Dear Chiriko,
Argh, I'm having a major study crisis here!! I can't study without someone bothering me! Every time I sit down with my good ol` biology book, the phone rings or someone yells at me to do something. And when I finally get peace, I can't concentrate because I'm expecting someone to bother me. How can I get them all to leave me alone? ;.; Short of being rude, nothing works.. x.x;; Arigatou!
Kamui Kou
Dear Kamui Kou,
Have you tried either putting a sign on your door that reads: "Please do not disturb! Studying in progress!" Then ignore everyone unless your house is burning down or try going to the library.
Dear Chichiri,
hihihihihihi!!!!how are you? I missed talking to you!hey my friend wants to know why you wear your mask, why do you say no da, and where did you get your hat.**hands you some halloween candy**did you have a good halloween?
Dear navi,
I wear my mask to hide my scar. I say 'no da' because that is how everyone in my village speaks, no da. I purchased my kasa from a local vendor, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Err...Hi. Look this is a little crazy. Me asking you for advice and what not but you're the only person I know who can help me.
Now, you're the one of my dad's that freaked when Taiitsu no Miko screwed up explaining me right.... er... maybe I should go. *turns to leave - stops - runs back*
Ah.. *@%&! Screw being subtle! How are you supposed to act around someone you like when her father is standing right across the room?
This girl I like. She's this empress person. She's heavily guarded. Now granted the captain of her guard thinks we're cute together and let's me by, and the rest of em are just #@%&*$^ scared of me!
But her father is that seishi guy. Hotohori. She's his only daughter and he's so protective it's isn't even funny.
I'm supposed to go to this damn dance for her eighteenth birthday next week and it's completely psyching me that her dad is going to be watching her every second!
What do I do?
PS: If you know of any way to convincingly make yourself look like a GUY so that you don't have to wear a dress....fill me in!
Dear Kourin,
Being polite is good for a start. Be more like me and less like Tasuki. I suppose you could bind your chest down and if you want, we can go shopping together for a nice masculine outfit for you.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi hi! It's Soi again! I'm here to drop off your charge! Don't worry about Nakago. Of course I don't expect you to babysit a virutal psycopath...
Nakago:*handcuffed behind Soi* I heard that!
*Soi frowns* He'll be spending the afternoon with his therapist. Anyway..
*Soi lifts up a little girl. A toddler with long blonde hair and huge blue eyes, but Soi's face* She looks alot like her tou-san ne? Don't worry. She's mentally stable.
You can put her down for a nap in about an hour, she'll probably sleep till quarter to three. Nakago will pick her up around five thirty. I made him promise not to bait you.
Nakago: Read - threatened to electrocute me.
*Soi rolls her eyes* Just give her a cracker and some juice if she's gets cranky. See you later! Bye Yu-chan. Be good! *gives Yuri to Tamahome* *drags Nakago off to his therapy session*
Dear Soi,
Kawaii kodomo desuyo!! *Takes Yuri from Soi, gives her a hug, and a toy to play with...* Say bye-bye to mommy...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ne, you said to let you know when my peeji was complete, right? Well, it's not QUITE complete (I still have a few my summaries to finish) but it's complete enough that it's worth taking a good look at. (Or, at least, in my opinion it is ^^)'s the same URL, (that being at but it's now known as Everything For You-The Fushigi Yuugi OAV. So, onegai, please take a look and let me know what you think! :)
Dear Myrna-chan,
We visited your site and really liked it, no da! But Tasuki was pouting over the rating of the site, no da. The Fun Stuff was very fun, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama! Ohayo! How are you today? I hope you had a better day than I did. *sighs* It rained, so my hair got messed up, then I didn't do so well in my test, and I forgot to give back a videogame... Some days it's just better to stay in bed, don't you think? Like that day when you fought that evil...THING!!! *glares at Ashitare* Guess it can't be helped...*sighs* Oh well... *smiles* Well, what can I do for you today? ^_^!
Dear Inori,
*Gives her a big hug* I'm sorry that your day was so bad. Please try to have a better one. That's what you can do for me.
Dear Tamahome,
ARIGATOUUUUUUU!!!!!!! *snatches bag back and rips it open* (CRUNCH) You know ummm (MUNCH) Miaka's folks weren't (SLURP) too happy about (CRACKLE) you two being together... (SNAP CRACKLE POP CRUNCH) *polishes off rest of the bag* Do you guys have anything to drink around here? Non-alcoholic?
Meowy T.n.M.
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
*Hands her a cold soda...* I don't recall her parent's having a problem with us being together. In fact, I think they were pretty oblivious to the whole thing.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*dressed in a black turtleneck and a black&white checkered skirt w/ black tights, stabbing a barney doll* Die! Die! Die! *looks up and sees the seishi looking at her strangely* erhem..*hides the knife and the dilapidated doll behind her* excuse my actions...leftover halloween fever..hehehehe*gets embarrased* well anyway.. i have a few questions for you guys...
Tamahome - what color are Miaka's eyes? some say they're brown but i think they're kinda what are they really?
Nuriko - what kind of desert or was it sweet that you, Miaka & Tasuki eat during the Star Festival? looked delicious! I wanna know what that was!
Hotohori - where do you carry a sword? on your hips or strapped to the back like how Tasuki carries his fan? and is it belted to the waist or a strap is slung over one shoulder?
Chiriko - what was the web address of that English-Japanese translator again?
Mitsukake - is it possible for other people w/ special gifts to heal more than once a day? and when you heal, does the energy come directly from you, as part your life force?
Tasuki - when you you sprawl on the entire bed? do you move around a lot in your sleep? and do you snore?
Chichiri - do you "daa" in your sleep too?
Well, anyway, i hope you don't mind answering my questions! hmm..btw..*drops the knife and doll and.....glomps onto Chichiri!* hehehehe...*giggles and holds up a peace sign*
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
Here are all your answers in order, no da!
Tamahome - I'd say hazel since sometimes they appear green and sometimes they appear to be brown. (That will be 2 gold ryo kudasai...)
Nuriko - It was almond jello. Oishii desu!
Hotohori - It seems to depend on the situation. But, I prefer on the hip and belted around my waist.
Chiriko - It is:
Mitsukake - I'm sure that there are people who can heal more than once a day. I am just not one of them. My power is drawn directly from my chi and as such I can only heal one person once a day.
Tasuki - How th' *^$% should I know??? I'm *(&^%$# asleep! Ask someone who's slept in th' same room as me!
Chichiri - I do not know, no da. You would have to ask someone who has been in the room with me as I slept, no da. Sumimasen, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
How's it going? Anyway, you guys probably don't know anything about the Final Fantasy games, but I'll tell you something you might find interesting: In Final Fantasy 5 in the US release of the Final Fantasy Anthology (which has FF5 and FF6), I noticed one piece of armor called the Power Tasuki. I swear to god, that's what that piece of armor is called! It's too bad it was probably found early in the game, so it's probably pretty weak... but still, Tasuki, you have a piece of armor in an RPG named after you! How does that make you feel?
Dear Tonberry,
I think it ain't as weak as ya' think! An' it jus' shows that I'm so *&^%$#@ that I get *&^%$#@ armor named after me while Tamahome gets hunted down an' killed in a MUD!! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin and 2 thumbs up!*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in* GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUYSSSS!!! You're back!!! And you're front!!! You're all here!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~~~~~~!!!!
*takes a deep breath* Happy Halloween minna!! Here, I have some stuff fer ya all!!!
*reaches into her huge black sleaves (grim reaper costume* and pulls out a huge bowl full of CANDY!!!!!* EAT!!
Dear Jean,
Arigato!!! Oishii ame! How was your Halloween? We hope you had a good time.
Dear Hotohori,
Heika..umm..I'm going out with this guy who resembles you...a LOT!! *grinZ*..anyways..any tips on what to do with my hair? It's like...1cm past my shoulders, black, and a long fringe..^^;; Arigatou! =)
Yin Peizhen
Dear Yin,
You can always put pretty barrettes, combs, or ribbons in your hair. If it is long enough, you could do a French braid or put it up in a bun. Good luck! And lucky you to find a young man that strongly resembles me!
Dear Chichiri,
Nothing is ever final with me!!! Let me switch! I'm going to keep on bugging you about this...*reads down* put Lina in a potato sack!! Now you're really a meanie!!!
Dear Yui,
It's better than her previous outfit, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*sweatdrops in embarrasment* um.... why did Soi name her baby 'Yuri'? now alot of people are teasing me about it. ^^;;;;;; anyway, good luck babysitting! ^^
Dear yuri,
I don't know either. Maybe she just likes the name...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*drags in a big bag that's three times her size*
KONNICHIWA MINNA-SAN!!!!!! I'd hug you all but my hands are buzy at the moment. ^_~
I know it's a bit late but.....HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO CHICHIRI NO AIJIN-SAN AND THE SUZAKU SHICHISEISHI!!!!! *lets go of the bag*
Hee hee. ^_^ As you can tell, I juuust went trick-or-treating. I got lots and lots of goodies too! But there were some old dudes giving my the dirty look when I came up to their front door. Said something about being too old for getting candy. *eyes sparkling sadly*
Hidoi Ne! T_T Trick-or treating is NOT too old for anyone! Heck, I would give candy if a 80 year old woman came to my door, dressed up as a Teletubbie and ask me for some loot!
OH YEAH! Aniki told me to wish you all a Happy Halloween and congrats on the new website. He's at work right now so he couldn't tell it to you guys himself! Now then... *climbs the bag and shakes it furiosly until all the candy is dumped on the floor, covering most of the room* I decided not to hog all the candy soooo DIG IN!!
*pulls something from her hand* Ooooo! Butterfingers! *o* *munch* *munch*
Dear Sakura,
Arigato! Chichiri no Aijin took her Japanese friends Trick or Treatin' An' they range in age from 20-39! So yer right! Yer NEVER too old fer Halloween! Oishii ame!!
Dear Chichiri,
Pops up behind Chichiri...BOOOO!!!!. *Gives him a hug* Bet you didn't miss me much, but what the heck. Ok so is Tasuki a wolf or something, he looks like a wolf, acts like a wolf, and sounds like a wolf. And chichiri-chan in a fight between you and Lina who would win? (I'm more powerful then both of u, so the answer is none threatning to me).
Dear nodaing,
Are you really, no da? I do believe that Tasuki is human, no da. As to who would win between me and Lina... saa... she will surely dispute this, but I say I would, no da! I am older and have more experience, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
When you dissappear into the kasa...where do you go? ^_^ Oh, yeah, I almost forgot...what can I do to make you marry me? *facevault*
*lol* Like I would tell you!
Dear Nameless, no da,
I go into what our fans call "kasa-space", no da. It is more like another dimension, no da.
There really is nothing you or anyone can do to get me to marry, no da. Gomen minna-san...
Dear Chiriko,
Hiya!!!! Now..I know how everyone's hair is sooooo kawaii!!!!! Like u Chiriko..yours ish soooo cute!!! Chichiri....yours is sooo kawaii!!.....Hotohori...yours is sooo long and beautiful....Nuriko....yours is soo pretty and long....Tasuki....yours is just fiery hot and all soo coo!!! Mitusake...ok so nothing really extreme...but ish a totally hunkie looking wave....that well..most guys in my world can obtain to get...rather then if they want Chichiri-sama's. Tamahome....yours is sooo dreamy!!
So....between all of ya...who has the following hair qualities?????
1) The Coolest
2) The most unique
3) The most hard to work with
4) The Shinest
5) The best looking when wet
6) The best looking in the wind
7) Just the best hair of everyone!!!!
Arigato~~~~!!!!!! don't think of me werid but i gots long dark brown hair thats like now waist i was wondering if any ideas how to take care of it more or somethang coo to do with it......Arigato again!!!!
Well, for your hair Nuriko recommends a good trimming and shaping. You could braid it, put it up in a pretty chignon, use barrettes, combs, or pretty ribbons in it as well. The possibilities are pretty endless. Have fun!
Your answers are as follows:
1) Tasuki (At least he says so!)
2) Chichiri (We are talking gravity defying bangs, no da!)
3) Tasuki's
4) Hotohori-sama's
5) Tamahome's
6) Nuriko's
7) Hotohori-sama (At least that is what he has told me...)
Dear Tasuki,
You know that song you sang, Setsunakutemo...Zutto" Who were you singing that song to? Does that song have any particular meaning?
Dear Suzu-chan,
I was singin' it to someone that ain't no one's business an' it has a meanin' to me. An' I don't wanna talk 'bout it!
Dear Tasuki,
I think you're really kawaii! But just one simple question, why do you always look so out of it in pictures? *snickers* 0_o;; Well, most, not including a few sketches & screen captures. (No, I don't mean fanartists' work, but those photo-like pictures, you always look like you don't know what hitcha (er was that even a word?) Heehee.... Also, just for my fic info, what if there was sort of another girl who dropped into your world who drank and cursed (at times) almost as much as you did, was (a good-magic using) witch, with blond hair, blue eyes, average weight, 5'8". I have already mapped the 'fic out, but I just want to get your opinion on the girl and perhaps the other seishi as well? Uhm, also for fic info, can you all (minus Mitsukake & Chichiri - have something nice already planned) describe what kind of girl you think you would fall for? I just want to see if I've been creating characters properly. Teehees. Hope I haven't given away too much already.
Dear Sumiko,
Lessee... I look ouuta it an' why... too much sake an' too many hits to th' head? How should I know?!?!?!!? I guess th' girl sounds interestin', but it's you ain't it?? Heh-heh-heh... Lessee... Chiriko would probably like a fellow bookworm, Hotohori already has Houki, give Nuriko someone who looks like Hotohori *Gets punched into a wall by Nuriko...* ITAI!!! An' Tamahome already has Miaka. Guess that covers it. Good luck wit' yer story. We'd like to see it when yer done!
Dear Tamahome,
Can you also tell me if Gyokuran is your other sister or other brother? I've had moer than one "discussion" with a friend of mine over this. I say the other sister, he says the other brother.
Dear Ju-Chan,
Gyokuran is one of my sisters. So, you win!
Dear Chichiri,
My actions?! What are you talking about? I didn't do anything wrong! Lina's the one that blew up Konan! But Lina's my friend! I would do anything for her! You're being a meanie right now! : P Let me switch!
Dear Yui,
No no da!! And that is FINAL, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Well...(sweat drop)you can tell me how i have
to act to be the girl you want... Hey!how come you don't know? you must know by now!! With all those girl around you.
Dear Meow chan,
Nope!! Look, all I want right now are tomodachi!! IF that ever changes, I'll let alla ya' know!
Dear Chichiri,
DA.... This is making my head hurt no da. *sighs and takes some excedrin* Da...*concentrates and morphs into a Chichiri holding a WMC dolly and smirks* DA!
Dear WMC,
*Smiles* Not bad, no da! Now watch... *Concentrates and turns into a superdeformed WMC with a Chichiri doll and then glomps onto her leg!* DA!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, dressing up as you isn't a bad idea! I've already got the hair, after all... *puts Tasuki's name down on her cosplay list* I was wondering... can I join the bandits? Please!
Dear Spooky-chan,
Sure, if ya' can out drink an' outbrawl ALLA us!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*looks annoyed* CONSIDER!?!? you'll CONSIDER it!?!? well!!! you try walking around that place sometime dressed in a french maids outfit, and THEN tell me how YOU like being in THAT situation! I hate bandits! *looks down at the outfit and then looks even more annoyed* BTW I'm shoeless! I threw one heel at Tasuki's head, he took it from me, and another heel at some baka's head, and he ran away cackling insanely WITH my shoe!!!!! >_<
Dear Lina,
*Sighs* Fine! Have it your way, no da! *Concentrates and Lina is now barefoot, clothed in sackcloth, and has ashes smeared on her face.* Better, no da? Cinderlina, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
He's already dead. Before he was taken into custody.... *shakes her head* You know how docile and seemingly oblivious Dad is? He comes out of nowhere and pounds the @#$% in a manner that puts ya and me together to shame!
Dear Aidou,
Honto na?? *Smirks* I always knew we hadda get it from somewhere!!! Pops, eh?? Kakkoii!!!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
*Jane sneaks into Hotohori's room, and replaces all of his mirrors with those circus mirrors that make you look fat* Heh heh....*leaves and hides*
Dear jane,
*Walks in, looks at himself in the mirror and drops from the shock...*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I said not to say thaaaaaat! Hmph! I'm fine now anyways! *razz!* Granted... I'd have rather stayed at home than go on my "Freshmen Retreat" Nothing quite like having religion forced on you to put ya in a bad mood. --* Stupid stuck up snotty catholic private school! >=P Heheh. That "retreat" was one of the stupidest school activities I've been to. ("How can we be more like Jesus at Alemany?"--* "By putting up with stupid seniors?" (Stupid group leaders --*) "Is it important that we follow Jesus? Explain." My lovely answer- "No, because it is not my religion, I do respect him, but I follow no one but myself. I do what I would do and not what someone else would do. 'Do not walk behind me, for I will not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I will not follow. Do not walk beside me, just leave me alone!")
Sheesh. --* My whole group got mad because I wasn't doing one of the stupid worksheets that they gave me. Excuse me for not being Catholic or Christian! They tried to make me do the worksheet and since I wouldn't, they did it for me, and I erased what they put. *pulls out the crumpled worksheet* Lesse... "Attributes of Jesus, circle 5 words that you consider the most important attributes of Jesus" *sweatdrops* (Technically, I'm not religious in any way, shape, or form, but some friends and I have a little religion we made. Shimekian. Followers of the Goddess Shimeki!) *falls over* I've had enough religion to last the rest of the year, if not longer. But it's not over yet. "Freshmen Class Mass" On the Nov. 8! Whee! Fuuuuuuun. not. *grabs the nearest person and shakes them violently* WHY CAN'T THEY LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT THEIR RELIGION! THEY CAN'T MAKE IT MINE! IT NEVER WILL BE MINE! I DON'T WANT IT TO BE MINE!*stops shaking the nearest person violently* Do I have to pound it into their heads!?!?!? (hey! Any Alemany students that by chance might read this- LEMME ALONE ABOUT YOUR RELIGION!) - Hey, have you seen Koneko wandering around by chance? ^^;
Dear One-chan,
No, I haven't seen her around. So, no way to get outta havin' that uh... "stuff" shoved down yer throat? Can't yer parents talk to 'em?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I meant that Amboshi wasn't crazy for liking you guys when he pretened to be Chiriko.
Tamahome! I hear you're up for babysitting? I suppose I can trust you, with all those siblings and what not, ne?
Alright, then. I'll drop her off tommorrow. I just need someone to keep an eye on her while I go and re-stock the pantry! *sweatdrops* You wouldn't believe how much Nakago eats. It's ridiculous and it's been worse since Yuri decided she liked crackers....
Anyway, thanks guys and please excuse Nakago if he appears on this board biting all your heads off! Don't believe him if he says that his psyciatrist TOLD him to be jerk. He's supposed to ask you questions...not badmouth you. My apolgies on his reluctant...
BE QUIET! My apolgies on his behalf. Gomen Tama. BTW I'm glad you were so convinced by the illusion! *grins*
Nakago: *whining* "SOI!"
Oh stop it, ya big baby! *electro-shocks Nak*
See you tommorrow!
Dear Soi,
You're welcome. I take it that Nakago will be going with you. If not, I charge a LOT more to babysit anyone that is actively trying to kill me!
Dear Tamahome,
Out of curiosity, have you and Miaka's parents resolved your differences? I seem to be having similar problems...
Oh, and gomen but I'm trying to move out so I'm extremely low on ryou. Would you accept a 5 pound bag of soy rice crackers for Miaka? I've been living on them the last few weeks. *hands him a bag of rice crackers* Arigatou! ^_^
The Meowy T.n.M. =^.^=
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
I'm not sure what you mean by "resolved our differences". Could you be more specific? Keep the crackers... I don't want to be accused of starving anyone.
Dear Tasuki,
I thought you were going to post my pic for the Seishi of the Week! *_* *sticks tongue out at him* You're so mean! *hugs Tasuki anyways*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
There ain't no more webspace left here! We're movin'!! Give it a week!
Dear Nuriko,
The fanfic was supposed to scare people, but too many people got the inside jokes so it didn't work out very well..^^;; well I'm sure it still scared you! right???
Dear Lina,
No, not really. It was just bizarre.
Dear Tasuki,
Gomen, Tasuki-san, I'm so sorry for what I said to you in the other leter. *hugs Tasuki real tight* Gomen.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*GASPS* Air!!! Apology accepted.
Dear Tamahome,
Firefury: Actually, I'm usually the mild one and she's usually the hot head!
.. *hits Fury with her rolled up script* I heard thaaaat. You're 100 times worse when you get mad! 'Sides. I'm actually a nice person (11% of the time.....)
Firefury: *whacks One back* Ya better answer that or ya gonna lose!
Oneesan muuuuch worse when she's angry! Much worse than me! *hits Fury with her rolled up script which she um... wasn't memorizing last night because she resting... yeah. She was resting. Not reading her script... ah heh. Really!*
Firefury: *whacks One with her rolled up script again* I'M supposed to be the one who whacks with scripts! That's my thing!
NUH-UH! I the one who started whacking people with scripts when I tried out for the school play!
Fury: OKIE! How's this? *runs One's feet over with her backpack kart*
Fury: Nuh-uh nuh-uh nuh-uh! *goes into rapid fire whacking with her rolled up script*
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
Ano... I think you're taking this Tasuki/Aidou thing a bit too far...
Dear Tasuki,
So Tasuki! What're ya gonna make Lina do now that she's your maid? ^.~! And how do you like her outfit? Haha!!! You know Lina stole one of your sake bottles and got drunk the other day? It was so funny! HAHAHAHA! Well, be good! Or as good as Tasuki can be anyway...! ^_^!
Dear Inori,
Laundry, dishes, dustin'. The bandit stronghold is a *(&^%$# MESS!!!!!!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Say Heika, I'm just wondering. Do you think Kounan will suffer under influence of the Y2K bug?
curious techno
Dear curious techno,
As we are NOT technologically advanced, I doubt it.
Dear Tasuki,
What do you use on your hair to get it to stay like that? That style is soo cool! I want to put it in my own hair some time!
Taiitsu no Miko~*~
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
It's jus' naturally that way!
Dear Tamahome,
I would have called you something better than 'Tama-dork', believe me but Soi walked in an saw what I was typing and told me I was a bad influence on the baby.
She threatened to electro-fry my hair! I had to settle for a supposed name typo!
By the way. I'm glad you think my wife is so nice but if you don't stick to your Miko I'll ki blast your teeth down your skinny little neck - got it?
PS: Just so you know, I was going to swear vehemently at you until Soi showed up. DORK!
Dear Nakago,
Give me a break!! You wouldn't know an I.Q. test if it bit you on the butt!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Oh goodie! You're not mad at me! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! *hugs Nuriko really tight*
I really hoped you'd get the idea. Kourin's creation was a complicated thing to come up with and it's even harder to explain!
Kourin and Orian may appear in your mailbag once in a while to present their problems. Kourin's has some interesting hang ups in the 'stalking Young Empress Hotokimi' department. She isn't good with women, despite being one herself... *sweatdrops*
Thank you so very very much for understanding!
Taiitsu no Miko~*~
PS: If Ashitare brought you a box of candy and looked at you with cute puppy eyes and asked you to forgive him for killing you under threat of his own death by Nakago - would you pound him or forgive him?
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I probably wouldn't pound him. But I don't know if I would ever forgive him either.
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