Dear Tasuki,
hi again .. gomen about earlier i was in a really stressed mood aboug my math project ^^;;; anyways i'm still keeping my threat though but i think what i ment was i that it's wrong to be mean to be mean to someone that you don't know to well and thats what people are doing to lina just because you two don't get along and i was serious though it was really begining to get to me especially because theese people don't really know her very well and they're being just so mean to her.... ok now bye and thanks for your time heres some okane to pay for the sake i ruined but remember what i said i really will put that spell on you if you push me
Dear mizu-chan,
OI! She's mean to me!!!!!! *Looks at his mud covered coat.* Anyway, jus' 'tween you an' me I really don't mean nothin' by it. It's jus' like brawlin'! An' she's tough! She can take it!
Dear Tasuki,
ok yeah i really think you should stop being so damn mean to linna cause it's really begining to annoy me and others that i know ok so why don't you atleast get to know her better before you choose to hate her, dislike her or be absolutley down right rude!! ok if not i'll be forced to put a curse on you that'll turn all the sake you touch into water and don't think i won't cause believe me i can and i will if i have to and i'm serious k now i have to go now and finish the math project thats due tomorow ^^;
*turns the sake that tasuki is about to drink into water* let this be a warning next time i won't be so lenient
Dear mizu-chan,
*Looks at sake that's just been turned to water and shrugs. Thank Suzaku it ain't milk!!! *Drinks water.*
Dear Tasuki,
i think you're just plan mean..... why are you and those people insulting lina? *glares*
Dear Anonymous,
Not brave enough to put yer name down, eh? She's mean to me an' throws mud at me!!!! Whaddya' expect me to do??? Steal her a dozen roses??? 'Che!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! Well, I'm having trouble organizing my thoughts, so I thought I'd vent a little.
I just got back from an little anime con, nothing special, other than we were organizing skits, etc, for AX in July. Well, guess what--I got home to discover that AX has been moved to the weekend of my friends' wedding!! The only weekend of the year I'm busy--so I can't go to the Expo. I'm so disappointed; I've been crying over it. I've been looking forward to it since we left the last one. Of course, I'm going to the wedding, that's more important, but I'm still really upset.
I know there's not a whole lot you can say to this, but thanks for letting me rant, anyway.
Dear Tsutsuji,
Not a problem! Remember, we're ALL used to Tasuki and his venting! Tee-hee... We're sorry you won't be at AX2000 (AX00?), but we understand that a friend's wedding is more important. So, is it anyone that has written in and do you get to be a bridesmaid?
Dear Mitsukake,
Gets knocked out of her chair as her sister runs by* OWWWW!!! *Glares at PaNdAnGeLz* ...Eheh... ^^;; Hi Mitsukake-san! How are you on this FINALLY breezey day? ^_^;;
*PaNdAnGeLz starts to jab Fuyu Yuki violently in the side* AAAHHH!! ALRIGHT I'LL GET OFF THE COMPUTER IN 5 MINS.!!! GEEZE!!! *Knocks PaNdAnGeLz off to the side..* ^^;; as I was saying...
Weeellll... you see, I have this cough, that makes my chest hurt sometimes... I don't cough all the time, but most of the time I do, and A few weeks ago I thought It was just the Flu or the Cold, and that It would go away within a week or so... Well, it's sort of been 2 months and I still have it ^^;; I told my mom about it, and she gave me this chinese-herb type stuff that tastes REALLY bad!... It sort of made it go away for two weeks, but it came back... yet again.
I was just hoping that you might know what I have! ...My friends are scaring me with what they think I might have... Especially Marit Tiamat! She said I might have Bronchitis! ;_; ::Rasberries Marit:: DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!!
*PaNdAnGeLz finally kicks Fuyu Yuki out of the chair, and almost presses the cancel button without pressing Submit* AAAHHHH!!! THAT'S IT!! THAT'S ALL I CAN STANDS AND I CAN'T STANDS NO MORE!!! *Fuyu Yuki and PaNdAnGeLz knock out each other after a few rounds of brawling*
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Well, you won't like it but you could have either Pneumonia or Bronchitis. I suggest you see your family healer IMMEDIATELY and have him x-ray your lungs for fluid and give you a proper diagnosis.
Dear Tasuki,
Since you are pallies with kouji and kyori.....could you please make those bakas come on line. jean and aidou are a gettin' restless, i have to listen to jean and me and jane are coming up with ways to hurt them. Aidou's arm will have lots of practice, and people at the board are suggesting that they are both gay. Can you believe that, gay bandits? Now even you wouldn't be safe, being so cute and all. Now can you see the predicament? Please talk to those two bakas before all the femals beat them into bloody pulps.
Ja ne!
Dear Mary,
gettin' lonely are we??? Kouji, Kyori... Mary, Jane, an' Jean sabishii desuyo!!! Now do somethin' 'bout it!!! Get online an' talk to 'em or somethin'!
Dear Tamahome,
*pays 4 =p* Then what is all this talk about hentai? Looking down Lina's shirt in the chat, I hear.
Keetia: ...... I....want....ANSWERS. *twitch*
*bops Keetia* I'm not happy with you, Keetia! So shut up before you dig your grave deeper! I might have to write an embarrassing scene with you and BMZ's character Yan-Tora!
Keetia: *^-^* YAN-CHAN!
--* Nevermind.
Dear One-chan,
She had him pinned and was leaning over himso I guess he saw... nothing! At least according to him. She sounds perfect for him, if you ask me.
Dear Tasuki,
*watches sake pour down* Darn!! Here I was hoping you would get wet... oh well! *sighs and catches two cupfulls of sake and hands him a cup* lalalalaa.... School suuuucks.... I'm soooo tired!!!! Also, I get all these really stupid comments like, "You're too smart Jean, stop being so smart" or "You're too good at art Jean, stop it, just stop it!" It gets really annoying and they won't stop!! *watches the sake rain down and kicks Tasuki into the tub* HA! You're wet!
Dear JEan,
What th'...! OI! Sake! At least if I'm gonna drown I might as well enjoy it!! *Starts slurping up the sake.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mary: I just wanted to drop a note and say hi.....HI!!!! I haven't written in a long time and suddenly became depressed. Oh well, this letter shall surely fix it. Here are a couple of silly questions. I was bored, VERY bored waiting for kyori to show is butt online. so here you guys go!
1) how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
2) Why do animals have four legs, while spiders have 8 and we have 2?
3)If i were to kidnap....Tamahome, how much would i have to give you to keep quite. (silly, ne?)
4)why do you have a Seishi name, why can't you just use your real name? (althoug in some cases the seishi names are better....)
*looks at jean for help where none is found*
5) what do you think of Great dane puppies?
6) What would you do if i named all of my goldfish after you guys?
7) If you each had to fight a pokemon character, which one would it be. (i don't keep up with the pokemon stuff, so it won't hurt if you skip this one)
8)Why don't i have magical powers?
9) If mandy were to take over the world using clovers and gravity, would you accept her as your ruler?
10) Do you support Mandy-doh (it is a cross between all religions, except you protect carrots too)
11)Why are men such Baka's?
*thinks of kyori and kouji when asking that question.*
*jean drop kicks mary up the stairs*
*mary screams ACK!*
12)Why has homecoming all of a sudden become so important?
13)Why am i tired at 9:00 p.m. on a friday?
14) how come jean can't come up with any silly, non-sensical questions to ask you guys?
and finally.....
15) Why do guys say they'll call when they know that they really won't?
Oh well, i told you i was bored! Please try to answer them to the best of your ability. I know jean can't! *looks at jean and decides it's time to run*
I'll pick up the answers later! Ja ne!!!!
*runs aways before jean has a chance to see what has happened.*
Jean: Before i go and distroy many roads must a man walk down before he admits he's lost?
*runs off into the sunset looking forward to hitting mary over the head with her over sized mallet*
Jeanie and Mary!!
Dear Jeanie and Mary,
Here are the answers to most of your questions. In order:
1) Somewhere over 1500.
2) Evolution
3) Chichiri no Aijin and Tasuki agree that you can have him for free!
4) We are the Seishi of Suzaku so we choose to use our Seishi names instead of our given names. They are truly who we are.
5) They are OK. For inu that is.
6) Be flattered.
7) We don't really know these characters. Gomen.
8) Because you aren't in an anime. You just think you are...
9) Ahhhh..... NO!
10) I suppose carrots need protecting from Ryo-o-Ki. But I don't think I'd subscribe to the religion, no da.
11) Not ALL men are bakas. Mostly they are just clueless. They NEVER leave this state, no matter how old they get. It doesn't matter if they're a monk or a bandit *Looks at Chichiri and Tasuki...* they're still clueless. Face it ladies, we ARE the superior gender. Kowai, ne?
12) Because you're in High School and are full of rampaging hormones???
13) Ya' got me!
14) She isn't trying hard enough, no da!
15) See answer # 11.
None, no da! We NEVER get lost, no da! We always know where WE are, na no da! ~Then why are you a WANDERING monk Chichiri-san???~ *He looks at Chichiri no Aijin as she bats her eyes at him and smiles...* Ano... I know where I am, it's the town that's lost, no da?
Heh-heh-heh... yeah right! Thanks fer helpin'! I'm a Mountain man and unlike Chichiri I NEVER wander! I always know my way around!
Suzaku Seishi and Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
I finally got to see the FY OAV....and I have a couple of coments..first of all....Good job on flaming Taka first thing! That was great! Second..DO YOU REALLY GET REINCARNATED AS MIAKA AND TAKA'S KID??????::laughs loudly:: And third....the whole being posessed by Chichiri's freind thing, why'd it take Miaka crying to bring you back to your senses? Why couldn't you have gone on beating the crap out of Taka????::sniffle:: Oh well. Oh ya, one more queston great Tasuki-Sama, ::gets a sly look and offers him some sake:: What would've happened if Taka hadn't disturbed you in the first place? Hmmmmmm? :::evil grin:: Well, needless to say, for some reason after seeing the OAV, you are now my second favorite FY charector. (Chichiri-Sama will ALWAYS be my fave! ::muah to Chichiri-Kun:: Well, Ja Ne!
Dear Hikaru-Chan,
NO! I was NOT reincarnated as Miaka an' Tamahome's kid! *Shudders at the thought.* I always hate it when Miaka cries. I never meant to make her sad. As fer yer last question... this is a PG-13 peeji, so I can't go there. Ya' got an imagination! Use it!
Dear Tamahome,
How come we see so many pictures of you and Miaka making out? Don't you feel at least LITTLE Self-concious when people see those pictures? I mean, in some of them, you're buck nekkid! ::raised eyebrow: Or did you get paid?
Dear Hikaru-Chan,
NANI?!?!?!? Damn paparazi!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*Keetia leaps out of the character closet and punts One-chan, thus taking over the kyboard.*
WWWWWHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! FLAMES! ^.^ I take after demons from the Slayers world! In other words, negitave emotions, pain, etc are FUN! *looks at her fried self* You missed a spot. And I'm the SELF-PROCLAIMED Demon of Love. *handcuffs Koneko to Tasuki and swallows the only key* HMPH! Now yer stuck with her so you can get to know her. *leaves*
Koneko: ... *looks at the handcuffs* Got a lock pick?
Dear Keetia,
'Che! D'ya know jus' how *&^%$%$@ annoyin' ya' are??? *Smashes the links with his tessen and whacks Keetia with it for good measure.* Hmph! Hope ya' enjoyed that.
Dear Tasuki,
*gets up from her impact crater* So you'll get on IM for Gen-chan no miko, but not on IRC for me! *cries*
Dear One-chan,
*Sighs* Kuso! Look, jus' 'cos I'm on it don't mean I'll have LOTS of time to use it! I can do th' IRC thin', but th' best place to catch me is in th' chatroom!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi minna! I've just been kinda down lately... I know I've said this before but I'm gonna say it again. YOU GUYS ARE THE GREATEST!!! I love you guys, thank you so much for being there for me when I needed you guys the most.
*hugs and kisses everyone*
Dear Jean,
Arigato for your kind words,no da! *Gives her a hug.* So, what's the matter, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Aiya! What is all this stuff about love going on? This peeji is getting mushy! And as a brother I'm indebted to love a little sister. That doesn't mean you go around telling her that! By the way, she fed our cat something like mint ice cream.
Dear Chip,
Well at least I understand why your mother was a bit upset. I hope there was no chocolate in it as that is VERY bad for cats and too much can be poisonous. Oh calm down! I had to tell her that because she was so upset over what happened. Hopefully she has learned her lesson. Unless she's like Miaka...
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, let's get started. The head goes here, and *sprays glue on the floor* whoops...... Tasuki?
Dear Sammy,
Thanks kid... why do I see a haircut in my future...?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How come Suzaku never answers any letters? I mean you are his seishi, so how about he come down here every now and then?
Dear ,
Because this is our peeji, no da. But we have put in a request for the Ask the Fushigi Yuugi Cast peeji to add ALL the Gods, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*sniff*..Thanks a lot for helping me kinda sort out my feelings..*gives him a small smile*..Oh, please do help me thank Chiriko for suggesting to look in the Recycle Bin..but it wasn't there...Anyway..I guess you're right..if that was all it took to break us isn't really worth it..Err..sorry for making your silk handkerchief wet..Don't blame me..k?
Dear Evangelista,
*Gives her a hug.* Not a problem. You amy keep it if you wish. I'll give Chiriko your thanks.
Dear Tasuki,
*evil, EVIL cackle* No, One-chan's not writing you into anything, as she said ... however, I might DRAW you into something ... >=)
*snicker, cackles again, runs for her life*
Lady Wolfette
Dear Lady Wolfette,
REALLY??? I'd like to see it!! Hee-hee...
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Lady Wolfette,
OI! Don't lissen to HER! She don't need no more fanart of me on her wall!! An' you shuttup, too Obake-chan!!!
Dear Lady Wolfette,
DRAW IT!! DRAW IT!!! SEND IT!! SEND IT!!! Hahahahaha... ITAI! Watch where you're pointing that thing you Fanged Baka!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*twitches* WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO ONE TO CHEAT ON!?!?!?! *growl!!!!!!!* THERE'S KONEKO!!
NO! *growl* I am the Self-Proclaimed Demon of Love.... YOU ARE WITH KONEKO AND THAT IS THAT! NOBODY ELSE! AND DON'T YOU DENY IT EITHER!!! *growl!* You don't want me to have to drag my ALLIES into this do you??? *growl*
Mainly Keetia (and One-chan, and Kajitsu, and Koneko, and Essence, and Reeshia, and Firefury)
Dear Keetia,
If I don't know her an' never met her she don't count!! An' fer a love demon ya' know, yer a REAL pain in the @$$!!!!!!!! LEKKA SHINEN!!!!!!! How'd ya' like them flames????
Dear Chiriko,
arigato!!! *hugs chiriko* your so kind
*puts the paranahs back where they belong* here as a token of my thanks *hands chiriko a fish bowl with a little paranah in it* ^^ don't worry it's not kiyen's it's mine it's name is spot
(has named most of the other fish including kiyen's fish spot ^^;;;) but you can change it's name if you like take good care of spot now ^^ thanks again ^^
Dear mizu-chan,
Ano, arigato for the sakana. I suppose this is one fish that would make sushi/sashini out of me instead of the other way around!
Dear Tasuki,
::feels sorry for you:: why is everyone saying you like or love lina anyways? eh heh
Dear reirei,
I dunno. I think this must be "Abuse yer Favorite Fang Boy Week" or somethin'.
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Come on! Answer my question!!! Please?!?!?! *has tears in her eyes* That's not nice at all! I just wanna know! I told you if you didn't answer my quesition I'd get Tomo and Ashitare on you! *calls Tomo and Ashitare* Will you please tell me now?!?!?! PLEASE?
P.S.- Hehehehehehehehehe, I know you liked that kiss that Inori "accidentally" gave you! Pretty sneaky, ne?
Dear Yui,
I did answer you. It just wasn't the answer you wanted! Tee-hee...
Dear Chichiri,
Hello,Chichiri! How are you? Me? Oh, well, soo much has been happening! I visited Taiitsu-kun and guess what! I asked her to be my grandmother and she consented! She's my obaasan now and i'm her granddaughter!(in the Ask the FY characters page) She really isn't that bad but of course you know that. And i'm also the Seiryuu twins' Oneechan! I just think that they need family to look after them, you know?*O.o i'm starting to sound like Chichiri in the pioneer videos..^.^"* Although..*frowns* i'm not that really sure about those's still not clear to me if they accept me or not.*sighs* It's just i worry about them, you know?*darn! did it again!* I also worry about Taiitsu-kun-obaasan too, all those responsibilties might get her sick. You do visit her once in a while, right? She must get lonely with just the Nyan-nyans around her...*sweatdrop* well anyway i guess i'm just worrier when it comes to people i care about, you know?*heheheheh..*
And that also means i worry about you too, Chichiri!*grabs Chichiri and makes him sit down* Now this will only be a short check-up..*wears a white doctor's coat* Do you eat your basic 3 square meals a day? Do you rest once in a while when you're on your wanderings? Do you go to the doctor when you get sick? *places a stethoscope on his chest and listens...(oooh,chest..)*
Ooops! i guess i'm not really qualified for this..heheh*sweatdrop* but! you need to take care of yourself, okay?
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
Ariagto for worrying about me, but I do take care of myself, no da. Maybe next time you could warm up the stethoscope BEFORE placing it on my chest? Very chilly, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi!^^ Did you see the reply Tomo gave when I asked him if he was willing to compete with you over a makeup competition? ^^;;; In case you haven't, he wrote 'I suppose so, but why bother placing an artist against an amateur?' *sweatdrops* Are you going to do anything about it? ^^;;
Dear Yuri,
AMATEUR???? I look beautiful and he looks like a hentai freak and HE calls ME an amateur???? I'll show him!!! *Punches Tomo through a wall and puts itching powder in all his make-up.*
Dear Chichiri,
hihi it's me once again. Last night the boys side of the school pranked our side. They did the same thing we did to their side(put porn up in the bathroom and hentai stuff like that).the bad thing is that one of the boys went to a fy porn site downloaded the pictures and put them in the bathroom to frame me.(revenge for something)now the school is blaming me....**hides in corner**.grrrrrr. on a happier side now. I can't wait for the tape^_^ because I started a anime club(population 1).**curls up next to you** to bad you can't be here...I would be so much happier.during class I made a spiffy doodle of you in sd form, it's cute.I have been drawing some cool pictures lately...and I wrote some fy fanfics too. my dad sent me my kasa hat that I forgot so I am happy **uses you for a pillow**there is no time to sleep here...
navi "the toy"(heh,heh)
Dear navi,
It is going out in the mail today, no da! *Swaetdrops* Chichiri no Aijin is curious about this FY porn site. *sighs* She has never seen it before and is asking me to ask you for the URL, no da. She thanks you in advance. I'm not so sure if WE do though, no da...
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama, THANK YOU SO much for the advice! My math teacher switch me to a much better seat! AWAY from her! ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I am pleased to have been of service and glad to hear that it worked out for you. *Kisses her cheek.*
Dear Tasuki,
*grins* Why don't you get your own AOL IM? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE DOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Just go to AIM
See ya, love ya lots! ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
OK, jus' to make ya' happy I got an AIM address! I'm ThrealTasuki!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you know about Kichiri and Ritz? You obviously know Priya and Kristy. What about Tasuki no Miko? DTFC? THTC fanclub? the Chichiri Delirious Addicts Club? The shirtless, i mean the Nuriko fanclub? the Hotohori fanclub? the Chiriko fanclub? and the Mitsukake fanclub?*frowns..i'm not realy sure about the Mitsukake fanclub though..*
The reason i'm asking is that they reaally have some cool fanfics out there posted. I was just wondering if you've seen them and know the authors and the fans that are out there..(and about their affinity for jell-os...)
Oh and you ever get in touch with Shoka? She's just over in the Ask the FY characters page by Nykee. I'm sure a letter from you would be appreciated. Okay, hasta luego, mi amigos!
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
We have heard of Kichiri and Ritz, no da! And ALL the abovementioned fan sites, no da. Ano... we are all too familiar with the dreaded jello, no da. Mitsukake will be writing to Shouka in the future, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Well, Nuriko-sama, I'm VERY proud of you! You've passed Inori's Incredibly Irritating Teasing Test with flying colors! You didn't blush once! Just as I thought! *hugs him warmly* I'll stop teasing you now! Actually, I'm very content being your imouto. I've never had an older brother and now I have one! Will you protect me too? From any evil cyber fiends? Heehee! *extends hand* So we're still friends, ne? ^_^! Jaa!
Dear Inori,
Sure, I'll protect you from Tasuki! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Tasuki,
Hmm...Okay, fine, I'll leave you alone! But ONLY cause Lina asked me to! :-P! Heehee...So can we call it a truce?
Dear Inori,
Sure! *Pushes Nuriko into Inori hard enough to fall on her...* Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Lina?Who's that?Is she a nice girl?
*Look confuse* I don't get all this.Almost everyone are talking about her.
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
She's from Slayers. I don't know if "nice" is how ANYONE would describe her!
Dear Tasuki,
uh..technically this is really more your fault then mine,and I really didn't do anything but make a statement and then defend myself from you. So what's so bad about fighting back? ^^; anyways..*crosses her arms and turns her back to tasuki* I never mean't for any of that teasing to happen, I've been bothered about it too, you know. I know it must be really annoying and hurting your rep. What I'm trying to say is..*takes a deep breath* I'm sorry. *just stands there for a second, begins to run, then stops and turns to look back.* *leans over and picks up a mud ball throws it, and it hits tasuki* hee hee ^^; *mumbles " I have a rep. to protect to you know"* see you around...maybe ¬_¬ *shrugs and runs away*
Dear Lina,
*Wipes mud off of his face and glares at her...* Oh, yer a REAL sweetheart ain't 'cha?!?!?!? *Dumps a bucket of mud on her head and walks away.*
Dear Chichiri,
*comes running in holding boxes of mooncakes*
hi! ^^ I bought some mooncakes for you and the seishi! ^^ *takes a mooncake from the box and eats it* I didn't know what were your favourite flavours, so I bought two of everything. ^^;; *looks at tama-neko, and wonders if she should had bought something for him too* So what's the seishi's favourite flavours? ^^;;
P.S: oh, Baby Gwing, I'm not in JC yet. ^^;;; I asked if it was ACJC 'cause it's right next to my school... do you know FMSS? ^^ I'm taking the streaming exam... I'm aiming to go for a pure science class. ^^;; But I *will* get into ACJC or VJC! *has a determined face and does a corny victory sign* yeah!! ^^;;; Good luck for your exams! ^^ *wonders why Tamahome haven't replied to her letter yet*
Dear Yuri,
The only thing we know about moonpies is that they are chocolate, no da! Ano, when did you write to Tamahome? It might already be in the Archives, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you really hate all women, or do you have a thing for Miaka, you know what I mean...
Dear Ai-chan,
They are all cunning and manipulative an'everytime I get involved I get hurt!!! And' sometimes I damn near get killed!!! An' ya' wonderin' why I hate 'em????
Dear Nuriko,
*Walks up silently, and then holds his hand out stiffly. It is holding a small purple flower.* You can say all the cruel things you like about me, or my singing voice. I... forgive you.
Dear Suboshi,
Arigato! How sweet of you! Gomen about my comment. But I DO sing better than any of the Seiryuu or Suzaku Seishi! *Sweatdrops when he sees all the Suzaku Seishi glaring at him.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hey! No da!!! So you are really attached to the mask, why don't you ever consider letting Mitsukake healing that scar. Even the pain and guilt of the past will still lurk somewhere within you. Would you ever get rid of the mask? Oh yeah next thought that just came to mind, do you have any opinion on the love triangles that surround Miaka and Tamahome? And do you have a thing for Miaka-chan?
Dear Ai-chan,
Yes, I am attached to my mask and it to me, no da! *Tugs on mask to illustrate his point.* Mitsukake has offered to heal my scar and I have declined. I suppose when I feel the time is right, I will allow him to heal it. Having once been in a triangle that did not end well, I feel that it is a sad situation, no da. As for my having a "thing" as you put it for Miaka, I don't as she is way too young for me, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi Gen-chan! What's this about visiting Nykee-chan's page and not mailing me - but getting into a song war with Nakago! *grabs Tasuki by the jacket and shakes him* It's a song! LET IT GO! Everyone else knows you sing better than that blond baka, Nakago! *drops him*
Maybe he just didn't realize you were there? Didn't realize? Is he blind? How could he miss his best friend in the whole world? Oi, I can't believe he did this to me. Passed me up for Nakago! Maybe the rumours are true! *looks at Tasuki suspiciously* Nah, couldn't be.
Are you sure? ... *just stares at Tasuki waiting for an answer after talking with himself*
Dear Koji,
'Che! I know that! But ya' know I love to sometimes "stir up s--t"!! Don't worry! I'll write to ya' an' Aidou next time. Better???
Dear Tamahome,
I don't care if you don't remember what happened! *glare glare glare!* ... Don't worry. I hate Nakago more. I'm just not happy with you, and after awhile, it'll blow over. But in the mean time... *GLARE.* Oh... WHAT IS THIS ABOUT TASUKI, HENTAI, AND LINA? Do ya know? Do ya?
Keetia: *paces and twitches, mumbling to herself*
I will give you money if you tell me what ya know. =) And I'll stop glaring! ...... Poor Koneko!!
Keetia: ... someone will suffer if it's true... As the Self-Proclaimed Demon of Love... I will not allow this! *twitches* And with Lina??? That flat chested, loud mouthed- RRRRRR. NOBODY TRIES TO RUIN THE SELF-PROCLAIMED DEMON OF LOVE'S WORK! I WILL NOT ALLOW HIM TO BE HENTAI WITH ANYBODY BUT KONEKO!
O.O; KEETIA! There will be NO hentai! *smacks Keetia upside the head* I am NOT that kind of writer! SO JUST GET WHATEVER YOUR PLANNING OUT OF YOUR TWISTED DEMON MIND RIGHT NOW!!!!! *gags Keetia and runs off.* Eeeeeheh... Keetia-chan and I will be going to have a little talk now... *glares at Keetia* Ciao!
Dear One-chan,
I don't think there IS anything more than some harmless flirting going on between them. That's it. And certainly NOTHING hentai! That will be 2 gold ryou kudasai.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
er um... hi minna ^^ *thinks she's begining to sound like her cosin kiyen ^^;;;* anyways my birthday is coming up soon and me being a baka told some people when it was ^^;;; fully expecting for them to forget by now -_-;;; well anyways now peoples are acting suspicious so i was wondering if i could hide here for a while (seeing as i know peoples are ploting something) ^^;;; soo up coluld i? *looks down at the paranah tank she swiped from kiyen* eh heh heh heh ^^;;; um... i promise to be good *slides the tank behind her hoping that the seishi don't see it ^^;;; eh heh heh heh um... don't mind that i was just using it to persuade some people ^^;;; anyway so um... can i hide here??? they're ploting agenst me i tell you!!! mi and kiyen and yaten and jane and possibly others please?????
Dear mizu-chan,
Sure you can hide here. But could you perhaps rid yourself of the piranha tank? Onegaishimasu???
Dear Tasuki,
Great, it's a date!! :) Though, come to think of it, I don't think she would appreciate JUST Kouji for her birthday...She wants his jokes, not his body. (No offense, Kouji!! :) She would really appreciate a birthday card from you via email, seeing as you are her fave seishi, and all. I guess we'll see ya on the 14th!! Later! :)
Luv always,
PS - And you better be there, or we'll pay Tamahome to kick your @$$!!
Dear Arilyn,
It's a done deal!! Have her check her email on th' 14th of October.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi again...
Ehr..Im sorry for being so angry the last time i wrote you..I was just so upset when i wrote that letter...*blushes*
I am NOT going to drop school.Promise! My friends and I will do everything that we can do to let us stay in our school but if it doesn´t work I will go to that other school(But I will not be happy about it) the way, can i have a would make me feel better^_^
Dreamie...feeling a little bit better..
Dear Dreamie,
*Gives her a hug.* Glad to hear yer stayin' in school! Who knows, ya' might end up likin' th' place!
Dear Chichiri,
hello it's me again.I am sooooo bored.*sighs sadley*I miss city life. I just found out my ex just moved nearby and he sent me a e-mail saying that he loved me. I was so happy!!then he sent me another, it said I was worthless and a complete loser.*hugs you and starts to cry*.why now after I was so I don't have anyone (male wise) to go out with now.wimper,wimper.and on top of that he said I could shove that up my kasa!
Dear navi,
Your ex sounds like a baka, no da! You do not need a man in your life to be complete. I don't recall if you're that same girl in the Quaker boarding school or not, but your tape will be in the mail this weekend, no da! I hope you like it, no da. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Tasuki,
I do go to the chat here! And what's all this about Lina??? (Ya know, I think I caught my friend's cold over the phone O.o;) Are you cheating on Koneko!?
Koneko: One...
How could you!? She's such a nice girl!
Koneko: One!
Poor Koneko! ;_; How could you cheat on her with... LINA?????
Koneko: ONE!
Koneko: -_-* You haven't set us up yet in your fic! You haven't gotten that far with the story!
So? *shoves Koneko back into the character closet* (Don't you agree that Hotohori's "crown" is an imperial bucket?) You'd better put an end to these Lina rumors! What will people think!? You can only have one girl you know! ;_; And Koneko is so much nicer than Lina! (she doesn't fireball people on a daily basis) ;_; I'm... I'm tempted to waste sake again! AND WHAT'S THIS ABOUT BEING HENTAI!??!??!
Keetia: HE'S CHEATING ON KONEKO!?!?!?! AFTER HOW HARD I WORK IN THE FIC TO HELP MAKE THEM A COUPLE!?!?!?!?!? AND.... HENTAI!?!?!?! WITH LINA!?!?!?! ARE YOU NUTS!?!?! SHE HAS NO CHEST! You dare try and ruin the Self-Proclaimed Demon of Love's reputation for making couples!?!? YOU DARE TO RUIN MY REPUTATION!?!?!?!
Dear One-chan,
Will alla' ya' jus' get over it an' stop buggin' me 'bout women in general an' LINA in particular!!!!!!! I ain't cheatin' on no one wit' that Lina brat!!! Besides, I ain't got no one to cheat on!!! So there!
Dear Tamahome,
*has being watching her FY tapes when you are evil.* .... *glares bloody murder and 'politely' tells you what you can do with yer 'toy' and where you can put it!* >=F *glare glare glare. GLARE*
Dear One-chan,
Hey! I was under the influence of Kodouku at the time! I don't even remember WHAT happened! Gomen!!
Dear Tasuki,
I hurt you? I didn't mean to... I guess I was a little *cough* jea *coughs even more* lous. *shrugs* But it does seem that you were a little attracted to her. *hugs Tasuki and kisses him on the mouth* Gomen.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Touches his lips, shakes his head, and looks at her...* Ya' know yer gonna get me in a S--TLOAD of trouble one of these days! *Puts his arm around her shoulders and gives her a little hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hey! It's something I do! When I was a little kid I used to sleep with one of my dad's shirts that smelled like him! It means I care! Well, I got my plushie anyway! It makes me feel closer to you! Thanks!! I'm sorry I overreacted about the hentai comment! *Yui sneaks up on Inori* It was one of those days...*Yui sneaks a little closer* Thanks for the plushie, Nuriko-sama!! *Yui stands behind Inori and pushes her into Nuriko so that they kiss*
Yui: HAHAHAHA!! Gotcha!! *Naga-like laugh* OHOHOHOHOHO!! Oro! *runs away*
Inori: YUI!!! I..!! *blushes deep red and covers her face with her hands* Gomen nasai, Nuriko-sama!! Gomen, gomen, gomen! OH!! I'M SO EMBARRASSED!!! *runs after Yui with her blessed-by-Nuriko katana* YUI, COME BACK HERE, YOU BERABOU!!!!!
(a VERY embarrassed)Inori and Yui
P.S: Satori, you liar!! We don't even have the Seiryuu Counterattack CD!! :-P! *shakes Satori violently* AND DON'T KISS NURIKO-SAMA!!!!
Dear Inori and Yui,
Daijobou! Don't worry Inori! I don't think any less of you!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, it's okay! You can be honest with me! You don't have to deny how you feel! Come on! We'll start small. Don't you think Lina is pretty? And a bigger chest doesn't necessarily mean you're getting more! You should appreciate Lina they way she is! Come now, my child! *sits Tasuki on her lap and rocks him like a baby* Let me tell you the story of 2 people who fell deeply in love! At first they hated each other and fought, but soon, love found its way into their hearts...Their names were Tasu-...Tasunosuke! And Li-...Linda! Yes! Tasunosuke and Linda!! Tasunosuke loved Linda with a FIERY passion and demonstrated it in peculiar ways...*heehee!* And Linda repayed Tasunosuke's love with baked *chocolate* pies! She even fed them to him herself! Tasunosuke saw Lina was on fire because of her love, so he decided to save his beloved by pouring just a wee bit of water on her! Yes...It was love indeed...
Dear Inori,
Are ya' lookin' to get hurt or somethin'???? Ya' know this is only in yer sick lil' fantasies! NOT mine!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hehehehehehe, we're so mean to Tasuki!!! I feel bad for the guy...Maybe he really doesn't like Lina? Oh well...Anyways, thank you all very much for the hugs! They helped alot! I think of you guys when I'm in school and I want to cry. Chatroom-chan is the chatroom! We just wanna be the guardians. Please?
Dear Yui,
We will give you a tenative OK. BUT, no abusing your positions! Agreed? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Do you have AOL IM?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
No, but Chichiri no Aijin does! It's SHAIBLO! She can always pass a message to me.
Dear Nuriko,
Helloooooooooo Nuriko! How have you been?! I have a question for you! Would you rather marry Nakago or Inori? Sorry if this puts you in a spot, but I'm really curious because Inori is the BIGGEST Nuriko fan I've ever seen! Please don't avoid this question! I really wanna know niichan! *hugs Nuriko* Ciao!
P.S.- If you avoid this question, I'll have to sic Tomo on you! Or maybe even Ashitare! Now isn't that scary?! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!
Dear Yui,
*Thinks about dealing with Seiryuu Seishi or giving a straight answer....* Hotohori-sama! That's who'd I marry! Hee-hee... *Takes off running from Yui...*
Dear Hotohori,
I was wondering since you are an emperor and probably came across this in ruling Kounan...*notices she's rambling* well, i just wanted to know if some fathers gave their daughters in marriage as payment to a debt they owed? I mean that is Ancient China , isn't it? Um, just want to know..
Oh, wait, um, what if the person they owed a debt to asked specifically for their daughter's hand in marriage, is that legal in Kounan and maybe in the other countries as well? just asking...and waiting for your answer, thank you.*bows before the emperor*
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
Yes, that did go on in ancient China and probably other countries as well. Unfortunately, since women were undervalued what usually happened to them was worse than being married off to pay a debt. That was only if they were VERY lucky! Usually they were given away or sold into slavery or prostitution. Generally they were left out to die of exposure as infants unless they were lucky enough to be picked up by a Madam and raised as a prostitute. It is very horrible and I do not approve of it in my kingdom!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi, Chichiri! This is the first time I write to you, isn't it! Well, I have a very important question and I felt you were the only one I could ask...What would you do if you like this person...and there's very little or no chance this person could like you back...because this person sees you as an imouto...maybe just another friend...what would you do? I need advice BADLY...*sighs and slumps shoulders*
Dear Inori,
If this about Nuriko, forget it, no da! You are from two VERY different worlds. If this if in your world I would continue to be friends (I know it's hard, no da.) and try to do more together and see if the friendship deepens and grows into what you want, no da. Good luck. *Gives her a hug.*
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