Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri! I love you! You are SOO cute in your mask and handsome without it!!!! Why can't I find guys like you?
Your admirier
Dear admirier,
They do exist and I'm sure you will eventually find one, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*takes in a deep breath* here it goes. Nuriko, do you know why all of the bra designs are sooo cute for the smaller cupped people. (you see i'm over developed, very over developed) I would like to have those cute little designs on my bra, but they don't make them in my size. do you know why this is?
Topaz and Diamonds
Dear Topaz and Diamonds,
Perhaps you aren't looking in the right stores. Lane Bryant has VERY pretty bras for healthy young ladies such as yourself. Victoria's Secret Catalogs also have bras in the larger sizes (D and DD cups). Good luck and have fun shopping!
Dear Mitsukake,
I wrote into you about 2-3 weeks ago about my terrible sun burn. Well, the redness is gone and so is the peeling. the only problem that i have is with what the sun burn left behind! Under neath my eyes are these strips are darker skin. and i didn't peel the skin under neath my eyes! (by the way, my nose is just fine. same color and everything.) I brought it up to my mom and she said that I must have gotten a pretty bad sunburn. she also said that the different pigment color under my eyes is probably scared tissue that won't return to my normal color until winter! Is this true? Or what the heck is wrong under neath my eyes? What can i do to get the skin to heal?
Please help me Mitsu-chan!
Dear Mary,
Without seeing it I can't tell if it is scar tissue or not. Now is a good time (although BEFORE the burn would have been better!) to start wearing a sunscreen on your face and a broad brimmed hat! It is possible thet the skin under your eyes is just tanned and that it will fade. Perhaps you can convince your momo to take you to a dermatologist to see if the damage is permanent or not.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I wrote a yaoi fic and entered into the Aano FY Fanfic contest! I'd love to get your opinions on it! Please read it and tell me what ya think! Oh yes, um, Tamahome, please don't hate me. Onegai? O_O**** Miaka's Nightmare
See ya!
Metamia ^_^
Dear Metamia,
Well, THAT was disturbing, no da!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm 5'3'', I'm 15 and I wanna get taller!!! How can I get taller without wearing heels and stuff?? *tries to stand on her toes so that she could be at least up to his shoulder and begins to wobble unsteadily* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!
Dear Jean,
Eat well balanced nutritous meals and take your vitamins. Also remember that genetics play a large part in how tall you will get.
Dear Tasuki,
I really need someone to talk to. It's 9 in the morning and I woke up because I can't sleep anymore. Yesterday I found out that my dog has a liver disease, and she's swelling up in her body because of it. My mom has to run to the vet this morning because she has to find out what the vet wants to do. I don't know if I can deal with this. My mom said that she didn't know if my dog would be okay, and she started crying.. and it scared me, because my mom rarely cries.
This morning my dog slept with me. And she just sat there beside's like she knows she's sick. I'm trying to be be brave for her...oh, Tas''s so hard..I don't want to lose her.. she's been here for so long..she's even saved my life once or twice..I just want this to be a bad dream, and when I wake up, everything's gonna be fine. It hurts so dog's like a real person to me. She's always been there for me. I can't live without her..I hope she'll be okay. I'm gonna do all I can to make sure she's okay.. I have to feed her by hand, or she won't eat..
Thank you for listening to me..I think I'd better go, before I fill up the page with tears.
Dear Reddie-chan,
It's hard and it sucks to have to say goodbye to those we love. Believe me, I know!! But if yer dog is sufferin' an' th' vet says she's not gonna get better, jus' worse, ya' may have to be brave an' do what's right even it it hurts like h*ll. I hope and pray to Suzaku that yer inu will get better an' be all right. But if not, I'm here fer ya'. *Gives her a hug and tires to dry her tears.*
Dear Tamahome,
*walks before Tamahome, sets 7 strange orange balls with stars down in front of him* *Shen-Long appears* Shenlong, please bring Tamahome's family back to life! Thank you! *The siblings appear and Shenlong vanishes*
There. You happy now???
Dear Suboshi,
HAI!!! Domo arigato gozaimashita!! Now, can you leave Tasuki alone for awhile?
Dear Tasuki,
Wai wai! *blushes and hugs onto his arm* Domo arigato gozaimazu for the birthday package. I know the thanks is a little late, but I've been busy on vacation (which was spent lying in a bed with a fever from a delayed infection, but I'm getting better now. Tell Chichiri no Aijin-sama I'll try to work on a picture for her during my recovery time).
Anyways, it was so sweet for you to remember me on my birthday when so few did. *blushes behind a cute fanged grin* Ara, WMC-onee-sama, and Jean-sama were nice enough to send me things too... demo the chibi-tessen will help keep my brother away. ^^; *timidly kisses Tasuki's cheek* Domo again...
Ne...Tasuki-sama, who takes care of you now when you get sick, or slightly bruised after winning fights? ^_~ I wonder if Mitsukake would need someone to cover for him since he has a miko's wounds to cover... ne? ^_~
Dear Amy-chan,
Yer welcome! Glad to know ya' got it! Gomen it wasn't somethin' more kakkoi. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* So, how th' *&^% idija' get an infection?!?!?!? Ya' better start takin' care of yerself! Chichiri no Aijin told me to tell ya' to get better first an' worry about th' picture second.
Well, when I get sick or been brawlin' I either take of myself or Kouji or a Palace healer takes care of me. Depends on how bad off I am.
Take care an' get better!
Dear Tasuki,
Sanoske?? Umm......I think so....WAIT!!!! He's from Ranma 1/2 isn't he? Well oops! Forgot to say hello. Hello Tasuki-sama! The only reasonI know taht is because I'm reading a crossover between YYH and Ranma. You should read it.Sorry I can't give you the link though sorry. Here's some sake. But I'm not too sure that it's the best because I'm a bit pushed for money and what's worse is that I'm starting to act like Tamahome-san (okane-chan!). >^_^< It's me! With my whiskers too! I've got to go, hope you like that sake. Oysumi Nasi Tasuki-sama!!
Dear Catnip,
Sanosuke is from kenshin! Arigato fer th' sake! Ya' know ya' don't gotta gimme stuff everytime ya' write. I ain't greedy like ol' Obake-chan!
Dear Mitsukake,
Konnichiwa, Mitsukake! ^_^ How is Tama-neko doing? He sure is one smart cat! @_@ Ah well, my question is, is why didn't ya get a more active role in the series? No offense, but the writers sure gave you dorky lines. v_v *patpats ya on the back* Hai, 'tis too bad. But I bet ya have alot o' hidden talents, ne? ^_^ I bet ya kin sing up a storm! *nudge* ^_~ DA HA! One more thing...I got this catnip for Tama-neko. >_> <_< *looks around and slips you the catnip* Anyways, nice talkin' to ya! ^_^ Ja ne!
Tasuki Kou
Dear Tasuki Kou,
Well, as Yui-sama pointed out, curing people IS a rather active role! Arigato for the catnip, I'm sure Tama-neko will enjoy it.
Dear Chiriko,
Out of curiousity, do you think some sort of medication could ever calm down Tasuki at all, or would it just make it worse?
Dear HoujunRi,
Why would we want to alter who Tasuki is?? And why are you using Chichiri's name?
Dear Nuriko,
"Sweet and beautiful" are not the words! And I think your just jealous because I have better luck then you did as male or female! HAHAHAHA!!
Dear Ranma,
Yes, you have "great luck" with the men and with the ladies that's why you have whackos like Tatewaki Kuno and his sister the Black Rose in love with you! Ummm... just what I want in MY life! And besides, I don't get my butt kicked by girls. Tee-hee...
Dear Nuriko, you know where I could find a midi of your song "Otome Ranman"? I want to put it on a webpage. I love that song you sound so kawaii!
Dear Biki-chan,
Gomen, not off hand. But on our links peeji there is a link to a peeji that is nothing but Fushigi Yuugi links. Happy hunting!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, yeah, tie me up and give me to Tamahome. Real nice of you, sure. Heh, heh... I figured out what it is. Miaka liked aniki more than she liked you.. and I look just like aniki... You're jealous 'cause Miaka'd think I'm better looking than you! Oh, but thanks for not marrying Jean the other night. She's my imouto, and I want her to be happy, but since you left Yui and I got married instead. So you'd better not beat up on me, or it'll make Yui-sama sad, and that'll make Miaka mad!
Dear Suboshi,
OI! *Grabs him by the front of his shirt and slams him against the wall...* I didn't beat ya' senseless or even hurt ya'! I jus' left ya th' way yer bro' gave ya' to me. HE wanted me to KILL ya'! Ya' shoulda' seen th' letter he wrote to us 'bout ya'! It was so mean I deleted it!!! So don't gimme any jealous crap brat! Believe it or not, fer some stupid reason, I'm kinda protectin' ya' from him! Hmph! *Let's go of him.* Mebbe beatin' th' snot outta psycho brats jus' ain't much fun anymore... Mebbe ya' an' yer bro' jus' gotta hash it out wit' each other. 'Cos bein' in th' middle of yer fight's not all THAT interestin'!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya Nuriko! I had a beauty question for ya, since I consider you an expert on such topics! My skin is very, very pale. I have marching band in the mornings from 8:30 to noon, and I can never avoid getting sunburned, even using sunscreen with an SPF of 30. It doesn't seem to help much. I'm gonna look like a tomato with hair when school starts! Do you have any tips for me that might help? ^.^ Arigatou!
Kaji Flutesong
Dear Kaji Flutesong,
Try using a sunscreen with a higher SPF 50+. They are made for babies. Also if you can wear a hat, do so! Wear one with an all around wide brim. There are some very pretty straw ones out now. Find a cute one and wear that. If your teacher gives you a problem abot wearing a hat, see if you can get a doctor's note that allows you to wear the hat for practice. Constant sunburns can be VERY damaging to your skin. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
^^;; I told her, and she had this sort of blank look on her face. *Smilez wwwwwwwwiiiiddddeeeee* ^_________________________^ That's the only time she's been speechless too, She usually has an insult or two to dish out on me. Unfortunately, now she took my necklace and hid it from me! (It's the one that my Grandmother Gave me for my Christening when I was a baby, and i'm afraid that she's going to break it...) *Digs around her already trashed room* D@MM!T!!! Where the heck did she put MY NECKLACE?!?!
Looked under her bed and what did she see? A piece o' Lint,
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Kuso! Gomen, I didn't mean to start a war! But, "Ya' pays yer money, ya' takes yer chances..." I s'ppose ya' could always take somethin' of hers an' hold it hostage till she returns yer necklace. Mebbe you two need to call a truce!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey!Tasuki can i have a hug?
ara..SORRY! If that bother you, then you don't need to. Because right now i feel like hugging!
Meow chan
Dear Meow chan,
*Sighs...* OK. *Gives her a big hug.* Better now?
Dear Tasuki,
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!I'm backkkkkkkk!Teeheehee.AWW TASUKI-SAMA I MISSED YOUUUUU!!! ::runs over to Tasuki and gives him a hug:: Thought you were rid of me ,ne?hehehe.I got you a present!! ::removes a fan from her purse::Here it's an electric fan it's alot lighter that the tessen plusit keeps you cool on hot days hehehe.And since you're my favorite seishi(besides Nuriko)I'm drawing a picture of you!hehe I'll send it soon.Well I must go now,loves and kisses.Au revoir!
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
Kakkoi! But it don't seem to throw fire no matter how much I yell... Is it busted???
Dear Tasuki,
You remember how crazy everything was in the chat last night? Well, one of my friends who was there was feeling depressed since a family member died recently. I was trying to get her out of her depression and made her enter the chat but no one really noticed that she was there and she thought nobody liked her over there 'cept me. I was running around, trying to cheer her up and get everyone not lonely at the same time... should I have paid more attention to my friend? What can I do to help her now?
**sighs and puts her head down**
If you just want to be friends... I'll understand. But I'm warning you... my feelings won't change. That's the way with me, I seem to get really hung up on a guy and it's hard to get rid of it. If Suboshi's being mean to you, LET ME 'FIX FIX CURE CURE' HIM!! He promised he wouldn't do anything!! Besides, I'm his imouto and he won't hurt me! ^_^
Dear Jean,
Well, I s'ppose since ya' got her in there ya' shoulda' paid more attention to her. But, Mitsukake says everyone grieves over their loved ones differently and that it all takes time for them to get over their loss. Ya' gotta' be patient an' be there fer her if she needs ya'. Maybe she didn't need to shoved into a loud crowd. Anyway, give her a hug an' let her cry on yer shoulder if she needs to. A sfer you an' me... Friends it is then! An' don't worry 'bout Suboshi, I can take 'im!
Dear Chiriko,
::appears before Chiriko trying to balance her kasa on her head:: I don't know how Chichiri can balance his kasa with these levitated bangs, no da. konichiwa Chiriko-san, no da. I want know how you feel about being the youngest and shortest of the group, no da? I also want to tell you your not alone, no da. Like you, no da, I haven't reached 5 feet yet either, no da, in fact, no da, I'm still a couple inches shorter than you, no da. And your still a year older than me, no da. I guess since I'm younger than you, no da, then I can look up to you, ne no da?
Chiri, no da
Dear Chiri,
Hee-hee... Hai! I suppose you can look up to me because I'm taller. It doesn't bother me to be that smallest, because I know I'll grow and get taller.
Dear Chichiri,
NOT a real person?!? Well... I'm not sure what she means... Mandy is Mandy after all!! No one understands Mandy but herself and sometimes, SHE even has trouble understanding herself!!! So is Chichiri no Aijin interested in joining?! WE NEED MEMBERS!!!
Dear Jean,
Yes she is, no da. But she thinks that I should at least be an honorary member, no da. Also, WMC has a kasa, too. You may want to ask her to join, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Lightweight! ::twitches:: Well see who the lightweight is you baka! ::grabs two bottles of sake and downs 'em upright at the same time the grabs two more:: Just you guys are out matched!
Dear Kura-chan,
Sure we are... heh-heh-heh... *guzzles his 10th bottle of sake... so far...*
Dear Tamahome,
Hello! I don't know if anyone else has already ASKED you this question but, in the OAVS how did Taka get your ring?? On the ML I'm on this is a big question!!!! You went back to your world and Taka is your reincarnation but how did he get your ring???
Dear Rhiannon,
No one has asked this question before. The best answers we can figure out are: The ring was an heirloom that was passed from my former life/ancestor through the generations until I got it. Or that Taiitsu-kun caused it come through with me so I would start to remember and that Miaka would find me.
Dear Tasuki,
No, she didn't smack me around...(Although she did hit me when I was 8...) I got the crick 'cuz I had ta listen to her yell at me for a whole hour, just staring... Oy, just thinking about it makes my neck hurt again...
Slightly Cheery
Dear Slightly Cheery,
Gomen on makin' yer neck hurt again. SHe hit an 8 yr. old??? She's a real piece of work ain't she?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
A Fan, Neko
Dear Neko,
Thank you! We all (with the exception of Tasuki) agree that his hitting the wall can be pretty amusing. I'll try to do it more often! Hee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
I told you I needed to write to you about a guy problem so here I am. Here I go - I like this guy and he likes me, but he is four years older than me. I don't know if I should go out with him or not. I REALLY like him. What should I do? Thanks! I'm going to try to go into the chatroom Saturday night. Please try and be there!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk to 'ya later, sorry to bother 'ya with my guy problem! I won't do it again!
Sey Something
Dear Sey Something,
It ain't a bother! Th' answer depends on yer ages. If yer 18 an' he's 24, OK go fer it! If yer 12 an' he's 16, ferget it!! I'll try to be in th' chatroom this Saturday, but I can't promise nothin'.
Dear Chiriko,
What do you think of Tomo? Is he evil or misunderstood? I dont think hes a freak like you guys say he is. He just wears the makeup to go with his costume. Many men in Chinese Opera wore it and THEY werent freaks.
Besides, He didnt KILL anyone like Ashitare or Miboshi(he didnt kill either but he impulsed you to...).
If you were to be an World Wide Famous athlete(in miaka's world... what sport would you play? And what country would you represent?
Have you seen/played Sakura Taisen? If yes...
What do you think of it?
Thanks, Youve always been my favorite seishi btw!!!!
The guy who cant think of a good name
Dear guy,
I feel he is evil and a bit twisted. In a way he was worse than Ashitare and Miboshi in that he could control your mind. As for his makeup and costume, they are appropriate for a Chinese Opera on stage, but a bit strange as daily wear.
To answer your other questions, I have never seen or played Sakura Taisen and I would be a Japanese Baseball player if I had that choice.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
During this whole summer, I've been getting these weird phone calls about auditions to be in commercials and on TV. The only reason I think I'm getting these calls are because I'm in the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts at my school but I'm an artist!! The thing is, I have always enjoyed acting for fun and I was considering voice acting as a minor. My mother doesn't want me on TV and neither do I but the phone calls won't stop!! A lot of the agencies that have been calling seem to be the real deal but I don't know what to do!! Please help me out here guys!!
Dear Jean,
Tell 'em flat out that you ain't interested! If they keep callin', tell 'em they are harrassin' you an' THAT'S against th' law!
Dear Nuriko,
Who did you want for your English voice? Did you have anyone in mind? You gotta admit, it's hard finding a voice that can sound decent as both female AND male! Usually if it's an unisex voice it sounds nice as a girl and crappy as a boy or vice versa. I think Sarah Strange (boy-type Ranma's first voice) would have been a good choice! What do you think? Love ya!
Dear Miken,
My seiyuu from the original series. I don't remember any of the Ranma dubs. Gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello! My friend and I were talking about you and realizing how important you were to the whole story line of Fushigi Yuugi. Miaka would be dead if it weren't for you. She would have died by the demon in Shouka. Tamahome would have died when he got stabbed by Hotohori if you weren't there to heal them. Tamahome would also be in alot of pain from Tasuki's constant burnings. See, you are important!
Dear Yui-sama,
Domo arigato gozaimasu! *Bows to her.* Even I had not come to THAT realization!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa Tasuki. Thanks for the help. Can you please help me thank Tamahome too. Hai Hai wouldn't want my friend to find another Nagako. Now that's scary another having Nagako lose. Hehe I'll just burn him.
Dear Confused,
Glad Tamahome an' I were able to help ya'out! Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Sorry I didn't responde sooner, I've been busy with work. Thanks for the ideas of what else to add to the yams, I'll surely try it out next time. ^^ Quasi has a new cage mate! Well, not yet, she has to be kept seprate from him and the others for a month or two incase she's sick and not showing it. I adopted her from work, and I have yet to name her. No one at work liked her because of her appearance. Her lower beak is shifted to the side a bit. (Imagine your lower jaw shifted to the left)I took her the the vet for a physical and beak trim. She's real sweet and has a cute chirp. She has a yellow head and a blue-grey body with little bloches of yellow and green here and there, and her feet are a pinkish grey. Now here is my question... Do you have any ideas for a name? I'm open to any suggestions.^^ *leaves a bottle of sake*
Dear Heenker,
Ya' could call her Soi...
Dear Tasuki,
Where can i get one of UFO doll of yours?
I really need one,for....uhm(blushes) ara...YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW WHY! Just..tell me where can i get that.
Meow - chan
Dear Meow - chan,
The only place I've seen one is on Good luck wit' yer biddin'!
Dear Chiriko,
I just wanted to thank you for your opinion.
Dear adam,
You're very welcome! I hope you do well at whichever one you chose.
Dear Nuriko,
I seem to hate school much more than anyone else. I mean, everyone hates school, but my dislike of it seems to be 100 times greater. When I go to school I feel depressed and sad, but as soon as I leave I become my usual cheery self again. And my school's atmosphere does AWFUL things to my hair! This is one of my biggest problems. My hair always looks nice, but as soon as I set 1 foot on the school grounds, it frizzes up!! What can I do to stop this from happening? BTW, you're the best seishi there is and you look GREAT as a guy! I'm very sorry for the loss of your sister!
Dear Miken,
Arigato for your kind words! Why not wear it in a long braid or a bun if you can? Gel can keep stray pieces in place and you'll look less frizzy. I'm sorry to hear you hate school so much. Why? You never stated a reason.
Dear Tasuki,
Sell her to the Gypsies? ...That's a new one. ^-^* No, but one Halloween I dressed up like a Gypsie and I threatened to take her away. *Cackles like Tomo* O.O;; I DID NOT JUST DO THAT! Ew ew ew ew ew, I feel strangely dirty now... *Shudders* I also dressed up like a Vampire at another Halloween, and I had that Blood capsule thing that they sell at the Halloween Shops (Those things are soooo cool!) and I used one, and when she asked me where to blood came from, I told her I just sucked the blood of our dad and she was next... EHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! I sent her running down 3 blocks! I got grounded for a week but... It was worth it! Maybe I'll go as Tomo this Halloween... That'll scare anyone! ^-^
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
I'd say give her to th' bandits but WE don't want her! AH! There ya' go! Ya' can tell her ya' tried to give her to us an' we wanted too much okane to take her off yer hands!
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you keep on denying the fact that you do love Miaka? You always say she's like a little sister to you, but I can tell that you love her more than that. I can see it's more than just friendship. I know that Miaka is already taken by Taka/Tamahome, but what do you feel about that? I know you are glad that Miaka is finally happy and finally at ease.....but what about you? Are you just going to forget about her and move on? or are you just going to keep her in your memory and never love again? I can see that you were or still are in great pain. I wish you all the luck you have in love! One more thing, just don't ever deny that you do love her.
Love Phantom
Dear Love Phantom,
I did, I don't an' I don't wanna get into it again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Don't you mean "a violent maniac"? And since you really want to know we kinda have!
Dear Ranma,
No. I meant a strong willed, free spirited woman! You have? It's about time! Now all you've got to do is treat her like the sweet, beautiful girl she is and NOT your sparring partner and you might finally convince her you're WORTH marrying!
Dear Chiriko,
Thanks for replying(sp?) to my letter! I feel special. Tama-neko purred! ^_^ Here's a question for Tasuki: Do you know how many cups(or bowl fulls) of sake can you drink before getting drunk? probably don't but oh well. ^_^ Gotta run my bro wants me to play pokemon..again. -_-; Oh well if it gets him to be quiet I can do it. Ja'ne and have a nice day!
Dear Meg-chan,
I don't know exactly and neither does Tasuki, although I have been told he can down at least 20 sake bottles before he's REALLY drunk!
Dear Tasuki,
::laughs at Tamahome:: That's true. ::goes back to drinkin' sake:: Were's Kouji and the others? They makin' you face me alone Tasuki-san?
Dear Kura-chan,
*Points to a table in the corner.* They're over there. They seem to think yer a lightweight, so I ain't got no problem! *Chugs entire bottle of sake.* I can take ya'!
Dear Nuriko,
::sighs::Yep..I meant sick. I've been plagued with a Typo monster for a few days now and I can't get rid of him. Chocolate chip cookies...I can do those in no time. I've practicly got the recipe memorized. ::runs to the kitchen and bakes up a bunch of cookies then hands the box to Nuriko-san:: There you you can nibble on those when Miaka tries to cook. ^_^
Dear Kyoko,
Arigato, oishii!!
Dear Hotohori,
First off: what is a 'missive'?! That taken care of; why is your hair green? Did you swim in the heavily-chlorined pool once too often?! Okay, I'm done; I'll let you get back to your mirror!
~~<3 Patricia
Dear Patricia,
A missive is a letter. And my hair is NOT green! It is lovely shade of deep chestnut brown.
Dear Tasuki,
*breaks free* THAT'S NOT MY ANIKI! That's one of those... those... those aniki-clones that have been running around! There's I think 3 of them! My real aniki would NEVER throw rocks at me! And as for giving me to Tamahome... *smacks Tasuki in the back of the head* I thought we had a truce!
Dear Suboshi,
OI! What th' H*LL didja' do that fer brat! Go beat on th' *&^%$#@ clone, not me! I was jus' droppin' ya' off at Obake-chan's fer a lil' visit! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
Daijobu desu!! It's just a problem that causes Lina Inverse to lose her powers for the time. What can I say... it's a girl thing!! ^_^ You out of all the seishi should understand right?? Dang, at times like this I wish I was a guy...
Dear Jean,
Ah, so desu... wakarimasu!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Hello Tamahome-San. But I don't think anybody in their right mind would pay you for your advice. I'm sorry but I'm not a big fan of you espically after watching you thrash Tasuki-sama. Even if you were under influnce from Nakago you shouldn't of hurt him. Oh Well too late to do anything now. Thank you for leting me rant. I am very sorry it had to be you. Well........since I am at this point in time insane.............Here, catch. (Throws some money to him) But! To keep it you have to go and apoligise to Tasuki right now for beating him up. Got it?!
Can you guess who i am??? Tasuki i think remembers me. IhopeIhope.(gigles insanely) oops sorry
Dear Catnip,
Hai! Arigato for the mochi and the okane! And Tasuki says thanks again for the sake. I've already apologized to Tasuki. He just keeps frying me with his tessen because he thinks it's fun!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Look! I have another friend!*
Hi, it's chair girl. You can refer to me as Katalan. Never liked my middle name. I'm not used to being referred to by it either. So, do you believe in aliens? hehehehe Well, if you don't I'll invite you to my homeworld. Show you the sites! You might say I have friends in very high places. Are you afraid of heights? Well, that's all I have for now since I share my brain with two other people and only have three brain cells to rub together at this time.
*Yup. Her, me and Fran-Nyan. Things can get ~very~ interesting sometimes. We've thoroughly fightened Jen-Chan. hehehe. We love her, really we do. She's so much fun to torment!*
Wouldn't want to short-circuit what I do have. I have to keep on my toes around those too. *hehehehehehehehe* And just imagine all ~three~ of us together. Sigh. *Totemo kowaii!* I've been informed that I'm now a Baka no Seishi. *Like me!* Lucky me (Dryly).
*Have you been able to read the stories yet?* I guess that's all for now. hehehehe.
*I'm showing her the series. She's pretending that ep 33 didn't happen.*
"Peace, love, and chicken grease." *Or Phoenix grease if you'd prefer*
Katalan and *Ju-Chan*
Dear Katalan and *Ju-Chan*,
Kore wa NAN dayo!?!?!?!!?
Dear Tasuki,
Oy! It's me again Tasuki, SLIGHTLY CHEERY! **Dun Dun Dun** Heehee... Anyway, just wanted to tell you that I had just had a biiiiiggggggg fight with my aunt. (Psycho Aunt) Oy, my neck really hurts now... And you know why she fought with me? BECAUSE I DIDN'T ANSWER THE PHONE RIGHT! (Right meaning her way... Ugh.) So now, I can REALLY understand why you hate women! We can be major b!T@^3$ sometimes. ^-^ I'm just happy she fought with me, 'cuz now I won't have to talk to her for at least a day... (Did I ever tell you that my family hates me? ...Oops guess I didn't ) So in short, Hi, How've you been, I hate my aunt and so forth. .*þ
The girl with the crick in her neck,
Slightly Cheery
Dear Slightly Cheery,
Sorry to hear 'bout yer family situation! Why do ya' got a crick in yer neck? Yer aunt didn't smack ya' around, did she?
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen, forgot to mention this new club my friends and I created!! THE KASA KONNECTION!!! It's not much yet cause it's new but please check out!! ^_^ Maybe Chichiri no Aijin would like to join since she owns a kasa ^_^ Also, check out Weird World and sign our guestbook, neh?? ^_^
Dear Jean,
I checked it out, no da! Very interesting, no da! What does she mean I'm NOT a real person, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*tries to get her sake back*
GIVE THAT BACK AHO!!! HOW CAN I DRINK YOU UNDER THE TABLE IF YOU HOG ALL THE SAKE!!! Hey, you watch/read Sorcerer Hunters? ME TO!!! Tira's cool!! She's my fave!!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOO!!!!
*cracks her whip joyfully*
What's this about you getting in trouble? I'm the one that issued the challenge, so shouldn't it be me that gets in trouble?? I can take the blame so don't worry!! That's the one thing about men... always thinking they should take the blame, honestly!! I dunno about some girls but I can take a blame as well as any man!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO~~~!! I don't know what I'm talkin about anymore... I grew up in a family that's full of men and they all LOVE to tease me, it gets so annoying sometimes!!! I saw that letter that Kyori Nii-chan wrote to you...but i promised myself that somehow I would win your heart and i aint givin up!! You don't want to spend all your life alone right? Well...if ya do... never mind. I was never with anyone before, all the guys I've liked, well... keeps their distance and aviode me as much as possible. If I ever get a guy, I would treat him so well... Tasuki, it's okay to tell me that you don't like me... just don't avoid me neh? That hurts more than rejection... and now I'm going to bed. Night!!
(sorry i took so long to respond, i was banned for a WEEK!!! messed up the entire schedual too ;_;)
Dear Jean,
I DO like ya'!! I jus' don't wanna get married!! Chichiri tol' me to tell ya' that he ain't angry wit' ya', but no more sneaky drinks, OK? Also jus' thought ya'd like to know that th' Hic-Da picture was framed! Now study harder and let's jus' be friends! OK??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've been thinking about seeing Slayer's. Can anybody tell me about it a little bit and if I should see it or not?
Dear Nodaing,
It is an excellent fantasy/comedy show that involves a very powerful magic user named Lina Inverse and her group of "friends" for lack of a better word. It has a touch of Dungeons and Dragons as they are on a quest in the first TV series. It is extremely humorous. I highly recommend it!
Dear Chiriko,
I found a way to come to your world!! Demo... I can only stay in your world for 5 days. While I'm in your world, can I please study with you?? I'll bring you some books from my world when I arrived ^^
Asuka <-- a girl who wants to learn
Dear Asuka,
Sure! But if this is lengthy matter then the better place for it would be the message board. Please let me know so I can join you there.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey! You're a monk, aren't you? Why don't you do some chants or something over the chatroom?! It's possessed!
Dear Suboshi,
I'm a monk NOT a priest, no da! Actually it would take a computer tech from BeSeen to fix it and I think that has been what they're trying to do, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
::blushes:: Arigato. ::pulls out a little ball of string for Kana to play with:: Here. I thought she might like this. Nuriko-san...what kind of cookies do you like? I could bake you any kind you want. I'm a good cook, no one's ever gotten dick when I cook. ^_^
Dear Kyoko,
I like chocolate chip cookies. *Plays with Kana and string* I assume you meant that no one has ever gotten sick from your cooking, ne?
Dear Tasuki,
::walks over and starts drinkin' sake:: I was givin' you a head start. I wouldn't want to make you look like a total idiot infront of all those adoring fans of yours.
Dear Kura-chan,
Oh don't worry, he can look like an idiot without ANYBODY'S help! Hahahahaha... ITAI!! Watch where you point that thing!!!
Dear Nuriko,
About the hair thing, it turns out mom's dragging me to HER stylist and friend, also she thinks West Hollywood is kinda far... I live in a small city in LA county, near Sony Pictures Studio!! I got to go in there once to record something with my elemantary school chorus!! Thank Chichiri no Aijin for me about talking to Mr. Ronn, I'm so sorry I caused so much trouble, with that... this time I shall really go to bed. ^_^ It's 4:58AM but I got woken up b/c of cramps ^^;;
Dear Jean,
That's OK. it wasn't any trouble! Woken up with cramps??? Daijobou desuka???
Dear Chiriko,
I just saw the tape of FY in English from the guys at Pioneer in which you make your appearance. THANK GOD they did not use some stupid little kid vioce that sounds like a sqeaky windshield wiper!! Although my favorite character will always be Chichiri and Hotohori, you were so kawaii! Too bad you are a little bit too young for me. After all, I am going to college and I do not go for younger men. Gomen nasai. Since I'm gonna have to study at school, do you have any tips?
FY fan
Dear FY fan,
Well at least you didn't say I sounded like a girl! Arigato! Study tips? Hmmmm... Study in a quiet well lit environment such as your library or your dormroom if your roommate isn't noisy or there are too many distractions. Try to study for a period of 2-3 hours and give yourself a 15-20 minute break halfway through to stretch and not burn your brain out. Take good notes in class and stucy them, too. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tamahome,
If I give you 5 bags of gold ryou, would you go to the movies with me? *whispers to Tamahome: it's not a date or anything*
Please give this to Miaka *drags a heavy bag of food to Tamahome* I promised her that I'll give her food from Japan, ne? Don't you dare to steal any!! *gives Tamahome evil stare* oh well... you can have a candy bar *gives Tamahome a candy bar and 2 gold ryou and runs off*
Dear Asuka,
If I could come to your world and NOT upset Miaka by doing so, I would. Thank you for the okane, ame and all the oishii tabemono!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OI! WHAT THE #$^@^@^^^@#*&@&*(*^@$@&%*!& IS GOING ON WITH THE CHATROOM?!?!?!?!?!?! Oops, I kinda pulled a Kyori there...hehehehe...What's going on with the chatroom? No one seems to be able to get in! Chatroom-chan is being mean again...
Dear Yui-sama,
My, my ain't we gotta mouth on us...? Here! *Hands her a diploma from "Th' Tasuki School of Cursin'".* I tried it today an' it was up. I think they're workin' on upgrades again... Oh yeah, Chichiri wrote this in yer honor:
Stay the patient course
Of little worth is your ire
The chatroom is down, no da!
Waht can ya' say? Th' monk's gotta way wit' words!
Dear Tasuki,
The same girl comes up, bows and places a bottle of sake and some rice cakes at the small altar to Tasuki then backs down and begins her letter.
Hello Tasuki-sama. I got my allowance today so i could buy some more sake and even some rice cakes for you, but you have to share the cakes with the others. Okay? Anyway, that's good that you don't hate Tamahome-san, even if he is really annoying at times. In case you didn't know, I'm not a big fan of Tamahome-san. Also I wanted to know do you know anyone named Urameshi Yusuke, Kurama, Kuwabara Kazuma or Hiei? Just wanted to know because there are alot crossovers between you and them. Hope you enjoy the sake and cakes. Oysumi nasi Tasuki-sama.
Dear Catnip,
Ariagto fer th' mochi an' th' sake! I'll share th' mochi, but th' sake's MINE! I've heard of all of'em! Have ya' heard of a guy named Sanosuke?
Dear Tasuki,
Gomen ne, Tasuki-san, I was still waiting for your answer about going to that chatroom at what certain time...I thought you might say no, so... And also, my bro hogs the computer on weekends too, but I'll try to go to the chatroom next Saturday or Sunday at like 8:30. My bro is still asleep at that time ^_^. Sumimasen. I hope you didn't wait for me too long last time . I am so terribly sorry. >_<
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Daijobou, daijobou!! I had fun talkin' wit' folks in th' chatroom. I'll look fer ya' next weekend!
Dear Chiriko,
I can handle it. I thought about the air force too. but what do you think about the marines or the army? You're a cool kid.
Dear Adam,
Well, they Marines do sem to command a lot more respect... but they will put you through harder physical training. I suppose it depends on what you are looking for and how much physical "punishment" you can handle. I think I'd lean towards the Marines, myself.
Dear Nuriko,
When she stops being so UNCUTE!! And I have beaten them on numerous occasions.
Dear Ranma,
I'll concede to you on the second point, but as to the FIRST, I think she's awfully kawaii!! Perhaps you just have commitment issues when it comes to strong willed, assertive women... tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
I just saw Eps. 20-26 (On the first OAV I think?) and now i've been traumatized for life. How could you have let Tamahome beat you up like that?! I was near tears when I saw you all battered up like that! ;_; S.O.T.N. Kept on laughing through it which made me feel even WORSE, 'cuz when I asked her why the #%@! she was laughing, she said she was thinking of how stupid the Tasuki Plushie doll looked! *Sniffles
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
I cut out yer last two paragraphs 'cos they gave away some HUGE spoliers! I HAD to let Tamahome beat me 'cos Miaka begged me not to hurt him. If I had my way at the time after what he did, I woulda' killed him!
Dear Chichiri,
I was wondering, How come you didn't fall for Miaka like everyone else did? I was also wondering if Nakago did call you cute?
Nameless Face
Dear Nameless Face,
Well, she really isn't my type and I was 24 when I met her, no da! Too young, no da! Actually Nakago called the Suzaku Seishi cute. NOT me in particular, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hehe, you can tell Tamahome that the 714,844 matches are growing each day! I think it's up to 904,560 now? Oy... More links for me to check... I'm gonna drop dead sleep deprived by the end of this month!
That isn't so mean! I've told her before that we found her with a pack of wolves and we felt sorry for THE WOLVES so we took her with us. >:) Mean aren't I? Having to spread those nasty rumors about the wolves... ><;; Gomen Nasai!!! Don't hurt me!!! *Hides Behind Kawaii Koneko*
Fuyu Yuki & Kawaii Koneko
Dear Fuyu Yuki & Kawaii Koneko,
Oh yeah, now I remember why I became a bandit... Have ya' threatened to sell her to th' Gypsies??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm sooo angry! My sister(who lives in NY and has 2 kids)wanted to go to college so she set Katlyn(1) and Chani(2) in a daycare. Then the babysitter(daycare person) kicked them out after 2 days! 2 DAYS! That's not the worst part. The worst part is the reason. And the reason for kicking my two neices(sp?) out was because they were crying. CRYING! There babies fer crying out loud! *takes a deep breath* All this stress is getting to me..I know that's not really a question but I had to tell you guys(Since you people are like my fav. Anime series). Also I'm starting high school and so that's nerve-racking...well fer me it is anyways. Thanks for your time! Ja'ne!
P.s. Tell Tama-neko I said he's kawaii!
Dear Meg-chan,
I'm sure your sister will be able to find another daycare for you nieces. Perhaps she can inquire at the college she will be attending about daycare and babysitters. Gambatte kudasai in high school! I gave Tama-neko a pet from you and he purred!
Dear Mitsukake,
please tell me how you heal a broken heart..
Dear hurting,
*Gives her a hug* Besides time, I would say don't cut yourself off from your friends. Go out and enjoy yourself. Being with the Seishi has helped me alot since losing Shoka a second time. Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki. I have this problem and I don't know what to do. My friend and I like this guy and he likes me. When she found out that I liked him too, she was mad at me. She hardly talks to him or me when I’m around. She really likes him a lot. I don't know if I should just step aside and let her have him or something like that. I like the guy but I don't want to hurt my friend and I don't want to hurt him neither. I don't want to lose a friend over a guy. What should I do?
Dear Confused,
I hadda' ask Tamahome 'bout this one since it sounded to me to be another Miaka/Yui thin'! He said it ain't either of your decisions to make! Th' guy has already MADE his choice! He picked YOU! Jus' 'cos ya' step aside don't mean he'll go fer her! An' then you'll be unhappy an' so will he! If she's a good friend she'll want to see you happy and find someone else (hopefully NOT Nakago) that's right fer her. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi sweetie! ^_^. I have a very simple question. My birthday is this month, I was wondering if you would go to dinner with me on my bd? We can go shopping and then to eat? What do you think? Onegai?
Dear RyuuenNoAisai,
If I could come to your world, I would love to spend your birthday with you! Omedeto otanjoubi gozaimasu!
Dear Tamahome,
Why do some people keep calling you Obake-chan?
Does it mean the same thing as your seishi symbol?
P.S. I hope you beat Ramna because he had the nerve to say Nuriko was messed up..grrr..
Dear Saffira,
Well Nuriko IS messed up! ITAI!!! Gomen Nuriko!! Jodan dayo!!!!
Obake-chan sort of means little monster. It's because my symbol is ONI and that means Ogre or monster. So when I was growing up all the kids teased me about it. My master from that time met Tasuki and *sigh* the rest is as you say history.
Dear Chichiri,
I just wanted to thank you for your advice ^-^, I know i shouldn't have gotten involved with that whole situation, but I guess I'm just too stubborn to stand by and watch things like that happen. o.x Anyways, I didn't go to the doctor (they give me the creeps, and I'm pretrified of needles) But i did whip up a home remedie that seems to have helped a bit. ^-^ It really wasn't that bad of a cut, and now it's almost gone. Plus i feel extra good because now i have a job and am getting ready to voulenteer out at the fire house. *very big grin* I love helping people!...You were right about all of that! *sqeezes you in a hug until your nearly blue* Thank kees!! By the way, lately i've been trying to be a better know, honorable and kind....instead of a pestimist with a hair trigger temper...*blushes* any advice to help me along?? O.o Well, Thanks again! YOur the cooliest! ^-^
Neko Wa
Dear Neko Wa,
You sound like you're doing fine, no da! I'm VERY glad to hear that! Congratulations on your new job. Keep an eye on your wound, no da! I'd hate to hear it got infected. If you start to feel stressed out, try taking a deep breath and counting to 10. In Japanese, no da! Ichi, ni, san, yon, go roku, shichi, hachi, kyu, ju. You could also try to distance yourself from the situation if that's possible. Gambatte kudasai!!
Dear Tasuki,
*plays the flute in order to render Suboshi unconscious*
*brings the dead-to-the-world Suboshi in on a wheelbarrow*
*dumps Suboshi onto the ground*
*leaves with the wheelbarrow*
*returns with the wheelbarrow full of rocks*
*notices Suboshi is reviving and thus throws a rock into his face*
*cracks a smile as he watches Suboshi pass out again*
There, Tasuki, he's all yours! Have fun!
P.S. Save some for Tamahome, okay?
Dear Amiboshi,
Arigato! But ain't he yer beloved bro'? What gives??? *Shrugs shoulders, ties up and gags Suboshi and yells..* OI! Tamahome!!! I gotta great present fer ya'!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::pops up behind all 7 seishi and yells:: NO DA!!!!!! Gomen, no da, but I had to do that, no da. Since I've seen Chichiri do that, no da, I thought I might give it a try, no da. It's me, no da, Chiri, no da. Gomen that I haven't written in a while, no da. It's just I didn't have a question, no da. Ok, no da, my questions are:
1. How do you guys keep your teeth so white, no da? Even for bandits, no da, Tasuki and Kouji have very white teeth, no da.
2. How do you keep your hair so neat and without tangles after a busy day of fighting and stuff, no da, and after you sleep, no da?
That's all for now, no da. Ja ne, no da!! ::disappears::
Chiri, no da
Dear Chiri,
Well we may all be male and Tasuki and Kouji may be bandits, but we do take care of our personal hygiene, no da! And things got easier after Miaka brought back shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and toothbrushes for all of us, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Bonjour!!!!!It's me again!!Ok ok ok I got a deal for you!You seem like a pretty good business man so let's see...I'll give you ...*thinks and cracks her knuckles*..hmm...10 bags ,yes ten bags of gold ryou if you can get me a date with Tasuki-sama,could you tie a red ribbon around him and put him in a box for my birthday?!?!.Aww that'd be so cute!!Be sure to take the tessen from him before he objects and crisps you.Poor thing.::eyes sparkle and get big::Oh!if you toss a pair of his undies too I'll..give you...uh...a pack of bubbalicious gum heh ^_~.Thank you sooo much Tamakins!!::hugs Tama::Well this is my last letter for now because tomorrow I'm going to Virginia beach until Tuesday.I'll miss you all ::sob!::I'll buy you a snowglobe hehehe.Those are cool things.Well I must be off!Au revoir!!
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
Hmmmmm... sounds temptimg, but I just don't want to deal with the aftermath and all the abuse. Gomen! Ano... omedeto otanjoubi gozaimasu! Nice picture of Nuriko!
Dear Nuriko,
see i have like the ugliest nails! And i want them to be fixed. My nails are too short and too rounded. i want them to be long and not rounded too much. Please help me! and what should i do?
I want some shine in my dark hair. what to I do and how should I get shine in my hair? if you answer my questions, it will help me alot!!!
Allis Woo
Dear Allis,
If you ahve not been to a good manicurist yet, you should go! Once she has given you a manicure ask her how to maintain it.
A good contioner and shampoo will make your hair shiny. Aveda products are very good for your hair, if you can afford them. Also eating a healthy well balanced diet will go along way to promoting shiny hair and healthy nails.
Dear Chichiri,
Ah! Sorry for not writing back earlier, but there was something wrong with my internet connection. Thank you for the advice and hug! *blushes a little* I'm feeling better now. My friend and I are still giving each other silent treatment, but I guess the mood between us is okay. At least it's not a hostile mood anymore! ^_^
I know I should had given that group a chance, and I acted very immature at that time, but... I think that I couldn't stand working together with a particular group member who's very bitchy towards me. The rest of that group members are okay with me, but somehow this person isn't. -_-; I have no idea what's wrong, I don't think I offended her somehow since I hardly talk to her. *sighs* Did I mention how much I hate projects? ;_;
Anyway, do you know of any sites that has any pics of you before your scar? I'm drawing you as Houjun, but there aren't many pics that I can refer to. ^_~ Thanks in advance! (I hope I'm not touching on a sad subject here...if so, gomen!)
Dear Yuri,
Daijobou, no da! Hopefully you and your friend will patch things up totally, no da. You might want to check some of the links on our Likns Peeji that go to shrines that people have made for me, arigato minna no da!
Dear Chiriko,
how do you feel to be the smallest in the group?
Dear tina,
I'm also the youngest, so I guess it goes with the territory.
Dear Tasuki,
Alicia's mom and aunt knows that the fight is causing all this to her. So her mom is pretty upset. But her aunt doesn't seem to care, she keep on spreading the dumb rumors about Alicia. Her mom just kinda told Alicia to stay away from her aunt and to ignore her and her mom did the same thing. Actually her whole family is trying to get her aunt out of their lives. That dumb aunt of hers not only spread rumors about Alicia, but also her whole family. What is this, right? Anyway, Alicia tried to keep a good relationship with her cousin, that aunt's son. She wrote letters to him, but when that aunt sees letters addressed to her son from Alicia's address, she immediately threw the letters away without her son knowing. What do you think of this?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I think it really sucks an' that her aunt is a B****!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey just thought I'd write and ask about the offer on sake. Me,you,and Koji! I have to go now*sighs*,but I will write again to ask advice on a guy problem.
Sey Something
Dear Sey Something,
Whenever yer' up fer it, we'll be ready!
Dear Chiriko,
Um... too bad you can't come to my world. Wait the minute! *a light ball lightens up on top of the girl's head* Why don't I come to your world and we can study together *kee hee* *kakaka!! I can check out the good looking guys in Konan* So can I?? I can be the Sixth Miko ^-^ hee
Can you ask Chichiri to teach me how to use magic?? I wanna know, I wanna know!! And give these to the Suzaku seishi *gives Chiriko a bag full of gifts* Give Nuriko the make-up. Give the fish to Tama-neko. Give the two bags of ryou to Tamahome. Give the steaks to Tasuki *kee hee his fav. food*. Give these medicines to Mitsukake *they are the medicines from my world*. Give Chichiri this *hands him the mask*, tell me if he likes it or not. Give this mirror to Hotohori. And as for you, I'll give you all my Shakespearian books and this *gives Chiriko a kiss on the cheek*. Tell me if they like the gifts or not, kie? Arigato!!
Asuka -^o^-
P.S. Tell Miaka next time I'll give her a bag full of food (mostly junk food) from Japan!!
Dear Asuka,
I can ask Chichiri to teach you magic, but that doesn't mean he'll do it. As for coming to my world, if you can a way, I will welcome you! Everyone says arigato for all the wonderful presents. Thank you for the kisu *blushes*.
Dear Nuriko,
(*Grinds teeth and clutches fist*) Doesn't matter if I'm a guy or girl, I'll still win.
Dear Ranma,
Face it, you have yet to beat Ryoga, Mousse, Shampoo, Ukyio, or Akane! Give it up! You don't stand a chance in either form! By the way, just when ARE you going to finally kiss Akane and declare your love for her? You two are such a kawaii couple!
Dear Tasuki,
::wanders in and wacks Tasuki on the head::So...accepting other challenges and ignoring me, ne? I don't back down that easy. ::a tall guy walks in carrying a crate of sake and sets it down:: Ready?
Dear Kura-chan,
*Sees crate, runs over to it and breaks it open. Starts guzzling sake.* So whatcha' waitin' fer???
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko-san! How is Kana? Baka Ranma! Your not messed up! And why whould anyone want to be kissed by Tasuki? Icky!!!! I'd much rather be kissed by you. ::blushes::
Dear Kyoko,
Kana is fine see... *pulls sleeping ko-neko out of his pocket.* She goes where I go, unless it's dangerous. I really don't know why so many girls find Tasuki so attractive. Must be his feral animal magnetism. Tee-hee... *Grins*
So, you'd rather be kissed by me, eh? *Kisses her on the cheek.*
Dear Tasuki,
Can you come to the chatroom in the morning sometime, please. Because, at night, my bro hogs the net. I don't get a chance to go on-line. I usually go on-line like 9 in the morning, sometimes 10. Is that too early for you? It's so sad.....I never get to chat with you. So PLEASE!!!!!!! If that time isn't good either, just pick a time between 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I can only do that on a Saturday or a Sunday. Gomen. By th' way, I was on TODAY (08/07) at 8:30 AM!! Where were you???
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, yeah, like YOU'VE never murdered anybody. Geez! And how the hell can aniki be cuter than me?! We look the same, stupid! And of course he's a better person than me! Aniki's better than anybody! Even if you and I go to a different place (yeah, right, bandit) I'll hunt you down! I'm very persistant, y'know!
Uh... oh yeah. And tell Tamahome that Nakago says "hi." o_O
Dear Suboshi,
Hey! Soi was an accident! Stupid broad decided to imitate a *&^%$#@ shield at th' wrong time! An' of course Amiboshi's better lookin'! After all Miaka almost fell fer HIM not YOU! Hmph, yer a stubborn ko-inu! I'll jus' kick ya' back down if ya' ever make it THAT far up!
An' Tamahome says to tell Nakago to stick to Tomo an' Soi! He ain't interested!
Dear Tasuki,
konnichiwa! ogenki desu ka? me i'm fine... so, just curious, how do you feel about miaka? seriously? do you see her other then just a close friend... demo, its so cute how you always protect her and how you guys are like brother and sister. arigato, ja na.
Dear life,
Genki desu! Miaka's like a sister to me.
Dear Chichiri,
konnichiwa! chichiri... i was woundering if you admire anyone? "just curious"
sakara amyku
Dear sakara amyku,
I certainly admire my fellow Seishi and my Miko for showing the strength and courage to get through the obstacles that were thrown at us, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
konnichiwa! ogenki desu ka? me just fine... well, mitsukaka my shoulder hurts... it feels like i have some kind of cut or something... what do you suggest i do? arigato sayonara!
sakara amyku
Dear sakara amyku,
Genki desu! Have you visually or physically examined the area for a wound? If there is no wound then take some aspirin or Tylenol and have a friend gently massage the area for you. Take care!
Dear Chichiri,
I've been wondering, the staff you carry with the rings on it (what other staff would I be talking about?) does it have an official name or is it just called a monk's staff? Thanks a lot.
MnM (Mikagami no Miko)
Dear Mikagami no Miko,
It is called a shakujou, no da! It means bishop's or monk's staff, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
A girl comes up and places a little present a sake at his feet and then bows. Hello! I was wondering why you hate Tamahome so much?
Dear Catnip,
I don't hate Tamahome! We're buds! I jus' love abusin' him! Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, here I am again because I need to bitch and you happen to be the only ones handy. I promise, after this I'll shut up for a while.
My little cousin Ben is going to be Bar Mitzvahed in October. I'm so proud of him! (And ~boy~ does it make me feel old!) Unfortunately, his family has turned Orthadox over the years, and are now fairly strict. My aunt and uncle didn't bring the boys to my sister's wedding in May because we aren't Orthadox, and they never come to our Passover or Thanksgiving family stuff either. So now, for Ben's Bar Mitzvah, it's going to be in an Orthadox synagogue, with the men and women separated, adn not really having contact with each other. And also, none of his cousins are invited because some of them are amrried/dating people who aren't Jewish.
I really don't like putting down other people's beliefs (goodness knows, being Jewish I've heard enough), but this is a family thing.Ben and his two brothers were for a long time the relatives outside immediate family who I was closest to because the one closest to me in age lives a few states away, and the older kids would leave me out of things. They stayed with us for a few months once when they had just moved back to the US from Israel, and I really got to spend time and get closer to Ben and his older brother. Since then, though, I've only seen them once or twice and only for short periods of time, and I miss them.
Hopefully, I'll see them in November for my Grandma's birthday (she'll be 80), but until then... I really miss them. It's not fair! (Voice in head says "Life's not fair" in kaa-san's voice.) Oy. Well, there's really nothing I can do about it. I just needed to bitch about it to someone, and you don't generally tell me to stop being so whiny. Thanks for listening.
*Pulls out standard presents, and gives Tamahome okane, Tasuki sake, Hotohori-sama a mirror, Chichiri a bait box, Chiriko the book "Watership Down" in case he hasn't read it, Mitsukake a book on medical herbs, and Nuriko a shower basket with conditioning soap, shampoo and conditioner. Then picks up Tama-neko and walks out of the room.*
Dear Ju-Chan,
Unfortunately it sounds as if they are letting their beliefs get in the way of their family and that is VERY sad, no da! Perhaps they need to be gently reminded about the importance of family in Judaism, no da. I'm sure there is something in your Torah or Talmud regarding this situation, no da. Bet you didn't know I knew of such things, no da! *smiles and hugs her* Perhaps you can research it a bit and quote to them from one of those sources. Maybe it will help them change their minds about non-Orthodox family members. Arigato for all your wonderful presents, na no da!
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