Dear Tasuki,
hey! gimme some advise to pick on destiny!!! I GOTTA DO SOMETHING FOR MY TWIN JEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bagging tasuki**stops bagging* fine if you don't help me out here i WILL steal yer fan!! heheheheh...anyways just GIMME some ideas..and keep it in mind that the destiny whatever girl is...*waits for the response* doo doo doo...
Dear jane,
I dunno what yer talkin' 'bout! Ain't ya' th' girl that hit her head? Mebbe that explains yer letter...
Dear Hotohori,
*sniff*..That day I and another friend, Diana, accidentally deleted the computer project Lydia had been working on for 3hours..I apologized to her immediately and even offered to redo it for her..but she still refused to forgive me and said that I had deleted it on purpose..but honestly, I did it by accident..she then said that if I wanted to redo it for her..the content had to be EXACTLY the same as the one I had would I know the exact content? I apologized and apologized and apologized..and then Lydia said that our friendship wasn't even worth 10 cents..*cries*..Excuse me, I got a bit emotional there..*wipes tears away roughly*...then yesterday, she called me all sorts of abusive names front of everyone..and then I couldn't control my feelings anymore..I cried....I really treasure Lydia's friendship..I want her to forgive me..I know it's not easy...but I wish...I wish she would just try..Or maybe I could just give up entirely..and be alone, with no friends..Please, please tell me what to do..
Dear Evangelista,
Chiriko wants to know if any of you checked the Recycle Bin on the computer to see if it was there. Your friend should have been saving and backing her work up, so that this wouldn't happen. However, you and your other friend shouldn't have been playing with someone else's school project.
Give her time to cool down and she may reconsider your friendship. If not, you have learned a very valuable, albeit painful lesson in life. I am sorry that I cannot fix this for you. *Hands her a silk handkerchief.* But if this was all it took to destory the friendship on her side, perhaps it is for the best. I am sure that you will make other friends. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Komban wa Tasuki-sama. I saved up some more money!!! Here's some sake. I hope you like it. Try to make it last, ok? Anyway I was wondering if you could answer a question of mine. My friend blames me for stupid stuff she does and she is sort of pushy but I can't not be her friend because she still considers me her friend and my parents and everybody thinks we still are best friends. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but I was just wondering if you could help me..... Sorry for bugging you with my problems. Oysumi nasai.
Dear Catnip,
Thanks fer th' sake! I'm confused here. This girl blames ya' fer stupid stuff she does an' ya' don't wanna be her friend because of it? Well, why not tell her to stop blamin' ya' fer her stupidity or th' friendship is off? If that don't make her straighten up, then at least ya' warned her an' can stop bein' her friend (if that's what ya' REALLY want) wit' a pretty clear conscience.
Dear Tasuki,
Actually, the whole thing that I told him was, "Alicia told me Christine is sluting around you." I only said that to tease him since Christine likes him. If I had known the girl myself, then I would have said something like, " I see that Christine is slutting around you." but only for teasing him. I guess this whole thing was just a big misunderstanding or something. I didn't plan this.
I don't even know Christine. I have no damn clue who she is, Alicia just told me about her. And to that guy, yes, I did 10 times already. But he told me it's not my fault, and that I don't need to apologize, since Alicia was the one who said stuff about Christine. I also told him that I was sorry for causing trouble for him and Alicia. And to Alicia, yes also, I apologized to her too, like 20 times.
But, now, I think she really forgave me, she's starting to talk like her usual self. ^_^ She and that guy have known each other 4 years, but I've known him longer, 6 years. Well, gotta go now, SO sorry to bother you with my stupid nonesense problems. I'm really not a bad person as you think, please don't hate me.... I love you.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I never thought ya' were a bad person! Oi! S--t happens! Now ya' know better fer th' next time. I'm glad yer friend finally forgave ya'. An' that th' guy is OK wit' it, too.
Dear Nuriko,
I'm supossed to leave class early cause I'm a senior and seniors get to leave for lunch 5 minutes earlier. *sigh* Thank God that class is only one sememster. I can't wait to get out of there! It's funny. He's so cold to me and yet he's all nice and sweet to this kid who's late almost everyday and never does his work! Ha! I'll see him when I rule the world!! Bwahahaha!!! But don't you worry, Nuriko-sama! You'll have a high position as will all the seishi! Well, Hotohori doesn't NEED one, but... *begins making plans about taking over the world and making an Anime song the national anthem* But which one...which one...Hmm...*goes off in deep thought*
Dear Inori,
Ah I see now! Senpai privilege! Gomen, I can't help you with that one. It was nice chatting with you today!
Dear Tasuki,
*cries* Jake died monday my aunt didn't call and tell me, because she didn't want to tell me while my mom was gone. I didn't get to see him one last time. He's gone ;_; I knew he was gonna go soon, but... *cries*
Dear One-chan,
Oh 'che... I'm sorry... *Holds her to him and lets her cry on his shoulder...* 'Sokay... I'll be here an' hold ya' as long as ya' want... go ahead an' cry. I know how it feels to lose a dear friend...
Dear Mitsukake,
I want to apologize for my friend asking the terrible question about "playing doctor". Please accept my apologies. I know you to be a kind and intelligent man...sorry for the terrible implications.
Dear Freude,
Oh that's alright. Apology accepted and arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tasuki,
So Tasuki-sama, Do you think you are going to experiment with the chocolate milk? It's just a nice plain old sugar-rush. And I know that my webpage is sneaky..It's the form I signed up for. It does that to everyone no matter what. Although you don't need to worry about it saying your name and just deletes it's not a very smart thingy..I sent you your Neko! And I can't believe it, after only 6 days of existence, they're already EXTREMELY popular! Enjoy Tasuki-kun!
Luv ya'!
Dear Kaori,
So th' neko is in th' mail, eh? We'll check fer it after all th' letters are done! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
You didn't answer my question last time! And after I went and made a fanclub for you...sheesh! Well, anywho, have you seen my stories on Ai No Yuugi? I don't know how to put the URL or whatever its called in here, but it was on one of your previous letters, oh yeah. If you are going to check them out you might need the other name I go by. KKyle24640.
Luv ya!!
Reikaku no Miko
P.S.: How did you get those fangs?
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
What question was that? An' yes I was born wit' th' fangs! An' I ain't had a chance to see any of yer stories yet. Gomen.
Dear Tamahome,
Uhm..... *falters* okay! So I broke the clay dog that Chip liked. I was just looking at it when he popped in and said to put that down carefully. Unfortunantly he surprised me so much I.. uh.. dropped it. As for the cat, she looked hungry!!
(A rather ashamed)Sammy
Dear Sammy,
OK, so the cat was hungry. WHAT did you feed her? As for Chip, he's your brother, so he'll eventually forgive you because he loves you. But, you should still pay him the money for what you broke. I know it was an accident, but are you allowed in his room without him there or without his permission? This should teach you to respect other people's property. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hey..... okay I don't know why, but I've been feeling kinda sorry about breaking Chip's clay dog. I think he made it or something. Any suggestions on what to do? I've said sorry but Chip just sorta said: "You owe me money, the same number as your age! And clean up the mess!" And don't tell Tasuki, I'm not usually this sensative!
Dear Sammy,
Well, if you tried an apology and that isn't working, I suppose you have to pay him the $12.00. If he will take it, maybe he'll let you pay it out over time. This should also teach you a valuable lesson about messing with other people's things. Don't worry, I won't tell Tasuki.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi there little bro!!!....guess what!!!..I have the flu!!!!!.*sighs*...I got it last night when that stupid...I meen LOVELY hurraicane went through....My basement flooded and we were trying to get some of the water out...It was COLD water!!....and I was walking through it with with no shoes*sweatdrops*....stupid,huh? I was asking for it though......I'm just happy I have a four day weekend!!!..I'm not even suposed to be on the mom told me to stay in bed!!I gotta go!!Hope you have a nice day!!!
Dear Momoko-chan,
Wow! Floyd hit where you are? Is your house OK? Mitsukake says to drink plenty of hot tea & have chicken broth with garlic and sage in it. Also you should stay in bed and rest. I hope you feel better soon!
Dear Tasuki,
Umm..I've already checked out the page Ai no Yuugi and ..well..I thought you saw Miaka as a sister? Are you now coming out that you love her as a man does a woman? Sheeessh..*shakes head* you, too, Tasuki? must 'cause, how else would you take a beating if not for her??
Dangit!!! there are too few good men out there as it is!!! IT IS SOOO UNFAIR THAT ONE GIRL GETS TO HAVE FIVE MEN AFTER HER!!! (lets see, did I get that right? *counts off* Tamahome, Hotohori, Nuriko, Amiboshi, and Tasuki... did i miss anyone??)
Lady Arashi
Dear Lady Arashi,
I still see her as a sister! But th' peeji is still pretty cool 'cos it's 'bout me!
Dear Nuriko,
Um......both........but could you separate the "willing" list and the "non-willing" list? thanks.... I just want to do a reseach on it, that's all.
Dear Kei-kun,
Here are your lists:
Willing: Tamahome
Unwilling: Nakago, Tomo, Tasuki
Undecided: Hotohori
Gomen, but that was all I could think of.
Dear Tasuki,
We're assuming it was two juvenile delinquents that got out a couple days ago. =P I guess I won't kill ya off (My sister was quite full of ideas for killing you). I'll just kill of poor, sweet, innocent Koneko. *thinks* My sister insisted on doing this *takes the two shatter proof bottles, and a blow torch. Plastic melts... Uses said blow torch and melts holes in the bottles* Anyways... whee- life is hell, etc, etc, etc. *thinks* Well, there has been two good things this week at least ^^; *points to the 14th* Happy 5 months for me and my Speedy-chan *^-^* And amazingly enough, I've gotten my math teacher (O.o;) interesting in Fushigi Yuugi (Who'd a thought?) ... Considering I go to a "good catholic school" (even though I'm not catholic. I go there because I value my life. Says a lot about public schools, don't it?) there sure aren't that many "good catholic students" there... *frowns at her hurt arm/shoulder* .... I hate 90% of the world. No.... 98% actually. Yeah. Ah well. *takes her SO optimistic frame of mind else where*
Dear One-chan,
*Looks at his decimated sake bottles in shock and horror.* Yer sister is a sick, sick, broad!!! *Gives her a hug.* C'mon, how's 'bout a smile? Jus' a lil' one?
Dear Tasuki,
hey what's up fang-boy? Will you do me a favor? burn tama to a crisp!By the way I DO have sake.lots of it in I have no one to share it all with...have any sujestions of who?(heh,heh)
Dear navi,
SAKE?!?!?!? Kouji an' me will be right over...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OK! what do you do when Jane hits her head really hard, and starts following you around calling you "your highness" and saying that she's a girl named elia????...because i'm worried now..., she thinks I'm her king, and that i was going to put her to death for killing my horse... O_o
Dear yaten,
Take her to a doctor immediately! She might have a concussion.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HIIII!!!! ... Ahem. S.O.T.N. and I were pondering this little question... If you're all from Ancient China, then why do you speak Japanese? o_O
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Magic, no da! How else could our Miko understand us and we her?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I really really like this girl but she's a different religion and we're having troubles seeing eye to eye on religious issues. How can we peacefully co-exist?
Dear Benimaru,
Try to find a common ground, no da! Try not to argue about or discuss religion, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
NO!NO!NO!NO! I had a crush on Dave last year. not this year. He's just a pal. Anyway, i haven't really seen him anytime this week, altough i know for a fact that he didn't get me a present. Infact Nuriko-sama, i don't like anyone at the moment. Not even a bit! *thinks of how jean will react when she hears mary's gone soft.* But you never know, some guy may transfer into one of my classes. But right now, my focus is on school.
And now here comes a toughie. I have a friend who has decided to ask out a friend of his (and mine). The only prob is that he said that he's only doing it because he feels that she's really depressed about not having a boyfriend. So he (and some of my friends) thought it might be cute and urge this friend of ours to ask the other friend out. I think he's asking for the VERY wrong reasons. do you have any advice on this MAJOR prob? Thanks!
ja ne!
Dear Mary,
He IS making a mistake unless he is up front and says that as her friend he wants to help cheer her up. Otherwise it sounds like a mercy or pity date and that would certainly hurt her feelings!
Dear Chiriko,
If i ever have any problem in my chemistry class, would it be okay if i came to you for help? (that is, if my mom and friend Anne doesn't help me first....which will always happen.....) Please!!!!
Dear Mary,
I suppose. However, I don't know how much help I would be as I cannot always answer you immediately.
Dear Tasuki,
*scrolls down and reads Yui's msg and yer reply* Koneko wouldn't nag you. Keetia, on the other hand, will nag you about Koneko, and will nag Koneko about you. The only nagging being is the "Self-Proclaimed Demon of... Loooove" aka Keetia. Koneko is quite nice. (She won't throw logs at you!) Just be warned, my mood affects what I write, and if you hadn't already noticed, my mood is not exactly happy. Ah well. Ciao. *takes her lack of happiness else where.*
Dear One-chan,
Well, mebbe ya' can convince me to give her a chance...
Dear Chichiri,
*comes out of hiding* ...Baby Gwing, you're not angry are you? ^^;;;;;; great... ^^; wow, VJC!!! O_O you're so smart... hey Chichiri, my friend wants to know why you're so hansome. ^^ I feel like competing with Baby Gwing... heh heh... *gives lots of cookies to Chichiri* I think I'm gonna regret this later... ^^;;;;
Dear Yuri,
I'm sure she isn't angry, no da! Arigato for the cookies! They were oishii, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Hello! To help celebrate my birthday today, I'm writing to you for the first time. It's nice to meet you. ^^ *bows* I was also wondering, do you ever come to the chatroom? I have only seen Tasuki and Nuriko there before, but I was told that Chichiri comes as well. It'd be great to chat sometime! Until then I had better be going...bye!
Hoshi Ookami
Dear Hoshi Ookami,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu!! I have visited the chatroom once or twice. I shall endeavor to visit more often.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Why don't you wanna kiss Miaka?(or do you?)(for any mistake:I'm German) Besides, how taste her lips?
Dear CosylovesTasuki,
So yer German, eh? Wie gehts? Heh-heh-heh... I'm smarter than th' average bandit! Miaka is like a sister to me. That's why. An' th' only time we came that close I was givin' her artificial respiration! Auf wiedersehen!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, if I tell you, you might get mad at me... I'll tell you anyway, though. My friend, Alicia, she doesn't like this girl, Christine. This Christine has been flirting with the guy she likes. So, Alicia was jealous... And she told me Christine is a slut. I took it as a joke.... Alicia and the guy she likes are close friends...Anyway, I told the guy she likes that Alicia called Christine a slut. It's just a joke, anyway. I thought he didn't like Christine in the first place. I really should have shut my mouth. It turns out to be that Christine and him are really good friends.... So now he's mad at Alicia, and Alicia's mad at me..... But she told me she have forgiven me, but I don't think so. Now and then, when we talk, she sounds a little distant. Shs told me that it'll take a while to gain the trust again, and that I shouldn't have said stuff.... She also said that I'm like her aunt... *_* I know I'm wrong. And now, I'm trying to patch things up with her and the guy she likes.... I'm mad at myself. I take up the whole responsibility of this mess....
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, yer right ya' shoulda' kept yer mouth shut! Yer tomodachi is right. It will take her time to trust ya' again. So, didja' also apologize to th' guy an' th' girl ya' said bad s--t 'bout??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My friend, this really lonely guy would like to know how to impress a girl but doesn't know how. Can I get each of your individual opinions on this? What would you do? Even you Tasuki, com'on, don't be stubborn! ^_^
Dear Iori,
Well let's see... how to impress a girl...
Tamahome: He should take her somewhere nice (but not too expensive) for lunch or at least coffee and dessert.
Chichiri: Being kind and a gentleman would make a nice impression on her, no da. Flowers as a gift are nice too, no da!
Tasuki: What th' H*LL do I know 'bout impressin' women?!?!? I dunno be protective of her? Ask to carry her books or help her out wit' somethin' might be nice...
Nuriko: Compliment her on how she looks.
Hotohori: Having good manners and knowing how to comport one's self properly in public might be a good start.
Chiriko: If there is a subject that you excel in that she needs help with, offer you services to her as a tutor. Women like smart men! *Tasuki glasres at him.* Ano, Tasuki I wasn't implying anything bad about you!! *Hides behind Mitsukake.*
Mitsukake: Good hygiene is VERY impressive. Make sure you wash daily, wear clean clothes, and brush your teeth, too!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Oh, Nuriko!!! Could you do me a REALLY big favor? Please smack my Health teacher into a wall for me!!! He's so mean to me! Even though I do all my work in class and everything! He's supossed to let me go 5 minutes early everyday, but he always finds an excuse not to! MEAN!!! I am on the verge of being rude to him! I already talked to him about it, but he said he'd let me go on time from now on. Now he does it, but with this "I-don't-like-you-and-I'm-only-doing-this-so-you'll-leave-me-alone-and-I-won't-get-in-trouble" face. I'm probably the best student in his class! But I really am on the verge of the telling him off! OOH!!! He makes me so mad! Anyway, I just needed to tell someone. You'll be here for me, won't you, Nuriko-oniisama? ^_^! Thanks for your time! Have a nice day!
Dear Inori,
Why do you need to leave class early? Is it because of another class or a job? If so, why not have THAT person talk to him?
Dear Hotohori,
*looks up with big, curious eyes* Hotohori-sama, what would you do if one day Tasuki was trying to flame Tamahome and he accidentally burned your face and you had a big ugly scar in the middle of your face for life?
Dear Inori,
That even Mitsukake could not heal??? Ah, poor Tasuki and Tamahome. It was nice knowing them. Too bad they just had to go and "lose their heads..."
Dear Tasuki,
WHY?WHY?WHY?You are a really nice guy and if i say it to everone,everone would think you are! You are the nice guy i ever saw. The once i know only make fun of me and made me mad. that's why i like you..(blush)OOPS!i say it! Oh god!(Blush and cover her face
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
'Cos my rep is a bandit that drinks an' brawls hard!! NOt some sweet soft guy!!! I don't wanna *&^% up my cool rep!
Dear Tasuki,
Okay! YAAAAYY!!! You wanna' get one of my Nekos!!! well, just go here Neko and I'll send you one right away! See you later Genrou!! Luv ya'!
Dear Kaori,
I sent fer it. Yer website thingy is sneaky!! It tried to set me up fer all this stuff I don't want or need! Heh-heh... but I'M smarter! I deleted all refs to me outta th' spaces. Hope I still get th' neko...
Dear Chichiri,
I was in a pretty nasty accident the other day..(itai)...I sorta' ended up in the middle of rush the middle of the street. I ripped myself up pretty bad...My shoulder more than most. Well, what I was gonna' ask was, Do you have any suggestions for this huge scar I have on my shoulder now? It's still new so I want to know if there's any way I can prevent it from being permanent. *sniff sniff...starts crying* IT HUURRRRRRTSSS!!!!!!!
Dear Kaori,
I'm sorry to hear that you were hurt, no da! Mitsukake says to try using Calendula cream on the scar. You can get it from Natural Food stores or from a Homeopathic pharmacy. It is made from Marigolds and is supposed to aid in the healing process with wounds. If that doesn't work, then you may have to see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to rid yourself of it, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
There's this guy I really like! I don't know if he likes me but he smiled at me in the halls, does that mean anything??? I want the truth! and no my fly wasnt down or anthing like that!!!
I have know idea!!
Dear I have know idea!!,
It could mean he likes you. Next time you see him and smiles at you, smile back and see what happens! At the very least you could end up with a very nice firend.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi there, Genrou-sama. I'm not having a very good evening.. and I need someone to talk to. I had this letter all typed out to you..and then it got deleted.. so I have to start over..*sigh* here I go.
I wrote to you a few days back, about me losing my dog to cancer. Every day that goes by, I miss her more. There are a few that tell me I shouldn't be this way, because she was "just a dog". But she was a lot more than that to me. She was one of my best friends. And I miss her like crazy. I sleep with her bandanna. I tacked her collar and leash on the wall beside my bed. I wear her name tag on a necklace, which I never take off. I put her toys and things that were dear to her away, so that the new puppy we got can't get to them. I'm trying my best to accept the new puppy. I know my old dog would certainly want me to. Sometimes, the smallest things can remind me of my dog though, and I just burst into tears. I took the puppy for a walk the other day, and along the dirt path, I found a hole that Kiesha(my old dog) had dug during one of our happier times. I just burst into tears. So many days go by and I feel so empty inside. I dream of her coming home to me. Part of me still believes she IS coming back, even though I was the one who stayed with her when they had to put her to sleep. I watched her die. That was the worst and most painful thing I've ever had to do in my life. And trying to be strong during it didn't help.
I'm in tears as I write this. It's been a long time for me since I've lost someone so close to me. Some days just feel so dull. Everywhere I go, I find something to remind me of her. We brought her ashes home from the veterinarian last week. When I was handed the jar, I just burst into tears. I miss her so much, and it's so hard to believe that she's gone. I don't care anymore wether people think I'm stupid because I'm so forlorn because I "lost a pet". I lost a lot more than a pet. And I really miss her. I wish I knew when the hurting would stop.
I'm making a shrine to you, demo, gomen, I'm putting it on hold, because I'm making a memorial to my Kiesha.. you understand, hai? And I'd like to ask something of you.. I've made two banners so far, to go with her site. I'd like to ask of you to check them out for me, and give me comments.. the drawings of Kiesha were done by me, and they go to a larger picture, which I hope to have up on the site when I finish it. Here are the addresses:
This one line in the song you sang, Genrou-sama.."Setsunakutemo Zutto" reminds me of Kiesha. "I love you so much it breaks words are enough." No words could ever let me tell her how much I miss her, and how much she was a part of me. And missing her like this, is tearing me apart. Arigatou, for everything, Genrou-sama. Please, if you could, see what your fellow seishi think of the banners I've made. I appreciate everything. *smiles somewhat, holding a small purple bandanna*
Dear Reddie-chan,
*Gives her a hug and holds her close to him.* I wish there was a way for me to make ya' feel better. But I know we all heal in our own time. Don't ya' worry 'bout a shrine to me, ya' do what's really important first! Ya' might wanna check out this Pet Loss an' this one, too Petlinks. They might be able to help ya' stop hurtin' so much.
Both of th' banners are nice, but I like th' first one better. Hope that's OK wit' ya'.
I know how ya' feel. When Chichiri no Aijin an' her husband lost their cat to cancer, they were also devastated. It was like losin' a child to them. So we all understand how yer feelin' an' ya' ain't stupid fer feelin' that way!!!
Didja' have a memorial service fer her? If not, ya' might wanna do that. It might make ya' feel a bit better. That's what Chichiri no Aijin an' her husband did an' was pretty nice. But, I'll leave that up to ya'! I know this ain't much but I hope it makes ya' feel better... *Dries her eyes with his coat and gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Tasuki,
hi. i'm just a passerby, but what do you think of this place, Ai no Yuugi I think it's total ICK!
Dear passerby,
Well all th' Seishi ('cept Tamahome) an' Chichiri no Aijin jus' loved it! Thanks!! Now they got ALL kinds of cr*p to tease me 'bout! By th' way they're puttin' it up on the links peeji, too!
Dear Nuriko,
I have this major zit! Can you suggest a way of getting rid of it? PLEASE HELP!
Dear needy,
OXY 10. And wash your face daily. Try to also use an astringent if your skin is very oily.
Dear Tasuki,
I didn't find out until just recently ;_; That's why I didn't say anything about it. I didn't know. *hugs* Thanks. Maybe I won't off ya. But you still didn't answer tthe question as so who I should off first? (or are you avoiding it?) *pauses to answer the stupid phone* ... ... ... It's a cruel world after all, damnit. Somebody robbed my friend's house. >.< Talk about making a bad week worse. *thinks* First, I find out Jake-chan is dying, then some baka at school hurts my arm/shoulder (why is it ALWAYS my right arm that gets hurt, damnit?) Then my friend gets robbed. Sheesh.... Anyways, much thanks. *half smiles*
Dear One-chan,
Sorry thions' are goin' so crappy fer ya' right now. Of course I'm avoidin' th' *&^%$#@ question!! I don't wanna die! An' I sure as H*LL ain't gonna say when someone else should be offed!!! If it makes ya' feel any better, it wasn't any of MY bandits that did yer friend's house!
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you! Domo arigato! You really are such a nice guy! I'll wear your shirt when I go to sleep, use your kesa as a blanket and think of you every night and day!, wait...I already think about you everyday, hehehe.. *sweatdrop*
I don't think I could hate you even if I tried.*gives a hug* *sigh* Sunday?? But..that's church day. Hmmm...*thinks about scheduling*
Are you going to be there all day Sunday?? That would give me a bigger
chance of catching up with you. If not, tell me when you COULD be there,please? Thanx.
And you could just call me Arashi. Disregard that Lady stuff. After all,
there are no heirarchy between friends (and lovers! ^_~), 'kay!
Au revoir, mon amie! *kisses cheek and hugs Chichiri hard*
Lady Arashi
Dear Arashi,
Ano, I will do my best to be in the chatroom on Sunday around noon, no da. I cannot say for how long but I will try to be there for awhile, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Boo! :P Didja miss me..? (Probably not but, oh well :P ) You know what..? Times at school have gotten worse. (Okay, not THAT bad, but things have gotten worse.) I did what 'ya said, and I made some new friends :D They're all very nice. But now me got a new problemmo... There are these two guys in my Homeroom class that I usually ignore because they're both MAJOR Perverts. I'm usually the little quiet-girl who sits in the corner of the class. Well, everday we have to watch this little News broadcast thing in the morning, and one day it was about China and the whole "How they were on Russia's side" thing... (I don't remember what the broadcast was, I wasn't paying much attention ><;;) Well, one of the pervies knew I was Half Chinese, (Half Chinese and Half German to be exact) so, when Homeroom was over, I was heading toward the doorway, when the guy shoved me and called me a, "Commie Bastard"... *Sighs*... Then his little buddy said, "If we go into war, you won't have to worry, They'll probably take you back to your Country (Meaning China) where you'll be safe." ... Now whenever they see me, I always hear them calling me a Commie Bastard, or "Hitler's Rebel"... (I have NO IDEA where they came up with that...) I've already told my teachers about what they've been doing to me, but they say that they'll do something about it, BUT THEY NEVER DO!... *Sniff* ...Why do I always have to be the classes punching bag..? ...Thanks for listening...
Slightly Cheery
Dear Slightly Cheery,
Well, there's always gonna be ignorant bakas in th' world an' it looks like ya' got two of 'em in yer class! I wish I could come to your world an' kick their @$$es fer ya'. But I can't. So, whatcha' gotta do is ignore 'em. They wanna get a rise outta ya', so don't give any satisfacion! Bozos like that eventually give up an' go lookin' fer another victim to bully. Ya' gotta admit they're pretty pathetic fer pickin' on a girl! Also, make yer principal aware of what's goin' on. Put it in writin' so there's a record of it an' ask him to do somethin' 'bout it. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Taking after Tamahome? Are you saying that I was acting like you? Hm...... okay so I was. Anyway now that the gig's up I'm going to have to hide from Chip. Thank goodness he's got a lot of homework anyway. HA!!
Dear Sammy,
Heh-heh... yer gonna do OK...
Dear Tamahome,
I don't know about doing chores. One time I helped Chip clean up his room and ended up owing him $12. Then my mom got mad at me for feeding the cat. I'm still in shock about that.
Dear Sammy,
Well, how many things of his went missing or got broken? And I'm almost afraid to ask but, WHAT did you feed to the cat?!?!? Was it something you found in Chip's room?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey I'm writing this fic about you guys. THat okay?
Number Questions
Dear Number Questions,
It's fine with us as long as it isn't yaoi! Or too hentai/ecchi!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
That's okay! I wasn't really looking for a gift, just a Happy Birthday, which you gave me! *acts all happy* Life has been so much simpler since i got that japanese/english dictionary addy off of your page!
Anyway, the present thing was just a test! *mumbles jibberish* But i really wasn't looking for a gift. As a matter of fact, something similar happened to me today. I was walking with my friend Dave and the conversation started off like normal 'hi how are you?' kind of deal. and then i told him i was extremely happy because today was my b-day. And then he got all soft and started saying how he now had to go get me a present. I kept on telling him that he didn't, the only gift that he had to give me was the saying of Happy birthday, which he had already given me. So, now i have to wait and see if he bought me a gift anyway. Nuriko, i may be asking you a question in the future! So beware, mary needs advice. Anyway, i guess i needed to say that to someone else other than jean. Not that anything is wrong with jean, i told her more than i told you! *sticks her tongue out at the seishi* Oh well! Thanks for the wishing of a Happy Birthday! *gives each seishi a nice friendly hug* Ja ne!
Dear Mary,
You're very welcome and good luck with Dave! Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII *takes deep breathe* NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! *gives him a hug* How are you Tasuki nii? How are you? *puts her hand to Tasuki ni's forehead* fever...What this I hear about you and Koneko? I really hope you find a GIRL some day, someone to take care of you! Even if you don't, I do hope you find someone to take care of you! And don't give me that stuff about you can take care of yourself! I know you niichan! You need a break! *makes a bed for Tasuki nii* Please lie down. You worry me niichan...
P.S.-There's someone else that also uses the name Yui, so should I use Yui-sama from now on or do you think you can tell the difference between the two?
Dear Yui,
There's a YURI, but I ain't seen a second Yui! An' I can *&^%$#@ well take care of myself, thanks!! I don't need no woman aroun' naggin' me!
Dear Tasuki,
*runs into the room, papers grasped tightly in her hands, pencils sticking out from her hair and a notebook under her arm - she was obviously trying to complete her projects earlier* Oi! Tasuki!! What did you say?! I'm sick with a sinus infection (the doc says that's why my sickness won't go away)and I won't be able to see/talk to Yoko for a week or so! I wouldn't normally be so curious but I saw my name mentioned! ¬_¬;; Oh yeah, I want to tell you a funny little thing I discovered about a character's name in a fanfic I'm writing.... I was goofing around looking at some characters in Japanese and happened to arrange them in a pattern I liked so the soundings that they made I called the character this. In my fic, I pair off most off the seishi with past or new loves (yesh, even you, but don't worry, her first greeting - er if you could call it that- she knocks ya one! She even drinks you under the table later on! (not by much mind you...) ...) anyways I was having problems of what to name Kouji's girl (rrgh.... i can't go into detail about why Kouji counts as one of the seishi, but anyways) and that process I did above worked. I later spoke to Yoko, and she was shocked and looked at me, and repeated the name "SUE-NEIGH-GEI?!" I'm like oh-no! What does it mean? She pulled up her jeans a bit and rubbed her calf "Sunegi!" she exclaimed. I laughed and said "Phew! I hope Kouji's not TOO mad, his girl's named calf!" Yoko looked at me again and said that in Japanese leg was called "SUNE" and hair was "GE" and I exchanged looks with Tammy Neko and we literally screamed at the top of our lungs, "LEG HAIR!!!!!" *bows very deepily* I don't really wantcha to tell Kouji that incase he hates me for it, but if you must please reassure him IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!! *goes UFO with limbs flailing around* SERIOUSLY!!! WAH! I DIDN'T MEAN TO GIVE HIM A GIRL NAMED LEG HAIR!!! (Well then again Chiriko's second girl ~ later in the sequel ~ is "needlework" Heh.) Wah! I'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell him! I'm afraid he might come after me! I just told it for your amusement!! 0_o;; *imagines the convo*
Kouji: Knock knock.
Who's there?
Kouji? Why you're a favourite of Nykee! Come right in!
Good! I was planning to, since I'm gonna hurt her!
You: Bwahahahaah! LEG HAIR!! BWAHAHA! Hey Kouji! How's that LEG HAIR comin' along?! BWAHAHA
Me: *running at mach speed to get away* A-ano..., it was an accident!!!!
*sweatdrops majorly and looks around constantly to make sure he's not coming after her* Wah! I just turned 18 a month or so ago! Don't kill me now! I've just begun to enjoy being an "offical adult"!! Wahaha!
Dear Nykee,
OK we won't kill ya'. Demo, we wanna read this fanfic of yer's!!! Leghair.... heh-heh-heh... Oh Kouji....
Dear Chichiri,
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CHICHIRI!!!You know,I was thinkin' ,you could be in those Volkswagon commercials where they go "da da da" You'd be perfect for the part!Heehee daaa!::hands Chichiri a pair of shoes::here I got these for you because your shoes are probably worn out from all your traveling.Hehe Tell Tasuki I'm sorry that I tied him up and put him in a gag ::innocently smiles:: and tell him I love him hehe and I brought him a bottle of sake to say I'm sorry.Well Au revoir!
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
Arigato for the kutsu (shoes), no da! They are very comfortable. I'll give Tasuki your regards and his sake, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi hi ^^
hi there thank you for visiting my pointless newsletter you have made me a very happy person!!! i'm working on a rough draft for my next months update on it so yeah ^^ and um...yeah it's going to be more pointless and so far from the feed back on what my friends say on my rough draft it's more pointless! ^^ heeheehee so i'm very glad you enjoyed it cause i've been having kinda a bad week so anyways thanks i'm going to get going now since i have still more pointlessness to spread bye!
Dear mizu-chan,
Have fun! Maybe in the future you can sneak a point in and REALLY confuse folks!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hiya Mits-chan! Just thought I'd say hi to my niichan!!! Hi!
Dear Yui,
Konbanwa Yui-sama! Ogenki desuka?
Dear Chichiri,
Er, was it the same book Yuri was looking for that y'all were asking about the full title and ISBN? If so, here:
How To Draw Manga
Power up MANGA techniques for beginners
Compiling Characters
(That was like the title then the two subs)
Written by: A Society for the Study of Manga techniques
(Wow, they actually have one? lol er, back to the desc)
Published by: Graphic-sha Publishing Co., Ltd.
Distributor: Japan Publishing Trading Co., Ltd.
ISBN 4-88996-042-2
Just drop me a note to say if anyone needs anymore info 'bout the book. Oh yeah, if she still can't find a book anywhere, I can send her one (not for free tho! I'm no Tamahome! ^^;;0 Me poor! Like I mean cost of book plus S&H) Uh, my e-mail is and you can print that because it's really ok if I receive spam there! Hehehe.... Anyhoo, *waves* TTYL
I have tons on top of tons of projects to do. Wah, I wish I was in Ancient China, no more HW! Kakaka! *runs in circles then away leaving others to realize she's really kowai*
Dear Nykee,
Arigato for the information, no da! Good luck on findingthe book you're looking for below, no da! Minna-san, anyone out there that can help Nykee-chan, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of ya know where to find the second artbook of Fushigi Yuugi? I scoured the net and stores all around and upside down and I still can't locate one! People say it maybe out of print but I'm hoping I can't find atleast one copy before they're completely gone! ^^;;o Thanks for your help and suggestions if you know of anywhere to look!
Dear Nykee,
Hai! Chichiri no Aijin's bookshelf! Ano, she does not wish to part with it. Gomen. She suggests Kinokuniya or eBay. Perhap's Powell's in Portland, OR. has a copy They do have a website, although their URL escapes me at this time. Gomen, but you can search for them.
Dear Mitsukake,
I need your help! My feet have been itching as of late. Any advice??
Dear ?!?,
You may not be very athletic but I guess your feet are! It soumds as if you have Athlete's Foot. Try an over the counter preperation and make sure you follow the instructions exactly.
Dear Chiriko,
Wow, Chiriko-sama!! You got all of the questions correct, including the bonus ones. I guess they weren't too hard for you. You're pretty smart. Sugoi job!! Anyway... I have a question about the 'Seishi of the Week'. Can people just send in pictures for it to be up, or something other? I was just curious.
Thank you for giving my best friend (Cally_Kari_Shokka) advice about her own problems. These things have happened before, I think. Unfortunately, she lives about 5 hours away from me, so I can't aid her in her problems. Arigato again for giving her good advice, Chiriko-sama!
Anyhow, since you've read my stories, do you have any suggestions? I've run out of ideas for 'A Mask to Hide In' for quite awhile now. I think I used to have an idea in mind, but I forgot it... I know the ending that I want, but I don't know how to move the story along... Any suggestions would be great.
Well, seeya later, Chiriko-sama! Have a good week.
HoujunRi, deciding on something like 'Kitsune-chan'...
Dear HoujunRi,
You're welcome for the advice. I hope I was helpful. I will try to re-read your fic and give you feedback, but I can't promise anything. Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
How've 'ya been? It's been a while since I've been on but I'm back! I've missed talking to 'ya, have you missed me? I know 'ya have! Any new people on here that are replacing me? Hope not,tell me what have I missed?Well gotta go! Talk to 'ya A.S.A.P!
Sey Something(your dear friend)
Dear Sey Something,
Ya' missed WAAAYYYY too much to go into!! But welcome back!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can you give me the list of the people that Miaka kissed?
Dear Kei-kun,
Willingly or unwillingly?
Dear Tasuki,
How are you, Tasuki? Just stopped by to say hi and to give you this... (*hands two bottles of sake in shatterproof plastic bottles*)
Judging by what's been going on here as of late, I'm sure you'll be thankful for such indestructible bottles....well, ja ne....
Dear ?!?,
Arigato!!! Heh-heh-heh... OI One-chan!!! Check THIS out!! *Guzzles happily from his shatterproof bottle.*
Dear Tasuki,
*takes the straw away and breaks it* hmph. You didn't answer my question. Who should go first? (if you ask nicely, I might change her name. I do accept bribes...)Just answer the question cause I don't wanna have to ask it again cause I don't feel like talking about death. ;_; My Oniichan is DYING. *cries* Well, not really my Oniichan, but the closest thing to one I got. *hugs a plushie of a german shepard* My aunt's huge german shepard have been around for a little longer than I have... Jake always followed me around and tried to protect me... anyways... just answer the question, and no, you can't go at the same time.... *doesn't feel like wasting sake and leaves.* ;_;
Dear One-chan,
Oh geez... why didn't ya' say so in th' FIRST place??? *Puts an arm around her and gives her a hug.* It really sucks losin' the ones we love! Go ahead an' off me first if it'll make ya' feel better. If ya' want, I'll be yer mamoru...
Dear Chichiri,
O_O WAAAAAHHHHH!!!! GOMEN BABYGWING!!!!!!!! ;_; I'M SO SORRY!!! *wacks herself hard for being such a baka* Wow, JC. Is it ACJC? ^^;;;;;;;;;;; I'm really, really sorry. ;_; gomen, Chichiri, I'm not sure. I can't think straight now. *sniffles, and runs off before she can do more stupid things*
Dear Yuri,
Ano... I'm sure Baby Gwing will accept your apology, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
I was just you actually know how to read Chinese? ::sweatdrop::...ehh...hope you will not find me too annoying..=)
Dear sOmEoNe,
Hai, I do. It was part of my formal education as an Emperor.
Dear Chichiri,
Oi! You're going to spend THIS WEEK with WMC??? What about me??? I waited for you on the chatroom last Saturday,Sept. 11, in the morning and you guys never CAME!!! I woke up early just so I could chat with you! How could you??? You said weekend mornings... Well, You know what! Some of us insulted you guys out of frustration but I won't say what we said.
Oh and Chichiri!Look what I picked up in Konan palace..*holds up a kesa and a shirt* I got them in your room and you can't take them back cause they are mine now! *sticks out tongue* This is for not being there..... *sniffle* I could learn to hate you, I guess...*sob* *tears run down cheeks*
lady arashi
Dear lady arashi,
Gomen that we weren't able to make it, no da! We will try for this Sunday, as Saturday we will not have access to the computer, no da. I am spending a lot of time with WMC because she has been ill lately. I am sorry that my actions have upset you so, no da. Please keep what you have taken, no da. *Tries to dry her tears with his kesa. Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Chiriko,
CAN I REALLY BE YOUR BIG SIS!?!?!.....*smiles* YAY!!!!....Sorry I didn't ask you myself....I'm kinnda shy^^..So my buddy inori had to!!...I'm just happy you said yes!!......I don't have any brother's or sisters so I'm always lonely.......But now I can talk to you!!!!!.....and don't worry.....i won't ask you for any help on my homework....*gives Chiriko a hug* See ya later!!!!
Dear Momoko-chan,
Arigato! I'll try to be there for you if you need me oneesan!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, it's me again. The school could be held _legally_ responsible if they don't help? ..Man..wish I knew that 3 years ago. My problem was less there, but the teachers made fun of me, too (literally). The principal of that old school even told me that he hated me to my face _twice_. Anyway, it's my 3rd day of school, and the ones harassing me are at it again. There were a whole bunch of them in computer class that wouldn't leave me alone! I barely kept myself from crying and yelling back at them. A couple of kids were throwing stuff at me, and the teacher didn't even do anything. My english teacher yelled at me when I told her about it when it happened in her class. God, I just don't know what to do anymore..
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
Get yer *&^%$#$@ parents involved an' have 'em put pressure on th' school officials to do somethin'! They should be writin' letters to yer principal an' to th' school board. If nothin' gets done after that an' them talkin' to 'em, mebbe ya' should look fer a Civil Rights attorney. Ya' can mebbe also write to th' ACLU an' let 'em know yer bein' harrased because yer Jewish. They an' th' Simon Wisenthal (sp?) Center fight hate crimes all th' time!
But try to not let th' bakas get to ya'! If they do, they win. Stand up fer yerself an' believe it or not that DON'T mean brawlin'! Leave if ya' have to, but jus' try not to involve yerself wit' these jerks. Look into yer local laws an' see if the legal system can help ya'. They are doin' what amounts to assault an' battery an' that's against th' law. If worse comes to worse, mebbe ya' can change schools. By th' way, what state d'ya live in? Jus' thinkin' if it's a more Southern one, that would explain th' kids an' their attitudes. Now, go talk to yer parents!!
Dear Nuriko,
*sweatdrops* Hmm...So I take it that means you're ticklish! Gomen, I won't tickle you again! But your face sure looked funny! Hee! Actually the actor I showed you is like 19 or 20 years old! Unbelievable, huh! Yep! Now, I'm gonna interview you! You don't mind, do you? ^_^! Ok! *assumes a reporter pose* Now, Nuriko-sama, as you know, you are loved and admired by many, many people in many, many countries all over the world! Why, there are people who worship you every morning when they wake up and every night before going to bed! So we want to take a deeper look at the man behind the purple hair and beautiful face!
1. What would you do if a crazy fan went into your room and stole all your shirts and you had to go around shirtless for a day?
2. How do you control all your drooling fans?
3. How many times a day do you slam Tasuki into the nearest wall?
4. Which of the songs you sing do you like the most?
5. What would you do if you saw Ashitare again?
6. Did you like your hair better short or long?
7. Who would you have liked the marry (someone other than Hotohori and Miaka)?
8. How many kids did you want to have?
9. What would you name your kids? (I bet if you had a girl you'd name her Kourin! ^_~)
and the most important question of all...
10. Which ice cream is better, strawberry, chocolate, or cookies and creme?
Thank you for your time, Nuriko-sama! And in thanks for having answered these questions, I present you with this! *gives him a 3-D crystal tear that is see-through and kinda rainbowy*. It's a dragon tear! Depending on what color it turns when you talk to someone, you can tell how they feel about you! If it turns darker, they don't like you very much, but if it turns lighter, they like you! Some old merchant gave it to me for running an errand for him. I want you to have it to remember me by! ^_^! WEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! I've been spending WAY too much time talking to Momoko-chan! ^_^! Oh, I'm so tired...Oyasumi nasai! *falls asleep next to Nuriko*
Dear Inori,
Whew! You certainly are the curious one aren't you? And by the way, YES I'm ticklish!!! Here's all your answers in order:
1. I'd put on a vest or jacket (don't want to start any riots hee-hee) and go shopping for more shirts.
2. Ano... buckets and drool cloths???
3. As many times as he deserves it!!
4. I don't have any one favorite. I like ANYTHING I sing!
5. You know what they say about payback... *Rolls up a sleeve and makes a fist..*
6. Short. It's easier to take care of and it certainly makes me look more manly.
7. I suppose someone who combined Hotohori's beauty and gentleness with Miaka's energy and attitude.
8. 2 A boy and a girl.
9. You'd be right! And the boy I'd name Hotohori.
10. Chocolate!
Dear Tasuki,
Me? I'm fine......I guess. *sigh* *hugs Tasuki*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
BULLS--T!!! What's up?? C'mon ya' can tell Genrou, we're tomodachi, ain't we? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Chocolate Milk? Well...uh...lets see....ya' know you would never suspect that it's actually milk! It's like liquid chocolate!! um....How do I describe taste?? You'd have to try it...although you don't like milk much, but it never killed anyone to try something...Elyra made me try black olives, and even though I was choking on the taste, I still tried it.
The best part about the Chocolate Milk however, is the fact that I would say, it has a worse affect than alchohol!! (on me anyway) And you get extreeeeeemely hyper from it..
Hey! One more question...I just started this cute little thingy, and was wondering if you guys wanted it for your site..although you do already have one...just for the show though. It's a Guard Neko! I'm offering them from my site, and thought some people might want Tama-Neko protecting their site! Funky ne? Well, I've been talking to much...See ya' later! Luv ya'!
Dear Kaori,
Th' Guard Neko sounds kawaii. Sure, we'll put one on th' site! I still ain't sure 'bout this chocolate milk stuff though...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey Suzaku Seishi! I'm almost done with my page!! Wanna check it out? *gives them a big smile* Sure ya do *giggles* Please check out Miaka's Tea Shop hee hee...tell me what ya think of it okay? *gives them each a kawaii suzaku plushie and leaves*
Asuka ^o^
Dear Asuka,
It was kakkoi, no da! We are going to put alink up to it on our links peeji, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Heh heh, glad to hear that Tasuki. ^^ The good cause is not let the good tasting cookies rot and then everyone will be happy. ^^ Oh, mizu-chan says hi and asks you and the seishi to check out her pointless newsletter. ^^
Dear Yuri,
We checked it out. Yep, it was pointless! I don't get it... But I think Chiriko liked it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi minna ^^ by now i'm sure you've met my cosin mi-chan ^^; well any ways i was just wondering if you'd like to see something pointless cause i just put up a pointless newsletter so i was hoping you'd check it out ^^ it's pointless (so far i've gotten reviews of cute and or pointless and i'd like some of your opinions too if you didn't mind ^^ okey bye bye for now minna ^^
Dear mizu-chan,
Ano... pointless is certainly an apt description. But it was cute, so I will try to check back on it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Uh, hi. I don't think anyone remembers me, since I disappeared off the face of this site a few months ago. *blinks a few times* Uh, anyway, I wanted to let you know I going to start to come back (that depends on if I'm ignored or not. -.-;;;) and that I've changed the Shrine to an OAV-based site. (Waiiii.) Not quite done yet (okay, I've only got 4 things up so far. o.O) but will be soon.
Ja ne!
Dear Myrna-chan,
Welcome back! Of course we remember you! Let us know when your site is totally up!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WOO HOO!!! You'll never guess what is coming up!!! *waits for the right answer, but it doesn't come up* MONDAY IS MY 15th BIRTHDAY!!!! *then turns with a greedy look in her eye* What are you guys gonna get me? *mary says with a puppy dog look in her eyes*
Dear Mary,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! Ano... gomen that's it.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Heyas! Just writing yas back to tell yas how my tomodachis responded to the card. Well, they all hit me with pillows, yelled at me or jumped up and down with me. ^^;;o Oh and guess what? My friend Lisa has a Japanese exchange student and I wrote her a letter with a drawing of herself holding the flag of Canada, saying kaasan, tousan, Canada kakkoi! And she was like kakkoi? I'm like yeah, i read and copied it from Tasuki from ATSMB. She looked at me funny and then I realized I said Canada was delicious/good looking. Lisa teased me not to hit upon the countries anymore and I groaned and said gomen nasai Yoko, I meant SUGOI not kakkoi!! She laughed. Another good thing is she KNOWS FY!! I think I pronounced it wrong the first time but after looking at the card she recognized. (BTW She was like Sugoi!! To yer card (mainly cuz she could read it w/o the English LOL)) After many sharades and descriptions I found out her overall fac character is Yui and Nakago (which she described first as Yui's BF! I believe she's only read a few mangas).... Plus, I was finally really better and then I went and slept on my friend's ICECUBE cold floor and got something else. I feel yucky but not totally sick. *sighs* TOLD YA I DON'T HAVE AN IMMUNE SYSTEM! LOL! Oh yeah, and you said "kid" in your letter last time, and I don't know if ya say that to everyone or what but just so you know I'm 18! (WOOWOO! Finally!! It was August 2nd).... n' Nykee's short for Nicole. Oh yeah, if there's anything you'd like to say to Yoko, the Japanese student, just type it an' I'll pass it along. She's really estatic when people speak/write Japanese! Ok, Guess I'll talk to you later then? *toss Tasuki a bottle of sake* Bye! *runs off to finish her pile of projects*
Dear Nykee,
Glad I was able to help ya' freak out yer tomodachi! Heh-heh-heh... Arigato fer th' sake! OI yoko-san! Hajimemashite! Tasuki desu. Dozo yoroshiku! Nykee, ki o tuskete kudasai!!!
Dear Tasuki,
got milk?
Dear navi,
Heh-heh-heh... yeah right! Got sake?
Dear Chichiri,
wai! wai!(runs over and hugs you)I have always wanted to talk to you!I am stuck in a quaker boarding school where nobody know who you are(starts to cry)they all think I am crazy for liking you so much!!!!!Plus they stole my CD of you guys and scratched it(hugs you again).It won`t play any more.I miss your voice already...
lonely worrshiper
Dear lonely worrshiper,
*Gives her a hug.* Perhaps you can introduce these people to our adventures by showing them the videos, no da. If you have Internet access you should be able to find .WAV files of our voices, no da. Good luck.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you know where your miko went? I can't seem to find her.
Dear ShadowCat,
Mebbe. But why should I tell ya'?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey! I usually don't write to you, in fact, I've never written to you, but I feel I should anyway. Okay, I was mascot at this huge football game yesterday..In front of 52 000 people too! ACK! and the costume thingy I was wearing was extremely heavy, and now it hurts to even move my shoulders, arms, anything connected. Any suggestions?
Dear Kaori,
You seem to have strained yourself. Try aspirin or another anti-inflammatory like Tylenol and either soak in a hot tub or have your mom put moist heat on the affected areas. If it continues to pain you, go see your family healer.
Dear Mitsukake,
I love you!!!!!!!!!! Can you help me get rid of an annual cold? Thank you soo very much, I love you!!!!!!!!!! Will you marry me????
Dear Kat-chan,
If you mean the Flu, perhaps you should consider getting vaccinated against it. Arigato for your affection, but I don't wish to marry anyone right now or anytime in the near future.
Dear Tasuki,
hi i have this friend who'll be having her birthday this september... she's been writing to you a lot...i believe you've heard of her...her name is jill...could u greet her a happy would really make her day...she's your biggest fan...thanks...oh yeah...add a fangy grin to that greeting...
Dear Jill,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! Happy *&^^%$$#@ birthday!!! *Fanged grin.*
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