Dear Chiriko,
im in highschool, ur smart can u help me
I have to solve 2(a-b)+6(ab+cd) hellllllllllppppppppp it's not for homework, I wouldn't be able to wait long enough for ur reply. It's just a question no one can answer.
Math sux
Dear Math sux,
Well of course no can answer it. There is no equals sign to make it a complete equation.
Dear Nuriko,
I don't get you. Why are you so in love with Hotihori? Your gay right cause you love Hotihori but you are really a man. You shouldn't dress up like a girl and go find someone who is gay and you can live happily ever after.
A gay person
Dear gay person,
i was in love with the idea of marring Hotohori-sama because that would have been a way for my sister to have become Empress through me. I have finally realized that she is gone and I cannot live her life for her.
Dear Tasuki,
I don't know how to swim that good and I was told you were a good swimmer and I was wondering if you could teach me.
Dear Hotla,
Hahahahahahahaha... Ain't YA' th' funny one!!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
How do I get my face to clean and glowing?
How do you get the natural look too?
Dear Wonderbra,
My, what an "uplifting" name! I wash my face daily with a mild cleanser. As for my natural look, I don't wear make-up! If you do wear make-up, try to use soft, muted colors for a more natural look.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey dude! ok i have 1 comment and 2 question! I just wanted to say is that yur my fave!! YUr just too cool! Question 1 is: Were ya born with yur fangs? and Question 2 is: Would ya like a nerw drinking partner? I maybe small but i can DRINK! ok? Thanx much!! ! ^-^
Psyko Pyro Grrl
Dear Psyko Pyro Grrl,
Yeah, I was born wit' th' fangs. Mebbe that's why ma was always tryin' to smother me when she was feedin' me. Hmmm... musta been painful fer her... An' I don't mind ya' joinin' us fer as drink, as long as yer old enough to drink!
Dear Hotohori,
I have just started high school and I have trouble making friends and I am shy too. What should I do?
Dear Friendseeker,
Perhaps you can join an afterschool club or participate in an activity that interests you. That way you can meet people that have similar interests to yours and it may be easier for you to make friends that way. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Is Mary calling you buckethead again??? ... gezzzzzzz! well lets just hope this isnt a permenint habit!!! But why the name bucket head.... ohhhhhhhhh i see! Please tell me your not that offended!!!
Marys little sister Hilary
Dear Hilary,
I don't believe offended is as correct a description as annoyed would be...
Dear Tasuki,
I HATE school! I am absoulutely unhappy! *_* Today, during gym, I was just sitting down, and then these two girls start asking me stupid question to make fun of me.....They asked me if I'm rude. HUH???? And they also asked me if i had ever kissed a boy before.... I was pretty pissed off, but I answered them anyway. *sigh* Then, I asked them why? But they didn't answer me back. AHHHHHHH, also, they are total sluts!!!! They are not nice at all! I HATE SCHOOL! *remembers the flashback of the stupid girls* *starts to cry* My inside is really crying....but I don't want to cry physically. It really hurts. Why did they make fun of me? I never did anything to them. And during lunch, I showed my friends pictures of you, and they said you are a girl! AHHHHHHHHH! I really don't get it! You are ALL man!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, that's because some people are jus' plain mean an' total baka yarous!!!! Ignore 'em! They ain't worth th' air they breathe!! They're jus' *&^%%$# LOSERS!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Tasuki in Vegas, no da? With all those casinoes and probably alcholic drinks, no da? Oi, no da. ^_^' I can picture everyone else going to where they picked, no da, but Tasuki in Vegas just freaked me out a bit, no da. San Diego was cool, no da, and San fransico was nice, no da. Expecially the trails you can take a nature hike on, no da. Well whatever you guys pick is just fine with me, no da. So how was the modern world when you guys kinda got reborn in it, no da? Oops, no da, maybe I spoiled that for some peeps, no da. Gomen, no da.
Dear Chiri,
Ano, we weren't reborn into the modern world. You may want to check your manga/OAVs more closely.
Dear Tasuki,
Aw! HOW SWEET! ^-^ You must like her even though you don't know who she is yet! *thinks* Now who should I off first-? You? Or her? *skips off into her character closet, where all her original characters are kept* Ah-hah! *comes out dragging a burgandy-haired cat girl* Koneko, meet Tasuki. Tasuki meet Koneko. There. *shoves Koneko back into teh character closet.* Ain't she cute? ^-^ (You'd better agree.)
*Keetia pops in, one of the few privileged characters to not get locked up in the character closet*
Keetia: THE SELF-PROCLAIMED DEMON OF LOVE HAS ARRIVED! Aaaahaahha! ^.~ So if Koneko over there is gonna die, you'll die too? ^.^ And why would that be? Hmmm?? HMM?? Welllllll??? Would you, like, not be able to live without her or something??? HMMM!?!? ^.^ What a romantic tragedy!
ENOUGH KEETIA! *makes Keetia leave*
And of course......
.. *thinks* They say you hurt the ones you love to most. That must mean I really love you ^-~ But if that's true... With how often you fry Tamahome...
Keetia: Flee, One, flee now.
^^;; *pulls Koneko out of the character closet and hides behind her. How could anyone fry such a cute cat girl who had nothing to do with the above comment-?*
Dear One-chan,
Yer fixin' me up wit' a chick named Kitten?!?!?!?! Aw s--t!! Between that an' th' sake, jus' kill me now!!!
Dear Chichiri,
hello all! *thinking really really hard to think of something* gee...ok! uhh..i was just little bored and i wanted to ask you something ..uhh...*still thinking* oh ..hey would hotohori get mad..if i say that i stole his sword? and going to sell it ..?
Dear jane,
Hai, no da! He was certainly not pleased when Tamahome tried, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
5 gold ryo I think you are the sexist man on the planet. *When I first saw you I already knew that there was something inside of you, something I thought that I would never find Angel of Mine* Will you go out with me, I am just as old as you are. Please reply soon.
Dear Monica,
Weren't Clinton and the cigar enough for you?
Dear Chichiri,
I'm a stupid loser who doesn't watch anime, and doesn't have a life, and I'm ugly. Just thought you'd like to know.
Dear MS,
I am sorry that you feel that way about yourself, no da! Why, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
*cry*...I have a sore throat and a splitting headache...and I'm feeling really, really sick..I've been to see the doctor for like, two times...and still it doesn't help...*sniff*...*waaaahhhh*
Hsin Yu
Dear Hsin Yu,
The best I can suggest is to have some hot tea with lemon and honey, chicken soup, and take some aspirin. Take care.
Dear Chiriko,
HI!!!.....I just wanted to ask you something.....I have to draw a picture of of you when your 18,for my friend Inori^.^....I was just you think your hair style will stay the same...or will it change when you get older?.......and another thing,Why don't you ever come in the chatroom?....I would really like to talk to you cause your my favorite....umm.....o.k...Thanks for your time!!!JA!
Dear Momoko-chan,
I envision it down and long in a ponytail sort of like Tamahome's.
Dear Hotohori,
Actually, my dear dread former Lord, I do believe that your first kiss was with me. It was by the Imperial Koi Pond in the Winter Palace, when we were both eight years old. Tsk Tsk Tsk, to forget such a thing as that... Especially as I tipped you into the pond afterwards...
The Empress Black Jade
p.s. I can think of a much better use for Sake than drinking it! However, I will not torment you with the description of THOSE usages...
Dear Black Jade,
Ah yes... I do recall that. You were quite a scamp! I believe that was when I learned to swim.
Dear Tasuki,
You know what, there's this really freaky thing in the world now that you should take Chichiri's kasa and travel to North america to experience. It's called rap, and I think you'd probaly like it. It's this sort of loud, rough music, that is expressed more as in talking then singing. But it's quite popular.
I'm sure you'd loooooove ur journey to North America in the first place, lots of anime and lots of rap!!! Thanks for ur time byebye (By the way, if ur anywhere near Toronto Ontario Canada, check out these radio stations for rap and other cool musics, Energy radio 107.9fm and Kiss 92.5fm)
see ya byebye
I lissen to some Japanese rap by Da Pump. It's pretty cool!
Dear Tamahome,
Pfft! It's my money, not yours! I got 96 more bottles to go, and I'm not stopping till I've wasted 100 bottles! Ciao!
Dear One-chan,
Money is money and shouldn't be wasted!
Dear Tasuki,
You like these pointless questions, don't you?
Dear Yui-sama,
Heh-heh... Yeah an' ya' like these pointless answers don'tcha? *smirk*
Dear Nuriko,
Oi! School starts today...... well guess that means I can't write for awhile. -_- well enjoy not you're free time without me annoying ya! ^_^ Unfortunantly I think Sammy still has too much free time. That'll all change when she gets in high school... heheh. Bye Nuriko!
Dear Chip,
Well, have fun in school! If you're lucky your sister will decide that Tamahome is a better role model than Tasuki...
Dear Tasuki,
I can't send the picture yet... >_< My bro is too lazy to scan it in for me, so I have to ask my friend about it sometime, gomen nasai. It would probably take about two weeks or so, 'cause my friend is as lazy as well. Oh, well, but once it's scanned in, i'll send it to you as soon as possible. you go out with me in a year or two....? I hope I'm not asking too much. *hugs Tasuki* bye
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
That's OK. I can wait fer th' pic. *Sighs* Yer a persistent lil' thin' ain't ya'? Lemme get back to ya' in a year or two...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! It's Tams! Er..., really Tammy Neko! =^.^= I'm borrowing Nykee's computer right now - yeah 'cuz I'm a squish! Anyways I have some questions for you!
Nuriko: Nykee and I referenced our friend Nerak to you. She's really physical and strong and beats on people (in a friendly painful way) quite like a Tamahome/Tasuki relationship. She took that the wrong way though and seemed to get angrier, Nykee was clueless and got beaten upon as I sat laughing. She had taken it that we meant to call her a gay cross-dresser and not a strong (and sometimes MEAN!) normal person! In volume 9, first episode, before you moved the rock, etc (can't say anymore w/o spoilers!) you look at the camera you're beauty mark is there, disappears then reappears later in a future frame. Does it have a kasa to your knowledge or did it steal Chichiri's? I mean how else can it teleport?!
Hotohori: I have the most incredible urge to run up to your "bucket hat" and start turning the pin and singing "All Around The Mulberry Bush! The Monkey Chased The Weasel! The Monkey Thought It Was Such A Delight! POP GOES THE WEASEL!" At that moment, your hair would explode from it's bucket hair and spill on your shoulders! Did you know previous to an early episode in the FY series that your Royal Advisors could actually bounce around the room? (After you made a comment on how beautiful you are, they all sorta turned gummy and bounced around the room!!)
Chiriko: I would like to know how many bottles of hair gel you use in a week! Man your hair stands up pretty well for just being in a ponytail!
Mitsukake: Do you ever have problems with doorways? I mean you're so tall, and the average doorway isn't. Do you ever forget how tall you are and sort of just walk into it?
Tasuki: What side of the family does that neon orange hair come from? Or if both, what side's the brightest? (No, not brain-wise, colour-wise lol)
Chichiri: What's up with wearing the mask? You look ugly with it, I like you better without it!!!
Tamahome: Did you ever try to grow that ponytail again?
Sorry to write so much! I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time, but I have never written before here, and I really wanted to ask these questions/make these comments. Thank you if you post these!!!
*Nykee pops up* GAH!!!!!! I can't believe you WROTE SO MUCH!! Why do all my friends write novels? -_-;;0 I'm the one in Writer's Craft I should be novel writing dangit!
Tammy Neko =^_^=
Dear Tammy Neko,
Wow lots of questions! Here are all your answers:
Nuriko: No, it was just bad continuity editing. That's all! Tee-hee...
Hotohori: You are a rather kowai, strange person aren't you? I believe the "bouncing" as you call it was a visual representation of how they felt at the time.
Chiriko: None! It just does that naturally!
Mitsukake: Oh, not after the first several times! I do learn rather quickly!
Tasuki: Probably from th' same side of th' family that gave my sisters such cr*ppy tempers!
Chichiri: A lot of my fans prefer me without the mask, no da. But none of them have EVER said I was UGLY with it, no da!
Tamahome: No. Miaka seems to prefer me without it.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Harlow there! How have u been these days? Me? Oh... I'm feeling a lot better already... thanks for asking any way...... ^o^ Just feeling very happy cos it's the last dae of sch. todae then no sch. for one week cos of holidaes. But, have to study cos exams coming.... Argh! Stress ah.... but still really thankful for the break so that I can catch up my tutorials which I'm lagging terribly behind. Hehe! =P
Since last dae of sch. todae, I stayed on in sch. for quite some time to play volleyball with some of my friends. Got really nasty bruises on my finger and arms cos I dun really know exactly how to play... but nevertheless, that was fun.... =) although the bruises still hurt a bit.... maybe I'm gonna be scarred for life.... *pouty look* Waahhhh....... >_< Then, no guy gonna like me anymore...... Then after that went for a 3.4km run with my friend, it was very tiring but satisfying like the feeling that u get when u accomplish sth. really great..... Feel so happy!!! =o>
Now, feeling very tired cos it's 2am now and I'm still trying to rush thru. my project and I still have this teeny weeny bit to complete typing and I'll be done. Can't believe that I sat here in front of the computer to type from 9pm till now.... phew! Quite a lengthy piece of work there and I have to hand it in tomolo...... and I still have Extra-Curricular-Activities from 11.30am to 4.30pm tomolo..... Waahhh! No time to relax....... grrrlllll! Nevermind, tell u abt. wat we do tomolo on the next letter, so must anticipate my next letter ah? Hehe! Just kidding! So, in the meantime, here enjoy this! *throws Chichiri a huge choc. chip cookie* and do take care! ^o^
Baby Gwing ^o^
Dear Baby Gwing,
Arigato for the cookie, no da! I'm glad you're feeling better and don't worry about the bruises, they won't leave scars, no da. Saa, I am curious about what country you live in, no da. I hope you don't mind if I ask you that question, na no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello again, Chiriko-sama! How're you doing from your vacation? Well, school has just started for me. The teachers are good, but what bothers me are the students. I can't get the erge to talk to any of them, so I don't do well in working with groups. I prefer working alone. It seems easier for me to work alone so I can focus on my work. But when it comes to partners... I'm not sure what to do. Most of the time, the teachers let me work alone, but sometimes I -need- a partner to do things... any advice on improving my social skills?
I've solved the part about getting my brother to read at least one of my stories. Thank you for helping, Chiriko-sama. ^_^
Anyway, I must run. If you have some spare time, would you do my a favor and look at my homepage? It's still new, but it has a couple of stories in progress and finished two poems. Unfortunately, I only have two images in the Image Gallery so don't bother going there... it's a pain in the arse to upload stuff on my page. Anyway... have a good week, Chiriko-sama! *hugs him and kisses his cheek* Ja ne!
HoujunRi, someday going to have a better name...
Dear HoujunRi,
I read and enjoyed your fanfic! Arigato for giving me the link to your peeji! As for social skills, perhaps you can join a club or participate in an activity that will have you interact with people who share the same interests as you. Once you start making friends, it does become easier. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Harlow there! This is my 1st time writing to u and I juz wanna tell ya that u r one of the Seishis that I really adore... ^o^ *blows a kiss to Nuriko* *then gives Nuriko a big hug* Actually, I have this sort of guy problem now and I'm just wondering if u can help me out......
U see, there is this guy in sch. that I really really like... (or rather, love...) *blushes* He is one year my senior and is in my senior
class. He is a very nice guy and I think that he should know by now that I like him cos of all the very very obvious (and I do mean obvious...) signs that I've been showing these past weeks... >> Makes me feel a little ashamed of myself cos I've never done this before...... =P Any way, to put it simply... It's just that he will be a complete idiot (which I dun think he is), if he does not know by now that I like him......
Actually, I dun expect him to do anything like ask me out or anything cos I know that he's been busy lately with all his preparations for his Prelim exams, and I dun think he would cos I'm not that attractive or anything to guys...... Anyway, he's sort of leaving soon cos my seniors are graduating this year. My sch. has this sort of a farewell assembly thing for us to give small gifts to our beloved seniors. My class has decided to get this nice scented coloured candles for them and write their names on them with fabric paint to personalize their gifts. Nice rite? Some of my close friends in class also know that I like this guy and have encouraged me to at least get sth. specially for him as a farewell gift. Since it is highly unlikely that we'll see each other again after they graduate (unless we make the effort to keep in touch through e-mail or watever), so it's like it's now or never in that if I give him the gift, I dun have to worry about it being awkward when we see each other again. This is because giving the gift is like being very very obvious that I'm telling him that I like him... and on the other hand, if I dun give him the gift, I'll never get a chance to do so ever. So, as u can see, I'm in a sort of a dilemma here... so please give me some words of wisdom on what I should do??? Oh yeah... (before I forget) the main reason that I dun want to tell him personally (especially now) or give him the gift is that I dun want to affect his mood for the exams. You know that during such times, and especially such stuff can be rather distracting... and I really want him to do well for his exams... just as he had been as concerned as that time in July after my Mid-Yrs. exam>> he asked me abt. the results and was rather happy abt. it and he had told me earlier in May to start studying earlier...... =) So now, I also feel that studies should come 1st and I hope that he will do well.
Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part... but I think that he could possibly like me.... dun really know abt. it.... but just feel it... sort of like a gal's 6th sense thing.... and I feel that we sort of currently know within us that we like each other but we're just simply not doing anything abt. it or waiting for the other person...? I'm a bit unsure abt. this part too... Haha! Wat am I saying..... *o*>> See... just thinking of him will make me go crazy already... @o@ *sigh*
Am I troubling u too much with my lengthy 1st letter? Gomen... Here's a nice big choc. chip cookie for u that I made myself this afternoon... Enjoy!!! Oh... here's also a bar of Hershey's Cookies and Creme choc. for u too.... Hope u like them! In the meantime, do take care and arigato for everything! Oh... and one more hug please? ^o^ =P
Baby Gwing
Dear Baby Gwing,
Go ahead and give him a special gift! I don't think that you have anything to lose and you might actually gain something in the process... a very dear friend at the least and who knows where that could lead to?? Arigato for the oishii okashii!! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
POLL TIME! ^-^ In case you haven't noticed, Tasuki and I are having a bit of a battle of wits (I don't usually have a battle of wits with unarmed opponents.... but HEY! Why not? ..... *has a feeling she might want to flee any possible flaming attempts*) Anyways, I'm writing a fic and I'm gonna set him up with *GASP!!!!* a girl. Scary, ne? Anyways, to be mean, cruel and heartless in general... Should I kill off Tasuki? Or should I kill off the girl I set him up with? Or.... should I kill them both and make it a tragedy comedy instead of a romantic comedy? ^-^ Your opinions may vary the results of this story. Be honest, okie? Please? =)
*ahems* And specially for Tasuki-
Arigato in advance ^-~ *flees before any attempts on her life can be made.*
Dear One-chan,
We decided the cruelest fate would be for him to end up married to a woman just like his sister Aidou! Then he'd be whipped and beaten! I love it!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
And by the way, could you lay off the sake wasting? That stuff cost money, you know!
Dear Tasuki,
*crosses arms* "tough"? EVERYONE knows your a BIG SOFTIE! HAH! SOFTIE! =P And be careful what you wish for... you just might get it *points to the "death by sake" request.* Anyways, I'm giving you a chance to prehaps, sway the out come of this story. I can kill you, or I can kill the girl I set you up with. Depending on your answer, I may change the story, and I will of course, send a reply to whatever you answer. So, should I kill you? Or should I kill the girl I set you up with? Choose wisely.
And yes, I'm wasting perfectly good booze, damnit. It was my intention to waste perfectly good booze in front of you. I'm not stopping until I waste all 100!! HAH! *smiles* Although, you could try bribing me. ^-~ Might work, might not. . . . (No, money will not work. Did I mention I'm going to join the Drooling Tasuki Fan Club when their application is back up-? You know, with all those "crazed hentai chicks"? And no, I'M not hentai, just CRAZED.)
Dear One-chan,
Enough wit' th' wastin' of perfectly good sake already!!!!!!!!! 'Che!! There ain't gonna be enough to drown us in. That's right US! One dies so does th' other!
Dear Nuriko,
IAMSOSORRYFORSAYINGTHATTOHOTOHORISAMA!!!!! *bows deeply to her* Can you ever give me Nuriko-sama? *still bowing* I apologized to Emperor Hotohori! Can you ever forgive me?
The VERY sorry Mary
Dear Mary,
Well if Hotohori-sama can find it in his heart to forgive you, I suppose I can, too. Just no more Bucket head jokes, OK?
Dear Chichiri,
Wow, thanks for your kind help Nykee!! ^^ But I live in Singapore. There is a Kinokuniya bookstore here, but I couldn't find the book. ;_; *sniffles* Maybe I could ask them for help... ^^ *wonders if Chichiri could send the book to her as a belated birthday present and she could show it off to her friends, but knows it's a silly idea* ^^;;;;;;;;;; hee... it's not in several volumes, is it? *turns out her pockets and a coin drops out* I'm broke. ^^;;;;; I wonder where Tamahome keeps his savings.... $_$
Dear Yuri,
Singapore, no da? Kakkoi! I would send you the book, but unlike Tamahome-kun I am just a poor wandering monk, no da. The book is a single volume in paperback, no da. Here is the address and phone number of the one in San Francisco:
Kinokuniya Book Stores
1581 Webster Street, San Francisco
(415) 567-7625
I hope this will help, no da. If I can get the exact title I will let you know, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*Yawns* Guess what! I just came back from Las Vegas yesterday... Oy... Too Much traffic on Highway 5... (Do you know how stuffy a car can get with *8* people in it?!... VERY HOT...) Anyway, I won this in a Midway Game, and I figured you might like it... *Hands him a little Wolfie Plushie* ^^
*Gah! School for me and S.O.T.N. starts on Thursday! ;_; Me, S.O.T.N., and my sister (EVIL ONE!) are all going to the same Jr. High this year... *Face Drops* And we don't get Locker Privaleges this year! ( We all had to buy these roll away Back-Packs... **We're all looking more and more alike by the minute... °cries°**) Anyway... Here's S.O.T.N. with a question for Chichiri no Aijin...
*S.O.T.N.: Hello! We live in the LA area, and We wanted to know where you got your Manga from? Do I have to go to Little Tokyo or something? *Snickers and goes on* Is Tamahome Gay?
*Fuyu Yuki: Oy... Now yer gonna get Tamahome Pissed off with you!
*S.O.T.N.: I don't give a #&$%! *Drinks coffee...*
*PaNdAnGeLz: I still say Tasuki looks like a girl. *Fuyu Yuki whispers something in her sister's ear...* SHE'S A GUY?! ...Must be a Drag Queen...
*Fuyu Yuki: AAAAHHH!!! *Smacks PaNdAnGeLz*
Fuyu Yuki, Sorcerer of the Night, & PaNdAnGeLz
Dear Fuyu Yuki, Sorcerer of the Night, & PaNdAnGeLz,
OI! Thanks fer th' ookami! He's kawaii! Chichiri no Aijin wants to answer you herself instead of lettin' me do it:
I get my manga from several different stores. Kinokuniya and Ashahiya (SP?) in Little Tokyo, Continental Comics on Devonshire and Anime Plus on Reseda in The Valley, and Banzai off Sepulveda in Palms/Culver City area. Thanks to Chichiri's kasa I REALLY get around! There are also places in Monterey Park that we wandered into on our last fan girl/boy shopping spree that had lots of cool anime stuff. And while Tamahome is a big greedy pain in the rear (at times) he IS NOT gay! And Tasuki is NOT a Drag Queen!! I think THAT honor is Nuriko's... Anyway Tasuki and Chichiri are the coolest and most kawaii of the Seishi! And I'm not saying that just because they're both standing NEXT to me reading everything I type.... ^_~ Back to you Tasuki...
Boy can she talk to what?? Anyway, I hope that answers yer questions an' jus' so ya' don't ferget, I AIN'T NO *&^%$#@ (*&^%$@ DRAG QUEEN!!!!! Now, why don'tcha pick on Obake-chan fer a change?????
Dear Hotohori,
I was NOT your first kiss! That stupid Miaka was..... *sigh* Why did you have to kiss her first instead of me? :(
Dear Houki,
My apologies dearest. You are correct. As to why I kissed her first, well, I hadn't met you yet.
Dear Tamahome,
You really don't know who Miiru is? She is Shigyou Ren's older sister.
Dear Yui,
Well, aside from biting my ear, she obviously made no impression on me.
Dear Chichiri,
How do you and chiriko keep your hair like that?
just asking
Dear just asking,
It just grows that way, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Neh, Tamahome-kun..for $3,000,000,000,000 would you marry me? ^-^
Dear JessChan,
Hmmm.... Let me see... *Counting on his fingers and not aware of Miaka coming up behind him...* ITAI!!!!!!! Gomen Miaka!!! Ano.. IIE! Gomen!
Dear Tasuki,
::CRIES LOUD WAILING SOBS::TASUKIIIIIIIIIII I THOUGHT YOU LOVED MEEEE!!!::RUNS OVER TO TASUKI AND HUGS HIIM REALLY TIGHT AND DOESNT LET GO::I DONT WANT TAMA OR HOTORHORIIIII ,I WANT YOUUUU!!!Daaa!!::picks up tasuki and locks him in her room:: Awww he looks so cute struggling with a gag over his mouth ::eyes sparkle::
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
MMPPHHHHH!!!!MMMPH!!! *Thinking get this *&^%$#@ gag and th' *&^%$%$#@ ropes offa me ya crazy chick!!!!!* MMMMPH!!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
I've been reading other letters to you and not one of them is offering your required amount to answer questions! So to be nice to you and your family, here's 2 ryou for you, and you don't even have to answer my question, cuz I don't have one, cuz I don't have anything else on my mind but going to highschool tommorow=p
Oh and could you tell Miaka good luck on the entrance exams. And I hope that everything is fine with you too^^ Byebye now!
Dear Ginger,
Arigato for the okane and the good wishes for Miaka and her entrance exams. Have fun in school! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tamahome,
Hm... new role model? Cool. I've never really had one, although I really like ya! ^_^ I know Chip would be very happy should I try to be more like ya. *imagines Chip SD and ecstatically happy) Does that mean I have to fall in love with Miaka and protect her with every breath left in me? (She gets in quite alot of trouble) Just kidding!
Dear Sammy,
No, that's MY job! Your's would be to earn an honest living by working.
Dear Tasuki,
Do u like the simpsons?
Dear Ginger,
I dunno. Who th' h*ll are they?
Dear Tasuki,
Decent bandit huh? She could sneak a elephant into the house and nobody would notice! (As long as the elephant cooperates) Either way don't you dare go encouraging her! I've lost enough of my stuff already...
Dear Chip,
Heh-heh-heh... Sounds like she'd be a great recruit! Ano... I think she's already pluggin' fer a position. Is this stuff yer's? *Points to a pile of clothes, books, and miscellaneous stuff in front of him.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! Nuriko-sama, could you please be my niichan? Everyone has a niichan but me...I feel so alone!! I know I could never ever take the place of the incredibly awesome Chou Kourin, but I think you'd be the coolest niichan in the world! Pretty please? *puppy dog eyes*
Dear Inori,
Sure! I'd be proud to be my defender's big brother!
Dear Tasuki,
(sniff) really..sorry to...get..your coat wet..(sniff) Here! i'll..clean it..(still crying while she clean his coat)
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
It's ok! It's OK!!! I can always hang it up to dry. *Hands her a handkerchief.* So would some Meow Mix make ya' feel better...?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konbanwa! Sorry for the broken links to the fics have been fixed. :) (FanFics (comments on the fics are good too... Comments are our friends... :)
Could comments/questions: Chichiri: Can you fake a British accent? (Is it possible to make Japanese sound British? ^_^;) 'cause there's two parts in the 'Enemy within' fanfic that it works so prefectly... (don't kill me)
Tasuki & Chichiri: Do you guys know of the Kazama brothers, Kazuki and Sogetsu? (From Samurai Spirits/Shodown 4) The reasion I ask is because Ju-chan and I are convinced that you are related to them. :) Kazuki is this really cool guy who smirks all the time when he fights who gets to use fire in all his attacks (He can throw flame too! ;) he also has a sword named Suzaku. ;) Sogetsu is his older brother, who has water powers, blue hair that defies gravity, and is also really cool. (His sword is Seiryuu.. *shrug* it's the blue/water thing.)
And speaking of Suzaku and Seiryuu.. *smirk*
I got a set of hand relaxation balls.. one with Suzaku on it, the other with Seiryuu. (Ju-chan lost Seiryuu under my bed. *sigh* (Ju-chan: He ran away!!) Hai, hai.... ) I just had to share. :)
I think I'm done babling for now... :) *Hugs Tasuki and Chichiri really quickly and then runs away before they realize what she wrote in her fanfic...*
Fran-Nyan, the Baka no Miko.
Dear Fran-Nyan,
We have never heard of the brothers you told us about, no da. However, they do sound interesting, no da! I have never tried using an English accent. But, I'd be willing to try, no da.
Your other stories were great! "The Enemy Within" was very intense, no da! And the interlude story was kawaii! We look forward to reading the rest, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I want to know where I can get the complete Fushigi Yugi story. I've heard that there are two OAV series that come out to about 52 episodes, but have only seen Volumes 1-8 of the first OAV series for sale on the internet. Can you help me?
Dear ~ShockWave~,
The entire series of 52 episodes, which does not include the two OVA's, is being put out by Pioneer. I don't know if they are going to do the OAV's or not. I suppose it depends on how much okane the series makes for them.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What's your favorite animal? Mine is the wolf. I simply adore them! They're so beautiful, smart, fast, and........*notices she's rambling* Hehe, oops. Funny, i like canines yet i'm a cat. *meow!*
Dear nekosanichan,
Like to live dangerously, do we? All of us, even Tasuki (Genrou), are quite partial to cats.
Dear Chichiri,
*runs to him and hugs while jumping[think Wakaba of "Revolutionary Girl, Utena"* CHICHIRI! CHICHIRI,MY LOVE!!(tee-hee,i've always wanted to do that!)*kisses cheek and releases hold* Sorry, didn't mean to get carried away but it is soooo wonderful to finally be able to talk to you!
*Ahem!..*takes a breath* I am called Lady Arashi and I'm one of your greatest fans. BUT! I am not crazy or insane(not that much,anyway) and I'm definitely NOT HENTAI! I don't like to get involved with those jell-o and whipped cream parties(should i say orgies? ewww,gross!). And I Definitely am not one for you being involved in yaoi fics! That is absolutely Unforgivable! I mean I wouldn't mind if it was Tasuki & Kouji, or even Hotohori and Nuriko , I wouldn't even bat an eye if it was Tamahome & Nakago getting it on.BUT NOT YOU!!!*wails about the insanity of it*
*Anyways, I'd like to ask when you would be available to chat or when I'd be able to catch you on the chatroom? I really would like to get together.(on the chatroom!silly!)Please tell me!!
See you soon!(relatively speaking,of course)
lady arashi
Dear Arashi-san,
Nice to meet you, no da! We all try to be in the chatroom at various times, but weekends seem to be be the best to catch us, no da. WEd are there generally in the morning, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I was wondering, what's your favorite songs?
Ano kodomo asoko ni
Dear Kodomo,
Anythin' on th' Fushigi Yuugi CD's 'ceot fer th' Seiryuu Counter Attack!! Who told THOSE bakas that THEY could SING?!?!?!? We also lissen to SMAP, DA Pump, an' T.M. Revolution. Think we got th' J-Pop stuff covered? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
*a curly blond-haired girl flies into the room, well not really FLIES, but runs really fast and plows tasuki down, she stops, ponders and runs back dusting him off and picking him up and apologizing several times* Oi! gomen nasai Tasuki! I wanted to thank you so very much for the card!!!! I'm almost better, or atleast I feel like it *knocks on wood*.... Yeah, a stupid superstition but I don't want to take any chances. Anyways, I'm on my second set of pills, so now it's really clearing up! Yesterday, I rarely coughed at all and slept in until 2pm!! Wai! Then today, I coughed a bit more but not as much. *runs up and hugs him so tight she's almost choking his lungs* Arigatou!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're card was really super special and it made me feel a lot better. Only problem, I have to bring it to school tommorrow or else my friends won't believe me! *snickers* Nerak even threatened to hang up on me when I told her over the phone, then I swore that it was true then she threatened to kill me! *gets a quizzical look and lets go of Tasuki* I told her she's a lot like Nuriko, but she took it the wrong was thinking I meant the cross dressing gay part, and not the strength, and the threats flew..., I only wish halisens spouted fire through phones. -_-;;0 Ah well, I wanted just to stop by and thank you several zillions of times!!!! When I first read the card I panicked seeing Japanese characters thinking I couldn't read it then was relieved you translated it at the bottom! PHEW! ^.^;; Anyways, thank you for the seventh zillion time!!!!! I think I'm gonna frame it in my room! *cackles evilly* After I show it to my other FY fan friends. Uhm, yeah so thank you very much! *hugs him again, this time not so tightly* ^_^;;
Dear Nykee,
Heh-heh-heh... *cough-cough... gasp!* Ya' gotta strong grip kid! Glad th' card made ya' feel better! Ya' gotta lemme know what yer tomodachis say when they see it! Heh-heh-heh... *Gives her a hug.*
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