Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-san! How have you been? I'm bored, so I decided I'd write you. ^_^; I got out of the hospital Tuesday, I had an operation done on my stomach. It was NOT the thrill of my life. The nurses had to hold me down when they were trying to stick the IV needle in me. ;_; I can't help it if I have a phobia of needles. >=/
Anyways, sorry about rambling about that. ^_^; I haven't written in a while, so I figured I would. How's Kouji and everyone doing? I'm still working on my shrine to you. I'm having a REALLY hard time with the html though. ~.~;;
Ah well, take care and write back soon! ^_^
Reddie (slightly in pain)
Dear Reddie,
Sorry to hear yer in pain! Are ya' OK now? Nothin' too serious I hope. Me, Kouji, an' th' bandits are doin' OK. Keep on workin' on that HTML! Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichi wa Chiriko-sama!! Well.....i've like asked so many people....but whatever they suggest....I just can't seeem to get it I came to u....
I've like asked everyone how I can save my wav files of mp3's.....they all told me theres a box that shows up asking u to save it.....I had that pop up beofore.....but last time I think I wasn't looking and pressed something else.....but that wasn't the worst the box doesn't show up anymore and I can't save the sound files I download anymore.....and its made me so depressed.....can u help me????
*tear falls* Arigato Chiriko-sama
Dear Fushigi15,
If the save box is no longer appearing when you try to download a file, you either accidentally changed a preference setting or something in your browser is corrupted. I recommend that you back up your bookmarks, uninstall your browser, and then reinstall it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello everyone, I was just lookin' around the web when I decided to drop by the page. I've been busy with my job, (my first job ever!) along with working on my FY webpage, taking care of my pet parakeets and writing my stories/comics. I finally got on the web and wanted to stop by. I was wonderin' what you guys think of when you're possin' for the Seishi of the week pics. Also, do you guys know what Tamales are? My mom makes a huge batch of 'em every year and gives them out to friends and co-workers. I wanted you guys to taste 'em. Some say they're a bit spicy, I don't think so. There are plenty to go around! Taste! What do ya think of 'em?! If ya want Tamahome, I'll give ya basket of 'em free of charge so you can sell 'em! Well I hope you enjoyed 'em! I gotta tend to my parakeets, Quasi wants some time out of the cage. He's squakin' up a storm.
Dear Heenker,
I'd bet it was, "How th' hell did we get roped in to this!?!?!?!?" Heh-heh... *Tries a tamale...* OISHII!!!! Yums!!! Hot an' spicy jus' like me!! Thanks fer th' yummy grub!
Dear Mitsukake,
Can you heal bad eyesight?? I have to wear glasses or contacts and I hate wearing them!! It's such a damn pain in the butt!!
Dear Jean,
I can, but not on your world. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I hav ebeen searching for the anime character sketches (or really an full body anime pic that can be turned in a trans. gif) of the byakko & genbu sieshi..that is the 2 genbu plus genbu no miko and the three byakko plus byakko no miko. If you can help me it wouldbe very appreciated!!!!!!!!! alos do you have this info for the following characters:Houki, Keisuke & Tetsuya ,Tama - Neko,Taiitsukun,Nyan - Nyans
Real Name:
Birth Date:
Thank you so much...!
btw- my new fy page should be up by the end of the week and I am planning on putting ot @ hope you come see it soon!
Dear Keely,
Gomen nasai, we don't have that information handy. Have you checked out The Chicken of Doom or Otakuworld websites? They are both listed on our links peeji.
Dear Hotohori,
Are you going to have another child?
Dear Anon,
Not at this time or any time in the future.
Dear Nuriko,
How can I look extremely glamourous and extravagant?
Dear Katrina,
Eat right and exercise daily. Wear natural looking make up and dress in fashinable but faddish clothing.
Dear Tasuki,
How exactly do you use that halisen thingy?
your NUMBER 1 fan,
Dear Ryoko,
It's called a tessen an' I'd say I use it pretty damn good!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuri-chan!!! Lately, the only make-up I've been wearing is nail polish but it always seemed to get messed up after a few minutes of wearing it!!! I want my nails to look nice but since it's been messing up a lot, it looks horrible!! Got any advice???
Dear Jean,
Yes! Try not to use your hands for 15-30 minutes after you have finished polishing your nails. It sounds as if you're smudging them.
Dear Chiriko,
konnichiwa! ogenki desu ka? well i hope you are fine. well this is my problem and i ask of your advise, normally when its the beginning of the school year i always do my classwork and homework on time but when i start getting into the year i start to get lazy and then i'm to lazy to do my work... and normally when we're doing classwork, yeah i do the work but i'm never to fast enough to finish it when its due... since i'm on summer vacation... chiriko, how can i improve on those habits?
asuka langley
Dear asuka,
Well, you're off to a good start by recognizing that you are having problems. It sounds as if you burning yourself out by the way you are doing your studies. Try pacing yourself. Don't try to cram everything into one night. Set aside a definite study time of 2-3 hours and stick to it. I hope this helps. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
I just got The FY Cd 'Sensitive Mind." You sing so well! All I do is play it over and over...
Dear Cho,
Thanx!! Glad ya' liked it!!!
Dear Tasuki,
would you like to share a drink with me? you like beer right? because i prefer liquor... do you mind the differance?
asuka langley
Dear asuka,
Sure! Where do ya' wanna meet? By th' way, I perfer sake, but I'll drink anythin' wit' alcohol in it!!
Dear Tasuki,
Just a note to you and Chichiri to thank you for your sentiments and kind words. Writing to you helps me because you're always so sweet in your response. My friend is still struggling to stay alive, amazingly, but the outlook isn't good. I'm feeling better about it now, though.
Thanks again.
Dear Tsutsuji,
Hang in there! Th' outlook may be bad but ya' never know! I'm sure he knows yer there fer him. Whatever happens, we're here fer ya'! If ya' make it to AX look fer Chichiri no Aijn and me!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko-sama!!! I just wanted to know everyone's favorite song......what I mean is like their favorite new music.....or what you guys prefer to listen all of you listen to a radio or know what it is......of course you probably do but I was just wondering..... *waves good-bye* Stay kawaii Nuriko!!
Hmmm... what have we been listening to lately??? Well, SMAP and TM Revolution come to mind. They are both J-Pop (Japanese popular) groups. I have been told that Da Bump (more J-Pop) is also quite good. We hardly listen to the radio, we just generally listen to Chichiri no Aijin's CD's. So we listen to what she listens to and so far it is pretty good!
Dear Chichiri,
My friend wants to know two things.
1) I know you've heard this a thousand times, but how do make your hair DO that??? (Wow, that's original.)
2) Will you take her out on a date???
She's to shy to ask you herself, so now I'm her personal messenger. Goodie. Thanx!!
Dear Cho,
My hair just does that naturally, no da! I suppose that if I were able to come to your world and your friend was not too young, I would take her out, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! Just have a few questions for you, no da. First, are you ever going to go completely without your mask? You're cute either way, no da!! Second, have you at any point loved Miaka, or even Yui?
Thankx alot, no da!!
Sey Something
Dear Sey Something,
I can say with great confidence that I have NEVER beein love with either Miaka or Yui, no da! I suppose if I were to heal my eye I would no longer have any use for the mask. But that may be far in the future, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
how do you feel about people saying that miaka and tasuki should be a couple and how they say that she doesnt deserve you because you've hurt her phsycally and emotionally? just curious...
Dear asuka,
It doesn't bother me a lot. I was under the influence of Kodoko after all and really don't remember that time.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey whats goin' on? Its Sey Something again. I know I'm writing so soon, but I love 'ya. I'm actually without my best bud, Momoko-chan, *frowns*, so I decided to write. I used to love Tamahome lots, but now you're my favorite. Are you shocked Momoko-chan? I have a few weird questions, but could 'ya answer them?
1. Do you like short or long hair?
2. Do you like horses?
3. Do you like girls with some attitude?
Talk to 'ya later!!! THANKX
Sey Something
Dear Sey Something,
So I'M yer favorite now? Cool! Poor Tamahome... heh-heh-heh...
OK here's yer answers:
1) On who? I like MY hair jus' th' way it is!
2) Yeah, I like horses. 'Cept when th' damn thins' don't listen to me!
3) NO! Too much like my sisters! Guess I like a bit more like Miaka.
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko how can you be that smart? What kind of books do you read?
Your Fan
Dear Fan,
All of them! I have always loved to read. You should try to read at least one book a week. That is how you gain knowledge.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Umm..I always fight with my big sister Urd. She always pisses me off! What should i do to cure that?
Goddess Skuld
Dear Goddess Skuld,
Don't let her anger you, no da. Perhaps if you discussed what she does that bothers you so with her, then the two of you wouldn't fight, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
My mom had a very interesting question that she came up with the other day when we discussing a spider bite she got on the weekend. So, I figured...You being the expert of information...I would ask you. She thought I was nuts when I mentioned I would write to you, but she'll be surprised when you respond.
Anyways, on to the question...
Do Spiders Have Ears?
That's it...Strange no? We have the weirdest conversations when we're eating. Must be in the food. And to add to the question, if they don't, are they deaf? Thanks for your time!
Dear Kaori,
I checked on the web and couldn't find an answer to your questions. I do know that they feel vibrations, that's how they know that something has landed on their web. So I would say they have no ears, but 8 eyes and are deaf but are extremely sensitive to vibrations and movement of any kind. I hope your okaasan is OK. Keep an eye on her bite and if it starts to look like a red and black bull's eye take her to the doctor immediately!! That is generally the sign of a bite by the Brown Fiddler spider and they can be VERY bad! The poison it injects kills the surrounding tissue of the bite. If you go to Webcrawler (no pun intended) and type in SPIDERS you will find lots of information on the subject.
Dear Hotohori,
are you a star?
Dear mini,
No. I am an emperor and a Suzaku Seishi. But, I am beautiful enough to be a star, ne?
Dear Tasuki,
where do you live? And why is your hair's red?
Dear corla,
I sometimes live in Kounan Kokou and sometimes in th' cyberabode. Why is my hair red??? Why not??? Hell, Chichiri's hair is (*&^%$# BLUE!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Hoy Chichiri! Ya said that yer masks were magical so ya had an infinite number of spares right? Then why the hell do we see ya without one so often eh? Anyway, hope ya won't run out of these.
Dear Neotasuki,
Gomen nasai that my real face distresses you so, no da. I shall try not to show it so often, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
If you didn't hate women, what would you look for in a girl? Personality-wise?
Dear Kaori,
I guess someone like me, but with a little Miaka thrown in so she's not TOO obnoxious...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konichiwa! I have this tiny little problem and was wondering if you could help. See I have this koneko here...::holds her hands out in which she is holding a little orange and white koneko:: Poor little thing doesn't have a home and I can't keep you suppose you could find a place for her? Thanks so much!
Dear Kyoko,
KAWAII DESU NE!! If it is a cyber koneko (and Tama-neko doesn't mind) I'd love to take her/him! If this is a real world koneko, perhaps you can find a "no kill" shelter to take her/him to. And they will adopt your koneko out for you.
Dear Tasuki,
konnichiwa... well i just got through reading all those letters and answers... well let me just take the time to gush over how much your so kawaii and so loveable!!!
well based on looks, you look so cute, and not just cute in some pictures but you also look so fine in others... i just love your eyes and your fangs make you look so cute! i just love your hair too! and i love the way you dress... lets just say i love the whole package...
and now about actions and personality... i love it all. i love it when you get mad... your firey temper and everything just attracts me so much and cuz its so cute and funny when you get mad... i also love it when you argu
with tama... what i love most is when you get into kick-@$$ mode! i really love the way you fight and everything you really got the skills and everything! your very talented also... you can really sing! i also love that little dance you got with koji and all. i love your voice, your laugh, and the way you swear so much. i also really admirer how you would risk your own life for your friends that you love and care for... but if i had the chance to protect you when you when badly beaten by tama i would also be willing to risk my life for you... great now i feel pretty weird and stupid at how i'm gushing out like this at you... i feel despreate...
well... i feel bad though beacuse i could probably never get you to feel for me in that way... i mean plus you barely know me even though i would love for a chance to get to know you better you know a chance to know you personally and be one of the many close friends like koji and chichiri...
well okay i don't want you to start getting the impression that i'm despreate over you... okay you can ask all my friends because i'm not like other girls... i'm rather unusual if you start to compare... well all i have to say is that i'm not all obsesive over you maybe just upset how your one of those out-of-reach guys... :( well since this letter is getting awfully long i guess i'll just say that i get along mostly with guys because i understand them and i'm not one to rule over or tell a guy what to do, why should a girl tell a guy to do? besides my relationship within a guy friendship, i get along with them quite nicely and i'm really nice to them and truyly respect them... well this letter is awfully long... i wounder is this your longest? well if you wouldnt mind... could you please return your thoughts to this letter? if its possible email me? (sorry bout my email addy) arigato for patiently reading this letter... sayonara
yours truly,
Dear millena,
Whew! I wish ya' could write to th' baka that keeps sendin' me hate mail! Arigato fer all th' nice stuff ya' said 'bout me!
Dear Mitsukake,
well okay i read all the questions and answers i'm guessing that took me probably an hour... it was so sad to see that you had only 2 letters sent to you... well i'm just sending you this friendly letter to say konnichiwa! how are you today? well me? i'm okay not that my day was much fun... i'm on summer vacation and well not much exciting really happens... so could i ask you how did you meet shoka? well and also why are you so quiet? well um... i really dont have much to say but i hope that you get more letters... :)
asuka langley
Dear asuka langley,
Arigato! I am fine thanks. I actually did get some other letters, but they weren't very nice. I met Shouka in my village. I suppose you could say I am quiet because I am rather introspective.
Dear Tasuki,
Konichiwa Taski-san! What's with the baka who thinks your a wuss? Sheesh! I think it was real brave of you to save her knowin' you can't swim and all. Jeez...I refused to go near water for a long time after I almost drown when I was younger. By the way, if ya'd like I'll teach you how to swim. And what's with Kyori sayin' that girls can't be bandits? O_o Kyori must have a death wish or somethin' sayin' such things. I'd make a great bandit.
Dear Kura-chan,
Well, th' baka needs to get a life! I'm jus' too *(&^%$# cool an' they jus' gott adeal wit' that fact! Kyori was right. We usually don't let females in unless they can outdrink an' out brawl th' whole lot of us!
Dear Chichiri,
konnichiwa! how are you? well i guess i wanted to ask you was that umm... do you like any body? just curious... or well does anyone else like you? cuz i mean its kinda sad not to see you with anyone cuz i mean your a great guy and all... all nice sweet and funny cuz i think you like the most loveable character you and chiriko... well so yeah i got nothing else to say... sayonara
Dear asuka,
Not at this moment, no da! But who knows what the future may bring? Arigato for your kind words, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You all have to answer this okay, no da? (Yes, I am a Chichiri fan, no da.) What were your reactions when you found out you were a Suzaku sieshi, no da? And when did you find out, no da?
Chiri, no da
P.S. I love you all, no da. You all made me so happy, no da.
Dear Chiri,
We all very surprised, no da! Most of us found out when we were children or in our teens, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
do you have feelings for miaka? hmm... what else? do you still have that opinion on "i hate women" thing? and one more... if you were ever to fall for someone what would qualities would you want in that person?
Dear asuka,
I do care about her, she is my friend an' miko! I jus' really hate bein' manipulated! That's what I hate about women!! I dunno how to answer th' last question. I would guess a carin' person like me!
Dear Tamahome,
Ne Tamahome, aren't ya a bit annoyed about all those guys (girsl?) in love with Miaka? Oh yea, and here yer cash *reluctantly gives Obake-chan some gold pieces*. Geee, yer really hafta do somethin' about that O-KA-NE mania of yers, it's gettin' expensive.
Dear Neotasuki,
Not really. She loves me and that's all that really matters!
Dear Nuriko,
Are you male or female?
Dear Anonymous,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you were one of the other seishi (any of the four mikos'), who would you be? And God, I hope you don't all want to be Tamahome so you can marry Miaka... I know Chichiri wouldn't do that. AND if you were a character from a different animation, who would you be? You could be a girl if you wanted... (Tasuki... JUST KIDDING!) Who's your favorite anime animal? (If yo all agree Tama-neko, please pick someone else.) Oh yeah, thanks for the anime suggestions!! (I hate sailor moon though...) ArigaTO!
Little Skuld
Dear Little Skuld,
Interesting questions. I hope our answers are equally intriguing.
Chichiri: Hikitsu and Suoh from Clamp School Detectives, no da! JiJi (since you won't let me choose Tama-neko, no da!)
Tasuki: Tomite and Lupin III. Charmeleon.
Tamahome: Tokaki and Yuu from Marmalade Boy. Ryo-Okie.
Nuriko: Hotohori and Saotomi Ranma. Totoro
Hotohori: Myself. I cannot imagine ANY other seishi being as beautiful as I am. Or any other character for that matter. Chokobo.
Chiriko: Tasuki and Yahiko. Pikachu.
Mitsukake: Chiriko (because he was so brave) and Asami from Sanctuary. Why Tama-neko of course!
Dear Chichiri,
Thanks for your advice! And i'm glad my dad didn't frighten away Sean. We're still friends and talk every few days. My dad is another story, but it's gettin better. Chichiri, you should come to the message board more ofter, i know a few people who wouldn't mind talkin to you more...
Dear Mary,
I'm glad that things are working out for you, no da! As things settle down here, I shall try to be on the board more, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Umm hi, yeah I just wanted to say I made a shrine to you thats still in progress but is up. So here's the link ChiChiri T.V. and feel free to check it out and make sure the information is correct and stuff. Looks around* spots ferret stealing my Oakley's* HEY GIVE THOSE BACK YOU LITTLE WEASEL!!
Dear Nodaing,
Very amusing, no da! Arigato gozaimashita, no da!
Dear Chichiri and Tasuki,
Have you heard the dubbed version of yourself? Do you like it or not? Oh, and Arigato for responding to all my letters and stuff! Luv ya'!
Have you heard what your voice sounds like in the dubbed version? When I brought it to Elyra's house, when she first heard you, I swear her eyes went as big as her face and her jaw dropped to the floor. Do you think you're dubbed voice suits you? Luv ya'!
Dear Kaori,
I haven't heard it yet, no da! You're welcome, no da!
I ain't heard myself yet, either! But when I do I'll let ya' know if I like it or not.
Chichiri and Tasuki
Dear Tasuki,
I was reading your Miko's translation of the 1st two chapters of "Genrou Den" afew days ago, and I was wondering what the word "Aniki" means, since that's what Kouji insisted you call him.
I must admit, the one thing running through my head when I was reading was: Poor Kouji!! YOu must have driven him up a wall the first year you were there. Like, for instance, when your leader asked to see what kind of men you were, and you start to pull your pants down. *smile* Real smooth...
Anyway, just wondering...
Your friend,
Dear Iridal,
Aniki means big brother or older brother. Kouji IS 2 years older than me, ya' know. As fer th' pants thin'... 'Che! Can't anyone take a joke?!?!?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
You have to go to the message board more often. In the last few days you've missed several battles, lots of sake in-take, and lots of fans (including myself) make complete idiots out of themselves. Please come...we all miss you.
Dear Mary,
I will as soon as Chichiri no Aijin lets me! She's makin' me amswer ALL my letters first! When I get a chance, I will!
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for the great advice. I guess i knew it in my heart, but the hormones just weren't listening to reason. Thanks again. And guess what, i'm going over to see my friend Cassie this sunday, her bro is Mike. So, this way we'll still keep in touch. Thanks again again. *hugs nuriko and gives "her" a kiss on the cheek*
Dear Mary,
*Gives her a hug.* Glad I was able to help. Now be good and stay out of trouble! *Smiles and winks at her.*
Dear Chiriko,
Do you believe in past lives?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Hai, that is a part of my belief system.
Dear Hotohori,
I got the reply to my letter asking for advice on a parody and I would like to know more about Black Jade since I plan to put her in the story.
Dear Saffira,
Here is the backstory that she sent to us:
"Black Jade is Hotohori's cousin, by his maternal uncle. His maternal uncle -- Proud War Horse was one of Hotohori's father's generals and close friends. She is called Black Jade, not because of her appearance but because on the day of her naming her father was wearing a pendant of black jade in the shape of a
hydra/watersnake/waterdragon and when she would not release it he called her
"Black Jade". Her mother, Bright Orchid, started out at a Hin/Tocharian
concubine who became Proud War Horse's Third Consort. Hence Black Jade has
amber coloured hair and blue eyes with a green tint to them -- her father's
nickname for her was "Cat-eyes". As her father was a military man she is well
educated and versed in swordplay, administration and riding. These are the
qualities that attracted Hotohori to her, as well as the fact that being his
cousin she was a bit less in awe of him.
She has a daughter by Hotohori named Soft Tiger. She and her daughter left Konan to rule Koutou after it fell. She wishes for her daughter to marry Boushin so that the kingdoms can be ruled peacefully."
We hope that you find this helpful. Remember, all three of them wish to read it before it is posted/published.
Dear Tasuki,
I couldn't help it that I failed two of my exams. They were really hard. Especially the Science and Social Studies one which I failed. Like I said, shame on me! So, Tasuki-san, what's new? Oh, yeah, what is it with when Tamahome sometimes call you Tasuki-kun and you call him Tamahome-san. Are you guys being sarcastically polite to each other or something? Well, see ya! Love ya lots.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Nothin's new wit' me? How's 'bout yerself? Are ya' gonna study harder next time? As fer what me an' Tamahome call each other I guess we are bein' a bit polite, but not really sarcastically so.
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