Dear Tamahome,
I recently saw the episode when you lose your family. I'm very sorry for you. And after things were beginning to look up. I just wanted to write and tell you how incredibly and deeply sorry I am for you. I lost someone I truly loved last summer. My aunt. She meant the world to me. I couldn't imagine the pain I would feel if I lost my parents and my brothers, all at the same time. I'm sure you'll thoroughly kick Suboshi's ass, though! I'm supposing it was his doing. I can't wait to see that!
Perhaps Miaka is going to bring them back with one of her wishes. I surely hope so.
Well, I have to go, but I just want to say, "Stay stong, man!" You can get through it.
Dear Rose,
Thank you for your condolences and you have my sympathies on the loss of your aunt. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
HEY!look a pikachu!Wanna hold him? Isn't he kawaii?
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
*Goes to pick up Pikachu and gets ZAPPED!* Why that rotten, little... *&**%*$%.... LEKKA SHIEN!!!!!!!! That'll teach it! *BBQ'd Pikachu @_@*
Dear Chichiri,
Where'd you get your staff? ^_^;* I want one!
Dear Molly,
I got it in Konan, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, Chichiri! It's me again, Rose.How you been doing? I've been pretty good. I just got back from soccer practice. I guess I'm doing okay. I'm going to be a freshman this year. It's kind of wierd. I love the game, and I know that I'm good. It's just that lots of times, I don't live up to my own expectations. I guess I just don't want my new and upperclassmen teammates think that I suck. I'm kind of contradictory. Usually, I don't give a damn about what other people think of me, but when I get into tsomething that's kind of new to me, I get really sensitive about it, and I want people to like how I do it. I just don't want to be sitting on the bench all year long. I might as well be the water girl. Do I sound pathetic? I swear, I'm usually confident about everything I do: How I dress, how I act. Perhaps highschool soccer, the BIG time, intimidates me. I hope i can get over it and start concentrating on my game.
Have you ever felt this way about something? If so, how did you those feelings? I'd be interested to know. Well, I should go. I'm sure you've got plenty of mail to read. Love you, Chichiri!! Bye, bye!!!!!
Dear Rosey-chan,
I was concerned about my abilities when I first started training with Taiitsu-kun, no da. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Gambatte kudasai, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
If you have to give Miaka to a certain seishi(suzaku/seiryuu) for some reason, that you won't be able to support her, who would it be?
Dear Kentarou,
Tasuki. I know he would love and protect her as well as I would.
Dear Tamahome,
*hands him 2 gold ryou* Hello! I usually write to Tasuki but I wanted to give him a break. Besides, you're my second favorite! You're soooooo cute! *blushes and turns away*So are you and Tasuki gettin' along lately? If not,sorry but,I'm on his side all the way !!!!!!!!!!heh-heh. I used to like 'ya more,but then you hurt Tasuki and I did a U-turn! Oh-yeah:
1. Don't 'ya wish you could fry Tasuki once in a while?
2.Do you end up marrying Miaka?
Thats all,thanx!
Sey Something(Tasuki lover)
Dear Sey,
Ha-ha, sometimes, I'd like to nail him with his own tessen and then say,"Oh Gomen Tasuki! I MEANT to do that!" As for getting married to Miaka, try to get ahold of the OVA's. I hate to give up major spoilers!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
When I was asking to be a seishi, I didn't mean a real one! Just, ya know, to spread the word of your word, Suzaku and the Priestess!
And if you guys ever came to my world, I could show ya around my area. (oh yeah, and give a nice harsh beating to whoever disrespects the priestess!) Please!!!
*looks at them with an adorable look and pouts*
Say hi to Koji and also give Tama-Neko a scratch on the chin and this fish.
*Blows kisses to the seishi and gives them all a hug*
Luv you guys, like always!
Kitty No Da
Dear Kitty No Da,
Sure, if that's what ya' wanna do.
Dear Chiriko,
*takes a deep breath and gains composure* Uh, Chiriko... I never... *getting nervous* I never thought.... you were so... so... DISGUSTING!!
*takes another deep breath* I mean, I just saw the omake of the OAV 1st series, part 2, and.... *ready to get grossed out!* Right there, in the middle of the bus, you took a [THE S-WORD!!] in a little bag! Of course, you were feeling sick at the time, so that was a little bit of justification (albeit not much), but that wasn't the end of it...
*pauses for a minute in a futile attempt to regain calmness*
That wasn't the end of it. After saying how much better you felt (yes, your remark was censored!), you... you... you asked... *on the verge of going mad!!!* you asked the other guys if they'd like to SEE it!!!
There, I said it......
No, Chiriko, don't you dare play dumb!! That was exactly what you did!! Either you take that goofy innocent look off your face or I proceed to wipe your @$$ with it!!! What say you, Ou Doukun!?
(Good God, I can't believe I brought that up....)
Dear ?!?,
I say I can't believe I brought that up!! I vomited! And gee, I was just kidding about seeing it!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey there sweety! okie just a really stupid person.....just wondering...wat if Miaka left u for Tasuki??? Would u killl him?! I know it probably won't happen but.....wat would u do?! Give mee a good answer!
asking 2 much?!
Dear asking,
I'd say that would probably be a friendship breaker. I don't think I'd kill him for it. But, I'm sure there would be a heck of a fight!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why isn't my song that i made put up?! i wanto see it!!!! Why? WHY? WhY?!?!
song maker
Dear song maker,
Ano, what song???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What was the weirdest question ever asked?
Who do you like? (some visitor(s), as a friend is fine) example: Yuri, Ranma, Kaji, Suboshi, Curious, someone.
Dear Curious,
See below. Some of those questions are a bit weird. I think they're writin' a fan-fic... Of course we like our fans! Even you! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
1. Do you guys know a lot about Christainity?
2. What type of girl would Chichiri like?
3. Same question for Tasuki
4. Same question for Kouji(don't say something about Aidou, be specific)
5. What was I gonna ask?
6. uh.... I forgot
7. boy my memory sure is failing me
8. What is a trait about you that you feel is really important? (something that can't be left out, or else it just wouldn't be you.)
9. How do you guys feel about time traveling?
10. Do you like Miboshi?
11. Am I annoying you?
12. SOrry if I am
13. I was just excercising my right to ask questions.
14. Sorry if I over did it.
15. I should go now?
16. Bye
17. Maybe I'll write back later.
Number Questions
Dear Number Questions,
1. Why do you ask? We have some knowledge of that belief system.
2. Chichiri would probably like someone like his late fiancee'.
3. Someone that's strong yet vulnerable. Just like him.
4. The same goes for Kouji.
5. How should WE know???
8. Chichiri: My past, no da!
8. Mitsukake: My silence.
8. Chiriko: Love of studying and learning.
8. Tasuki: Bad attitude/good heart.
8. Tamahome: Love of and devotion to Miaka.
8. Hotohori: Narcissism
8. Nuriko: Wanting to be loved by someone.
9. It sounds interesting.
10. NO!!!
11. Not quite yet. Keep workin' on it!! Jodan dayo!! (Tasuki)
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, so what was the hardest question which was ever asked of you guys? What was the easiest?
Dear Curious,
These questions.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, I just wanted to say thank you for your advice on what to do. My friend's party was today, and I had plenty of fun. Everyone else at the party got my friend, well mainly notebooks, and that type of stuff. She seemed to like something a bit different. By the way, to make sure it didn't look like I was cheap, I drew a second picture. It was a picture of faries, spent all night on it, my little sister appeared to like it enourmously. SO did my friend by the way. In fact when I asked her whether she liked my drawings, she said that there wasn't a single thing wrong with them. There we go: even though my friend isn't into art, she liked what I did for her. I'm really happy too. I almost just bought her a card. What you said was very logical, I should have figured it out myself, but it did reassure me. Once again, thanks.
Dear Yumi,
You're welcome! I'm glad I was able to help!
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya fanged brigand! Well don't mean to be a bother, but just wondering, do you have a nice pic of Kouji on hand? ^_^;;; Actually Sammy wants that picture, as she's never seen Kouji before and is really obsessed with him. More or less. Don't tell her I said that! She already stole all my money. Have any idea as to why, I mean why would she give all my money to Tamahome!?! Oh well I'll stop whining it's just a minor thing. ^_^ Hope you have a pic. If ya don't well I don't care, but Sammy might be coming round.
Dear Chip,
I think there's a Kouji shrine on th' web. Check the Otakuworld website. It might be listed there. So she's stealin' okane, eh? Heh-heh-heh, good fer her!
Dear Tamahome,
*starry eyes* Ooh... a hug too? For no extra charge? WAI! You're sooo nice. It's okay about the earlier misunderstanding. I didn't know Tomo was writing, don't go too hard on the guy though, he doesn't seem THAT bad.... hm.... then again...but he did have a rocky past. I think. Well lots of thanks. *tosses a bag of coins* Stole em from Chip. Heh-heh
Dear Sammy,
Arigato for the okane! *Gives her a hug.* So you're stealing from poor Chip? Are you trying to imitate Tasuki?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again! Well guess who this is, the ever constant Chip. Maybe not so constant. But any way, just wanted to talk to ya again. You probably already figured out but yer my faverite seishi! ^_^ But I like everyone else too. :) Well even though I want to talk to you, I don't have too much to say.... *sweatdrop moment* Guess that means talk to ya later! When I have a problem. ^_^ (not that I'll take every single little problem to you but ya know......) Bye!
Dear Chip,
Hi Chip! Thanks for making me your favorite!
Dear Tasuki,
Heya! How are you? Just dropping in a line to my favourite seishi. Guess what? *gets those big vibrating eyes* I'm sick again! (erf, you probably didn't know but I have like *NO* IMMUNE SYSTEM - except to chicken pox - but then again I think my body's just saving up to give me shingles *shivers* when I'm older) I have pneumonia (did I spell that right?) it's really horrible and I had to cancel my part-time summer job for the end of the summer because it'd gotten so bad (though I'm not in the hospital yet!).... But what REALLY sucks is CNAnime is coming up here this weekend, and I did EVERYTHING in my power to be able to volunteer! Fill out the form, e-mail the guy, call him, bug him to death and get a forward of the e-mail from one of my friends - just to find out I WON'T BE ABLE TO GO! *sobs* Pneumonia isn't fun. My mom's threatening that if I do go, there'll be nothing else after that, 'cuz you can't mess around with pneumonia. You've probably never had it, but have you had something really bad? (I mean BESIDES a hangover *giggles*) Doesn't it suck to be sick and left behind and alone out of everything? Mind spending time with me? I swear I won't be hentai! It's just really lonely when my mom goes off to work and I'm home alone and sick :( .... Canya gimme a hug? Er..., *turns away a bit saddened* Never mind, I'm sick and I don't wanna give you it too. That's why I asked for a hug n' not a kiss - but I guess it's the same, ne? Anyways, thanks so very much for even taking the time out of your day to just read this silly little letter and even reply :) I really appreciate and stay cute, ya lil' red-topped fanged bandit! *she turns and grins with a set of plastic vampire fang teeth in her mouth* Teehees! :)
Dear Nykee,
Pneumonia is *&^%$%$@ SERIOUS!!!!! Stay in bed an' quit yer whinin'! I'll spend some time wit' ya' if I can. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the top of her head.* That s--t will kill ya' if ya' don't take care of yerself an' stay in bed like th' doctor said!! DO NOT go to CNAnnime!!! If ya' do, I'll be really pissed wit' ya' 'cos ya' can get worse an' end up in th' hospital or worse!!! Ya' take care of yerself an' get better. There's always another con to go to, but only one of ya'! So, would a get well card from me make ya' feel any better? If ya' want to send me yer real world address (no one will ever see it) an' I'll send ya' a card.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! Remember Me... Hilary!??!!??!? Anyway... i asked you what the meaning of life was and you said 42! Well... *looks at Chiriko a little puzzled*... what is 42 supposed to mean? To me that really makes no sense... am i right or am i INSANE! Last time i checked i was pretty sure i didn't break that line betten sane and insane. What was that? *looks at the printer* BWA HA... BWA HA HA ... BWA HA HA HA.. BWA HA HA HA HA!!! *says to printer* that was a good one *smiles*
Dear Hilary,
*Sweatdrops...* Well I got the answer of 42 from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. It's a GREAT series! I highly recommend it!
Dear Tasuki,
*Walks over and hands him a bottle of sake* Thought I'd give 'ya this little present for no reason at all! I'm just in a good mood except for the fact that I've had a 103 degree fever for three days now. It is so boring just lying on a couch all day! The worst part? The doctor said I can't have any chocolate or pepsi 'til I'm 100% better! Talk about depressing!!!I love chocolate, I try not to eat it often so I keep my weight off but I haven't had any in a while and I'm way overdue!Do you like chocolate? If so,here*gives him a hershey bar and some double fudge brownie icecream*. That is my favorite icecream,do you like it? I'm happy 'cause I followed your advice and went 'fer that boy I like andnow we're together. Gotta go!!!!!
Sey Something
Dear Sey Something,
103 degree fever?!?!?!?!? What th' h*ll d'ya got???? Yer wit' that guy you like? Kakkoi!!! Glad I was able to help! Guess I know more 'bout that stuff than I thought I did! Get better an' thanks fer th' oishii chocolate!
Dear Tasuki,
My mom is making me quit track... *starts to cry* On Monday, there was a track practice in Holmdel Park instead of the High School where the normal practices are held at. Holmdel Park has this really great running place inside the forest. Anyway, I was only notified that very day. The practices are always 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. It usually ends at 10:30, so I told my mom to pick me up that time. I asked the captain when the practice ends, she said 10:30. So I thought, why bother telling my mom since it makes no difference. Anyway, she has already left. The captain drove us there. Then when we got there, we practiced. We ran 3 miles. Then it was 10:15 already. We were going to run a little more. I thought, by meaning "running a little more" is like 2 min. or whatever. But man was I wrong. When we ran for like 2 min. I asked the captain how much more were we going to run; she said about 2 miles. I was pretty shocked, and damned tired all right from that first 3 miles. But when the captain said that already we were deep in the running course, so, I thought like, no turning back, and that running two more miles is like 15 more min. But I was pretty exhausted that time, so I started to walk.... And before I knew it, everyone has run off. I was left all alone there, somewhere in the forest. Then I got lost!!!! But, an hour later, I finally found my way back where my teammates were. It was then 11:15 a.m. I was real late! Then we went back to the high school. My mom was in the school office already asking about me.... When she saw me, she stormed out of there and started to yell at me. She told me she was worried and stuff and yelled at me for not telling her we went somewhere else. I told her what happened, except where the part that I got lost for an hour, I jus told her I got lost for like 10 min. I didn't want to worry her, and I don't want to lose the slight chance of still staying on track since she might think it's too dangerous. But I don't think it was dangerous at all. Besides, the coach told me that next time there was practice, he would run with me. I tried to convince her to let me stay on track, but she keeps saying it's dangerous... Also there's more trouble, she told me when she couldn't find me, she called up my uncles, aunts, grandparents, and neighbors. If my dad knew about this whole thing, he would really kill me, so I called up the uncles, aunts, grandparents, and neighbors to not tell my dad. But my grandparents said that if I don't want to be told, I have to quit track. I was thinking like, "f*ck them"
*sigh* Guess what??? More bad news.... My friend, Alicia, told me that my dad was giving her a dirty look again when she was passing by. It's not fair. She didn't do anything. I can't believe my dad still believes the stipid rumor form his stupid friend, Alicia's aunt. *sigh* What can I do to stop this?
*starts to cry* Just ten min. ago, my mom told my dad about the track thing in Holmdel Park. Now I'm officially forbidden to continue with track! Oh, yeah.... I forgot to tell you that Holmdel Park is where all the track competitions are held. It is a very safe place. Everyone always goes there for practice.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I'm totally lost on why yer parents think Track is a dangerous sport!!! Yer mom was right that either yer coach or ya' should've called her 'bout th' change in place an' time. Mebbe ya' can get yer coach or another adult from yer school to talk to yer parents. 'Cos right now they jus' ain't makin' no sense to me!! As fer yer Dad an' yer friend, I gotta tell ya' this may jus' be one that can't be fixed no matter what EITHER of ya' tell him or do! He's jus' gonna belive what he wants no matter what. It's jus' sad to see a closed mind hurtin' a kid that jus' got stuck in th' middle of adults fightin'! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.* Now, no more cryin'. Yer gettin' th' coat all wet! *fanged grin...*
Dear Tasuki,
konnichiwa tasuki. *smiles* ogenki desu ka.
Dear reirei,
Konbanwa ReiRei-san! Genki desu! Hisashiburini!
Dear Chichiri,
I haven't been here in a really long time! LONG TIME NO SEE CHICHIRI!! Well, I don't exactly have any questions...But I can say that My friend Elyra and I are dressing up as you and Tasuki for Halloween! And I can't believe it! I had almost given up on finding a kasa, and when I went to my aunt's house, she had one hanging up on her wall!! So, I get to use it!! We also have a really weird way to get my hair to stand up like that (even though I said I could just dye it blue..) having to do with alot of hair spray/hair gel and a vacuum cleaner... Catch ya' later!
Dear Kaori,
KOWAI, no da!! A vacuum cleaner near your hair, no da??? Please be VERY careful, no da!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! Are you and Kouji-?*dodges a flame being thrown her way* JUST KIDDING!! Okay, my real question is, where's your father? Did he...pass away? I'm really curious! Maybe your mom and sisters drove him crazy too...? If you answer this I'll give you this! *points to a large kart with lots and lots of barrels of sake in it* ^_^! Have a nice day!
Dear Inori,
Oh yer REAL funny.... Anyway, my father is alive an' jus' gets ignored by all th' women in back home (lucky s--t!). Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm sorry I haven't written for awhile..I've been busy with school in all ya know.Just finished the OAV/OVA whatever.You were soo mean to Tamahome!!::Pats Tama on the head and gives him a bag of gold ryou:: Anyway luckily Mitsukake was there!I still love you though!::gives Tasuki a really big hug::Hmmm...nice chest heh.I submitted my sketch of you earlier I hope you like it!!Au revoir
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
I saw th' sketch! It was GREAT!!!! I'm gonna make CHiriko post it on Seishi of th' Week!! Thanks!
Dear Nuriko,
*is in awe because she's in the prescence of the great, wondeful, drool-worthy, magnificent, didn't-really-die-cause-he's-too-cool-for-that Nuriko-sama* Oh...Hello, O great Nuriko-sama!! I have a question to ask you if I may ask it, pretty please!! Are there many pictures of you with your hair short? Your long hair is totemo utsukushii but the short hair makes you manlier! I think you look GREAT as a guy!! Do you know where I can find any pictures of you with short hair? Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! You're just so SUGOI!!! Nuriko-sama is the BEST!!!
Dear Inori,
Arigato for all the lovely compliments! *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.* I don't know of any sites off-hand. However, have you tried They have tons of links and you may be able to find what you need.
Dear Hotohori,
Waiii!! You are really cute...*faint*..but why do you like Miaka so much? Is she really that great? ^^;; Heh..guess I'm just jealous...^^;; And...*blushes*...can you go out with me? And hug me? And make me your official Miko? I know that's a lot to ask, but..*stares at Hotohori-sama with big, Miaka-like eyes*..
Dear Evangelista,
Miaka is a very sweet, kind, unselfish girl and that is why we ALL like her. Since I am married I do not date and I believe I already have an official Miko. You would have to take it up to her.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! It's Antonia.....again <:l I'm getting dangerously addicted to this (moooooohahahahahahah! ha). I read your responses, arigato to you. You know, I really wish I had magic powers...sigh. Maybe then I transport my stepdad to Antartica er somethin'. But then again, why should all those polar bears have to suffer?
Maybe you can help me. My mom has been with this guy (now my stepfather) since i was six; eight years in other words.I used to like him, but now I have fantasies about big green vans running him over(you might think from this that i'm crazy or violent, but I'm not, really. it just shows how much I hate him) He mistreats me and my mom-don't worry, he's never hit me, but I'm not that sure about my mom. My whole family hates him; he even caused my aunt and my mom to stop talking for a year, and they're really close. He curses at me all the time, insults me. I think he tries to compensate for the mistakes he makes by finding fault in me and mom. The thing I can't understand is why they stay together. I thought I was helping mom by not complaining about that jerk, but I've started to hint through humor how much I hate his guts. I'm not sure if I'm even asking a question, I'm probably just blowing of steam. Thank you for...uh...listening.
wow! look all thE CRAP i Wrote!I'm so embarassed!!!You know what makes me feel better when ever I get sad or mad? Making people laugh. It makes me feel good, which is why I want to be a comedian. I think Rose understand that better than anyone. I really love her! Oh, look at me. I can't shut up. i really should go before i whip out a photo ablum and stuff. In closing, Ilove you so much Chichiriiiiiiii! *sigh, kiss on the cheek and hug* I'm really insane.
P.S. You are so cute, sexy, smart, calm, gentle,adorable, wonderful,sweet, and... and...the list just keeps going! Thank you! @---}---
Dear Antonia,
Arigato for ALL of your kind words, no da! Have you tried to talk seriously to your mom about this? Abuse can take many forms, mental as well as physicial and neither is good for you, no da! If your home life is that unpleasant, have you considered contacting your local Family Services agency? They might be able to counsel you better than I can, no da. Please try and have a serious talk with your mom, especially if you suspect that your stepfather is physically abusing her.
If you find out that is the case you should inform the authorities, no da! If he is abusing your mom then the two of you need to get away from him as soon as possible. Perhaps you can stay with relatives if need be, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Take care and keep in touch, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
i luv the hair but how can it be so neat after taking off your crown/hat?
Dear Fan,
Years of practice in and perfect hair.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, Tas'ki-sama..I put my dog to sleep Saturday. She was really suffering, and I didn't want her to anymore. It was the hardest thing in the world, staying with her when they put her to sleep. I really, really miss her..I didn't wanna say goodbye.. my mom was too upset to go to the vet with me and dad..and dad ran out of the vet when my dog was called down to the room. He was too upset too..I went with her though.. I didn't want her to die alone. And when she was gone.. I just held her and cried. I didn't cry the whole time, until she was gone.. I was strong for her. I tacked her collar, leash and bandanna beside my bed.
Now, I can't do anything, without seeing her. I take the old paths we used to walk, and remember the things she did with me. We picked up her bowls and dishes and put them away. I've cried once, at least every day. I miss her so much. I feel empty inside.
Today, my mom and I went to shelters to look at dogs, and we found a puppy. She really reminded me of my old dog. And after much consideration, we decided to get her. But the weird thing is..when I came home, I started crying again. I feel like I'm trying to replace my dog. I know I'm not, but I still feel bad for getting another dog..
I know she's not gonna be my old dog.. and I don't want her to be either.. I just feel bad for some reason..a few people told me, that getting another dog might help me to heal a little. I sure hope so..
Dear Reddie-chan,
Aw geez kid... *gives her a big hug and holds her for a bit.* That's alot of hard s--t to go through! I'm sorry ya' had to put yer dog down an' it will be awhile before ya' stop grievin'. But I'll be here fer ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
Sheesh. You want me to think that much? *grabs a pen and paper* Lessee... We got a lot of guys locked up in there. (Feel privileged! You are the only one we have ever ASKED if it was okay. Feel privileged, damnit.) *sits and thinks* We got Gourry, we got Trunks, somebody threw Vegita in there (They must be suicidal...) Hrm.... The Guy With The Cute Butt From Princess Minerva (we don't know his name, so he has been dubbed that.)Marron *thiiiiiinks* Let's see. Juno, Rockman, Rockman X, Zero... @_@ *thinking can hurt* Hrm... Somebody WAS gonna try and put Nakago in *gag gag, choke, puke* But I enlightened her. Ahem. Anyways. Lesse.... Link, Gohan, Tuxedo Mask, Ryoga, Ranma (Are you feeling privileged? You should be.) Who ellllse.... Somebody put Kuno in... We got Mousse... one of my friends characters.. Hikage (I thiiiink that was his name..) Sephiroth is in there.. So's Cloud... Hrm! So many ^-^ (You'd better be feeling privilaged!) Gwahaha... Maybe I should toss the rest of you Suzaku Seishi in... gwahahaha.... *thinks some more* Well, that's all I can remember for noooow. >=) (You'd better be feeling privileged! If you aren't, you shall suffer in my fan fiction... for I am an E.V.I.L. Author! One who torrments characters! Gwahahaha... fear me, and you should be feeling very very very privileged right now.) *thinks* OOOOOHOHOHOH! Maybe I shall set you up with one of my characters... Oh ye whom says he hates girls ;p Okay, I've rambled enough. I'll shut up. For now...
Dear One-chan,
As long as there ain't no Suboshi, Tomo, or Nakago, sure, I'll visit fer awhile! OI! Where's Kenshin, Kouji, an' Sanosuke on yer list????
Dear Tasuki,
*steals all the pictures of Suboshi back and puts them in her pocket* Excuse me, these are MINE!!! You can't have them!! Unless you like Suboshi like I do!!! *smiles* Hahahahahahahahaha!!! @_@
Dear Yui-sama,
*Still laughing, he hands her back the pictures and continues to laugh at Suboshi in a dress...* Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha....
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Moshi Moshi Mina!!! Ohayo Gozaimas!!!
Is there a page with the previous pictures of you guys? (the ones that are posted on the page, drawn by Jean? They are VERY good!
Luv You Guys!!!
KittyNoDa a.k.a. Sandra
*gives hugs to all of the seishi and scratches tamaneko under the chin, and blows each seishi a kiss*
Dear Sandra,
If you can tell us the exact picture you would like to see, we'll try to arrange to show it on the Seishi of the Week peeji.
Dear Tamahome,
After your family died, you still loved money, right? But what did you do with it since you now don't quite have a purpose with them?
Nick Carter
Dear Nick Carter,
I used it to support Miaka and myself.
Dear Nuriko,
Why is Ranma always picking on you??? *gives Nuriko a hug* It's ok. I'm on your side!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Arigato! *Hugs her back.* It's just fun teasing back and forth. When it stops being fun, I'll stop answering him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How do you guys have acess to the internet in your world?
The idiot and KittyNoDa
p.s. What year is it in your world?
p.p.s. Idiot loves Suzaku "I LOVE BIRDS!"
p.p.p.s. Why haven't you responded to my (kittyNoDa's) request to be a suzaku seishi? (not necesarilly a celestial warrior)
Dear idiot and KittyNoDa,
To answer your questions in order: We go to the humble cyber abode that Chichiri no Aijin has provided for us to access the Internet. I would say it is finally the Year of Peace. And we don't pick or make Seishi's, only Suzaku or one of the other kami-sama's can do that!
Dear Tasuki,
::tosses bottle #22 in the garbage and opens #23 and starts drinkin':: Give up yet, little one?
Dear Kura-chan,
Lil' one???? *Burps* Sumimasen! Catch up babe!! Yer waaaaayyyyy behind th' Master! *Opens bottle 36, downs it, and tosses it and the empties for bottles 30-35 in the garbage.*
Dear Chichiri,
WAI!! Chichiri no Aijin goes to Banzai?? I love going there, it's my one-stop anime place!!! They rent out Fushigi Yugi videos and because of them, I got to see the whole series!! WAI! WAI! WAI! If I tried getting stuff at Little Tokyo... I wouldn't be able to read it and it would take forever to have my grandfather translate for me!! Still... even if I can't read or understand Japanese, I get it anyway!! Tee hee!!! So how was your vacation? I'm so glad you guys are back!!
Dear Jean,
Mizuumi Tahoe wa kirei, no da! Takusan ookii ki ya aoi sora ya shiroi kumo, no da! Omoshiroi deshita, no da! (*Translation* Lake Tahoe is beautiful, no da! Lots of huge trees, blue sky, and white clouds, no da! It was interesting!)
Dear Tasuki,
Oi!! What's this I hear about you still being sore about the wedding subject? It enough for me that we're friends!! ^_^ Anyway, I have to tell you about Chibi Zillah... your daughter. She needs her daddy and getting quite.... you. She beats up Yui and Suboshi's son but he won't fight her back. Zillah is a sweet girl but no one knows who her parents are except that we all know YER her father!! I offered to be a foster mommy... well... she ran off saying that she doesn't need parents. SAY SOMETHING TO HER!!! She needs to hear from her daddy!!!
Dear Jean,
I ain't NOBODY'S daddy!!!!!!! **SPOILER ALERT** Th' only Seishi wit' a kid 'sides Hotohori is Tamahome!! An' it's his an' Miaka's!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*hugs Chichiri*. Why don't you and the seishi come in the chat room? I haven't seen you once and I've waited there for hours.
Dear nodaing,
We were away, no da. Gomen nasai! We will try to make a better effort to visit more often, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake! I really want to know why medicine has to be very bitter. *makes a face when remembering the bitter taste* I hope it's not a stupid question, but after taking them a lot of times after certain... accidents *sweatdrops, mumbles "stupid coffee and sake" under her breath*, I just got curious. Eew, I think my tastebuds are going numb...
Oh, Mitsukake... do you want a cookie? It's chocolate chip. *smiles* I made them myself. *grins wider*
Dear Yuri,
Not all medicines are bitter. It just depends on the medicine and what's in it. Perhaps they all taste awful to some degree so we get better sooner and don't decide we like the flavor? Arigato for the cookie! It was delicious.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, yesterday was the first day of school.. and this guy didn't say a word to me AT school, he was all over my best friend instead (and boy was she mad.. o.O).. isn't that weird? Maybe my message finally got across to him! ::beams:: Anyway, I remember you asking a long time ago about the FY OVA dub as to who was doing your voice ^.^ I think there's a tie between two VAs, actually. ^.^; The page is here.. (hope HTML works. ^^;;) FY OVA Fandub. ^.^ You could audition too if you wanted, I'm sure they'd just LOVE to have you in the cast.. ::grin:: Oh yeah, she has a really nifty shrine to you too, Honou no Kokoro!! ^.^ I made the image on the right ^.~
Anyway, thanks so much for all you're help.. you're so sweet ^^ ::gives you a bunch of pixie stix:: Ja~! ^.^
Kaji Flutesong
Dear Kaji,
I ain't had th' chance yet to get to th' site, but I will check it out! That loser is probably tryin' to make ya' jealous! It's a stupid guy trick! Don't fall fer it! Thanks fer th' pixy stix!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! Gomen for not writing to you for a while. ^^;; I still can't find any clear pics of you without your scar, but thanks for helping me. Anyway, my fanart looks kinda funny... o_O And I have no idea how to colour it very well. Looks like drawing's not for me. ^_^; Do you know of any sites which can help me?
Oh, could you help me ask Tasuki if he can drink both sake and coffee at the same time? Just curious. ^^;
Before I go... do you want a chocolate chip cookie? *smiles*
Dear Yuri,
Hai, arigato for the cookie, no da! Oishii no da! I don't know of any drawing sites offhand, but you might be able to contact Jean through the Message Board and ask her, no da. She is an aspiring artist and taking classes in it, no da! Tasuki says he NEVER drinks coffee, no da! Must interfere with his sake...
Dear Nuriko,
Ok if you aren't gay then how come Chichiri knew(*or thought*) you were gay just by looking at you for the first time? And again, since you keep saying you aren't a gay, then how come your always so gaga over Hotohori?
Dear Ranma,
I think Miaka told him I was gay. And as for Hotohori-sama... the man is beautiful AND emperor of an entire country!!!! What more do you need????
Dear Tasuki,
i love you i think you are extremely hot. i know your a cartoon character but I still think you are hot anywho. My question is were you born a hottie??? & why are you so hot???
Dear Sabina,
Actually I'M an anime character! Bugs Bunny is a cartoon! Well if ya' ask my sister Aidou, I was born a pain in th' @$$! Guess it's th' cool hair, charmin' personality, firey good looks, an' th' tessen that makes me so hot! Oh yeah, an' th' modesty!! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
will you go out with me
nadine gorham
Dear nadine,
If it were possible to get to your world to do so, I would be delighted!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, it's been awhile! Truth is, I haven't had any problems until lately ::grin and sweatdrop:: Well, it's like this.. remember that guy I told you about? For awhile, he backed off and left me alone, but now it's worse than ever! I can't sign on without getting pestered by him! He doesn't have AOL so I can't get him removed.. I can always put him on my block list but he has a bajillion different screen names.. I just don't know what to do! I'm so frusterated I could scream, but that wouldn't do any good.. I don't have any classes with him in school, but I think we have the same lunch period, and I don't want to go around and hide all the time! I don't know what to do. He's trying to get all buddy-buddy with me by doing things I like to do and getting into the same anime I'm into, and therefore having stuff to talk to me about.. I swear, every time I sign on he's asking me for information about the OAVs or something about X/1999 or Sailormoon! And the thing is, when I don't say anything for awhile he starts talking to HIMSELF in the IM window.. the stupid blinking annoys the heck out of me and I can't turn it OFF!! ::starts to cry:: I don't know what I can do to get him to go away.. and I don't want my parents involved either, because my dad met him and said "He's a nice, good looking boy", and I don't think that at ALL!!!! Help, onegai..
Kaji Flutesong
Dear Kaji,
Mebbe ya' can get yer mom to convince yer dad that this loser may look nice but that he's stalkin' their daughter an' that means he may be a bit screwy upstairs! Ya' can also try to find out what his ISP is an' complain to th' ISP that he's harassin' ya' an' see if they'll kick him off! Can ya' change yer AIM sign-on? If ya' can, do it & jus' let th' epople ya' wanna deal wit' know who ya' are. As fer school, ignore him. Plain an' simple! If ya' don't want NOTHIN' to do wit' him act as if he jus' don't exist. Tell th' school authorities that he's harassin' ya' if he gets really overbearin'! Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
hi tasuki. how are you? *shows tasuki the pics of suboshi in a dress* don't he look pretty? you can keep these. if suboshi bugs you again just tease him about the dress.
Dear ^_^,
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... *Laughs till he has tears streaming down his face. Then he laughs some more... * Hahahahahahahahahaha... Oi! Tamahome! Ya' gotta see THIS!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa, Tasuki-sama! ^_^ I just had to drop ya a letter ta say hi! Plus, I'm rather bored, and wanted to babble about nonsense an' stuff to someone. o_o;;; And who better ta babble to then my favourite Seishi, ne? ^_^; Th' reason I'm so damned bored is because my server for my webpages is down, an' I can't work on my Tasuki shrine! >_< That server was real good too...At least pages are still viewable. *coughs loudly* Tasuki shrine>_> <_< *whistles innocently at the shameless plug for his page* ^_^ What really gets me ticked, is when my dad keeps insultin' Heart ni Kiraboshi Sakashitare. >_< *grumbles* Once, I went after him wit' a halisen I made. O_O;;; *snickers* Yeah, I took care o' him alright! DA HA HA! o_o;; Ah well, I guess I should stop buggin' ya now. ^_^ Nice talkin' to ya! *leaves ya a nice big bottle of sake!* Thanks fer yer time, ne? Ja ne!! ^__^
Tasuki Kou
Dear Tasuki Kou,
I went to yer site. It was interestin'. We'll be addin' it to th' link peeji! Now no fryin' yer dad! Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Chichiri,
LAlalalalalalalala we're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of OZ! Just follow the blue haired seishi. (looks at Chichiri hopefully)
Dear Dorothy,
*Points at himself and says...* Da??? I don't think we're in Konan anymore, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Ho wow! It's been a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllly long time no see! Guess I should have paid a visit earlier. *hurls log which hits Tasuki's head* I thought you said you'd be coming home!!!!! ^*)_$Q&@*$^*_$*(
Dear Aidou,
Not when ya' do THAT to me!!! An' NOT when ya' try an' trick me into gettin' married!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello o silent one. ^_~ Well I was just wondering, since you have Tama-necko, how do you properly take care of a cat? ANd how do you tell how old the cat is? My sibling found a little stray cat and it's a very nice kitty. The only problem is the poor thing can't stand to be alone, and mews pitifully each time we get home from something. Have any comments on this?
Dear Mimi,
A veterinarian could give a good estimate on the age of your new cat and since this one is a stray it should be taken to a veterinarian and given a thorough check-up.
Let's see... cats need a clean litter box out of the way of household traffic. They also need dry food, clean water, and some wet food for a dinner treat. Treats and exercise/play are always welcome as are catnip and toys to play with. Try to make kitty an indoor kitty, it's generally safer for the cat. You should also get a breakaway collar with a tag that has kitty's name and your phone number on it in case she gets out.
Your kitty probably cries because she is lonely and wants attention, so try to play with her as much as you can. You should also get her a scratching post. Your parents and the furniture will thank you later. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, I need some advice. My friend has this boyfriend who is a major druggie. We also found out that he also hits her. She dumped him a while ago, and kicked him out too.(they were engaged.) Well, the other night my friends had a get-together, and I guess he showed up..and everyone started yelling at him, and they kicked him out again. But before he left, he said "You and your friends just better watch your backs."
Now, it's most likely just an idle threat, but it kinda worries me, even tho I wasn't there.(He and I don't get along at all. We never have.) I don't know wether to intervene or just to let it be, because my friend and him might end up getting back together(shows how smart she is, sometimes.) I just kinda worry about her, because she just started living on her own and I don't want anything to happen to her.
Dear Concerned,
Let th' threat pass fer now, jus' be on yer guard. There probably ain't nothin' th' police can do 'bout it. Mebbe yer tomodachi can stay wit' ya' fer a bit or ya' can stay wit' her jus' to make sure she's OK. If th' both of ya' wanna get REAL nasty go to the police, tell them what he's done in th' past, what he jus' did an' swear out a thin' called a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) against him! That means he has to stay way from th' both of ya' or else he gets arrested. Good luck an' take care!
P.S. Black Jade said to tell ya' to call th' cops an' have him arrested fer threatenin' ya'! It's against th' law to make a threat of bodily harm an' this way it's on record that he did it an' was arrested fer it. Then, if he does do somethin', he can be put away fer a long time!
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