Dear Tasuki,
Oh, so you're making the chick to get intimate with you. I see. *bucked tooth grin*
Dear Monkey-dude,
I ain't makin' nothin' wit' no one!!!
Dear Tasuki,
What do you mean 'have I ever bitten myself with my teeth?' Is that supposed to be an insult or somethin'? And as a matter of fact I HAVE, right through my tongue and it did NOT feel good let me tell you! I still have a hole there!
And for the person I hit, he deserved it for a good other number of reasons, and I get into trouble for MANY things, not just over you. He's not mad at me any more though (namely because I took his favorite picture of someone that he likes that he DEFINITLY should not have had at school, I mean he's only 14 for christ's sake!)
Oh, and I DO think you made going there your hobby, despite what you say. (And don't yell at me again or else you WILL regret it. Just ask my many cousin's who have done it in the past)
You don't know who Sailor Moon is? Are you NUTS or somethin'? That's like the all time best show (Aside from Fushigi Yuugi of course)! Well, you might not like it actually. It's about a bunch of girls with super powers that go around beating people up, but it's really cool! Except Sailor Mars, I really hate her, along with Chibi-Usa....
Oh look! I have MORE questions! (Sorry, but I'm on my usual sugar high and I think of weird things to ask people).
1) If you ever had kids, would they have fangs too?
2) If you were trapped on an island with no way of ever getting off and your by your self and you were a cupe of sake, would you drink yourself in order to survive?
3)Did you EVER go to school?
4) What's your favorite color?
5) What do you think your best quality is? (And if you say drinking I will hit you...)
6) Why do you always wear that jewelry?
7) Where did you get it?
8) Am I annoying? (I already know that I am, it's one of my main goals in life, other than becoming a writer)
9) Why is it that you can't be friends with someone now-a-days and people automatically think that your going out with each other?
10) Have you ever been able to go one whole sentence without cussing?
11) What color are Kouji's eyes?
12) Why did you start wearing that purple outfit for a while? I like you black coat better.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Why are ya' so bent over me askin' if ya' ever bit yerself? Ya' asked me th' same question? An' ya' answered it fer BOTH of us! Sailor Moon... hmmmm superpowered Miaka-type chick?? KOWAI!! Here's th' rest of yer answers:
1.) Mitsukake says probably.
2.) If I were a cup of sake I'd jus' sit there an' evaporate!
3.) Look at the answer to # 2! Does that look like a baka answered it???
4.) Red
5.) Aside from my good looks, I'd guess it's either my charmin' personality or my modesty... heh-heh-heh...
6.) It's good fer quick cash!
7.) I'm a *&^%$#@ BANDIT!!!! Where d'ya think I got it from????
8.) Darned close... stick to writin'!
9.) Because most people are bakas!
10.) Of course I have! Whaddya' think I am??? A *&^%$#@ baka?!?!?!?
11.) I dunno. I never looked. Ask my sister Aidou.
12.) Yer kiddin' right?? 'Che, evern anime bandits gotta change clothes SOMETIME!!!
Dear Chichiri,
hihi**smiles sadley**they don't believe me....anyways thanks for caring so much about me^_^. I am finishing a special drawing for you but I am having trouble reading your handwriting.**steals your staff and runs away**
Dear navi,
*Runs after her to get his staff back...* I believe you, no da! Unfortunately I cannot do anything to help you in your world. Gomen. Please keep trying to find an adult that will believe you, no da. Ano... you do know how to physically defend yourself if you are forced to, no da? *Gives her a hug and takes his staff back.* Here, this is for you, no da. *Gives her a replica of his kesa*
Dear Chichiri,
I've noticed that some gal's planning to draw you and the rest of the seishi in sailor outfits. You think you'll be disturbed by how YOU look? (*points to Mitsukake*) What about HIM?!? The thought of Mitsukake in a sailor outfit makes me want to barf!! (*and is about to...runs right out of the place*)
Dear Tonberry,
*Looks at Mtsukake and sweatdrops...* Ano... I think you might have a point there, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
You... were Aboratsubo from Mahotsukai Tai!? YOU?! WHA-HA-HA-HA-HA!! *laughs until he runs out of breath*
Dear Suboshi,
*Glares at Suboshi* I was not! My seiyuu was! We are NOT amused!
Dear Tamahome,
*looks at the list* Tough. I'll make you hear them anyways. Tasuki has more fangirls than you because- (in no order whatsoever):
1. His voice is cuter
2. He's a better dresser! (HAH!)
3. His songs are cooler than yours.
4. He's not taken. (You are.)
5. His SD form is cuter!
6. His hair is styled better than yours.
7. He actually not as big a jerk as you are (even though he seems like it.)
8. His jewelary is cool (^-^)
9. He's more fun to be around than you are!
10. He has fangs, and fangs are cool. (you don't.)
11. He didn't break Miaka's arm... (*glare glare GLARE*)
Do you want me to go on? I've hardly begun. ^-^
Dear One-chan,
No, you don't really need to go on. You haven't seen the OVA's yet have you? *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Suzaku! So what's it like being a god and being able to do all this god stuff, like picking a miko. Why did you pick Miaka by the way? ^_^
Dear CK,
It's a jopb. I picked Miaka because of her intense willpower and her loyalty to her friends.
Dear Tasuki,
I CAN'T GLUE THIS DUMB DOG TOGETHER!!!! *throws the pieces* Oooooh. That wasn't a good idea. Anyway next time I'm using superglue! :D
Dear Sammy,
Ummm... how's 'bout next time, be more careful? *fanged grin...*
Dear Tasuki,
What exactly does it say on that picture of you? I can't see anything...
Dear Anonymous,
It says, "This art book is protected by Sukazu Seishi Tasuki."
Dear Tamahome,
*jumps out from behind a high, high, high, stack of homework* Ai ya! I made it out alive! *hugs Tamahome* HI! Guess what? The schoolworks really piling up...literally. I have all these books at home and boy now I know how Chip feels. Anyway I just have to make this poster for health class. Suicide sound like a good topic?
Dear Sammy,
That's interesting. Why did you choose THAT subject? How about an anti-drug or anti-smoking poster? Or... *looks at Tasuki* an anti-drinking poster?
Dear Chichiri,
Who said you could answer me letter to Tasuki? =P
Dear One-chan,
*Looks at her letter to Tasuki and sweatdrops...* He did, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*pounce...* Well, I can take Japanese and get credit for it, but for some STUPID reason I'd still have to take my stupid Spanish class. Not to mention my STUPID science book which couldn't even tell me how the hell to convert kilograms into Newtons to find the stupid Work in our stupid lab in my stupid science class! But I couldn't with the stupid method my stupid book had, I needed the stupid Work to find the stupid Newtons! *watches all of this go over Tasuki's head.* This is not including the stupid senior who sits behind me in theater who won't leave me the hell alone because he's stupid! Usually, I don't mind him, but I have been in a... bad mood you could say since my I learned I'd still have to take stupid Spanish. I was very upset about that because I'm failing the stupid class! Plus, I'm damned sure I failed the stupid test in Spanish today (I only could answer 2 questions out of 20!) so I was really depressed and I was freaking crying in that class, then, I was feeling better as I went to theater when that stupid jerk behind me wouldn't leave me alone. (Of course, when I started crying everybody near me got mad at him.) You could say the whole day has been spent having a stupid emotional break down. But now, I'm okay, just in a REALLY foul mood. Stupid Alemany! *glares in the direction of her school* I hate it there! I have more enemies than friends (most of my friend's went to public schools.) ARRRRRRGH! And failing Spanish will lower my GPA which will affect my getting into college! AAAAAHHHH *is very, very, VERY stressed.* And my stupid okaasan will get mad! I won't be able to online! Thus I won't be able to celebrate my 6 month anniversary with Speed! THUS adding up to me being a foul mood for the rest of the week! *grabs the nearest person and shakes them violently (at least she still has her humor)* AND I HATE BEING IN A FOUL MOOD! BECAUSE THEN I HAVE A BAD DAY WHICH MAKES MY MOOD EVEN WORSE WHICH MAKES ME DEPRESSED WHICH MAKES ME WANT TO CRY WHICH MAKES ME BREAK DOWN! *stops shaking the nearest person* ..... Ya know... I've said "stupid" 17 times? 18 counting just now. *blinks* Wow. Now that I just did something totally silly like yelling and violently shaking a person, and counting how many times I said "stupid" (19 now!) I feel a lot better! ^-^ Kinda stupid, isn't it? (20 times now!)
A very moody One-chan
Dear Kowai One-chan,
Recovers from being shaken by a pissed off One-chan... waits till his eyeballs stop shaking...* Ano... glad yer feelin' better??? So, is this like one of them female thins'? *Ducks* *Thinks for a minute...* So, can ya' take somethin' other than Spanish at yer school? R'member, I'm jus' tryin' to be helpful here... *Backs away slowly...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*bounces in* I'm doing so much better now, I'm not depressed very much anymore!! In fact, I'm so happy, it's beyond belief!!
*grins at them*
You've all been a big help to me, I'm getting high grades in all my classes and I even set the curve for a chemistry exam!! This is from a person who had soooo much trouble with biology last year!!
*gives them all hugs and kiss their cheeks*
Thank you guy so much!! You people are the nicest people in the world!!!
A very Happy Jean ^_^
Dear Jean,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for your very kind, sweet words, no da! We 're all glad to hear you're doing well in school and in general, no da. You're VERY welcome! Keep up the good work and take care. *Gives her a BIG hug.* That's from all of us, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Oh, I have to get back at him good! It has to be something brilliant! That's why I thought you'd be great for this! You have the best prank ideas! If you help me, I'll...give you sake? No, that's Tasuki...Okane is Tamahome, fish is Chichiri...Books is Chiriko...Mirrors is have a LOT of clothes already...Would a kiss on the cheek be enough payment? *kisses Nuriko on the cheek* ^_^;! I spent all my money on the Evangelion soundtrack! Will you help me now? Please?
P.S: I was going to try to get you Hotohori-sama's hat, but I don't think either one of you would appreciate me breaking into his chamber and stealing it, so I threw that idea out!
Dear Inori,
Sure that would be fine! So, why are we tormenting Tomo and what are we doing to torment him??? OOH! I know! Let's take away ALL his makeup! And his Nakago doll, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*ahem* Chichiri, it's too late ... ^_^ I've already got the image of the Suzaku Seishi in fukus... ^^ I just have to put it down on paper. ^_^
Lady Wolfette
Dear Lady Wolfette,
Da.... *shudders and sweatdrops at the thought...*
Dear Tasuki,
Yes yes I know I've been sending a lot of letters, but I forgot this in the last one. I showed one of my many pictures of you to my friend (He's a guy) and I let him borrow one of my videos'(You know, the one where you say you hate women?) And he said that you were GAY when he heard that!!! I know your not (Although, you and Kouji IS a cute idea....hehehehe....), but no matter what I told him he wouldn't change his mind!! So namely I punched him across the room (not a good thing to do at school by the way, I got a detention for it, but I'm just so protective of my little Gen-chan).
Ok. I know I'm helpless, as I've written you so many time already in one day. I have some more questions:
1) Have you ever been mistaken for a vampire because of your fangs? (I thought of this question after reading a story someone wrote of you being a vampire...umm....don't read it if you havn't already.....Kouji's the one that made you one in it. So shoot me, I like vampires)
2)Have you ever accidently bitten yourself with your fangs?
3)Who's your favorite Sailor Moon character? (If you say Sailor Mars I will kill you, or just tie you up at my house for a while ::grins evily::)
4) Why do people get so confused over your eyecolor? I read one story and it said that they were orange-red (I think thats cool!) I say there gold in my stories, and yes I remember that you said they were amber, that's pretty too.
5) Do you think if you got Kouji drunk enough you could hog-tie him and leave him on my doorstep? (Along with you if I catch you...hehehe.....)
::gives him a kiss and won't let go for a while::
Thanks for puttin' up with me!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I appreciate yer beatin' th' snot outta that guy an' defendin' my honor, but next time don't do that!! I don't want ya' fangirls gettin' in trouble over me! Now here's th' answers to yer questions:
1.) Only by weird people that ain't never seen Fushigi Yuugi.
2.) Ever accidentally bitten yerself wit' YER teeth???
3.) Who th' h*ll is this Sailor Moon chick??? An' why do people keep askin' us 'bout her?
4.) Guess 'cos different posters an' pictures show 'em in different colors.
5.) An' how drunk am I when I do this???
Dear Tasuki,
*covers her mouth but finally lets go* I can't keep quiet any longer!!! You spanked Lina?! O_O! Tasuki! That is...That is to say...I THINK YOU DO LIKE LINA!!!!! Oh, I KNOW you're gonna deny it, but you can't fool me, for I am WISE!! Why do you think Nuriko's my favorite? *pushes Tasuki into Lina so he falls on top of her* Jaa!!!
Dear Inori,
OI! Stop that! *Looks at a flattened Lina and shrugs* Could be worse, could be Naga!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I was just curious- did you get a reply back from Netfilter? I wrote them another e-mail asking why they were so rude to me and I'm kinda nervous- what if I'm really annoying those poor people? I just wanted to know why they netfiltered your site! -_-
Dear Rhiannon,
Glad ya' asked! Here's th' answer we got from th' CEO of NetFilter: "Its most likley some of the people are using adult language in the chatroom or email sent to you. Difficult to know exactly since the block is due to
the Dynamic Filter: One part of our filter is called a Dynamic Filter which blocks sites that contain hard-core words. If you are using the web for your e-mail, Chat, Personal Webpage, or Message Board, the filter treats the incoming text the same as any other site. This simply means that if you are trying to receive email/chat messages that contain numerous
"adult" words, the filter (thinking it is an adult site) will block the message."
I ain't to blame since Chichiri no Aijin ALWAYS censors me! But she don't bother changin' people's letters or messages, etc. Gomen!
Dear Tasuki,
..That was a mistake, it isn't my fault the buildings were so close together!!! How fire catches from one building to another isn't my problem! I'm NOT a bandit! I was never a bandit! and I shall never be a bandit!! cheap or anything else!
*reads some letters that she missed*
Ahem..By the way *glare* when I call you ta-chan I'm NOT trying to be intimate with you! I just gave you a girly nic cause you act girly at times, plus it annoys you! besides! YOU'RE the one throwing me over your knee!!! not the other way around!!! ¬_¬;
Dear Lina,
Now THAT'S a LAME excuse!! An' as fer callin' me "Ta-chan"... I been called worse by better! I might be th' one throwin' ya' over my knee, but YER th' one who seems to be enjoyin' it! *Gives her a raspberry*
Dear Tasuki,
I was just looking through the archive of past letters and I noticed one from a LONG time ago and I've got something to say about that. A REAL man wouldn't waste time at a whore house. That only proves that you can't get a women on your own ( Myself and a few friends will volunteer if need be). I still love ya though. How could I not? Your just so CUTE!!
And I still say you care about Miaka more than a little sister and I have pictures to prove it.
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
'Che!! Gimme a &*^%$#@ break!!! I was 15 an' Kouji dragged me there! It ain't like I made it my *(&^%$# hobby!!!! (That's drinkin' an' brawlin'! Heh-heh-heh...) An' knock off th' Miaka stuff, OK?
Dear Hotohori,
ok....hmm...*has been thinking for few minutes* ok ..hehehehehhe i want to be the emperor of konan!! now that means you have to gimme the whole palace and stuff like that...*evil grin* ...OR you can..hmmmmm you can give tasuki or chichiri as my slave! yeah!!!!
Dear jane,
Hmmmm... *Does not wish to go back on his word. But the request IS outlandish....* Alright you shall rule Konan for ONE day. I shall advise you.
Dear Tasuki,
Sorry about the last letter, another bad day in schools. Stupid PSAT's...why do we even need those? Honestly! Anyway, I have a few questions to ask ya:
1) Why don't you want people to ask those kind of questions about you and Kouji? I think it's cute! (This coming from someone who keeps a whole scrapbook of you and Kouji pictures with her all day long....)
2) When you took Miaka to the Inn, what would have happened if Taka (Who I cannot express how much I hate!) hadn't come? Well, I mean I know what would have happened, I mean afterwards. Would the spell have been lifted? What would you have done?
3)What would you do if there was absolutely NO alchohal left in the world?
4)Now, this is a strange question. If you ever DID fall in love with Miaka (more than a little sister), would you fight Tamahome/Taka(I can't remember which name the Ba---- goes by and don't care) over her? And don't say: Well, I know how much they love each other and I wouldn't interfere. Honestly! I don't know what Miaka sees in that selfish, whiny, umm.....sorry. Got carried away.
5) How many girls have you ever brought to your hideout? (I am not asking what you did, I think I already know, despite what you say)
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Don't worry 'bout it. Already deleted an' forgotten! Here are yer answers in order:
1.) 'Cos it's *(&^%$# annoyin'!!!!!!!!!!!
2.) I dunno. If th' spell was lifted, I mighta... well... les' jus' say it would involve no longer bein' in Konan or mebbe in th' world at all!
3.) Be in a REAL bad mood!!!
4.) I don't either, but HER happiness means more to me than anythin' else!
5.) Enough...
Dear Tasuki,
The moment you used the words"magic users" it referred to me as well! And don't call me BAKA! *grabs tessen and whaps Tasuki's head* and if you ever think of getting an e-mail address, i got a suggestion..make it
But at least I was compensated for your insult..*laughs at the pic of Tasuki in a sailor fuku* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
Yeah, don't laugh too hard over that pic! I heard that she's gonna do one of ALL of us THAT way!!! An' that includes yer Chichiri, too! *sticks his tongue out at her.*
Dear Tasuki,
Go ahead and kick Kouji's Sorry @#$% @$$ next time ya see him! Then tie him up for me and lock him up until I can get there! He broke momma's heart, he up's and disappears while he was visiting the family... she cried and cried... it was nearly as bad as how upset she was when you left!
Ya'r good to me gen-chan
*ruffles his hair*
As to WMC... she's been busy but she's back on the board and talking to Chichiri so why relay messages when they're talking to each other?
But I hardly see WMC any more... she's so, SO, -*SO*- @#$% busy @_@
Dear Aidou,
Ma was upset when I left????? I didn't know that!! I think I saw Kouji postin' to th' message board! Have ya' tried lookin' there?
Dear Chichiri,
hihi**scoots closer to you**gah that boy won't stop!**sweatdrops** he wants to clone me for sexual uses...blah! he has stoped some what though.^_^ I made you so brownies this time!**hands them to you**well I have to go now, mister harrassment just came in and I don't want to be here.**kisses you good-bye**
Dear navi,
*Frowns at the young man that is causing her so much trouble and wishes he was able to help her better... takes a bite of the brownie...* Oishii! Arigato no da! I wish I could be in your world to protect you. Have you discused this with the school authorities and your parents yet, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
You keep your ennuendo away from me, you sick pervert! You're as bad as Tomo!
Dear Suboshi,
Learn to spell ya' baka! An' ain't NO ONE as hentai as yer sick bud Tomo!!
Dear Tasuki,
Last time I signed as annoymous, you said that if I ain't brave enough to sign my name, you won't prove nothing' to me, now I used my name. I'm waiting for a reply...
Dear Mitaru,
So, whaddya' want fer yer proof that I don't love Miaka?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Everyone, I want to see how each of you would compare yourself to a few characters from various anime shows and games whose voice actor is the same as yours. You probably already know a few of them, but let's take a look to see who's got your voice....
(Careful...spoilers may be in here....)
Other charas Midorikawa has voice-acted:
1) Zelgadis Greywords (Slayers)
The blue part-golem chimera guy. Probably the most serious guy on the entire show. Is out to find the one spell that'll restore his human form, but hey... he's capable of blocking cannonballs with his HEAD.
2) Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing)
The main character of this Gundam series (his name is Heero for a REASON ^.^). Trained to become a complete psychopath, but apparently also has a caring, sympathetic side too. He'll probably have to show that good-natured side to help his friends and one Relena Peacecraft.
Other charas Koyasu has voice-acted:
1) Touga Kiryuu (Shoujo Kakumei Utena)
The leader of the Student Council. The guy who keeps doing that egg and chick speech. Very charismatic and almost deadly with a sword... just like Hotohori.
2) Shingo Yabuki (King of Fighters ('97,'98,'99))
Debuted in '97. Aspired to be just like Kyo Kusanagi, the hero for most of that saga. In fact, he eventually got Kyo to train him how to fight. But he still can't throw fire, no matter how hard he tries...... But they all love when he goes, "SHINGOOOOOOOO KICK!!!!"
3) Ryuji Sugashita (DNA^2)
Eventually hates Junta Momonari's guts when Junta (as a mega-playboy) steals his girlfriend. Then something happens to give Ryuji ...uh... abilities to make Junta look like a loser.... I'm saying no more...
Other charas Sakamoto has voice-acted:
1) Shun Kisaragi (Here Is Greenwood)
Heheheh... some guy Nuriko can relate to, for he too is a guy who looks (and on occasion dresses) like a girl. Was part of a scheme to fool Kazuya Hasukawa, who soon found out the truth when he saw Shun take a leak standing up. ^.^
2) Kentarou Ichinose (Maison Ikkoku)
Lives with his parents in one of the Maison's rooms. He sees everybody else in the place as total weirdos and is bent on getting away as soon, long, and far as possible. By the way, he's also embarrased by the fact that his mom often gets drunk.
3) Ginger (Urusei Yatsura)
She's one of a trio of alien schoolgirls (along with Pepper and Sugar) in a whole slew of failed attempts to embarrass Lum. These 3 have weird defensive powers. In Ginger's case, it's the ability to feign death by giving pause to her internal organs... Sounds sick, eh??
Other charas Seki has voice-acted:
1) Van Farnel (Vision of Escaflowne)
One of the heroes in the story. The one who can pilot the mecha Escaflowne. He deeply cares for Hitomi Kanzaki and vows to protect her, for he knows she can help save Gaea.
2) Kamui Shirou (X)
The introverted hero of this dark tale. Is forced to choose between which of two factions to join that will determine the fate of the world. He chooses one... and his best friend Fuuma Monou chooses the other. They ultimately become fierce rivals... whether Kamui likes it or not.
3) Touya Kinomoto (Card Captor Sakura)
Sakura's older brother. He can be quite a pain in her eyes...(She put it best when she said she'd grow as tall as a phone pole so she could stomp on him! ^_^) But there can be a gentle side to him. He's friends with one Yukito Tsukishiro, and Tomoyo Daidouji could be in love with Touya....
Other charas Hayashi has voice-acted:
1) Parn (Record of Lodoss War (TV series))
The hero of the tale. His father was dishonored ans stripped of his noble rank. So Parn has to do all he can to regain his bloodline's honor. Starts off reckless and inexperienced in fighting, but gets better over time. And the elven mage Deedlit seems to care for him...
2) Maxi (Soul Calibur)
The crazy nunchuck guy in this game. Seems to have an endless arsenal of easy-to-do combo attacks. Probably his best looking move is the one where he does a handstand and spins his nunchuck around his foot. Looks cool and hurts like mad. He seems to have a grudge with the huge demon guy Astaroth...
Other charas Ishii has voice-acted:
1) Ryuji Yamazaki (King of Fighters ('97,'98))
The insane fighter in this game. Fights with a knife in his hand... but that hand is almost always in his pocket. Will do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING for money. His 'teammates' are really spying on him. And he's got evil blood through his veins...
2) Masamichi Fujisawa (El Hazard)
A very serious history teacher, but he's a frequent drunkard and heavy smoker. His powers in El Hazard last only when he's sober. But still, his Fujisawa kick could send his victim WAAAAAAAY into the air.
Other charas Kawakami has voice-acted:
1) Utena Tenjou (Shoujo Kakumei Utena)
Obviously, the main chara of this tale. This tomboy is popular with the other girls. Ever since she got involved with (and won) that one duel with Rose Bride Anthy Himemiya as the treasure, she has been forced to duel day in and day out to protect Anthy and give her (and herself) a chance for a normal life...
2) Chris Christopher (Battle Athletes)
One of Akari Kanzaki's enthusiastic friends. She has one weird set of pigtails (one is twice as long and thick as the other). She also raises a cow and won't drink milk that that cow didn't give. In the OAV, she encourages Akari to give it 100%, but in the TV series,... ah, trust me, it'll disturb Chiriko, so I won't say it.... ^.^
3) Rika Sasaki (Card Captor Sakura)
10 years old. Left-handed (I think). Likes American clothing. AND SHE'S IN LOVE WITH HER P.E. TEACHER (whose voice actor just happens to be the self-same one for Nakago!! KOWAI!!!!)! I've said too much about her already......-.-
Well, there you have it. That's quite a lot of info I could get my hands on about various characters whose seiyuu are the same as those for you guys. Let me know how you all feel about it, okay?
Dear Tonberry,
We found this absolutely fascinating! Although you did fail to mention that both Chichiri's and Hotohori's seiyuu are in Weiss Kreuz as Ken and Aya respectively. Hotohori-san's voice actor also is in Mahou Tsukaitai as the gay warlock who is in love with the Magick Club's president. Isn't THAT a bit of bizarre casting?
On the whole we realize that an actor plays many roles so we did not look for a deeper meaning here. Gomen if that is what you wanted. But we do thank you for the information. I am sure that our fans will also appreciate it!
Dear Tasuki,
My very first time of writing to you was NOT a while ago! I thought it was almost about a year ago! You hurt me, you forget these kind of things. And I always write to you. *starts to cry*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
A year IS a while!!! 'Che! You women!! Is this like some anniversary thin' I *&^%$# up?
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I just saw Lady Wolfette's piccy! hehehe! It's so funny! ^.^ My Otousan won't see anything of this. He never goes to my bookmarks. Only looks over my shoulder now and then. *Keetia runs in and grabs the keyboard*
Firefury: LW sould draw the whole seishi as Sailor Soldiers. The Suzaku Sailor Soldiers!
Ahem... ciao! ^.~
Dear One-chan,
Shhhhhh, no da! Don't give Lady Wolfette any ideas onegaishimasu! Chichiri no Aijin already laughed so hard at poor Tasuki-kun that she almost fell out of her chair, no da! And she agrees with Firefury, no da! I don't want to be in a Sailor Fuku, no da! So please stop suggesting such things, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*skips in with her arms full* ^-^ Hihi! *drops "the brain of Tamahome", some heads, some limbs, some guts, a couple hearts, and a few looted corpses* At least I'm not running around on the MUD killing Miaka. ^^
Dear One-chan,
*Looks at the floor in disgust and feels somewhat disturbed by the whole idea.*