Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sings* Domo arigatou, Mr. Roboto!! ... or something ^_^;
for the people that come to this page regularly, who can you see each Suzaku Seishi pairing up with the best? This doesn't really include Tamahome, for he has Miaka ^_^ . I'm just curious as to what you guys think. You can answer for yourselves... or you can each answer for someone else! ^^
chibi chu
Dear chibi chu,
Do you mean which regulars from the Real World with one of us?
Dear Tasuki,
I joined this mailing list and lots of people have been talking about FY threesomes, well, some weren't bad....but one was totally disgusting: Taitsu-kun, Miboshi, and Ashitare! That has to be the most VILE thing I've ever heard of!!! I think I'm gonna be sick!!! But they matched YOU up with some of them..your NOT going to like this....: Tasuki/Nuriko/Hotohori! or Tasuki/Kouji/Reirei! I think that's rather disturbing, so I suggested: Tasuki/Kouji/Miaka!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Oh, did I forget to mention that I have a friend that's going to write me a T/K/M story? She might even POST it!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!Whattcha gonna do about that!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Not read it!!!!!!! That's fer *(&^%$# sure!!!!! You people are SO &*^%$#@ WARPED!!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Beauty tips...? Ah, sugoi! ^_^ You seemed to have grown your hair really long (before you cut it, that is) and my hair won't grow. It really won't. How can I get it to grow? Can ya help me? All my brothers' hair is so long... And mine won't grow, dammit! OI, oi oi... o i ... /.\ Makes me so so so sad.
By the way, I think you are very beautiful, as a man or a woman. You are a very beautiful individual, inside and out. ^_^ Always stay that way!
Tsuchi kun
Dear Tsuchi kun,
Arigato for your kind words! You have to take care of your hair and condition it regularly as well as eat a healthy and nutritious diet. That will help it to grow. Also getting it trimmed and styled regularly will help, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you all had one all powerful wish for anything what would you wish for? And if the Seiyruu no Seishi had a wish what do you think they might wish for? Please Include The Mikos and pets of the seishi on this one!
Also - Tasuki: the colours in Algonquin Park in fall are yellows, reds and oranges. The trees look like they are on fire. Would you find this spectacle visually enjoyable?
And - Nuriko: How would you feel I named a forest after you for your comendable list of instances of hiding in trees and finding stuff out?
And one more thing. Chichiri : That scar over your eye. Hair does NOT grow in scar tissue. An appropriate piece of your eyebrow is missing but how come you still have eyelashes? Just curious!
Taiitsu no Miko~*~
PS: Could you let Tasuki and Nuriko have a look at my first letter? Pleeeeeease? What do they think of themselves as a couple? (I know, I'm crazy, but I feel like getting yelled at for some reason ^.-?)
Dear Taiitsu no Miko~*~,
Tasuki: Are ya' outta yer &*^%$%$# MIND??????? Not a *(&^%%# chance in H*LL!!!!!!
Nuriko: Oh PUHLEEZEEE!!!! I have far more CULTURED tastes than THAT!!!!!!
On to the wishes...:
Chichiri: To have my fiancee and my best friend both alive, no da.
Nuriko: To have my beloved sister alive again!
Tamahome: To have my family alive and well again!
Hotohori: To live long enough to see Boushin rule Konan.
Tasuki: To have Rei-Rei alive again.
Chiriko: To live long enough to see my brother's children grow old.
Mitsukake: To have Shouka alive and well again.
Miaka: To pass her exams!
Tama-neko: Catnip and fish!
We guess that the Seiryuu would wish that they weren't such losers. Although, we weren't sure if Ashitare would count as a Seishi or a pet...
Tasuki says that the trees sound pretty and that he would probably like your park. Nuriko said it was OK to name a forest after him.
Dear Chichiri,
DA! I'm practicing my magic morphing no da... , but no matter how hard I try I always look like a female Chichiri no da.... I want to get this down for Halloween, can you tutor me Chichiri no da?
Dear WMC,
I suppose I can try no da! *poofs into her room...*
Dear Tasuki,
Yer Miko went insane!! Do something do something dosomething!!!!!!
Dear Anonymous ,
I don't contol her! So. what did she do?
Dear Tasuki,
You weren't in the chatroom on Sunday!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Was too!! Jus' ask One-chan, Lina, Suboshi, Hoshi, an' Rhiannon 1!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!! *waves and smiles* I was just bored . . .central Illinois is so boring!! Well, just have a nice day, and what do all of you think of Tomo? Just curious.
Dear Moon,
We try not to think of him at all. It makes our skin crawl.
Dear Hotohori,
·? ? ? · ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ·?? ? ·? · =)? ? ? ? · ? ? ? ? ·
Hehehe...can you read the Chinese characters? case you can't, here is a translation => My respects to Heika (your majesty)! I am Yin Peizhen, and I feel that you and Tatara (Byakko seishi) are both perfection to the life! What are your personal feelings? Heheheeh...^^;;..
Dear Peizhen,
Our browser cannot read your Chinese characters. Gomen. Arigato for your kind words! Speaking for myself, I would have to agree with you.
Dear Chiriko,
Why is Tasuki a complete pervert?! First he's got all that innuendo, then he spanks Lina-san!
Dear Suboshi,
I've been told this type of behavior can be attributed to being 19. So, what is your excuse for you and Yui?
Dear Mitsukake,
*gets pat on the head* OH OK Mr..*reads heading* no!!!!!!! *finally got it right* VICTORY!!!!!!
*does a victory dance* *pauses and some how goes right up to mitsukakes face* I DID GET IT RIGHT, DIDN'T I??? *teary eyes*
Amelia ^-^
Dear Amelia,
*Smiles at her* Yes you did little one.
Dear Tamahome,
*calls from the top of the tree in perfect Miaka-scream* TAMAHOMEEEEE~~~~!!!! UP HERE!!! *waves* LOOK WHAT MARY TAUGHT ME WHAT TO DO!!!
*points her finger at him and says ZAP!!!* *Tamahome is now shirtless and beltless* Ooh, what is this pray tell?? *Tamahome is also moneybag-less* Hee hee!! Come and get it!! *wants to play*
Dear Jean,
*Climbs up the tree to get his money back...* Very funny... *smiles at her*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
BAKAS!!!! How dare you not answer my Pikachu's letter!! *fwaps everyone within reach on the head* He begged to log on this morning and check and his letter wasn't posted!! This is not the same Pikachu Tasuki dealt with earlier (BAD TASUKI !! *grabs Tasuki and fwaps him again*) This Pikachu is a LOT more powerful and he has friends so don't mess with him. Besides, my fiance, The King of all that is Cute and Fuzzy, has a Psyduck who he refuses to give aspirin to . Poor Psyduck. But he'll gladly take all o'ya on ta make his headache go away!! I recommend answering my Pikachu or there shall be repercussions!! If you don't understand Pikachu (poor misguided, illiterate souls) I will gladly translate. *walks away muttering BAKAS!!*
The Meowy Thor no Miko
Dear The Meowy Thor no Miko,
If it ain't intelligent we don't gotta answer it. OI! Th' rotten thin' zapped me! He deserved bein' BBQ'd! And he was quite oishii, too! Heh-heh-heh... A duck ya' gotta duck? Oi guys, how does pressed Pekin' duck sound fer dinner???
Dear Hotohori,
*sweatdrop*......them? *points to chichiri and tasuki**doesn't even look at their chest* just...for one day?.........NOOOO!! at least a year!!! YEAHHHH!!! YOU GREEDY!! ......wahhhhhhh one day's only 24 hours long..and i sleep alot!! ALOT!!! so gimme AL LEAST year!! YEAHHHHH!!!!!hmm....heh heh heh heh
Dear jane,
Gomen. That is the offer. Take it or leave it. My responsibility to my people is too great to allow another to rule Konan for a year. Tasuki and Chichiri are my friends. I would never give them away as a prize!
Dear Tamahome,
Can I have money?
Dear ????,
NO! At least none of mine.
Dear Tamahome,
I'm not payin' you ANYTHING. *razz* I will however, drop off various body parts and looted corpses of you when I decide to go Tamahome Hunting! ^-^
Dear One-chan,
*Looks up at Suzaku and asks...* Why me??? Don't answer that One-chan! I don't think the website couild hold a list THAT long!!! Why can't you go and eviscerate Nakago or Soi?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
FOr so long i have never bothered to found out what all of your Surnames or first names or whateva. So can you please tell me THANKS A BUNCH!!!
Dear me,
Here are our Seishi names and our given names:
Tamahome: Sou Kishuku
Hotohori: Saihitei Seishuku
Nuriko: Chou Ryuuen
Chichiri: Ri Houjun
Tasuki: Kou Shun'u/Genrou
Mitsukake: Myo Juan
Chiriko: Ou Dokun
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hmmmmm.... i've been pondering this for quite sometime now ... why are guys so difficult to figure out?
a curious member of the female gender
Dear curious,
Sumimasen, I would beg to differ, no da. Women are the harder gender to understand, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in dragging suboshi by his feet because he refuses to stand*
Hi, well suboshi is lying on the floor as you can see, curled up into a ball and whimpering and making strange puppy noises, and refuses to get up even when I threaten him, he just gets up and then lies back down again. I think he has some issues that need to be solved ^^;;; you guys know him better then I do!
*begins to walk off*
good luck suboshi! *evil laugh*
Dear Lina,
*They all look at Suboshi* Ya' know this is jus' &*^%$#@ pathetic!!! *Grabs a bottle off of Mituskake's shelf...* Here! *Pours most of the kodouku down Suboshi's throat...* That oughta solve EVERYONE'S problem! Now les' get ya' to yer aniki ya' big pain!
Dear Tamahome,
I guess I chose suicide because it's weird. Almost everybody else is doing anti drug posters. But anyway, I'm drawing a picture of this guy falling off a building....... but that sounds just plain morbid. How about Cleopatra and the asp? Wait Cleo, Antony's not dead! Yet, anyway... Seriously though I think suicide is a pretty solemn concept. There's nothing wrong with doing a poster on that.
On the other hand I took a PSAT test! Well it's not a real test but Chip brought home a practice test and since he got two(for whatever reason) I took the second one. It was a really hard test, I was lost somewhat. Chip's score was higher. It's a sad day.
Dear Sammy,
OH! Why not use Romeo and Juliet? People may be able to relate to them better. You tried a PSAT? Good for you! Don't worrry that CHip's score was higher. It should be as he's been in school longer and had more things to study. When it comes time to really take your PSAT, THEN try to BEAT his score!
Dear Tasuki,
*blocks out what he just said from her mind in order to save herself from having nightmares* You know, one of the biggest flaws in you is that in situations like this, you often focus on what other people are saying, and never answer my questions!!! Or perhaps in your mind you are answering my question, just not answering it clearly enough! I'm not a mind reader damnit! ¬_¬ ....this is where you change the subject and mock my magic using abilities. *sticks her tongue out at him*
Dear Lina,
What question was that?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-kun.... I have an essay due on Monday. The topic is, "What are the qualities of a good TV show or movie?" And I have no idea what to write. It has to be 6 paragraphs mininum... and 4-6 details each paragraph. *_*;
I was thinking of using, "Kare Kano" as one of my examples of a good show. Have you ever watch it? It's really great.... Anyway, I don't know if I should use it as an example since it's an anime, and I don't know if the teacher will take me as serious.... *shrugs* Well, he better ^_~! *hugs*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ganbatte kudasai! I never saw that show but yer sensei didn't say it couldn't be animated, so he should accept it.
Dear Tamahome,
Ne, Tamahome-sama, would you do me a favour and sell this bag of goodies I borrowed from various people? *coughcoughahem* There's a no dachi, couple dozen daggars, and one pair of numchucks. You can keep the deserve it after all that crap One-chan's putting you through.
Ja ne!
Dear Myrna-chan,
You want me to sell STOLEN stuff??? Who do you think I am??? TASUKI????
Dear Chichiri,
Ossu, Chichiri-san! *hughug* (and Chichiri no Aijin-san *hughug* --thank you for signing the guestbook *bowbowbow*) ^.^
Bochi bochi denna? How are you? ^^ I'm one tired girl! I have to say that maintaining "you-dot-com" is exhausting, especially since Obake-chan *gives Tamahome an evil stare* keeps neglecting to update certain sections... *ahem* Anyway~
Wai, it's finally beginning to feel like fall, isn't it? It's nice to finally get some cool weather. There was an earthquake here a few nights ago (7.0 on the richter scale.. eep, that's some major shakin'!)-- It was *quite* an experience. Luckily, no one and nothing was hurt.
At any rate, I just thought I'd say a quick hello; I'd better get back to working on maintaining the domain dedicated to you. ^^ Aa, by the way, I'm thinking of doing something charity-related with the domain and visitors. Think yourself and the other shichiseishi would support something like that?
Take care, and bundle up!
Dear Marron,
Genki desu, no da! So you must live somewhere near Chichiri no Aijin, no da! She lives in L.A., no da! Did you get the additions to your list that she sent? We LOVED your list, no da. She seems to resemble a good portion of it, no da. Tasuki finds that somewhat disturbing, but I don't think it's a bad thing. Arigato for naming a domain after me, I am quite flattered, no da. As to a charity site, it would depend on the charity, no da. However, since Pioneer and Watase Yuu "own" us you are really better off asking them, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Why would you go as ME for Halloween!?!?!?!
Dear One-chan,
Don't you think an anime character going as a real person would be a rather bizarre costume? I do! And then I could POUNCE Tasuki and really make him crazy! Hee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Caution is a cowardly virtue. ^_^;;; But it's a virtue I don't have. Otherwise this dog wouldn't be broken in the first place! *takes out superglue* My dear brother is gonna owe me big!!
(a rather frustrated)Sammy
Dear Sammy,
Why not jus' ferget 'bout it an' tell him yer sorry...
Dear Tasuki,
*pounce...* =P I can be sweet, even though I am 89% mean. (I'm 86% romantic! SSSH! Don't tell anybody!) *hugs* Speed still isn't on. He was on sometime because the card I sent him was picked up, but he never msged me. *sighs and looks at her poem.* Damnit, I'm such a mush...
Oh yeah, I tried some sake. It's okay, even though it doesn't smell so great. Firefury will probably write you asking how the hell you can drink it, being as she tried some and her first reaction was "BLEH".
And Lady Wolfette is working on coloring in the picture right now =)
As for my mother dearest, she's seriously putting off meeting Chichiri no Aijin. She gets so annoyed when I bring it up! Sheesh. Oh well... ciao. *goes back under her storm cloud and into the rain, which doesn't really bother her since she likes the rain...*
Dear One-chan,
Sake is best served hot. But I guess it ain't fer everyone! That picture worries me. But not as much as knowin' that Chichiri no Aijin WILL post it!! Well, jus' have her meet yer dad. She jus' wants to be resposnsible an' thinks parents should know who their kids meet on th' 'net. *gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Essence is for sure better looking, but she is quite.... mean, not to mention immortal (and powerful). Heheh! ^-^ She's a LOT worse than the old freak. *gets glared at by Essence, who is sharpening her battle axe* Hehehe. That axe has our names on it. (Yes, your name, mine, Katana's, Kajitsu's, and Reeshia's.) Althought, I think she intends to torture us first, which is fine with me! =D Ya suuuuuuuuure you won't fry meeeee??? *cackles*
Essence: *holds the axe up in Tasuki's face* This look sharp enough, ya fang faced jerk? (Answer, and I might (MIGHT) give you a fair fight when I come to kill you. First... Katana must die.)
Keetia aka "Pain in th' @$$" aka "Pest"
Dear Essence,
I dunno 'bout that edge. Why don't ya' try it out on Keetia first? *Fanged grin*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi there Mitsukake^_^!..O.k........I have been haveing a major problem with myself lately.....I don't know why,but i have been SO depressed...I'm not sure what its from,but I think a 3rd of it its about this boy who won't leave me alone....and he's makeing me feel worse...the rest of it I have NO idea why!.....i meen, just today i cryed 4 times in school..for no reason!!!!I had my friends all worried......and everyone thinks I'm getting upset over that stupid boy problem....Like i said....I don't care about that,I have more important things to worry about..I just need to get away from everything right now.I don't think I'm depressed about school because i have either a A or a B in all of them.Another thing I think it might be is my grandmother is dieing,and I'm sad about that...and I have some family problems too. I thank you for listening to me go on about my problems...I don't know what i should do...can you help?Thanks again!
Dear Momoko-chan,
Seek out a school counselor and talk to them about this boy and the other things that are going on in your life. It seems to me that what you are feeling is a combination of home life, your grandmother's illness and that boy bothering you. You need to talk to someone about these things. Perhaps the scholl counselor can at least get that boy to stop bothering you. *gives her a hug* Take care.
Dear Tasuki,
You know, I was planning on leaving you alone for a while, until I read where you said that I was pretty close to being annoying, and decided not to.
Anyway, today in school we had to play Dodgeball (You know, you get on seperate teams and basically pummel each other with volleyballs and such) and I was the last person on my team that hadn't been hit yet and there was 7 people on the other team just bombbarding me with the stupid balls and hit me in the head several times even when I was already hit. But that's not the worst. When I went to go get dressed for school, I found that someone had been in my purse and had stolen my favorite Final Fantasy 8 card!! I know who did it, but he won't give it back and when I went to the coach to tell her she didn't do anything!! What am I going to do?! I spent a WHOLE lot of money to get that and I am SERIOUSLY PI---- OFF!!!!
And I was wondering, exactly how do you get your hair to stick up like that? Is it because you never brush or wash it?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Whenyer totally annoyin' I'll let ya' know. Have yer parents complain to the school. Adults tend to lissen to other adults more than they do kids. Sad but true. An' my hair is CUT to look like that! Ya' gotta problem wit' that?
Dear Chichiri,
Wai! Chichiri-san! *hugs*
What should I do about aniki, Masao. He's soooo mean to me! He always call me a monster. He even shot a duck with his toy pellet gun! *Masao overhears* "OI! He WAS in my room and HE scared the @#%* outta me!!!" *sweatdrop* IGNORE HIM!!! What should I do when he starts being mean to me?
Dear Sakura,
That's no excuse for harming another living creature, no da! When he starts being mean to you ignore him, no da. Then maybe he'll stop.
Dear Chichiri,
hihi!!**runs up to you and smiles.just to ask why the sky is blue,and why the grass is greener on the other side^_^.
Dear navi,
Ano, these are better answered by Chiriko, no da. But I'll try... The sky is blue due to the way sunlight reflects in our atmosphere, I think, no da. And the grassa is always greener on the other side because we desire that which we don't have so it looks better, no da. *Gives her a hug.* So, how are you doing, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*grins happily* Thanks for the hugs and well wishes!! I wanna do something nice for you people since you guys are so nice to me!! Hmm...
I'm thinking about starting a line of fan art in celebration of Halloween!! Seishi in costumes!! What do you think?
I love you guys!! Thanks ever so much and don't ever lose faith in whatever your doing, you've made so many people happy!! ^_^
Dear Jean,
That sounds great, no da! But just so you know Amy-chan and Mulan-sama are working on a similar idea, no da. We will certainly put up all of your pictures for Halloween, no da. Arigato for your kinds words! *Gives her a hug.* Take care, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
What do ya mean what I did with him? *whacks him with a log*
Honestly..... I had disguised myself as a guy, and a new recruit... everyone else thought I waone... he took me aside one day and asked what I a girl was doing there,.. I was mad and wondered how in the world he spotted me, he said I didn't ahve an Adam's Apple...
He was a smart man, a good one too... told him you were my good fur nothing brother and i was checking up on you....
He promised to take care of ya, and while he was alive he'd send the family statue reports of how ya we're doing... Mom has the whole stack of them at home... and every now and again i'd come for a visit to see with my own eyes how ya were doing. Those letters meant alot to ma...
Dear Aidou,
*Rubs his head...* ITAI!!! Baka onna! 'Che! Aska &*^%$$@ question an' get belted wit' a &*&^%$# log!!!!!! I figured ya' probably whacked him, too! Glad to hear ya' didn't! So, he was sendin' Ma reports on me?? How come I never saw any of 'em???
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko. I'm writing this letter cause my baka sister wanted to meet you but she's to........ *Looks at Sakura, blushing furiousley, twiddling her thumbs* *sweatdrop* ....weird.....Anyway, meet Sakura. Please be nice to her.
*pushes Sakura in front of Nuriko* If she gets annoying, whack her.
Dear Masao,
Hallo Sakura-san! Why would I want to hit such a sweet girl? *Smiles at Sakura.*
Dear Tamahome,
Yo! Genki ka, Tama-chan? Oh yeah.
*pays 2 ryou* Since you've been seeing Miaka-chan, I decided to ask you. You see...
*Hears Sakura's voice* "WAAAAH!!!!! Poor DUCK-SAN!!! MASAO NO BAKA!!!! DON'T HIT THE DUCK, YOU BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA" *whaps sakura" Urusai! Anyways, what do you do when Miaka-chan goes out of control, like her? I REALLY need to know.
Dear Masao,
Ano... she hasnever gotten THAT far out of control. I suppose I would restrain her so she would not hurt herself.
Dear Hotohori,
one day?? ....*sweatdrop* is that all?? i went through all that trouble to catch and tie up lina!!! you should gimme at least a year!!! yeah!!
or..heheeheh you're greedy..aren't u? *is planning to tease hotohori if he doesn't let her rule konan at least a year* well it'd be more easier..if you just gimme tasuki or chichiri...
Dear jane,
One day, no Seishi slaves. What about this instead? *Shows her a huge chest of Tasuki/Chichiri stuff.*
Dear Nuriko,
Yeah, Nuriko-sama!! Let's flush his make-up down the toilet! HAHAHAHAA!!! And destroy all his Nakago dolls!! He shall pay!!! It will be the sweetest revenge!! We're tormenting Tomo because an evil trick on me... He...he...made an illusion of you...and when I went to say hi, he turned it into Nakago!! *cries* It was so awful!! And he LAUGHED at me!!!!! He did it on purpose!! And then to top it all off, he insulted you! Then he left before I could kill him! Grr!! He must pay! How dare he play with my feelings!! *blushes in embarrassment and anger* Ugh!! THAT STUPID CLOWN!! We must shave his head and eyebrows too!!!
Dear Inori,
I like the way you think! But instead of shaving him, what do you think of Nair?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you all were going to dress up as someone for Halloween, who would it be?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Chichiri no Aijin explained Halloween to us. What a strange custom... Anyway, here are your answers:
Tasuki: Hiei from Yu-Yu Hakusho
Tamahome: Speed Racer from Mach Go
Mitsukake: Nakago
Chiriko: One-chan
Nuriko: Houki (hee-hee...)
Hotohori: Why would I want to look like another person? Why mar perfection?
Dear Tasuki,
*cough cough cough* Ahhhhhhh, I'm really sick. *_* My mom makes me take these yucky medicines too. AHHHHHHHH! And my voice is horrible. *sees Tasuki backing away from her* Don't worry, it's not contagious.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yeah well, les' jus' say I wanna be careful... Hope ya' feel better soon.
Dear Chichiri,
Hallo! *gives Chichiri a Big Hug* since you needed a hug, I wanted to accomodate you. I don't mind anyway(i like hugging you!).*gives another hug* Anyway,Chichiri-chan..(ooooh..Chichiri-CHAN!!) my birthday will be coming up soon and it would really make my day if you were there(hint!hint!).*sighs and starry eyes* It's on the nineteenth day of the tenth month and i'll be five-years older than the twins. Did you get that?oh well, i'm sure Chiriko will help you figure that one out if you didn't.*hugs Chichiri again*Gosh you are just sooo adorable!*hugs* I just can't get enough of you!*hugs*
I guess i better be going now..*pauses* um..don't worry too much about the pic that Lady Wolfette is gonna got great legs!*blushes* i saw a pic of you wearing shorts.You look cool!*hugs again*well i'm going...
*squeezes Chichiri really tight before letting go*
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
*Gasps for breath, turns blue, and SD* Air, no da! *Inhales* That's better, no da. If you want me to send you a card for your birthday, send me your real world address and name (it will not be published), no da. If not, otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu, no da!!
Dear Tamahome,
No, but I've read up on 'em. *razz* Tasuki is still better than you (or Taka! NYAH!) And the proof is everywhere =)
Dear One-chan,
Think what you want. I'm STILL the hero of the story... 2 ryou kudasai.
Dear Nuriko,
*runs up to Nuriko and gives a big hug* Ano.... Nuriko gomen ne for not writing to u for so long.... How have u been lately huh? Haven seen ur previous reply to my letter around.... Hmmm.... I wonder wat happened to it? Could not reach the link to the October 02, Peeji 2 of the Archives section again.... I told Chichiri abt. it last time, but he said after checking that it was okie.... Maybe it's sth. wrong with my browser huh? ^o^
Tomorrow is the day of our Farewell Assembly..... My classmates and I made the gifts for our seniors. Each one consists of a scented candle wrapped in a piece of checked cloth like a tiny bag, with a piece of rafia tied around it at the top. Labels bearing their names were pasted on the candles as well as the rafis rope. Cute rite? Sure hope that they will like it.... =P
Just finished my exams.... Phew... *sweatdrop* We had quite a few rather tough papers there... but hopefully, everyone should be able to do fine, although I'm rather worried abt. my G.P. grades cos if it's a gone case, I can forget abt. promotion and may even be booted out of the sch. Scary.... *big sweatdrop* Saaaa..... but no point thinking so much abt. it now cos nothing I do will be able to change the outcome of my results wat.... Rite?
Jia gotta go now... write to ya again this coming weekend.... so do take care k? *Hugs Nuriko tightly and gives Nuriko a big fat chicken wing* And, do enjoy that....! ^o^
Baby Gwing ^_<
Dear Baby Gwing,
Good luck with your grades! So, are you going to give "him" something special and let "him" know that you like him? *Eats the chicken wing.* Oishii, arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
WAI!!!! Long time no writin' and stuff!!! So what's up with you? Not much is going on here...let's see, the CO local anime convention was a couple weeks ago. Tsutsuji and I got real brave and entered the cosplay, and we did a skit that involved me singing "the Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" extremely off key...surprisingly enough, the audience really liked it, even if the judges weren't terribly impressed. (We lost to pokemon. Can you believe it? POKEMON! AGH! That's it...we need to get a cute kid in on the skit or something...) We're thinking about trying it at Otakon next year. We also soul the souls of for guys from the AD Police, which was fun in general, especially considering that I have two of them and I won't give them back unless I get some chocolate. *maniacal laugh*
I've really gotten into Shin Kidouseki Gundam Wing...I've been writing all sorts of fun, nasty fanfics about it, which should relieve you and the rest of the seishi, since when I'm tormenting the pilots, I'm not tormenting you. ^^ And I actually got highly masochistic and started running a fanfic contest for it. ^^ well as a Duo shrine. *grin* Hey, does Obake-chan get mistaken for Heero Yuy often? They have so much in common...same voice, fly-away hair...*clears throat nervously and gets ready to run for it* both of 'em have an annoying chick following them around...
Ok, time for me to rant. Sorry in advance.
The only other thing that's happened is my job finally went away, right after I got on the nightshift. I got put back on days to go into training for a new job, and it just sucks. You have to keep in mind that I worked hard to get onto the night shift...that's the only shift I can really function well in, since I'm naturally nocturnal. (No, not a vampire...just a little creature of the night) So I'm now stuck in training for the next nine weeks for a job I have a really bad feeling about. I like maintenance, because it required a lot of creativity--no two problems are exactly the same. But I'm in provisioning now, and it's all process, process, process, and more process, and it SUCKS. Process is boring. If I wanted to work on an assembly line, I woulda hired on at a freaking factory. Plus, think about it...they have us going to class 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. It's impossible to learn in that kind of environment, because after about two hours, you've reached your info limit, and the rest is just noise. It's so frustrating. And I know I'm not the only one having the problem, because all the old guys (I'm the youngest person in the class by eight years, as always) are complaining about it, too. And the management actually expects us to get out of these classes and be able to function at half capacity or so, which is ridiculous. The job normally takes two years to completely train for.
But here's the really bad part. There was a meeting a couple days ago, with a high level management type person. I have a real fear of public speaking (when I'm not in costume, that is. ^^;;;;) so I found the management guy after the meeting, because I thought I should just point out the problem with the classes. Yeah, I know, what was I thinking. I should know by now that it's impossible to actually get something done in a big company, but for once I was being optomistic. So I went and talked to the big wig guy, and a fourth level management guy...and they were KIND of listening to me, until one of them asked "how many years of service do you have?" I knew I was sunk right then, because I don't even have a year. So I told them, and immediately, the wall just came down. I got compared to someone's daughter three times, and the other guy asserted that he did this or that when he was my age four times, and both of them stopped listening to me altogether. THEN I got it pointed out to me how a) because I'm young, I'm quick and it's ok if I don't understand everything right away because I'll have it all figured out a-ok on my own (BULLS***) and b) how because I'm young I don't know much of anything so of course I'm going to be confused by all this stuff. Excuse me??? I may not know a whole bunch, but I was qualified as a tech, for god's sake! It's not like I'm a total newbie to the technical stuff, I at least know the basics! Now, I'm not going to claim to be overly intelligent, but I'm definitely not a moron, and I never will be a moron, no matter HOW old I am. And I know when I'm being patronized. So I sat there and got patronized by two high level supes for twenty minutes, and I just got to smile and nod. ARGH!!!!!!!!! I mean, what is it with these people for god's sake!!! There's plenty of 18 year old morons out there, yeah, but there's just as many 40 year old morons! AGH! AGH! AGH! And someone also told me later that one of the management types tends to be prejudiced against women anyway (and I tend to trust this, because it was a GUY that was saying this) so greeeeeeat. GRRRRRRRR.... So I wasted my time, I raised my blood pressure, and I got absolutely nothing accomplished. I don't know why I bother.
Ok. Sorry about all that, Tasuki-san, but I have never been so frustrated or angry or, well, INSULTED in my entire life. I'll be expecting it next time, I think. *sigh* Time for me to get back to my stupid class now.
Oh yeah...mind saying hello to Chichiri no Aijin for me? And maybe get a hug from her for me, since I'm not there?
Thanks so much.
Katsu no Miko (The Eternally Frustrated)
Dear Katsu no Miko,
@_@ YOW!!! Sounds like it's time fer a change of jobs to me!!! Ya' know Chichiri no Aijin has a oi-san (nephew) that lives in CO, too. Mebbe if ya' live near him she can ask him 'bout any jobs where he works. He does computer tech support an' he REALLY likes his job. If that's what ya' were doin' she can always ask hin if they gots any openins'. Th' rest is up to ya'. Good luck! *Gives her a big hug* That's from both of us!
Dear Chichiri,
hi there! *waves frantically in a crazed way* Saaaahhh...... Yippee!!! My exams are finally over! ^o^ Haven felt so happy for so long already.... Hmmm... Wat should I do with all this free time on my hands? *thinks hard* ........ ^^;;;;; Yah... Must play as much as I can, or else when sch. starts next week, I'll not have this much time already....
However.... my results will be coming in next week.... Argh! Really worried abt. it, especially my G.P. grades cos my grades for this particular subject really sux.... >_< Really hope that everything will turn out well eventually..... =P
Well..... nevermind abt. that.... Watever can be done abt. that has already been done, no point in worrying so much over it rite? Here, enjoy this fried chicken wing from my sch. canteen..... *Passes Chichiri a fried chicken wing* Oh me? I already had one during my break today and I should not take too much or I'll grow too fat..... =) Hehe! ^^;;;
Tomorrow is the Farewell Assembly we are abt. to hold for our seniors... My classmates and I made all the gifts we planned to give them today.... It consists of a scented candle wrapped in a nice piece of checked cloth like a tiny bag and is tied neatly at the top with some rafia rope..... We also pasted labels with their names on the candles and the rope... Cute rite? Hope they will like wat we have gotten for them.... Jia... gotta go now.... write to ya again this upcoming weekend.... ^o^ *Wonders why Yuri haven replied yet....*
Baby Gwing
Dear Baby Gwing,
Good luck with your grades, no da! Yuri did write and we posted it last night. I hope you saw it, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
(*Brings in a couple papers*) Well, since we're still talking about the seiyuu of you and your friends, I did manage to rack up a little more info on some of them. Let's see here....
Tamahome's seiyuu voice-acted a couple Dragonball Z charas. Specifically, Paikuu-Han and Android 16. He was also the voice of Souji Mikage, another Shoujo Kakumei Utena chara.
Chichiri's seiyuu was also that of Touji Suzuhara (Neon Genesis Evangelion). And, his voice was also employed in this one show Those Who Hunt Elves as the voice of this guy named Junpei.
(*starts reading the other paper*)
Now, Mitsukake's seiyuu also portrayed this Gatchaman chara named Joe Asakura (a.k.a. Condor Joe). He also voice-acted someone named Keto, some goofy sounding villain from Nurse Angel Ririka.
And Chiriko, as for your seiyuu... There's this new show called Stella Buster Mito's Great Adventure. It's some weird outer-space series. I haven't the cloudiest idea what it's about, but I did find out that your seiyuu is the voice of Mito herself.
And I neglected to mention Miaka Yuuki's seiyuu last time around. Her name is Kae Araki. She was the voice of Chibi-Usa, or Sailor Chibi-Moon. The sailor senshi about half the world couldn't care less about... However, it is quite noteworthy that Araki's voice is also the voice of Minnie May Hopkins from Gunsmith Cats. Minnie May looks 12 but is really 17. And she's an explosives expert armed with grenades in her jacket and C4 in her shoes.
P.S. Remember when I told you that Nakago's seiyuu (his name's Tohru Furusawa, by the way) was the voice of that phys. ed. teacher from Card Captor Sakura? That guy's name is Yoshiyuki Terada. And speaking of CLAMP characters, Nakago's seiyuu was also the voice of Seishirou Sakurazuka from X. And Yumi Touma portrays the voice of Yui Hongo. She has also voice-acted Ah! My Goddess' Urd, Record of Lodoss War's Deedlit, and Soul Calibur's Isabella "Ivy" Valentine (she's got a sword that can transform into a whip). I'll gather more info about the the other Seiryuu guys' voices when I get the chance. Until then, ja ne....
Dear Tonberry,
This is actually quite interesting!! Have you ever considered putting up a web peeji with this information on it? You should! Arigato!
Dear Mitsukake,
*Joke goes right over her head* HEAL MISS LINA?! *Makes a strange face* ARE YOU SURE THAT'S SUCH A GOOD IDEA?! Tasuki? who's Tasuki?
*Looks confused*
Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune ^-^
Dear Amelia,
*Smiles and pats her on the head.* It's too long a tale to go into. Gomen...
Dear Tasuki,
::is hiding behind tree::
I know you told me to stop with the Miaka stuff, but I absolutely MUST have an answer to this question. And I want an honest answer and don't say that you have to think about it.
OK. What if one day Tamahome got injured so badly that not even Mitsukake or those sickning Nyan-Nyans could heal him and his last wish was that you take his place with Miaka, (As in becoming her lover), would you?
I'm NOT trying to be annoying with this question, but it's really been bugging me to know what you would say.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
If that's his dyin' wish an' Miaka agreed I would do it. Fer all th' s--t we give each other, we ARE tomodachi!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tas'ki-sama! Just dropping a line to see if you got my story..and what you thought of it. Bai now. ^_^
Dear Reddie-chan,
I got it. It was really good, but very sad.
Dear Tasuki,
*pounces with a lack of enthusiasm.* The female thing was last week. My school offers the WIDE choices of- Spanish, ot French. So, know when yer gonna be in the chat-? *sits down* Hmph. I WAS feeling better. Today was supposed to be a good day. I haven't seen Speed in like, weeks, and today (the 14th) is our 6 month anniversary. So here I am, on my six month anniversary, responding to someone who addressed his letter to me "Dear Kowai One-chan", instead of being happy and chatting with my good fried of four years and boyfriend of 6 months. I had this lovely poem I'd written and read in religion class for my 'prayer' and my whole class applauded, and I'd written just last night just for today and the person who it's for isn't even on. I even got up thinking it would be a good day, damnit! Which is something that happens about 1 morning out of 365 mornings a year! *crumples up the paper with her poem on it and throws it in Tasuki's face* ... Some happy freaking anniversary. *cries*
Dear One-chan,
*Picks up crumpled paper and reads it* That's really sweet. Who'd of thought??? *ducks and gives her a fanged grin* Hmmmm... glad "that" was last week! At least ya' ain't as dangerous! *Sees she's still crying gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.* I'll try to be on over the weekend. Most likely Sunday. Ja' ne!
Dear Chichiri,
YAAAAAAYYYYY~!!!!!!!! ^^ my important exams are over!!!!!! no more studying!!!! ^^ *grabs Chichiri and does a happy dance* no more stupid maths!!!!! ^^ *hugs tama-neko happily* oh wait, except now that my mom keeps on picking on me now. -_- first my dad, and now her. >_< well, at least my friends aren't stressed up anymore! ^^ oh, do you mind giving me a hug? ^^;;;;; I just feel so happy today. ^^;;
P.S: ok baby Gwing, I'm most likely to be going alone and in the afternoon, around.... 2 p.m? ^^; I'll be wearing a black shirt and blue jeans, I guess.... do I have to hold a rose or something? ^^ j/k! I should be carrying a brown or red bag. I hope you get to see this letter soon before friday. ^^;;;;;;;;;
Dear Yuri,
*Gives her a hug* Why are your parents picking on you, no da? Good luck meeting Baby Gwing, no da! Let us know what happens!
Dear Tasuki,
*Keetia runs in and punts One*
>=D Gwahahahaha! Not only was there a sailor fuku in store for you, there is of course, Koneko, and of course, Yui and One, and a whole annoying gag that picks on both you and Essence *points at the white haired girl with the battle axe who is glaring at her* in one of Firefury's fics! (Maybe it will teach you not to get drunk... And it's already taught Essence not to accept drinks from me! (I spike everything.)* If Firefury will let me, I'll tell you the whole story behind it! HEHEHEH! But I'll just say for now, myself, Katana, Reeshia, and Kajitsu (strange name, ne?) the - "KKRK" for short and practical jokes!
Firefury: Like I could &(*%^& stop you?
Just answer!
Firefury: Go ahead... --*
ALRIGHT!!!!! *cheers in SD* Well, you, along with many other people, are dragged into a war, Shimeki, the all powerful goddess against her sister, and she's drafting lots a people into her army. At one lil victory party, Katana gets this 'clever' idea. There's plenty of sake for you to get wasted on, by the way. ^-^ Katana loves to pick on Essence. Katana loves to pick on people with egos (you'd be one of them). SO. I spike Essence's drink and you spare me the trouble of having to knock you out, being as you do a fine job drinking untill you pass ouy by yourself. (granted.... I drugged the sake...) SO. You both pass out. This is where Kajitsu and Reeshia come in! Kajitsu and Katana take your wasted drunken bodies to a bedroom and leave you there... While Reeshia uses her magic to leave you both.... very..... you can guess. AND we wait till morning! Being as you two were wasted, you can't remember, and everybody is lying to you about what happened! AHAHAHHA! Nothing like waking up half dressed next to something ( a *gasp* woman) you don't hardly know.
Keetia - aka - "Pain in th' @$$"
P.S. *sweetly* If I ask you nicely, will you fry me again? *smiles*
Yo Pest!
Hmph! I've woken up next to worse!!! Chichiri no Aijin had me wakin' up next to Taiistu-kun in one of her stories!!!!!1 So there!! *sticks his tongue out at her* Amateur!!!!! An' I ain't gonna fry ya' on request!
Dear Tasuki,
Ok. I have a problem, several in fact (Like that's something new).
First. My best friend for 12 years suddenly turned against me (No, not the one I hit all the time) and she won't tell me why! I mean, I didn't do anything to her! She just started hanging out with all those snobby girls at school and now she either ignores me or makes fun of me! I've got like NO friends anymore! What should I do? I tried talking to her, but she just yells at me!
Second. I bought a Sailor Uranus plush doll and now everyone is lookin at me funny! (Sailor Uranus is one of the Sailor Moon Sailor Senshi, and she is also Sailor Neptune's girlfriend, yes she is gay if your wondering) I am most definitly NOT GAY!! For God's sake, I carry around a notebook full of pictures of you and Kouji! If I was gay why would I have that?! It's just that she's my fav Sailor Moon character, I like her attacks and her transformations are cool is all.
Third. My mom's on my case again because I don't have any friends that are girls, I only hang out with guys (Well, considering that 20 of my cousins are guys, that could be the reason.) and she says that's strange. Jeez! And you think YOUR mom's bad?! You should meet mine! I mean, what's wrong with hanging out with guys? I just get along with them better than girls. I grew up playing War and Paintball and stuff with them, what's so wrong with me not wanting to hang out with girls?
Thanks! I know I've been bugging you! At least I'm not one of those girls that are always trying to steal your clothes and putting jello and whip cream on you (yet...I just recently joined the DTFC...hehehe....).
I'll try to stop writing so much.
Reikaku no Miko
P.S.: I'm curious, what's your coat made of? How come people can't write to Kouji? He's cool too! Not as cool as you though, no one could be.
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Hmmm... sounds like it's time to make some new friends. If yer old friend comes back to ya' great! But try an' get involved in some new things an' meet new people. You'll feel better!
So, d'ya carry th' doll like to school an' stuff? If ya' do, STOP IT!!! People jus' don't unnerstand otaku (anime fans) an' most will think yer a freak jus' fer likin' Japanese "cartoons". Save yerself th' grief an' leave Sailor Uranus at home. 'Kay?
I dunno what's wrong wit' havin' lots of guy friends. Chichiri no Aijin has always had more male than female friends. An' when she was yer age her mom was OK wit' it. Oh yeah, th' coat is made of wool. An' ya' can reach Kouji at Ask the Fushigi Yuugi Cast!. Hope that was helpful! *gives her a hug*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
AHAHAHAH!!! I'M BAAAAACCCKKKK!!! First of all... *Tackle-hugs Mitsukake* I'm all better now! No more coughing or sneezing or anything... You can never get rid of this Snow... Thanks for your help! ^^
Next... On Saturday, my Mom, Dad, and Sister got into a car accident... Thank Suzaku that none of them were injured fataly... *Hugs her evil-sister-PaNdAnGeLz just for the heck of it* ^__________^ It made me realize how much I love the little demon...
Last of all... The Coincidence Page! I'd appreciate it if you'd give me your opinion of this part of my site..! And... Welkome to: The MUU the Main site... My little site is getting an average of 5 hits a week..! I NEED HITS!! ...ahem... Of course, you can check these links only if you guys have free time and are bored... eheh... ^^;;
Thank You and Ja Ne! *Gives all the Seishi a hug and runs off*
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
We're sorry to hear about the accident, but we are glad that your family is OK. We liked your site and will add you to our Links Peeji . Arigato for adding us to yours! Take care.
Dear Tasuki,
*smacks him upt he head* Yes ma was upset when ya left! She thought you hated her... and was really a @#$% to live with, I was glad when she had me go after ya.... Did I ever tell ya I meet yur ol boss? *smirks*
Dear Aidou,
Ya' did???? *Sweatdrops* Do I wanna know what ya' did wit' him???? @_@
Dear Chichiri,
Don't tell Tasuki I asked you this, you think you could teleport him to my house for a day? PLEASE??? I would be eternally gratefull.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Ano... gomen nasai, no da. I am unable to bring him to your world, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh THAT'S right tasuki! hell, I've never noticed that! I just enjoyed being spanked by you so much! *isn't serious!* which is why I freaked and hit you afterwards! thank you SO much for enlightening me! YEAH RIGHT! You just keep wishing Tasuki!!! ¬_¬ How come for some reason you always manage to convince yourself that everything I do is because I like you or something??? or is that just your way of thinking???
Dear Lina,
OI! If ya' ask most of th' people here, they'd have us married to each other an' havin' babies! *Makes a yuck face*
Dear Tasuki,
Who is this Lina girl I keep hearing so much about? And what did you mean in one of your last responses to me by: 'So you wanna join Lina for a dip in the pond'? (I would have typed that just like what you said, but I know how to spell...hehehe....).
If you ever got a pet, what would it be and what would you name it? I have an 80 pound Golden Retriever named Zeus, you know, named after the greek god?
And I'll drop the Miaka stuff, well, I'll quit asking you about her, but you can do NOTHING to stop what I write about you two in my stories....hehehe.....
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Sheesh! Ya' ask a lotta questions don't ya'? *fanged grin*
Lina's some magic usin', foul tempered, pyro chick who likes to rob an' kill bandits an' set fire to villages (by accident she claims). Some people think she takes after me... Th' "dip in th' pond" comment was referrin' to pullin' her into th' pond she pushed me into.
I dunno what I'd have fer a pet. Probably a cat or a wolf. An' I ain't got no idea what th' h*ll I'd name it!
Dear Tasuki,
*glares in disgust at ANOTHER letter to Genrou about them being gay* Look! Me 'n Genrou ain't EVER gonna have a (*@(*&@# relationship! 'N we're probably gonna' be related later on down the road! D@mn! Give up the idea!
*sits back*
Well, I'm workin' on makin' up fer bein' gone, but... *glares at Genrou* YOU are the one that decided to leave to do this peeji! Ah, well...
*hands Genrou some sake*
I'll drink to bein' back! (... or anythin' else ya' can drink to!)
Gotta' get back to Mt. Reikaku soon... *takes a gulp of his sake*
Dear Kouji,
Shove over bro'! Gimme that... *gulps some sake out of the bottle.* Ahhhh, better. Welcome back bro'! So, ya' finally made up wit' Aidou ya' baka? 'Bout &*^%$#@ time!!!!!!!!
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