Dear Chiriko,
Hiya! I was just wondering, where would I be able to find a copy of your single "P.S. Aitte Eien Desuka?" What CD is it on? I live near LA so maybe you could ask Chichiri no Aijin?
The Meowy T.n.M. =^.^=
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
Neither of us have seen it in Los Angeles. You might want to try Mikado Music in San Francisco. You can find them in Yahoo.
Dear Chichiri,
Why are you and tasuki being so mean to Miss Lina!?!?!?!??!If you would just give her a chance,she can be a REALLY nice person!!!!....Beleive me!! I'm her great,lovely,pretty and smart student!! *sweatdrops*..I meen....Well....anyway!!!...I think you and that fanged idiot,tasuki,should give her a chance!!!....and why do you keep bringing up Naga's name!?!?!?She didn't do anything!!!!She is the COOLEST!!!!...I envy her so very much!!...well....even though miss lina is better..HAHAH!!! But thats besides the point!!!!!...Please be nice to Miss Lina!!!!......and get her out of that outfit -_-;;....she doesn't like it...
Dear Momoko-chan,
I'm sure she is, no da! But she torched 1/2 of Konan, no da! Of course she dislikes her outfit! THAT'S the point, no da! That's why it's called a punishment, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, it was fun chatting with you too! ^_^ But yesterday, I didn't really chat whole heartedly with you 'cause my brother kept on bothering me to get off the internet. Maybe we can chat sometime in the weekdays? That would be nice. ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Mebbe. But I'm awfully busy answerin' letters during th' weekdays.
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou for passing it on. Oh, and you're probably gonna tell me to give this to Mitsukake but I don't feel like writing 2 letters. I picked up a scratching post for Tama-neko when I got one for my cat. Thought it would help preserve Hotohori-sama's furniture. *tosses a 2-foot, carpet-covered, catnip-laced, vaguely log-like object at Tasuki*
The Meowy T.n.M. =^.^=
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
*Ducks and catches the post.* Kakkoii! Thanks from Tama-neko and Mitsukake!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, everyone, I know that from one of your past letters you all hate Miboshi's guts. What I want to know is, which one of you hates that b@$+@rd the most? And don't say you all equally hate him, because I'm stressing that, which ONE of you?
Dear Tonberry,
Probably Tasuki, no da. He was quite upset by Chiriko's untimely demise, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* ^^; *hangs head* Alright, you and Yui were right. I shoulda rested =P Now I really do feel sick. Pfft... Not that I would have rested anyways had I know I'd feel worse. =P (I'm a stubborn hot tempered Irish woman! *One has a lot of Irish ancesters.*) ^^; Headache. Don't you dare say that you told me so! (That goes for Yui too!)Granted, I'm not going to go rest =P I have lots to do and not enough time to do it all in! *pulls out her script for theater* Have to memorize my lines. *has a feeling she's getting a look* Don't look at me like that! .... Alright! Alright! I'm going, I'm going! *puts her script away.* I'm not even tired! Just because I'm going to go to bed doesn't mean I'll rest, ya know! I never fall asleep untill at least- *falls asleep at the keyboard* ...zZz...ZzZ...zZz...
Dear One-chan,
*Looks at her and pats her head...* Tol' ya' so! *Razzes her...*
Dear Chichiri,
hihihihihihihhhi!!!!gomen for not writing!**hands you some cake** I went home for the week and became one with nature**coughs**my mom kicked me out of the house, sort of. the boy um... did some weird stuff but he is semmi busted now.** sniffles** I am sick! that is so not fair I never get sick!**puts on costume** hehe I am going be nurikio(?)because I dyed my hair chocolate cherry...and it's PERMENATE**shows picture of my old hair color which was blonde**. anyways got to go...**hugs you good-bye**
Dear navi,
Your mom kicked you out, no da?? Where did you stay, no da? Are you OK? That boy didn't hurt you did he? I am sorry to that you're sick, no da. *gives her a hug* I hope you'll feel better soon, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Oh, Nuriko-sama, guess what? Lina wrote a nifty-funny fic about you! It's called "How Nuriko was Too Good for THTC" It was inspired when we noticed you didn't sing in THTC at all! ;_;! You would've made it much better! ^_^! Oh! And Lina has a page of funny stuff! It's called "Lina Inverse's Page of Cool Stuff"
I came up with the title! Original, ne! Heehee! She has her funny Tasuki pictures there! You HAVE to see Tasukibell! HAHAHA!! And she wrote a REALLY pretty paragraph/poem for you! And one for Chichiri! She'll write more later, I think! Do you think you could put it up on the links page? Pretty please? *pouts* I know you ask Chiriko for that sort of thing, but you can pass it on, can't you? ^_^! Wai! *bows deeply* So how has your day been so far? ^_^!
Dear Inori,
We all (except for Tasuki) LOVED the Tasukibell picture! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....!!! I'll ask Chiriko to put the link on our links peeji. The fanfic was a bit ano... bizarre, but cute. Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri, stop making bad puns! *has tears in her eyes* You know what I meant! Let me switch with Lina. And what's this with Lina in Naga's body? ARE YOU CRAZY?! *cries* Meanie!
Dear Yui,
No, no da! But it would be an omoshiroii (interesting) punishment, no da. I am NOT a meanie. I just believe in discipline and taking responsibility for your actions, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Dear Kethrith,
Gomen, I am already married and do not wish a second spouse.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! I've got a question for you! How come you didn't answer Jane and Cow's question? They were just really bored and it wasn't for homework! So how come you didn't answer them? Are you really not as smart as they say or what? ^_^
Dear Yui,
I am that smart and thos equestions sounded like they were straight out of someone's biology homework/test. If I am mistaken, they are welcome to resubmit them. But I will be VERY disapointed in them if I find out I was tricked into doing they're research for them. They will not learn if I give them all the answers.
Dear Chichiri,
*hug* I've been pretty good. You? I've been having a great time at my new school, I've made lots of friends. Luv you and everyone else!
Bai Bai!
Dear KittyNoDa,
I'm fine, no da. I'm glad to hear that you are maving a good time at your new school and making friends, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi, Chichiri! I think your punishment for Lina is perfectly fine! *looks around nervously* Hope Lina didn't hear me! ^_^;! Ehehe! *looks at Yui suspiciously* Oh, I know what YOU'RE trying to do, missy! Chichiri's right! Punishments are not to be enjoyed! However, you might wanna tone down Lina's dress a bit...It's a very skimpy dress and there are many bandits in Mt. Reikaku! Who chose the dress anyway? Did you choose it, Chichiri? I thought you were a monk! Tsk tsk! ^.~! Shame shame! Heehee! Gotta go! Must do my Nurikious chores!
Dear Inori,
Perhaps you're right, no da. Demo, it does seem to annoy BOTH of them, no da. I shall consider it, na no da.
Dear Chichiri, do have some good points...DEMO!!! I really look up to Lina! I know she did mess up Konan a bit, but this is just TOO cruel!!!! Let me switch! I'm ok! Thanks for asking!
Dear Yui,
Look up to Lina, no da? I thought you were taller than her, no da! Jodan dayo, no da! Demo, iie, no da! Better than putting her into Naga's body, na no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Thanks. Yer sweet to say that! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
So did I. But it was fun chattin an' AIM'ing wit' ya'!
Dear Chichiri,
da.... I'm going to get back my results tomorrow.... *screams* TOMORROW!! ^^;;;;; I'm very scared about it.... I know I made quite alot of mistakes in all of the papers... and my teacher said that 22 ppl in my class failed maths. O_O *cries* the maths paper's important and I remember skipping some questions!!! what if I fail?!?! it's so stressful, having everyone thinking "oh, you're going to get good marks... or else!" *sobs* maybe I'm just paranoid. ^^;;;; that aside... ignore edgar that hentai baka please. *wacks him hard and kicks him away*
Dear Yuri,
*Gives her a hug.* Good luck with your grades, no da. I hope you did well despite what you said, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*grabs him his shirt* ARE you the one who's been picking on my brother Suboshi? grrrr....NO ONE picks on my relatives... get it? NO ONE!! or else..i'm gonna pick on each one of you almost everyday!
Dear Jane,
Oooohhh, I'm so scared... He ain't yer real bro' anyway! Who'd wanna be related to psycho yo-yo boy?
Dear Tamahome,
Why thank you for the encouragment! ^_^ THe PSAT issue has been forgotten already, no body told me to keep the work up. The closest I got was Chip saying: "So are you planning on beating me? Cause it ain't gonna happen." Go me. Sure, my family gave compliments but the matter just simply dropped. No problemo! ^_^ I'm just a happy-go-lucky type of person, I can encourage myself. Go me!
Anyway, have you read Ghost in the Shell? My mom bought it a week ago, and gave it to Chip for being so "good". Hmph. He won't let me read it. In fact he's hiding it from me. What's that supposed to mean? He's usually super careless...
Dear Sammy,
It means that the book is not appropriate for someone your age.
Dear Tasuki,
*giggles slightly... then laughs her head off*
KAWAII!!! You're so cute!!! *smiles*
Ya know, I really didn't tell you the whole story why I'm upset. There's this unofficial club at school run by my so-called best friend Mandy. It's titled "Break Jean and Kyori Up Club". My friends think I'm ruining my life and it really hurts. Even though they think it's for my benefit, those ahos don't understand that they're really hurting me. Mandy especially doesn't care, she's blunt, inconsiderate and a real pain in the butt sometimes but she can be really sweet when anyone's in trouble. This time, she has gon waaaay too far... can you help??
Dear Jean,
AHA! Got ya' to laugh!!! *Gives her a hug.* Have ya' ever met Kyori besides in chat or on the message board? Jus' curious. Anyway, have ya' told alla 'em to knock it off? If he hurts ya' that's yer business an' ya'll jus' know better fer next time. I know they're tryin' to protect ya' but sometimes we gotta let th' people we care about get hurt or they don't learn nothin' in life. Tell 'em Tasuki said to KNOCK IT OFF!!! Mebbe that'll help... *Fanged grin*
Dear Chiriko,
*sobs*...I just got back my end-of-year exam results today...and...I found out that I failed my maths!! *sobs even harder*..I studied and studied and studied..and I really did try my best..but...I'm so scared..what if I can't be promoted to secondary 2?? I'm telling you this because...well, I'm the same age as you are and I guess maybe you'll understand..
Dear Angelica,
*Gives her a hug.* Although, this has never happened to me, I do sympathize with you. Have you asked your parents to get you a tutor or perhaps you can take an extra class or another test? *Gives her another hug.* Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
*G* DA Illusion no da.... that explains some things then no da.... *G* *concentrates and this turn turns into a male Chichiri but with way too much hair.... hair that puts rapunzel to shame, and it's going every which way* daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @_@
Dear WMC,
No, no, no, no da! *Concentrates and snaps his fingers. Her illusion disappears. Let's try this again, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
Give yer sis a break, you have no idea what happened after ya left. *actually looks sad*
Dear Aidou,
*Sits down beisde her and puts an around her...* So, tell me already. Do I gotta kill someone?
Dear Tasuki,
What's wrong with the Links Peeji? It's got links to sites about you on it!! (J/K! Heh-heh...put the fan away...) I was just making sure you fixed the link to your poor insane miko's site (which you did). Oh, and since you're leaving Psyduck alone, I guess I can let you know who tipped you off to your miko's condition. (If you cared to know). =^.^=
The Meowy T.n.M.
Dear Meowy T.n.M.,
Ya' really need to write to Chiriko to get thins' fixed. But I passed it on him.
Dear Hotohori,
My respects to you Heika! =) Sorry for bothering you again..but why do people like Tasuki more than you?? I mean, you're cooler, more bishounen, richer...blah blah do they see in Tasuki anyway? ^^;; I don't have anything against Tasuki...I actually think he's kinda cute with his Lekka Shinen and all..but...why??
Dear Peizhen,
Perhaps as a commoner he is more accessible. It could be that my royal status scares people.
Dear Tasuki,
What do you mean: Are you through venting? Was that an insult?! It had better not be! If it was you will be sorry!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
No. It was a question. My insults are far more creative.
Dear Tamahome,
A sasquatch is this big tall creature with white fur. Likes to live in the snowy mountains. The guy I'm talking about is about 7 feet tall and answers to the name of Umaro. So you haven't seen him, have you? And don't think I'm talking about Ashitare either....Umaro could WASTE Ashitare in about 8 seconds.
Dear Mog,
Ummm, nope. I still haven't seen it, but I will send it Ashitare's way if I do.
Dear Chichiri,
*glares at Chichiri* Chichiri, that wasn't very nice of you. How could you turn Lina into a maid? For TASUKI! I think that's not right. I know that Lina doesn't like him, and Tasuki nii doesn't like her. I know you're going to say no, but let her switch places with me. Yes, I'll clean the stables and wear the maid's outfit. I don't want Lina to suffer like this. You don't know how bad this is...So just let us switch, ok? Please? Oh, btw, HI! How are you doing?
Dear Yui,
I'm sure that you and One-chan would jump at the chance to switch places with her. But this a punishment, she ISN'T supposed to enjoy it, no da! And I am fine, thank you. How are you doing, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey-Hi! Hey it worked! Your advice worked! I actually got my insane husband into THERAPY! Granted it took a few threats of shock treatment on his hair worked!
He's still ripping apart pillows in his sleep but since I'm not sleeping beside him again until he's at least half sane I'm healing nicely!
I sort of wanted to thank you, ne? I mean it's the least I could do. I guess Amboshi wasn't totally crazy, you guys are pretty darn nice!
*Soi gives all the seishi cookies and hands Tasuki a rum ball*
Um, I was also wondering though - are any of you guys good babysitters?
I would wager that Tasuki would feed the poor kid something alcoholic but if Chichiri or Nuriko or that cute little cat even, could take a little electrolite munchkin off my hands for a few hours next week...?
I can't leave Nakago alone with her for more than ten minutes these days. Frankly I'm still a little above trusting him not to run screaming out of the room. Children aren't his strong point and Yuri's only a baby. She can be a little aggravating and that's really not something I want to affect Nak with right now.
I can give you up to five ryou and hour so an afternoon gets you twenty bucks. Anyone up to it?
Dear Soi,
Glad to see that things are working out, no da! I think Tamahome might be interested in your proposal. He is always looking to make okane, no da. Also, I do believe that Amiboshi was quite sane and that it was Suboshi who was ano... shall we say "troubled", no da.
Dear Chiriko,
we've got some questions for you to answer..
1.why was gregor Mendel considered the father of genetics?
2.what is special about the chromosomes in a tetrad?
3.whats the difference between homozygous and heterozygous?
4.what are the three storage organells?
5.what does Guanine always link with?
6.Why do cells make RNA?
7.what has to happen before DNA replicates?
... i think that's all we have! well answer them for us chiriko! ^_^
Cow & Jane
Dear Cow & Jane,
I see someone is studying biology and genetics. Do your own homework kudasai. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
*sweeps up pieces* I think maybe I'll just buy Chip a new dog...
Dear Sammy,
Good idea.
Dear Chiriko,
You know, Chiriko, when you grow up you'll be a total bishounen and you'll probably have as many fans as Tasuki and Chichiri! How does that make you feel?
Dear Inori,
Seeing how they have crazed fan girls chasing after them trying to rip their clothes off and smear strange food products all over their bodies... SCARED seems to sum it up quite succinctly!!
Dear Nuriko,
Oh Dear... I really think I need to lay this straight with you Nuriko.
Technically You and Tasuki are not Kourin's parents. Kourin was born of Suzaku and she takes on personality traits from the two of you because Suzaku goofed up!
Kourin considers the two of you her parents because you are basically the largest influences on her life. You are the only parents that she really knows and Tasuki is the loud guy who demands to be let in on raising this person who is supposedly half his personality. You figured that you could state Kourin to be ONLY YOUR daughter but when her hair grew in orange and she took up stealing as a form of amusment you figured it was hopeless.
And if this still disconcerts you: know this - Kourin is from a wacky alternate universe of FY and you will never have to worry about her existence in your reality! So There! *gives Nuriko a raspberry*
Kourin shares my nutty alternate universe with several other wackos such as her best friend Orian, Kouji's aledged daughter. Now we all know THAT would never happen - kouji with a kid? - see it's GOT to be a complete other reality!
So - Kourin will never exist in your plane of reality. Relax!
But tell me, would you be offended if I were to ressurect your sister and have her have a teeeeeny crush on Tasuki? (For looks of course!)
Taiitsu no Miko~*~
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Arigato for your explanation. Gomen if I "went off" on you earlier. As to my sister having a crush on Tasuki... I wouldn't be offended, probably just a bit disturbed. Tee-hee... Tasuki is really not THAT bad. I just like to pick on him. But then, who doesn't?
Dear Chichiri,
Essence: Ugh. *grabs her battle axe back from Tasuki and clonks Chichiri with the flat side of it.* Stay outta this. I'm not after you.
One-chan and the rest of the gang
Dear One-chan and the rest of the gang,
As this is not a question but a continuing serial, it has been moved to the message board, no da! Enjoy, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Actually, we get along very good 99% of the time. NYAH! *steals some of Tamahome's money.*
Firefury: Okay, *smirking* if we're just like Tasuki and Aidou, which one of us is which? *holds up her script threateningly, not like it could do much damage... but ya never know.*
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
Ano... I'm NOT going there! I get the feeling that no matter WHAT I say I lose! But if you were to go by strict birth order...
Dear Hotohori,
*stomps in, grabs edgar, and wacks him hard on the head* don't listen to him!! he's a jerk!!!! and I stopped eating brains, so there. =p *drags edgar off*
Dear yuri,
*Looks at the spectacle, and just raises an eyebrow...*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama, you're SO nice! Soooo nice!! Thank you for cheering me up today! The morning began awful but when I spoke to you I cheered up and my day became better!! THANK YOU!!!! *hugs Nuriko and gives him a kiss on the cheek* Gomen I had to leave so fast! I hope I've been a good maid so far! ^.^!
Dear Inori,
I'm glad I was able to cheer up my ichiban otaku! You are a wonderful handmaiden! Domo arigato gozaimasu!
Dear Tamahome,
Heya, Tama-dork! My therapist keeps complaining at me to put some of my most puzzling querys to rest so I can focus on not killing things. Here's something that's been really bugging me.....
You remember when Soi pretended to be Miaka?
I've got a question for you. Didn't you clue in that she wasn't Miaka when you realized that she was as tall as you are?!
Just wondering.
PS: Your answer may also help me with another question. Exactly what is your I.Q. anyway?
Dear Nakago,
Hey it was dark!! And she was GODD!! At illusion that is... Besides I doubt that you're REALLY Nakago! He'd come up with a better insult than Tama-dork. I'd say my I.Q. is certainly higher than YOURS! Naka-yaro!
Dear Tasuki,
How can i be the girl just for you? Plese tell me,i try best to be one!!! *with hopness eyes*
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
H*ll I don't even know! So how can I tell ya'??
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, you're right. I would never treat my friend any differntly, gay or not.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Glad to hear it! *gives her a hug*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi hi.... ^^;;;; Sorrie for not replying u for so long cos I've been rather busy these days..... Just got my results back this week.... Quite happy with them and.... I passed my G.P.!!! *Does a victory dance around Nuriko and gives Nuriko a big hug* Haha! ^o^ Really very happy cos G.P. is really very impt. in my sch. cos if one does not pass it, one will only have a conditional promotion to Year 2 and must pass the first common test for the subject next yr or else...... Eh? I dun really know wat happens after that but maybe they will retain those pple if they dun make it next yr..... Pretty scary thought.... *shudders* but luckily for me.... I dun have to worry myself sick over it! =P
My parents are trying to make me get off the computer now cos the time is abt. 11.40pm over here and they dun want me to be online till very late.... *sits in a corner with a pouty look* But no fair... my brother can use his own computer till as late as he likes and I can only use it for a limited time each week.... So unfair! Grrlll.... >_< And, they cannot really blame me wat.... cos I was using the computer much earlier to do some project work and I only just came online and now this.... *sigh* Life is just so unfair huh? -_-
Err.... nope.... I did not give "him" anything at all.... was contemplating giving him a drawing of Amiboshi that I previously drew in my sketch-book but did not find the time to draw another copy.... Besides, that was not a really appropriate thing to give rite? I mean, wat use would he find for it? Nothing! But, I did personally give him the gift we made for all our seniors.... Nothing much really happened that day.... just plain usual assembly and a really wonderful concert put up by our faculty-captains. Oh.... unless u count this minor thing as sth.... throughout the assembly when we were sitted in the hall, he sat beside me but nothing really much happened from it.... other than that I got quite a last eye-ful of him..... sigh..... but I really am very happy with everything.... I mean, things could always have been a lot worse rite? Guys usually either avoid the gal completely or feel very awkward when such things happen.... and watever that happened for me in this situation is just wat I've never really expected and I'm very happy abt. it already..... really.... =) Oh... dun u think wat Tatara mentioned makes sense in that if the other person is happy, it will also be equivalent to one's own happiness? I think it does and that's wat I'm happy over for the time being as I wish him all the best for his coming A Level exams....
Oops... gotta go now.... Do enjoy this in the meantime.... *hands Nuriko an ice-cream* Dun really know which flavour u like.... but hope u trust my taste in food.... It's cookies and cream! Ooiishiii!!! *winks* =P
Baby Gwing ^_<
Dear Baby Gwing,
Arigato for the oishii ice cream! I suppose that what Tatara said make's sense. As long as you're happy with your decision. Congratulations on your tests! I'm very proud of you!
Dear Tasuki,
Keetia: So you'll hit Essence and not me? ^.~
Essence: *smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiles* Heeehehehehe...... You think Lina has some bad spells..... heheheheheheheheheheh..... >8F
Uh-oh... o.o;
Essence: Fire flashing. Lighting crashing. With the power of rage, I will conquer!Wind twirling. Water swirling. With the power of fear, I will previal!Light shinning. Dark blinding. With the power of all, I will battle! *strains to gather Charm from the Realm, power from the Almighty She, the Dark Lords, the Great Six and their Knights, and whatever else she can draw power from. She soon has a dark orb of power that is expanding with elemental powers* FINAL DEATH... STRIKE!!!!!!!!! * Essence hurls this huge ball of pure, death bringing power at EVERYBODY at a high speed. The orb expands more as it heads towards everybody. The orb is like death itself, should it hit.
Firefury: In the words of Claw..... OOOOOOOH *censoooooooored!* *teleports*
Koneko: Essence! Stop! STOP! STOP! O.O; You're going to kill us all! O.o;
..Panic. Now would be a great time for it... *panics in SD*
One-chan, Essence, Keetia, Katana, Koneko, and Firefury
Dear One-chan, Essence, Keetia, Katana, Koneko, and Firefury,
*Erects a powerful chi shield in front of everyone and dispels the orb.* Tasuki how many times do I have to tell you to stop angering magic wielding beings, no da? *Sighsand pulls off his mask.* I suppose I shall have to fight you now that I have dissipated your spell, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
It's Taiitsu no Miko, I wished to inform you that Kourin is not all that scary so I brought her with me to meet you. *looks around* Oi! Where'd she go? *Kourin pops up behind TnM, scaring the heck out of her*
Kourin: Explain to me again why I have to meet my own father? He knows me!
Taiitsu no Miko: Well would you prefer that he was so afraid of what you might be like that you'd never be born?
Kourin: *blinks* Okay point taken.
Taiitsu no Miko: *smiles unconvincingly* Now Nuriko, this is Kourin. She's really a very nice girl. Kourin tell her about your hobby.
Kourin: What? Stalking Hotohori daughter?
Taiitsu No Miko: *sweatdropping* I would call it 'stalking'.
Kourin: I beat up her royal guard! You don't call that stalking?
Okay Kourin's a little crazy but she's also very romantic and very strong. She hits her friends into walls on a daily basis, Orian especially.
Anyway, she really is nice when you get used to her. Please don't kill me for being way too creative. *squints and waits for Nuriko to hit her*
Taiitsu No Miko~*~
Dear Taiitsu No Miko,
*Does not look amused...* Number one, I DON'T have a child and especially NOT one that Tasuki would have ANYTHING to do with creating in ANY way! Number two, it would be anatonically IMPOSSIBLE for Tasuki or ANY of the Seishi to father a child with ME! Gomen Kourin, I have nothing against you, but I fear you may have been misled as to your parentage. *Looks at her... * You know she REALLY does look like Tasuki... Tee-hee... What has he been up to...?
P.S. I shortened your letter so it would be less rambling. Sumimasen...
Dear Tasuki,
*is a little sad, is a little lonely*
Neh Tasuki, can ya do something to pull me outta depreso mood?? Honestly, if it's not my grades, it's my friends. The friend I told ya all about, we're not close anymore. She's being a real b*tch to all of us, now that I reflect on our friendship, she's always been a real... no da. She's always hated people but she never got to get close to them, started fights and made "I Hate So and So" pages. Now I really feel responsible. Neh, think ya can cheer me up Gen-kun?? *small smile*
Dear Jean,
Why do you feel responsible fer her feelin's an' actions? Ya' ain't ya' know! If she's always been a miserable thin' then it's up to her to change! Anyway.. *Goes SD and makes a funny face to get Jean to laugh...* *Gives her a hug* Feel any better???
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen ne..... for taking so long to reply u..... >_< Yah... I supposed that Yuri has told u already that she did not get to meet up with me that day.... Oh well.... some other time perhaps.... ^o^ But... I did get to meet up with her in the chatroom later that day when I just reached home. I was very tired but happy cos I had to yak and boy.... did I really yak at the pple I had to give a guide around the sch. Oh... and Yuri mentioned that she liked our open-house a lot as well as our mass dance..... =P *Does a little dance round Chichiri* Not that I can dance very well.... but the fun in all these mass dances is that u see the fun in doing it urself.... =o> Glad that she did enjoy herself there..... Actually, I got quite a scare there the day b4 cos she said that she was going at 2pm and my sch's open-house was only until 1pm.... *sweatdrops* Thank goodness, she saw my msg. in time and managed to attend it....
Just got my results this week..... Rather happy with wat I got and.... I passed my G.P.!!! *Hugs Chichiri* Hehe! ^^;;;; But now, I'm sort of faced with a predicament cos I have to decide on which S-papers to do if I want to.... *sits down, deep in thought* Cannot really make up my mind.... but my decision so far is Chemistry and Maths. cos I'm more interested in Chemistry than Physics. Biology is out of the question as it is very much like G.P. that I hate with candidates being required to complete 3 essays within 2 and a half hrs. *sweatdrops* But then, after attempting some of the Physics S-paper past yr. questions to get a feel of it, I find that I'm beginning to get an interest for it.... So I'm sort of in a predicament now.... -_- But, I'm most probably going to try taking Chemistry and Maths. Hope I can eventually cope with both of them cos next yr's gonna be a tough yr. for me with common tests on almost every Saturday together with the hectic sch. work.... Wish me luck k? *winks*
Oh... just been wondering.... have u heard the song from FF8 "Eyes on Me" by Faye Wong.....? It's a really great song! Been listening to it these days and I cannot get enough of it..... A truely beautiful song of its own and from a masterpiece of games, FF8..... Oooooohhh..... I just cannot play enough of that game..... o_o Hehe!!! Gotta go b4 I start rattling again.... So enjoy this for now.... *gives Chichiri an ice-cream* Hope u like the flavour! It's mocha.... Enjoy!
Baby Gwing ^_<
Dear Baby Gwing,
Arigato for the oishii ice cream, no da! Omedeto gozaimasu on passing your tests, no da! I'm very happy to hear that! Sorry that you and Yuri missed each other, but maybe you'll get another chance to meet, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Firefury: *smacks Tamahome with the rolled up script.* She's just being over dramatic! Sitiuation quite normal.
PFFFFFFFT! *drops a pile of Tamahome heads!* Nyah to you. *RAZZ*
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
*Smiles warmly at the two of them...* Yep, just like Tasuki and Aidou. Awwwww, kawaii...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys haven't seen a sasquatch walk by around here, have ya?
Dear Mog,
What's a sasquatch?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Everyone! It's Me! KittyNoDa!! I'm back!!! YAY! I feel good because I'm sending a care package to a girl in South America. I feel good about that. But latley I've benn having low self confidence. I feel like I'll never be loved again, And I feel unpretty. Oh well.... I hope this passes soon. Bye all.
*hugs and kisses*
Dear KittyNoDa,
That's very kind of you to do that, no da! We all go through periods of self-doubt and low self-confidence, I'm sure this will pass, no da. How have you been otherwise, no da? *gives her a hug*
Dear Chiriko,
YEE- HOOO!!!!!!!!!!1 Remember how I asked you about what to do about a nasty grade on my report card and an evil mother? I GOT A C!!!!! I thought I would faint in joy!!! Apparently I didn't miss as many assignments as I thought I did (although- if I had turned in THOSE I could have had a B- grr..).. I'm so happy!!!
Dear Rhiannon,
While I'm glad to hear you didn't fail, I do hope this will teach you to do your homework AND turn it in! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello, Gen-chan! Another BORING day at school as usual....jeez..I don't know why I need it. We had this stupid career day today, and we had to pick out 6 things that we wanted to be when we grew up and there was NOTHING that I wanted to be! It's not fair! Anyway, I picked Plastic Surgeon (there was nothin' else) and he showed us these pictures of people that had accidents and well....I think they were just a LITTLE bit graphic for the other girls in the class....I mean, I was fine, considering all the bad accidents I've had (slitting my hand open 4 times, burning my arm, getting my forehead cut ::I didn't do these on purpose mind you::), so they didn't really bother me...I just wasn't able to eat my lunch...or dinner for that matter.
My mom took me to the mall today and got on my case again because I bought more of the plastic bracelts I wear all the time (I wear about 50 on each arm). The way I see it, she should be glad I'm only wearing the jewelry instead of getting my ears peirced for the 4th time or getting a tattoo. I mean, it's just something me and my other friends do (there girls, not guys...that would be just plain.....disturbing if it was guys) everday. It's not like I'm in a satanic cult or anything!
This guy at school came up to me today and asked me if I'm a witch because I have books on witch craft and stuff, but that doesn't mean that I'm one of those satinists (sp?) that go around kidnapping people and sacrificing them. I only have them because I like to know about different beliefs and stuff like that! I'm not one of those freaks that go around with all the black lipstick and white face make-up (anymore at least...just kiddin'), I just like to read about stuff! ( cousins did think I was a vampire for a time....I kinda...umm...bit him when he made me really mad...But I was only 9!)
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
OOOKKKAAAYYYYY.... finished venting? 'Bout th' baka that asked if ya' were a witch, he's jus' ignorant. An' witches AIN'T satanists!! That's a whole different buncha stuff that ya' don't EVEN want to deal wit'! Witches in the Wiccan sense of the word worship nature an' are a pretty peacful bunch of folks. If ya' wanna do deeper research, I'll ask Black Jade fer a list of books fer ya' to read.
Dear Chichiri,
two cats?......ohhhhhhhhhh......*sweatdrops* *looks at the damaged house* anyways i want suboshi to be happy with his aniki! and don't yell at me! AND i was just having revenge!! i was too stupid to come up with a plan like that but you were lucky that i wasn't evil that time! hehehh..and beware..'cause i might do something more evil next time. *feels bad but just leaves*
Dear jane,
I'll take it that was an apology, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san, Tasuki No Miko's page is now located at Tasuki No Miko's. It's still at Dragonfire, but those bakas changed it without any warning..I had to look all over the place to get the new address. @.@
Dear Myrna-chan,
I've been there. It's kowai!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Eh-heh-heh... *sweatdrop* When I said that to Jane, I didn't really think she'd actually *do* it... *deep bow* Gomen nasai, Chichiri no Aijin-san! Your cats and family weren't really my goal at all, and I didn't mean any harm! ... well, maybe a little harm to Tasuki... (About the kodoku, fortunately Lina cast a luck spell on me resulting in Tasuki grabbing the wrong bottle... I didn't forget anything but I WAS trapped in the bathroom for three days... ¬_¬) Anyway, gomen nasai... what do I have to do to make up for it?
Dear Suboshi,
Ya' know, Chichiri no Aijin still has that pic of ya' wit' th' pink ribbons in yer hair...
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I just wanted to say that you're my favorite! I got my best friend hooked on Fushigi Yuugi, but she prefers Tamahome.
Anyway, I just kinda wanted to say hi. Tell Nuriko that I'm dressing up as him to hand out candy this Halloween. Unless of course my friends do the haunted house again... it was fun juming out of the stairway and scaring people. Unless they tried to push you down the stairs of course...baka kids.
Dear Spooky-chan,
I'll let Nuriko know what yer doin'. Why not wear fangs an' go as me??? That might stop 'em from pushin' ya' down th' stairs.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Chichiri from one of your most dedicated fans! I have wandered the globe (well, all across town anyway) to try and discover the magic and mystery that is you. I'm even planning to dye my hair blue this summer and go out as you for Halloween. (Well, not an extrememly convincing Chichiri, me being a girl and what-not but you's the effort.)
For all the Chichiri fangirls out there I have a question that I'm sure we all want to know the answer to. Would you ever consider having a girlfriend?
I mean let's face it, Kouran is long dead. You've got to get over her. Besides which, I know a couple of people - mainly me - who would jump at the chance to take you to the junior prom!
I've decided to go for the next best thing - I made up a girlfriend for you in a fanfic. (Not an entirely original idea but....)
Oh well, please send me your answer soon!
Shrine Maiden Keisei (Nyan Nyan Trainer and Sanity Securee of Taiitsu no Miko)
Dear Shrine Maiden Keisei,
I suppose I might consider it someday, no da. But for now I am happy the way I am, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
I know that you are an under appreciated seishi, and I have just a few questions to ask.
1. Why do you happen to have Tama- Neko?
2. Why in the world are you so under appreciated? I mean you can do lots of stuff. Your not foul mouthed like Tasuki, you don't add no da onto the end of every sentence like Chichiri, you aren't short like Chiriko, a dork like Tamahome, dense like Miaka(who must have the I.Q. of a raisin), Vain like Hotohori, or a cross dresser like Nuriko.
3. Did you get to pick your power, or was it just given to you?
You aren't boring, so why do you say you are? I do think that if nobody else can see you for the wonderful seishi that you are then why should you care. If you enjoy the attention that you get from your few loyal fans, then you shouldn't care that most of the other seishi have so many fans. You should think positively and enjoy what you have. Think of it this way you are taller and stronger than most of the other seishi than who cares that you don't have as many fans.
P.S. forward the note below to Tama-Neko. Do you enjoy living with Mitsukake?
Meow, Meow, Meow.
Dear Nyanko-Neko,
Arigato for your kind words. I appreciate them. I have Tama-neko because he chose me to be his person. I suppose it is because I am so quiet that I am underappreciated. I was born with my Seishi power as were all the Seishi. Thank you again.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
oh, and how do YOU know that my spell was going to cause any damage! what do you mean? be tasuki's maid or something?!? *laughs nervously* tasuki wouldn't want to boss me around and make me do chores! *turns to tasuki and waves a fist* right???? and what do you mean the similarly talented? I'm MUCH stronger than he is!!!
Dear Lina,
Because ALL your spells cause major damage, no da! Maid, no da??? Hmmmm... *Poofs her into a French maid's outfit complete with feather duster and high heels...* Not bad, no da! Tasuki-kun!! Lina is going to be your maid for a month or so, no da! She'll be cleaning up the Mt. Reikaku stables, no da!!
Dear Tasuki,
*gives Tasuki a HUGE hug and a HUGE kiss on the cheek* I feel much better now, arigato! ^_^ Hm.... Jesse? She's pretty cool! I might be her for Halloween... Oh, yeah, did you get the pic???? ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Glad yer feelin' better! I haven't got th' picture yet.
Dear Tasuki,
Hehe. Guarding Tama-neko huh? Good. NOW YOU KNOW HOW WE FELT WHEN YOU THREATENED OUR PSYDUCK!!!! ~v~
Anyway, did you read my letter to the rest of the seishi? If you didn't, I repeat: I would NEVER do anything to harm Tama-neko or anyone else ... hmmmm ... except maybe you ... (J/K! ^_^) so everyone's safe from me. Now, can I assume the same for our Psyduck?
The Meowy Thor no Miko =^.^=
Dear Meowy Thor no Miko,
I'll leave yer bird alone.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, Nuriko-sama! How are you today? I've brought you your breakfast...*sets the tray in front of Nuriko* Hope you like it! Lots of fruit here! Especially grapes! I thought you might like those cause they're purple! And some bananas...and apples...and oranges... Well, I guess I should leave you to eat ne...I'll do the laundry while you eat...I'll be by again later, okay? *smiles a bit forcedly and walks off with the laundry basket*
Dear Inori,
Arigato for the oishii asagohan (delicious breakfast)! Please join me. You don't have to do the laundry, I am capable of doing my own laundry.
Dear Tasuki,
Aha!! So you ARE my kid!!! I'm so happy!! *gives Tasuki lots of okane and sake* I LOVE to spoil my kids!! *gives him pixie sticks and twix bars* How precious!! Well, you're my 13th child so far, I believe! Let's see... Arashi, Suboshi, Amiboshi, Kenji, Ling, Yuri, Yui, Momoko, One-chan, Jane, Edea, Kira, and you!! Wai!! You think I have too many? Most of my kids are either around my age or much older than me!
P.S: What DID Lina do to you to get that face on the pic? Hmmm??
Dear Inori,
I ain't no one's kid but my ma's!!! An' I don't wanna talk about Lina an' that picture...
Dear Chiriko,
*sobbing insanely*-- It's Parent/Teacher confrence time at my high school and I'm scared to death that I am actually failing a class (I have never failed a class in my life and my mom goes ballistic when I even get a C!)--I'm so scared that I got an F that I am actually making myself sick. I don't know how to handle this! Each time I tell myself, 'don't worry' a NEW reason to worry pops in my head and they all have to do with that horrible class. I could promise to bring the grade up (which without a doubt I WILL!!!!!)- but that doesn't do me any good right NOW. The worst thing is that she'll be talking to my evil teacher about the grade and she'll get the same story that I've been telling her (no homework everyday. My book was stolen from locker- really was- and I can't seem to figure the things OUT, but that's a lame excuse, I know I should have done my homework)... So, when she gets home I'll have to listen to how bad I am, how irresponsible, how pathetic it is that I would fail a class, and that when I said I wasn't doing too good she thought I meant 'C' and that an 'F' is unexcusable...
This is pretty bad that I'm posting this on the interent so that everyone could see, but I was hoping for advice on how to deal with my mom (the only advice I've gotten from my friends is the obvious 'do your homework'- which DUH, I will deffinately do now and 'don't worry- maybe you got a D')...
Dear Rhiannon,
Try not to get so upset about it. You will just have to work harder. Ask your mom for help if you think you need it. And study, study, study! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
*whacks him with a log* I do not have wrinkles!
And stop making fun of my unmarried status, at least I have standards and I don't marry the first thing that came along! *whacks him with more logs and storms off, sniffling*
Dear Aidou,
Well, neither did I!!! An' lay th' *&^%$#@ logs already!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*giggles* You make me look good :P *puts her blue iceberg shades on him* Da.... ^_^ *laughs her head off at the though of Chichiri with breasts* *bluefaced from lack of air causing by hilarity she finally manages to recover*
Da...... *coughs* *mouth quirks in amusement* *morphs into a male chichiri with breasts*
Da... *sweatdrops and unmorphs back into wmc form* da......
Da.... when you morph are you anatomically correct down tot he last detail of what you're mimicking, or is it more you underneath the guise of an illusion no da?
Dear WMC,
*Looks amused at WMC...* No, no da! It is an illusion that covers the real me, no da. Now back to your lessons, no da...
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