Dear Chichiri,
Uhm, you don't have to print this but I didn't know how to contact Yuri(sp?) and I assumed she read these or you knew her e-mail. If she lives in Canada, I know a few comic book stores that carry that How To Draw Manga Book (I got one infact! ^.^;;) if that'd be closer for her. BTW, Chichiri, love your hair and accent! ^_-;;
~P.S. If she's in Toronto, Cyber City Comics, downtown (look it up in the phone book for the addy I guess?) has a whole pile of them, or had them in August. Or if you wanna forward my e-mail addy on to her I could help her locate it. ^^;;0 Thanks again!
Dear Nykee,
Yuri-san! If you see this and wish to contact Nykee write to us and let us know, no da! We have her email address and will forwad it on to you as we do not normally publish email addresses, no da. Arigato Nykee-san, no da! Hope you're feeling better, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
No! No! NO! NO! Don't tell Kouji anything! What do you want? Money? Sake? Women? @_@
Dear Sammy ,
Hmmm... moey, sake, women??? What th' H*LL would I want wit' a man?!?!?!?!?!? 'Che! Sake is fine...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey wish Chichiri no Aijin (sp?) a great anniversary. Hope she had fun with her husband and all. (hee-hee!) I never knew she was married, how old is she now?
Dear Curious,
I asked her how old she was an' Mitsukake says I'll heal up in 'bout a week!! That woman wields a MEAN monk's staff!!! Anyway, th' most I could get outta her was she's old enough to have been married fer 8 years! An' she says thanks fer yer kind wishes. Kuso! That's one big-@$$ lump on my head... *touches it* ITAI!
Dear Chichiri,
People feel sad for me because I got a scar on my face too... maybe I should train from Taiitsu-kun as well. I don't want anyone feeling sad for me because of my face. Just wondering where you get such cool masks... You may be starting a fashion trend!
Thanks anyway,
Dear Chris,
On your world there are ways to lessen or eradicate scars depending on the scar, no da. On my world, people tend to be afraid of me because of the scar, not feel sad for me. But for some reason the people of your world seem to see me as a whole and my scar is part of what makes me me, no da. The girls on your world seem to find both me and Kouji quite attractive, either becasue of or despite of our scars. I have given up questioning the logic. I just find it refershing from the attitudes of my world, no da. Perhaps if you cannot get rid of it you should just accept it as what makes you a unique and special individual, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay....I love this site....i just found out about it while searching for other fushigi yuugi sites.....uh.....wat happens here? Do alot of people come here?!
Dear *PiYo-PiYo*,
This is what happens here, no da! You write to us, we write to you. There is an archive of past letters, a chatroom, and a message board, no da! We're glad that you found our site and like it! Welcome, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Ano... Tamahome, you said Miaka was your first kiss... But wasn't Nuriko your first kiss...? -_-;;
Dear Sugrr,
THAT one doesn't count!!! I'm doing my best to forget it EVER happened!! And the same goes for Nakago!
Dear Hotohori,
*bows deeply* I am sooooooo sorry to have called you bucket head. That was how i was first introduced to you. Gomen!! *still bowing, infact, mary is on the floor* I'll make it up! I'll work it off, just don't let Nuriko touch me! I'm a fragile creature, your higness. *gets up for a second* *stands on feet, still bowing* Can you ever forgive me? *gives him the puppy dog look*
The VERY sorry Mary
Dear The VERY sorry Mary,
"Bucket head"??? *Gives an innocent looking Nuriko a quizzical look...* OK, you are forgiven as long as you do not call us that again.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, guys! We were in the chatroom the other day and we decided to give you guys your own holidays! Each one shall be celebrated on your birthday! These are the days we came up with:
Nuriko: Willow Day --> Dress as opposite gender and be COOL!!!!
Hotohori: Mirror Day --> Stare at ones beauty as well as Hotohori-sama's
Tasuki: Lekka Shinen Day --> Cuss and be macho and drink sake (if you're of age!)
Chichiri: Well Day --> Say "No da" at the end of your sentences all day
Tamahome: Okane Day --> Drool over okane and try to get it
Mitsukake: Silent Healer's Day --> Go to the doctor to have a check-up
Chiriko: Study Day --> Study!
Tama-Neko: Love your cat and cuddle with it
We wanted to know if we had your approval on all of these or if you had a different idea for what should be done on one of the holidays or a different name for a holiday! ^_^! I have no school on Nuriko's birthday! Really! Waiwai!
Dear Inori,
They sound kakkoi, no da! Go ahead and have fun! By the way, Tama-neko says EVERY day should be love your cat day and Chiriko says that you should study EVERY day and not just on his birthday, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama!! *hugs him* I was defending you all day yesterday! People were saying bad things about you but I defended you until my head hurt! Cause you're the greatest Nuriko-sama! *bows deeply* I had my katana here to punish the evil-doers! Yep! Oh! And I got you this! *gives him a purple rose* I found it and thought of you! ^_^!
Dear Inori,
Arigato! I LOVE purple roses!! They are actually called Sterling roses. It's OK, I appreciate your defending me but, you really don't have to. There are unfortunately far more ignorant people in the world than there are enlightened ones. I enjoyed chatting with you earlier today!
Dear Hotohori,
OI MARY!!! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been able to _WATCH_ the bloody movie!!! Sheesh!! Be grateful for once!! And besides, I get WAAAAAY better grades than you do and I'm even in the Arts Acedemy so OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!
Eh hem... *gives Hotohori a charming smile* I wasn't really neglecting my studies at all!! It's just skimming a manga, looking up, watching the movie and when nothing was going on, I was reading manga. Besides, people procrastinate all the time! I'm sure the seishi has procrastinated before!! What about you?? ^_^
Dear Jean,
Well, I suppose I did when it came to choosing an Empress.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
help! One of my friends, whos 14, he's got a symbol on his hand! It just appearde one day and it won't go away!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!! cAN YOU TELL US WHAT IT MEANS? This is NOT a joke!!!! Its true!!! I swear!!!
Tokyo Bookie
Dear Tokyo Bookie,
Well, either your friend is a Seishi, has a very strange disease or fungal growth, or he is experiencing a Stigmata. In any case, I would advise that he seeks the opinion of his family healer.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, you still didn't answer my question! Are you and all the other seishis Chichiri no Aijin???? Please tell me! And thank you, Mitsukake, I feel a lot better now ^_^!
Tasuki's lover
Dear Tasuki's lover,
Last time we checked we were all us! None of us is Chichiri no Aijin! I'll let Mitsukake know yer feelin' better.
Dear Tasuki,
FRIENDS???? Just friends??? *starts to cry* You won't end up in jail if you go out with me. I heard that if you're older than 18 and is having sex with a 14 year old or under, then you get in jail. Also, I just drew a picture of you, I was wondering if you can post it up for Seishi of the Week? Well, see ya.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Friends are sometimnes better n' boyfriends! Don't dismiss a friendship so readily! 'Course I wanna see th' picture ya' did of me! Send it on!
Dear Nuriko,
I'm gay What should I do?
Scotty Dog
Dear Scotty Dog,
Well, if that is your self-realization, your next step is to decide when and to who you wish to come out to. This can be a very difficult time for you. I suggest that you seek a support group that is local to help you with your next step. You also might be able to find support groups on the web. You are very brave to have made the decision to come out to me. Stay brave. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tamahome,
We are NOT in fifth grade!!!!!! How DARE you think that! We are NOT that low!! That was WHEN we were in 5th grade!!!! we are going into 9th grade! (YAY! We don't have to do entrance exams!!!) Sorry bout gettin mad like that
KittyNoDa and PsycoChick
Dear KittyNoDa and PsycoChick,
Gomen nasai!! But you did say it was from your Fifth grade play... you never mentioned what grade you were in...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konichiwa, no da! About your question of were I went, no da, I went to San Francisco, Las Vegas, San Diego, San Jose, and Los Angelas,no da. Unfortionally I didn't see Chichiri no Aijin at LA, no da. Maybe next time, no da. ::sweatdrops:: Tasuki-san, no da, why do you want to go to Las Vegas, no da? In fact, no da, why do all of you want to go to those places, no da. Just curious, no da. Well, ja ne, no da! ^_^
Dear Chiri,
You certainly went to some fun and interesting places! We chose those places because we felt they fit our personalities. Come on, can't you just picture Tasuki in Vegas or Chiriko studying at the Library of Congress?
Dear Mitsukake,
MY FISHIE DIIIIED! *wails inconsolably*
Dear Suboshi,
You have my condolences. The death of a pet is always hard.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi, Yuri and Mi-chan here! ^^
mi-chan: We were just wondering..
yuri: After you drink lots of sake, can you still drive any form of transportation? ^^
*Yuri imagines Tasuki driving a cart after drinking and crashing into a tree*
yuri: hee hee... ^^
mi-chan: I could imagine that ^^;;; (poor tree)
yuri: Anyway, have some cookies! *smiles and hands some to Tasuki* Some of them have sake inside... ^^; *gives a pamphlet to him too* And this is to advertise my cookie shop next door to the chatroom. It's gonna open soon. Please give the cookie shop your support!! ^^
mi-chan: Her cookies are for a good cause! ^^
Yuri & Mi-chan
Dear Yuri & Mi-chan,
I ain't stupid enough to drink an' drive! So what's yer good cause? Thanks fer th' oishii cookies!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, mi-chan and yuri here again ^^
yuri: we just wanted to know if all of you would let tasuki drive even if he's a little drunk
mi-chan: um he can drive when he isn't drunk can't he?
yuri: *replays the 'tasuki crashing into the tree' image in her mind again and giggles again*
mi-chan: *images the same and thinks poor tree*
yuri: by the way does tasuki drink all types of alcohal or just sake? here! *gives seishi pamphlets to advertise her cookie shop next door to the chatroom* could you help give them out? ^^;;
mi-chan: don't forget the cookies are for a good cause! ^^
yuri: come visit my cookie shop! ^^ *gives seishi a box of 'very special' cookies and grins* the cookies in the shop are free except Tamahome who needs to pay.^^
yuri: gomen Tamahome, but i'm broke ^^;;;
mi-chan: she spent it on lots of manga ^^;;;
yuri: OI! *grabs mi-chan and hurries off* don't believe what she says ^^;;; *yuri gives the seishei a 'donate to yuri's charity' bag before leaving*
mi-chan and yuri
Dear mi-chan and yuri,
Well Tasuki seems to favor sake but I'm sure if it has alcohol, he'll drink it. As far as letting him drive drunk, we don't even let him WALK, let alone DRIVE anything!! Hahahahahaha... Hey! Why am I the only one that has to pay for the cookies???
Dear Chichiri,
Where can I get my own smiling masks? I don't want people feeling sad for me, either...
Dear Chris,
My mask is magical, no da. But why would epople feel sad for you, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
You're really not Chichiri no Aijin? Hm..... Should I really believe you? Then, what about the others, huh? What about the rest of the Suzaku shichiseishi crew? *ponders for a while* *Shrugs* WAHHHHHHH, this is driving me nuts. *gets really dizzy* I need Mitsukake.
Tasuki's lover
Dear Tasuki's lover,
Might I suggest that you lie down in a dark room until your dizzy spell has abated. If you have a headache, take two aspirin (if you aren't allergic to aspirin) and write me in the morning.
Dear Tasuki,
HA!! Would you believe it? My family had some spare sake kicking around, and my mom said I could try it!! I was talking to all the people who had tried it, and they all said they couldn't stand it!! Well, My Aunt had just dropped it off after I got home from school (I got a keg with about 3.6 l) and a little box on top for thingy. So my mom asked me one more time if I really wanted to try it (11 years old!!) And of course I said yes! Very open minded, besides, I wanted to see why you like it so much..I, of course, smelt it first...Everyone who did said it had a very good aroma. And then I tried it!! and believe it or not...I'm the only one anyone knows who actually likes it!! Heh heh...although...there's still some left....Should I save it or what? (Hey, if I knew how to get it to you, I'd send it to you..)
Dear Kaori,
Well sake can go bad if it ain't drunk in a timely manner. That's why I drink so much of it!! I hate to see good sake go bad! But I ain't gonna be th' one to turn ya' into a drunk! If yer ma let's ya' have a taste now an' then, that's cool, but don't abuse her kindness!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Howdy Bucket Head!! Sorry i haven't been writing to you much. Although now i have a ligit reason. My friend Jean wrote in saying that you looked like some character in the manga she was reading while she was supposed to be watching the movie "The Chosen". Well, i watched that movie twice! And i thought it was very well done. I didn't do anything during the movie. *sticks her tongue out at jean*. But there is another reason that i am writng to you. My friend, Momoko-chan is a brilliant artist, like Jean. And she drew an Inami and Tomite picture. And OI ye gods! He looked just like you! Even the bucket thing you wear on your head!! *hopes this makes him laugh, he's always so serious*. But you are far more beautiful than he is! *hopes this comment pleases the emperor* Oh well! *remembers the party she threw for Gen-chan no miko* Want a piece of Cake? You can have the piece where i turn Kyori into a Russian Prostitute!!! If not, There are many other scenes/pieces you'd enjoy!
Dear Mary,
Well, for one thing you DO NOT address his Imperial Highness as "Bucket Head"!! It will not curry his favor (no matter HOW many times you tell him how beautiful he is) and it make ME angry! Anyway, Momoko-chan did a beautiful drawing of me! Arigato Momoko-chan!! I love it!
Dear Tasuki,
*Try to hold back her tear*o.k! I'll *Can't hold her tear any more* Mmm...I..*Start to cry* SORRY...(sniff)Tasuki-sama I...can't...
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
Oh GEEZ!!!!!! *Gives her a hug.* Lighten up already!! Yer gettin' th' coat wet!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, I was wondering if you could, like, make up a list or something of all these Japanese words you guys use, and what they mean. I know some of 'em, but with the others it's like, "Huh?????" So... THANKS!! ;)
Me. ;)
Dear Me,
Hmmm... muzukashii desu! (That's difficult!) But I shall try:
baka - idiot or jerk
sugoi - amazing
oishii - tasty or delicious (may be used in context of food or people)
ganbatte kudasai - Do your best please/Good luck
konnichiwa - good afternoon/good day
konnbanwa - good evening
ohayo gozaimasu - good morning
domo arigato gozaimaus - thank you very much
arigato - thanks
obake - monster or ghost
neko - cat
okane - money
miko - priestess or shrine maiden
How was that for a start? Might I also recommend this website: Japanese - English Dictionary Server? It has come in handy on more than one occasion.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! How are you? Having a good day? Lovely weather we're having, no da? I absoulutely LOVE your fan, it totally goes with your hair... Okay, enough with the formalities. I was just wondering... Is it true that you (Tasuki, no da!) like Miaka, or is that just a rumor? I was just wondering. Thanks! ;)
Just Wondering... ;)
Dear Just Wondering,
I love my Miko like th' klutzy, gluttonous, lil' sister that she is! Of course I have NO IDEA what she sees in a greedy baka like Tamahome... Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ohiyo, Minna-san! After a long summer of near-non exatant internet, I'm back! :) No real question today, but Ju-chan said that you guys were looking for the rest of my fanfics/the link was busted. I moved my page and rearanged it, so the fics are now at: FanFics
And eventualy Ju-chan and I will get our butts in gear and finish the rest of them.. :)
Fran-Nyan, The Baka No Miko. :)
Dear Fran-Nyan,
We were able to read (and enjoy) Two is Better than One and Drowning Sorrows. The other two links were broken. Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
How do I get Tasuki to marry me?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
That's a hopeless cause!!!!!!!! Besides, you can do A LOT better than Tasuki!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Do you think Tasuki would ever get married? If, so, who do you think would be that special someone?
Dear Annoymous,
I don't know of anyone who would put up with him!
Dear Tasuki,
WOW, maybe is a GOOD answer! I like that! But, would you go out with me in a year or two til I get older? Please... You know that I really love you, ne? *hugs Tasuki*
What exactly is your relationship with Amy-chan? Are you interested in her.....? I'm asking this because I really love you.....!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I'm 19 fer cryin' out loud!! I ain't gonna get arrested fer dating someone that's 14! *Sighs* Yer a good kid, but I think we'd jus' better leave it at friends. *Gives her a hug.* If yer parents don't want ya' runnin' in th' woods, they'll have a stroke if yer datin' a 19 year old bandit!!!!! As fer Amy-chan, she's I think a year younger than me an' we're REALLY good friends. But at least if I ask her on a date I won't end up in jail! *Ruffles her hair. Fanged grin...*
Dear Chichiri,
The book's in Los Angeles? *sweatdrops* I don't live in America... and I don't know much Japanese either... how am I going to read it? ^^;;; Oh no...
*looks hopefully at him* They do take international shipping, right? I've checked their homepage but I've found nothing so far...
Dear Yuri,
The book is in English, no da. I'm pretty certain that they ship internationally. You could send them an email and ask them, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Todae's the 3rd and final dae of my teacher's memorial. I'm leaving in abt. 10min. to meet up with the other pple from my class to go together. Hey... thanks a lot for watever u said. Really feeling much better already... ^o^ But, just cannot help but feel a bit sad still lor... cos her going was just so sudden. Sometimes, still cannot help but cry at the thought and mentioning of her cos I still strongly feels that she does not deserve it...
But, I'm sure that her death has taught us at least one or two last lessons that life is fragile and precious and that we should never take the pple around us for granted ever, rite? Thanks again... and hope that everyone out there who feel the same abt. her or whoever close to them will get over their sad feelings and get on with their lives.
On a final note, I feel that we should not only get on with our lives but also never forget these pple and continue to let them live on in our hearts. Do u agree? Hope to write in again on a more cheerful note next time... Arigato!
Baby Gwing ^_<
Dear Baby Gwing,
You are very right and wise for your age to realize that those we love and hold most dear will always live on in our hearts and memories, no da. You're feeling sad and crying is a normal part of the grieving process. When you are ready, you will stop crying. But don't rush it. We all heal at different rates, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
is nuriko a girl or a boy?
Dear Anonymous,
Nuriko is a man, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Do you have a favorite word?
Dear Sugrr,
No, not really.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Sugar!! This ish FUSH!! Ya...I haven't written in here for da longest of time!! Shame on me! Well...I wanted to write to see how evey1 was. I know you still must be in those sake bottles and since I haven't given you one for a long! *hands a huge box with lots of sake in it* ^-^
Try not to drink them all at once, but then again can't tell a bandit leader nothing these days. Hehehe! The only excuse I could find why I haven't written is becuz I've been trying I mean "trying" to work on my very own first made story. I've been trying to rewrite Chapter 1 and started a little on Chapter 2. It's so mixed up in my head that I'm trying to hurry to write it while it's still fresh in my mind. HEy Tasuki-sama~!! I'm going back to school on Sept. 7th~~!! WOOHOO!! But of course...I want to see my friends, not really the teachers or work. Oh ya! I'm also "trying" to put up a site dedicated to you of course!! But its a very slow..slow keep praying I can get it up there soon!! Hey to evey1 also!! If any1 would like to read my story summary and voice their vote and opinion on my story...e-mail me at FUSHIGI15 on aol. I would luv your comments!! I need to know if it's worth continuing to write on. I'll try to get CHapter 1 done soon. *hits herself on head* Well...let me get back to the subject so I don't get in trouble bout blabbing on about my own personal benifits.
How's Koji?? Is he doing good? *trying to think of a good question* Have any of you guys seen a good movie lately? ANy of you have a fav movie released this year or so? Oh ya! Could u guys tell me how to figure out if a guy likes you as a friend or might show he digs you more than a friend?? Since you are all guys, this question should be easy. How to tell if a guy digs you. Like what signs can I look for?? letter ish very later.. P.S. If I don't write all the time for a long time after Sept.7th .. just means school starts and I won't be online as much as I am in da summer... so see u till then~!! *throws a kiss* Later!!
Well, it varies from guy to guy. But there are two ways to find out, th' Sneaky way an' th' Brave way. Th' Sneaky way is to ask one of his buds an' hope he don't rat ya' out after he tells ya' what ya' wanna know. Th' Brave way is to ask th' guy to go out wit' ya' an' hope he says yes. Either way ganbatte kudasai!!
Dear Tamahome,
No, Tasuki didn't put me up to it!!! I just thought of that while talking to chibi-obake, you're son! Hahahahahahahahahah!
Dear Yui,
I DO NOT have a named Chibi-obake!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello!!!! I want you to know that i LOVE you soo much!!! Anyway...well my brother and i fight alot.When i say fight i mean FIGHT! Well i was wondering if you had any advice to keep my temper down when his stupidity kicks in.
Dear Hilary,
I'M th' wrong guy to be askin' 'bout keepin' yer temper incheck!! Chichiri recommends counting to 10... in Japanese!! Ichi, ni,san, yon, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyu, ju. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Tamahome! *places a bag of gold ryo on the table* In our Fifth grade play, we had to sing a song that goes like this...
"Money makes the world go 'round,
the world go 'round,
the world go 'round,
Money makes the world go 'round,
It makes the world go 'round!"
We thought you may like it... Um.... K, bye!
KittyNoDa and Psyco Chick
P.S. Your hot! Miaka is very lucky to have such a nice and hunky
boyfriend/(husband?) Luv ya always
Dear KittyNoDa and Psyco Chick,
Arigato for the okane, kakkoi song, and sweet compliment! Ano... if you are in 5th grade, aren't you a bit young to be telling a guy how "hot" he is?? *Sweatdrops...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I believe what Press meant by cat-sitting was that Press wanted to care for Tama-neko for a while since cat-sitting means the same thing as baby-sitting. *Gets stars in her eyes* I wish I could have lots more cats and...
*blinks* Oh sorry..I really love cats.
P.S. I think Tasuki broke his sake drinking record.. 36 wow..
P.S.(Again) Do all of you swear?
Dear Saffira,
I suppose it won't hurt tolet him take care of Tama-neko if the needd arises. I do believe Tasuki has broken his sake record, too. Perhaps I'll teach him to be less foolish by letting him experience the aftermath. As to swearing, I suppose if the occasion presented itself we probably would curse. Although, it woukd be nothing compared to Tasuki on a GOOD day!
Dear Tasuki,
Gwahhahaha. I forgot to say this in my last letter. Congrats for being one of the few not to fall prey to my cuteness when I cry (Feh. There are so few who can resist. Even my most hated enemy has fallen prey to it). =P Who the hell trained you to resist such total cuteness!? Hmm... you should try chatting on IRC... *ties a biiiiiig frilly pink bow on the tessan* Well, places to go, people to kill, sake to WASTE!
99 bottles of sake to waste... 99 bottles to waste! Ya take one down...drop in on the ground! *SHATTER!* 98 more bottles to waste!
Dear One-chan,
Yeah, well I'm pretty d*mn tough! *Tears pink bow off tessen.* An' will ya' stop wit' th' *&^%$#@ breakin' of sake bottles already!!!!!!!! Yer wastin' perfectly good booze!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Nani? *yells at Chip* I DID NOT DROOL OVER KOUJI!!! Can't believe Chip wrote that...... you don't happen to believe CHip, right?
I mean just cause Koji's cute, and dashing, and rugged, and ..... hold on.... I didn't say that!
Dear Sammy,
Heh-heh... Yeah, ya' did! An' I'm gonna tell 'im!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This question goes to all the suzakuseishis, who is your very first kiss?
Dear Annoymous,
Chichiri: My late fiancee' no da!
Tasuki: I told ya' I don't kiss an' tell!
Tamahome: Miaka
Hotohori: Houki
Mitsukake: Shouka
Nuriko: Kiss? What kiss?
Chiriko: Give me time! I'm ONLY 13!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Who is the most important person in your life?
Dear Annoymous,
Kouji an' my fellow Seishi.
Dear Tamahome,
If Miaka wasn't in the situation, would you rather go out with Miiru or me?
Dear Yui,
Who is this Miiru you are asking about?
Dear Tamahome,
Have you ever find Miiru as attractive???
Dear Yui,
Who???? As attractive as what/who???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Look what my friend Mandy made me draw!! She wrote these rants "Mandy and Tasuki, separated at birth" and "Is Mandy a Nyan Nyan?" Of course you know what this implies........ tee hee!! Go here to see my drawing! Mandy colored it in!! Oh... and there's a Hiei drawing in our image gallery that matches this one!! Tasuki-sama, you're not alone!! Tee hee!!
*hides behind Tamahome so she might not get flamed*
Dear Jean,
KOWAI!! I think behind Tamahome is a REALLY good place to be right now! I don't think Tasuki was comforted by the fact that Hiei got the same "treatment".
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::appears from her kasa::
Konichiwa Suzaku seishi, no da. It's me Chiri, no da. I know I haven't written in long time, no da. But I never had a question, no da. Plus I went to California, no da. I was wondering, no da, if each of you could go to one place in the whole world for vacation, no da, where would it be, no da?
Before I go, no da, I got you these, no da.
::pulls out 7 T-shirts from California. One of them is smaller than the others:: The smaller one is for Chriko of course, no da. Ja ne, no da! ::disappears::
Dear Chiri,
Arigato for the the gifts, no da! What part of California did you visit? Chichiri no Aijin and the humble cyber-abode are in L.A., no da! Saa, where would we like to go, no da? Hmmm...
Chichiri: San Francisco, no da!
Tasuki: Las Vegas!
Mitsukake: Vienna
Chirikio: The Library of Alexandra if it still existed. Otherwise the Smithsonian and the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Tamahome: Switzerland (All those Swiss bank accounts)
Nuriko: London for a shopping spree!
Hotohori: Paris
Dear Tasuki,
That's not fair! Why won't you tell me???? This question is REALLY bugging me! Who was your very first kiss?
Dear Annoymous,
I told ya' I don't kiss an' tell! Besides I may have had a bit too much sake to really remember...
Dear Chiriko,
What percentage of the letters do you usually not end up posting? Do you post up all of them, with the exception of excessively vulgar ones? (I didn't get posted a couple of times... I feel *special.*) Or do you not post pointless rambling ones either? *sweatdrop*
Just wondering...
Dear Suboshi,
Excessive vulgarity and pointless rambling will generally ensure that the letter is deleted instead of posted. I would estimate that approximately 10% of what we receive is not posted.
Dear Tasuki,
Are you really Chichiri no Aijin??? Tell me the truth, or I would feel silly trying to get with a girl...
Tasuki's lover
Dear Tasuki's lover,
Do I *&^%$$# LOOK like Chichiri no Aijin?!?!?!?!? She's a broad fer cryin' out loud!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Would you ever go out with me if I was older?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Mebbe, I really dunno.
Dear Nuriko,
Do you think Suzakusei-kun would ever go out with me?
Dear Desperate,
Considering he's a god... no.
Dear Hotohori,
IS my letter gonna get posted?
John Hancock
Dear John Hancock,
I guess it is.
Dear Chichiri,
Dear Anonymous,
You obviously have me confused with one of the Seiryuu Seishi! Take your pick, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
I'm so mad at my friend! She keeps saying you're gay! I know you're not! You were just a crossdresser, ne? Tell her she's wrong! She said that cause you were in love with Hotohori, it makes you gay! Were you REALLY in love with him, or was it just a habit? Please set her straight!! Oooh!! And I just heard your song, "Otome Ranman" and I LOVE it! You have a beautiful voice! Just wanted to let you know! Have a nice day! ^_^!
Dear Inori,
I became a cross-dresser so my beloved sister could live through me. I went after Hotohori so she could become Empress. After being with Miaka I decided to live my life as a man because I realized I needed to live my own life and not my sister's.
Dear Tasuki,
*Kaori walks in with Yoko in a headlock*
Gomenesai Tasuki-kun! a little wacko! *Yoko starts yelling, but Kaori quickly slaps a hand over her mouth so she can't speak* Anyways, I'd better be going, and uh...I think you deserve this more than Tamahome..*Throws him 2 bags of gold ryou* Catch ya' later! Luv ya'!
Dear Kaori,
Arigato fer th' sake okane!! Heh-heh-heh....
Dear Tasuki,
*stops crying, after flooding the area with 7 feet of water* Fine. This means war. I'm an E.V.I.L. Author. Different from others... be warned. Hmph! Being around Keetia is a fate far worse than anything that's been thrown at you before! She's the-
Yeah. Just gotta find time between classes to write... Hmph! I still think your an ingrate! And if I kill you off, it will quite painful. Considering I'm 89% mean and proudly agree with people who call me sadistic. Let's see... If I kill you, it will have to be original... Hmmm... I must consult my E.V.I.L. friends and fellow authors. Hmm... *takes a moment to destroy all sake in the fan fic.* Let's see... I know! I could drown you! Gwahahaha. Learn to swim. It pays. But....actually, drowning you would be so boring and not E.V.I.L. enough! The pen is mightier than the tessan. >=)
*sits down by a sink and deliberatly pours bottles of sake down the drain and breaks other full ones on the ground, wasting them.* =P 100 bottles of sake to waste, 100 bottles to waste... ya take one down, drop it on the ground! 99 bottles of sake to waste!
*the E.V.I.L. Sister Firefury pops in and points her pen at the computer in a dramatic pose* FEAR US ON AND THE INSANITY WE BRING! FOR WE ARE _E_XTREMELY _V_ILLAINOUS _I_NSANE _L_UNATIC AUTHORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BwaHAHahahahahahha! *happily joins One-chan in wasting bottles of sake.*
Gwahahah. You have been warned. . . repeatedly. ^-~
One-chan and Firefury
Dear One-chan and Firefury,
AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!! YAMETE! YAMETE!!! Stop killin' th' sake!!!!!! OK!!! I'm sorry!!! I'M SOOOOOO SORRY!!!!! NOw jus' put th' innocent sake down gently onegai!
Dear Tamahome,
^-^ You think I'm that nice-? This has become war now. ^-^ And all is fair in love and war.... >=)*drags Keetia out and goes off to write Tasuki.*
Dear One-chan,
Hahahahahahahaha... I CAN'T wait to see THIS!
Dear Nuriko,
^-^ This means war with Tasuki. Gwahahahaa.... fear me...
Firefury: *points pen and poses dramaticly.* HE MAY HAVE SURVIVED FAN FICTION AUTHORS BEFORE, BUT NOT EVER A PAIR OF AUTHORS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE OF E.V.I.L. AUTHORS!!! BwaHAHhahahhaha... *lighting flashes in the backround*
*One-chan shoves Fury away from the keyboard*
Ciao fer now ^-~
Dear One-chan,
*Smiles* Oh THIS is going to be good! I'm looking forward to reading it!
Dear Tasuki,
So it's good that Sammy steals from me? It's always nice to have someone on my side. Tell her to get a job! I work hard for my money! *mumbles: What a freeloading sister I have......) BY the way, I found a pic of Kouji with you. You both looked happy and were laughing. Sammy practically drooled. She's an instant fan of Kouji.
Dear Chip,
Instant Kouji fan, eh? Just add water? I think Tamahome is tryin' to get her to mend her ways. Shame too. She'd make a decent bandit...
Dear Tamahome,
The only reason I'm stealing from Chip is cause my "sibling" has so much money! >_< IT's just not fair. So I'm imitating Robin HOod (or Tasuki, you're choice) stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Namely me. And some friends. ^_^
P.S. You don't think Chip will be too mad......?
Dear Sammy,
Oh, he probably is. Perhaps you sould find a better role model. Someone like ME, maybe?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why are you guys leaving so often?
Dear Anonymous,
Because Chichiri no Aijin has the computer and a life, no da. She and her husband will be celebrating their 8th anniversary and during that time we won't be able to come to the humble cyber-abode. Besides, if we left everything up, when we did get back to the cyber-abode we'd be backlogged by AT LEAST 60-70 letters, no da! This way you don't get shut off while we answer letters. We hope you understand and aren't too disappointed, no da. Gomen nasai, if you are not happy with this arrangement, but it beats shutting the site down permanently, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi I'm Elizabeth. I don't know exactly why I'm here, or what to ask you, Nykee sort of dragged me here and told me to type so here I am. *looks at ceiling* Right, sure. *looks back down* How are you today? *smiles* I'm okay..., I'd be better if Nykee would only update the page! (Anime Index) *snickers* I'm really an Amiboshi fan so I don't know why Nykee's making me write this. *Nykee jumps in* PALM TREE HAIR! *starts to sing* I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts! *Liz jumps up and knocks a mallot to Nykee's head* That's evil! I can't believe you said that! EVIL! Now all the Suzaku Seishi will know and tease him relentlessly!!
Oh! I know what I can ask you, just on the subject of being evil and weird and odd, if you were a Skittle, what colour would you be? *pauses to think of more* The colours are purple, red, orange, yellow, green, pink, blue, and probably more I can't think of right now =^_^=! If you went to school what would be your favourite subject in school? (Mind you I say "if" because I'm not to certain of the rules in Ancient China! :)
Chichiri, does your hair really stand on end like that, I mean without magic or hairspray? And if you had kids, do you think it would be hereditary? =^_^=
Tasuki, you know how only YOU can use that tessen? What if YOU had kids, do you think that they'd be able to use it too, and what would you do if they ever got a hold of it? (Except run like heck *snickers*) Also, how PROUD would you be if they could use it and they used it against Tamahome? Hey, that reminds me, what are all the names of your sisters and their ages approximately? Also, ask Kouji, if he had kids, would that "talking problem" be passed on? *smiles innocently* Say is that routine just an act or does he really have split personalities?
*Nykee, after much hacking and wheezing and rubbing of her head where her headache is beginning pops back up and reads the letter* Hey! That's huge and evil! They'll never get through it all! *Liz smiles* But I'm just stocking up on questions before September 1st! *Liz giggles evilly and points at a wall* Hey Nykee, look it's a wall! *Nykee runs off laughing* NoOOOoOoo! *hack, wheeze* *Liz grins* Okay that's the end. Sorry to make it so huge! I started off not knowing what to write and I ended up writing a novel. =^_^= Thanks for reading this and good luck getting through it all! :O
Liz aka Nekoyu =^_^=
Dear Liz,
Bet ya' didn't think we could answer 'em all!!!
Here are your answers by Seishi and in order of question asked:
Chichiri: Blue, no da! I think History would be interesting, no da. And yes my hair does that naturally, so I suppose if I had children they would inherit my type of hair, na no da.
Tasuki: Red, Phys. Ed., Nope! It ain't somethin' I was born wit'! It was a gift from Taiitsu-kun. But I don't think I'd be "proud" if they went after Tamahome. Amused, is more like it! My sisters are Jiang, Li'an, Pa'liu, Mai, an' of course Aidou! They're ALL older than me an' that's all I can say without 'em tryin' to *&^%$#@# kill me! Kouji's "talkin' problem" as ya' put it is juys' somethin' he does. I doubt any kids he'd have would do it, too.
Tamahome: Green, Economics sounds like the subject for me!
Mitsukake: Yellow, Biology and Zoology.
Nuriko: Purple and I'd take Music or Chorus.
Hotohori: Orange and I believe I'd do well in Political Science.
Chiriko: I'd be ANY color EXCEPT pink! And my favorite subject would be... ALL of them!
Suzaku Seishi
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