Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Should i join the army or the marines? opinions. i'm not necessarily going to choose what you tell me, just want an opinion. I'm still decidin.
Dear adam,
Hmmm... both are extrememly physically demanding... Have you considered the Air Force?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OK. Must respond to a response on eneryone bashing the dub.
For me and Fran-Nyan and our friends it's not completely about the voices, although that's certainly a part of it. They also do horrible things to the lines (for instance: the lovely "I. Am. A. Tree." that they give Miaka. The line is more to the effect of "Mind and body are a tree.") They also cut lots of the lovely swearing, and translate badly. "We even fed them healthy food." Oh yeah, the "mountain deperados" went out especially to steal carrots for Miaka. They're ~bandits~ damnit, why can't they say so? Or Chichiri's line that he'd been in "formal training" with Taiitsukun for 3 years. He had to wear a tux, and everything...
With the voices themselves, of course people who've seen the real thing are biased. We know how it's supposed to sound. Nuriko is an 18 year old ~male~. Last I heard from soundbytes, he sounded like Whoopie Goldberg. And Chichiri is ~not~ a southern hick. (I almost think the valley girl we were all afraid he was going to get would have been better.) From what I've heard, you don't get the difference in the voice that helps you know how serious he is, or if he's just being silly. And the voiceactor they got for poor Kouji... It's a Brooklyn cabdriver!!!!!! And from what I've heard from others complaining they make Chiriko sound like a girl, which he isn't. If you can convince yourself that these aren't really the characters they're supposed to be it's not too bad, in fact it's really funny, but as the Fushigi characters they're awful! From what I've heard, only Mitsukake sounds halfway decent, and that's 'cause he sounds like someone from ER.
I'd include a link to places with soundbytes of both real and dubbed voices, but my server seems to be having issues at the moment. Anyway, soundbytes are pretty easy to find.
The only thing Fran-Nyan and I have found that's really decent is the part where Tas---excuse me, ~Genrou~ is trying to use the summoning papers to get wolves and only succeeds in calling forth Miaka's dinner. He actually has a realistic sounding spazz, and Nuriko sounds male! Amazing.
Thus the reasoning behind the dub-bashing. It deserves it. Go out and get the sub, even if it's a bit more expensive. It'll make a lot more sense. (Many of these jokes curtesy of Fran-Nyan)
Dear Ju-Chan,
We too, as well as Chichiri no Aijin are biased in favor of the subs over the dubs. Sumimasen. In the past Pioneer has done a fairly good job with dubs. The Tenchi dubs as well as Hakkenden and Kishin Corps. were pretty good. So, there were some raised expectations, but from what we have heard so far from the web based sound bytes our dub is extremely disappointing to say the least!
But Minna, please do not turn this into a debate! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion!
Black Jade has suggested that those of you who are unhappy with the way the dubs turned out start a petition (on FYML??) to be sent to Pioneer requesting a re-do with different voice actors. If you wish to "take up arms" on this subject, please pick up a pen or a keyboard and write or email a letter (no cursing or Tasuki-like behavior!) to Pioneer's Customer Service explaining your point of view and let them know (politely) that you are disappointed in their dubbed product.
Perhaps if they get enough mail they will re-do it. And if not, at least you were able to make your voices heard.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who would win in an eating contest? Miaka or Serena from Sailormoon?
Dear Kaori,
@_@;;; KOWAI!! The very thought is terrifying in a rather disgusting way.
Dear Tamahome,
of Miaka and Yui, Who did you think was cuter/prettier when you first met them?
Dear Kaori,
Miaka. Gomen Yui-chan.
Dear Chiriko,
Gomen if this question has been asked and answered, but I'm working on my own shrine site and project at home and I need to know the full names of everyone. I mean not your seishi names but your actually "full" real names. I have Miaka's and Yui's but I do need everyone else. Gomen if this question has been asked before...I haven't written forever in here. So catch ya later then!! Give my regards to that "cutie" Tasuki-chan~~!!
Dear Chiriko,
Awwww!You shouldn't be upset about your English voice,I think your dubbed voice is just the cutest little thing!Your voice is alot better than Nakago's... he sounds like he's constantly having a fiber deficiency::smile:: heh.If it makes you feel any better I got you some strawberry Pocky!Real good!::reaches into her purse and hands Chiriko a box of Pocky and hugs him::Hehe well au revoir!::pats Chiriko on the head::
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
*Thinks about what she said about Nakago.* Are you saying he sounds constipated??? Hehehehehehehehe..... Thank you for the Pockys and the rather funny mental image!
Dear Tasuki,
Answer #1- 714,844 or how many matches of sites that have your NAME in it, that's why it's so hard to find the Hater's club! ><;; It gets very annoying after a while... GRR, I ONLY HAVE 400 MATCHES CHECKED! ;_;
#2- Hehehehe... You don't know how many TIMES i've used that phrase! Hmm, I've used, 'So?', 'Oh and they love you?'... It really doesn't get me into trouble... BESIDES I DON'T HAVE MTV. >:( I need cable...
Kawaii Koneko: **In Koneko form** It doesn't get you into trouble NOW...
><;; Well duh, why else would I say it if I wasn't going to get into trouble...
Kawaii Koneko: Because you like annoying her?
¬_¬ *Picks up Kawaii Koneko and runs off*
Fuyu Yuki & Kawaii Koneko
Dear Fuyu Yuki & Kawaii Koneko,
There are 714,844 sites wit' MY name in 'em? Kakkoi!! Heh-heh... OI! Obake-chan! See how (*&^%$# popular I am!!
Hmmm... mebbe ya' can convince her she's adopted an' when she goes cryin' to yer mom an' yer mom says she isn't, then ya' tell her, "Of course they would tell ya' that! They jus' don't want ya' to know th' truth!" Heh-heh... mean ain't I?
Dear Tamahome,
Hey!!I'll give you 2 full bags of gold ryou if you can get me a date with Tasuki!!::gives tamahome 2 ryou for now:: ::smirks::Hehe well my question is...When you're reincarnated how come you didn't keep the name of Tamahome instead of Taka??Tamahome is so much more fitting...especially when it comes to those love scenes with you and Miaka.(Ex:"Tamahome:Miaka....Miaka:Tamahome.....Tamahome:Miaka....Miaka:Tamahome...da?)If there were to be an FY movie your human counterpart could be Takashi Kashiwabara(jpop superstar *nice*)!!He sorta looks like you if you think hard enough...and his name is sorta like yours hehe.Well I'm gonna go.Tell Nuriko arigato for the compliment and give him a big hug from moi!::hugs Tama:: Au revoir!
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
I was reincarnated on Miaka's world as Taka. Tamahome was a distant memory for me. I shall give Nuriko your regards. A date with Tasuki?? I'll have to think about that...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! I know that the dubs are out for FY, and I really want to hear what you all sound like! But there is *no* way I'm about to spend money on a dub tape when I can have your good voices (Japanese voice actors). Do you know a web page that has sound bytes you? I have heard Tamahome, Miaka, Hotohori, and Nuriko's dub voice because I rented a tape. I heard Chichiri's voice from sound bytes (I almost fainted/cried/smashed the computer when I heard it! How can they do that to you guys???), but I want to hear what the rest of you (Tasuki, Mitsukake, and Chiriko) sound like. If you can help me, thanks!
Also, how do you guys stand having such horrible voice actors in the dub? I have to admit, the first four episodes were the first FY I have ever seen (and I'm waiting for my subtitled tape "The Dying Land" with baited breath). But I wanted to throw the TV out the window everytime I heard your dub voices.
Sorry if I'm a little weird on this, but it really gets to me! Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope reminder of the dub didn't depress you too much. ::hugs in case you guys are depressed::
Dear Daine,
Arigato for the presents. Actually Ju-Chan and Fran-Nyan have the site you're looking for! The Dub.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, Nuriko :). This is Sweet T. Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I had to get my computer fixed. Thank you so very much for responding to my letter!! You are so sweet. Lately, I've been working off my anger by drawing. It's a wonderful outlet, I've created some nice stuff out of it :). Thank you very much for looking up those websites for me. I visited RAINN before, actually, and they were the ones who helped me to tell my mom what happened. I had called their hotline to talk about my problem and they were very helpful. I visited the other site, but I haven't had time to actually get into it. I had a final exam to study for :(. And now, before the fall semester starts, I'm going to my mom's house for a week. Hopefully, I can help her adjust to be single again, I don't know, but besides taking a break from school, I'm going to be there for my mom and vice versa :). Well, I'm late for work, Nuriko!! Bye and thanks again :)!!
Sweet T
Dear Sweet T,
I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up for you and hopefully for your mom, too. If you would like to email me some of your artwork, I would love to see it! Good luck in college and with your final. Remember, you're NOT alone! I'll always be here for you. *Gives her a hug & hopes that was OK.*
Take care!
Dear Mitsukake,
How're you doing? I feel sorry for you, 'cause a lot of people say you're boring. But I noticed how you disproved that in that OAV omake, part 1 of the bus trip. When Tasuki and Chichiri looked at you funny, you shouted out, "I'M GETTING REALLY PISSED OFF, GUYS!!" And then you proceeded to headlock the crap out of Chichiri! That was hilarious, man! Well, Mitsukake, ja ne...
P.S. You were also funny about that comment about Chichiri and the catnip.... ^_^
Dear ?!?,
Arigato! I'm glad at least one person appreciates my humor.
Dear Tasuki,
And you know what else, Alicia also knows what her aunt has done to her. She was really upset, one time, she tried to commit suicide with overdose of tylenol or something....I'm worried about that girl...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Does her aunt have ANY clue what she's puttin' this kid through?!?!?!? Sheesh! Some people! Mebbe her aunt an' mom need to know how messed up yer friend is over all this. Let 'em know what their stupid figt is doin' to her!
Dear Nuriko,
So theres someone out there that actually wants my curse?? Are you messed up?? O wait I forgot you are!!
P.S Tell Tamahome I'd like to take him on sometime!
Dear Ranma,
Hmmph... messed up?!?!?!? Well, I don't think so! So, how do you want to take on Tamahome? As Boy Ranma? Or as Girl Ranma??? *smirks*
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Tamahome. This is Rachel again. The six year old that likes you. Do you remember me? I think you are the coolest seishi. Also the cat(Tama-neko) is cool too. My cousin Mary-chan showed me the artbook with you and Miaka in it. I liked it alot. Did anyone every see you in real life?
Hi Rachel,
Of course I remember you! How are you and your cousin doing? Chichiri no Aijin told us how she met your cousin. We all thought it was very kakkoi that she got to meet and some other people that visit our web peeji!
No, no one has ever seen me (except as an anime character) in your world as I don't exist in it in that way. If I did I would certainly pay you a visit with Miaka and say hello. *Smiles and pats her on the head.* You take care and be a good girl. OK?
Dear Tasuki,
::smirks:: Ah, I'm glad we could come to an agreement, Tasuki-kun. What say you we meet some time in the chatroom and commence with our little fight? I'll bring the sake. I may not be old enough to drink by either American or Japanese law, but then again, I can't drive my car in Japan, either just yet...heheh, I'll manage. How much d'you want? A bottle? A case? My chatroom handle is RacerKaze, so keep an eye out.
Dear Haruka-san,
I think I remember ya'! Weren't ya' racin' against Chichiri no Aijin an' me one night??? Yer on!
Dear Tasuki,
just wondering...will you ever fall in love again?? just please don't get mad at me...okay! If you ever do find a girl.....(that you like cause u hate women) i give you props okay! not all girls are annoying...keep that as a reminder....bye! **MUAH**!!
Dear Chococat,
Whaddya' mean by "again"? *Thinks for a second...* Oh, yeah... I dunno. Mebbe...
Dear Chiriko,
hi Chiriko!! how are you?? i was just wondering, i haven't been online in a while and when i came here i see that you put a new chat room!! but when i went to join, it asked me for "handle"...what does that mean?? everything else i can do but i don't know what the "handle" is....please let me know.......
Jen-Chan :)
Dear Jen-Chan,
A'handle" is the name you wish to be known by in the chat room. All the Seishi are known as suzakuseishichichiri, suzakuseishichiriko,suzakuseishitasuki, etc. That way everyone will always know it's us in the chat room.
Dear Tasuki,
Except fer th' shoutin', yer OK. Fer a girl!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a problem, and I’m not quite sure if you guys can help, but I might as well ask. My best friend moved away about two months ago. We're keeping in touch and everything, but she's a very depressive person. Even before she moved, she was suicidal kind of. She's seen a shrink before, but she has no idea what to do about her. She hates her parents (all of her friends agree that her parents really suck) too. Now that she’s up there, she’s getting worse and I have no idea how to help her. She never goes out, she sits in dark corners, she never talks to anyone (mainly because she has no one to talk to) her parents are fighting more and more with her, and sometimes she cries herself to sleep. She’s tried to stop with the suicidal stuff, but she really hates her life and wants to die. She’s even come close to cutting herself again. The only thing that’s keeping her from doing so is all of us back here. (aka, the friends she’s left behind) She’s getting more and more
depressed and her parents are even thinking about making her see another shrink. The last
one made her take pills to altar her moods and she really really hated it. I don’t want her
seeing another one because it only seemed to make her more miserable. I wish she could
come back, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. If you have any advice on how I
could help her, I’d appreciate it. Thanks for listening.
Dear Kumi,
Be there as much as you can for her, no da. She may have to see several therapists before she finds the right one for her. You may wish to tell her this so she doesn't feel bad if she doesn't mesh with the first one she goes to, no da.
If she is so unhappy at home would it be possible for her to stay with you and your family, no da? Or perhaps with another friend, no da? It may help lift some of her depression.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome, I'll give you my birthday money if you listen to my problem....
Okay, I have a friend of mine, who's been with this guy for a year. They're ALWAYS together. Like, joined at the hip. She doesn't talk to me much, but yesterday she called me up all crying and everything. I guess that he said that they needed a break from each other(he used some not-so-nice words to say it. -_-;). And so she was upset. But what upset ME is the other thing he said, and his friends. She said when she talked to him after they decided to take a break from each other, he said to her, "You know, I could have just dumped you." What a wonderful thing to say, ne?
She said his best friend, whenever she tries to talk, tells her to shut up. She doesn't even have to talk to him to have him tell her that. And then, he has this other friend, who, whenever her boyfriend's back is turned or he's not right next to her, he starts trying to cop a feel on her. She said she's talked to her boyfriend about this. And he hasn't even tried to stop either. Now I've thought that he was a supreme jerk, ever since I've met him. So he's not exactly a star in my book. But she loves him, and I and all her friends have put up with him. But after hearing this, I know he's a jerk. No matter what I say,she's never gonna see it in him.
Okay, so I guess there's really no answer to this ne? If anyone wants to change anything, it's gotta be her, I guess.. so I kinda just rambled on about nothing. Maybe Tasuki will lend me his tessen so I can go flame that baka. He needs it. Oh yes, and the money.. ::hands him a small bag of ryou::
Dear Reddie-chan,
This guy and his friends sound like a bunch of ahos! No real man would treat a woman like that! What she needs to do is forget him and his loser friends. Perhaps this "break" is a good thing for her in the long run. For now, just be there for her and try to do things with her that will take her mind off of him and maybe help her meet some new people. Arigato for the okane! Omedeto otanjoubi gozaimasu! Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! I wanna study with you!! Can I?? Can I?? *looks down at Chiriko* I wanna be as smart as you!! Please let me study with you! *gives Chiriko a box of chocolate and gives him a hug* You are so kowaii! kee hee...
Dear Asuka,
Arigato for the chocolates and the hug! *Blushes* I would say "hai", except that there is no way for me to get to your world and vice versa. Gomen ne.
Dear Tasuki,
If you got into a fight with Ranma 1/2's fang boy Ryoga, would you be able to kick his a$$ or what? Also why do you like to fry Tamahome so much? Is it fun?
Chibi Mako-chan
Dear Chibi Mako-chan,
Hmmm... knowin' his sense of direction, first he'll hafta find me an' then I'd brawl wit' him! Why do I fry Obake-chan? Tanoshii desuyo!! (It's fun!) An' I know he can take it.
Dear Tasuki,
Heyo Genrou-sama! Tomorrow's my birthday..(August 4). ^_^; Hee..I told my mom I wanted a wolf for my birthday..she didn't get me one, but she did find this kakkoi life-size stuffed dog that looks just like a wolf! It looks like my dog, too..she's half wolf. ^^; Anyways.. 9_9; ::turns red in the face::
Could I have a teeny birthday kisu? ;_; I know everyone's bugging you, and I'll understand if you say no.. okay, bai now. ^^;
Dear Reddie-chan,
*Kisses her on the cheek* Omedeto otanjoubi gozaimasu! Sheesh! All these kisses! I think I WILL start chargin'!
Dear Chichiri,
Oi Chichiri! I couldn't find the site that had the Seishi Temperaments on it! I believe that it was Tasuki No Miko's site..demo..when I went to try to look at her site last night, it said it was down.. O_o But I do have a link to the Kiersey Temperament Site for you! And as soon as I can find that other peeji again, I'll let you know! Here's the addy to the Kiersey page! Kiersey Test
Dear Reddie-Chan,
Arigato gozaimasu, no da! AS soon as we get the chance we will check it out, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, at least I'm cuter than Miboshi!
You're so rude to me! If I wasn't dead, I'd come there and kick your @$$ too! You just wait until you get to the afterlife, fang boy!!
Dear Suboshi,
Yer a murderer of innocent kids an' I'M th' rude one?!?!?!? Getta grip!!! So yer more kawaii than some invisible spirit? That don't say much fer either of ya'! An' yer bro' Amiboshi was not only better lookin' but he was a better person than you were, too!
An' I ain't too worried 'bout th' after life! 'Cos I don't think we'll end up (or is that down?) in th' same place!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi i just had two things i needed to ask
chichiri um i heard that people have two eyes to for dept perception so does that mean you don't have as good debt perception (i hope not) and chiriko i just heard your dubed voice and i'm sorry that the casting was so terrible but please don't cry your still cute *offers chiriko some ice cream*
Dear mi-chan,
That is correct. My depth perception is slightly off. But I have managed to compensate for it and of course get used to my sight being that way, no da. Chiriko says arigato for the oishii ice cream, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I know this isn't exactly a question, but I jes' wanted to say thanks to Tasuki. In the chat room I kinda forced a guestion on ya 'bout my suicidal friend who will remain nameless. I know this may sound kinda weird but thanks to you I was able to get some sleep that night. Arigatou. I look forward to meeting the rest of the seishi. remember? You said you'd try to work something out!! It's okay if ya don't have time, or don't have enough motivation to as ALL 7 seishi, but thanks fer at leat tryin, or should it say offering... I truely appretiate it. not to mention, ya cheered me up. **smiles warmly** arigatou again!
So what're gonna do about jean??? oh and what 'bout Aidou, and Kouji's wedding? So you still planning on comeing? Aidou will be mad if you don't. Kouji will just kill ya! not to mention Jean.....
yer fellow bandit, Kyori
p.s. you know I HAD to about yer best friend wedding!
p.s.s. I wasn't expecting YOU to help me wit' my problems.... but... I guess that just goes to show that bandits that get drunk all the time.. can still be pretty da*m smart and cool!!!
Dear Kyori,
Heh-heh, yes we *&^%$#@ can! Yer welcome, bro'. Hope yer friend is doin' OK. I'm gonna be in th' chat room tonight (08/04) at 9:00 PM like I promised Yuffie. I dunno 'bout Jean. I don't wanna hurt her feelins', but I don't wanna get hitched either! Oh yeah, Chichiri will be wit' me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OK. You asked about the link to Fran-Nyan's fanfic. Here it is: Fanfic
There are a bunch there, but the last one with a link is the one she was talking about. don't kill us. At least we're not hentai, ne? Ne?
And I'm a little miffed at Tamahome (unless it got erased or something. In that case, I'm sorry). I asked about his siblings other than Chuei and Yuiren. What their names are and which is which. Fran-Nyan and I are curious, and we'll probably need them for fics. Please, Tamahome?
Dear Ju-Chan,
Sumimasen Ju-Chan. Here are the names of all my siblings: Chuei, Shunkei, Gyokuran, and Yuiren. We tried to read the story you mentioned, butthe link was broken. We'll try later.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I had to answer to a letter I read that stated that they thought your dubbed voices S#^&*$!! I have only seen the Pioneer dubs and I think they did a rather good job. I think the people who first heard the Japanese voices are a little biest because there used to those voices (and the people who have only heard the dubs are used to the dubs). But just so u'know from a person on the other side of the pond, I thought all your voices were suited to you pretty well (Tasuki's at first I was pretty skeptical, but now I think it fits him to a T).
Dear Cosmo,
You do bring up a point that has yet to be considered before. We thank you for that. I do not know if it will make anyone reconsider their stance on the matter, but it is a good point to ponder nonetheless.
Dear Chichiri,
*runs in and tackle hugs chichiri* Hiyas! It's me again. ^-^ Just wanted to thank you for your advice! I went out and got a job, and I feel alot better now, even made a few friends....which has helped me not to obsess over things so much and be so moody all the time. O.o Coolies huh? Anyways....Thanks! ^-^ Um....while i'm here i guess it wouldn't hurt to ask one other bit of advice, no? O.o's the problem, I saw this guy from school i know doing something really wrong (vandalizing some peoples stuff over racial aguments) So anyways, I wasn't going to get involved, but it was just so wrong! I told him to cut it out and threatened to call the police if he didn't stop, and he did stop and came over and we both started yelling at each other because he thought he was in the right. Urg! At any ended in me getting stabbed in the shoulder, not anything serious, just you know, one of those gross ones you get when someones flailing thier arm around and looses track of what thier doing with the pocket knife in their hand. *sighs and rolls eyes* so, I was wondering what i should do, because i'm not sure if i should try to turn him in or what.....don't really want my family to find out about it either, because i promised i would stay out of other peoples problems like that. o.x I'd really appreciate some advice, as your very good at disspencing it! Thank kees!! ^-~ *puts a big happy daisy on your head*
Baka Yuro/Neko wa
Dear Neko wa,
It is generally considered a bad idea to argue with an armed person, no da! In dealing with people like this you should exercise extreme caution. Especially if you don't know what they are likely to do, no da.
You do need to have a healer look at your wound to make sure it is OK and not infected. Mitsukake says you need to get a tetanus shot, too. Unfortunately if you do not have any Free Medical Clinics in your area, you may have to get your parents involved, no da!
Without knowing the full extent of the situation and really knowing the people involved, it is very difficult for me to advise you on what to do, no da. Perhaps you should just listen to your heart, na no da. Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
Wants my attention my bum. She gets *PLENTY* of attention from my mom and dad. >:( In fact, i'm jealous that she gets so much attention at times... She annoys me by sayin' stuff like, 'Mommy doesn't love you' or 'Nobody wants you' **frowns** Most of the time I believe her, too. D*** that girl gets to me... EEEEEEE THERE SHE GOES AGAIN!! **Plugs ears and tries not to listen to her sister**
Kawaii Koneko: o_o;; **Grabs Fuyu Yuki's hand and walks her away from her She-Demon sister** I tell you not to listen to her, Yuki
Fuyu Yuki & Kawaii Koneko
Dear Fuyu Yuki & Kawaii Koneko,
Heh-heh-heh... don't play her game an' let get to ya'! Next time she tells ya' yer mom don't love ya' or nobody wants ya' say,"Well mamybe she doesn't but at least I wasn't adopted!" That oughtta get her!! Or probably jus' get ya' in trouble... but it might be worth it! If all else fails, go watch Daria on MTV. It'll make ya' feel better.
Dear Chichiri,
I have only been watching FY for a few months now (since the amazing discovery) but it is definitely my favourite anime. I haven't gotten to the manga yet... we don't have many stores for that sort of thing around here! But I have a question. I have read that in your past, you fought with your best friend over your fiance. I know that it was during this fight that your friend died, and you were scarred, losing an eye. My question is: I have read two version of what happened, and I don't know which is true!?! Did you scar yourself in remorse (as some have suggested) or did you receive the scar from a branch in the river your friend was in? Please help me to understand better.
Dear Amiboshi_flute,
The tree in the river was what put my eye out, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
WolfCam You get to watch deh wolves... *eyes sparkle, since she's been watching them for about half an hour now**
Eyes Hurt
Dear Eyes Hurt,
Kakkoi! Thanks! I'll keep lookin' an' see if I spot one!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi again! Tis I, Antonia, acompanied by Rose. Once again, I must tell you how utterly completely wonderous you are! Sigh....So this is love,'er mind. I haven't gotten a reply yet from the last letter i sent; but I anxiously await your reply.Rose, anything to say?
Sure! Hey Chichiri! How are you? Well, do you remember the one episode of FY when you and Miaka talked about her and Tamahome and yur past? The It was right after the summoning? Vol.7? Well, I just want to say that it touched my heart. You are very wise, Mister. Once again, I feel terrible about what happened to you, your fiance, and your best friend. Poor, poor Chichiri. Anyhoo! Love ya! Bye, bye!! P.S. You look really cute when you're fishing. Sittin' on a rock... you go boy!
Me again, Antonia. I agree with Rose. You are very smart. Iloveyoooouuuuuuu! So cute, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I have to go now. Bye bye.(Much love).
Antonia and Rose
Dear Antonia and Rose,
Arigato to both of you, no da. *Gives them each a hug.* I think I did answer you, if not gomen nasai, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
here.. ::gives 'im two gold ruyo:: Wah! My boyfriend of 9 months had to go to the Philippines at the end of July, he won't be back until the 28th of August! Its only been 7 days, and I'm already dying of lonliness and worry! I miss him, I can't get my mind off him, and I don't even know if hes safe or not! He's got E-mail, but so far, hasn't gotten to use it from there yet. One of my friends who knows a little about the Phillippenes told me that there, it's hard to get to any electricity, and now, its monsoon season! I'm gona die of not knowing wether or not he's safe, and of not having anything to take my mind off him till he gets back! ::cries::
Marit Tiamat
Dear Marit Tiamat,
Why not write him a letetr by snail mail? It's better than nothing. Thanks for the ryou!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh.. wait yeah they were.. I asked if you were busy on.. August 11th! you couldasaid no! (can't say yes!) OK OK.. here's a Q. (but you have to include that you'll be coming to the boardroom.. or chat.. on august 11th for the wedding) EVERYONE IS INVITED! Now, (no super big tasuki fans that'll kill another tasuki fan though.. doesn't sound right unless you possess good materia!) heh heh heh.. anyway. The question.. Do you... think miboshi is cute looking when he cries and shakes his baby rattle? *laughs* Nevermind, that's not the right Q to ask a guy like you! AH HA! Do you think.. Kyori and i make a good couple? *smirk* and you disobeyed hakurou's notice.. Oops.. he's deceased.. Sorry, BUT you could have told me it was annoying or something!!
Dear Yuffie2,
Look, I'll be there, but no matter WHAT ya' do to me, I AIN'T GETTIN' MARRIED TO ANYONE!!! Oh yeah, Kyori an' ya' make a kawaii couple. A couple of what's, I ain't sure of...
Dear Tasuki,
Have you found that Tasuki Hater's Club yet? Well... I spent all last night until 11:30 searching for it on THREE different browsers ><;; Still no luck! If you have found it though, tell me now so I can stop! Letsee... 714,321 MATCHES FOUND ON YAHOO?! Oh boy... It's gonna be a looooonnnggggggg week...
Gonna stop sleeping for now,
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Geez! Are ya' tellin' me that ya' found 714,123 Tasuki Hater's sites or 714,123 Tasuki references?!?!?!?
Dear Mitsukake,
*A little girl with a cat tail like Tama-Neko's comes up to Mistukake* Hello! I just figured out soemthing about your name! In the dubbed version of FY, They changed your named to Mitskake. (That wasn't very nice, now was it?) Well, this probably isn't the reason why they changed it, but hey, it is a theory!
**I don't speak Japanese, I can only pronounce a few words and even at that, VERY poorly! ^^;; Hehe, Just like Fuyu Yuki... AH! *Gets whacked on the head by Fuyu with a mallet* **
Ow... Anyway, My cousin's friend told her that Mitsu in Japanese means Honey. Well, let's break up your name!
Mitsu Kake
If you look at it differently, Kake looks like... Cake!
Mitsu Cake
Honey Cake
Weird, aren't I? ^_^ Meow! *Transforms into a gold koneko and scampers off*
Kawaii Koneko
Dear Kawaii Koneko,
Why yes you are! And I do believe that hachimitsu is nihongo for honey.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! I can´t se the "seishi of the week picture" by WMC, someting wrong? By the way! I got a great picture of Tasuki thats almost ready, you want it? ^_^
Dear Dreamie,
Thank you for informing us. It was fixed last night. And yes, we'd love to see the Tasuki picture!
Dear Chichiri,
I would have to say my temperment is like yours in a way, cause we're both pretty silent( not Mitskake silent though), and you also tend to keep to yourself, but yet you still manage to enjoy yourself in life. Anyway I kinda wanted to know why you shaved your head when you got older(I've been guessing its cause your a monk?). And how come you didn't appear in the second tape when Tamahome,Nuriko,Hotohori, and Miaka were at Taiit-skuns? Was it just because you weren't there at the time?
Dear Nodaing,
I was wandering when they were at Taiitsu-kun's, no da. And you're right, I do shave my head because I'm a monk, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I tried to ask my dad about my friend, Alicia, he just said he doesn't want to talk about her.....You see, Alicia's aunt was spreading rumors of her everywhere, because her mom and her aunt had a fight, and somehow she got involoved....And that aunt of hers told my dad false rumors of her.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Alicia's aunt don't sound too nice! That's a crappy thin' to do to yer own niece! I dunno how to get around this one short of havin' her aunt confess to bein' a liar an that probably ain't gonna happen! Gomen nasai.
Dear Chiriko,
Me using your name? Well, see, I'm your nephew.... You're my daddy's little brother...
Dear Doukun,
Honto, ne? Omoshiroii, desu yo!
Dear Tasuki,
Anyway, Liz, the one that has the Pokemon site, she said she was just making fun of it, but I know it's not true. I bet she said it because she don't have anything to say to get back at me. I think she collects Pokemon cards too...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, she's allowed. In this case, I'd get off her case! Sheesh! It's ALL anime! But if she goes to see th' Pokemon movie... tease her! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Wazzup man? I was just wondering does Kouji have a girlfriend. If he doesn't he should. And you should too. I mean look around, there are TONS and TONS of girls who would give there right arm for you* of course I wouldn't do that*. Anyways get over that women hating thing and realize were not all THAT bad. BTW tell Kouji I said Hi and tell Chiriko that he's the cutest of all the senshi! ^_^
Dear Megan,
Last I heard Kouji an' my sister Aidou were an item. Poor guy... I'll give him an' Chiriko yer message. An' yer right, not all women are THAT bad... Heh! Some are WORSE!
Dear Tamahome,
I'm moving and am going to have to leave my best friend! will we still stay as close together? My parents say she can visit,but i don't know!
Dear Carly,
If you both make an effort at staying in touch, yes it can work. Chichiri no Aijin and Black Jade have been best friends for years! And for a lot of years they lived on opposite sides of the country. Give it a try! You have nothing to lose.
Dear Tasuki,
Arigato for letting me to be your tomodachi!!! *gives Tasuki a kiss on the the cheek* Demo... I still wanna be your girlfriend *snif snif* =[
Anywayz, ya know what?? It's almost my birthday!!!! Hee hee... *August 5, August 5 ^-^* I don't have plan for my birthday yet... do you have any suggestions?? *smiles at Tasuki*
Oh yeah, I almost forgot... *hands Tasuki a bag of gold ryou* Give this to Tamahome and tell him that I luv him ^-^ and ask him can I be his friend =)
Asuka ^-^
Dear Asuka,
Hmmm... fer a bag of gold ryou Tamahome'll be anyone's bud! Heh-heh-heh... yer tanjoubi, eh? *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.* Happy early birthday!
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