Dear Tasuki,
Oh I feel so loved!!!! Now I have one more friend! Yea! Kawaii Tasuki-chan!
Dear Mary-chan,
Glad to make ya' happy an' to be yer tomodachi!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
A cape like Tuxedo Masks(but in navey blue~) appears and soon a pretty young girl appears, wearing the cape,also wearing clothes much like Chichiri's, and holding a staff with two points and a red and round jewel in the middle. The girl makes a bag of fuzzy red peaches appear, along with a big bag of money, cherry pie and fish.
Tasha: I offer these gifts to all of you in hopes that you may answer my questions.
Chichiri: Hands him the cherry pie and a fish and peach. Were you at all upset when Miaka didn't say anything about what happened when you were younger? And why do they say your mask is smiling, I mean you don't always have a smile on your face while your wearing it -is it just because your eyes are closed?-P.S- You have always been so cute, when you were young, with your mask on or off, your just always soo cute.
Tasuki: hands him a piece of fish and a peach. Are you Russian? You dress kinda Russian looking and you greeted Koji with a Russian dance!-P.S- Your cute to!
Tamahome: Hands him the bag of money. Do you ever actually marry Miaka ~_^?
And just exactly how upset were you when you didn't get a present? And if you had gotten a present what would it have been??
Nuriko: Hands him a piece of fish and a peach. I could make you a girl but then it just wouldn't be as much fun as calling you a fag would it, hahahaha!! What ep is it you die(I'm looking soo forward to it)?? I'm just joking with you, however I shall stop by and ask Ranma where the spring of drowned girl is.
Mitsukake: Hands him a peach and two fishs( one for Tama-neko). Did you ever talk in the 8th tape??
Hotohori & Chiriko:Hands the rest of the fish and peaches to them. Chiriko your hair isn't pink its a light brown( why did you tell Utena it was pink??). Hotohori: I've been dying to know and for this reason I never wanted Miaka to go with you. If Miaka had been Yui would you have loved Yui just as much just because she was the priestess of Suzaku??
The head wizard Tasha
Dear Tasha,
Here are your answers:
Chichiri: Her lack of response to my past didn't bother me, no da! I suppose people think the mask is always smiling because it does most of the time. Arigato for the tabemono, no da!
Tasuki: Nope! I ain't Russian! I'm from Konan! Thanks fer th' grub!
Tamahome: Yes we do eventually get married. And yes, I was VERY upset I didn't get a present from Taiitsu-kun. I don't know what it would have been if she DID give me one. Arigato for the okane!
Nuriko: *Frowns at above comments...* Thanks, I think...
Mitsukake: The 8th tape? I suppose I did. I don't really remember.
Chiriko: In many pictures of me, my hair seems to have a pinkish tint to it.
Hotohori: Perhaps, perhaps not. I did look upon the Miko as the one person who would take away my loneliness.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
I have a problem with my frizzy hair.
I'm not one with time to go to the drug store & buy any Frizz-ezz, etc. Do you have any advice
on how to keep my frizz down without using any expensive products??
Dear Jewel657,
Hmmm, I ususally would recommend an anti-frizz product. You might want to try a better conditioner, stay away from humidity, alet your hair dry naturally instead of using a blowdryer. If it's long, try wearing it in a braid if you can't tame it the other ways.
Dear Chiriko,
Ack! Don't cry! It's ok. Try not to cry, it isn't the end of the world. Though, don't those dub voices make you kinda mad? Geez. Really, they could of done it better, couldn't they? They're being mean by giving you a little girl's voice... ARGH! It makes me SO MAD!!! That dub - they severely screwed up every voice (tho some people on the Seiryuu side disserved it). Damnit. One of my friends saw that tape and actually thought you were a girl for the longest time. Don't worry, I'll pound it into her head that you're a guy, not a girl. I've been pounding it into her skull for some time. Er, at least TRYING to. *sweatdrop* She has an extremely thick skull. Eheh... Ask the others if they want the address of the creep who is in charge of the dub. I beleive some of the more violent members of the group may be VERY interisted. ^^
Ah... now that's taken care of... just don't cry. Eheh. Ok? Ah.. and I was just wondering, if you lived in my world, how far ahead of everyone else your age you'd be in school right now. Uhm... you know what I mean, right?
Uhm... I'll be going now. Can ya do me a favor and tell Tasuki to flame Tama a few times for me? I'm too lazy to type up another letter just for that. *sweatdrop* Eheh... Aren't letters without a point fun? Heehee...
Well, c'ya!
Dear Natori,
*Sniffles and his Seishi symbol starts to reappear* Sumimasen. I'm sorry for getting so upset over the dub! If you have the address to write to please send it. There seem to be alot of people (besides the Seishi) interested in voicing their displeasure with the dub.
I suppose in your world I would either be graduating High School or starting college. By the way, there is no need for me to ask Tasuki to flame Tamahome as he seems to do THAT on a regular basis!
Dear Nuriko,
You have such beautiful hair!How do you keep it so shiny and long?I wish my hair were so much like yours!!You are sooo kawaii! Tasuki too!::dreamy sigh:: oh isn't he just the greatest?!?*snaps back into reality* anyways luv ya much!
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
Arigato! I get it trimmed on a regular basis and wash and condition it daily. Your picture is very nice! As for Tasuki, he really just ISN'T my type!
Dear Tasuki,
It's not faiiirrr!!!I don't feel special anymore after you've kissed all those other girls on their cheeks!!!::tears well up in her eyes::And...and my birthday is coming up in a few days!::sob!::Maybe I just should go back to being a Nakago fan!!.::sees tama-neko at her feet and her eyes light up::Oh he's just so darling!!::cuddles tama-neko::At least someone/thing cares!If ya wanna see my picture go to: Goddess and Friends if it isn't blue so you can click it just cut and paste....I didn't know an easier linkie hehe.I'm the girl with the black hair and white t-shirt and jeans ::smiles::Well I'm going to go now.Luv to the seishi!
Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Peorth,
Heh, if I kiss all th' fangirls there goes my rep as a woman hater! But since it's yer birthday soon...*Kisses her on the cheek* OK?
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for your advice Tasuki *Kisses him on the cheek and runs off*
Slightly Cheery (I've been upgraded from Sad and Alone ;))
Dear Cheery,
Cool! Glad to have been able to help ya' out!
Dear Nuriko,
You should feel lucky. You're the only one who didn't eat Miaka's cooking because of that sad event that happened in your life. Well, I just you aren't so lucky then... Anyways, you're COOL!!!!!
Dear Mary-chan,
Thanks for the compliment! I don't know which was worse that "event" or Miaka's cooking!
Dear Tasuki,
*acting* Oh tasuki, won't you kiss me too? J/K. sorry. couldn't help it. serious Q. WHY YA KEEP ERASIN' MY &*$#$'IN LETTERS?!! I don't recall writin' anything that needs erasin'.
Dear yuffie2,
'Cos they weren't any kinda answerable question!
Dear Mitsukake,
do you feel sad about your wife???
Mina ^_~
Dear Mina,
While Shouka wasn't my wife. I am still sad about her passing.
Dear Tasuki,
When you and Miaka were waiting for Chichiri and Tamahome in Kutou, Miaka said, "Nakago's over there doing a strip!" Why did you look at where she was pointing?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
'Cos sometimes I'm jus' a *&^%$#@ baka! OK????
Dear Tasuki,
That friend of mine, Liz, the one that hates anime....I asked her why she made a Pokemon site if she thinks anime is stupid.....she said she wants to make fun of it. Is she stupid or what? *sigh* Oh, yeah, and about the other friend, the one that my dad hates, well....I think she is a very nice person, but my dad keeps telling me that she's in the wrong crowd....But I don't think that's true.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
No, she's jus' expressin' her opinion an' evenif ya' don't agree wit' it she's not stupid fer doin' it. Did I jus' say THAT?!?!?! Man! I gotta stop hangin' wit' Chichiri so d**n much! What yer father says is kinda vague. What are they doin' that makes 'em th' wrong crowd?? Drinkin', smokin', doin' drugs, robbin' people? See if he'll give ya' details, but be prepared if they're ugly!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko. I just want to ask you one question!
Do you think Tasuki could stomach your "Nuriko Special"? Don't ask me why I asked that cause i don't even know!
Dear Elyra,
Probably. He has quite a tolerance for alcohol.
Dear Chichiri,
what do you like best no da or you know???
Mina ^_~
Dear Mina,
No da, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ohaiyo! (it is still morning, ne?) This is a split letter, so bear with my skitsophrenia, or however you spell that word... -_-;
First: (I have to glow about this..) My page got fan mail! That's so f'kin cool!! *bounces around happily*
Second: The serious/question part: I need to find Fushigi Manga translations! I was going to do a section on my page that paired manga scans with their translations, but when I asked Tasuki no Miko if I could use hers, she said no, so now I need to find another person who has translations that wouldn't mind me useing them. Do you know of any site (and if anyone reading this knows e-mail me (
Also: I have another fan fic I did.. it's a short one and it's kinda like a follow up on 'Enemy Within'(Gomen nasai Chichiri-sama... gomen nasai...) so go read it.. and um... don't kill me... please? *hides* (I did do everyone in character, with a minor change witch VERY much fit the situation.. ne? ne? Ano... Tasuki-sama... anno.. put the tessen down... *runs away*
Dear Fran-Nyan,
Tasuki and I are VERY interested in reading your fanfic but you did not list the site, no da. We left your email address since we know of no one besides Tasuki no Miko who has translations. Good luck no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*comes in lugging huge bottles of sake*
Oi, Tasuki-sama, have a some!! I'm gonna drink ya under the table and this time, I'll actually do it!!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOO~~~!!! I won't let you beat me this time!!! Oops, this outfit is all wrong...
*transforms so she's wearing her black leather outfit and whip*
*grabs some sake and begins drinking*
Dear Jean,
*Grabs both the bottle and whip away from her.* Ya' ain't old enough fer that! Who d'ya think ya' are Tira from Sorcerer Hunters??? Tsk, tsk... girls! *Sighs* Wha' am I gonna do wit' ya?? Yer gonna get me in trouble ya' know.
Dear Chiriko,
Okay, I understand why you would be hesitant to give me... ah... what I requested. So here, how about we trade this *shows Chiriko a book of Chinese legends* and this *a pack of underwear* for it? Not the pair you're wearing, of course, just some you own. Please? Tamahome gave me *his* underwear. ^_^
Dear Mearl-chan,
Tamahome is older and greedy! Two things that I am not. Gomen nasai.
Dear Mitsukake,
Have you a cure for Internet deprivation?? My friend Anne made me write!! She has a really good computer but something's wrong with it so she can't get the net until it's fixed ^^;;
Dear Jean,
Either share your PC with her or have her find an Internet cafe. If not she'll have to go cold turkey until it's fixed and that can get ugly!
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI TASUKI TASUKI!!! Hey yooh woman! oh sowie..i just like to call guys that...okie so how have u been? hows koji? is he aight? thats kewlio..hey don get mad if i ask ya this buta.....why do u get PMS problems when ppl ask little questions? Do u even care about they're feelings? I hope ur working on that....but we forgive you....don get mad at mee okie!! damn..its frickin cold here....and its summer too...i'm here in ca..yepperz yepp....okie well i gotta run now...peace out love yooh muah! **r u goin to give me a kiss too? it will brighten my day if ya do** (=~_^=)
Dear YuNa,
Hmmm.. lessee, ya' complain 'bout my atittude, ya' accuse me of havin' female problems an' I'm MALE by th' way, an' now ya' wanna kiss?? I don't think so!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri!!! heyloo! how r u?..meeh..i'm kewlio...hey i was just wondering...okie i've seen alla the 1st series of fushigi ends when everybody goes back home rite!! then i saw the 3 OAV's..but thats it!!!! I saw them in subtitle...but i wanto see more!!!! where do i go!!!! if i don't see another episode..i'll die!!!! i watch them over and over andover...i'm starting to memorize the lines!! And i'm not even Japanese!!! i'm korean damn it!! i'm trippin...i gotta ask go ask tasuki if he has any chill pills...**no offense tasuki but uu've been having some MAJOR PMS problems..** especially to girls...we know why...i gotta write to u about that...okie tanks chihiri!! love ya..take care buh bye!!!~~**
*dee one n onlee Yuna!*
Dear Yuna,
There was one more 6 episode OVA after the one you saw, no da. You might try Anime Republic or Ventura Anime to order it from, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
So Chiriko...if u think your soo smart..wat is this language...mee ahn hae...chriko....shim shim hae suh ee guh lul suh suh....and to all the hang guuk saram's...ahn nyung! If you can read that and tell me wat it says...i give u props! if not...ur not as smart eh?
weirdo =p
Dear weirdo,
Without hearing it I can only postulate that it is either nonsense or an Eastern tongue that I am not familiar with. I can hazard a guess at Chinese or Vietnamese, but without hearing the true intonations it is very difficult.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey honey we know you're really lonely we know you're as amusing as a sock drying in the dryer but we still love you much! what is tama neko's favorite kind of food? i suppose he is a picky eater...but don't answer "fish" because we know that all cats like a nice dead fish...
later no da~
goddess chimaera
Dear goddess chimaera,
Fish and small rodents or birds that he catsches as food is what he eats. As to your "sock in dryer" comment, what is a dryer?
Dear Chichiri,
Hey...its me again....I was wundern in the series was Tatsikun the creator of all living things in the book? then what created her?
Dear Dai,
Good question, no da! Since she is the Ultimate Creatrix of our world perhaps she has always been around, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Since you have 5 other sisters, I thought I'd give this question a shot ^_^
I have a younger sister that REALLY annoys the heck out of me. Recently, I figured, What's the use of trying to beat her up all the time? It's not like it's gonna make her stop, so I did. Now, I'm trying REALLY hard to fight the urge to smack her RIGHT ON THE HEAD... Sorry -_-; imagine my embarrassment. Well, she keeps on bugging me and I don't wanna hit her :( I've been picking on her for the last 13 years of my life, and I at least wanna try an' leave my sister un-hurt by the New Millenium. What can I do to stop those little urges to smack HER ON THE NOSE... Woops, there I go again. And believe me, Hitting pillows etc. doesn't work for me, I've tried it and I only ended up SCREAMING AT HER... Ugh, these outbursts are getting annoying. Okay, I'd appreciate it if you responded before I um... Get to her again.
Gonna lock herself up in the closet in the mean time,
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Tasuki,
Well, why don't ya' find out why she's such a pain? She jus' may want yer attention. Mebbe ya' can set some ground rules an' spend some time wit' her in exchange fer her leavin' ya' alone.
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello! Um, i've never done this before. Anyway, here goes. I have this friend who bites her nails. (Nasty habit) She asked me for help on how to to break the habit. I was wondering if you have any suggestions. Um,
it would really help because I don't know what to do.
Domo arigato,
Dear Sanichan,
Well, there are preperations that she can paint on her nails to prevent her from chewing them. Some are peppery some are bitter. Nuriko also suggests that she get a good manicure and try to keep it nice. Good luck to your friend!
Dear Tasuki,
I almost forgot! heh heh heh.. i uh.. oh wait.. OK. Be at the message board (check the chatroom) on August 2nd at 9:00 pm!! If you aren't.. Jean will be very sad and she'll cry.. for reasons yu cannot know. Hahhahahaha!!
don't know why i did that. Now, don't erase my message like you did the others.. or.. or.. I'll steal cloud's materia and say YOU did it!! hahahahaha!! *thinks about that* good idea. *starts writing* 1. steal cloud's materia 2. steal everyone else's materia 3. try to take over the world 4. steal cloud's materia again without him noticing 5. force a cloud cola down his throat 6. force five more cloud colas down his throat 7. and finally steal cloud's materia again
Oops. Okay.. uh.. ignore that! i know i'm annoying so don't make any comments on that. Just tell me you'll be at the.. um.. you'll be there and you better not be late or lying!! *smiles* well?
Dear Yuffie2,
Heh-heh yerself! I ain't marryin' Jean or anyone else! So if that's yer plan, ferget it! I'll be there, but NOT fer THAT!
Dear Chichiri,
How do you get your hair like that, no da? I try desperately to get as cool a 'do, but with no luck. I CAN'T wait 'till my friend from NY sends me the series FY on tape so I can study the schematics and wotnot of your hair, no da!
Blake Ellis
Dear Blake Ellis,
Well, in your world you would have to shave your hair fairly short, no da! Just leave 5 inch or so bangs up front and a small thin tail in the back, no da! Then you'd have to dye it blue and probably use gel to make the bangs stand up. In MY world it is just the natural way my hair is, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was just wondering... If all seven of you guys we're stuck in a room with Tomo, (No doors, no windows) How long would you last? (Before you were driven insane? Heheh...) AND, None of you have your powers and/or attacks! That means no Teleportation magic Chichiri, and no Tessen Tasuki! You know, pratically defensless. >:)
Dear Bored,
Hmmm... shouldn't that be "How long will HE last??" Powers or not I can still beat th' cr*p outta him if he makes a move on me! An' I'm sure Tamahome feels th' same way!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, I finally got to watch the end of the FY series. Let me tell you, your story was one of the best things I've ever watched. I got my friend totally hooked on Fy now,and all of you guys! ^_^ I can't wait to show her the end when she comes up next week. What a great ending episode it was too. Now I can't wait to see the OAVs. You guys are the best! ^^
Dear K-chan,
The first OVA is a bit confusing but makes a nice bridge between the original series and the second OVA. We're glad that you enjoyed it so much. Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi. If you want to know the truth, I haven't seen a single episode of the FY seires. Is it worth watching?
Blake Ellis
Dear Blake Ellis,
Hai, no da! In fact, Chichiri no Aijin has loaned her tapes to her Japanese friends and they all love it, no da! It is very well written and is not straight shoujo romance. It does tend to get very dark as it goes on, no da. I think you will enjoy it, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi, I think you are kawaii!
Dear Doukun,
Arigato! Ano, why are you using MY name?
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama! I think you're so wonderful! And so handsome too. ^^ I wish what happened to you didn't happen(::tries to avoid making a spoiler:: ^^;;) I cried watching it. You were so very noble to fight alongside your soldiers like that. And your hair is so long! o_o It's beautiful, but doesn't it get snarly really quick? Probably not, because you have servants who take care of it, nee? ^^
Dear K-chan,
Arigato. A good leader should fight alongside his men and not hid in the safety of distance or in the background. I generally keep my hair tied back or up so it is relatively tangle free. I actually take care of my own personal needs, I am quite capable and do not wish to have servants do such things for me.
Dear Chichiri,
Oi, Chichiri-sama! I took this test called the Kiersey Temperament test! I don't know if you've ever heard of it. ^^; It's supposed to tell you what sort of temperament you have. And my imouto Marron-chan told me she knew of a site that had the Seishi's temperaments listed so you can compare them! Well the first time I did it, I got Nakago's temperament. I am NOTHING like him! I don't understand why I got it. ;_; The second time, I got your temperament! I didn't mind that at all because you're so kakkoi, no da! ^_~ And the third time, I got Mitsukake's temperament. ^_^ I just thought I'd tell you because I thought it was kinda interesting! ^_^ And I don't know why they changed every time. I filled in the same answers. o_o; Ne, I just realized I've written a load of letters this week. o_o Gomen! ^^;
Dear Reddie-chan,
That's ok, no da! Perhaps the test has no merit if each tinme you put in the same answers, the results change. But tthe fact it shows OUR temperments is very intersteing, no da? What site is it at, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Just this morning, I accidentally slammed my finger on my dresser drawer ;_; It really hurts! Since it didn't break the skin though, it's bleeding from underneath my skin! It's turning pink and swelling up... Help!
Finger Hurting
Dear Finger,
Put it in some ice to ease the pain and swelling. You may wish to take some aspirin or Tylenol if it really hurts. If it continues to swell or turn colors or becomes hard or painful to move, your parents should take you toyour family healer.
Dear Chichiri,
So what are your TRUE opinions on Taiit-skun..?? huh? huh?? we don't want no pansy answers like "I respect his/her power,mainly because he/she is the controller of the universe of tenchi." We want to know your TRUE opinion of her LOOKS ONLY!! and dont think that just ecause you are sme wandering mage you can say "nice things...." we want the truth of the monk to be reveallllled!!!!!!!!!!!
Goddess Chimaera and Goddess Peorth
Dear Goddess Chimaera and Goddess Peorth,
Saa, her looks, no da? Well in the form that Taiitsu-kun takes for most of Fushigi Yuugi she is rather, ano, imposing, no da! The true form revealed at the end of the second OVA is somewhat less, ano... discomforting, no da. However, she and the nyan-nyan are quite pleasant to be around and I did learn quite a lot from them, na no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Genrou-sama! Guess what! ::hops up and down:: I saw a real wild wolf! ...Well it's sorta a wolf. Around here we have REALLY big coyotes the hunters call bushwolves. They look like wolves! And I saw one! It was so pretty. ;_; And you know what else? You can hear them at night howling! It's SO cool..heh heh..except my best friend doesn't like it. They make her freak out. But I think it's cool. You can hear them best when they're hunting! People want to shoot them though because they're so close to our homes and because we have a really bad rabies scare where I live. But I don't think that's right! They haven't attacked anyone! ::grumbles:: Some people just don't like wildlife I guess. Ah well, I just wanted to tell you because I know you like wolves. ^_^
Dear Reddie-chan,
Kakkoi!! Poor ookami! It ain't his fault that man is livin' in his space. Mebbe ya' should learn to share th' space somehow...
Dear Tasuki,
I am truly sorry about before, *blushes* you know what I am talking about...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Heh-heh, s'okay yer jus' young. You'll learn... but not from me! That AIN'T my job as senpai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks up at Tasuki, yips and waggles its little tail*
Dear Ko-ookami,
Tasuki: Yer kinda kawaii. I think I'll name ya' Moro. S'okay by ya'?
Tamahome: Awwww... he is kind of cute,almost looks like you in the muzzle! Hahahaha...ITAI! It BIT me!!
Good Moro... heh-heh-heh... that'll teach 'im!
Tasuki and Tamahome
Dear Chiriko, you know anything about rabies? My friend told me her dog got into a fight with an opossum and she said her dog was foaming at the mouth. She called animal control and they said that opossums don't carry rabies, but in my state, we have an overabundance of rabid animals and they said that any wild animal(except birds, I think) can carry rabies. Even humans. o_o; Anyway, I don't know if you'll know the answer, but do opossums carry rabies too? I don't know who's right, her state or mine. And I was just curious because we have a wild opossum living in our backyard and so now I'm going to be VERY careful around it. >_< Arigatou!
Dear Reddie-chan,
Opossums can carry rabies. If your friend's dog is foaming at the mouth that is generally a sure sign of rabies and he should be taken to the veterinarian AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! They may be able to cure him, but I am not certain. Good luck and stay away from the wildlife!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama! I think you're totemo kakkoi! *_* does my oneechan. She's obsessed with you. o_o And.. she's a little like Kodachi. She even laughs like her. ;_; Uwah! ::ducks a flying object:: Eh-heh.. ^^; ::scampers off::
Dear Reddie-chan,
Arigato, tee-hee. If you're ducking flying objects your oneechan sounds more like Aidou!
Dear Tamahome,
I just finally saw the end of the FY TV series today! You know.. *looks down, pokes her fingers together* I never used to like you because you hurt Miaka a lot in the beginning, especially when you were evil. -.-;; but you got better, and now you're the sweetest guy I know!(besides Tasuki :P )
Seriously, the things you said to Miaka at the end.."I'll find you, even if it takes thousands of years" made me cry, and mushy stuff usually never gets to me! ;_; Miaka is SO lucky to have you and she better not let you go (which I highly doubt she will anyway, because she calls your name every 3 seconds ^_~)
And..since I didn't ask for advice, I only gave compliments.. I can keep my money right? Juuust kidding. ::hands him some ryou and skips off::
Dear K-chan,
*Blushes* Arigato for the compliments AND the okane! I'm glad that you eventually changed your mind about me!
Dear Nuriko,
This is Metamia! Wow! I haven't written somehting in awhile!! I just wanted to tell you about my friend Sushi chan. She is SOOOO in love with you!! She thinks you're the greatest!! She is always telling me about her Nuriko how do you feel about such devoted love from fans, eh? I hope it makes you very happy!! Oh yes...Sushi hates Ashitare...
Metamia ^_^
Dear Metamia,
I think it is very sweet! Please tell Sushi-chan I said hi!
Dear Tasuki,
I AM NOT worse than Miboshi!!
Dear Suboshi,
Hmmmm.... lessee, Miboshi effectively caused Chiriko's death an' ya' slaughtered an entire family!!! Jus' to piss off an' upset Tamahome... yeah, yer *&^%$#@ worse!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi there Mitsukake! I just wanted to tell you that I think you're an incredibly noble person. I finally got to see the rest of Fushigi Yuugi yesterday. Well, only the TV series, but oh well. ^^; I saw what you did for all those wounded people.. you thought of them way before you thought of yourself. You made me cry because that was one of the most noble things I've ever seen. ;_; I think, in real life, I'm a lot like you. Unless I'm around people I've known for a while, and am really comfortable with them and stuff, I'm a very quiet, reserved and shy person. Sometimes I even get too shy to write to you Seishi on the message board. ^^;; And I also love animals! Tama is so adorable. I wish my cat was like Tama, but she's adorable in her own way. ^^ So I don't think you're boring at all. ^_^ If people say you're boring, well then, they just don't understand you. =/
Bai now! ^_^
Dear K-chan,
Thank you for your kind words. I did not see what I did as a noble gesture, I just did what I felt had to be done. I'm glad that someone understands me. Arigato gozaimashita!
Dear Nuriko,
_PURPLE_ streaks?? *briefly examines her long black hair* If I tried that well... my friends would say I was trying to be you!! I wear my bangs even though they're kind of long so it looks like I have Nuriko bangs!! Once I braided my hair and went to school saying that I was you ^^;; My friends were so amused one even wrote a fanfic about you posessing my body!! There was one heavenly moment where I got to kiss Tasuki-sama.... but then it became quite tragic for me... ;_;
Red seems to be the usual color for Asian girls like myself, my friend Cathy died her hair into a brownish-red, another friend Diana has gold and red streaks in her hair and sometimes I find a strand of my hair which is not only black but blonde, red and brown ^^;;
I read a fanfic called 'A Man and His Miko' written by Jill James and I began to wonder about the formal wear when it got to Boushin's 13th b-day party, it's a great fanfic, everyone (espeically Tasuki-sama, it's all about him and a certain lucky someone) should read it!! A Man and His Miko
Ja ne!! See ya later ^_~
Dear Jean,
We started to read it & decided to save it to the hard disk and finish later. What we read of it was great!!
Red streaks would look very pretty on you! Chichiri no Aijin spoke to Mr. Ronn about you (he puts red streaks in her hair when she is feeling a bit "Tasuki") and he said if you and your mom want him to do the streaks he would be happy to do that for you. But any good stylist should be able to do itwithout frying your hair.
So I possessed your body AND kissed Tasuki??? Omoshiroii! He never really appealed to me THAT way! Tee-hee...
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