Dear Tasuki,
*Think for a second* O.K! My bad,You are right.
I am sorry!Are you alright?I think you should lay down down for a rest.*Looking sad*I am really sorry!!!!
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
Daijobou! Jus' don't get all teary-eyed on me! OK?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Lalala... Nothing to do... I guess it's time to bug you guys again! ^^ It's Marit Tiamat's Birthday Today! Happy Birthday! Everyone say happy birthday... Well, that's pretty much it... Sorry for bugging you guys! PaNdAnGeLz: (Fuyu Yuki's Sister) Tasuki Looks like a GIRL.
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
I DO NOT look like a *&^%$#@ girl!!!!!!!! Tell Marit Tiamat otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu from us.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi there. I need help. My head hurts because of all homeworks...;_; How do you do when you study? Do you take breaks? And how do you remimber everything that you read? If I take a break I just forget about the hole thing and go to sleep.-_-; By the way, did you see the picture I made of you.
Dear Dreamie,
I did see it. Arigato! I try to study for 2-3 houres witha 20 minute break halfway through. Then I go back and review what I just studied before I continue on to the next subject to study. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! Ok well i wanted to ask you how many times have you said no da in the past two days?
Dear Hilary,
More than I care to count, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
There's an How to Draw Anime book? Neat!! No, I don't need it, it's gonna be my tomodachi's anniversery of birth soon so I need to find him a present... where did Chichiri no Aijin see it? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!!
*skips circles around him SD*
Dear Jean,
She saw it in the manga section of Kinokuniya in Little Tokyo, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
I know how much you hate being called Obake-chan! *pats him on the back* So, instead, I'll call you Baka-chan!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahha! How do you like that!!
Dear Yui,
How does NOT AT ALL sound??? Did Tasuki put you up to this?
Dear Chiriko,
Uh, sorry for my overreacting when I asked you about... you know, when you were sick there...
*suspicious look* But I still don't quite buy that vomiting story of yours... remember, first of all, you could've just barfed out the window instead... I know it sounds gross, but still... besides, vomiting wouldn't explain the smell OR the fact that your comment got censored....
(Man, why am I STILL talking about this....?)
Anyways, maybe I'm just getting a little too concerned about this... But whatever the case, here, take this. *gives Chiriko a bottle of Pepto-Bismol*
And oh yeah - even if you were just kidding about showing 'it' to them, you shouldn't have ...uh... made such an offer in the first place.....
I'll be going now....(I don't think I should've gone 'there' to begin with.....)
Dear ?!?,
Ano... probably not... Arigato for the medicine.
Dear Tasuki,
Waahhh. School is SOOO boring...welp execpt for Spanish 2(cuz 3 kewl football players are in there ^_^). Anyways I would've written sooner but Saturday I had to go to a Pokemon convection(sp?) w/ my brother. -_- He's obessed with it. Okay now to the point(YES this letter actually has a point..scary ne?)one of my best friends boyfriend(who's 23) got thrown in jail over the summer I think. See it all happened when she went to PA to visit her other friends and she said she would been gone for 3 hrs. with a friend and it was 3 days!! She was found in a hotel room with her boyfriend so they arrested him. I still have no clue why she did that but now he could be there up to life i think. BTW my friend is 14 and he's 23. So now's she's on restriction and she probably wouldn't do that if her parents weren't so protective. *sigh* -_- I just needed to tell someone cuz it's been bugging me(I did tell my mom though..I hope she doesn't think I would do that). Ya know this letter is starting to get REALLY long, oh well. Another thing that isnt as depressing but still just as bad, my high school football team lost to PICKENS. Of all the teams, Pickens. -_- Poor guys. Welp it's dinner so I have to run, thanks for your time!
Dear Meg-chan,
Well, yer friend and her boyfriend were stupid fer doin' such a thin'! He was arrested because she was a minor an' he's an adult that shoulda known better. An' she got jus' what she deserved! Gomen, but that's jus' how it is. Sorry yer team lost. Better luck next time!
Dear Chiriko,
Hello again!! I have a really stupid question to ask! You know that saying "A sucker's born every minute" well exactly how many suckers are born a minute? It seem's to be one every mintue but i think the number increases every Day!!!
Dear Hilary,
It probably does, but since it is only a saying. The true numbers don't really matter.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This question goes to all the seishis, if you can only save 3 people(other than yourself) from a huge fire, who will it be and in what order?
Dear Annoymous,
Your question was too hard for us to answer, no da! Gomen nasai, no da! We could not decide which of our loved ones should live and which ones should die. That is not a decision for us to make, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Who was your very first kiss? Was it that lady from the brothel?
Dear Annoymous,
OI! I don't kiss an' tell!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey thats right you were in a dress to. How could I forget!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA.
P.S And yes I have the picture of it, but you look a little ticked in it, HAHAHAHA.
Dear nodaing,
Oh yeah, thanks fer THAT memory!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
1. Tasuki, what's wrong with you're sister, Aidou?
2. Why does Soi act so upset at people?
3. What kind of powers do Chiriko have?
4. Does Miaka ever get any powers?
6. Can I cat-sit Tama-neko?
7. Which Seiryuu Seishi do each of you the most?
8. What's each of your favorite foods?
9. Miaka's favorite food(s)?
10.Why is Suboshi such an a**?
11.What is all of the names of Tamahome's siblings?
12.What do each of your symbols mean?
Thanks for your time....again.
Here are ALL your answers:
1. That would take more time and space than ANY of us have!!!
2. She was abused as a child and sold into prostitution.
3. Chiriko's power is his Intelligence.
4. Just the ability to use the gifts that Taiitsu-kun gave us.
5. You're welcome!!
6. Why would you want to sit on Tama-neko???
7. We don't particularly care for ANY of the Seiryuu Seishi.
8. Chichiri: Fish, no da!; Tamahome: Whopper with cheese; Tasuki: Steak! Char-grilled!; Nuriko: Fruit; Mitsukake: Vegatables and fruits; Chiriko: Green tea ice cream; Hotohori: Chocolate ice cream.
9. Anything that doesn't eat her first or will sit still long enough to be eaten!
10. He's a psycho!
11. Chuei, Shunkei, Gyokuran, and Yuiren
12. Check the Chicken of Doom Peeji for that info, no da! It is on their Info Site.
You're welcome!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Here Tasuki. *hands him Jean doll* sorry 'bout bein' such a pain in the @$$. oh and.. here. *hands him some sake*
Dear Yuffie002,
Heh-heh-heh... Thanks! It's kinda kawaii!! An' th' sake was oishii!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! *looks at 'Curious' letter* ... Nani? ... Me, weird? ;_; *blinks as large bambi-like eyes start to water* What did I do? All I asked was if Tasuki if he drank sake and coffee at the same time, I was just curious (no pun intended). *sniffles* Oh well... I'm an oddball sometimes... hee... ^_^
Thanks for eating the cookies! ^_^ Here, have some more! *gives a box of cookies to the Seishi* Chichiri, thanks for helping me. I'll see if I can ask Jean about it, but I usually can't visit the message board for long periods of time. Mitsukake, I'm not sure about your theory of the bitter medicine, but I feel much better when I think that somebody put the bitter taste inside for fun. ^^;;; Stupid idea, I know...
Dear Yuri,
Arigato for the cookies, no da! Chichiri no Aijin was in Kinokuniya recently and saw a book she thinks was called, "How to Draw Anime". She thought of you, no da. You might wish to contact Kinokuniya yourself if you live in Los Angeles or even if you don't. They do ship books, no da. Don't worry about the answer to Curious' question it was not an easy one to answer, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! ^.^ Well I wanted to ask a question..demo a question that I hope hasn't been asked already because I want to be original! so here goes!
what are each of your's favorite skittle flavour??? ^^;;; There is Lime, Grap, Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Raseberry, Watermelon...ano I can't remember the others! cherry maybe! ^^; I know this is a sad question I just wanted to ask an original question without having to read all the past letters. If you think I'm a baka that's ok.. -_-; I just dare to be different..hehehehehehe. Well see ya!
Dear Mei,
We've never had Skittles before so we can't really answer your question. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
I have a few question about you little box hat thing (whatever you call it).
1. Is it 4D??
2. You have soooo much hair, how do you get it into that TINY box???
Mighty Bob
Dear Mighty Bob,
What is 4D? It really isn't as tiny as it looks. My hair is wound around a long (for lack of a better word) pin and the crown is placed on top and secured with another pin.
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you say 'no da' after every sentence? Is it a habit or something?
Mighty Bob
Dear Mighty Bob,
It is just how people speak where I come from, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Exactly what are your feelings toward Miaka? I think you should beat up Tamahome and take her for yourself. Exactly what color are your eyes anyway? I must have seen 12 different answers.
Dear KKyle24640,
I love her like a little sister an' that's all! I would say my eyes are amber (light brown). An' since thy're mine, I should know!
Dear Tasuki,
HEY!LOOK WHAT YOU DID!Poor Pikachu are you o.k?
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
Why?? He started it! He zapped me!!
Dear Tasuki,
I'm gonna be 14 this Sunday. And about one of my parents going to practice with me, it won't work either.....I have asked my mom that before, she says no. *pouts* Oh, well... But I'm thinking of joining sprint in the winter. ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
P.S. I haven't watched the Blair Witch Project yet, is it real scary???
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, I can understand 'em bein' protective an' all since yer only gonna be 14, but still... I dunno... I ain't seen Blair Witch Project yet either, but I'm told it's pretty scary. Happy birthday!
Dear Nuriko,
*pops in* Will you beat up Tasuki for being a baka? Please? Pretty please? ;_;
*One-chan's sister shows up*
Firefury: PLEEEEASE? Please do it! He made her cry (That's torture for all of us.) Not to mention he pissed me off. He will suffer in a fan fic..... okay. I'll shut up now.
*crying in SD. 4 feet of water now....*
Dear One-chan,
Oh I don't know... I think you should honor his request down below... tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
*shoves Keetia back into the character closet* That's all, Keetia. She has a fondness for setting people up....*evil grin*
Yer still an ingrate! *sniffles* After I defended your being able to sing better than Suboshi! Maybe....maybe..... I should stop being a fan of yours! BAKA! Maybe I should have you murdered! ...... Nah. I'll just set you up with a girl. A cat girl at that! =P Baka. *sniffle* Maybe...maybe... I'll just have to become.... a SUBOSHI FAN! >=P After all, I'M insane. =P *whack, smack, thwhack, bash, smash, etc etc etc* In the words of Femiko- *&$@&*(@^#^* MEANIE POO!!!! (You'd almost think she took lessons from you, 'cept for the meanie poo part.) Hmph. *sniffle* baka. *cries in SD* ;_;
*E.V.I.L. Sister who is an author pops in to say something* Firefury: BEWARE THE LEAGUE OF E.V.I.L. AUTHORS!!!! FEAR US AND THE INSANITY WE BRING! YOU HAVE UPSET MY SISTER! NOW YOU FACE MY PEN OF EVIL WRITINGS AND MY NOTEBOOK OF TERROR!!!! BwahHAHhahahahaha!! I'll just have to do something with that Essence and Tasuki gag that came up in a fic... hehehehehehhe................. FEAR ME! And fear One-chan too =P Once she....stops crying... *looks at the three feet of water* I think she intends to drown you in tears. How delightfuly E.V.I.L. *pops out*
*sob sob sob*
Dear One-chan,
'Che! Ya' write to me an' then call me names an' then wonder why I abuse ya'?? C'mon! Ya' write to Tasuki ya' get a bit of abuse! Don't be so sensitive! Anyways, I've had my share of evil authors do some nasty s--t to me an' survived!! Gimme yer best shot! I wanna see what yer made of! Make it th' best ya' ever did! If yer gonna hurt an' abuse me in yer fic, make it REAL good! I wanna see it when yer done. So there! An' ya' better not kill me off in th' first couple of lines!
Dear Tamahome,
GWAHAHAH! THANK YOU! ^-^ I'll give him death if he's gonna take that.... >=) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO! And when/if I ever get the time to type it up and crap, sure ya can read it. Gwwwwweeeeeeeeeehehehheheeh... *thinks* He gets fried a few times... heheheheh...... HEY! KEETIA! GET IN HERE!
*Keetia pops in* Yes?
Intro yerself
Keetia: ALRIGHT! I AM KEETIA! SELF-PROCLAIMED DEMON OF .... LOOOOVE!! And I am iiiiiin said fic......Heh-heh! *evil grin*
Yeah, now go. *shoves Keetia into her character closet.* Gwahahaha. Being around her is a fate WORSE than death! Well, ciao!
Dear One-chan,
Awwww, don't be too hard on Tasuki! (Did I Just say that?!?!?!?@_@) He is an obnoxious bandit after all. Make it a love story and that will be payback enough!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok..i'll sing it one more time! POST IT UP KAY!
Tamahome: 18 year old suzaku dude <~rite? n e waze..after comin home frm a hard days work out gettin some ca$h...he walks into the door of his room to find bed...with another man {TASUKI} Good Conscience:GC
bad con: BC
song mAKER
Dear song mAKER,
Ah so desu. NOW I remember why that wasn't posted! Too much profanity and violence! (I live with Tasuki and I just said THAT?!?!?!?) *Shakes head* Anyway the above situation would NEVER happen and well, the song just is not one that I particularly cared for. Thank you anyway.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is my 1st time writing to u and I'm feeling very sad cos it's abt. sth. terrible. My Bio. teacher in sch. had a brain haemorraghe (>dun know if the spelling is correct... Gomen) and had an emergency operation last Wed (25/8). Now, she's unconscious and my class just received news that she's already brain dead. We are presently not allowed to visit her due to her family members' request to spend their last moments with her. That was so unfair!!! She was a really lively and jovial teacher who does not deserve this at all... I know that telling anyone this will not do any gd. at all... but I just want somebody to listen to my thoughts on this....
Maybe the only thing that I can be happy for her is that she did not have to suffer much when she died....*sniff* *sobz* T_T Can anyone tell me what they think lies ahead for those who die? Is there some place that is sweet and full of nice things that those who die go to? If so, I really do hope that my teacher will get there...
Baby Gwing =o<
Dear Baby Gwing,
*Hugs her and tries to dry her tears.* Death is very hard on those left behind, no da. I can understand her family wanting to be with her in her final moments as well as your desire to say goodbye. Perhaps, they will have a service for her and then you can say goodbye and get some closure, no da.
I do not see death as an ending but as a beginning to another life, no da. My beliefs are that there is a place for good people to go and if they wish they will be reincarnated back to this world, no da. I'm sure that your teacher will be one of those who will be in this place. And who knows, she may come back as another person and will be your friend or even your teacher again, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
The reasons that my parents are making me quit track is, well, first of all, they are WAY over protective. And second, they think that Holmdel Park is dangerous, 'cause it's like in the woods and that anything can happen, such as kidnapping, which I think is total bulls*it. And third of all, they are paranoid, they said that the coach can be a bad guy and push me over the cliff......? HUH???? YEAH, right! *_* And I don't think there are any cliffs there anyway...*shrugs* I really loved track and still do, it's the first sport that I've been really successful in. And about my parents talking to the coach or whoever, it would never work, my parents are unconvincible. *sigh* Why is this happening to me right before my birthday??? My birthday is this Sunday, August 29th... Also, I just wish my dad would give my friend a chance, she seems pretty upset that my dad just won't. I think she was also crying about it too..... Tasuki-san, thanks for always listening to my problems and being there when I needed you. You are a great pal! *smiles and gives Tasuki a hug and a kiss on the cheek* Sorry about your coat. *_*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
OI! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu!! How old are ya' gonna be? Yer parents sound as if they watched one too many slasher films back in th' 70's an' 80's! Don't let 'em see "Blair Witch Project"!!! They may lock ya' in yer room an' toss th' key!! Heh-heh-heh... If ya' ain't given a chance to spread yer wings a bit, how are ya' gonna survive in th' real world??? They ain't doin' ya' no favors! Is it possible fer one of 'em to be at practice wit' ya' till they get more comfortable with' yer coach? I don't know how tochange yer dad's mind short of his confessin' as to what a lyin' sack of s--t she is. An' I don't see that happenin' ANYTIME soon! Sorry kiddo. *Gives her a hug and ruffles her hair.*
Dear Tasuki,
Why the hell do ya hate women?!! I went to every page I could get my hands on and I couldn't find a single @#$%\& answer? Does it have to do with your 5 older sisters?!! I have a older sister so I know how much a pain in the ass they are ^_~ !! Please answer my question soon, it's buggin' the hell out of me!!
Dear Rook8585,
Take yer sister, times her by 5 an' add a ma that's jus' as bad fer abusin' an' humiliatin' ya' an then mebbe you'll get th' picture!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi, well I just wanted to say that the picture of you on the main page is adorable! Where did you get it? ^_^
Do you happen to know of that famous pop star Aaron Kwok? For some reason I keep getting his name confused with Hotohori's name as a singer: Andy Won is it? KInd of a strange coincidence don't you think? Maybe it doesn't look so to anybody else, but their names appear similar to me...
Dear Sammy,
Arigato! It has been so long that I know longer recall where it came from. Gomen nasai. I have never heard of the singers that you mentioned, I'm sorry.
Dear Nuriko,
Just to clarify, are you officialy 'more beautiful' than Hotohori-sama, or are you just 'almost as beautiful' as him? I personally think you're prettier. =P
Dear Yukinojo,
Arigato for your lovely compliment! I think I am almost as beautiful as Hotohori-sama.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do you all think of your dubbed voices?
Dear Hollywood,
UGH! Wareware wa dubs ga suki janai desu yo! (We truly dislike them.)
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is Nuriko in the OVAs at all? I haven't seen anything above the Pioneer released tapes.
Dear Kei-san,
Yes, I am in the OVAs.
Dear Hotohori,
Is it true that Beauty is only Skin-deep?
Dear Hotomori,
I have heard that said. But you do know that ugly goes straight to the bone?
Dear Tasuki,
Heya! It's me Nykee -again- ^_^;;0 Yeah, I read your letter today and was so happy that you responded I sorta freaked and ran around the house squealing until I came back coughing up a lung. -_-;;0 I'm on SEVEN, yeah count 'em, SEVEN different meds right now. I'm onna pill to fight the infection, 2 inhalers, one to open my lungs and then other to clear the inflammation, a nasal spray to stop the post-nasal drip -_-;;0, a cream for a bacteria infection on my skin because of all the different drugs hitting me so hard, a mouth wash because I got a thrush (bacterial infection in the mouth) infection because of the second inhaler I got said to rinse my mouth out everytime I got it - so I did, but it didn't work and I got the side-effects anyways :( (but the good thing is it's banana flavoured and not that white chalk flavoured stuff. I swear they TRIED to make it taste like coconut but came up with chalk-o-nut instead :P) and another inhaler just incase I get an asthma attack. The doctor says it's clearing but I'm being left with an asthma left over thing or something.... (That would explain the trouble breathing and chest pains last night). The inhaler I'm on makes my heart beat really fast like I just ran a marathon and it makes me really jittery and nervous so when I read your letter I guess running around the house didn't help -_-;;0 Me bad. *hands him a crate of sake* Here! Thanks so much for the hug AND THE KISS! *swoons* You're extra sweet and kind for doing that! I know ya didn't hafta or do ya like girls (whispers: Liar! ^_-;;) Anyways, I really appreciate the offer for the card! If you really wanna you can! (Gosh knows I'll like treasure it forever - maybe I'll frame it? *swoons again*)
Who says pneumonia is a bad thing? If I can get you to send me a card - it's like gold to me ^_^;; Thanks like ten millions times again! I can't stress the importance of your reply and how much better it's made me feel! You're so kawaii! :)
Dear Nykee,
Geez, wit' all yer icky illness, I'm glad I kissed th' TOP of yer head! I'll try to do th' card this week. But you stay in bed an' get better!!!! Promise???
Dear Tasuki,
I'm all better now! No more fever! It's great.Glad 'ya liked the chocolate since I like it too. Ummmmmmm..........Oh yea! Now I remember! Duh! My friend is here with me and I was showing her pics of you and she thinks you're ugly! Don't worry, I knocked her on the head for 'ya!I'm also making her apologize. *Hands keyboard to friend* sorry, but that does not mean I changed my mind!OUCH!!!*SS knocks her on the head again and then takes the keyboard back* Aye, she is always stubborn like that. She wanted to ask you if you'll ever get married. (Don't ask, she is CRAZY!!)
Talk to 'ya later!
Sey Something and friend(Crissy)
Dear Sey Something and friend(Crissy),
Mebbe one day, but NOT to HER! What is she one of them Tomo lovers???
Dear Hotohori,
Hi Hotohori-sama!! Wanna hear something freaky? Yesturday, Mandy was over my house and we were reading Sorcerer Hunters manga. She took one look at Marron, gasped and went, "HE LOOKS LIKE HOTOHORI!!!" I examined the picture and agreed with her. Marron looks just like you Hotohori-sama!!! Tee hee hee...
The bad thing is, we were reading manga when we were suppose to be watching this stupid movie for English Honors class. The movies are so BORING!!! Especially Lord of the Flies... I hate movies like that!!! They scare me!!! *groans* I am such a wimp when it comes to live action war movies... I get so totally grossed out if I see a limb get cut off or something worse but I'm not scared of it if it's animated!! I LOVED Mononoke Hime and some parts reminded me of Itchy and Scratchy cartoons but I still loved it!! I wonder why.... C-ya MAR--err Hotohori-sama!!!
Dear Jean,
Shame on you for neglecting your studies! Marron from Sorcerer Hunters as well as Aya from Weiss Kreuz both bear a strong resemblence to me. Although, I am more beautiful than either of them.
Dear Nuriko,
How do I make Tasuki stop laughing about the dress incident? I figured you'd know if anyone would...
Dear Suboshi,
Either stop wearing them or at least try to look more feminine! Shave your legs, wear makeup, and grow your hair longer. I remember the omake and Tasuki was NO prize in a dress either! But Mitsukake... *shudders at the thought*
Dear Tamahome,
*hehe*..You are so cute! *hands Tamahome three bags of gold ryou*..How does it feel having a cat named after you?
Dear Katrinka,
Annoying! I wanted Miaka to name him after Chichiri. *Sigh* But she liked Tama-neko better...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys! What phobias do you guys have?
I know Hotohori DEFENATILY doesn't have eisoptrophobia (the fear of mirrors), And miaka doesn't have Sitophobia (the fear of food), Chiriko doesn't have Scholionophobia (the fear of school),
Nor does Tauski have Pyrophobia (fear of fire), Although Tauski has Hydrophobia (the fear of water) *laughs at Tauski like a mad woman for about 1/2 and hour* Bye Bye! Love ya guys!
I'm very sorry about that Tauski.... *Bows and offers him a peace offering of Sake, stands up and kisses him on the cheek* -BLUSH- Byebye!!! *runs off in embarassment*
Dear KittyNoDa,
Oh yer REAL funny ain't ya'! Well, since ya' gave me sake I won't singe ya'. We ain't got no phobias!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi! Aren't you going to say happy birthday to Suboshi?!?! It's the least you can do...Be nice to him, ok? Onegai???
Dear Yui-sama,
Yeah, sure, whatever... otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu sukebe!!! Heh-heh...
Dear Tamahome,
*drops a bag of gold* Go beat up Tasuki for being a baka while I think of what E.V.I.L. things I shall do to him in my fan fic for being a baka. Please? ^-^
Dear One-chan,
*Looks at the letter below and sweatdrops* Sure, beats being abused by a fanfic author! Oh Tasuki.... *Forms a small chi-ball...* Come here! I have something for you... (So can I read this fan-fic when you're finished??)
Dear Tasuki,
*thwhack!* You didn't feel privileged, did you!? *twirls pen* You shall have to suffer in my writings.. gwahahahaha. . . fear me. There is no such thing as 'visiting' the closet. It's a ONE WAY TRIP! OOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!! Any members of the closet alliance who want to put Nakago or Suboshi in (Sorry Suboshi! >;p But you are mentally unstable and you might kill some of our guys.....) are promptly thwhacked, smashed, bashed, poked, whammed, etc, with a Not At All Holy Weapon. Hmph! Don't think I'd only let you visit =P I'd keep you there, and I'm pretty certain Nova Strike would kidnap Kouji and run off with him. Anyways! "Visit" FEH! It ain't an option! Gwahahaa. Don't worry, there IS sake =p If you try and escape once locked up, I'll be sending you the bill for everything we give the guys in there. And that's more money than YOU can afford. Gwahahaha. Hmph! "Visit" .... Not even feeling privileged! Hmph! Ingrate. *sulks* >=P Despite what Suboshi said about him being a better singer I stubbornly concluded you were better after listening to his song. INGRATE! BAKA! *whack!* ;_; Baka. *thwhack* You shouldn't hurt an E.V.I.L. Author's feelings. It can be hazardous to yer health! *grabs a pen and a notebook* Just ask Katana and Vegita from my sister's fics. ;_; baka. *opens notebook* What to write.... *thinks* Death, maybe? Hmm-? Setting you up with a *gasp* girl-!? What to write indeed...
Dear One-chan,
Setting me up wit' a girl?!?!?!?! I'll take DEATH!!! BY SAKE!!!!! Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
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