Dear Nuriko,
Jeanie got her hair done! Jeanie got her hair done!! It looks reeeaaally neat!! Actually, it's all Hiei's fault since he got mad at what I drew of him on Mandy's birthday card... what it was only him in a ruffly orange dress and a big bow holding a carrot cake!! He didn't get all mad and try to flame my hair!!! Ha ha, just kidding!
I think I know what Chichiri No Aijin means by feeling 'Tasuki', at my friend's birthday party... I was a bit on the hyper side and tried speaking in Kansai Dialect, it got worse when we watched FY... I think everyone was sick of me drooling on the rug!! Nuriko-sama, you can disipline yourself from drooling on the rug when Hotohori-sama walks by... how do you do that?? Tee hee! C-ya soon!!
Dear Jean,
Lots of practice!! Tee-hee... I'll bet your hair looks totally kakkoi! I think what Chichiri no Aijin means by "going Tasuki" has a lot more to do with a bad temper than with Kansai dialect and rug drooling.
Dear Nuriko,
I'am REALLY have troble with my hair! Its not frizzy or anything i just don't know how to wear it!!! My hair is blonde and down to my sholders! My hairs pretty thin and i usually where it down! WHAT CAN I DOOO!
Dear Hilary,
You could wear it in braids or in a bun. There are all kinds of pretty clips, pins, and barrettes that you can wear in your hair, too.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi hi!! This is Jean and Mandy of the Kasa Konnection!! Well... Jean anyway, she's mooching offa Mandy's Internet connection because Jean is at Mandy's house!! Say Happy Birthday to her, it is her b-day today! WAI! WAI! Heeeeey... get everyone else of the Suzaku seishi to sing a happy birthday chorus!! Tee hee, that's something I want to see!!
Anyway, Jeanie is here to tell you that you _ARE_ an honorary member of the Kasa Konnection! You're the reason I actually got a kasa in the first place!!! Mandy already had a funky widdle kasa with images painted all over it. ^_^ She used to call it a 'coolie hat' until I showed her FY!!
Speaking of FY, we watched the it last night as our last video of the night, tee hee!!! I love watching Hotohori-sama freak out like that when Kyori Nii-chan glomped on him saying, "I was looking for you!" Tee hee!! And I love watching him wail out "NURIKO!!!" I bet Nuriko liked it too, tee hee hee!!!
Jeanie just asked Mandy if she has any messages for you and she just said, "No." She got a whole bunch of orange stuff for her birthday, including an orange rock, orange glasses, orange butterfly clips, orange cup, two pairs of orange socks, an orange duckie thing (no not Hotohori-sama's shoes), orange hat and a big orange cup!! The only thing orange she didn't get was from me, a green Ranma 1/2 manga. Actually I was looking for one with an orange cover but I couldn't find one. Where does Chichiri no Aijin get her manga? I get mine from this comic book store called Comics Ink near my school. Wow... I rambled!! Cool!! Give Tasuki my love ^_^
Jean and Mandy sitting on the side not doing anything
Dear Jean and Mandy,
I am, no da?? Arigato! Mandy, otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu, no da! Here! *Hands her a lock of orange/red hair.* He won't miss it, no da! I will give Tasuki your regards when he wakes up and only after he's calmed down over my present to Mandy, no da.
Chichiri no Aijin goes to Little Tokyo to get her manga. Generally Asahiya at Yaohan Plaza and Kinokuniya, no da. But they are in nihongo not English. For English manga she goes to Anime Plus, Banzai Anime (not too far from you on Sepulveda), and Continental Comics by her in the Valley, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
I had to look your word up in the thesaurus. Celibate. Okay so anyway if you aren't required to be chaste then that means you can get married and still be a monk?
Dear Curious,
I suppose so, no da. If I wanted to, which right now I don't, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Dear Somebody,
Hi yourself!
Dear Chiriko,
The meaning of life is 42? Where'd you hear that? All I know about 42 is there have been 42 U.S. Presidents and there are 42 'pips' on a pair of dice. But as the meaning of life?? What's the story on that?
Dear ?!?,
Read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Then all will be clear... or not...
Dear Nuriko,
ok so u'r gay right but what made u straight again? i know miaka but what is so attractive bout her that turns a bent guy straight?
Dear =),
I was never exactly gay. I crossdressed to live my sister's life for her since I witnessed her death in a horrible accident. Being with Miaka made me aware of how I needed to live my own life and not my sister's life, since that isn't what my sister would have wanted.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hiya well Fushigi Yuugi is translated into Mysterious Play right? but on some pages it's translated into Curious Play. Which one is it?
i'm pretty sure it's Mysterious Play.
Dear Bubbles,
The proper translation should be Mysterious Play.
Dear Tamahome,
do u and miaka ever get it on?
Dear Curious,
That is a rather personal and inappropriate question, don't you think? All I'll say on the matter is watch the second OVA series.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why, on almost all of the fanart on here, are all of you half-naked? Is that really the way you dress in Konan? If you need some clothes, I'll even lend you some... I know you're cheap, Tamahome, but surely you can afford a shirt or something!
Dear Suboshi,
FAN SERVICE!!!! At least WE got fans!! Heh-heh-heh... so much fer th' truce, eh?
Dear Chiriko,
Besides the name changing thing, I bear a new problem. It's been a year, and I still have not been able to get my older brother to read any of my stories. I have no idea if you've had this problem before, but if you have suggestions on how I can get him to read at least one of my stories, that would be great.
Still, otherwise, I hope you're doing well. This isn't a very important question, but I'm wondering... which type of story do you prefer? Fantasy or Scifi? I like fantasy myself. Have a good day, Chiriko-sama! ^_^
HoujunRi, still trying to think up a better name. Pity the poor girl.
Dear HoujunRi,
Have you asked him why he won't read your stories? I suppose I like Science Fiction a bit more than Fantasy. But I do enjoy reading BOTH of them.
Dear Tasuki,
*Katalan and Ju-Chan walk into the room, holding a bag of snacks.* Hi Tasuki-kun! We brought some snacks in with us. Let's see what we have here... Skittles, Twizzlers, Kit Kat Bars, dark chocolate Hersheys (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm), Snickers (we thought you'd appreciate that one), and M&M's. So.... you can: taste the rainbow, make your mouth happy, and give someone a break. *digs in the bottom of the bag* Oh! and there are some pixy stix in here too! I know you like those! Umm... share with everyone! (and if you want more Skittles, here's how you can get them: find a magic pool [I'm sure the healing one will do], drop in some Skittles, and chant "taste the rainbow". Then a rainbow will appear, and Skittles will fall from the sky. Good deal, ne?) In case Nuriko doesn't tell you, You and...he? she? are Katalan's favorite characters, and you're up there with me too! Have a nice day, and enjoy your snacks. You have an open invitation to Katalan's home planet (and you can bring Kouji too, if you want). Jya!
Ju-Chan and Katalan
Dear Ju-Chan and Katalan,
Kakkoi!! Thanks fer th' oishii okashii!! I'll give some to Kouji an' th' Seishi! But th' Pixy Stix are MINE! They are so oishii wit' sake!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh oh oh!!!! Hey guys!! Wazzup! Long time no see. have nothin particullar to say. Just that the seishis O' the week looks nice, good job to whomever did it.
Dear Neotasuki,
Jean did it! Thanks Jean! We're glad you like it!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! We just finished watching the show and the OVAs (and annoying my dad in the process hehe). We've decided that ep 33 ~never happened!~ *Katalan sits curled up on the floor, with her hands over her ears chanting "It didn't happen. It didn't happen!"* Just wanted to let you know that you and Tasuki are her favorite characters. You're just about everyone's favorite character! You're just cool! yay Nuriko! (Open invitation to come to Katalan's planet any time. They like okama, so don't worry if you feel like putting on a dress instead of pants some times. ;)
Ju-Chan and (Katalan)
Dear Ju-Chan and (Katalan),
Arigato! Although I've "straightened up" I would love to visit sometime and go shopping if it ever becomes possible!
Dear Chichiri,
I'm sorry to bug you about relationships and stuff..... but..... I have a boyfriend (my frist) and he's nice to me but he never calls or attemps to make plans to see me. And my friends don't like him, they all say hes no good for me and that hes mean to me and that I should dump him... Help, what shoud I do! Arigato-gozaimashita *hug*, forgive me *bows*
Dear KittyNoDa,
Saa, do you feel he's mean to you, no da? If he's your first boyfriend, then you may be his first girlfriend and he just doesn't know how to treat you, no da. You could try talking to him and telling him how you feel. Just remember, he is your first boyfriend, but he will probably not be your last boyfriend, no da! Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
if you don't like girls then why were you about to kiss Miaka when you took her captive? And if you don't like girls, does that mean you wouldn't like me if you met me? *starts to cry*
Dear KittyNoDa,
I don't like girls 'cos they end up gettin' me to so s**t that d*mn near gets me killed or gets my @$$ in some kinda trouble! They's jus' sneaky manipulative creatures! Now stop cryin'!! I don't hate ya'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
1.What hobbies do you have?
2.Why is Miaka the No Miko?
3.Do you wish you had a dog?
4.Why doesn't Tasuki like milk or water?
5.Do you get asked for autographs?
6.Can I have your autograph?*hands over autograph book*
7.How exactly did you feel when Kourin was killed, Nuriko?
8.Why is Nakago, so...uh...Nakagoish?
9.Is there any kind of phyciatric help for the Seiryuu senshi?
Thank You for your time.
Geez ya' ask a lotta questions!!! Well here are all yer answers in order of yer questions!
1. Tamahome likes makin' okane; Chichiri likes fishin', no da!; Chiriko loves to read an' study (I jus' don't get that kid.); Mitsukake reads up on medical stuff; Hotohori, well he likes mirror gazin' an' Nuriko likes Hotohori gazin'... heh-heh-heh.. ITAI! *Nuriko punches Tasuki into a wall.* An' I LOVE to drink an' brawl!
2. Miaka was chosen by Suzaku that's why she is Suzaku no Miko.
3. Not really. We all like th' neko.
4. 'Cos my ma d*mn near killed me when I was a kid by smotherein' me! She's uh... REALLY healthy if ya' know what I mean... An' I don't like water 'cos I can't swim!
5. We haven't yet...
6. Yeah, sure. *Takes book scrawls in it and then passes it to the rest of the Seishi.*
7. Nuriko here, I was devastated! That's why I started dressing as a woman to live her life for her.
8. Well, he was abused as a kid, but that ain't no excuse! I'll bet it was lousy toilet trainin'! Heh-heh-heh...
9. They keep killin' their shrinks!
Yer welcome!
Dear Mitsukake,
I can ask Suboshi to stop and I'm sure he'll listen, but isn't it kawaii how Tasuki and Suboshi fight? You know, you're alot funner to write to than Tasuki...gomen Tasuki, but you have your fan girls and I just can't compete...^_^;;; Did you ever go to school? You see, I'm a sophomore this year(yeah!!!) but I go to a different school than other people. It's like any other high school except it's for people with outstanding minds. I'm proud to go there, but sometimes I wish I went to another school...Anyho, this school is for people like Chiriko. *thinks about that* Wow! What if Chiriko went to my school...*starts daydreaming* Ack! Gomen! I will tell Suboshi to leave you seishi alone, ok? ^_^
Dear Yui-sama,
I learned from another healer in my village. Besides that, I've got my Seishi power. I'm glad that you enjoy writing to me. I like writing to you as well. I really don't know if I would call their fighting kawaii, but I suppose to each his own.
Dear Tasuki,
hi tasuki. is yoyo boy still buggin you? my friends and i got pictures of him wearing a dress. do you want to see?
Dear ^_^,
Yeah, he is, but I think Yui-sama is takin' care of 'im. Suboshi in a dress?!?!?!? Sure! That would be a laugh!
Dear Nuriko,
hi nuriko. i think you're cute. are you having fun teasing ranma?
Dear *_*,
Arigato! Yes, I'm having a great time. He's sooooooooo much fun to tease!
Dear Tasuki,
Do you have a secret crush on Miaka?
Dear Lita,
No, I don't!
Dear Tasuki,
It's kinda too late, Tasuki-san. I quit the basketball practices already. My brother helped me to convince my parents that I should quit. And I finally can quit. Well, I quit it because I don't have enough skills and talents. Also whenever I messed up, the people there laugh at me and whispers nasty things about me, and the coach just didn't say anything and kinda stared at me meanly. He stared at me like as if he was saying, "Why are you here if you suck?" I felt terrible there. But now, I go to track practices everyday, ^_^ and I love it. The people there are a lot nicer, and I like running. But it's sad, I have this interest in basketball since I was 7. I still love it a lot.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
So keep playin' but jus' fer fun! No one says ya' gotta be a pro at it! But, I'm glad to hear yer happy wit' track!
Dear Hotohori,
As you said when Chichiri transformed into you,
your eyes are open, the bridge of your nose in much more promenent and your body is much sexier. True.
But I think that Chichiri looked just like you (except for your eyes). But don't you think Chichiri has a sexy body? I DO!
Why is it that ALL of the Suzaku Seishi are hot, sexy or cute (or all three) men and Seriyuu are ALL UGLY except for Amiboshi and Suboshi?
Thanks for your Time! Tell Chichiri I say hi and um..... can I have a hug from you? (And chichiri too?)
Arigato !
Dear KittyNoDa,
I have never looked at Chichiri or ANY man in that way. I cannot answer why we are all handsome and the Seiryuu males aren't. There are people who find Tomo and Nakago attractive. To each her own I suppose. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
*bows* Your welcome. ^_^ I think you're really sweet too. Especially when throwing Tasuki against a wall! j/k :p Anyway he usually deserved it!
Dear Chip,
Arigato! Tee-hee, you're right Tasuki does usually does deserve to be thrown against a wall. And he makes such interesting patterns in the concrete, too! Tee-hee.... (jodan dayo Tasuki!)
Dear Chichiri,
I like you SOOO much! I've decided to dress up as you for Haloween. (where can I get a Kasa, and for about how much?) Have you ever noticed how much Sailor Pluto's time key staff looks like yours? I know this because a few years ago I was her for Haloween and I've decided to alter my staff to look like yours! (Yesterday I even tried to draw your Symbol on my knee with face paint!) Arigato! (Gomen if you don't want me doing this) Can I have a hug? Arigato!!! *hug*
Dear KittyNoDa,
I'm quite flattered that you want o dress as me for Halloween, no da! If you live in a major city with a Chinatown then you can get a kasa for about $2.50, no da. At least that's what Chichiri no Aijin tells me. I've never seen Sailor Pluto's time staff, no da. Gomen. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
WAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Sammy is my name, everybody calls me that! But I'm a girl thankyou very much! Guess I should have typed in Samantha though. Either way, I don't think very many guys would be asking for a kiss from you! *Turns to leave in a rage*
Samantha(no more Sammy then!)
Dear Samantha,
Gomen nasai! But with what Tomo has been writing lately, I can't be too careful. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* Samantha's a very pretty name. No charge!
Dear Chiriko,
Studying? Oh gee, there is no getting past you. I'd be running around trying to savor these last few weeks. Anyway, that just proves how smart you are. ~_0;; Try to have a little fun though, okay?
Dear Chip,
I do! I also consider studying to be fun, too! Enjoy what's left of your break!
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! I love you! (even though you like hunky guys... no offense) Anyway... *small giggle* Do you know the meaning of life!!!!! Why i ask this... *deep breath* because i dont want to die and find out i want to find out KNOW!! ( it sounds selfish but i dont mean it like that) Thank YOU!!!!!
Dear Hilary,
What fanfic have YOU been reading??? I do not like men hunky or otherwise. As to the meaning of life it is 42.
Dear Mitsukake,
Thanks for the advice! My friend is starting to break the habit of biting her nails. *gives him a tama-neko plushie* This is for helping. I have more if anyone wants, kay? Thanks again! Ja ne!
Dear Sanichan,
You and yor friend are quite welcome. I'm glad I was able to help. Arigato for the plushie!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, guys. Just one important question for now.... Do you guys like pancakes??
Dear ?!?,
Hai, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko!!!! PLEASE! HELP US!!!! Why are most guys (excluding you, the all mighty Nuriko) SO sick and why do they ALWAYS have their minds in their pants?!?!!?!?!? PLEASE HELP US!
Thank you,
Kaka and Kitty No Da!
P.S. How do they get the caramel into the caramilk bar?
Dear Kaka and Kitty No Da,
I'd like to tell you that we outgrow that phase, but, *sighs* I'd be lying. We just get better at hiding it and more polite about it. I guess that's just the way men are wired. Some are certainly more gentlemanly about it than others and they generally make the better choice for boyfriends. And I have no idea how they make that or any other candy! Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
*Prances in for no specific reason* why hello Tasuki! *offers Tasuki some Sake* Look!! I found these really cool earrings i thought you might like!! *gives Tasuki the earrings along with a big ole' kiss on the cheek!* sorry but I can't stay long!*prances back out of the room!*
Dear Rei,
Thanks! But ya' know th' prancin' thin' kinda worries me...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys..... are all guys right?
Dear uhm.....,
Why? Which one of us do you have doubts about?
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what i found on the net!
I homepage for your horse! If you like you can check it out...Tasuki's Horse
By the way, whats your horse name?
Dear Connie,
I dunno what th' horse's name is! Th' peeji says Bob.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey,its Sey Something again! When are you in the chatroom the most ? I wanna talk to 'ya! Oh, and whats with the Tasuki haters club? If I ever get my hands on one of them I'll gladly kick their @$$e$ !!!!*smiles at the thought of a brawl with a Tasuki hater*
Sey Something
Dear Sey Something,
Mebbe I can make it weekend after this one. I'm usually there weekends early in th' mornin' and evenins' during the week. Hmmm... mebbe we need to start tryin' to do scheduled chats...?
Dear Hotohori,
Just wanted to say thanks for telling me about Slayers. I got the first tape, and I thought it was sougi! I already want to get the second tape. (*should've gotten the box set, o well*)
Dear Nodaing,
You're very welcome! I am pleased to hear taht you are enjoying it.
Dear Tasuki,
Alright, here goes~! Fuyu Yuki and I have this friend at school named Ruth. For as long as we've known her, her dad's had these real bad headaches. Well, it got so bad that her dad had to go to the Doctor to get his head X-Rayed. The results won't come in for a couple months, and we're all afraid for her dad because we fear that He may have a Brain Tumor or something. Ruth's dad even sat her down one afternoon and told her it may be serious. It made her cry at school :( The both of us are there for her, but we really don't know what to tell her. Fuyu Yuki's had a bit more experience than me with family illness, (Her Aunt and Uncle have had Cancer, but both cases were fatal :( ) So all we told her was that we just have to wait for the Test Results to come back.
Sorry for telling you this Tasuki, but we just both felt like we had to take some of the weight off of our shoulders...
Kawaii Koneko & Fuyu Yuki
Dear Kawaii Koneko & Fuyu Yuki,
Well, Mitsukake says it could be as simple as migraines caused by stress or high blood pressure. An' if it is a tumor, it might be benign. Either way, they can generally operate an' get it out. At this point all ya' can do is be there fer her an' give her ahug if she needs it or a shoulder to cry on if she needs that. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
THANK YOU!THANK YOU!Tasuki,for the big hug,
i feel alot lot lot better and happy too! Well!(Blushes)i have not thing to say now,BYE!
OH!Wait!here is a bottle of cold sake. enjoy it!
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
Thanks fer th' sake an' yer welcome fer th' hug!
Dear Tamahome,
Hello! *deep breath* ok here it is. My friend, this guy, and i, we all pretend that we like eachother.(How do i put this) Umm... The guy says that he doesn't love us anymore... he says he wants to see more LESBO ACTION!! EWWWW! My friend and i just pretend were Lesbo's! How do i make him love us again?
Dear Hilary,
You don't!! You shoudn't have to do anything you don't want to do! Drop the sukebe & look for a guy who won't ask you or ANY of your friends to do such hentai things!
Dear Tasuki,
*Sniffles* Oh yea, we called a truce. RIGHT AFTER SHE BROKE THE NECKLACE! LOOK AT IT! *Holds up the Necklace that now has a latch missing* ;_; *Sits in the corner blubbering over her necklace* Dirty Rotten Sister... #$$^*#$!@$%#^... #@^$^!@#(^&&%*@!!! @$$#!!! ... Woops... *Covers mouth*
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
OK, OK, calm down! Sheesh!! If it's real gold or silver ya' can get it fixed at a jeweler's an' mebbe if ya' cry to yer mom, she'll make yer sister pay fer it!
Dear Nuriko,
I DON'T GET MY BUTT KICKED BY GIRLS!! And if I ever have its because I take it easy on "em.
Dear Ranma,
Touchy subject, eh?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san, I went to the chatroom on Saturday and Sunday. But you weren't there!?!?! On Saturday, I went on at 10:00 a.m. then 12:00 a.m. I think...then 1:00 p.m. then 4:00 p.m. then 10:00 p.m. BUT YOU WEREN'T THERE!!!! *starts to cry* Is it fate that's tearing us apart?!? *sobs even louder* Then on Sunday, I went on at 8:30 a.m. then 11:00 a.m. then 3:00 p.m. then 8:00 p.m. then 10:00 p.m. ALL THESE TIMES, YOU WEREN'T THERE EITHER! *crys even louder* I left as soon as I saw that you weren't in that chatroom...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Gomen nasai. We were all out on Saturday and Sunday. An' this weekend don't look too good either, gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
::downs the next two bottles, and then another two, and another two:: So maybe I don't drink as fast as you...big deal. I've noticed that those who start out fast tend to lose it in the end. Those who start slow are just saving there strength for the last little bit.
Dear Kura-chan,
Yup, keep tellin' yerself that! *Downs his 16th bottle so far...* I ain't evena dragonfly yet!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Don't ask, but I'm in a happy hyper mood! I LOVE YOU EVERYBODY!!!! WHeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Great site by the way. Luv yer show!
Dear Chip,
We're glad you like the site and are enjoying our adventures. Arigato.
Dear Chichiri,
Is Eric cheatin on me?
Dear Julie,
Wakarimasen, no da! Who are you and who is Eric, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
About my fic... Was it really that disturbing? Well yeah, I guess it is a little freaky... I guess you didn't like hoo...and I was hoping for some constructive critism...or was it just Chichiri who didn't like it?
*Sniff* Okay bye.
Metamia -_-;;;
Dear Metamia,
Well, OK it was kinda' disturbin'! But it was kinda' amusin', too! I liked th' part where ya' had Chichiri waitin' on Mitsukake. Heh-heh-heh... ITAI!!! Watch where ya' swingin' that *&^%$%$@ staff!! Lookit that! Now I gotta lunmp! Oi! Mitsukake! Can ya' help... uh... *sweatdrops after seeing the look on Mitsukake's face.* ... never mind. Ya' know fer a healer an' a monk th' two of ya' got NO sense of humor!!!
But seriously, it seemed to be well written an' had some funny stuff in it 'bout Tamahome an' Nakago *Dodges a ki ball.* But yaoi jus' ain't our thin'. So don't get upset over whether or not we liked it! We ain't writer's either so all we can give is an opinion. So if ya' don't agree wit' us, that's OK, too!
Dear Chiriko,
Summer vacation! Yes, alright, whoo-hoo!! So what are you doing in these last few weeks of freedom? :-)
Dear Chip,
Benkyo o shimasu! (Studying)
Dear Hotohori,
I know this may be asking for a lot but how old are Soft Tiger and Boushin?
P.S. Does it ever annoy you that people say stuff about your hat,or say that Boushin looks a bit like Miboshi?
Dear Saffira,
They are both about 2 yrs. old by now. And it annoys me more when people insult my son than when they say things about the Imperial Crown.
Dear Nuriko,
Love yer hair!!! My hair's sort of short, but I've gotten it to look sort of like yours. Anyway, I think it's great that your blessed with such natural beauty. If only I had that. ^_^ Well I love yer smile too! Stay happy!
Dear Chip,
Why aren't you sweet? Arigato for your kind compliments!
Dear Tamahome,
How much money do you want for a kiss? ^_^;;; Not being hentai, but a little kiss on the cheek would really make my day.
Dear Sammy,
Sumimasen, but with a name like Sammy, I have to ask... Are you a girl?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello seishi, I'm asking or sort of telling you a little run on kind of story/question so just bear with me here. It might get boring (scary ain't it?) Anyway first off, hi Mitsukake, I know what it's like to have people think you're boring although you are NOT. And don't ever think you are, cause it just ain't true!! All the time people think I'm dull, too obediant, quiet, and like a school girl. They pretty much say I'm boring too, ex: "Don't hang around her, she's so dull." Heh-heh. Well that's not my problem cause frankly I DON'T CARE. I was just showing some empathy.
Anyway the boring story is, it's my friend's birthday, and I'm broke. Not that I'm a big spender, but I'm not the type that just rakes in the monies. (Tamahome?) To try and compensate for the fact I can't get her a nice factory made gift, I'm doing it by hand. I'm making a home made card which I let my little sister color. It's cute, in my opinion, but weird. I have a picture of Tasuki yelling in there for some reason. And then Sailor Mercury is in the back. Then I made a nice little drawing for her, it took me like two hours to finish it. I like it, a picture of Sailor Mars, Jupiter, and that villan from one of those episodes. I don't remember his name, but he's like from the Amazon something-mer-rather? I really like the pic, and I'm not all for giving it away, but it's her birthday you know? Besides what kind of gift is one that you, yourself, don't like? Probably not a very good one. So what's the problem? Hold on this is what all the "suspense" has been building up to: I don't think she'll like it. Sure, I like the pic but will she? Cause, my friend isn't really into drawings, I'm not saying she's materialistic, just that she's not into art. Well it's a funny question, and I realize I've taken up a lot of room. Gomen. Sorry to subject you all to such a boring story, but if you'll say something, I'll feel less insecure about my artistic abilities.
Yumi (the boring one)
Dear Yumi,
If she's any kind of friend at all she will appreciate your gift for all the effort you put into it. Something that is made comes more from the heart than something that is store bought. Besides, it isn't the gift that matters, it's the thought behind it that counts!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, I've read some letters in the archive and I've been wondering, if you get a girlfriend, are you still a monk? Or would you have to resign or something......? Not to sound nosey or anything but aren't monks supposed to stay monks forever?
Dear Curious,
Yes, I would still be a monk, if I were to have a girlfriend, no da. Eastern monks are not required to be celibate, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Did ya ever feel like your head's caving in, everything is just going wrong and to top it off, nobody realizes that you're there, or what sacrifices you've made?
Invisible Man
Dear Invisible Man,
I did. But I eventually got over it.
Dear Chiriko,
Can you recommend some books for me to make a webpage? I can't seem to get the layout straight. It's gonna be a fanart page.
Dear Jean,
The book I used is called "Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML 3.2 in a Week" 3rd edition. It is by Laura Lemay. I also use HomeSite 3.1. There are probably updated versions of both of these things out by now. If you can't find this book there is probably a Web Publishing for Dummies or Idiots out. Don't let the titles insult you! They are generally excellent books in these series. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, it's not like I asked him to start writing flames about me or something...
OI, FLAMING ANIKI-CLONE! Knock it off! If you wanna argue over how much I suck, come to the chatroom or boardroom where you aren't harrassing everybody, and I'll argue with you over it. Gotta warn you... if I can get someone to listen to me, then I *always* win this argument... *evil smile*
And be nice to me! I made up with Tamahome, didn't I, Tasuki??
Dear Suboshi,
Yeah, yeah, whatever Yo-Yo Boy! Yer BOTH annoyin'! I'M th' only one around here allowed to throw flames on ANY of our peejis an' don't ya' ferget it!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi! Stop bullying Suboshi! He's my husband now and I won't stand for it and neither will Miaka!!! Do you want your miko mad? I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!
P.S. I like you're soooooo kawaii! Oops, did I say that outloud...hehehehehehe....*sweatdrop*
Dear Yui-sama,
I ain't bullin' him! Besides, what kinda man hides behind a woman's skirts?? An' tell him to stop annoyin' me!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey, Tama-sama, since you've gotta successful love life, I might as well ask you... A guy just broke my heart, well not really, I kinda forced stuff on him since he knew I was in love with him and being a sweet guy, he did them... and oh, I'll just get to the point!! We're just friends now... I should be happy that I mean something to him but it's hard because I still care a lot about him. What should I do now to get over rejection? It feels like I'm going on to have a boyfriend-less existance for the rest of my life, no one has ever found me attractive... well Kyori says I'm cute but he just might be saying that to be nice..... HEY!! What about those Tasuki undies you promised me?!? Where are those??
Dear Jean,
Well, Tasuki won't let me near his stuff so I hope this will suffice, Tasuki Pic by Night_child17. If he finds out I put this on the letters peeji, he'll KILL me! This is what Chichiri no Aijin would probably rate an "R"!! As for the guy, get on with your life and you'll eventually find the right one. Besides, sometimes friends are better to have than boyfriends.
Dear Chichiri,
No da?
Dear Samantha,
Daaa! No da!
Dear Chichiri,
How do you get your hair to stick up like that no da?
a very crazy FY fan
Dear crazy FY fan,
It just grows that way, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why do you guys think Miaka is so great, she is incredibly annoying, eats WAY to much and is a really big klutz?
Dear Chelsea,
She is our Miko and she is a very unselfish, caring person.
Dear Chiriko,
Heh. I guess that means 'no'. Well, I'm using Chichiri's name because it was either that or 'Chiriko no Miko', and I couldn't decide well. And because I didn't know much about you at the time. I might change the nickname sometime. I dunno. I guess I just wasn't thinking at the time.
Anyway, I've seen sites saying that you look like a girl. No offense about it, and I agree to that, but how do ya feel about it? Annoyed because people are getting confused about your gender? Girl or boy, you'd still be on my favorite character list. Take care!
HoujunRi, thinking about changing the name to somethin' else...
Dear Chiriko no Miko,
Wow! My own miko?!?!? I think that's kakkoi!!
I do still find it a bit disconcerting that people see me as a girl and not a boy. But, I'm sure that will change someday.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Has anyone here played Final fantasy 7? If so, who is your favorite turk? favorite female character among all of them (bad and good), and who's your favorite character from ff7 in general? be honest!
Elena of the Turks
Dear Elena,
Gomen, none of us have ever played this game. Although, for Winter Solstice Black Jade did give us a Aerith Gainsborough figure because there was a creature called a Chocobo in the package. She calls it the "Chicken of Doom". We try not to let it bother us.
Dear Nuriko,
I have really long hair. It goes down past my butt. The thing is, I don't know how to do much with it. When I try to braid it myself, it comes out all crooked. I'm a tenderhead too, so when my friends try to braid it it hurts and I tell them to leave me alone. A lot of people are pushing me to just get it cut short and end the hassle, but I like my hair long, even if it annoys me sometimes.
Dear Rapunzel,
Well, you should at least get it trimmed so it looks neat. If you can't deal with braids why not put your hair up in a bun or French twist. Either one would look very nice. You could also put it up with pretty clips or barrettes. Whatever you do, don't let any princes climb up it! Tee-hee ...
Dear Hotohori,
How do you fit all of your hair into that little hat-- and HOW, when it comes down, does it look so neat and tidy???
Dear Rhiannon,
Perfect hair and years of practice.
Dear Tamahome,
*Gives Tamahome 2 gold ryou* Okay, I just want to ask...why? Why Miaka? How can you stand her?!?! She is so annoying, stupid, klutzy, piggy, etc. How can you love her?! Did she put a spell on you? You deserves so much better!! I don't like Yui but even she is better for you than Miaka!!
A frustrated FY fan
Dear A frustrated FY fan,
She is a kind, loving, unselfish person who cares alot about other people! As well as being incredibly strong willed and quite kawaii!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri! You are SOOO Kawaii! I'm sorry about your friend and your sad past. =( I was just wondering..... why do you always say 'No Da!' ? I never realized how much I said 'Ya Know!' Until I heard you say it soo much! I love buggin my friends by finishing my sentances with 'No Da!' 'Cause they don't know what it means!!!
Thanks for bein so Kewl and Kawaii!
Dear KittyKatPaws,
It is just the way people in my village speak, no da. Thank you for your kind words, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello! ^-^ My rather insane friends and I were just wondering it you have a problem being locked up in a pocket dimension we call are Closet of Cute Anime Guys! ^-^ OOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! And yes, I'm asking this in the hopes of being annoying. =)
P.S. One of my very insane friends would like you to ask Kouji if he'd have a problem being locked up in there too. =) Ciao ^-~
Dear One-chan,
It worked! Guess it depends on who's in there wit' us.
Dear Chichiri,
Hehe...It's me again! ^-^ Thanks again for your advice...I been using it at work and it's helped me alot, I'm normally constantly friendly and bubbly now. *grins* Though i still confuse people when i sing in japanese. *giggles* As one problem fades i seem to always pick up another...O.o dont you hate it when that happens?! o.o Anyhow...if you'd care to answer it, here is the problem. Alright...I have a boyfriend who lives really far away, and we've been together for a pretty long time. In the begining he was always around online and would call and do little things just to make me happy, but now he can never seem to make it online when he says he will and i have to ask him to do things that i never use to. o.o IT's really getting to me...because i hardly see him in person, let alone online now. I'm worried that maybe he's starting to forget about me...any advice? Well, thanks for listening! It really does mean alot to me! *hugs*
Neko Wa
Dear Neko Wa,
Saa, long distance romances are very difficult, no da! Perhaps you can try writing to him via snail mail or calling and speaking to him about how you feel. I assume you've instant messaging and chat rooms, no da? They as well as E-mail are all good ways to keep in touch. Other than that, I am at a loss except to say he might just be very busy, no da. Good luck and take it from one who fishes, there are always more fish in the sea, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey, don't bow to me. You should make the seishi and your miko bow to YOU! If it wasn't for you, they would all be dead! Tamahome's dad would have died eariler on if it wasn't for you! You are such a caring person! *hugs Mitsukake* You are DEFINITELY not as boring as people think you are!
Dear Yui-sama,
Arigato Yui-sama. Now do you think you can get Suboshi to stop annoying Tasuki? Onegaishimasu?
Dear Tamahome,
*hands him 2 gold ryou* Ok, Tamahome, what do you think of Tomite and Hikitsu? And who did you like more during the time after Tomo's death, and meeting of Tokaki and SUbaru... Miaka or Tokaki and Subaru's daugther? (I think she's their daughter... I'm not sure, I saw that tape a while ago)
Dear Ashram,
Tomite and Hikitsu were loyal seishi and I'm sure good men. And of course I liked Miaka more!
Dear Chichiri,
What do you think of Amiboshi, Suboshi, and Soi? Are there any Seiryuu Seishi you learned to trust? And how do you turn SD?
Dear Ashram,
I think that they were all manipulated to do horrible things. They were misled and except for Amiboshi came to a tragic end, no da. I might trust Amiboshi, no da. So, how do I turn SD? Quite well I think, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Excuse me I'm sure you have a ton of letters to read but i was just wondering who do you think would win in these fights:
Tasuki vs. Hiei
Tamahome vs. Urameshi Yusuke
Mitsukake vs. Kuwabara Kazuma
Hotohori vs. Shuichii Minamino a.k.a. Youko Kurama
I was just wondering what you would think. Also I brought you some sake and rice cakes. I got some money from a forgoten week of missed allowance. Hope you like it and, I can't wait to hear what you say about the victor of the fights. Ja matta ne!!
Dear Catnip,
Arigato for the rice cakes and the sake, no da! In your fights, in order, our choices for the victors are: Tasuki, Tamahome, A tie between them, and Hotohori-sama, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I have been going to these basketball practices. I ABSOULUTELY HATE them! My parents keeps on making me go. I keep telling them how I feel about it, but they just say, "Once you start, you can't quit!" AHHHHHHHH, they just won't listen, and I KNOW that I can never ever get into the High School Basketball team. If you compare me to the other players from there, I really really suck! Geeze.....what can I do about this situation? HELP!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well th' real question here is WHY do ya' hate it? Are ya' givin' up because ya' think th' other people are better than ya' are at it or are ya' quittin' because ya' wanted to try it thinkin' it would be fun an' in ain't? If it's th' first reason, that ain't much of a reason to quit! Th' h*ll wit' th' other people! Jus' get in there an' do yer best! If ya' jus' wanted to try it out fer fun an' it jus' ain't no fun, then tell yer parents that an' find another activity that ya' think you'd like to try. But ya' really shouldn't quit jus' 'cos it's a little hard! Where would me an' Miaka an' th' rest of th' Seishi be if we did THAT???
Dear Chichiri,
what does No Da mean?
Dear Bubbles,
It means to be or it is obvious, no da!
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