Dear Tamahome,
I can assure you that there wasn't any chocolate in the ice cream! Although I'm pretty sure chocolate CHIP-S can aren't very good for anyone. It's a stupid pun isn't it? Mint ice cream! Suddenly it's a crime.
Dear Sammy,
Don't feel bad. Now that you know better, I'm sure you won't do it again.
Dear Tasuki, that I see Chip telling everyone about the mint ice cream I don't feel like fixing the dog anymore. >_< My friend's dog likes ice cream, and he looks pretty healthy. *sprays more glue* UH-oh.... You don't like that shirt too much I hope...
Dear Sammy,
Yeah I DID! 'Che! This is gonna hurt like h*ll when the DTFC try to pull it offa me...
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! Guess what? I'm writing a story about how Tasuki became Tasuki!! Everyone has liked it so far! A cow sits on him!! Would you like to read it? Please? ^_^! If you do, I'll be so happy!! Wai! *hugs him* It's called "How Genrou became Tasuki"! But don't show it to him or he'll kill me! Heehee! ^_^!
Dear Inori,
Hee-hee.... THAT explains ALOT!!! Just keep feeding him sake dear and he'll probably forgive you almost anything!
Dear Mitsukake,
Uhm... well you own a cat, and I cute one too, so I was just wondering... is ice cream bad for animals? Especially mint ice cream? ;;^_^
Dear Sammy,
Ice cream is not very good for cats. ESPECIALLY chocolate! If the mint ice cream had chocolate chips in it, yes it is bad for them.
Dear Tamahome,
Can I borrow money from you?
Dear evil,
No. That will be 2 ryou kudasai.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thank you all for the kind words on our site (Inori's and mine...well, ok, mostly Inori's)! *smiles* Yes; if you have anything you'd like to contribute, please tell us! We'd be more than happy to post it! ^_^ As Inori said, it was so much fun to make that particular page. We're not done yet though! Thanks again, heehee!!
Dear Hoshi,
You're very welcome! I know how difficult it is to be a webmaster. If we come up with anything, we'll let you know!
Dear Tasuki,
AND I LOVE HIM! So, if you people keep on saying mean things to him, *sticks out her tongue* I'll.....I'll something...
Anyway, Tasuki-san, ^_^, what's your e-mail address? Maybe I can e-mail you sometime or another. Well, see ya!
Love you lots!!!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yer startin' to worry me kiddo... Gomen, th' ONLY way to write to me is through here. NONE of us do personal email.
Dear Tasuki,
Prove to me that you only love Miaka as a lil' sister!
Dear Annoynmous,
I ain't gotta prove nothin' to someone too chicken to sign their name!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-saaamaaaa..! Long time no see! ^.^ I have two questions to ask you, I'll start with the more cheerful one and then go into the one. :/
1. Would you mind linking to your temple for me? We desparately need more hits. ^^
The Temple of Nuriko
And take a look at it, too, for the first time I actually put some work into a graphical and text version. O.O
Okay..number 2.
2. I'm pretty sure neither of my parents come to this site (or else Mum would be writing constant LONG letters to Hotohori..:P) so I hope i can talk to you about this..
They're slowly getting a divorce. All my life up until the death of my little sister in 1997 was fine. Then they both started getting depressed and ended up finding mates on the internet. Mum's boyfriend lives in California and came down here once. Last week Dad went to Cleveland to visit HIS girlfriend.
Recently Mum gave birth to another sister, Madoka. She's barely 11 months old. I don't want her to suffer divorse so young. I've talked to both my parents and they understand but they just keep fighting.
Do you have any advice you can give me? Neither my best friend nor my boyfriend has had to go through with this and don't know what to tell me.
Domo arigatou, Nuriko-sama.
Dear Myrna-chan,
Your banner is on our links peeji! Now on to the more serious stuff. The death of a child is very hard on parents and it can sometimes alter their relationship. You need to realize that your parents love you and your new sister very much, but they are probably hurting inside from the loss of your little sister.
Unfortunately there is probably very little that you can do to help them. I am curious though, have they sought out a marriage counselor or even a grief counselor? If not, perhaps they should. At Madoka's age the divorce may not affect her as harshly as it might effect you. They only other thing that I can suggest is that you seek out some counseling at this time, even if your parents choose not to. You are old enough to understand and be affected by what is going on and I would like to see you come through this unharmed. Please take care and keep in touch. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, thanks for listening. I'm feeling much better now, although still on the disappointed side.
Well, my friend hasn't ever written in here, but she is an FY fan (likes Hotohori best...good taste, ne?) She's not having any bridemaids in her wedding, because it's so small, but I'm making her wedding cake. I'm hoping it turns out well... One of the good things about this wedding is it'll give me a chance to buy some new clothes ^_^
Dear Tsutsuji,
If you're making the cake and she loves our adventures, why not have me and Hotohori-sama as the cake toppers?? I would make such a beautiful bride and he would be such a handsome groom... *Gets hearts in his eyes...*
Dear Tasuki,
OI!! You've been brawlin without me??!? I guess I have to show you how tough I really am!! OHOHOHOHOO!! *turns Super Saiya-jin and puts Tasuki in a back-breaker* SAY IT BOY!! SAY THAT YOU LOVE WOMEN!! OHOHOHOHOHOOOO!!! THEN MAYBE I'LL LET YOU GO!!!
Dear Jean,
*Looks at her and sweatdrops...* Ya' know yer gettin' real strange...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have two questions. One: How do you feel be the "Dear Abby," of FY internet fans?
Two (okay, this one is serious): My cousin (who I used to be really close to but we now hang out with different crowds) has a boyfriend that I really don't approve of. He's a year older than her, but that's not what the problem is.
Last year she was in the honors math class for our grade level (she's only 8 months older than me) but this year she has to repeat the class because all last year when she was doing her boyfriend's homework when she should have been doing her own. At the beginning of summer vacation I heard that she broke up with this guy, but now they've gotten back together.
Should I do anything? We're not really close, but I feel like I should do something about this.
Dear confuzled,
One: We take our responsibility to our fans VERY seriously, no da. As for your cousin, you can certainly talk to her and offer your support to her if she needs help with her schoolwork, no da. But I don't really know if criticizing her relationship will do either of you any good. If she has broken up with him once already, she may do so again. Meanwhile, be supportive if she needs it and try to steer her gently back to her schoolwork. He should be doing his own work anyway, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Chriko kawai!! (well it's true you know. you're the cutest seishi) I promised JEAN and MARY that I would ask this:
How many angels can dance the head of a pin?
If 'to be or not to be' is the question, what's the answer? Why did I get such a low grade on my last chemistry exam? What's 'raven' in Japanese? etc...
crtgrl the one and only!! (mandy)
Dear mandy,
Arigato for your kind compliment! Your first question has been debated over the centuries by philosophers and theologians alike. I would say that first one must believe in angels and second it would depend on the size of said creature. As to your second question, that was Hamlet debating whether or not to kill himself. I personally would have opted for "to be". However it just was "not to be". I would say lack of studying in favor of asking bizarre questions. Karasu is the word for raven or crow in Japanese.
Dear Tasuki,
*shakes in anger* Grrr... Do me a favor and Lekka Shinen 'Netfilter' would you??!! I tried to get to this page earlier at school (Um, yeah... We're allowed to do that.. uh, huh. *innocent look*) but Netfilter blocked it and I couldn't ask you guys any questions. APPARENTLY someone had some bad profanity on the page *gives you and accusing look*- but now I can't remember what my question was to START! *anger*
Dear Rhiannon,
Well h*ll it ain't me! Why do I always get *&^%%$# blamed fer every lil' (*&^%$@ thin' that goes wrong 'round here! 'Che! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Um, If your coat is all muddy..*sweatdrops* why don't you wash it?
Dear Lina,
Great idea! *Holds her close to him and pulls on a rope attached to a washtub of water, dowsing them both.* There ain't that better? An' now ya' don't gotta worry 'bout that bath ya' needed! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!! I just told you not to be rude!! Nuriko-sama will think it's all my fault! He'll be angry! Ohohoho!! *takes Tasuki by the hand and leads him to an alley and talks in a low voice* Here! *gives him a piece of paper* Ask for Mike and give him this. You'll get a lifetime supply of sake!! ^_^! But don't tell!! Shh!!
Dear Inori,
Thanks! *Gives her a hug, lifts her up and drops her on Nuriko.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, it's me again. Most of the kids harrassing me seem to have laid off for some reason (i didn't do anythin..o_o)..I live in New York, not anywhere at the western areas. I took your advice on not letting them bother me, and it's working a bit on those that still bother me. Thanks for that, Tasuki! ^_^ Oh, do you realise in the 'old archive' list, you spelled 'September' wrong? ^_^;; Oh, Tasuki, do you ever get together with Yuffie from FinalFantasy7? *wink* >:)
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
Yer welcome! An' thanks fer pointin' out th' typo! Chiriko fixed it. Yuffie??? Huh???
Dear Nuriko,
So..Nuriko *big grin* how does it feel to be pushed into Inori, and then get Inori pushed into you, face first at that? and by tasuki, the baka who complains about his coat being muddy and doesn't think to clean it. *sweatdrops* ahem, and don't even think about pulling one of your wise answers that get you out of really answering the question. Cause you can't fool me...*looks off to the side with an unsure look* eh heh..^^;
Dear Lina,
It feels like having a high school senior slammed bodily into me. Here *pushes Lina into Inori...* how does it feel to you? *Smirks...* Hee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki... buddy.... >D Have you seen Nuriko anywhere? eh? *pokepoke* You see, I need him for my ... physics class. *cough* Yessiree. We're testing the force of friction of jello on human skin. Really. It's all in the name of science.
I'll give you one of these *flashes a tickets* if you just point in Nuriko's general direction. Just one of these babies will get you _and_ a friend into the greatest show alive: Circus Circus.
You know you want to go... just spill the beans my friend. *kekekekeke*
Dear confuzcius,
Yeah, I seen Nuriko... *Looks at jello* Whaddaya', nuts or somthin'???? I ain't gonna have any part in this jello s--t!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello there. *waves hello* Um..i heard you were looking for me last Saturday.*tilts head* Did you miss me? Sorry i missed you but i went into the chatroom on Sunday and you weren't there..darn! we seem to miss each other.*grin*
What happened? Did Miaka get in trouble?*pauses*, wait she was there last Sunday so it couldn't have been her..*looks at Chichiri and grins*Did the town get lost again?*giggles*
Lina is a very nice person. She gave me this to comfort me *shows a Chichiri plushie that laughs and says da! when tummy is squeezed* isn't he just adorable?*hugs plushie and it laughs and says da!* I like Lina...Tasuki doesn't deserve her.*raspberries at Tasuki*
Well i guess i'll just see you whenever i can catch up with you..*thinks it's very hard to catch up with wandering monks...especially ones that get lost.*
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
I am not lost, no da! I know exactly where I am. I will try to be in the chat room early Saturday morning Pacific time, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I don't get it? why do most of your fans like seishi a la jell-o and whipped cream with chocolate syrup? Do they use you as plates perhaps? Wait...they nibble on you..*thinks on this*....EEEEWWWW! GROSS! sick. i mean who knows when you had last taken a bath..*looks pointedly at Tasuki*
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
I dunno... 'Cos they're crazed, hentai, fangirls???
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki! I was wondering if you could do me a favour since I am SUCH a big fan of yours. ^-^ Can you just say "Anna, I belong to Kerri" because it's an inside joke between her and I (that's been going on for 3 yrs) and I think it would be soooo funny! Arigatou gozaimase!
The Crazy Pixie
Dear Crazy,
Look, I don't BELONG to ANYBODY!! But if it's jus' fer a joke... Anna, I belong to Kerri. There, how was that?
Dear Tamahome,
.. *thinks* ... *starts glaring again* Nyah to you. *glare glare glare GLARE!*
Dear One-chan,
Nani?? Nani??? Why are you glaring at me????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sings* I'm back! And i have more questions!! *cackles like a witch* And this time, there is no jean! *cackles like a witch again*
1) Would you drop kick Pookie up the stairs for entertainment? (Pookie is my friends, cousin's dog. A small and annoying poodle, i think it is..^^;;)
2)I was wondering, since i can kidnap Tamahome for free, can i use....
Tasuki for my puppy's attack dolly? She couldn't hurt him, i just need some pictures.......NO! NO! I meant that it would help her protect us from other bandits around the area. Yeah....that's what i meant....
3) Would you guys be scared of my dog if we put devil ears on her for Halloween?
4) What if it was a Witch hat and hair!
*some of these from here on are from some friends.......*
5) Would it hurt if you kicked your self?
6) How many seconds does it take to peel a banana's skin off?
7) What would Tamahome say if i kicked him?
8)You remember when i asked "what would you do i named all of my goldfish after you", well, what if i told you Suboshi, Nuriko and Hotohori died?
9)When i asked why don't i have magical powers, i lied, i know i do. Watch
ZAP!*points at Tasuki* I wonder what Tamahome will pay for these.....and if not him, Jean or the other million DFTC's members....
10) Why don't you support Mandy-doh? It's a great religion!
11) Why won't you accept Mandy as ruler? She will become the ruler, you know that don't you! I get to have most of Europe, Russia, And some of the Good ole U.S.!
12)I'm glad we are the superior gender. How shall we show it to those clueless men? *glances at Chichiri and Tasuki*
13)Why does Chichiri sound so darn adorable when saying 'I know where i am, it's the town that's lost, no da?'
14) Why does Tasuki lie?
15) Why is Tamahome greedy?
16) Why is the emperor so....why is so concerned with his appearence?
17) How long do batteries on a watch last?
18) Why can't my shoe laces stay tied?
19)Why do those aliens (from Aliens) come out of your tummy?
20)(If you've ever watched Blue Seed) Why does Momiji wear pink underwear?
21) Why does Mamarou keep looking at her underwear?
22)How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
23) Am i annoying you guys yet?
24)Um...i can't think of any more, aren't you guys lucky? You've drained the sillyness out of me....for a little bit. But i'll be back!
*disappears in a blink of an eye, with Tasuki's clothing*
Dear Mary,
Here are all your answers in order:
1) No
2) No
3) No
4) No
5) Probably. Why don't ya' try it first? Heh-heh...
6) Depends on how hungry my beloved Miaka is...
7) ITAI!!! Yameru!!! (Stop that!)
8) Not surprising, history repeats itself. Even with sakana...
9) OI! Gimme my clothes back!!!!!! *Holds fanned open tessen in a "strategic" location. The rest of the Seishi sweatdrop...*
10) We choose not to answer this one.
11) We choose not to answer this one.
12) Just by being women!
13) Because he's Chichiri, no da!
14) I ain't no liar!! An' gimme back my *&^%$#@ CLOTHES!
15) Lack of okane as a child, no da?
16) Ya' got us!
17) Depends on the watch.
18) Have you tried the elastic curly ones that you don't need to tie?
19) It is where they gestate.
20) Because Mamoru Kusinagi likes them on her???
21) Because he's hentai??
22) A wood chuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
23) YES!!!!!!!
24) Yes, we are!!!!!!
OI!! Gimme back my &*^%$#@ *(&^%$@ CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Nyah to you.
Keetia: Yes, I AM annoying. It's my hobby! ... I guess I'll have to borrow Lotus' love chains! AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
*punts Keetia* MY LETTER! Not yours! OUT! =P I know. =) I'm just... being .... annoying! ^.~ (Guess where Keetia gets it from... Yeah, me.) But don't worry! I never harassed anybody I didn't like! .... Well, maybe I have ^^; Ciao!
Dear One-chan,
Hmmmmm... Glad to know I'm liked...
Dear Tasuki,
My aniki won't scan in the picture I drew of you... I guess I'll have to find another way to get it scanned in. Please wait for it....^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
It's OK. Don't sweat it!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! How are you? I hope you and your family are well! ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
We are all doing well. Thank you for asking.
Dear Chichiri,
I don't know why I'm afraid of my mom since we have a great relationship... it's just that when we talk about school, it gets scary. She yells at me and I hate that. I know I can never live up to the student she was, when she was in high school she got top scores on many of the tough exams in Korea. I'm smart, higher than average but art is my love and I think that she was disappointed about that.
Thanks for saying that if you could come here, you'd be my date. That's nice of you but I feel awkward since I'm totally devoted to Kyori...
You certainly know how to make a girl feel better! Thank you.
*kisses him on the cheek*
Dear Jean,
I'm glad I was able to make you feel better,no da! I'm sorry that your mom yells at you. You should follow your bliss with art, BUT a good education is very important, no da. Do your best in all your subjects and go onto college. You can certainly take art there, no da. Ganbatte kudasai on your PSAT's, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
*cackles* If you think my calling yer crown a bucket is bad, my friend, who likes you, calls you...... "MR. BUCKET!" ^.^ I just recently turned her into a fan of FY *cackles* (Now she wants to see the rest of my tapes and calls demanding for me to tell her what will happen! O.o;) Gwahahah. She turns to butter at the sight of you or Tamahome! But since it's quite clear Tamahome is taken she won't go after him, just be jealous of Miaka, and she doesn't believe me when I tell her you get married... If I give her this webpage address, you'd better run. *twitches* But she doesn't agree with me about Tasuki being cute.... *twitch* Anyways... Bye bye, "Mr. Bucket" *wavies* ... But seriously, how do you fit ALLLLLLLL that hair into that TIIIIIIIIIIIINY crown/bucket? Not how well it fits in there, HOW do you get it all in there??? *departs*
Dear One-chan,
*Smiles benignly at her.* That's MY secret...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
well the baka @#$% WMC has way too many e-addy's.... but the one listed on her webpage is
But Tama-chan...... chichiri jumping out of the cake would be such a @#$% good birthday gift for her..... *tempts him with a chest full of gold*
Sure you couldn't, help make that happen?
Dear Aidou,
Yes, I'm sure. Have her check that email address tonight onegaishimasu....
Dear Tasuki,
why are you insulting lina?!!! *kicks you where the sun don't shine* hehe anyways if you do it again i'll hm.... *thinks* hehe *evil smile* are you?
Dear yume,
Aside fom a sore @$$ jus' fine thanks!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmm..I guess you guys know my FY-crazed sister...Evangelista..right? ^^..Yeah...she's feeling kinda depressed since that "deleting of friend's program"'s her birthday October 2nd! =) 'bout getting Hotohori to come over..? Heheh..any suggestions?
Dear Everlynne,
We have an idea in mind. Would she like a birthday card from from all of us? If you send us her real world name and address (it will not be published) we will send her a card from us. Or, if you prefer, you can send us her e-mail address (it will not be published) and we will send her an email birthday card. It is now up to you.
Dear Chichiri,
*blinks* Are you a mind reader or are you just good? How did you know that I was upset??
*sighs and smiles at him* My mom's been really hard on me, she just ordered me to take the PSAT, which I don't want to but I don't really have a choice.
*gets mad*
I was going to take it anyway! Now, I don't want to just because she yelled at me! Also, she forbid me to go to homecoming, I can't go without a date which really pisses me off! I love going to dances and partying but now I cant! Kyori is in Arizona so of course he can't take me and I feel awkward going with another guy... I HATE THIS!!
*starts crying*
I can't stand it anymore! But I'm terrified of my mom, i don't like it when she gets mad since I know how much she sacrificed for me! I don't know what to do! I don't want to talk to her about things like this, she changes the subject and I get scared of HER!
Dear Jean,
*Sits down next to her, takes off mask, puts his arm around her shoulders and pulls her close to him and hold her.* I suppose it's a bit of both. Why is your mom forbidding you from going to the dance? Is it because you gave her a hard time about taking your PSAT's? If so, perhaps you should apologize to her. Maybe then she'll let you go. As to going alone, if she does allow it, are any of your friends going alone, too? Perhaps you can all go together if you do not wish for an escort other than Kyori.
Ano, when I hear a young lady say she is afraid of one of her parents it does concern me. Why are you so afraid of her? Is it because she yells? People yell all the time *looks at Tasuki as a prime example* but they do not always mean anything by it. I'm just worried if it is something more. *Gives her a hug.* If it makes you feel any better, I'd be your date if I could come to your world, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, guys!! Hoshi and I are making a page of you guys! It's called "Things the Fushigi Yuugi Cast Would NEVER Say!". Could you guys please see it and tell us if you like it? Pretty please?? We'd appreciate it so much!! We had SO much fun making it! I hope you guys have fun reading it!! And Hoshi says hi to Hotohori-sama (and I say hi to Nuriko-sama too, of course! ^_^)
Inori and Hoshi
Dear Inori and Hoshi,
We all found it pretty amusing. Arigato! Hotohori and Nuriko send their best! Perhaps, we'll contribute to it.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori, just want to say hi!
Dear jem-kun,
Konnbanwa! Ogenki desuka?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have written allot of questions last weekend and I cn't find the answers did I ask to much I don't want to cause any problems for you. Please don't be angry with me! Where can I find the answers?
Dear Kat-chan,
By now any questions that you asked have been archived. You can find out Archive Index on the first peeji of our site. We may not have answered every one, as we can only answer so many questions at a time. Gomen. We hope you understand.
Dear Tamahome,
Give me money! Why didn't you ever talk to any of your other siblings?
Dear Jem-kun,
I don't think I understand your question...
Dear Tasuki,
What would you say to going out with a 15 year old girl with short brown hair, green eyes, fair skin, 38D bust size (No I'm not exagerating), 105 pounds, 5 foot 4 inches, fairly high IQ, likes to swear and fight, and has fangs too?
(If you hadn't noticed, I'm describing myself and I am NOT making this stuff up!)
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I'd say I ain't into jailbait!!! I'm 19!! Ya' wanna get me in serious s--t???? Besides, Chichiri no Aijin says ya' shouldn't be advertisin' yerself like that on the Internet!!! Ya' don't what kinda hentai freaks an' weirdos are out there!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! *gives him a bottle of sake* How could you push Nuriko onto me?! *gives him another bottle* That was NOT nice at ALL! *gives him 3 more bottles* How can you be so inconsiderate?! *gives him a whole barrel of sake* And rude! *gives him a big gallon of sake* What an awful thing to do! *gives him 50 more bottles* Nuriko-sama could've been hurt! *gives him another gallon* Good thing I caught him! *gives him some more bottles* Shame on you! Shame! *keeps giving him more sake...*
Dear Inori,
*Drinks most of the sake...* Thanks fer th'sake! *Slaps her on the back and knocks her facefirst into Nuriko.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! my name is Angela, and I was just wondering : how could you not kill Tamahome since he stole almost "YOUR" Miaka?
Your secret supporter,
Dear Angie,
My killing of Tamahome would not induce Miaka to love. I'm sure it would have quite the opposite effect!
Dear Nuriko,
Oniichan!!!! *Kourin runs in* Guess what Nykee-chan taught me! *turn around for a second, moving her arms a bit, then turns back around with a quarter of an orange in her mouth, the rind covering her teeth, juice running down her chin* Mhhmgrrhathhyyuurrhhtth! *takes it out* SLURP. Er, I said write me on the board, 'cuz I'm so bored. Nobody write me! ;_; Hehehe... *grins up at Nuriko* Like my trick Nykee-chan taught me? I had orange teeth! *laughs at her joke for a bit then turns around and does it again* Mrrhhaagulrulp!
Dear Kourin,
We got in a lot of letters over the weekend. But, I will try to write to you soon. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm...would do you think I should go out with? Tasuki, Tomite or Kamui?
Dear Yui,
I'd say either Tomite or Kamui. So what happened to "crazed yo-yo boy"?
Dear Tamahome,
Hello! It seems that your English translator is Mike Donovan(Ryoga Hibiki from Ranma 1/2).Your evil voice reminded me of David Hayter(Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid)Is this my imagination? Could you also ask Hotohori if his translator is Kuno's voice actor? Arigato.
Dear Snapdragon,
Gomen nasai. We do not know who does our dubbed voices.
Dear Chichiri,
*Looks at past letters...* Hey.... no fair... Yuri beat me to the mooncakes! Hmph! Guess that cannot be helped since I came back so late.... Saaahhhh..... Any way, did u like the ones she gave ya? Mind if I give u some? Any way, I'm presently rather broke.... having just bought two CDs that I've been saving up for for the past few weeks.... so hope u like the few flavours that I've chosen for u.... ^o^ They are plain yummy lotus paste and durian.... Do enjoy! *Hands Chichiri a box of mooncakes* Oh yeah... do pass some of them to the other seishis as well k? Must enjoy gd. things together wat.... =P Then, must get together and eat them while looking at the moon, then got atmosphere.... or else why else do we call it the mooncake festival?
Hehe.... just had my Chemistry practical yesterdae..... Managed to finish it in time... and no breakages as well.... *heaved a sigh of relief* Oh.... 4got to tell yah.... in my sch., we have to buy 2 big test-tubes and 5 small test-tubes to do our practicals and if they are broken, we have to buy from the sch. the respective replacements.... Quite interesting huh? =o> Any way, one of my friends was quite unlucky and broke two of her small test-tubes before the pracical! Fortunately for her, she managed to borrow one small test-tube from another classmate who happened to have an extra one, or it would have been disastrous.... Me? No breakages here.... but I broke one small one once just 2 mths. ago....
Oh... Yuri.... ^o^ Happy Mooncake Festival!>> Gomen for this rather late greeting.... How's the prep. for exams going? Yah... I know ur sch.... Hmm... u r having ur streaming exam this yr.... So that means u are in Sec. 2 no? Hope u get into the pure-science class.... ^^;;; Oh yah... when do ur exams end? Maybe u might wanna come to VJ's open-house after that? It's on a Sat... and I'm one of the usherers..... so u can be sure that I will give u a gd. tour of my sch.... *Looks at Yuri with puppy-like eyes* So ... u wanna come? No obligations here.... but if u dun want to... it's okie.... Btw, it's on 16/10.... ^o^ Gd. luck for the exams!
Ano.... gomen Chichiri! I think this is turning into a little corner for Yuri and me already.... Gomen na sai! Hope u are not angry..... *face turns red* Argh! I gotta hide somewhere for this.... *Frantically searches for a decent place* Gomen! I feel so bad abt. this..... I guess I'll go hide in my room now and stuff my face with mooncakes while I reflect over this.... *Disappears into bedroom* *Reappears with a mooncake in the mouth* Oh... do take some tea with that mooncake k? It tastes much better with it.... *Disappears in the room again*
Baby Gwing ^_<
Dear Baby Gwing,
Not a problem, no da. Thank you for the moon cakes! They were oishii! Perhaps you and Yuri can arrange to meet in either the chatroom or on the message board, no da. Or even in person! Good luck with your exams, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hmm.... wat do u think I should get for him? I dun really know very well wat specifically does he like, so maybe u can suggest sth? Hope u dun find me a bother with all these stuff.....
*Gives Nuriko a hug* Oh yah.... here.... have a mooncake! Wat flavour do u like? Plain yummy lotus paste or durian? Any way, here's one of each for u.... Do enjoy and take them with tea k? It tastes much better that way.... *winks*
Saaahhh.... Wished I can enjoy eating mooncakes while looking at the moon with u.... but I dun have the time since I'm busy with my prep. for my coming exams.... Gomen.... But I promise to spend more time with u after it all k? Promise? *Gives Nuriko a biggy hug* *Winks at Nuriko and gives a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing quickly into the bedroom*
Baby Gwing ^_<
Dear Baby Gwing,
Let's see, you don't know what he likes, but at least you KNOW him. I don't even know him and you wnat suggestions?!?!?!?!? *Sighs* You don't ask for much, do you? What about a nice framed photo of you or of the two of you together? Hmmmm... All I can say is give him something that will remind him of you. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*thinks to self*I guess all of them can answer this question. what's monkey in japanese????
Dear Hilary,
It is saru.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
oi! *rounds up all the seishi and locks thme up in a room for "PLANNING"*
WMC's birthday is the 29th... let's surprise her. I happen to know for a fact she'll only be checking e-mail this coming week... she has way too many tests to study for.
She turns 21... it's time for a real party.
Gonna help me Gen-chan?
*whispers to Tamahome "think we can find a way to get a scantily clad Chichiri jump out of a cake?"*
*smiles and looks innocently at Chichiri, but her fangs show*
Dear Aidou,
I'd do that for you, but I remember what happened to your brother when he abused Chichiri! How about we each send her an e-mail birthday card? I'll need the address to send them to.
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles* YAY! I'm so happy Tasuki's got an IM! ^_^ *hugs Tasuki*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I ain't gonna guarantee that I'll use it much!
Dear Tasuki,
I bet Hikaru-chan misunderstood that FY Akugi thing. There, that kid was supposed to be yours and Miaka's child. *giggles*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yeah, real funny...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My uncle died....I'm feeling kinda sad...
Dear T.R.D.,
Our condolences on the passing of your uncle. *Gives T.R.D. a hug.* I know how hard it is to lose a loved one. But as long as you keep his memory in your heart he'll always be with you, no da. *The Seishi gather around to offer their condolences and support if it's needed.*
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