Dear Chichiri,
Hi! Do ya know where I can find fanfic based around ya? =:) *gives Chichiri a cupcake with blue frosting that matches his hair color*
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
Arigato for the cupcake, no da! I suppose you could try the Chicken of Doom website or any of the links on our Links Peeji that have anything to do with me, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Ano... *blushes* Can I play with your beautiful hair?
Dear Sugrr,
I suppose so... *Takes his hair out of the small Imperial crown.* Just no pulling or cutting kudasai...
Dear Tasuki,
Sorry for hittin' you ::hands a bottle of sake to you:: I was having trouble with that friend again. He is such a jerk! I tried talking to him, but he said that I was just hogging him to myself all the time and I wasn't! He only talks to me when I gave him those pictures (Which cost around $250.00 for new ink cartridges and paper) and when I told him that he said it was my own fault for being stupid! I can't exactly ignore him, I mean, he's in every one of my classes at school and sits at my table at lunch. What am I going to do? I am NOT going to put up with being made fun of for ANOTHER 5 years like at my last school!
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Next time he makes fun of ya' in front of yer friends try to ignore him for th' time bein' an' stop tradin' pics wit' him, too. Ya' can always find someone else to trade wit'. I s'ppose if he gets really obnoxious, ya' can always slap him down verbally. Jus' do it in a way that ya' won't get yer other frineds pissed at ya'! Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
WWAAHH!!! I am so scared!**runs up to you and hides in your kasa space** I was watching a anime when the fire alarms went heywire!there is a fire right next to our cabins...WAH!!
Dear navi,
Aha! Now I know where Tasuki got to, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*sits down in front of him with a big smile* I got some time to get online again so I came here! (Where else would I go?) Well, planing out the fan fic of you entering the girl's body is still under way. I have made a few character sketches of her. I like to draw the characters out before I write the stories so I can imagine them while I'm writing or thinking the story. Is there an email adress I can send the pictures to so that you can see them? I took this into deep thought and the girls name is very likely going to be Heenker. *grins* You could almost say that the drawings are what I would draw myself as. *even bigger grin* I am going to have sooooo much fun writing this. I already thought up of some of the "intresting" problems that are to arise in the story. You are merely going to be in her body, but your feelings or things like that will be felt by her, such as... your urge to drink. There will be a problem with that... she is in no way able to handle how much you drink. I mean lets face it... I'm not to sure any one could. That is just one of the minor problems... hehehh. I'm just about ready to start writing it so it won't be long before you can read the first chapter... heehehhe. *gives him a hug* You do know I still like you right? This is not meant to be against you, it is just for my enjoyment. Would you perfer for me to go and make yaoi fics of you and some other seishi? *crosses her arms and tilts her head up a bit. signals for a hug while trying not to knock over the bottle of sake behind her*
Dear Heenker,
Ya' can send them to th' administrator's address on our front peeji. Don't worry. It still sounds like a kakkoii idea!
Dear Chiriko,
Hey, man, how's life? Anyway, there's this one weird question that's been disturbing me as of late: Is there any word in the English language where 'AI' is pronounced 'eye'? I don't think there is. As far as I know, 'AI' is pronounced 'ay' (as in air, main, rail, taint...) I mean, 'AI' is pronounced 'eye' in Japanese and Spanish, but is there ANY word in the English language with that same trait (crap, another word where 'AI' is 'ay'...-.-)?
P.S. And if the answer is no, that would would explain quite a bit about how American-dubbed anime is screwed up 9.9 out of 10 times...^_^ About the only name with 'AI' they got right is Raichu... (Since you guys don't know, I'll tell you: Raichu is the evolved from (through a thunder stone) of pokemon Pikachu. It's about twice as tall as Pikachu and has a rounder body, curl-tipped ears, and a long tail with what looks like a lightning bolt at the tip.)
Dear ?!?,
I do not think so, IE or EI are pronounced 'eye'. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Here it is, 11:32 am, and you haven't shown up like you told GCNM you would!!! And Yui is telling me to call Chichiri no Aijin!! Wai! But it'd be such a stupid think to call about. And Yui and I worked so hard to agree to share you! We'll never forgive you if you don't show up!!!! Waiiiii!!! It's 11:42 now!!!
Dear One-chan,
Ya' called an' I came! What else d'ya' want?
Dear Tasuki,
You started the mud thing anyway, it's your own fault! you should have known better, so there. *sticks out her tongue* Innoccent?? ha! bandits aren't innoccent, I don't care what some people say!
Dear Lina,
Yeah? An' what 'bout sorceresses that blow up an' trash entire towns, murder bandits fer their loot, eat more n' Miaka, an' scare th' livin' h*ll outta dragons???? I ain't innocent but YOU are????? Tell it to someone stupid... like Gourry!
Dear Hotohori,
Since everyone's discussing about your royal crown (It is *not* a bucket minna! Thank you.), I thought I'd ask this: anou, I've noticed that your crown is really big in some scenes (ie. in the opening), and really small in the others (ie. when it fell off your head as you jumped into the lake after Miaka). Doushite?
..You weren't playing with magic those days were you? *narrows her eyes at Hori-sama*
Dear Dreamcatcher,
There are two. The larger more formal one taht has the strands of precious jewels hanging from it and the smaller one that most people seem to refer to as *sighs* a "bucket".
Dear Tasuki,
Sake with Chocolate milk? uh....I dunno...hmmmm....I really don't know. Probably bad. Unless you've tried Chocolate with Sake before, I wouldn't be so sure you should try it like that...
My story? oh...the site: Legend. I think that's right anyway... Tell Koji I said Hi! (Did you know it's snowing here? MAKE IT STOP!!)
Dear Kaori,
I told Kouji that ya' said Hi! He says Hi back. I can't do nothin' 'bout yer weather. Read th' story... I wouldn't do that to ya'! I better be under an evil spell to be gettin' all mushy an' attackin' women! Yer gonna damage my rep as a woman hatin' bandit, ya' know! *Grins at her*
Dear Tasuki,
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *_* I only asked for your e-mail address, just 'cause I wanted to send you a nice e-card.... What'd you think I was gonna do?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ano... I dunno! But ya' can send th' card to the administrator address on our front peeji and I'll get it. Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
:slaps him upside the head:: I have this person who I thought was my friend, but he was always asking me for Sailor Moon pictures, and of course I would print them off and give them to him (he would always laminate pictures of you for me so I could take them on my trip to the mountains for this). Well, he stopped talking to me after a while and when I tried to talk to him he just made fun of me and yelled at me! I think he was just using me to get those pictures and now that he got them he ignores me all the time! What should I do?
Also, I have this other friend who everyone thinks likes me (Although I seriously doubt it, I don't date guys shorter than me) and they think that I like him because we always hang out together. How do I make them stop spreading theses rumors?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Lessee, ya' slap me upside th' head an' then ya' ask fer my help??? Are ya' nuts or somethin'???? 'Che! Some people!!! Well fer yer first question, if yer so-called friend is actin' like a baka now that he has what he wants dump him! An' be glad all he got outta ya' was some Sailor Moon pictures. Th' second one is harder 'cos th' more ya' deny it, th' more they're gonna say it's true. Ya' can try an' ask 'em nicely to knock it off an' if that don't work, jus' try ignorin' 'em. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
WAIWAI!!!**runs around you with tape player and headphones**THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!I love that tape and the stickers^_^.sorry that I didn't write sooner..but the internet natzi would not let me on until today!I have a thank you gift for you, can I send it to you? It's just a drawing or two I did^_^.**kisses you on the cheek** got to run...evil homework....
Dear navi,
You're very welcome, no da! I'm glad that you're enjoying it. Certainly, you may send me a gift if you wish. If it is electronic, the email address you sent your address to will be fine, no da. If you need a real world address, write to me and let me know, no da! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Dearest Tasuki-sama, can you be in the chat tommorrow 10/2 at 1:00 Eastern time, which is um.... 11:00 Pacific time? PLEASEEEEE, I cannot make it any earlier than that. ^_^ I lov....I mean, I LIKE you very much! Does that make you feel any more comfortable? Well, see ya!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Unfortunately, I gotta be somewhere an' I ain't gonna be able to do it. How's 'bout Sunday mornin'?
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* You won't tell you who the only other person in the whole wide world I pounce is until you guess! *hugs* Today was a bit better, it would have been a MUCH nicer day if I didn't spend all of school in an oven taking the stupid Standford and OLSAT tests. (Only the two new buildings at school have air! The rest are alllll old brick buildings. o.o;) So, as long as Okaasan and Firefury (oneesan!) don't start fighting, ever thing should stay okay. I'm still mad at her even though we made up. I don't know why I did. I'm still upset with her. But if I act happy enough, at least they leave me alone. --* I guess I can forgive Oneesan. Since we found out what street Chichiri no Aijin lives on in the chat from you, after school and at our old school, she drove up and down and up and down the street a few times blaring some FY music. ^^; Her exact words were when she came up with this plan was "We'll FLUSH them out!" Eeeeheh. ^^; Well, I have a doctor's appointment (whee... therapy.) so I have to go before Okaasan gets piiiiiissssed again. *cringes* She's scary. o.o; Oh yeah, I suppose you could try punting Keetia. And remember to try and guess who else I pounce, or you'll never get the answer!
Dear One-chan,
Chichiri no Aijin may have been at work when ya' did that. Even I don't remember hearin' any music. I don't remember if I told ya' th' exact street or not... I did guess I said yer oneesan! Is it yer boyfriend? Puntin' Keetia... sounds like fun!!!
Dear Tamahome,
How come I never see you in the chat room?
Dear me-chan,
I have been in the Chatroom once or twice. But generally, Tasuki hogs the computer!
Dear Tasuki,
*peeks out from her growing storm cloud.* You didn't try to guess who the only other person in the whole wide world I pounce is. *cringes* Okaasan pissed at Oneesan. Oneesan and I made up. o.o; Oneesan made the tub leak through the ceiling again and mom just got pissed! She's making her pay for it too. She's scary when she yells like that! I wanted to hide... infact, even though it's quiet, I still want to hide.
Keetia: At least I'm not as dumb as you LOOK. (Not to mention I am by FAR better looking then you are and I know far better looking guys than you.... Why does One like you so much? Hmm... Infact... why do so many people like you so much? Bleh. Your only good for annoying!)
*punts Keetia* That means you owe me two now. But, since I'm in a better mood.... *POUNCES! and then sits back down under her storm cloud in the rain* Okaasan very very very evil and scary. *shudders* When she gets pissed, she gets.... pissed. ;_;
A very terrified One-chan
Dear One-chan,
Ya' really wanted me to guess??? I'd say yer oneesan but judgin' from yer last letter, I'd be wrong! Ya' know, yer kinda cute when ya' pounce... So, next time Keetia is annoyin' (that should be 'bout 5 seconds from now...) can I punt her?? Heh-heh-heh... Ummm... meebe now's a good time fer ya' to go to sleep...
Dear Hotohori,
That little crown/bucket doesn't have enough volume to hold all yer hair!
Dear One-chan,
Perhaps it has more volume inside than the outside reveals...
Dear Mitsukake,
Sumimasen? Hajimemashite, Megami desu. Douzo yoroshiku. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I am looking for a link that I am sure was somewhere on this message board at some time... it was a Japanese-English web dictionary. I found it very useful, but unfortunately, my link to it got erased when my computer went all funky once and I had to delete my internet server information off my hard drive and reinstall it. The first time I had to do that it didn't do anything to my links or e-mail messages, but the second time it messed up, everything went away! If I had know it was going to do that I would have written down the address and would not have to ask. Sigh...
Also, gomen, but please pardon my signature, I can't be sure if I am spelling it right. The name was given to me by a friend, and I use it out of respect and gratitude to her. She is teaching me Japanese! ^-^ I think I am actually getting proficient with numbers, but now that I know the kanji for person, Jin, I keep getting it confused with the kanji for eight, Hachi. They really are very similar, and I keep having to look at my notes to keep from writing the number 652,849 as "roku juu go man ni sen jin yaku yon juu kyuu" (in kanji) when I am practicing higher numbers. I feel like I'm cheating. Can you (or anyone) think of something that might help me remember which is which? I know it would make more sense to ask Chiriko a question like this, but I know you are smart too, and more interesting that everyone says you are. I shall refrain from repeating my favorite quote for fear of embarrassing the Emperor.
humble Megami
Dear Megami,
Yoroshiku mou. The server you are looking for is: Japanese/English Dictionary Server. The best I can come up with is the kanji for 8 (hachi) is . And the kanji for person (hito/jin) is . As you can see the kanji for hachi is separate, while the kanji for hito/jin is together. Jin one word. The kanji shows the strokes together. Hachi two syllables. The kanji shows two separate strokes. I hope that was helpful.
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa, Nuri-chan! (I'm finally getting back into the groove of regularly writing to you. Aren't you proud of me? ^.~)
I wrote a fanfic yesterday about the beginning of your life as Kourin and I would like you to read it and tell me what you think of it. I like it a lot and even my super-unsupportive okaa-san said it was good. SUGOI! Here's the Link:
*blinks* Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. *digs into her pocket and gives him a tied brown bag* They're konpeito candies, or star candies. They taste sorta minty. But suck on them for a while before eating them because they're really hard. ^^; Tee hee.
Anyway, arigatou!
Dear Myrna-chan,
I really liked it! Arigato for the story and the candies!
Dear Tasuki,
Yuffie! She's probably a good match for ya. >:) She's a princess of a small country called Wutai, she curses quite alot, and can summon huge monsters from little orbs, called Materia! She gets seasick and airsick, though. ^_^;
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
I wish ya' all would jus' stop tryin' to fix me up wit' people!
Dear Mitsukake,
I told my mom what you said to do, and all she said was, "You're fine". ...Now it's gotten worse because my sister gave me the flu, so now i'm running a fever and having a runny noze and stuff... *coughs* I can't convince my dad to take me to the doctor, because he's been thinking that every doctor is a quack, ever since some con took out his tonsils when he was 7 to rip off his parents for un-needed surgery... *Sigh*
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Not knowing how old you are and what your medical history is, itis very hard to make a proper diagnosis. Gomen nasai. All I could recommend is some over the counter remedies to alleviate the symptoms and bedrest to get over the actual flu. Take care.
Dear Tasuki,
*would pounce, but doesn't feel like it*... Nothing like an Oneesan to ruin a perfectly good day before it even started. *growls*
"Ron's brother is afraid to come up to us and talk to us at school because you're so hyper. Tone it down."
Hmph! Stop being me!? I think not! That's how I am.
"No it's not! Tone it down!"
What the hell makes her so sure? Why should I change who I am at school? Stupid Oneesan! As if I hadn't done enough for her! (For example- getting her and Makou together, getting most of the money for our trip to Anime Expo 99 and paying for her enterance fee, forgiving her for all the hurtful remarks she's made about my depression and my prozac. And now she wants me to not be me!) After all she's done to me and after all I've done for her, she has NO right to tell me to stop being me!!! We usually get along, but when we don't, things get UGLY. She was in a snit because I wouldn't forgive her at break today. I was perfectly fine until this morning. *sits in a corner scowling with a storm cloud raining over her and lightining flashing.* But then she has to tell me to change to suit other people! *thunder booms* I don't care if I suiy other people! I can if I suit ME. And if people she knows have a problem with ME *rumble* They can just... er... nevermind that. Feh... *skips over ranting to get one with what happened* At lunch she asks, "have you been taking your prozac?" Yess I freaking have and it's not her place to ask! *cries* She's always doing that when we get in a fight! If she'd have left me alone I'd have gotten over this! But she won't drop it! She called mom from school, and when we got home, we got into this whole thing about it. "You're too sensitive about your meds." WHO WOULND'T BE? "You wouldn't get that way about your allergy meds" Yes I would. It's nobodies business but MINE about my meds! "They're the same thing" NOT to someone who has to take them! I wanted to jump up off the sofa and run out of the house! *cries* Guess I can't be in a good mood. Must not be allowed or something, because whenever I am, just after that, something ruins everything! *sits under her storm cloud and cries* I hate Oneesan! I hate Okaasan! And my the end of today, with how it's been, I'll probably hate Otousan too!
You have an older sister problem, I'm sure you can relate. I just needed to let that out. (If I let that out to mom or Oneesan I'd just get more crap.) And I had been in such a good mood yesterday.... Oh yeah, and she tried to get my friend to leave with her to help her get people to sign up for the anime club because I didn't want to help her. First she tries to change me and then she tries to take my friend! *cries under her rain cloud.* I hate 99.9% of this whole stupid world! Why can't they just leave me alone to get over it like I asked!?!?! ;_;
A very unhappy One-chan
Dear One-chan,
WHOA! That's a s--tload of ventin' if I ever heard any!! I'd say 'che how *&^%ed up was yer day, but I guess I know! *Gives her a hug.* What can I say? It's gotta get better! Big sisters are a HUGE pain in th' @$$!!! Anyway, yer right to be yerself! Jus' try not to piss off th' people around ya'. (I don't believe I jus' said that!!!)
So, ya' went to AX99? So did Chichiri no Aijin! Wonder if we say ya' there? Hope we can get together there next year... Feel better kiddo! *Gives her another hug and a kiss on the forehead*
Dear Tasuki,
*shoves some Chocolate milk into Tasuki's chest* TRY IT!! I swear, you'll never know until you try. You might like it!! ooooooo!! And I wrote the next 2 chapters (chapter and a half) to my legend of Byakko Story...
It's kinda' funny. Chichiri has to teach me how to use chopsticks, and I accidently whacked Hotohori in the head with a piece of Ginger beef!! *giggle* Anywho, I bet I'm annoying now. But you! *points to tasuki*..YOU GOTTA' READ IT!! *big puppy eyes* PALEEEEEEZ??? Okay..*gives him a kiss on the head* I'm gone now.
Dear Kaori,
I'll think 'bout it. How's it taste wit' sake in it? What's th' URL fer yer story?
Dear Chichiri,
>_< I'm so angry.... I'm having such a bad week (again)..... grr.... exams sucks! >_< I hate it when everyone's stressed up. -_- And I can't use the computer most of the time now, thanks to my dad... >_< moon pies? ^^; I guess you could call them that.... anyway, they taste nice. And there's a nice myth about it. ^^
P.S: hmm, Baby Gwing I guess I can make it.... most of my important exams are over by then... why don't you contact me by AIM (yurichan48), chatroom or by the msg board? I'm most likely to be around on weekends unless my dad acts inmature again. >_<
Dear Yuri,
*Gives her a hug.* Sorry that your week has been so awful, no da. I hope it gets better for you. Let us know if you meet up with Baby Gwing, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
AHA!! *majorly happy* I wrote Netfilter a 'nice' letter about how it seemed unfair that they 'blocked' a site (this one) that seemed pretty harmless. I mean, there are no naked seishi here (Are there?!!?!?!) and all the...*accusing look* obscene language is ALREADY censored (right?!?!)... And they told me that they'll probably unblock it! YAY!!!
Dear Rhiannon,
Cool! Thanks!! But what got them to *&^%%$# censor us in th' first place???
Dear Tasuki,
DTFC? What is that? And why would they want to pull your shirt off? *looks at him suspiciously*
Dear Sammy,
Th' DTFC is th' Droolin' Tasuki Fan Club an' if ya' hafta' ask, yer too young to know!
Dear Chiriko,
Are you sure that 'karasu' is raven in Japanese? Is there another word that could be used? I want to know because I'm writing a YYH fanfic and I want to call one of my original characters raven, except tha Karasu is a bad guy in YYH. All help would be appreciated! (maybe i should try 'mockingbird'...)
crtgrl, yet again!
Dear Tasuki,
HI! Check this site out, Love Calculator It's real cool! When I put my name and yours there, it was 76%....not bad.....I guess.... But when I put my real name there and yours, it was 11%... *_* DOISHITE?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I dunno. But me, Chichiri, an' Chichiri no Aijin and decided it's a crock. Sorry...
Dear Tamahome,
Well after how upset mom got I don't really want to see mint ice cream anymore...
I guess I just have this knack for messing up. Anyway, since I'm trying to renovate Chip's dog I'm going to have to "borrow" his stero for awhile. ^_^I don't do anything for free ya know!
Dear Sammy,
Ano, you just got introuble for your last "borrowing" spree, why don't you ask him to lend you his stereo his time. Go ahead, try it and surprise him!
Dear Tasuki,
hi again whats this i warn you and still hmmmm... apparently you didn't take my threat serioudley fine fine fine i'll just have to get serious *turns a pile of sake into milk as well as the sake that tasuki has on him now* tsk tsk tsk now next time make sure you listen or i'll make the spell milk instead of water BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAH *has been quite evil ever since she hit 16 a few days ago* (blame it on kiyen he pushed my face in whip cream -_-) i'll get kiyen back though!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA *ahem* now like i was saying listen this time or i really will cast the spell and use milk instead of water! AHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAH
Dear mizu-chan,
Ya' did jus' turn it to water!!!!!! Quit pickin' on me!! I didn't push yer face into any whipped cream! Go bug Kiyen!
Dear Tasuki,
gah! I just dried my clothes off from pulling zel out of the pond! *glares* hey, you're saying *I* needed a bath? I'm not the one who walked around for a few days in a mud covered coat. I bathe every day, unlike some people! geez. ¬_¬
Dear Lina,
So do I!!! An' at least I don't fling mud at innocent people!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! What is going on? Are you and Miaka married?
Dear Me,
Shhhh.... it's a big spoiler... hai!
Dear Tamahome,
I wanted to know why you always spent most of your time with/talking about only two of your siblings and not the other two? Always the oldest or youngest(I forgot their names) never the twins(?), I don't think you're a bad person, I'm just wondering. Sorry to bother you, if I had any money I would pay you. Thank you!
Dear Jem-kun,
It was in the script...?
Dear Tamahome,
I can't ask anyone eles a question because of Netfilter!!!!!!!!! Could you tell everyone hi for me, please? I love you much!!!!!!!!! I'll give you anything you want, you see I'm very rich!!!! *shows room full of gold* You can have as much as you want! Thank you much!!!!
Dear Kat-chan,
Arigato!!!!! *Eyes light up at the sight of so much gold.* I will give everyone your best. Ano... what words does Netfilter look for, so we can try to fix them?
Dear Nuriko,
Waaahhh! i thought you had gone straight!*pokes at Nuriko* what's with this "want to be bride of Hotohori" stuff? tsk, tsk...*shakes head* your fans are so gonna be disappointed. Better be careful, they might do something drastic to make you a man!(hint: most likely involve hentai!)
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
Awwwww... come on! I was just playing...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I JUST FIGURED IT OUT! I think i know why Hotohori can't get enough of himself, its because of Suzaku!*nods vigorously* You guys are the seishi of Suzaku,right? well, don't you see, you have been chosen and given powers by Suzaku, so that means that you come from Him and w/c also means you are a part of Him. Get it?
Let me explain a little, you each have traits that come from the god, so that means you are a part of Him. After all your purpose is to protect the miko, right? Where am i going with this? Ugh...*throws hands up in air* guys inherited some traits form Suzaku himself, get it?!
Here they are : (with the negative side effects as well)
Hotohori - inherited Suzaku's concern for the people and being a good ruler.(He also inherited Suzaku's vanity. after all He's as vain as a peacock.)
Tamahome - agility, swift actions and heart. (idiocy and greed)
Nuriko - strength. (being gay. Oh come on! four GODS, like all MEN! don't tell me you didn't see that one coming!)
Mitsukake - a good healer.(the god's tendency to be silent most of the time. now you know why he's like that.)
Chiriko - intelligence and maturity. (immaturity?)
Tasuki - flame wielder. (bad temper and immaturity! not to mention rudeness! i wonder if Suzaku swears too?)
Chichiri - wisdom. (wackiness and silliness. magic doesn't count 'coz he learned that from Taiitsu-kun-obaasan.)
Chichiri's adorableness is his alone! i don't think Suzaku's cute or adorable. Bishounen, maybe, but never as cute and adorable and huggable as Chichiri...
Now do you guys get my drift? What do you think?
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
It is a very interesting hypothesis. You may have stumbled onto something there...
Dear Tasuki,
WORRY you? Huh? Are you saying that 'cause I always tell you I love you? *_*... But I do...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
No. It's 'cos ya' wanted an email address AN' ya' keep sayin' ya' love me...
Dear Nuriko,
Hotohori and Nuriko cake toppers would be cool, but I think her fiance might like Evangelion ones better...^_~ (Actually, I'm using flowers)
Dear Tsutsuji,
I bet it's going to be a beautiful cake when you're done!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I would like to correct some things that MARY said about Mandy (not that I'm mad at Mary or anything):
"Mandy-Doh" is spelt: mandy-doh! (exclamation point is mandatory) info can be found at: mandy-doh! -IT ISN'T A RELIGION.
Mandy is going to be taking over the world with CLOVER CHAINS, with Anne as her second in command. GREEN EGGS & HAM are using inertia. Not Mandy. find out about these plots at: Plots just thought you should know.
Do you support Starving Carrots?
Mandy (the real one)
Dear Mandy,
Ano, iie. But I think Ryo-oh-oki does!
Dear Hotohori,
I kind of have a major problem ... it involves one of my best friends--or, rather, supposed best friends.
Lately, I've noticed things about her that have been making me wonder if she's really my friend or not ...
1) I'm a semi-decent artist, and so is she. She always whines about how awful her art is, and she knows darn well it's not. Also, she loves to GET gift art from me and another "friend", but she never GIVES it. The most she's given me is an art shrine, and although it IS a huge gift, it was over a year and a half ago.
2) She'll loudly voice her opinions whenever I do something she doesn't like, I.E. create a character that is somehow connected to/involved with a main character of a given series, and won't shush about it until I change my character.
3) She gives me guilt trips. Constantly. I've only noticed it now, but nearly every time I look over a convo with her, sure enough, I'm sent down the Guilt Trip River.
4) She's a black-and-white sort of person -- "either you're with me or against me".
So I ask this: Should I continue to be friends with her, or ...?
Someone who doesn't know what to do...
Dear Someone,
This is a very difficult situation, indeed. Have you considered sitting down and talking to her about how her actions make you feel? It is possible that she is unaware that what she is doing and saying are making you unhappy with her. Good luck.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
All right....*hands tasuki back his clothing* Sorry if i annoyed you guys. I just can't help myself. Oh well, see you when i'm in dire need of assistance.
Dear Mary,
Thanks fer th' clothes back. Jus' try doing less questions... or at least ones that make sense??
Dear Hotohori,
How did you feel when you found out Nuriko was a man and he was "in love" with you?
Ano kodomo asoko ni
Dear kodomo,
"In love" with me?!?!? NANI??????
Dear Nuriko,
I keep getting pushed around by everyone!! Just cause I'm short! *sniff!* Everyone thinks I'm a punching bag! And now Yui's teasing me!!!! How can I stop the madness?! Oh! *sniff!* OOH!!! Guess what? I've decided to declare myself Minna no okaasan!! Wai! I'm Suboshi and Amiboshi's mom! *points at a tied up Suboshi and Amiboshi in bear pajamas and lying on their beds* They don't wanna go to sleep on time! You think I should ground them?
Dear Inori,
I'll tell Tasuki to stop pushing you into me, ok? Ground Suboshi and Amiboshi? Into what?
Dear Hotohori,
It is NOT a secret! Ya got a portal to hammerspace in there or something? *looks at the crown/bucket* Or is it like Chichiri's kasa? Hmm? Don't say it's a secret! It's not a secret!
Dear One-chan,
No, I just have years of practice of putting my hair up in the small Imperial crown.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko! I thought you were supposed to be a getnleman who DOESN'T push girls around, but I guess you've proved me wrong *points to poor Inori*
I mean, I could take it! but Inori is being pushed around *literally* a lot. *sigh* men can be so confusing -_-; *begins to walk away and then innoccently shoves Tasuki into Nuriko. Begins to wonder if there was anyway she could have done that innoccently, then sweatdrops*
Dear Lina,
*Looks at Tasuki* Hmmmm... I see what you mean! A real otenba that one!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* "Liked"??? You're LOVED! ^-^ You should feel special! I only greet one other person in the whole wide world with a pounce! (Can you guess who? Bet ya can't!) *is feeling hyper!* Yea! Oneesan and I got lots of people to sign up for our anime club at school! WHEEE! *bounds around the room. She hasn't been this happy for awhile!* ^.^ *cheers* And sign up week isn't over yet! *pounces again because she's hyper.* (*If you think these pouncings are bad, you haven't seen the pounce/counterpounce wars she and the only other person in the whole wide world she pounces get into!*) Anyways! Byes! *almost departs* Eh? *looks at Keetia, who is making a deal for Lotus' love chains.* .... *punts Keetia and tosses the chains* You owe me one nooooooow! ^-^ *skips off*
Dear One-chan,
Thanks!! She was gettin' to be a real pain...
Dear Nuriko,
Okay, Nuriko-sama!! I need some serious advice!!! See, this girl from my school, she's having some problems with her mom... Her mom get very violent sometimes... She has mood swings... When she's mad, she'll unplug the tv or the computer (depending which one my friend's using)...And if my friend is drawing, she'll rip the drawing in two... The problem is, the other day my friend's mom threw a book at her and it bruised her cheek... Our art teacher asked her what happened and she told him...Now the DSS is involved... My friend's really scared of what they might do now...She doesn't want her mom in trouble...She loves her mom...Now her mom found out she told and she's even madder...She's even more violent now and is really worried and nervous...What can she do? I really want to help her...*hugs her knees and frowns worriedly*
Dear Inori,
Can your friend stay with you until things calm down? I'm sure she loves her mom and that her mom loves her, but her mom's behavior IS abusive and next time she might hurt her worse than a bruise on the cheek! Hopefully the DSS will get her mom some help, whether it's therapy, anger control classes, or medication, she DOES need help.
Let your friend know that you're there for her and be supportive of her. But please realize that what's happening now may in reality be in her best interest. Good luck to both of you. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Kiyaa~~~ ;_; *runs up to Tasuki in all her excitement, SD, and glomps onto one of his legs huggling it tightly* Wai wai~~ Shun'u-sempai~~~~ *shimmers, and lets out genki kowai-waterfalls of tears*
*blushes and recovers briefly, still semi-SD, and still *very* glomped onto the poor fanged hito-chan no aiii (x_X;;)* Ara...^_^; I missed you and I brought you some sake...and I made you some okonomiyaki too! ^____^ *tinny bright fang grin suddenly fades...*
*looks over her shoulder* Ara... *facefaults* I guess I dropped it when I um... acted like an immature fan girl -.-; The sake's still okay tho! *reaches over and pulls the bottle over* ^_^;; Demo, the okonomiyaki landed face down... *sigh* -.-
*looks to the ground a moment, but quickly regains the bright fang grin* ^_^; But you're lucky for that I guess... it was burnt anyways...
Since-I-made-it -.-;;;
Anyways, tell Chichiri no Aijin-sama I missed her too please ;_; And ara....*brow twitches a moment* Help me bear with the pain of having deleted by hackers oneeeeegaaaaaaai.
*fingers the sake bottle in her hands and blushes *_* * By getting plastered with me.... @_@;;;
Dear Amy-chan,
D*mn! Me an' Chichiri no Aijin LOVE okonomiyaki!!! Well, sake is always a good substitute. Chichiri no Aijin says hi and wants to know if you had saved yer website locally or if was all on th' server. Whatever th' h*ll THAT means!!! *Takes a swig from the bottle and hands it to her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sniff!* You guys! I just have to say thank you to all of you! And especially to Chichiri no Aijin! If it weren't for this place, I would've never met a lot of nice and wonderful people! Yui, Hoshi, Momoko, Lina, and all the others! *has tears of joy in her eyes* THANK YOU SO MUCH!! All your hard work is REALLY appreciated! *hugs all the seishi and Chichiri no Aijin*
Dear Inori,
You're very welcome! Domoarigato gozaimasu for your kind words! Nice and wonderful people, eh? *Raises an eyebrow* Have you met Tasuki yet??? *Giggles as Tasuki glares at her and bares his fangs.* Hee-hee... Jodan dayo Tasuki-san!
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
*Keetia runs in, punts One, and takes over* After stopping in at this love calculator site.... *copies and pastes*
Love Calculator results:
These are the results of the calculations by Dr. Love:
Koneko Tasuki
Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Koneko and Tasuki has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you
don't have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together, talking with each other etc.
Yo! Pain in th' @$$!
D'ya really think I'm gonna lissen to some quack that calls himself Dr. Love??????????? 'Che! Yer dumber than I am!!!!!!!!
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