attention of his parents and they need to discuss this situation with the officials of hi school and see what can be done to remedy it. Perhaps changing schools would be best for him. At this point he has little to lose and much to gain from what you are telling me. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
In the words of Enker! Eat utter piano DEATH! *drops a grand piano over Tamahome* (don't ask where that came from, it's far too long a story to tell.)
Dear One-chan,
*Nuriko catches piano...* You are one strange aren't you? Why don't you go pounce Tasuki or something?
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* There's nothing I can do about the religion they force upon me. =p I've already talked to my mom about it. Feh. Ya know, it's been, like, over a month since I've seen Speed... Maybe I should call him like Ryco has been telling me to. *waits for her friend on IRC to wake up so she can threaten her into agreeing that Tasuki is cool. She's already made her friend afraid of tessans* I made her swear on her thinking that Ryo from Ronin Warriors was cute that she agreed you were cool! And when I got off she went right back insulting you! Oneesan told me! She said you were ugly! She didn't think much of Kouji either, much to Nova Strike's um... dismay-? Dismay is such a weak word to describe it though.... Eh-heh. Be very very very VERY glad she's not after you! She understands I would no longer claim her as a net sister and I'd kill her if she did. 'Sides, she already has claimed so many guys she has a harem! I've only claimed one (Gee, who do you suppose that is? *hugs*) ^^; Places to go (back to IRC)! Things to do (Threaten Wolfshadow into agreement again)! People to see (Wolfshadow)!
Dear One-chan,
Sorry 'bout th' religion cr*p. Ya' might try tellin' 'em that yer not gonna belive it jus' 'cos they shove it down yer throat... *gets glared at by Chichiri no Aijin (That's NOT how to make nice to people! Why antagonize them?)* ... Or not.
Well, I guess not everyone can have th' good taste to like me. *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI-SAN!!!! It's been a while since I last wrote. I haven't sent any of the pics I said I was going to send because I haven't had time to scan them. My scanner is sooooo slow. My computer doesn't help either. I will give you the website to where I will post the fanfic once I figure out how to make a page/upload stuff where I got the space. ^^; I did however find a pic on my computer that I scanned months ago. I colored it on the computer and plan to send it in. *grins and sweats* I hope you don't kill me... a friend and I thought of it once and I actally went and drew it.... forgive me!!!! Anyways, I have a few questions. How do you spell your full non-suzaku seishi name? Also, what would TasukiNoTessen roughly translate as?(If it translates as I think it does then it will be used in my fanfic. I haven't gotten to the part where it would be needed yet.) What is your favorite fruit or veggie (if any)? Well that is all for now. *gives him a hug and hands him some sake* Until later!
Dear Heenker,
Tasuki no Tessen means Tasuki's tessen or th' tessen of Tasuki. Kou Shun'u is how my name is spelled. Unless ya' mean Genrou... An' LOVE peaches!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I'm so upset. It's a real long story... It all started over the summer. I was at this store, and I saw this amazingly cool guy there. He has spiky blond hair, EARRINGS, and cool glasses. Anyway, I thought he looked so hot. So, after I left the store, I couldn't stop thinking about him. And then, school started. And luck has it, I saw him walking down the hallway. So, for about a month, I tried to track down his schdule. I've basically tracked down his whole schdule. But, I still didn't know his name. So, last week, I saw him talking to my friend's sis, Jen. And after he left, I went up to her and ask her his name. Then, after school that day, I called her up and asked stuff about him. It turns out that he's a senior. I ask her his IM, but she won't give it to me, then I asked her if she can introduce me to him, but she said no. So then, I suspected that she might like him too. I told her I like him. She said she was gonna tell him everything, the whole thing! I told her not to, but she did anyway. Then, the next day, she said that he said it was ok if I have his sn. I was all happy. Me and him talked for like more than 2 hours last Friday. I told him that I like him and stuff. He told me to say hi to him on Monday, which was yesterday. So, I did. And he was very nice. Then, today, I said hi to him again and so on.... And after school, I went on-line. I was talking to Jen, and she told me she just kinda started going out with him today.... -_-; Oh, well.... And I asked that dude that I like if it was true, he said yeah.... I asked him if he ever breaks up with her, tell me so. He said he would, but he wouldn't go out with me anyway 'cause I'm too "young" for him. *sighs* He didn't even say sorry. Oh, well... Well, that's my long story. Sorry for bothering you, Tasuki-san! And one more thing, love and high school sucks!!!!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Gives her a hug and ruffles her hair.* It'll get better... jus' wait...
Dear Chichiri,
I think I'll stick with my own clothes thank you!!! -_- *runs off and comes back in her own clothes* what's this about you beating me? sure age and experience, but you're forgetting that you have your standards and wouldn't do anything that you fear may harm others, which may be good of you, however, it still gives you a great disadvantage when fighting against me. Besides I could cause more damage than you to begin with, since I am into black magic and so forth. Age and experience means nothing.
Dear Lina,
So you say, no da... *snaps fingers and she is back in sackcloth and ashes...* I have my standards of fighting evil and protecting the innocent, no da. And you are no innocent, na no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Why did you fall in love with Miaka? What appeal does she have for any man other then the fact that she can eat whatever she wants and not gain a pound?
Dear cam,
She was the miko, had great strength of character, and was just very kawaii.
Dear Tamahome,
*smiles* yes, my name sounds nice doesn't it? ^^ j/k! *tickles little baby yuri* so cuuuute.... ^^ anyway, is soi paying you to babysit? ^^
Dear yuri,
She is, but since Nakago is coming by to pick up Yuri, I doubt I'll see any of it... *Frowns*
Dear Tama-dork,
Nakago here. I'm picking up Yuri-chan and if you did anything to my daughter I'll bash your head in!
*takes Yuri from Tama*
I noticed that the other Yuri wanted to know why Soi and I named our daughter the same name as she has.
*turns to Yuri*
Soi told me to tell you that 'Yuri' was the name of a very good friend of hers when she was little. Our Yuri is named after her. We tend to call Chibi Yuri 'Cherry' since her middle name means 'cherry blossoms'. Maybe if we just call her Cherry people won't bug you.
*turns back to Tama*
Now, Tamahome. Just so you know I really hate having you do ANYTHING for me and my wife, little lone having to PAY you for it. So, for my own self assurance, I will be paying you only three ryou!
*gives Tama three chocolate coins that only look like ryou*
If you would like to be compensated for being completely ripped off, bill us later. Sayonara Tama-dork!
Dear Dead Bitter Loser,
*Eats chocolates and then puts his hand on Nakago's shoulder to stop him...* Sumimasen, the chocolates were oishii, but I would prefer proper compensation. Oh, by the way Soi said to use this on you in case you were reluctant to pay up... *Pulls out a high powered electric cattle prod and smiles at Nakago.*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, I'm soo sick of women can I join the bandets and be like you and kouji? You two are the coolest! My girlfriend's best friend wants to marry you! She said she'd kill me if I didn't write that! Help!
Dear Jem-kun,
Sure ya' can join! But wit' a name like Jem-kun I jus' gotta ask... Ya' ARE a guy right????
Dear Chichiri,
Hey my friend is doing a paper on Anime where can she find information on that topic? She can't just use the net she needs books and I don't think our libary has any books on Anime. What do you suggest? Thanks for your time and answer! We love you, lots!
Dear Kat-chan,
She might want to try Or, no da. They might lead to her to some books for her report, no da. She can probably find some at a local Japanese bookstore if she lives in city that has Japan town, no da. She might want to try finding "Dreamland Japan Writings on Modern Manga". The ISBN # is 1-880656-23-X,, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of you guys listen to J-Pop? Recommend anyone? Non-Rap?
Meowy T.n.M. =^.^=
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
Actually, Chichiri no Aijin listens to J-Pop. She recommends SMAP, GLAY, and TMRevolution for non-rap. And she likes Da Pump for rap type J-Pop.
Dear Tasuki,
Re: Setsunakutemo...Zutto. I didn't realize you were so sensitive Tasuki-san. Pretty song.
Tenshi no Hoshi
Dear Tenshi no Hoshi,
Thanks! But don't spread it around! It'll ruin my rep!
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