Dear Hotohori,
Arigatou for answering my question!! *smiles sweetly at Hotohori*..NOW I'm long did it take for you to grow all that hair of yours?? And I don't think there are any barbers in ancient China...right? Sheesh...I don't know what I'm talking about...*blushes and runs off*
Dear Evangelista,
It has taken close to 18 years to grow my hair this long. We do have what you would call barbers here in Konan.
Dear Tamahome,
Actually, my doctors say I WILL need a kidney in a few years. How much for one of yours? You can have my old one...
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Gomen nasai, but despite what you may think of me or been told, I do not sell body parts! Especially MINE!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! So how are u doing? Haven't seen ur reply to my previous letter yet, so I write to u 1st.... Hehe! As I told u, I had my Biology practical exam yesterdae morning. It was really disastrous.... >_< cos I cannot finish it at all.... Waahhh! T_T *sobz* *sniff* Okie... I finished the actual carrying out of the experiments, yet I cannot finish the report-writing itself.... Feeling sad over it.... just feeling disappointed with myself... True.... some of my friends could not finish as well, but at least they wrote sth..... even rubbish could have been worth some marks unlike my blanks..... =( I counted already and I estimate that I've lost abt. 15+ marks alone from blanks.... Argh! I guess it'll be a miracle if I get to pass this time.... Luckily it's not some major exam like the A Levels or anything, or else I'm dead meat for sure....
Just been asking myself if it's the teachers who are trying (successfully) to scare us in that we cannot finish this practical exam, so that we'll be so afraid that we'll run out of time and then, make it a point to work faster next time; or is it cos we are the ones in which the problem lies in that we are just simply too slow..... I hope it's the former.... really do.... or else I'm gonna really suffer...... It'd better be.... Ergh! Still cannot stand the thought of it.... =o<
*sigh* I hate this!!! *lets out a loud cry of anguish* There.... much better.... Oh yeah.... 1 more day till sch. starts again..... and 3 more weeks till the Promos..... better start studying soon, or else...... Busy, busy.......... *sigh* Sch's so boring..... and busy.... I wanna stay home all day and play.....!!! =P
So in the meantime, do take care k? *gives Chichiri a hug* Dun miss me too much.... *wink* I promise to write in soon..... ^_<
Baby Gwing ^o^
P/S: I think that this ^_< is becoming my trademark already...! Hehe!
=P *looks at all the prev. letters* Oh.... Yuri, u r from S'pore too huh? ^o^ Haha! Yah lor... All the Singlish I use really makes it even more obvious... Hehe! Cannot help it wat... So used to using them in everyday life liao.... Hmm... Which sch. are u from? I'm from VJC... Yupz... I ran 3.4km, but I only knew that cos that was my sch's cross-country route and... I'm running that much cos I was crazy that day, being last day of sch. then..... ^^; but... I'm not that gd. in case u get any idea abt. it.... =P Hmmm.... maybe I'll not compete with u over the cookies.... Lemme see........ Ah.... I know.... I'll give a variety of diff. snacks.... Yah! =o> Heez.... So to start with, here's a big tub of cheez balls for u Chichiri.... *hands Chichiri a biggy tub of cheez balls* Oh... U can share it with the other seishis and dun finish it too soon, or u'll get sick of it.... Enjoy! ^^;;; =P
Dear Baby Gwing,
I'm sorry that you didn't do well on your practice exam, no da. I hope you will do better on your next exan! Arigato for the cheese balls, no da. They're interesting. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
All right. These questions just came from my math teacher who loves pop quizzes. They're trick questions, and I was curious if any of you could figure it out. Reply to me, and I'll reply back to see if you're right! Here we go!
1.) Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?
2.) If a doctor gives you 3 pulls and tells you to take one pill every half hour, how long would it be before all the pills had been taken?
3.) I went to bed at eight o' clock in the evening and wound up my clock and set the alarm to sound at nine o' clock in the morning. How many hours of sleep would I get before being awoken by the alarm?
4.) Divide 30 by half and add ten. What do you get?
5.) A farmer had 17 sheep. All but 9 died. How many live sheep were left?
6.) If you had only one match and enetered a cold and dark room, where there was an oil heater, an oil lamp, and a candle, which would you light first? (No, not Tasuki's tessen.)
7.) A man builds a house with four sides of a rectangular construction, each side having a southern exposure. A big bear comes along. What color is the bear?
8.) Take 2 apples from 3 apples. What do you have?
9.) How many animals of each species did Moses take with him in the Ark?
10.) If you drove a bus with 43 people on board from Chicago and stopped at Pittsburgh to pick up 7 more people and drop off 5 passengers and at Cleveland to drop off 8 passengers and pick up 4 more and eventually arrive at Philadeplhia 20 hours later, what's the name of the driver?
Here's two bonuses for you guys:
A guy is in a METAL room all alone. The only thing he has is a saw, some nails, a hammer and a bloack of wood. How does he get out? (Hint: Think fractions)
A magician is going to his show, then comes to a bridge that has a 190 pound limit. The magician weighs 180 pounds, but he has three blocks of gold that weigh 4 pounds each. If he doesn't want to leave any behind, how can he get across the bridge? (Hint: Levitation, but without magic)
Well, good luck! Sorry for being so long with this letter.
HoujunRi, very close to getting a better nickname...
Dear HoujunRi,
Here are your answers, in order of asking:
1.) All of them.
2.) 1 hour. You take one when he gives it to you, then 1 in 30 minutes and 1 in another 30 minutes.
3.) With a wind up alarm clock typically 1 hour. Unless it is a 24 hour clock.
4.) 70. 30 divided by .5 equals 60 + 10=70.
5.) 9
6.) The match of course!
7.) White. He's at the North Pole.
8.) 2 apples. Which is what you took from the three apples.
9.) None. That was Noah.
10.) Chiriko!
Bonus questions:
I would think he would open the door.
He juggles the three blocks of gold as he goes across the bridge.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiriko! Which of the Seven Deadly sins do you think is the worst? of all of them I can only remember pride, lust, envy, glutton or something, sloth, and then my mind goes blank...I think jealousy is one too. I believe lust would be the worst because in that case, some people would go to killing someone to get what they want...Isn't that sorta' the case with Yui-Chan? Okay..I'm done rambling now.
Dear Kaori,
. Actually the Seven Deadly Sins are: Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Wrath, Pride, Sloth and Envy. I really don't know which is the worst, as they are all pretty bad. But I think I can actually assign Seishi's and Miko's to some of them... hee-hee...
Gluttony = Miaka
Greed = Tamahome
Pride = Hotohori-sama
Lust = Nuriko
Wrath = Tasuki
Envy = Yui
I just hope they take this as humourous when they see it...
Dear Tasuki,
How have you been?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Pretty good, 'cept when I'm bein' tortured by sake bottle breakin' crazy chicks! How're ya' doin'? Good I hope.
Dear Nuriko,
Okay, Nuriko-oniichan! What do you think? Do you think this guy could play you in a real life Fushigi Yuugi movie? His picture's in this page! Momoko and I think he'd be perfect as you! But what do you think? Ooh! And look!! *shows him a paper with a 97 on it* I aced my English test!! Yippee!! Aren't you proud, oniichan? ^_^! Bye!
Dear Inori,
Congratulaions on your test score! I'm very proud of you! As for the actor, he looks too young to play me. Gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
*smiles*...Thank you...I feel better already...*runs up to Mitsukake and gives him a hug*..Thank you! =)
Hsin Yu
Dear Hsin Yu,
*Smiles at her.* you're very welcome.
Dear Tamahome,
*gives Tamahome an innocent look* Can I please play with your hair? *smiles at him sweetly* pretty please?
Dear Asuka,
I'd say yes, but Miaka would be VERY upset about it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, all... I'm wondering if you've realized this as I have, but about your birthdays.... You all have your birthdays at some point in the first 6 months of the calender year, and the same goes for Miaka. However this does not hold true in the case of Yui or any Seiryuu seishi. A little weird, isn't it??
Dear ?!?,
I suppose so. But that may be why we were able to work as team and they really weren't.
Dear Tasuki,
Do I annoy you niichan?
Dear Yui-sama,
Nah, not as much as some people... Yer OK.
Dear Chichiri,
Nani? No, I don't think so.... from her letter she sounds like she's in primary 5, and I'm way older then that... ^^; gomen babyGwing if I'm wrong! ^^;;;
Dear Yuri,
She says that she is 17 and in Junior College. Is that like High School in America, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
Hi!! I'm writing for my friend Momoko! She wants to know if you could pretty please let her be your neechan! You're her favorite seishi! She's kinda shy, so that's why I'm writing in her stead! Please say yes! She's a nice and genki neechan! ^_^! And say hi to my Nuriko-niichan for me!!
Dear Inori,
Sure, I suppose so. It might be fun! I'll give Nuriko your regards.
Dear Nuriko,
*comes up behind Nuriko* I wonder if niichan's ticklish...Only one way to find out! *tickles Nuriko's sides and neck* Heehee!
Dear Inori,
AIYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! *Stops short of slamming Inori into the nearest wall.* Don't do that onegaishimasu! I could have hurt you!
Dear Tasuki,
Why DON'T you want us to ask #@!%* hentai questions about you and Koji? You hiding something you don't want us to know? And how do you feel about all the Chichiri/Tasuki fics that are out there? (Don't worry, they scare me too!)
Chiri and Tasi
Dear Chiri and Tasi,
'Cos I'm *&^%$#@ tired of answerin' them!!!!! An' I don't care fer th' yaoi cr*p on me an' th' monk either!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Aiya My Dearest Friends!! Just a quick question..What are all of your favourite animals? Simple! Quick and to the point! Don't ya' just love it?
Luv ya' all!
Dear Kaori,
We are all fond of cats. Although Tasuki is also fond of wolves.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Harlow there! Sorrie for not replying so soon, although it's the sch. holidaes rite now over here in Singapore. Yah, that's rite.... I'm from Singapore. Any way, mind if I ask why you wanna know? (Just curious...) If you dun wanna say, it's okie with me.... ^^ Hehe.... No, I dun really mind your question.... no point being all secretive abt. this wat.... Besides, wat's there to hide? ^o^
Oh yeah.... did u read the letter I sent to Nuriko? Wat do u think huh? I mean, do u think I should get the person sth.??? I'm sort of confused over this at the moment, but dun worry abt. me cos I already mentioned that studies always come 1st wat.... Just that when I think abt. it, I'm at a loss at wat to do.... and come to think of it, so little time left.... until they graduate at the end of this yr. *sigh* Speaking of time, my holidays are ending soon.... Waahhhh..... Only 3 more days left, including todae..... So fast.... (Actually, we only have 1 pathetic week of holidays altogether....) Then, exams are coming in 4 weeks' time.... Argh! Stress! >_<
Maybe I should follow in Miaka's footsteps and go find a book to hide myself in..... Hehe! =P But then, not to worry..... I'll continue to write in.... only like say once a week or fortnite, until my exams are over. Oh.... I'm presently in JC (short for Junior College) and I'm 17 this yr. Surprised? *Ponders over the writing of the word "surprised" cos there's really nothing to be surprised abt....* By the way, how old did you think I was judging from the content of my letters? =o>
I'm having a Biology practical test tomorrow morning..... already started studying for it.... but still have to study like crazy later.... (Hope I dun cut my finger again like I did last yr. during my Prelims. in secondary sch.) So bored.... then, also distracted cos I just got Final Fantasy 8 and I'm sort of hooked on it.... cos the plot and characters and gameplay are great...... Even more surprised? (Aha! There's more reason to write "surprise" here cos many pple really are surprised when I tell them that I play Playstation games cos I occur to them as a studious gal.....)>> not that I'm that gd. in my ^^;
Hope I'm not boring u with all my crap...? Oh yah.... my ECA (Extra Curriculum Activity) last Sat. was quite boring cos not many pple went. Oh... forgot to tell u that my ECA is Interact Club. We were having some sort of I.C. (Inter-Club) Project last Sat.>> supposed to be some activity in which we act as hosts to pple from Interact Clubs of other schs. and we play games and sort of exchange pointers and stuff..... Was quite disappointed by it partly due to the poor organisation, not that I can do a better job at organising this, but just felt that the activity was very disjointed. Oh well... maybe do a better job next time.... but it was quite a success fortunately..... =) Oh.... and our Interact Club's logo is a yellow smiley face.... Quite cute rite?
Am I boring u with all my stuff? Gomen.... Any way, hope to write in soon.... cos I got to go now.... Do take care! *gives Chichiri a hug* >>Dun worry, I doubt that person will get jealous over this..... Hehe! =P Oh and here: *hands Chichiri a chocolate ice-cream* Dun mind the nutrition content of that.... a bit of fat and sugar will not kill yah..... One of the greatest joys of life is food wat! Unlike the way they make me go fat..... then, I'll just be an ugly, fat gal who looks like a mini-sausage (cos I'm quite short also...) and no guys will ever like me.... *pouty look* But then, maybe this will be better, then I'll know for sure that my future guy likes me not for my looks, but for my inner beauty (character).... >>like I have any in the 1st place..... Haha! =o> In the meantime, enjoy and stay happy always! ^_<
Baby Gwing ^o^
Dear Baby Gwing,
I agree with Nuriko, no da! Get him something special, you have nothing to lose and at least a special friend to gain, no da. I was curious where you were from because of the way you write, no da. Sumimasen! I hope that doesn't upset you, no da! Besides it's interesting to know where some of our fans are from, no da. Good luck with your exams and your friend, na no da!
Dear Chiriko,
I went and did that little math problem that Math sux had and I came up with the terms: 2a-2b + 6ab+6cd, and I think that there is all there is to it! *sees Chiriko stare at her* Ummmm...look, I may be Chichiri's fan and all but I do have brains, you know, so quit staring at me.
By the way, I'm already in my second week of classes and I'm gonna be working part-time so I might not be able to chat BUT I'll try my very best to catch you guys on the chatroom. Please give my humblest apologies to Chichiri and I'll hope that he'll still remember me.*sigh* *sniffle*
Oh and wish me good luck, guys! This is gonna be one tough semester for me. With my studies and a part-time job, I'm gonna need all the luck I can get! Oh and by the way, You are one Cool Dude Chiriko! But take a break once in a while,'kay? You know what they say, all work and no play makes one have a baaad headache.
'kay byeeee! *gives a hug*
Oops, almost forgot!*goes to Chichiri and kisses his cheek* See Ya! :)
lady arashi
Dear lady arashi,
Ganbatte kudasai with your job and school! I will give Chichiri your regards. And don't worry, we won't forget you.
Dear Nuriko,
Harlow! Oh... thanks for ur reply... maybe I'll just do that.... if I ever get the courage to do so... Surprising to me, cos I'm usually not scared of anything and when it comes to such things, I just go all shy and watever.... See 1st then decide on wat to do abt. it.... Thanks again for everything! =)
Well.... just one more week to go... then I'll get to see him again.... cos their Prelims. are ending next week Friday (17/9). After that, they'll have usual lessons then I'll get to see and talk to him.... Hehe! *o* I only ask for say, at least see him once a day, then I'm really satisfied already.... Talking is considered as a bonus. @_@ Argh! Going crazy already.... At this rate, I doubt I'll survive next week without seeing him..... Huh? Wat am I saying? ?_? Oh... then wat abt. u? Still crazy over Hotohori-sama? Hehe! ^o^ I think that Hotohori's very niceand gd.-looking.... Maybe I'll go crazy over him when I'm over this guy.... (if I'm ever over him.....)>> Hehe! Just kidding.....
Hmmm..... just wanna share with u this thing I heard from someone as to why guys have bigger hands than gals? U know why? There's this rather sweet reply that it's cos guys have bigger hands so that they can protect the gals they love and give them this feeling of security when they hold their hands.... Hmm.... sth. interesting to ponder over huh? Hehe! ^^;
Actually, it's quite strange dun u think? That guys and gals seem to really compliment each other. Really a match made in heaven..... No matter how much a gal or guy hates the members of the opposite sex, the feeling of attraction just sort of gets them at some point in time.... Not to sound gross or anything, but really at some point in time, these pple will just start to notice that hey... they are not really that bad as they seem to be wat.... then, they'll ask themselves why they hated them so much in the past.... grow to cherish their presence.... then, well.... u know.... the rest.... like them, love them, then get together..... then tah dah.... happy ending for all....
I have this childhood friend who was just like this.... she hates guys a lot in primary sch. In fact, she hates them so much that if they irritate her, she'll just grab one and whack one, just like that.... Sort of reminds me of u sometimes though.... especially the part where u accidentally whacked Tamahome's face into the bowl from which he was eating cos of ur strength.... Hehe! ^o^ Then now... she sort of likes guys and sort of enjoys their presence.... in short, a lot different from wat she used to be in the past.... funny huh? =)
Oh well.... hope I'm not boring u with all my crap..... any way, I got to go now... got this Bioogy practical test tomorrow morning and I still have to study like crazy for it..... So dun miss me too much k? I promise to write in soon.... So in the meantime, enjoy this: *hands Nuriko a packet of peach flavoured yoghurt* It's gd. for ur skin and it's healthy too.... Tastes great! Do take care! *gives Nuriko a hug*>>Luv ya always...... ^o^
Baby Gwing ^_<
Dear Baby Gwing,
You're welcom for the advice. Good luck! Your theory on why we have larger hands than you do is very sweet. As people grow up they do change and so your friend liking boys is no surprise. Arigato for the yogurt! Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
Who said anything about me getting drunk? The only thing I get drunk off of is chocolate milk! although there was that one time...*snaps out of flashback*..never mind..Anyways, Thanks for your the weird way you do show it.
What I really wrote to say was, WOW!! The SPHERE IS BACK UP!!! YAAAYYYY!!!! I took it down 'cuz one of my other sites was making me mad..(strange logic ne?) But it's back up and I would say ten thousand times better than before!! Check it out! And hope ya' enjoyed that sake okane!!
Dear Kaori,
Chocolate milk? What's it taste like? Thanks fer th' link, I'll check it out! Arigato fer th' sake no okane! That'll come in handy!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have you never heard of the sequential stories? They were on CDs, like a radio show or something, and they had a reincarnation for all of you except for Tasuki and Chichiri. If I recall correctly, Mitsukake was a soccer player, Nuriko was a spy, Hotohori was a Chinese idol singer, and Chiriko was a genius (again.)
You can download sounds from the sequential stories here FYSounds
They are listed as the 'mini-albums.' Also, there is a link somewhere on the page to where they are translated, but I'm going to be late for class if I stay here long enough to hunt it down...
The Unusually Helpful Suboshi
Dear Suboshi,
Arigato Suboshi, that was rather nice of you, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
I think you and Nuriko should go out sometime. You are so much alike
Dear Lovebird,
Arigato for your suggestion. However, I have Houki and am very happy with her.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay! But you didn't answer my question! Who should I off first? You? Or her? (What's wrong with a cat-girl named Koneko!? HMM??? And you didn't agree she was cute. I told you you'd better AGREE.) *grabs pen* I'll have to decide how to kill you. Gotta be something.... E.V.I.L. Of course, I could honor your request =p *is surprised she didn't get attacked for her comment about how people 'hurt the ones they love the most' ^^;* Gwahahahaha. It has been proven girls are far superior to guys! Hahahah! Girls vs. Boys pep rally. Just guess who won.... gwahahaha. The two pep guys have to wear CHEERLEADER OUTFITS and feed the two pep girls lunch... *cackles* In front of everybody. Hahahah. *super glues a BIIIIIIIIG pink frilly bow onto the tessan.* ahem..... anyways. You got a problem with Koneko!? *stands on her tip toes and makes a fist* YOU GOT A PROBLEM?
Firefury: GIRLS RULE AND GUYS DROOL! *cheers and leaves*
I expect answers to EVERYTHING ending in a question mark. =P And...
(I suppose I could break them over your head....)
*Keetia runs in*
*One-chan, Firefury, and Keetia, all leave*
One-chan and various people/characters
Dear One-chan,
*Looks up from sucking sake through a filtered straw...* Didja' say somethin'? At least if ya' break th' bottle sover my head, I gotta better chance of gettin' to some sake wit'out slurpin' through a straw! *Soaks bow in sake and squeezes it into his mouth.* Ahhh, that's better! Thnks fer th' bow! Heh-heh-heh... I didn't say whe wasn't cute! I jus' said kill me by drownin' me in sake! It's gotta be better n' bein' wit'a chick named Kitten! It's jus' too kawaii! An' I DON'T love Obake-chan!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Exactly how long is your series? I mean is Fushigi Yuugi still going on and on? So the story still isn't done? Is this the never ending book? Kowai!!!
Dear Eternity,
The manga is 18 volumes in length. The video series is comprised of the original series of 52 episodes aling with 2 OVA's that are respectively 3 and 6 episodes long.
Dear Tasuki,
&nb sp; *looks at all his stuff* ARGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! SAMMY!! WHAT THE #$W(*#$&)??!! WHEN I SAID GET A JOB I DIDN'T MEAN THIS!!! Is it possible to go to school and come back to find all my stuff okay? *groan*
Dear Chip,
I dunno. Why don'tcha aske her instead of askin' me?
Dear Nuriko,
NUUUURIIIIIKOOOOO-SAAAAAMAAAAA!!! I have a doujinshi up!! Not done yet, it will be, but STILL, IT'S UP!!! WAI WAI WAI!! It's yaoi... a Nuriko/Hotohori one titled 'The Love bug' which Ritz-san wrote. It's on her page FYHQ. Mine's under fanfics, at the Love bug! Please go see it! Give me comments too!!!
Dear Jean,
Nice artwork! I also liked "Mended". Although I'm not too sure how Tasuki and Chichiri feel about it...
Dear Tamahome,
Uh.... was Chip calling me? 0_0 I guess not. Anyway I don't know. I'm kinda lazy. What job should I get? But I do want to mention a little thing, even though it has nothing to do with thieving. I think it's really cool how you're always taking care of Miaka. I would love to have somebody that dedicated to me and willing to go so far. If Chip acted a bit like ya I think I'd be happier to be his sister. Unfortunately ...... he's not. Maybe that's why he doesn't have a girlfriend! HAHA! Uh-oh...
Dear Sammy,
I guess the job would be dependant on how old you are. If you're not old enough to work yet, why not do chores around the house for an allowance. Thanks for the compliment. But I suppose if I didn't take care of Miaka, she'd either end up dead or at least critically injured!
Dear Tasuki,
*whispers* Why did ya have to tell Chip? I thought I was going to sell that stuff...
Dear Sammy,
Nani? Now yer takin' after Tamahome???
Dear Mitsukake,
Do you like to play doctor?
Mr. Freud
Dear Mr. Freud,
Actually the term is healer and I am one.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What happened to freedom of speech-? As if they haven't censored the world enough... Those people got power and money! They could WIN. *sobs, then stops.* ahem... Almost forgot.
*resumes sobbing over censorship*
Dear One-chan,
*Stops sucking sake through the filtered straw that Tamahome gave him and looks up at her...* Smashin' sake bottles is NOT th' way to get me to flame someone fer ya'! *Goes back to sucking up sake...*
Dear Tasuki,
I was just wondering if you've given up on Miaka yet. Because if you have, then I would'nt mind giving you some of my time...
Dear Jessica,
i ain't never started nothin' WIT' Miaka! An' I ain't lookin' fer no girlfriend, either!
Dear Tasuki,
*high pitched whinney voice* PEOPLE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I guess I have to explain huh? Weeeeell... it's like this, first, my parents has this whole thing going on that I should just go out with Korean guys because I'm Korean too. They said because it's harder to marry someone whos'a different nationality. My aunt got married to a nice, Caucasian person and she seems very happy but my parents talk behind her back. I don't understand!! They've been telling me, "Jean-young-ah, you have to marry a nice Korean boy when you grow up." ever since I could remember!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGH!!!!!
Also, my friends don't approve of my relationship, I'm almost 16 (I'll be 16 in Feb) and my boyfriend's 18 (he just turned 18 on monday) but they say he's too old. IT'S NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!!! THEY WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!! Well, of course not all of my friends are like this, some of them think it's great since now I'm happier than ever because I know someone cares about me IN THAT WAY. Please Help ME!!! ;_;
Dear Jean,
Ja, he is a bit old fer ya'! Jus' be careful. As to only marryin' a Korean guy, ya' should marry who ya' love an' not jus' marry someone fer his nationality! Yer parents may hate me fer it but I jus' don't agree wit' 'em on this. As long as he is good to you an' treats ya' well that's what really counts!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
We all know Y2K is gonna hit us very soon. But what I want to know is, were you guys worried about the potential 9/9/99 bug? And how'd it feel to know it did virtually zero damage?
Dear ?!?,
The 9/9/99 bug never bothered us as it would only apply to extremely old programs. It was no surprise that the threat was an empty one. Pretty much what we expect out of the whole Y2K scare.
Dear Tasuki,
*bows* Konban wa! O-genki desu ka, Tasuki-sama? I'm just writing to tell you how great you are, and how kewl your hair is!! Uhh, also, how exactly DO you get your hair to stay up like that? It still boggles my mind......oh well. The real reason I am writing is that I wanna know if ya wanna be my drinkin partner. I AM the bandit queen, don't ya know. ^_^ Please say yes!! Oh, and my father IRL is constructing a metal fan for won't throw flames though.....but I can still hit my friend with it when she acts stupid! *giant grins* I'm jus glad that you didn't die. *smile* If ya wanna see a pic of me, it's here: Neko Please take a look at it and tell me what you think. Have the other seishi look at it too. Right now I don't have the ears or tail though......*shrug* Well, bye! And have fun and beat the hell outta Tama for me!! ^_^ Love ya!
Dear Neko,
So yer otosan is makin' ya' yer own tessen? kakkoi! Jus' don't hurt yerself wit' it! Th' hair is jus' natually cool, jus' like me! Ya' can join me an' Kouji fer drinkin' if ya' want. Nice pic! All th' other Seishi though so, too.
Dear Chichiri,
*walks in and hands 5 gold ryou to each seishi*)
Heh, I've been visiting you guys for so many a time, I might as well give something to you, eh? Anyways, I pretty much know how the other seishi will spend the cash.....
Tamahome will just save it,
Nuriko will save it towards some clothes,
Chiriko will buy another book,
Hotohori will buy another mirror,
Tasuki will buy more sake, and
Mitsukake will buy more herbs.
But as for YOU, Chichiri, I DON'T know how you'll spend it. I'm just curious, man. Maybe for some fish and catnip for Tama-Neko? ^-^
Dear ?!?,
I would buy some cat-nip for Tama-neko and save the rest for when I am once again wandering, no da! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you Chichiri! ^^ But I think it's gonna be one heck of a phone bill, ne? ^^; I could e-mail them about it, so I need the full title of the book. ^^; Hey, wait a minute... *looks at previous letters* Hey! Looks like I'm not the only one giving cookies now, eh? Hmm.... I've got competition... ^.~ Oh, Baby Gwing, you ran 3.4km?? Which school do you come from? Yes, I know which country you live in! The singlish gave it all away! ^^ Bwahahahahaha-- ahem. ^^;; Damn, I've got to stop laughing like that or I'll scare away future customers from my cookie shop. ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;; *gives chichiri some little fish shaped cookies as thanks* Uh, I hope you don't get sick of eating cookies soon. ^^;
Dear Yuri,
If we happen upon the book again we will copy down the title and ISBN number for you, no da! Saa, is it possible that you and Baby Gwing go to the same school, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
How does one earn your heart? Or, short of earning your heart, what about your liver or stomach?
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Gomen, but selling human organs is illegal. Please don't ask this of Tasuki who might go out and steal some for you, or Tamahome who will sell just about ANYTHING to ANYONE!
Dear Hotohori,
::grinz::...Ehh...I know this is really stupid, but...don't you ever feel hot in that Emperor costume of yours? After all, the Imperial Palace isn't air-conditioned...^^;;;...and oh yeah, why do you have to keep all that beautiful long hair of yours stuffed up under your hat/crown??? when you wear the costume? Ehh...I'm just very curious....^^
Dear Evangelista,
Well the Imperial robes are all made of silk, so they keep me warm in winter and relatively cool in the summer. I keep my hair up when I am dressed formally. When I am dressed csually, it is down.
Dear Chichiri,
hi. Been in school for a couple of days (haha they actually think I'm smart). A little down because one of our dogs died though, he'd been with me as long as I remember *sniff*. Anyway just wanted to tell someone.
girl with a horn
P.S My B-Days on Sunday the 12th!
Dear girl with a horn,
My condolences on the passing of your inu (dog), no da! Omedeto otanjoubi gozaimasu, no da! (Happy birthday)
Dear Tamahome,
Why are you so damn hot! The other guys from highschool are just a bunch of geeks. You are just one of the cool guys who are way much better than the wannabes except for a couple of guys. I think you are one of the sexist man alive and way much better looking. Why Why Why do you have to be so perfect? It drives me up the wall.
Please will you marrry me. Arigoto me san cheomanti
Christina chan 1
Dear Christina chan 1,
Thank you for your sweet compliments. I love Miaka, so I would only marry her. Gomen nasai. I suppose I'm so hot because that baka Tasuki keeps trying to flash fry me with his tessen.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello I have no life. I don't fit in anyomore and I am not cool. Can you teach me to be more like you. I mean you are one of the coolest guys I know. I am just a big tall ugly bum.
PLEASE PLEASE teach me to be more like you. I also of a girl problem, I like this girl in my class but I don't know how to let her know I like her. I'm afraid of someone saying no. PLEASE HELP ME.
Dear JH,
I'm sure that you are NOT a loser, bum without a life, no da! You need to just be yourself. Being me would not be helpful to you, no da.
Everyone is afraid of rejection, no da. The way to let her know you like her is to not come on too strong. Perhaps you can ask her to study with you if you both have a class together, or to help you with a subject that she is better in than you are. If she says yes and things seem to be going well, then ask her if it would be OK to treat her to a soda or coffee one day after school as a thank you for studying with you/helping you, no da. Start as friends first and see where it goes from there, no da. Ganbatte kudasai, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
I need your help. I have really thick greasy hair that looks like a mop. What do I do to fix my hair so it's not the way it is now.
I also have a beauty tip for you too and it is very in this season. I think you should dye your hair sky blue and a bit of green in it. Then you but some really cute clips to put in your hair and voila you look very pretty.
The Dresser
Dear The Dresser,
Use a good shampoo and conditioner made for oily hair. You also might want to go to a stylist and have it cut and styled in a way that is more flattering and easier to care for.
Thanks for the tip. It sounds like an interesting cross between Chichiri and Tamahome for hair color.
Dear Tasuki,
Of course I like pointless. They're fun, ne?
Dear Yui-sama,
Yeah, but only up to a point.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi niichan!!!! *gives niichan a bug hug* How have you been? Can you ask the rest of the seishi if they want to be my niichans also? I want Tasuki, Nuriko, Tamahome(well...), Chichiri, Chiriko(well, I would be his neechan since I'm older), and Hotohori!!!!! *bows down before Hotohori and shines his shoes and looks up and waves* Hi!
Dear Yui-sama,
I'm certain that they would all be happy to be your older (and younger in Chiriko's case) brothers. *Smiles at her.*
Dear Nuriko,
Really?? You'll be my niichan? WAIWAI!!!! I'm so happy!!!! It even fits! Nuriko-oniichan! Yay!!! Oh, joyful day! Thank you!!!! Doomo arigato gozaimasu!! Well, today I had a battle with the coke machine! Stupid thing wouldn't take my dollar...and it was a new dollar! So I kicked it! And then it worked! Now, I know I shouldn't go around kicking school property, but this machine is evil! It steals people's money and doesn't accept money when it feels like it! I think it's being controlled by Ashitare or something! So how was your day? What'd you do? Did you smash Tasuki on the wall again? ^_^! Bye! *hugs him* I have homework...Ick
Dear Inori,
Kicking the Coke machine??? Are you sure you're not related to Tasuki? Hee-hee...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh, I forgot to ask! When are your birthdays? I only know Nuriko's and Hotohori's...Thanks!
Dear Inori,
Here is a link to a webpeeji of EVERYONE's birthday's. Arigato Priya and Kristi!
Dear Hotohori,
Is Nuriko your best friend? How do you feel about him?
Ano kodomo asoko ni
Dear kodomo,
I suppose of all the Seishi he would be the one I was closest to. He is a loyal friend and an excellent Seishi.
Dear Tasuki,
*Take the handkerchief and blow her nose*OH!I feel better now, thanx for the meow mix and the hug agian!!! You are a really nice guy.
(smile at him)
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
Arigato, but don't go spreadin' that "nice guy" stuff around. It's bad fer my reputation!
Dear Tamahome,
*throws a log at Tamahome's head* OI! I @#$% resent that! Gen-chan could @#$% do a lot worse than marrying a woman like me!
*grabs his money bag, throws it inside of a hollow of one of her logs, and launches it to Mt. Reikaku*
Dear Aidou,
OI! Who said you could take MY okane?!?!?!? I worked hard for that okane! *Shakes his head...* Now I see why Tasuki left home.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you like animals? I have two dogs and a cat. My little dog Evee is the cutest ever. I just thought I would tell you.
Minga the dog lover
Dear Minga,
Hai, I like animals. Sometimes better n' some people.
Dear Chichiri,
you never call no da....
you never write no da.... I miss you no da. I bought some reese's peanut butter cups, but the one melted in the sun, and the other one's fuzzy with mold no da fuzzy like your hair...
i miss your hair. da................... are you avoiding me no da? Or are you genuinely busy no da? I never hear you da anymore.....
Dear WMC,
Gomen, no da! We have all been very busy, no da! I will spend this week with you. Is that OK, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Hmph! If I'd wanted your money advice, I'd have asked. Actually, no, I wouldn't have. If I had wanted any money advice I'd have asked my father the accountant =P 'Sides, I'm quite evil and proudly agree with people who call me sadistic! Wasting sake in front of Tasuki isn't really a waste if your sadistic like me. =) (To thine own self be true!)^-~ I never harassed anybody I didn't like! (Yes, that means I like Tasuki.) *briefly ponders what her boyfriend would say is she told him she was leaving him for Tasuki (if she could ever GET Tasuki ^-~)* .... He'd tell me he was leaving me for Ryoko. --* Nevermind, I'm babbling now. ^-~ Back on track. It's my money to do with as I please! SO NYAH! If I want to spend it buying sake to waste infront of Tasuki and very well will. Got a problem with that? ^-~ *twirls pen*
Dear One-chan,
*Sighs* Baka... I give up. Oi, Tasuki! Here! *Hands him a stram with a screen filter on one end.* I hate to see good sake wasted. Enjoy!
Dear Nuriko,
I think I might be a guy! I sound like a guy and act like a guy. I don't know what's wrong with me. My friends say not to worry and they tell me I am a girl and look like a girl! Help me!
The wierdo
Dear wierdo,
Perhaps you are just going through a tomboy phase. Don't worry and just be the person you are most comfortable being.
P.S. Mitsukake has suggested that you go to a physician for a check up and have them draw some blood and check your hormone levels, too.
Dear Tamahome,
Here's your two gold ryos.
I am the biggest loser in the entire school. I am one of the smart guys and I have no friends. What should I do to make myself look hot and sexy like you. I don't have a life and school sucks!
Dear SB,
Your first step is to stop calling and seeing yourself as a loser. Your second step is to be your own man and not try to be anyone else, including me.
Dear Hotohori,
I have a problem, Umm I's hard for me to do this. I drink alot everyday and whenever I try to stop I end up throwing up all over my friends whenever they are near.
Dear moomoolalachacha,
I believe I see a 12-step program in your future...
Dear Tasuki,
Can u teach me how to swim?
Dear pretzel,
Yeah, like a hammer!
Dear Chichiri,
im a fox too
Dear vixen,
What do yo mean "too", no da? I'm just a wandering monk, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! This is my first time writing (the person who keeps signing as HoujunRi told me bout this place) and was wondering if some of you could help me with a few problems i've been faced with during my life, but has only gotten worse in recent years. I guess it's a common problem, but it bothers me greatly. At school just about every day, i'm faced with atleast 1 person in every class who feels that throwing things at me, teasing me, and harassing me is a great sport. The harassment has gone so far, that one time, 3 large girls (who weren't even suposto be in that class) had cornered me in the class while a substitute was there. Others stick gum in my hair and on my belongings. And on several occasions, my belongings have been stolen. I've tried to ignore them, but that only makes matters worse. The teachers try to help, but it's obvious to me that they can't. Some students make fun of me due to my religion (i'm Jewish), others call me a disgrace to my religion. I really don't know what to do, and it's been bothering me quite alot. I'm afraid to go to school because of this, and have been failing nearly everything because of it. Please help. :(
Dear Cally_Kari_Shokka,
If your parents are unaware of what has been happening, NOW is the time to inform them! You go to school to get an education, NOT to be harrassed. Your parents need to get the school administrators involved, as your right to an education is being violated as well as you're being a victim of hate crimes. If the school refuses to intercede they could be held legally accountable for their inaction. That type of behavior is unacceptable and your parents need tobe aware of what is happening and make the school take action against the people doing this to you. Good luck!
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