Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, I agree, you belong to no one! Doesn't it get a little annoying that you are always being pounced?
Dear Monkey-dude,
Thanks! At last a person that gets it! Yeah it can be. But they're my tomodachi so I don't mind too much!
Dear Chichiri,
Believe me, I would LOVE to be able to talk to my mom... but I just get so scared of her I don't know what to do...
Education is important I know but I wish I didn't have to do it and I know the harsh realities of artists' lives but I look at Rumiko Takahashi and Yuu watase, my dream is their reality and if they can do that, so can I!!
*gives chichiri a determined expression*
Also I want to write and illustrate childrens books if I can't be a manga artist, I love writing as well, I'm more of the creative type of person, not the intelligent kind!! Thanks anyway chichiri ^_^
So, does chichiri no aijin wanna go ice skating sometime soon?? There's a great rink here and if she doesn't know how to skate, I can teach her!!
Dear Jean,
Stop being afraid of your okaasan, no da! She may yell a lot, but I'm sure she loves you. Talk to her, no da! Intelligence and creativity are linked together, no da. I'm sure you are extremely intelligent as well as creative, no da. As for becoming a manga artist, are you taliking here in America or in Japan? I know that in America there is a Will Eisner School of Comic Art but I do not think that is the same as manga art. However, you might want to research it, no da. None of us want to see you give up your dream, but we do want you to be prepared for the realities of that dream, no da.
I don't know if this makes a difference or not but, Chichiri no Aijin knows how to roller skate (NOT roller blade) yet she has NEVER ice skated before. She would like to meet you, but I think she's afraid of breaking an ankle on the ice, no da! (Her right ankle is still weak from the car accident.) Do you have a roller skating rink around there? Take care! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Banana tastes GREAT with sake! When you mix them together, it's like you create a new kind of beer! Also, try adding fire on top.
Dear Monkey-dude,
Uh, if I set th' sake on fire don't that burn off th' alcohol? Why flame good booze?
Dear Tasuki,
*shakes her head* you think a bound up kouji is a great visual??? ^^;; nevermind I don't think I wanna know..
I have to be on a plane in 4 hours.. I can handle flying when it's just me, but I don't know about this plane stuff! I originally said "no way!" to this, but then Amelia started whining -_-; Not to metnion how early the flight is! and that I have to be at there by 7am! How do I get myself into these situations?!?
Oh, BTW, Ironi and Iridal were both bothering me to tell you my new email address because I forgot my other one and was going by "theresnowayinhellI'" when I was signing guestbooks ^^; so now I've got a new one "" *sticks out her tongue* if you email me though, I will kill you ¬_¬
And yes, I realize that I am a brat, arigato ta-chan ¬_¬
Dear Lina,
I gotta better address fer ya'! "magicusersarebrainlesslameosthatcan'tspellworthas--t!" I may be a bandit, but at least I can spell th' word MAIL! BIDA!!!!!!!! *Sticks his tongue out at her*
Dear Tasuki,
Oi itooto, need help getting Yui and One to give ya some breathing space? Believe it or not, I really hate seeing ya bugged by all sort sof weird women all the time. *ruffles his hair* So? You haven't heard from that bakayarou Kouji have ya? *looks worried*
Dear Aidou,
I ain't heard from or seen him in a h*lluva long time! Same fer Kyori! Ya' know if he's got ya' all worried an' upset, I'm gonna hafta kick his sorry @$$ next time I see him!! No one does THAT to MY sister!!! *Gives her a hug.* Shhhh... don't tell anyone I jus' did that. Oi, ya' heard from WMC lately? Tell her Chichiri says "Hi, no da." He's kinda worried 'bout her. Yeah, I could use a bit of space, but they're nice kids an' my friends so I deal wit' it. Ain't no harm in what they're doin'. But thanks anyway.
Dear Tasuki,
You're not naked! YOU'RE WEARING CLOTHES!
*does a Tasuki's wearing clothes dance*
Thank you! Thank you!
Dear Suboshi,
OI! I thought ya' were blind! What happened? Only do it til ya' needed glasses??? Eh-heh-heh....
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Tasuki, i think that Lina chick has a thing for you....she getting all intimate with you. "Oh, Ta-chan!" *snikers* +_+
Dear Monkey-dude,
Yeah, I think yer right. An' she AIN'T gettin' intimate wit' me!! But she is tryin'... boy is she tryin'... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
Wai! Here's your dinner, Nuriko-sama! *sets a tray full of food in front of him* Eat up! ^_^! Oh! I forgot!! What would you like to drink? ^_^! Do you like sake too? Oh, and I have to ask you something! *looks around to make sure Lina or Tasuki aren't around* I know I told Lina and Tasuki I wouldn't tease them anymore, but they're so perfect for each other!! Don't you agree? I think he likes her...but he has to cover up because of his pride! What do you think, Nuriko-sama? *looks around nervously hoping Lina and Tasuki didn't hear her*
Dear Inori,
Oishii tabemono! (Yummy food!) I think you're right and that they're both a couple of fanged idiots. Tee-hee... *Imagines Tasuki and Lina as an old married couple still bickering...*
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks* Of course you're a wonderful friend! Here you are listening to my problems and whinings and other people's problems and you're being so sweet! *gives him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek*
You and the other seishi shouldn't doubt that you guys aren't making a difference for us hormone-crazy teens and others. I love you guys, I truely do!
Dear Jean,
Awww 'che! *Blushes.* Yer gonna make everyone think I'm a softy! Thnks fer what ya' said! We all appreciate it! So, do I make a good difference or a BAD difference?? *Gives her a hug, ruffles her hair, and gives her a fanged grin.*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Do I have to pound it into your head??? It's too late! You belong to Yui and I! And there is nothing you can do about it! Deny all you want! *holds up Lotus' Enchanted Love Chains (copyright Yuki- The Randomly Insane Dragon)* Don't make me use these.
*looks around to make sure Tamahome isn't around* ... *drops some stuff from the EvaX MUD- mainly, more heads of Tamahome, more hearts of Tamahome, more guts of Tamahome, and more arms and legs of Tamahome! And a couple of looted corpses*
I'm SO dead. ^^; *jumps behind you incase Tamahome finds her and her 'collection' that she's gathering for the purpose of annoying him, if she wanted to piss him off, she'd start killing Miaka on the MUD, but... nyah. Tamahome has more money!*
Dear One-chan,
*Looks at pile of Tamahome body parts...* Heh-heh-heh... I think I could get to like this game... Ya' better not let him catch ya' takin' his loot! An' Lotus Chains or not, I don't belong to no one but ME!
Dear Tasuki,
I did what you said and started ignoring the jerk in Homeroom...!! It sort of worked, he's stopped calling me racial names but now has moved onto jabbing and poking me to try to get me to look at him...*Sigh* mean, mean, mean jerk... It got so bad that I had to kick him yesterday just to get him to leave me alone..!! ;_; ...Oh well, he's the least of my problems..
Next thing is, 2 days ago my cousin who I haven't seen in about...5 YEARS... Finally called us up on the phone!!! When my aunt was on the phone with him (the one who's abusive..) she was describing how everyone had changed... And well... she said some stuff about me that I really don't want to repeat... *Sighs* I would have thought that at least by now she would leave me alone...!!! So i'm not a perfect person... She doesn't have to rub it into my face...!!!!! ...
And now, I find out that i'm getting a D+ in Algebra...!!! This sucks on so many levels..!! *Sits in a corner, hangs head, and starts to cry again for the fifth time today..*
The Eternally Depressed Slightly Cheery
Dear Cheery,
Ya' know if he's pokin' an' jabbin' ya', ya' can complain that he's harrassin' an' assaultin' ya'. Mebbe suspension will cool him off. If not, kick 'im right where... DA!!!!!! Gomen for interrupting, no da! But Tasuki was about to give you some less than wonderful advice, no da! Perhaps you should get your parents involved in this, no da. It certainly seems to be affecting your grades. As for your grades... perhaps you should consider a tutor for your algebra class, no da. I (as well as Tasuki) am sorry that your aunt was nasty to you, no da. *Tasuki shoves Chichiri off the computer...* That's better! Sounds like yer aunt is a real pain, sorry ya' had to deal wit' her! C'mon, quit th' tears, get to studyin' so mebbe ya' can get a better grade next time! Ganbatte kudasai! *Tasuki and Chichiri give her a hug...*
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Hotohori,
In your opinion, is Tatara as beautiful as you? ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
In my opinion, no one is as beautiful as I am. *Smiles at his joke...*
Dear Tasuki,
Who's your fav. seishi? *eats a banana* Want some?
Dear Monkey-dude,
Heh-heh... ME of course!! I AM th' coolest seishi! So, do bananas taste good wit' sake?
Dear Mitsukake,
Can you cure the blind or the deaf?
Dear Kentarou,
I am able to cure injuries and illnesses. If the blindness or deafness were caused by something other than those two things, I do not know if I could cure them.
Dear Chichiri,
*makes the feather disappear* i thought you'd enjoy a little tickling...*blinks innocently*.
Hmmm..Nuriko and Tasuki a couple, huh?*laughs* I already read the first part of Taitsu no Miko's fanfic (the first part anyway) and i thought it was funny..*giggles*. And get this, Chichiri, they have a daughter!Though how THAT happened i'm sure i wouldn't wanna know. Oh and she's named Kourin. You haven't been mentioned yet though, after all its still the first part....though it was set in Taiitsu-kun-obaasan's palace.
Oh yeah! that reminds me. I have been waiting for any word from my itoutos-Amiboshi and Suboshi, and from Taitsu-kun-obaasan too! I sent them letters a week ago and theres no reply! Could there be something wrong? What has happened to Nykee-chan!*starts getting nervous* Has something happened to my adopted relatives?*starts twisting her handkerchief and teary eyed* Chichiri, where are they?!*becoming hysterical* I'm really worried for them!!
Lady Arashi
P.S. you CAN call me Arashi you know, or did you forget?
Dear Arashi,
I did not forget, no da. I chose not to as you were upset with me, no da. Ano, Tasuki and Nuriko having a child together is IMPOSSIBLE, no da! They are BOTH men! Perhaps your friend needs a refresher Biology course, no da. As to where the reponses to your letters from the Ask the FY Cast site are, i am at a loss for an answer, no da. I am sure everyone is OK but just very busy, no da. Nykee took on a lot when she took on everybody else, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Did you guys pose for the picture in seishi of the week? I believe that picture should be R rated!
Dear CK,
Not willingly!! Chichiri no Aijin found on a website an' thought it was a cute idea! *grumbles...* We're tryin' to convince her to take it down. On the bright side it did blind Suboshi... *fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
I didn't say the camel is more fun than Kouji, I'm just saying that I can't picture my mother actually capturing the poor guy AND giving him to me for a present (not that it wouldn't be appreciated, of course ;).
Dear Iridal,
*Pictures Iridal no okaasan dropping a gagged and hog-tied Kouji at her daughter's feet all bound up witha big red bow...* Hahahahahahahaha... that's a great visual !!! Thanks!!
Dear Chichiri,
I am having Mary type this letter for me since I am unable to get on the net until the weekend. Unfortunatly, I can't even go on at that time since I am being forced to attend a marriage of an Uncle I hardly know.
Chichiri, sometimes I wish I could just run away- from school, teachers, and my parents. I wish that I could just grow wings and fly to a perfect land where I could be content and sure of who I am and what I want in life. Most of all, I want o be happy. As I sit here at my desk, I hear my mother telling my father how badly I did on my Practice Exam [for the PSAT'S]. I tried my hardest but I can never please her! My determination to please her has made it so bad that if I don't please her, I'm disappointed at myself. If never was like that before, until I entered High School. Now, I feel I have to take Honors or AP classes so I could prove myself and her that I'm not the inkblot of my family tree, that I am as intelligent as they are. But I'm just fooling myself. Last week chemistry class, a girl asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I answered that I wanted to draw my own comics and hope someday to make it into an animated series. What she said to me I shall never forget. She told me that I would be throwing my brains away. At first I was shocked, WHAT BRAINS?!?! All I do is do my homework and pay attention in my chem class. I didn't know if i should feel graditude or upset. If my friends hadn't told her about my drawings, I wouldn't know what I'd have done.
I don't even know if my art is as important to me anymore. I want to get into UCLA school of Art, but if I want to get in, I have to study my butt off. I already do a lot of study, I'm Asian.
Please, any encouraging words or advice will help me greatly. Thank you for always being here for me and that goes for the rest of the seishi too.
Dear Jean,
Well as we have all said before, a good education IS important, no da. But so is being happy! Have you tried talking to your parents and telling them that the pressure they are putting on you is counterproductive to the goal that all of you wish to achieve (good grades, a college education, etc.)? If not, please try, no da. If your mother starts to yell or change the subject, gently push her back on track and tell her that yelling at you won't get her the results she wants. Your parents need to know how they are making you feel, no da. If you have to, show her the letter you wrote to me and then sit down and discuss it. The situation will not resolve itself if you can't tell your parents what is going on in your head, no da!
As for art, unfortunately in your world art is not held in high esteem as a career choice, no da. Perhaps you can major in art and minor in something like computer science so you have a skill to fall back on if you need to, no da. Ganbatte kudasai! *Gives her a big hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
HI! Is my name supposed to be Gen-chan no Miko or Gen-chan no miko?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Saa, there is not a lot of capitalization in nihongo so your second choice would be correct and I do find it to be aesthetically pleaseing as well.
Dear Tamahome,
*hands him 2 gold ryou and sits down in front of him* So...... Tamahome, hmmmm tell me Have you ever appeared on the Cosby Show? Just wondering... because ... I have absolutely NO reason to even ask such a question. *stands up*
*sits down and hands him 2 more gold ryou*
Another question, please... Are you Bill Cosby? I've heard things! I've heard things...
Forgive me if I appear to have NO LIFE! *stands up* *bows*
I will be leaving now. Oh wait... I'll wait long enough for you to answer. *stands there like an idiot* ..
Dear yuktfhf,
*Takes money.* No, I am not Bill Cosby and I have no idea who he is either...
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs Tasuki* You really consider me as your friend? *_* And here, I thought you didn't like me. I have always thought myself as a bothersome to you. Me with my, "I love you"s... and my kissing you too much... *shrugs*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Of course yer my tomodachi!! Baka...
Dear Tasuki,
well that's just too bad now, isn't it? ^^ I honestly don't care ta-chan. You didn't really think I did, did you? ta-chan? *laughs*
Dear Lina,
Not really, Brat-chan!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi there, i don't believe we have really met. I am Mary's older sister Christine aka Topaz and Diamonds. Well, i'm writing you to ask you're advice. For the last 2 days, all mary does is mope around the house, and at school too! I keep on asking her what's wrong, but she doesn't tell me. And when she does, she says "i don't know, i just don't feel happy anymore"
At school, she's stopped doing her homework, talking with her friends, and she's becoming more irritable. I just don't know what to do. We are really close, we tell each other EVERYTHING! And now, she barely even tells me the title of her newest book and what happened to the one before it. (We're both REALLY big on reading). I really don't know what to do, and she's really beginning to frighten me. I just don't know what to do. Can you help us Chichiri-san?
Topaz & Diamonds
Dear Topaz & Diamonds,
Mitsukake has already written to your sister, no da. He has advised her to see a physician and see if there is a medical reason for her behavior, no da. He has also advised her to seek counseling, no da.
Have there been any radical changes in her life lately, either at school or at home? If so, that could be a possible cause for her changein behavior. All you can really do for now is be supportive by letting her know that you are there for her and that you love her, no da. Give her a hug from me onegaishimasu, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Waiwai! Thank you for saying I'm a sugoi hairbrusher! *is very happy and hugs Nuriko back* For dinner today I was planning on making crab-sushi! I have no idea what you really call it... Is that okay with you, Nuriko-sama? Or would you rather have something else? Maybe tempura? Or okonomiyaki? For dessert, I was thinking fruit! ^_^!
Dear Inori,
It all sounds oishii!! I'm looking forward to it!
Dear Chichiri,
*comes in crying* It's BEAUTIFUL!! SO VERY BEAUTIFUL!! I just heard "Mizu Kagami"! *cries some more* Such beauty all in one song! My heart was joyous! You have a BEAUTIFUL voice!! It was just completely beautiful!! *cries more*
Dear Inori,
Domo arigato gozaimasu, no da! Please stop crying, no da! *Hands her some tissues.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm sorry to bug you guys, but i think i have a problem. The last few days i've been really depressed. I haven't been doing a lot of things, but the one thing is eating. For the last 2 days, all i've had is water, and a sandwich to humor my mother. I have been neglecting my studies and trying to ignore my friends. But when ever i open up to them, they always make some comment to make me clam up again. I've written to kyori, and talked with some of the greatest friends i've ever had [they all live no where near me]and that just seems to make me feel worse, when all they do is try and cheer me up. I have no idea why i'm doing all of this. It's beginning to change my personality so much that i can't even talk to my sister. This is all scaring me, i've never done anything like this before. Can you guys help me?
Dear Mary,
Has anything happened at home or at school lately that has upset you? If not, your depression could be caused by many things. You should go to your doctor, tell him how you have been feeling, and have him do some bloodwork to make sure that your hormones and body chemistry are in balance.
If you are fine physically and are still depressed, then perhaps you should seek professional counseling. If you are already worried about the change in your behavior you have taken the first step towards getting help.
*Gives her a hug.* Take care.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Shopping with Chichiri no Aijin? Hrm... Yeah, she'll have to meet my parents (and I'll have to get some money... oh yeah... I'm working this saturday at Sagusus Speedway for my dad's kart club race! Whee... 35 bucks... oh yeah.... Okaasan owes me 20 .... yeah! *thinks* I thought Shawn was gonna quit... *growls*) Well, the house be a tad messy.... ^^; But I suppose if she mets Chichiri no Aijin and all, and if we call her when we get to wherever we intend to shop... ^-^ Jean lives near us all? Shopping together would be fun. ^-^ Wai! Maybe Chichiri no Aijin could drop by Sunday or we could drop by. As far as I know we have nothing planned Sunday =) Wai! You belong to Yui and me now! Except on the 14th of every month. Then yer Yui's and she can share you if she wants. (The 14th is my anniversary! Infact, this month will make it 6 months together! *cheers* So it would be awfully heartless of me to be with you instead of my Speedy-chan!) But Saturday I'm working =p (....that stupid....HE SPRAINED MY DAMNED WRIST! *gets pissed all over again about Shawn*) .... WAI! SPEED'S ON! *^^* *runs off blushing to go pounce him.*
Dear One-chan,
Hai!! Give her a call to arrange a time fer her an' her husband to meet yer parents. An' how many times do I have to tell th' both of ya'... I DON'T BELONG TO ANYBODY!!!!!!!1
Dear Mitsukake,
Anou..Mitsukake-sama..I have a couple of questions for you! I've had a cold..or flu..something along that line for over a week now. Should I go to the doctor? I'm kinda worried that it's more than the flu, cause it seems to have settled in my lungs.
And one more thing..I also fell down a stair in school last week..(yes, I'm a klutz. ^_^;) and sprained my ankle. It's also been a week since that happened, and it's still swollen. Should I see a doctor? If not, what's the best thing for that?
Arigatou for all your help! ^_^
Dear Reddie-chan,
You should try to elevate your ankle and apply ice to the swollen areaas often as you can. But, you really should see your own doctor ASAP!
Take care,
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Genrou-sama.. I just want to thank you for all the time you took to write to me when I was really sad about my dog. I'm still very sad, but I'm learning to deal with it..and I'm learning to love my new puppy too. I just wanted to drop a line since I was writing Mitsukake, and say thank you, and hope you're well. ::hands him some sake:: Domo arigatou gozaimasu. From the bottom of my heart. ^^
Dear Reddie-chan,
Arigato fer th' sake! Yer welcome fer th' letters an' all! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
*runs in from playing that EvaX MUD* >=D *holds up "the heart of Tamahome" and "the head of Tamahome"* I'll let ya know when I get some more! =D *drops the at Tamahome's feet* I ran out of Tama's to kill on the MUD. So I have to wait for them to repopulate the arena! =) *departs*
Dear One-chan,
*Looks at pile of body parts and is speechless...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
heellooooooo!!! HI dock crop a cop???? ^^;;; never mind. Answer these questions:
1. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Totise roll pop??
2. How long does it take for men to realize there WRONG!!!???
3. Whats Chiriko's IQ?
4. Whats Tasukis IQ? (heeheehee)
5. Does tasuki really belong to Yui and One???
6. BLAAHHHH!!!!! ummm well this is hard to say... ^^;;;; never mind*zips mouth shut*
7. Which guys of FY are avalible?? The ones that aren't are they married of dating??
8. is this a funny oxeymoron:" Your as strait as a rainbow"
9. I LOVE FY DONT YOU!!!!!!!
Hilary AKA Monkeychan
Dear Hilary,
Hmmm... A list of questions, no da? You DO take after your sister don't you?? Here are all your answers in order:
1. Chiriko: Aproximately 1400.
2. Tasuki: WRONG??? WRONG??? We're MEN!! We're NEVER wrong!!
3. Hotohori: It has never been measured. However he did pass the Civil Service exam on the first try with 100% accuracy. And that is a VERY difficult test.
4. Tamahome: Tasuki HAS an I.Q.??????
5. Nuriko: If you ask THEM, yes!! If you ask Tasuki, no!
7. Chichiri: Ano, none of us, no da. We are all anime characters, no da! Gomen!!
8. Mitsukake: Odd, yet interesting.
9. HAI!!!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
My cousin is 2 years old and my brother is an insensitive twit. I wasn't really crying when I was in front of the comp, just, well... i was on the verge of it, some tears, my nose was bright red.
Kyori? He was suppose to call me, but it's been about four weeks now and I've only heard how he's been through Jane, Yui and Momoko/Momo-chan/Moe. I'M JEALOUS!! I want to be the one to talk to him and I miss him so much it hurts. PLEASE DON'T BEAT HIM UP THOUGH!!
Also, my parents are stressing me to do better in school which is kinda dumb since I'm one of the top 10th grade students in my high school. The thing is, I'm not good enough for my family who I have dubbed, Rocket Scientists for the new Millenium. I'M AN ARTIST!! I have an aunt who was an artist too but for some reason, she became an elementary school teacher. I wanted to be just like her but because of some personal problems, she is under depression. I love her very much and we're really close... I don't want that to happen to me.
I WANNA MEET CHICHIRI NO AIJIN and ONE-CHAN!! And you guys of course!! I need a new dress... kinda. I have to go to a wedding in San Francisco and the only two dresses I have are (1) NOT SUITIBLE FOR A WEDDING BUT SUITIBLE FOR DANCES!! (2) Not warm enough, SAN FRANCISCO IS FREEZING!! But the wedding is on Saturday and we leave on Friday... that doesn't give me too much time!! ^^;; You're sweet to worry about me, thanks for be such a good friend ^_^
Dear Jean,
Have ya' told Kyori-baka that ya' wanna talk to 'im?? We men are awfully clueless (at least accordin' to Chichiri no Aijin) an' he might need to know that it's botherin' ya'.
Well, yer grades an' gettin' an education are VERY important! But what ya' do wit' it is also important. Ya' gotta realize that most artists are starvin' so havin' a good education is a good thin' fer ya'!
Mebbe when ya' get back from San Francisco we can try an' arrange somethin'. I dunno if One-chan's parents will let her travel outta th' Valley, but once Chichiri no Aijin meets 'em, we'll see. Have fun at th' weddin'! Take care. Thanks fer sayin' I'm a good friend to ya'... *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thank you for the picture of the week. I do believe I have now gone blind.
Dear Suboshi,
Well good! Then my job here is done!
Dear Tasuki,
Umm...just to set the record straight, my parents didn't get me Kouji the BANDIT. They got me a stuffed camel who looks amazingly like he's drunk, hence the name Kouji.
*tries to picture her mom giving her a bound and gagged bandit for her birthday ("Here hon, I saw this and thought of you!")* *sweatdrops*
Anyway, just to let you know...
The girl eagerly awaiting her 21st b-day,
Dear Iridal,
I guess a stuffed camel is more fun than a plastered Kouji...? Funny visual wit' yer mom an' all...
Dear Tasuki,
*takes the bottle and shimmers* Wai...I could get deluded and gloat over that some Tasuki-sama spit is now in the sake, but I won't. @_@;;
And I'll try to make okonomiyaki again sometime... @_@; And not drop/burn/liquify it. -.-
*takes a small sip of the sake, and hands him the bottle back* Anou, well, I had some parts saved locally... demo I can't seem to find any of Kouji's pages! *sniffs* Those were just really annoying to make...
The other page I'm having trouble finding (I'm baka, so when I make pages, I usually get frustrated and start naming files 'fakku' variations of 'da', or 'bleh's. o_O) the one about your stats~ I spent a long time on that one too. It was sekushi like you. ^______^ I hope I can just find most of the images I made still...BTW, what is the proper way to write 'Kou Shun'u' in kanji? That was one search I gave up on. ^^;
Ara, I wouldn't call the whole crashing a bad thing; now I'm forced to work on it... ~.~
Dear Amy-chan,
I don't do backwash! Gross!! But, I'm glad my favorite sake bud is back! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* We'll email ya' a scan of my name in kanji, OK?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arigato for the card!! =) Hmm...I want to send you guys a thank you you give me your address? Thankew!! ^_^
A very happy Evangelista
Dear Evangelista,
You're very welcome! We're glad that it made it to you! If you want to send us something via email you can send it to the Administrator's address on the front peeji. If you need a real world address, it should have been on the envelope. If you don't have the envelope anymore, just email us and we'll send you our real world address. Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for the card! ^_^ The rose is beautiful, but wouldn't Hotohori be mad since it's from his garden?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yer welcome! I jus' told him it was fer a special friend an' he was OK wit' it.
Dear Chichiri,
hi!the fire was small so it went out but it was from someone smoking...the girls did anouther prank.yet I personally hated the boy's getback! they through water everywhere, broke a window,and trashed our cabins.The good thing is they left my cabin alone, some what because I am "their loyal woman"**rolls eyes**. anyways anough woolman school drama...I do need a address because I am sending drawings and pictures.**smiles happyly**. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind a fanfic writen about you?
Dear navi,
Ariagto, no da! I'm also glad to hear that it wasn't a serious fire. If you want tosend things via Email, you can send them to the Administrator's on our front peeji and I will get it, no da. If you need a real world address, it should have been on the package that you received. If not, let me know, no da.
I don't mind fanfic about me as long as it isn't too hentai or yaoi, no da! Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
Wai!! I get to comb Nuriko-sama's beautiful hair!! *jumps up and down* It is a great honor for me!! *Picks up the brush and starts combing Nuriko's hair carefully so as not to pull on it and hurt him* Lucky Nuriko-sama! Such beautiful hair!
Dear Inori,
Arigato! You are a sugoi hair brusher! *Gives her a hug.* So, what's for dinner...?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I want, like, everybody's opinion on this idea EXCEPT for Nuriko and Tasuki. Don't even let them SEE this letter, they'll probably freak!
Please tell me - What do all of you think of Nuriko and Tasuki as a couple?
If they ever got together would that be strange or good or what?
Personally I think they'd be cute and I have taken this idea to great and insane lengths - think, a cute little girl with super strength and a flame dredging tassen - but I'd just sort of like your opinion on it so I can do proper reactions for all of you people when I start writing my insane fanfics! (This is not meant as a threat but it WILL happen.)
Also (this part Nuriko and Tasuki can see).......
a) How come only four people who live in this country like FY!?!
b) Would Nuriko ever try to dye his hair some other colour - like orange or somethin' fun like that?
c) Are Soi and Nakago pathetic or what? (I mean...THE DAMNED IRONY!)
d) Would Tasuki like the colours in Algonquin Park in fall?
Taitsu no Miko ~*~
Dear Taitsu no Miko,
A couple of WHAT, no da? *Thinks for a second... then sweatdrops!* Ano chagau!!!! That would be SO wrong on SO MANMY levels, no da! We are ALL in agreement on this, no da!
As for your other questions, here are your answers in order, no da!
There are more fans than that in America (we assume that is where you are from). Our adventures are starting to become VERY popular, no da!
It is possible. But I see him dyeing it a dark blue-black instead.
Perhaps. What are they?
Dear Tasuki,
um...*sweatdrops* yes? you've got a problem with that? eh heh heh ^^;
Dear Lina,
Ya' ber yer sweet... Dragon Slaver I do!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Waiii! I wrote more fanfics! *does a little dance* Eheh..calm down, Myrna-chan..^^;
Anyway, if you want to read them, they are at these two addresses: "The Confusing Life Of Suzaku No Miko" It's a poem I wrote about the first half of the FY series. ^^ "When All Is Said And Done" A songfic I wrote about your last few days with the words by the 1970's pop group ABBA. ^^
Anyway, arigatou and ja ne! *gives him another bag of konpeito*
Dear Myrna-chan,
Arigato for the stories and the konpeito! I shall try to read them as soon as I am able. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*sighs* Why do so many girls like you so much?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno... Ya' got me!
Dear Nuriko,
*comes in wearing a cute purple uniform and a nametag* Hi, Nuriko-sama! Thank you so much for letting me be your handmaid! *stands up very straight* I'm ready to begin! ^_^! What can I do for you first?
Dear Inori,
Kawaii uniform!!!Hmmmm... How about brush my hair for me? After that, I'll think of somthing else.
Dear Tasuki,
*a black and white cat trots in followed by an orange kitten and a large gray wolf* Meow! Hello, Tasuki! I wanted to know what does your nickname Genrou mean? Just curious. Oh, and can you watcn me little cousin? *Picks up the orange kitten and gives him to Tasuki* I've got to break the ookami's habit of barking at squirles and the litte one tends to chase them away. *jumps on the ookami's back* Not bad...for a cat. Arigatou! Ja ne!
Dear nekosanichan,
Genrou is another name fer wolf. Awww, he's a kawaii neko! Sure I'll watch him!
Dear Chichiri,
Thanks a lot for ignoring me last Saturday! Not to mention you didn't even say goodbye! That was really rude! especially since i was kinda bummed out coz i worried about upcoming tests... Jeez, Chichiri, and what was that fight with zelgadis all about? i wasn't in the chat on Sunday 'cause i had to study.(Guess that proves you're not the center of MY universe..:P)
Anyway, i mean to seek REVENGE!!*holds up a long white feather* hehehe.. do you know what this feather is for??hmmm?? well then , let me show you..*starts tickling Chichiri with the feather* Bwahahahaa..this'll teach you NOT to ignore me next time!
Lady Arashi
P.S. tickling you is FUN!! *still tickling you with the feather*
Dear Lady Arashi,
Gomen nasai! I did not mean to ignore you on Saturday! It is just very difficult being pulled by so many people in so many directions, no da! It seems to me that Zelgadis dislikes the way I speak, no da! Then I was worried thathe would harm Tama-neko, no da. And of course he upset poor Chiriko, no da! Now put away the feather, kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
I don't remember saying that I was innocent, you were the one who said you were innoccent, not me! So don't be putting words in my mouth, meanie. So..I blew up a few *shrugs* they asked for MY help usually, so what if help from me isn't the greatest thing in the world. I hardly ever end up getting paid for anything I do anyways.. ^^ you're lucky I don't just off you like the rest of those bandits, and you know I could! *is just afraid of his fans reactions* eh heh heh heh heh ^^;;
P.S. Did you know that Iridal's parents gave her Kouji for her B-day?
*pictures kouji kicking and swearing while someone ties a pink bow on his head* O_o;
Dear Lina,
So how's Iridal enjoy Kouji? Oh yeah, an' her birthday? So lessee, ya' blow up villages an' kill bandits, but ya' give me grief over some water an' a lil' brawlin'???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm so sorry, I made you guys all worry about me... gomen!! The thing is, I don't have time to let out all my emotions. As soon as I got off the net last night after chatting with ya'all, I ran into my room, locked the door and cried. Wanna know what happened? My cousin michelle kept on knocking on the bloody door and my brother was yelling at me through the door. I had to keep everything inside but talking to you guys make me feel so much better! Thank you all for being there for me when I need you. Also, Tasuki, thanks for coming on like you promised!! It makes a lonely girl feel good.
Dear Jean,
Doushite kimi wa sabishii desuka?? (Why are ya' lonely??) Is it because of that bum Kyori??? I'm gonna kick his @$$ fer makin' ya' cry!!!!! Ya' sure yer cousin an' bro' weren't jus' worried 'bout ya'?
So, when ya' gonna get together wit' One-chan an' Chichiri no Aijin?? We had to go before we could answer yer question on that one. Gomen! Mebbe ya' all could do a shoppin' thin'... Let us know! Feel better! *Gives her a hug.*
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