Dear Tasuki,
I think the stories about you and Kouji are sweet. ::runs and hides for cover::, but not the Yaoi/Lemon *Gag!* And I still say you like Miaka,::grins evilly::, or at least MY stories say that you do. hehehehe...
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
Do what ya' want! I don't like her that way!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!! It's been so long since I've been on! School started and I've had lots of homework along with writing my fanfic and comics. Not to mention going to work on the weekend. (I'm glad I enjoy my job so much! I get to work with the birdies!I'm a bird freak... anyways) I just came on to tell ya that I'm in the process of making a second FY fanfic. I'm not to sure how or when I'm going to have it take place, but I think it's gonna be rather intresting. It's going to have to do with you having an accident (somewhere along the lines of possible "temporary death", I dunno) and kinda leaving your body and you kinda end up sharing a body with a girl... you have some important buisseness to take care of and must do it through her. She ends up dressing like you and can use your tessen too! She is going to have long brown hair with a headband. I don't know if I'm gonna have it turn orange when you enter her body. Pleasseee don't hurt me!!!! I got bored during a lecture in US history (His lectures are right out of the book! Almost word for word on what we read the night before!)and began doodling (better than drooling) on my notes to stay awake and drew a girl with long hair in your clothes holding your tessen! *Clears throat* Now, on to other things. Why would I want to name my bird Soi? What kind of a suggestion was that? Anyways, it turns out the parakeet is a he, and he still doesn't have a name. I also just took in another male parakeet. I'm spending so much on vet bills. The first one has a beak deformity that no one liked so I adopted him and the second one was pretty much abandoned at the store. The manager that handled that customer said that they said they realy loved the bird but had to move out of the state. He has a real bad case of scaley face mites so I have to take him to the vet. I don't think they loved him as much as they said they did. How can people neglect such wonderful birds. ;_; Erk... I've written so much... well... any suggestions on names for two male parakeets? Thanks for your time! Oh yeah.... *reaches behind* here ya go, some sake to drink while ya think over what I've written and asked.
Dear Heenker,
Thanks fer th' sake! *Chugs half the bottle.* Th' story sounds kinda interestin', but it ain't gonna be some hentai/yaoi thin' is it?!?!? I wanna see it when yer done! Here's an idea! Why not name yer bird Chirpiko? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
*pokes her head in making sure Kouji isn't around* Phew! I've been avoiding him just incase..., 'bout the Leg Hair incident - and it hasn't been easy since he's a Misc character on the Ask FY Cast page that I run v.v atleast he gives me a warning with his entrance act so I can hop out the window or something! *snickers* Anyways, what I wanted to run by you is *YOUR* girl in the fic.... Hey don't frown an' get all sour, I toldya everyone had a pair! Well cept for a few Seiryuus.... Anyways, she's a girl, a year younger, that's similar to Aidou, not identical, I mean she doesn't throw logs but she can be pretty nasty at times, and she has a high alcohol tolerence. I mean she drunk *YOU* under the table *giggles at him facial expression now* Yeah, so whatcha think of her? Oh yeah, that special moment when you first met, was her running her fist into your face. You came around the corner and she was complaining 'bout the komono-type dress and accidentally punched you out. ^_^;; What's your opinion on her? I mean other than "you hate women" and etc, the usual front you put up. I mean do you (and even the other seishi) think she's not a bad match? ^^;;o Gomen Gen-chan, I had to do it (set 'cha up), and you'll be happy to know in the future you have 5 girls and one young boy *giggles even more when she sees the look on his face* Ooo... Aren't writers cruel? BTW If you actually had 5 daughters and one son, would you be over protective of him? *snickers* Gotta run.
Dear Nykee,
Hahahahaha... I LOVE it!! Love at first punch! Just what that fanged baka deserves! AND he has 6 kids?!?!?!?! That's just perfect!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, I'm back! I just remebered something I forgot to ask you. I don't come on for a few weeks and so much happens. I was wondering if you could fill me in on this whole Lina mess I keep reading about. *runs up to Tasuki and hugs him. Begins to stroke his hair* You've made up your mind to be single for now, why won't they leave you alone? ;_; I never asked cause I knew there was too much competition so I settled for the next best thing, being accepted as one of your tomadachi.*hugs him even harder and nuzzles against his shoulder* *lets go of him* I feel better now. I'm always up for giving a hug and I realy like getting hugs (hint hint ^^). As for the fanfic of you being in the girl... who says you can't wish it was realy you it was happening to. (Did that make any sense?) And no it is not going to be a yaoi or hentai fanfic, I'm not like that. *shrugs* might as well... *hands him anothter bottle of sake* Oh yeah, when my friend and I chat online, we role paly and I get to play your part! *Waves a paper fan* Wai! Wai! Until next time, bye!
Dear Heenker,
Are ya' tryin' to tell me yer th' girl in th' fanfic?? So, ya' wanna share yer brain wit' me, eh? Heh-heh-heh... OK, it's yer brain!
As far as Lina is concerned it was jus' brawlin'! Ya' know like wit' Kouji! Nothin' to make a big deal out of. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*talking to herself* You know...Tasuki and Lina make such a nice couple...She's a bandit slayer, but...What about Buffy, the vampire slayer? She fell in love with that vampire dude! So Lina could fall for Tasuki! And we already know Tasuki's interested enough in Lina to do all those things! *giggle* I think Tasuki's in love with Lina and won't admit it cause of his reputation! *sighs* I wanna be in the wedding!! *notices Tasuki is behind her* AAACK!! *nervously* How much did you hear?!
Dear Inori,
ALL OF IT!!!!!!! An' I ain't in love wit' her or ANYBODY!!!!!!!! Between you an' th' chick wit' th' peeji that spells worsen' me my rep is shot to S--T!!!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
I was writing a story about a centaur and an elf, ya see. I read it to my friend, she liked it and suggested I add a love twist. The elf and centaur love each other but the centaur has a wife. I joked "Yeah, and you could be it!" and she laughed and said she'd kill the centaur and take you instead. Then I said, without thinking about the possibilities of what it COULD mean, "Yeah, he would ride you off into the distance." She therefore commenced to laugh, and said that was nasty. I realized what I HAD said, in some way, and continued joking about it more and more. Saying stuff like "Wow, I knew he liked horses but - uh, never THAT MUCH!" and she kept laughing hard, so it went further about Nuriko not even standing a chance.... I threatened to tell you, and she practically screamed "No way!" while laughing. I just wanted you to know so she could be embarrassed like I planned. She likes you really much, ya see, she acts like Nuriko though in a way, the physical power sense ^^;;0 I hope you're not offended as it was only a joke and I would have not been telling you this if she didn't make a big deal out of it. I mean what are friends for? She wonders, if you never had chose an empress would you have gone out on a date with her? She thinks your super kawaii, and at first she thought you were a flat-chested, wide shouldered girl. Uhm, yeah, also do you think if Kourin had survived and you had met her, do you think she would've become your empress, as she looks similar to Houki & Nuriko. Ok, gomen nasai Hotohori-sama!
Dear Kowai,
I do not know if I would have dated your friend. However, it is possible that if Kourin were alive I might have ended up marrying her. It is hard to say as I have never met her.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey! How's it going? So you're Nuriko, huh! Well, I can see why she likes you so much! Oh! I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself! I'm Satori, Inori's big sister! She's always going on and on about how cool Nuriko is and how she wants to be just like him and Nuriko this, Nuriko that! It gets tiresome after awhile, you know? I mean, here I am trying to hear Suboshi's "Never Get Away" in the car and she won't let me! Says "Otome Ranman"'s a hundred times better! Well, I have rights too! She has to share! I mean, you're cute and all, but this is ridiculous! *pinches Nuriko's cheek* Maybe I should get back at her by making her jealous...Hahaha! *grabs Nuriko and kisses him right on the mouth* Hohohoho!! Oh, no! Here she comes! She's gonna beat the living daylights outta me!! *runs away*
Dear Satori,
Well she's right! MY "Otome Ranman" is THOUSAND'S of times better than Suboshi's "Never Get Away"!!!!!! At least you weren't begging to hear Nakago's "Blue Eyes Blue". *Shudders at the thought of Nakago singing...*
Dear Tasuki,
I bet you do love Lina by doing all those things...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
OI! An' here I was startin' to think of ya' like a kid sister an' ya' go an' turn on me! I'm wounded... an' NO I DON'T love her!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi Hotohori-sama! I have a BIG problem! I hope you can help me. I'm asking for your help since Tasuki is VERY busy with a bunch of other girls and no time for me. Also, when I first saw FY, you were my fav. character until the OVAs...Well, anyway, during math, I sit next to this girl. And she talks constantly that it's VERY annoying! I have to sit next to her, 'cause we got assigned seats !:( And the teacher doesn't seem to be doing anything to stop her. So, I tried to ignore her, but she keeps on snapping her fingers to get my attention! It is VERY annoying! I tried to switch to another class, but they won't let me, since last Friday was the last day to change your schedule and stuff.... PLEASE HELP!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Have you tried to seriously address it with your teacher after class is over? If not, you should. I would point out to him that her constant talking and annoying of you is detrimental to your learning of mathematics and that if he refuses to help by moving you away from her, you shall be forced to have your parents discuss the issue with him and the principal. Hopefully, he will concede your point and move you away from this annoying girl. Good luck.
Dear Tasuki,
What do you think of all the stories that people write about you on the Net?
Reikaku No Miko
Dear Reikaku No Miko,
I don't mind 'em much. 'Cept I don't like th' yaoi ones!
Dear Tasuki,
Oops! Sorry 'bout that but here is the page(slight error!*sweatdrop*): Tasuki's Lover????
*invites the other shichiseishi*Check it out you guys!!*still laughing* he doesn't like girls, yeah right! *rolls eyes and still laughing*
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!! I don't know 'em!!! Chichiri, why're ya' laughin'????????? Knock it off Obake-chan!!!!!!!!!! *A VERY pissed Tasuki leaves the cyber abode as the Seishi look at the peeji...*
Dear Nuriko,
You know, Nuriko, I asked Nakago if he would kiss you if he had the chance and he said maybe! How does that make you feel?
Dear Koume-chan,
Dear Tasuki,
Say, Tasuki, we need your opinion on something! Is this girl--->Lina Inverse - NOT!!!! flat to you?
Inori and Lina Inverse
Dear Inori and Lina Inverse,
H*LL NO!!!!!!!!!! She's *&^%$#@ kowai is what she is!!!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Thanks for the hug! *smiles* and Chip wonders why you're my fave! Oh... the cat... well she didn't get sick.... heheh...
I am allowed in his room, although he thinks I shouldn't be. ^_^;; Besides I'm not always breaking or "borrowing" stuff.... Anyway, my brother is still having those days where there's a lot of homework and whatever. He seems to have forgotten about it, although sometimes he sticks his tongue out at me. I think he's forgiven me. ^_^
Dear Sammy,
I'm relieved to hear she didn't get sick! Of course Chip has forgiven you! He IS your brother and he loves you.
Dear Tasuki,
No, what Lady Wolfette said was not yer fate. Eeeh. We were just talking on IRC and she brought up teh first part... So I kinda gave her ideas. Eeehehe. 'Mommy-dearest' never understands, so I should be used to this by now. as for my age --* I am but a puny freshmen. Oh yeah, don't call Oneesan a sick sick broad! Her boyfriend will hunt you down and kill you! (I'm afraid frying him will not work, being as he claims to be a fire element. Not to mention if I tell my Oneesan you called her that, she will make you suffer far greater than I could... Remember, she's the one full of ideas on how to kill you!) *poke* You should come onto IRC =< It's fun! I can show ya how to get on and where to go. Please? ;_; Pretty please? I won't let Firefury (oneesan) hurt you, or Makou (her boyfriend). And I won't let Aquamarine try and drag you off! I won't let Nova Strike beat ya up if you act like a jerk and piss her off. Promise! Will ya consider it? Please? ;_; is where ya can get it! Sever: Port: 5555 is one of the espernet servers and I'm on espernet. If you type /join #Reploid_Productions, depending on the time and the day, I might be there! Please? ;_;
Dear One-chan,
Mebbe one day I'll do IRC but I have ahard enough time gettin' th' free time to be in OUR chatroom! Ya' might wanna try it sometime! Pretty nice buncha folks seem to hang out there. Ya' might like it...
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there! *looks around* Okay coast clear! ^_^ Don't mind if I try gluing this thing together? *holds up broken dog* Could ya help? I need to make it so that Chip won't know the difference when it was still...uhm.... whole.
Dear Sammy,
Heh-heh... jus' don't get glue all over yerself an' everythin' in th' room!
Dear Hotohori,
*reads the reply to her friend Lady Wolfette* It's not a crown! It's a bucket, a BUCKET! It can not possibly be called a crown! It's a bucket, b-u-c-k-e-t, bucket. Um..... Okaasan yelling --* (not that it's a new thing, being as she always yells...) so that's all. Oh yeah, my Oneesan is wondering how the hell do you fit all that hair into that tiiiiiiny bucket. Er... anyways... ciao. -_-*
Dear One-chan,
It is NOT a bucket. It is a crown. And in answer to your question, quite nicely I think.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! I feel better now. Anyways, me and Inori want to know if we can be the guardians of the chatroom. We would protect you from the evil fan girls, and we would beat up chatroom chan! So what do you say? Oh, and Inori says hi to Nuriko!
Dear Yui,
Nuriko sends his regards to both of you, no da! We're ALL glad to hear that you are feeling better, no da! Who or what is chatroom chan before we allow you to beat up on it/them?? We all seem to holding our own with the fangirls, no da! But maybe Tasuki could use some help with Lina Inverse, na no da! *Smiles and ducks a flaming tessen..*
Dear Tasuki,
hey, i was wondering...what are you doing on October 14th?? iridal is turning 21 and we decided to all get drunk together. although she doesnt drink that much, her mom has INSISTED that she smuggle a bottle of booze into our dorm. i figured she would bring the booze, you bring the guys (meaning of course, kouji, if only for his "knock, knock" jokes) and we have ourselves a party!! and you will have to bring her a present or she'll get mad.....and trust me, you dont want to see her's not pretty!! i guess that's it. you'll have to rsvp cuz she doesnt know anything about me askin' you to do this...K? later!
Dear Arilyn,
Hmmmm... booze??? Lemme think, YEP!!! We'll be there! I'll give her Kouji as a present! *Gets glared at by Kouji...*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama!! Can you do me a favor? Hug this plushie for me! *hands him a Chibi-Nuriko plushie* That way I can sleep with it everynight and it'll smell like you! *smiles cutely* ^_^! Onegai, oniichan?
Dear Inori,
Ano... *sweatdrops* It's a strange request, but OK... Why do you want it to... no never mind... I'm afraid to ask...
Dear Nuriko,
*gasp* Nuriko-sama! Me? Hentai?! I'm hurt! I would never! Sniff! *cries with hurt feelings* A Nuriko fan should never be hentai! ;_; *cries more and more*
Dear Inori,
Gomen!! I didn't mean to say you WERE hentai, but hentai things are used to make people blush, you know. Besides from your letter above I have to say you are just a wee bit hen, ne? Tee-hee... *Ruffles her hair and gives her a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Nuriko, I'm glad you understand. And the ironic part is it was a volenteer thing, it not like he was SICK or anything. And another ironic thing is my brother was 18 when he died, the same age as you, and I'm the same age as Miaka. I thought that was kinda funny. It's kinda sad because I'm already forgetting what he sounded like. I try real hard to remember, and I can vaguely. I know it'll pass, but I think this is so unreal. He was my big brother, my niichan, even though he hated anime espically Fushigi Yuugi. He used to call it Fushigi Yogi and said that Tamahome's name was Townhome and Suzaku name was Suzuki, telling me that there names were american ripoffs. I used to get soooo mad at him for that. Well, just thought I'd let you know that...
Dear Yui,
Don't worry about forgetting what he sounded like. You will remember when the time is right. Remember him with love and with good memories and he'll always be there for you. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
You need to read my stories! I worked hard on those!Of DOES have a part with you and Miaka, but that parts not up yet, but it will be.:) ::runs and hides for cover:: I wrote that because I think that you and Miaka should be together, regaurdless of what you say I still think that you care for her MORE than a little sister, I have pictures to prove it..hehehe... ::runs and hides again:: Mainly because I can't stand Tamahome/Taka, they should be skinned alive! (Not that I would ever really do that mind you.)
Oh yeah, I wanted to ask this last time. What's Kouji like? (No, I'm not being perverted about this. I mean as a person)Does HE want a girlfriend? I'm available. My boyfriend just broke up with me! ::starts crying uncontrollably:: And he won't even tell me why! What should I do?
Reikaku no Miko
P.S. I was right. You DO like Miaka...hahaha.....
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I do NOT like Miaka THAT way! Kouji is a great friend. I really don't know if he wants a girlfriend. Sorry to hear yer boyfriend broke up wit' ya'. *Gives her a hug.* Ya' need to move on an' get back into yer social scene.
Dear Chichiri,
I have question for you...i didn't get to ask it on the chatroom.*readies pen and paper* its for future references.. okay here i go.. Would you help a girl get out of an unwanted arranged marriage? I mean what if a girl came up to you and asked you to help her get away from being married to someone she really didn't like or want or even know, would you?
thanks, just wanted to know. Oh, wait..that question also applies to Tasuki, too! Make him answer that question! See ya around!
*pauses and looks at Chichiri* hehehehee..*runs up to Chichiri and gives him a chaste kiss on the mouth* you are just sooo adorable..*sigh*
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
Tasuki says he's had it with girls since Lina Inverse has started abusing him, no da! But I think if she were in danger, he would ehlpas would I, no da. I would probably want to know more about the situation before I got involved in it. But my answer is yes, I would try to help her the best I could, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!You're going to marry Lina??? NOOOOOOOOOOO! and I can't believe Tasuki is HENTAI! NOOOOOOOOO! here I thought you were the ideal man.....*sigh* well, you are......but......and you always denied that you liked girls.......*sobs* *starts to cry hysterically* I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE! MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! Please don't marry her!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Calm down!! 'Che! I ain't marryin' no one!! 'Specially not THAT mendo kusai! I ain't no hentai! It was jus' th' situation an' all... aw h*ll it was jus' a brawl an' nothin' more!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*is now soaked* *wonders why people always point that out* -_-;;; *mutters under her breathe* they always pick the things you're sensitive about..-_-; What kind of question is that?!?!??! it's not like it hasn't been asked over a million times!!! and it's not like it has an answer to it!!! besides! I wouldn't want to look like Naga or anything! I would probably fall over or something! *sweatdrops* I'm just fine for my height, thank you!!!and yes you are a baka! *stomps on tasuki's foot* and yes I AM a brat!!!!
Dear Lina,
*ITAI!!!* Ya' rotten lil'... *Restrains himself admirably. At least for Tasuki...* Ya' know if we keep this up people are gonna think we're in love or somethin'! *Looks at her.* An' I ain't baka enough to love a BRAT like YOU!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs into the room entirely exhausted* Well it took like 4 hours, fights with my browser and begging to my mom but I finally did it! I revamped my page once again! Could ya let everyone know now that the Ask the Genbu, Byakko & Seiryuu seishi pages are back up? *waves around a paper with many characters on it* Sugoi! I got them under contract! Sneakily tricked 'em all to sign it! *cackles* That and the Seiryuu demanded they get a questions page to since the Suzaku has one! ^^;;0 Sugoi! *does a dance* Plus, there's gonna be a Ask the Misc Characters page by tommorrow (Hey I can't work miracles, and Rome wasn't built in just ONE day!).... That means, Hikou, Kouran, Houki, Shoka, Tamahome's fam, Tasuki's sisters (or atleast Aidou), Kouji, etc will be there as well. *lets out an exasperated sigh* Well, I guess that's it. Sorry to bug you and shamelessly plug my site, but as far as I've seen a few people have asked where the peeji's for the other seishi had gone and I thought it would be nice to reconstruct and tell 'em all they're back. A-ano *receives glares from the Suzaku seishi* don't hate me 'cuz I am putting up one for the Seiryuu! *runs and hides* Ask the Fushigi Yuugi Cast!
Dear Nykee,
We visted yer site an' we hope ya' know what yer in fer!! I sent a letter to Nakago... heh-heh-heh... an' tell my old maid sister I AIN'T NO RUNT! *mumbles obscenities under his breath...* Anyway, cool site we all liked it! Good luck you'll NEED it!
Dear Mitsukake,
I LOVE you lots!!! What is your favorite season?
Kit Kat
Dear Kit Kat,
I really like all of the seasons, but I guess Spring would be my favorite as that is when the earth is reborn from Winter.
Dear Hotohori,
You are soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!! How do you get your hair so nice?
Dear Kat-chan,
I wash and condition it daily. I also get it trimmed and styled on a regular basis.
Dear Chiriko,
I love you too!!!!! Will you take my ACT's for me?
Dear Kat-chan,
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there. I want to know what kind of music does ya like?
Dear Jem-Kun,
Anythin' me or my seiyuu sing! Weiss Kreuz is one group that he sings in. I also like TM Revolution an' Da Pump, even though he don't sing in those groups.
Dear Tamahome,
I love you! I have a big problem I can't buget my money will you help me?
Dear Kat-chan,
Gomen, but that is more responsibility than I want! It is very difficult to do from the humble cyber abode.
Dear Nuriko,
I need help!!!! I never know how to do my hair for Homecoming it looks alot like Hotohori's hair, can you help?
Dear Kat-chan,
Well, you can put it up in a bun or French twist with some curled tendrils hanging down. You could have it French braided and put pretty accessories in it, you could curl it if it's straight or straighten it if it's curly... or you could take these ideas to your stylist, look through some magazines and see what tother intesting ideas you come up with! Have fun!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi!! Oh, I've just had a fun filled day of teasing people and speaking to you, of course! Yes, I never knew it could be so much fun to watch people blush! I think this is my calling! And I'm good at it! I've been able to make people blush in less than 30 seconds! Heehee! Should I try this on the seishi too? I already tried Tasuki...Should I go on to Tamahome next? You know, Hotohori would be an interesting person to make blush...Maybe I should just try to make YOU blush! ^_~! Actually, Mitsukake would be fun to tease too...
Dear Inori,
I'm glad you had fun! You can certainly try to make us blush, but if you get too hentai we won't post you!
Dear Tasuki,
Whee... my charming okaasan is being quite the.... ahem, you know. (Has the woman no compassion!? Can't she see I'm depressed and grieving and all that happy crap????) A smile, eh? I don't fake smiles. In fact, I hardly ever, ever, ever smile. I can act anything but smiles. You have no idea how hard it is for somebody like me not to 'talk back'(it's NOT talking back, it's stating what I think. What I feel about something.) to 'mommy dearest'. Biting my lip does not work. Pinching myself used.... untill I gave myself a lil scar --* Anyways, I must go before 'mommy dearest' gets even more pissed off. Ciao.
Dear One-chan,
Gomen yer okaasan is not bein' very understandin' of yer feelins'. *Gives her a hug.* Unfortunately, dependin' on yer age an' yer parents statin' what ya' think IS th' same as talkin' back. B'lieve me! I KNOW!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*glggles and hands him a rope attachted to a washtub filled to the brim with sake. The washtub is suspended in air and has a trapdoor that is attachted to the rope*
Genrou-sama!! Pull on this rope reeeeeeeaaaaaaally haaaaaaaard!! ^_^
Dear Jean,
*Puts a large tub underneath the washtub & pulls the rope. HARD!* Yatta!!! It's sake time!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Tsk, tsk, tsk! Tasuki! You were very hentai today in the chatroom! What is this looking-down-Lina's-shirt business? And then pinning her down! And calling her kawaii! And wrestling in the mud! And kissing her cheek! Do you like Lina? Huh? HUH? Wee!! You know, she denied it, as you probably will, but I don't believe either of you! I see a wedding in the future! HAHA!! Oh, a tear comes to my eye...How beautiful! Fanged children! How would Lina feel about that? Hmm...
Dear Inori,
She'd probably be as sick at that thought as I am!
Dear Nuriko,
Ano... did u miss me Nuriko-sama? (Hope I did not use the Jap. words there wrongly....) Gomen na sai! I really got so busy with everything lately that I dun have time to write in... U are not angry with me rite? *looks at Nuriko with big, puppy-like eyes* Been busy with preparations lately for my written exams that are coming in two weeks time.... but I promise to write in more often after that is over k? =P
Yippee! Tomorrow my seniors are going to join us for assembly as their Prelims. are finally over.... I really do hope that all my seniors, especially that special guy.... will do well for their papers...... But then... that also means that they'll be having usual lessons until they get their study leave which is the week after our written exams end.... Waahhh! So short a period of time left.... T_T *Shakes head violently* Not enough!!! =(
Actually.... I'm really like say nervous abt. things like how to talk to him, wat to talk abt., and .... oh well... many things... silly of me huh? I'm just a big baka when it comes to such stuff.... *sigh* maybe I'll just leave it to fate for this.... Besides, if we are really fated to be together, no matter how far apart we are, we will eventually get together in the end rite? =P Sounds a bit like Tamahome and Miaka no? Hehe! Any way, I think I really baka cos it's like even though I have this feeling that we will eventually get nowhere like this.... unless one of us takes the initiative.... Yet, I still hope that sth. will happen... sort of like clinging to hope all the way to the end huh? Baka of me rite?
Any way, hope to write in soon... and do take care of urself in the meantime k? *Hands Nuriko a fried chicken wing* I bought this from my sch. canteen... It really tastes great... Do try it k? It's not very oilly, so dun worry abt. that and enjoy! ^o^
Baby Gwing ^_<
Dear Baby Gwing,
You're not being stupid about this. But, you should have more courage. If he is going away to another school, you should at least let him know you like him before he leaves. It gives him a chance to say how he feels, too. At the very least you two could end up as close friends. Thanks for the chicken. It was tasty.
Dear Tasuki,
*a 5'8" blond girl runs into the room and grabs Tasuki by the shoulders and begins to shake him violently* You told Kouji? Wah! I can't believe you told! He's gonna kill me! What'd he say? ACK! *lets go of Tasuki and grabs a bunch of pots and pans and sake bottles and some spoons, and ends up dressing up in it like armour* Kouji no hurt Nykee! Nykee innocent! Wah! Nykee no mean to insult Kouji! *hides behind Tasuki* Oh yeah, on another note, I attempted a manga drawing of you in silver and gold on my artbook which has a black cover! ^.^;; Tell me whatcha think. Uh, gomen, my site isn't being nice so I couldn't upload it so I mailed it to Chichiri no Aijin because I couldn't think of any other way of getting it to you. *holds a frying pan above her head hoping to avoid Kouji's wrath and CnA's staff* Gomen!
P.S. My friend says to say, it's not that women are extremely cunning (we are but...), it's just that you're just really stupid. (Especially to fall for the strip tease comment Tasuki!) Gomen Gen-chan, no hurt Nykee. Nykee just messenger for hiding tomodachi! ^^;;0 Ja na.
Dear Nykee,
I ain't stupid! I'm jus' too trustin' of you women! We got th' pic but it didn't show up real well. An' don't worry 'bout Kouji! He's OK wit' it as long as I don't call her... LEGHAIR!!! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
Waahhh.... T_T I dun know that I sound so *gulp* young.... Primary 5??? *Looks at her present age in comparison...* *sweatdrop*... *even bigger sweatdrop* Hmm... maybe I really sound childish eh...? ^.~ Nevermind, it's okie Yuri... I dun mind... Wat's there to be angry abt.? *gives Yuri a pat on the back to reassure her* Hey... u from ACJC rite? Pleased to meet u.... ^o^ Hehe! So, wat's ur subject combination? Year-end exams coming soon ah...? Good luck for it! =P
Anyway, Chichiri.... Wat is high sch. in America like? (Pardon my ignorance...) Do students go to college or university from there? Here in Singapore, after JC we go to universities to further our studies.... that is if we can get into the choice of course we want to.... considering how baka I am, I'm gonna have to work really hard to get in...=P Just did my Physics practical yesterday... It was rather okey.... managed to finish it in the nick of time, but I was really frightened for a moment there that my hands were shaking towards the end....due to the complicated graph plotting I had to do.... Scary huh? I'm going to take my final practical exam this coming Saturday...>> Chemistry.... My fav. subject cos I think that mixing diff. chemicals are fun.... Hope to do well for it... but must beat the time limit lor.... 45 min. Jia... try my best then.... =)
Huh? Me? Smart? *Looks at the arrow pointing down on herself* U gotta be kidding.... *Shakes her head strongly in total disagreement* No lah... Me just a baka gal who's trying terribly hard at the moment to pass her Promos. Besides, I personally feel that all the pple who can get into JCs are rather smart in the 1st place.... So u are quite clever too urself wat... ^o^ Rite? *Looks at Yuri for signs of agreement* ^^;;; How's sch. been for u? Tough? Me? Oh... it's been fine for me... same old lectures and tutorials... *sigh* Still trying hard to finish that never-ending pile of tutorials as always.... But life here is really great! I really enjoy being here, especially with my fun-loving C.T.! Hope u are also enjoying life in sch. too! ^o^
So... in the meantime, do take care and really sorry for not being able to reply sooner.... Gomen! =P
Baby Gwing ^_<
P/S: Oh... Chichiri... do u take fried chicken? If so, here... *hands Chichiri a fried chicken wing* I bought it from my sch. canteen todae.... Tastes really great... Enjoy! ^o^ To Yuri.... nah... I dun wanna compete with yah... I'll go for variety instead...! =) Hehe!!!
Dear Baby Gwing,
From what Chichiri no Aijin has told me most students in High School in America go on to College or University (they seem to be the same thing here) after they graduate, no da. The fried chicken is oishii! Arigato, no da! I'm glad you're not angry with Yuri. Ganbatte kudasai, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I am so ANGRY! You know why? Of course you donīt....
Well, im gonna tell you. I started school about a month ago and now it is decided that me and my new class + another class must move to another school because the school has no money to let os stay there. (I dont know why they picked us)
We(my class and i) Where promised to be there in 3 years and now they are just throwing us out! The new school is far away and the buss ride will take about 4 hours in one day! Im so upset! Im thinking about drop school! My class and I went to the news papper yesterday but i donīt think that helped very much...I dont know what Im going to do...
Dreamie....On the edge of tears
Dear Dreamie,
Don't drop out of school!!!! That's th' worst thin' ya' could do!!! Is the new school any better? Have all the parents gone to th' school board 'bout this? I really dunno what to say to help ya' wit' this one... gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello, Hotohori-sama! XD I -- er -- well, uh, you're my fave Fushigi Yuugi (*typoes that seventeen times*), and ... uh ... (this is sounding intelligent) ... I'm kinda curious (me and a friend of mine) -- what's the thing on thine head called? Any kind of fancy name? (or is it just a crown? =P)
Uh, hehe, that's it...!
Lady Wolfette
Dear Lady Wolfette,
As far as I know it is an Imperial Crown.
Dear Tasuki,
OK!OK!Don't need to yell at me,Because i say you are a nice guy. GEEZ..*Looking mad*
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
'Che, ain't ya' figured it out by now??? I yell at everybody!!
Dear Tasuki,
*ahem-ahem* I wonder how you, dearest Tasuki-chan, would react to being placed in a Sailor fuku and also having all your sake carted away? =D
OH, yes, and also being dropped into a Pool of Drooling, Screaming, Fainting Tasuki Fan Club Members? =D (thanks, One-chan! *will die for this doubly*)
*runs for her life*
Lady Wolfette
P.S. - The pool isn't in-ground, and it's surrounded by Yet More Members. =D
Dear Wolfette,
What do the words NOT WELL AT ALL!!!!!! mean to ya'?!?!?!?!?!? Is that the fate One-chan is gonna write me into???
Dear Chichiri,
thank you thank you*gives you a bear hug*you are so sweet!!!I am so happy that you want to help me out.^_^Plus the girl that scatched my cd was expelled as of today for doing something bad*mumbles about hentai*.wai! I feel like pulling out my old(and so very getto)costume of you and dressing up!*kisses you on cheek*
Dear navi,
Ah, you're very welcome, no da! I'll try to do it this week, no da! I'll let you know on the message board when I send them out & you let me know when you get them, no da. It sounds as if that girl's karma caught up with her, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up to him and throws a mud pie in his face* ha ha! Oh I guess I have to ask a question now, ne? hm..*thinks*..why are you such a baka? please do tell! :P
Lina Inverse
Dear Lina Inverse,
*Sputters and wipes mud off his face.* I ain't no baka!! Mebbe I'm this way 'cos I had to deal wit' 5 sisters that're jus' like ya'!!!! So, why're ya' so flat??? *Pours water over her head.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I recently got my friend interested in Fushigi Yuugi, and she kind of liked it. BUT-- I showed her a picture of all of the characters, and her favorite character was the BALD FREAK Miboshi! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! I am in total dispair. Please help!
Friend of a Seiryuu-lover
Dear Friend,
Well, you must remember tha the monk of the temple is who Miboshi inhabited, no da. He has no real ody to speak of. I don't really know what to tell you... different people like different things, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I know you hate women and all, but if you ever DID get a girlfriend, what would you want her to look and act like? hint hint...
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I dunno. Miaka mebbe?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys. I've got some pretty bad news. Yesterday, during my fifth period class, I found out that my 18 year old brother had died. And his death wasn't a usual death. I'm going to explain this as best as I can, for I'm not even sure how to explain it. Ok, my brother has this illness(I forget what it's called) which allowed him to only have a certain amount of protein. Also, he had to take about 40 pills a day. If he even miss ONE dose, his eyes would get all glossy and we could tell he was sick. If he exceeded this limit, his ammonia level would get into the 200's, when a normal person's is in the teens or so. Anyways, when my family and I went to New Jersey this summer, we went to Philadelphia to the University of Pennsylvia hospital so the doctors there could see if he was a possible canidate for gene therapy. He was the BEST canidate they had ever seen. This program was for so if it work(which they said there was NO chance of him getting sick) it would save hundreds of little babies lives that had this illness. My brother and my dad talked it over, and my brother decided to do it. He left about a week ago(last Saturday) will his hopes up. That was the last time I saw him. The last time I talked to him was Monday night, when he called for my dad. What they did is they entered a striped down flu type of virus and entered it into his liver. The only side affects that they said would happen is that he would get sick with the flu(hey, they did this test on 17 other people and that's what happened to all of them. Not one of them died). So he started to get sick, but something went terribly wrong. His immune system over reacted and turn against him. He went clincly brain dead on Friday morning. The only thing that was keeping him alive was the machines. They asked my parents(mainly my dad) if they could cut the machine off. My dad said yes because there was nothing left of my brother. I still don't believe it!!! I will never believe he's dead. He had had 9 great months of health, but now he won't have to go to the hospital or take those damn pills anymore. I miss my brother so much. And he died for a noble cause, so other god damn children could live!!!! I hate him for dying on me!!!! I can't stop crying!!! I want my brother!! *falls to the ground crying*
A very sad Yui
Dear Yui,
*Picks her up and holds her in his arms.* I know how it feels to lose a sibling that you love dearly. Don't hate him or his doctors, onegaishimasu. He sacrificed himself for a noble cause. Like Kourin for me, as long as you remember him and love him he will always be alive in you heart. *Gives her a hug as the other Seishi come over to hug her, too.*
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