Dear Tamahome,
Don't worry, if Nakago was on the MUD to kill, I'd be hunting him more than you. =) And telling Nakago about it (and hoping I survive =) *hands Tamahome some counterfeit money.*
Firefury: *walks up behind One and hits her over the head with a rolled up script* BAKA! Be nice!
Firefury: *sweatdrops* I whapped you with a piece of paper. Now be nice!
But I'm 89% mean Oneesaaaaaaaaaaaaaan *sniffles*
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
AWWWWW... how kawaii... This is almost like watching Tasuki and Aidou...
Dear Tasuki,
Essence: Heheheh....... *looks like she's loosing whatever sanity she maintained for over 8,000 years...* Jamakusai, eh???? Heh...heh... >8} I haven't even warmed up.... Hehehehehe..... You are now second on my hit list, being as I hate Katana more. Heheh heheheheh........ >8F
*POUNCE!* Gee, I thought finding out you were Inori's kid would have gotten more of I reaction than that =) (Stupid Speed hasn't shown up yet.....rrrr.....)
Essence: heheheheheh.... You think I'm a pain now-? Wait until I transform... hehehehhehe... I'll kill Katana, you, Keetia/Gemma, Kajitsu, and the little cat girl too! EEEEHEHEHEHHEHE!!!!! >8} Oh yeah... I'll kill all those E.V.I.L. Authors too.....heheheh... Firefury.... One.... NeonTiger.... Yuki.... and all the others out there..... heheheheheheh
Essence-chan.... um... snap out of it... *Essence swings her axe around trying to take people's heads, including any near by seishi, and One, and Tasuki.*
Koneko: EEEEEEP!! O.O; *ducks*
One-chan and a crazed Essence
Dear One-chan and a crazed Essence,
OI!!!!!! *Pushes One-chan behind him, belts Essence, and grabs her axe.* Stop swingin' that *&^%$#$@ thin' around!!!!! Ya' almost hit One-chan!!!!! JAMAKUSAI!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Didja fix the Links' Peeji?
Anonymous (all will be revealed soon...if you're good...)
Dear Anonymous,
Why? What's wrong wit' it?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey, Mitsukake! I just bought the the Fushigi Yuugi Vocal collection and I really love your song. (That I'm listening to right at the moment) I looked all over the internet for Lyrics for it (with an english translation) and I just could not find it. Do you know the lyrics to the song? Or could you recommend a site with the Lyrics? Your help is appreciated. Thanks!
Zell Dincht
Dear Zell,
I really don't know where tofind the lyrics translated or otherwise. You might want to check some of the sites on our links peeji. Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki! How are you doing? Just wanted to stop by! ^_^! I did have a question! How do you deal with any hangovers you have? ^_^!
Dear Inori,
Lotsa sleep! Vitamin B and orange juice! Aspirin is good, too or Mitsukake if ya' can find 'im! Yer other answer is annoyin' but fun to spar wit'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok, ok, ok, ok... ^_^
Tamahome - ...What is your favorite colour? Why? Hm? ^_^
Hotohori - There is no doubting that you are incredibly beautiful. The question is, what are your favorite pajamas? Why? What are they made of?
Nuriko - What is the strangest experience you have ever had with life?
Tasuki - You come from a long line of bandits. Why are you falling for a bandit killer? It's kinda cute ^_~. I know you'll deny it. Ah well.
Chichiri - Your personality is so so so so kawaii!! You have a wonderful singing voice!! (the rest of you all too, of course) What is it like for you to sing with Tasuki?
Chiriko - What is the square route of 45.7901? JK ^_^ *gives him a hug* What was it like growing up before you met with the rest of the Suzaku Seishi? I mean, did people treat you any differently because you are so intelligent?
Thank you for your time! ^_^ Oh... and one more thing.
Chichiri no Aijin - How does it feel to live with all these wonderful Seishi??? LUCKY!! oi oi... Although... they must be a pain at times *looks at Tasuki* hehe (JK)
Arigatou! My questions weren't entirely too important. Just querries that have been on my mind.
Tsuchi kun
Dear Tsuchi kun,
Here are all your answers in order:
Tamahome - Red and black because they look good on me.
Hotohori - Arigato. My silk pajamas because they are the most comfortable.
Nuriko - Don't you think dressing like a woman and trying to marry the Emperor is strange enough?
Tasuki - I'M th' only bandit in my family!! *proud fanged grin* An' I ain't fallin' fer no one!
Chichiri - It's fun, no da! Tasuki-kun is an excellent singer, no da!
Chiriko - The square root of 45.7901 is 6.766838257266. People did tend to treat me as an oddity. But my parents were always proud of my accomplishments.
Chichiri no Aijin - Sugoi!!! It's great, but Tasuki is pretty hard on the furniture... However bathtime is fun... hee-hee... Bringing them towels, soap, etc. at the most inopportune (for them) moments! Hee-hee... lucky for me they haven't quite figured out that the doors do lock! (And I'm not telling them! Shhhhhhh...) ^_~
Suzaku Seishi and Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
One of my closest friend just told me he's gay.... *_*; What should I do?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Shouldn't Nuriko be answerin' this kinda question??? *Gets punched into a wall by Nuriko...* i-i-tai.... 'Che! Anyway, be a good friend and be supportive of him. What he did was very brave. I wouldn't run around tellin' people 'bout him unless he asks ya' to. I mean that's 'bout all ya' can do. Gay or not, he is still the same person he was when ya' became friends. Ya' shouldn't treat him any different than ya' did before he came out to ya'.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello Tasuki-san! I'm that nut that asked about you and Nuriko as a couple! Thanks for your...err...colourful reply. I didn't think you'd go for it, although I hazard to question why you kept Nuriko's braid with you when he cut it off just before he died.
Anyway I was wondering, what are the chances that Kouji could be distantly related to one of the dead Genbu Seishi? Also...if you don't mind my asking, who is Rei-Rei exactly?
Taiitsu no Miko~*~
PS: What is the relevance of your kanji character to your seishi powers and personality? I mean, what does 'wing' really say about you anyway?
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I kept Nuriko's braid 'cos he was my friend. I dunno if Kouji could be a relative of a Genbu Seishi. So I s'ppose it's a 50-50 chance. Rei-Rei was someone I cared a lot 'bout a long time ago. As fer my Seishi symbol, I think it means genius, but DON'T quote me on that!! Check out th' "Chicken of Doom" website on our Links Peeji.
Dear Hotohori,
Not really... she borrowed my chainsaw about a week ago and tried to use it to get other people's brains. I just got it back from her, so don't worry... but I'm surprised that she didn't go after Chiriko's brains or yours.
Dear Edgar,
I don't think she even made it to Konan.
Dear Chichiri,
how would women be the more difficult gender to understand we're pretty open about our feelings and don't often hide them and if we seem grumpy it's probebly just pms or just having a bad day.
now on the other hand guys you can't figure out what they're thinking half the time and the other half of the time you hardley even want to know what most guys are thinking and one more thing
why is it that women had to fight for rights that men already have it's just not fair! i mean i believe we are just as good if not better! (sorry just had to get that opinion out ^^;;;) but i guess that part is just an opinion ^^;
Dear somebody!,
I suppose it's because when women are upset or angry they never tell us what the problem is or what we did to them to upset them, no da. I suppose women had to fight for equal rights because the men in charge were afraid to give them rights, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sakura: Konnichiwa Minna-san!!!
*smile* *HUG* *HUG* *HUUUUUG*
Masao: *whack* Let them go, baka. They're turning blue.
Sakura: Itai! Gomen! Just giving an extra one for good luck. *smile* ^_~
Masao: *sigh* Ok. Thanks for giving us the time to answer us and wishing our toosan to get well.
Sakura: He juuuuust came back from the hospital! *ok sign* And he's A-OK!!
Masao: It seems if he had too much sugar, which kinda messed him up.
Sakura: So now Okasan is making sure that he doesn't eat to much sweets.
Masao: Which reminds me, *glare Sakura* what did you do with his ice cream candy?
Sakura: Oh, I took it from him and hid it in my room!
Masao: Annnd, you probably ate them all too.
Sakura: *sweatdrop* Heh heh, Yup.
Masao: Once again, the hideous monster known as "Sakura" stikes back!
Masao: Which reminds me, that 24x24 collage of Nuriko that you just made is so beautiful. Now tell me, Where the hell did you find that lovely shirtless pic of Nuriko
Sakura: *blush* Urusai! BAKA! Why do you ask? Want one for your room, OKAMA!
Masao: KISAMA!
Masao & Sakura
Dear Masao & Sakura,
*Watching them fight and argue...* It's so nice to see siblings get along... *Sweatdrops* We're all relieved to hear that your otoosan is doing better. He might have hypoglycemia or diabetes. Has he been tested for these conditions? They are both treatable so you shouldn't worry. So, when do we get to see the mosaic?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ok, I'm not going to write three seperate letters because..I don't feel like it!
Tasuki, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BAKA!!! *turns around laughing and walks right into a tree*
Tamahome, my name is LINA!!! not female tasuki !!!! LINA!!! L-I-N-A!!! And you know that because I've glared at you in the chat before, I'm sure of that!
Hotohori, *looks annoyed* ARE YOU CRAZY!?! I'm NOT paying that! there's no way in h*ll!!! *closes her eyes and starts chanting a spell under her breath*
Dear Lina,
Tasuki: *Watches her walk into the tree* Hahahahahahahahaha.... Baka yerself ya' baka onna!!
Tamahome: Yes, definitly THE Female Tasuki! Although, you do have the appitite of my beloved Miaka. Too bad you have the coordination of Usagi from Sailor Moon...
Chichiri: *Chichiri pops up behind her and clamps his hands over her mouth...* That is a VERY bad idea, no da. Perhaps you would prefer to work off your debt, no da? Maybe Tasuki would be kind enough to take you in. You two do seem to be similarly talented, no da!
Tasuki, Tamahome,and Chichiri
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys ever miss someone? To be more specific, do you guys ever miss hearin' from someone who was writing and then just stopped?
Dear Guess,
We do wonder what has become of Kiwi, Peach, Kitty, and Rain. We hope they are all doing OK, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I don't know if I can bring myself to say sorry..... it's a pride issue. ^_^;; Besides Chip would laugh his head off. We all know that I'm the stubborn one who doesn't apoligize(verbally). I think just shooting you're mouth off doesn't mean much. Actions speak louder then words, ne? Now will ya please help me out? THese itty bitty pieces are so darn .... uhm... small.
Dear Sammy,
Fine, have it yer way... Where's yer broom?
Dear Tamahome,
Hey good idea! But ... uh.... I already turned in the poster. I wonder why that idea didn't occur to me earlier. Oh well. ^_^ My friend Chance said the picture was pretty. That's pretty weird since there's Cleo with an asp held to her neck. I don't think it's supposed to be pretty. It's supposed to be serious. @_@ Never mind I'm making a really big deal out of nothing. As for the PSAT, my mom says that it's a pretty good score for a seventh grader! ^_^ Boy am I proud. Suddenly I'm not so unhappy about mom making me do algebra problems (which I used to think were useless) Boy oh boy, CHip better watch out when I take the real PSAT. ^_^ We haven't gotten his scores yet, but I'm guessing that he did okay. Ciao!
Dear Sammy,
That's the spirit! Keep up the good work! I'm sure you'll beat his score when the time comes. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Mitsukake,
You know what?? I've been looking at protraits of you in a gallery for an hour now, and guess what? You're very Hansome and Cute!! ^_^;;
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Domo arigato gozaimasu!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san, I don't feel too well! *cries* My back hurts, and my stomach hurts. *_*; Today at school, I went to the nurse, but she won't let me go home. *sniff* That was so mean of her. She probably thought I was faking it. But I felt like I wanted to throw up then! I had no idea why I felt so sick. Now, my back and my stomach don't hurt as much. But I just feel so bad. *continues to cry*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Gives her a big hug* Weren't ya' sick a bit ago? Mebbe this is jus' a left over from it.
Dear Nuriko,
I'm having my period now. And I lose a lot more blood then I usually do. Why? I'm very scared! *starts to cry*
Today, it was during world cultures class, and my period kinda went through my pants... *_*; And the seat was all red. But I was wearing a pad already. I hope the teacher doesn't know. If he does, I'll be soooo embarassed, and parent conference is coming soon by the way. *sniff* That teacher of mine is a 24 year old super bishouneun.... I'll be so very embarassed if he saw that my seat was all red.
Dear Anonymous,
AIYA!!! Gomen! I'm a guy and I really don't know much about those "female things"! *Blushes and sweatdrops* I only said that about Miaka to be obnoxious! But, Chichiri no Aijin told me that such things do happen to young women and that a thicker pad might be needed on those days. She also said if it continues to be that heavy you might want to see a gynecologist and get checked out. Also, dark skirts and pants were highly recommended for that time...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Regading my last letter to Tasuki, rest assured that I would NEVER harm Tama-Neko. I have a neko myself and I love her dearly. I'm just trying to get a point across to fang boy over there who feels the need to threaten other people's friends. Best wishes to you all and gomen if I overreacted earlier.
The Meowy Thor no Miko
Dear Meowy Thor no Miko,
We are certainly relieved to hear that, no da! Tasuki has been guarding Tama-neko from you since that letter, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! Thanks for your an Tasuki's reply earlier.
I kinda figured you wouldn't go for that couple idea but as long as I can keep my friend T.C.F.A.G.F.F.A. obsessed with you two you'll be a couple in her book .... and possibly mine.
There ARE other people who share my philosophy of course. Six stellar fanfics so far!
I should send Korrin over to talk to you. You'd find her amusing. In one of my fanfics Miaka got a bonus wish for being a good guy and she wished that everyone was all un-dead! As a ressurection/happiness bonus all of the seishi got wishes too! Eventually you wished for a girl - much like your sister - to be your child but when Suzaku set out to make your wish come true he demanded that you choose another parent for your daughter. He suggested Hotohori and you rolled your eyes and went: "Well who do you think I'm going to pick? Tasuki?" So Suzaku used Tasuki on you and you wound up with a replica of your little sister.....only as a bandit with orange hair and a deep seated fear of frogs and water deeper than one inch.
Have you ever seen Star Wars? Koji and Tasuki would love it! Lost of war and technology WAY ahead of Miaka's realm! Although I would imagine that it would be kind of hard for you guys to imagine anything much more advanced than a microwave...or possibly a digital watch. Ancient China can be a little primitive compared to modern Japan, ne?
Anyway to get to my point I was wondering if you have any suggestions for my hair. It's straight and goes down nearly until my shoudlers but it's just a little to short to keep back in a single ponytail. I can put it in a pair of cute short pigtails though and I was wondering if you have any suggestions to dress this style up!
The pigtails wind up being only about an inch long a few centimeters back from my ear lobes.
Any ideas?
Taiitsu no Miko~*~
PS: My hair is a midtone brown. What highlights might go good in that colour? I've tried red and I don't like it as much as I used to. Would orange go nicely?
PPS: I suppose you wonder what T.C.F.A.G.F.F.A. stands for. My friend is a Nuriko and Star Wars obsesse. Her full name is..... The Crossdresser From A Galaxy Far Far Away!
If you don't get that pun Chichiri no Aijin can probably explain it to you.
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
The story sounds, well, KOWAI!!!! A child like Tasuki??? Why??? It's a cruel thing to do a kid!! I've never seen Star Wars but Chichiri no Aijin has promised to show it to us.
I'm thinking blonde highlights would look nice on you. Certainly better than orange! @_@ Have you tried wearing your hair in a bun? Or perhaps using pretty combs and barrettes in it? You also might want to get it styled at the hairdresser's for a new look. Have fun!
Dear Tasuki,
Hmmmmm Miaka? Chiriko? I dunno. I was thinking of Team Rocket. James is so hotttttt... *giggles* But you're hotter! ^_^ Oh, yeah, did you watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer last night? SPIKE was on!!!! ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Why don't ya' go as th' Team Rocket chick? Yeah, I saw th' Buffy/Angel thin'. Chichiri no Aijin made us watch it. It was *&^%$#@ GREAT!!!!!!! That Spike guy is ALMOST as COOL as ME!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
OISHII?? OISSHII?!?! And how would you like it if I threatened to roast Tama-Neko and invite friends you fang-faced freak!!!! I hope I just fwapped you too hard or you're drunk again and are not really that cruel.
The Meowy Thor no Miko
Dear Meowy Thor no Miko,
'Che! Sensitive ain't we! It attacked, I countered!! An' keep yer mitts offa Tama-neko or ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
My mom? Happy? Do you realize who your talking about? The only thing that makes her happy is yellin' at me! Even when I didn't do anything! Oh well, doesn't really matter.
You know, I used to think that you dyed your hair that color, until I saw one of my friend's natural hair color and it's the exact same as yours! And why did you get so defensive when I asked you about how you got your hair to stick up like that? I never said I didn't like it.
For Halloween I got a vampire costume (again) and my mom's worried about me. She thinks that I'm like a Goth or somethin', which I'm NOT! Just because I get the same thing every year doesn't mean that I am! I just have a thing for vampires, that's all!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I got that way 'cos people like to give me s--t 'bout my hair! Mebbe yer mom should worry 'bout ya'! Vampires like to drink blood! Goths jus' dress dark. *Fanged grin..*
Dear Hotohori,
Do you think Tenkou is handsome? Hahaha..personally I think you are more good-looking than he is..but Tenkou is not that bad either...I think..^^;;
Dear Peizhen,
I suppose for an evil creature he isn't to heinous looking. But compared to ME....
Dear Tasuki,
same address. no capitals. try it.
Dear Anonymous,
I did!! Kowaiso! But I don't think Tenkou drove her nuts! I think bein' thiefed from did. I hope we didn't do anythin' like that to her... If we did, gomen nasai!!! It wasn't intentional!! *Worries about his poor insane miko...*
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at him angry* OI! You @#$% don't know anything about what we were up to since you left! Or what I- we've been @#$% through!
*whacks him with a log and storms off* BAKA AHOU!
Dear Aidou,
'Che! An' I'm glad to see yer wrinkly ol' self too!!!!! JAJAUMA!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Heheheh. You already are Inori's kid. Through Yui! You're her 'niichan, remember? An ya know, Suboshi is a kid of Inori's too! That would make you and Suboshi brothers through her!
Essence: *twitches and snatches Tasuki's tessan and slams it over his head, then gives it back* I already ready *censored!* told you! I'M KATANA INTO A SCATTERED DUST OF ENERGY FIRST, YOU FANG FACED *censored!* FREAK! *rips up the poster for the passed out Koneko* As for Keetia, I have to find Gemma and kill Gemma in order to kill Keetia. But Gemma is good friends with the high priestess of Shimeki, Reeshia, who is the 3rd most powerful being in the polyverse! Killing Gemma would result in pissing Reeshia off and Reeshia could destroy and redesign the whole *censored!* polyverse with less than a thought! Which means she could kick my immortal, blood bound butt. Which would result in me being dead, which would be very bad. VERY VERY BAD. UNDERSTAND??? Or did that go through one ear and out the other of your Goddess damned hollow head!?
ESSENCE! BEHAVE YOURSELF! *clobbers Essence with a water bottle* It's not his fault they did what they did! ^^;; Essence is..... a little....angry..... Eh..heheh. Now where was I-? Oh yes. Momoko is also one of Inori's kids! That makes you her brother and her your sister! Not to mention I'm one of Inori's kids, which makes you not only my guardian but my new Oniichan! All because you became Yui's Oniichan =)
Keetia: *appears* Gonna fry me or not-? *floats in circles around Tasuki*
One-chan and Essence
Dear One-chan and Essence,
*Bats Keetia out of his face and into the upper atmosphere... looks at the crowd and walks away from them...* I'm outta here! Yer ALL jamakusai!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Heheheh! *drops a couple of looted corpses* 'Sides, there aren't any Nakagos running around on the MUD to kill. =) Plenty of Tamahomes to kill. ^-~
Dear One-chan,
*Sweatdrops* Eh-heh... I'm so flattered...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks over to Nuriko and Mitsukake, carrying a very drunken, sick to the stomach Inori, somehow. Wondering to herself how she manages to get herself into these things.*
*worried look* ano Nuriko, Mitsukake. Inori is very sick! Tomo gave her a drink to give to you, Nuriko. Baka Inori decided to test it before she gave it to you, to make sure it was safe, and look what it's done to her!
My healing spells don't seem to be working either....
Inori: Ish thish the magic schoolbus?! hee *hic!*
Mistukake, can you help her? Please!?!
Dear Lina,
*Heals Inori* Please put her to bed for a day to recover and don't let her strange potions from hentai seishi.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*stares at chichiri no aijin* okay..i'm gonna have revenge on you for doing such thing to my brother suboshi..*attepts to burn her house with seishes inside it* hehehhheeh....*pulls out mitsukake, chiriko, chichiri no aijin's husband and the cat* there you guys can leave don't wanna be burnt..and you guys didn't really do anything to suboshi ^_^ now..okay hold on....*gets fuel and puts it all over chichiri no aijin's house* gets a match* okay nii chan there's the revenge for you!! ^_^ *starts the fire and starts to burn the house**whistles innocently and goes off*
Dear jane,
*Tasuki and Chichiri rush back into the house to rescue Chichiri no Aijin who is trying to put out the fire. Chihchiri puts out the fire before it can do much damage and yells at Jane...*
Why are you attacking Chichiri no Aijin?? Tasuki was trying to help Suboshi!! Would you prefer he be beaten to death or live with his aniki in peace, no da? The kodouku is for his own good, no da! And just so you know you also left a cat behind! (She has 2, no da) Mitsukake was able to heal her, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*stares at hotohori*mutters something* ...greedy......*still muttering*.....fine....i won't ask for tasuki or chichiri.. and i won't ask for konan....but instead of those...GIMME MONEY!!!!!
Dear jane,
As you wish... *claps hands and 2 guards appear carrying a HUGE chest of gold, gems, and okane!* I hope this is sufficient.
Dear Tasuki,
Aiya Tasukikun! hmmm...Now that I've been in Japanese for a while, I guess I should introduce myself a little more formally (Altho I really don't need an introduction anymore..) hmm...let's see....AAH! Konbanwa! Hijimemashite Dozo Yoroshiku. Watashi Wa Kaori desu. K I'm done.. I dunno...But guess what!? Elyra pointed out this site that Blade found, which I thought would be a good idea to share the link with everyone around here to spruce up the members abit..It's the Fushigi Yuugi Role Playing Game!!
It's really funky so far, AND I ACTUALLY GOT MY GRANDMOTHER'S ROLE!! I'm just about over my cold (Thanks for asking the other day) And I should be getting some work done on my website really soon (If I can find the time...*Scoffs*..High school...) And YOU!! *Points dramatically to you* YOU HAVE TO TRY THE CHOCOLATE MILK!! heh heh heh...Tasuki kun, watashi no chokoretto miruku wo nonde kudasai!?!
(I just learnt that today...pardon any errors..) Luv ya'!
Dear Kaori,
Tabun, boku wa chokoretto miruku o nomimasu. Doushite? Oishii desuka? We'll check out the link an' mebbe put in on our Links peeji. Ja'ne!
Dear Tasuki,
^_^ I'm so happy. I finally found somebody who can scan in the pic for me! My computer teacher! She says she can do it for me tomorrow! She's sooo nice.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Kakkoii!! I'll look fer it!
Dear Tamahome,
HELLO!!!!! HI! GOOD AFTERNOON MR...NAVY BLUE HAIRED GUY! I am a Hero of Justice and everything that's right in the world! Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune! Anyways, I will PAY you to help me catch up to Lina!! It's just everytime I find her she either runs off or gets pulled into a pond!!!! I get the feeling that she's trying to avoid me!!!! *tear filled eyes* But why would she do that??? *sniff* ;_; *blows her nose loudly*
Amelia The Great Hero of Justice
Dear Amelia,
I don't think she's avoiding YOU. I think she's avoiding Tasuki! So how much are you willing to pay to catch up to Lina??
Dear Tasuki,
Is that your natural hair color? I mean I've never seen anyone with hair so red!
A fan
Dear Fan,
YEP!!! Cool ain't it??
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki...writing again because it's class and I'm bored. ^^ Thank you for the reply...and the hug :) I really needed it. And thank you to Chichiri no Aijin too. That's so cool that she's got a relative here! ^^ I live in Northglenn, which is a suburb about 20 minutes (if you're not driving during rush hour...) of Denver.
Right now, I'm sick. No, not the mental kind this time ;) I have some kind of crud and I'm on cough syrup, so I'm feeling kind of...odd. Hehehe...not a fun thing, because when I feel this floaty, I can't write, which is utterly frustrating. But I'm getting better, and I should be ok in a couple days so it's all good.
I've got something to look forward to this week, actually. Me and my oneesama (adopted) Darkchylde are going to be going up to Wyoming to visit the AD Police that we stole those souls from ;D Poor Tsutsuji can't come, though. :( But one of them said that in exchange for his soul, he'd give me fencing lessons, which is cool. The reason we're going is that Darkchylde and one of the guys just totally hit it off, and he came down and visited her last week, so it's her turn. I'm just along for the ride because Darkchylde doesn't do too well with distance driving, and I need a little break anyway. :) Luckily, I can hang out with the other guys because I'm not going to want to be around Darkchylde and her boyfriend, just because people in love are SOOOOO disgusting. :D
Well, that's about it for now. I'm going to go back to sleeping with my eyes open. I so do not get this class. I think the instructers speaking in a foreign language.
Katsu no Miko (Zzzzzzz....)
Dear Katsu no Miko,
I think her oi-san lives in Denver. But I ain't sure. Sorry to hear yer sick! That really sucks fer ya'! Hope yer feelin' better before ya' go to Wyomin'! Have fun an' stay outta trouble! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
*giggles and attacks Chichiri as soon as he's in her room with lots of hugs in her female chichiri messed up morph form* DA!!!!!
Koibishi ^+^ na no da! *tickles him briefly, then after one last hug sits down and prepares herself for the tutoring* DA!
Dear WMC,
Hai, no da!! *Looks her over and smiles...* It seems we need to start with your powers of concentration, no da! Watch! *Concentrates and changes into WMC!* DA!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops* ya know, this is exactly like talking to Gourry!!! *begins to walk off and then throws her hands up in the air* All men are hopless bakas!!
Dear Lina,
We ain't ALL hopeless bakas!!! Chichiri no Aijin says Chichiri ain't a baka.... OI! Wait a sec...
Dear Hotohori,
*looks up at Jane and Hotohori and sweatdrops* I can tell this isn't going to be over anytime soon..*gets up even though she's kinda tied up* see ya jane, hotohori. *begins to walk off* I'm not a criminal to begin with! :P
*runs away*
Dear Lina,
*Calls for the guards to stop her.* It may have been an accident, but you must pay for all the damage you have caused. *Hands her an itemized bill that unrolls and is about 5 feet long @_@*
Dear Tamahome,
*grabs tamahome by his shirt* YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH SELLING STOLEN STUFF??? ¬_¬
Dear Lina,
*Looks at her, picks her up sp they are eye to eye...* Ah, you must be that female version of Tasuki... well at least you aren't quite as scruffy...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I can't believe this is happening to me.
Today, toosan started feeling so ill, he had to be taken to the hospital. Kaasan got so worryed about him and Sakura was in her room crying. I tried to comfort her but she just cried even more. We got to visit him and he looked scared. Or maybe it was me who looked scared. Heck, I don't even know what's wrong with him! Damn doctors are not telling us Anything!
*sigh* Sorry about this. I just had to get that out of me. See Ya.
Dear Masao,
*Gives Masao a hug* I wish there was a way to make you feel better and to heal your otoosan, Please let us know how he is doing. Was he ill before this happened?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in the room, sadly* K-konnichiwa Minna-san. *hangs head low* Today, Otosan got sent to the emergency room. I'm so scared....
*looks up with sad eyes* Ne, Otosan will be alright, ne? If I pray for Suzaku to make otosan feel better, it'll all be alright, ne?
Dear Sakura,
Hopefully your otoosan will be OK. It depends on why he is in the hospital. We'll alsosay a prayer for him. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Wow. I haven't written to you guys in awhile. How are you Tasuki? *gives a big hug* I'm doing ok. School's such a pain. Oh well. So what have you guys been up to? I heard about the earthquake and I thought of you guys! Are you ok? No one got hurt, ne? That's really good to hear. Things have started to calm down around my house (finally!!!) So I see there is some more competition for Nuriko? Looks like Inori better keep a good grip on him or Sakura might take him! Tee-hee! I feel like being different this time so *gives Tasuki 2 ryou instead of Tamahome* here you go. Don't give it to Tama!!! Infact...*gives everyone 2 ryou EXCEPT Tamahome* Hehehehehehehehe...I feel so evil!!! Hey, Tasuki, this is for you...ORO! I hope that made you a tiny bit annoyed...*feels pity for Tama but is broke now* Gomen nasai TAMA-chan...*snickers*
Dear Yui,
Ogenki desuka? We're all OK. Th' earth moved but no one was hurt. Scared poor Tama-neko ouuta his furry wits! Thanks fer th' okane! *Waves it in front of Tamahome to taunt him. Gives Yui a hug back.*
Dear Tasuki,
heh heh, hey Tasuki guess what! ....... Your a celebrity, yes it is true, someone was named after you! Can u guess? He's stubbron as you are and he isn't too found of being small (he's young) or of girls and he likes to explore the places he could die in too! and he like the Tessan,(my friend made one for me a while ago real metal) so he was named after you, either that or Vegeta from Dragen Ball Z but he has no tessan so it was your name! now can you guess?
I'll tell you cuz you'll never figure it out! The second Tasuki is my pet BUDGIE! Heh heh, Kaori helped too! So how do you like his name?
heh heh i go bu-bye now!
Dear Elyra,
Better a bird named after ME than me named after a BIRD! *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Look. I know this is probably really awkward, me being the enemy and whatever, but the twins referred me here. He said you're the greatest consultant service they know of and if anything I really need consulting. I know you're wondering who this is.'s Soi, from the Seiyruu Seishi. And I know this sounds trivial but a really need your help. I have been having some awful problems with Nakago lately. He's being really uptight. He's having these awful dreams about his mother and the Emperor. (Not you Ho-hori-sama!) I wake up almost every night because he is pummeling me half to death in his sleep!
He starts thrashing and he grabs hold of me. He'll punch me in the shoulders or the chest and he kicks me. He's doesn't know what he's doing unless I wake him up and to do that I have to hit him back. Hard. Hard enough to leave a mark. I hate doing it. He broke one of my ribs last night and I'm terrified to sleep next to him again. I tried putting pillows between us and he ripped them to shreds and punched me in the tailbone!
He won't talk about it. He's being as stubborn as Ashitare on bath day and I feel horrible. I'm in a pretty dose of pain but it's worse to think that he doesn't trust me enough to talk to me. More than anything I'm afraid he's going to really hurt me some time, bad enough that I might die. He can do that, I know he can.
Do you have any advice? I want to get back to sleeping without being pummeled.
Dear Soi,
Sleep in separate beds until you can convince Nakago to go into therapy, no da. He has far more issues than even WE can help himwith, no da! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
can I put you on my bed of fluffy,pink,silky,pillows and huggle you, and snuggle you and have you all to myself for ever and ever and ever?? HUH HUH HUH?? <3.<3; ::ties him down on my fluffy pink silky pillow bed... and clings onto him:: mine-chan..... <3.<3
<3 Houki-chan <3
Dear Houki-chan,
Ano... *Sweatdrops and looks nervous* Unless you are MY beloved Houki, iie.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! I'm a major fan of yours, but I bet that phrase has become a little redundant... *smiles sweetly* I just wanted to say hello and ask how you are doing. No major questions. Well, I have one, if I were to type at the boardroom, do you think you'd respond much? I know how busy you and all of the seishi can get... *holds out a large plate pf cookies, fresh out of the oven* I made these for everyone, I hope you enjoy them!
Dear Misao,
Arigato for the oishii cookies, no da! I would try my best to respond to you if you left me a message on the message board, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*whacks Genrou in the back of the head*
Of COURSE I (*&$#(*@*^# made up wit' her! I think I missed quite a bit when I was gone, I'm especially lost on the whole (*(*&@ 'Lina' subject! Well, I'm back, 'n it'll stay that way as long as I can (*@(^@&*^@ help it! How ya' been? Yer fans 'n anti-fans're really comin' out, aren't they. I'm jes' glad I ain't you.
*grins, chuckling and drinking more sake*
It's great seein' ya' again! Write somethin' at the boardroom ya' good-fer nothin' )((*&@! I'll be expectin' a good brawl!
*grins, messing up Genrou's hair*
Dear Kouji,
OI! Watch th' hair, baka! Yeah, sometimes I wish I wasn't me! *Sighs and chugs some sake*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've got some questions - slightly more of them than before - answer this time darn you! Okay,
Chichiri - What the heck does No Da mean?
Tasuki - Would you enjoy the trees in Algonquin Park in fall? (The colours are georgeous! The leaves tend to resemble flames and the bark on the trunks is vaugely reminicaent of the colour sake - not eddible though)
Nuriko - Would you mind if I named a forest after you cause of all that tree climbing you do?
Tamahome - What was the most intelligent (non romantic) thing that Miaka ever said? Also Tamahome - Would you ever forgive Suboshi for killing you family? How would you feel if he - say - was given one wish and used it to wish you family back to life?
Mitsukake - What is the best treatment for a blister in the plam of your writing hand?
Chiriko - How do you get your hair to stick up in that cute ponytail?
Hotohori - Since you're the only seishi with a child I'll ask you this one! Do you think the children of the seishi would inherit their parents powers?
And Finally Tama-Neko - What's your favorite food?
Taiitsu no Miko~*~
Dear Taiitsu no Miko~*~,
Tasuki and Nuriko did answer your questions already. That letter is further down the peeji. Here are the rest of your answers in order of asking:
Chichiri: It basically means it's obvious, no da.
Tamahome: That she would become Suzaku no Miko...? I would feel better. If it were my family's wish, then I suppose I would.
Mitsukake: You should cover it with a bandage if possible and wear protective gloves when you are doing whatever it is that gave you the blister in the first place.
Chiriko: Pomegranate juice! Hee-hee...
Hotohori: I suppose it is possible.
Tama-neko: Fish! Nyao!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
I finally got that card back from that bas----! Who needs to have your parents come in an complain when you have a mean right-hook? hehehe...He got what he deserved, luckily I was off school grounds when I hit him. Sure, violence isn't the answer, but if sure is a whole lot quicker, so don't go lecturin' me about fighting and all that sh--! I hear enough of it from my mom! She does nothing but bi--- at me all day long and I have done everything she told me to! She pitched a huge fit because I was making a B in Spanish instead of an A! It's not like I'm not trying! She really needs to back off, but no, she just complains, complains, complains....sheesh! And she's always threatining to give my dog away, and she never does (she had better not or else!).
Anyway, on a brighter note: My parents are getting back together! They've been divorced for what is it? 6 years! It's about time!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Well THAT'S cool! Th' parents not th' punchin'! Mebbe yer mom will be happier now an' leave ya' alone!
Dear Chichiri,
*goes to Chichiri's arms crying* I can't stand it! i just can't stand it! There's another yaoi fic with you and Tasuki!waaaaahhhh!!!*cries on Chichiri's chest* why do they always do that! you're not gay!!!
*sniff* and then on Sunday, a Tasuki_90 attacked me just for teasing him! fortunately for me, i wasn't really hurt because he attacked an illusion i set up but still ..he attacked me!and he was definitely a fake! the real Tasuki would never do that!*burrows head on Chichiri's chest w/ arms around his waist* and then I was stabbed! yes stabbed for no apparent reason by an examplefuyuyume!Lina healed me though!
But one good thing that came out of it was that i got adopted as Inori's kid along w/ a few others..*giggles* i now have lots of siblings along with Amiboshi and Suboshi-itouto.*sighs and rests head against Chichiri's chest w/ arms around waist* you weren't there.... *jerks head up* Tamahome and Tasuki didn't hurt my little brother Suboshi now did they?
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
*Gives her a hug* The card is in the mail, no da. Tasuki gave Suboshi kodouku and took him to Amiboshi, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
TnM was admitted into a mental institution and Tenkou has taken over her page! Check out her page for details. Are ya gonna let Tenkou run your shrine???? DOSOMETHING!!!!
Dear Anonymous,
I can't even FIND her *&^%$#@ peeji anymore!!! What's th' *&^%$$@# URL???????????? An' it ain't on Dragonfire.
Dear Tasuki,
What should I dress up for Halloween?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno. Miaka or Chiriko?
Dear Chichiri,
ok, I didn't get to meet baby Gwing. ^^;;;; but it's ok, since after the open-house I went shopping, and bought alot of kawaii fushigi yuugi posters! one has you in a suit and another in a red shirt. ^^ but now I'm running out of wall space to stick them up. ^^;
ano... if I wrote how much I hate my parents and brother, it'd probably be over ten pages long. ^^;;;; my problems are probably minor compared with other people ^^; *goes off to drool over her fushigi yuugi posters*
Dear Yuri,
Gomen that you didn't meet up with Baby Gwing, no da. I'm sorry to hear about your unhappy family life. Anything I can do to help, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*Keetia appears* Ya sure ya won't fry me? *smirks*
Essence: JUST SAY IF IT LOOKS SHARP ENOUGH YOU FANG FACED *CENSORED* JERK! I ain't gonna use it on Keetia first. I'm killing Katana first! Wait... she's immortal like me... We'll... I'll just has to scatter her energy. 'Sides, Keetia'd like that too much. Not to mention she's spirit bound with somebody so I have to kill that somebody to kill her... Just gotta find where Keetia hid her.
Essence-chan's a lil cranky =) Don't worry, I won't bug ya about Essence, but I will bug you about Koneko! HEHEHEH! You two would make such a cuuuute couple! ^.^ (Have I pushed you to the point of frying me yet?) Hmm... *digs through her bag.* I know it's... somewhere in here! *peers into the bag* AH-HAH! Heh heh heh heh heh.... >=D *pulls out a poster and thrusts it into Tasuki's hands* It's a... *ahem* picture of Koneko. *cough cough* (Ya gonna fry me yet-?)
Koneko: O.O; *faints*
Essence: O.o; WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT, YOU DRINK SPIKING DAUGHTER OF A *censored* She's too modest to.... pose for something like that! ... I will kill you Keetia. For my sake, and Koneko's..... You will die.
Geeze, Essence. You're almost as bad as Fangie.
Keetia and Essence
Dear Keetia and Essence,
*Looks at poster, sweatdrops, and eyebrow twitches...* It's *&^%$#@! sharp enough!!! Jus' cut th' poster up. *points at Keetia* An' HER, too!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Excuse me... have you seen a girl named Yuri holding a chainsaw?
Edgar Figaro
Dear Edgar Figaro,
No. Should I be concerned?
Dear Tamahome,
I've already visited Nakago. You're more fun to pick on then he is. *drops some looted corpses* Thanks for the cash. Heheheheh! *runs off to go Tamahome Head Hunting*
Dear One-chan,
And lived to tell the tale?? ...More fun than Nakago... Gee thanks, I think...
Dear Chiriko,
Hehehe. ^-^ Okie. I accept the answer =)
Dear One-chan,
I'm glad that your sense of humor is as strange as mine!
Dear Mitsukake,
I have a friend who's really been giving everyone a lot of trouble. She's negetive, selfish and not supportive but she's still my friend and she depends on me a lot. The thing is, she doesn't approve of anime and she claims that's all i talk about.
NOT TRUE!! I talk about guys, school, tests, movies, usual teen stuff but I'm with my group who loves anime as much as I do. She feels out of it but has been really cruel about it. I don't know what to do anymore, she leans on me a lot and complains to me about her dislike for one of my best friends. She's even threatened to beat my friends up! If she does, I'm going to have to hold her back or take her hits instead of my friends. I don't want to fight, and i'm tired of her attitude... please help me.
Dear Jean,
Can you take her somewhere quiet like a park or coffee shop and just sit talk to her? It sounds as if there is a lot more going on with her than she is telling anyone. If you can get her to open up to you, be supportive and give her a shoulder to cry on if she needs it. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
You never saw them cause yer Boss never showed them to ya, unlike you, he knew how to keep a thing secret... and you never saw them with us cause you're never home
*whacks him with a log*
That's from Ma for not visiting!
*whacks him with another log*
That's from Pa for having to put up with a crying ma
*whacks him with a rapid succession of logs*
That's from all your sister's for not being there to scare away the @#$% perverts!
Dear Aidou,
*Rubs his sore head...* ITAI!!!! Knock it off ya' old bag!! 'Che!! An' ya' wonder WHY I left???? As fer th' perverts all th' girls hadda' do was toss ya' outside to scare 'em!! Heh-heh... *Ducks an incoming log...*
Dear Chichiri,
Ok why do ya wear your mask around the seishi??? They don't care about your scar so why!!
P.S. and don't give me some BS answer like "incase somebody comes and is disturbed by it" or " because it may bother some of them". I mean that thing can't be comfortable to wear all the time.
Dear Juniper,
I feel more comfortable wearing it, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, Tasuki! Always sending mixed signals! You SAY you don't like Lina, but your actions speak differently! Tsk tsk! I've heard many things, Tasuki! I've seen many things! And I know the TRUTH about you!! HAHAHA!! I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!! Oh! BTW! Ya wanna be my kid too?
Dear Inori,
*&^% NO!!!!!!!! One Ma is enough!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey! Yeah!! Nair will work! And maybe we can leave it for more than 15 minutes!! HAHAHAHA!! Oh, it will be glorious!! *laughs happily* You want to go to the mall afterwards? We must celebrate our victory!! We'll shop till we drop, and then we'll shop again! Wai!!!! Maybe I'll buy some of that fish-tasting chewing gum and play a trick on Tasuki...Heehee!
Dear Inori,
Sure!! Although I don't want to pick on Tasuki, he's getting enough abuse from Lina and THAT gang!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa!!!!!!! *smile* *HUG* I know this question sound kinda stupid but.....would any of you like to protect little ol me from the big bad Aniki Masao? He's like really mad at me cause I erased his essay by accident sooooooo he kinda at that point where he wants to.....fireball-Sakura-to-the-moon-and-beyond.
P.S. *blush* N-nuriko-san thinks I'm s-sweet? Ara! *turns redder* I don't think I'm that sweet..I mean....ano...*cowers* Oh dear.....
Dear Sakura,
*Gives her a hug* Ano.. ya' did th' deed so now ya' gotta pay fer it... But, I don't think fireballin' ya' to th' moon is th' answer. An' yeah, Nuriko thinks yer sweet. I dunno why either!
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