Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello... I was wondering if you could be a Pokemon which would you be and why.... and if you could be a Sailor Senshi which would you be and why? and if you could DATE a senshi...which would it be and why? HEHE...there ya go...
Mysterious New Seishi
Dear Mysterious,
As we aren't very familiar with the characters you are asking us about we are not really able to answer your questions. We know nothing of this Pokemon you ask of and really do not wish to be either female OR date any Bishoujo Senshi. Gomen nasai.
Dear Chichiri,
It's me thought you got rid of me huh? WELL NO...HAHAHAHAHA....erm...HA!!! Ummmm.....I have to ask a question don't I? hmmmmmmmmmm......Why do you think people put you and Tasuki in a hentai? ummm....sorry.....that's not my question, that's my friend Amanda-chan's question......
My question da.
Ummm...shimatta...cant remember...something about okane........or was it bishoujo.....something...well...if I think of it I'll ask...just..hi...for now.....oh and Amanda-chan says hi and want you to answer her question.......and she asks if she can join you two..... (she's left the room but you better answer her questions or she'll hurt me...please dont make her hurt me)....aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....she's back *hides behind table*
Dai....please just answer them
Dear Dai,
Hai, no da! I really have no idea why epople keep putting me and Tasuki in henati situations, no da! So your friend wants to join us? Why? Are we coming apart, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, I'm sorry but hugging people isn't my thing, but I did talk to her and she seems much better! I just downloaded one of your music videos, and it was great! I loved it! Although I don't understand a few scenes in it, but when I finish watching the series I'll know! I read a letter someperson sent you, basically, telling you that you suck! Well because of that letter, I'm now on a mission to find, this Tasuki hating club and...well teach them a few things! Also alot of the letters were talking about your fangs, If you ask me their part of you, what makes you, you! In my first letter I asked what animal you liked best and you replyed it as a cat! My favorite animal! I'm glad that you like my shrine to you! Thanks for using the banner! Well i gotta go so see ya!
Dear Elyra,
Yer welcome! When ya' find th' club, lemme know so's I can pay 'em a visit! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
::runs up to Chichiri-Sama, and huggles him::: CHICHIRI-SAMAAAAA!! Can we get married?? :::looks at him and blinks innocently:: I promise I would be a good wife and I wouldn't cheat on you or anything!! ^_^
Dear Hikaru-Chan,
Arigato for your offer, no da. But, I am not looking to get married at this time, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who's your best friend? (All must answer, but no Kouji's or Hikou's allowed.) In other words, Tasuki/Chichiri, YOUR second best buddies,k? Working on a fan fic. very much appreciated.
Dear Someone,
Here are your answers:
Chichiri: Mitsukake
Tasuki: Chichiri
Tamahome: Tasuki
Nuriko: Hotohori
Hotohori: Nuriko
Mitsukake: Chichiri
Chiriko: Tasuki
Now don't make this a yaoi, hentai fanfic onegaishimasu!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Have you had a crush on someone other than Miaka?
Dear wouldlovetobeyourcrush,
Just okane.
Dear Hotohori,
Does someone do your hair for you?! Why is it so pretty?
Dear Mi-chan,
I have servants to brush, cut and style it. As to why it is so pretty, I suppose it's just in the nature of things for a beautiful person to have pretty hair.
Dear Chiriko,'s it goin'? I know I have asked this question before, but my brother had to reload AOL and I lost it in my bookmarks...Do you know the address for the Ask the Sailor Senshi page? Thank you. :)
one serious anime fan,
Arilyn ; )
Dear Arilyn,
They are listed on our Links Peeji.
Dear Hotohori,
I noticed I've never seem you at the boardroom. Is there a reason for that? Well, I should have started the letter this way... How are you? I am still pining after you, even if you _do_ have Houki, but a girl can dream. No laws against that, and no way you can stop it! I also found out you like chocolate ice cream... *brings him a bowl piled high with chocolate ice cream* This is actually home made. My grandparents make their own ice cream and I absolutely love it! I hope you like it too... *smiles sweetly while tasting a spoonful*
Hotohori no Tomodachi
Dear Hotohori no Tomodachi,
Oishii!! *smiles at her* Arigato gozaimashita for the ice cream. I am fine. Gomen nasai, but I tend to lurk on the board and not participate, as affairs of State take a lot of my time as Emperor.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'd like to ask 4 questions. Dumb, but I'd still like to know. *Ahem*
1. If you were a color, what color would you be?
2. if you were reincarnated as another animal (don't say human) what would it be?
3. How would you react if you saw your best friend sneezed on by a Giraffe?
4. Who's your biggest enemy?
Hope you enjoy answering as much as I did asking! (Always wanted to use that phrase.) *smiles*
Little Skuld
Dear Little Skuld,
Questions 1 and 2 will be answered below. As for question 3 we all agreed that it would be quite disgusting and we'd quite possibly gag at the sight. And question 4's answer is Nakago! At least he was our tallest enemy, no da! Here are your other answers!
Chichiri: Sky blue, no da! A cat, no da!
Tasuki: Firey red! A tiger.
Tamahome: Gold, the color of okane! A hawk.
Chiriko: Green. An owl.
Nuriko:Purple. A pampered house cat. Preferably Persian.
Hotohori: Suzaku red. A unicorn.
Mitsukake: Yellow. A stallion.
Dear Tamahome,
First does anyone ever tell you how much you look like Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon? And secondly how much does it bother you about all the nasty stuff I keep hearing people say about Miaka? (Geez give her a break she isn't a bad person!) Oh and is it true you can shoot energy out of your hands later on? (I know I should wait and watch the series but I'm gonna go to college soon and I want to see the episodes intact!)
P.S. I hope Tomo leaves you alone.
Dear Saffira,
Ano... no. No one has ever told me that. Yes, it does bother me that people say mean things about my beloved. Yes, it's true that I can shoot ki enery from my hands as you put it. Hopefully, Tomo will leave me alone.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have this boyfriend that I've been dating of alittle over a month now. He's all talking about getting married in 3 years and stuff, but I'm afaird that in that 3 year period he might cheat on me because I won't sleep with him. He might already sleep with some other girl(s) by now. I have my borders about sleeping together and I'm waiting. He's just turned 15 and he is not a virgin, I'm almost 14 and I'm staying a virgin until I'm married. Should I trust him? Or should I dump him? He treats me really good he doesn't preasure me he acts like a "Romeo" to me. I'm so confused. What should I do??????? Thanx!
Dear Sky,
Good for you! You're too young to get THAT involved! In 3 years you will 17 and he'll be 18. That's still pretty young to be married in your world. I don't about dumping him, but you are quiote young and should perhaps be dating other people. A lot can happen in 3 years! Besides, if he's already sleeping around on you now, what's to stop him in the future? Marriage DOES NOT guarantee fidelity! It should, but that is the reality of your world. Stick to your guns, stay a virgin, and try to find someone who will appreciate that and NOT sleep around on you! Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Ohayo Tasuki-kun..hehe...this is fun...I wrote to Chichiri before no da...uh...sorry... Well...your another one of my favorite characters that I haven't seen yet(I've only seen the first 8 episodes), but most people seem to like you(and Tamamhome-kun).
Well....lets see...a question...hmmmm....
oh what is that sign say on Miaka's forehead on the final episode of FY? And....if anyone stole from you what would you do to them? And...have you ever felt like frying Tamahome-Kun for reals?(besides the whole demon take over his body thing?) da :-)
Dear Dai,
I think it means king or kami-sama, but I ain't sure. Fryin' Obake-chan is fun!!! That's why I do it whenever I can!!! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
ou really surprised me when you revealed that you were a man, but you're still a very cool person. Well, my questions are: When did you first realize that you were gay? Before you realized it, how many girlfriends did you have? After you realized it, how many boyfriends did you have? Do your parents know about your cross dressing? Okay, I think that pretty much covers it. Bye!
Dear Rose,
Tee-hee... I'm prety good at it, ne? Anyway, I decided to cross-dress when my beloved sister Kourin died. I decided to live may life as her so that it would be as if she had never died. My parents knew and were not very happy with my decision.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What's up?? I have a MAJOR problem. The guy I like thinks I've rejected him!! What should I do? I never see him anymore!!! I'm so mad at myself. Waaaaah! Please help me!!! *grins* Can Tasuki help? [Oh, and Hey! Thanks at a lot for linking to my "links peeji" ::grovel grovel:: And your page is still there! It's the cutest no da! See you, you lovely bunch]
Much love always,
Meiri aka. jello no miko
Dear Meiri,
Chiriko changed to yer new address on our Links Peeji. So, what th' h*ll happened???? Can ya' get in touch wit' him an' explain how ya' feel to him?
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa. I look up many websites so that I can find some images of you; in about 80% of the images I see, it seems like you love posing without a shirt on. Hey, this is no problemo for me 'cause I think you're really hot! Love you!!
Rei Nobihoshi
Dear Rei,
Thanks, I think... Heh-heh-heh... well if ya' got it, flaunt it!! Guess I GOT IT!
Dear Tasuki,
You are really funny. Whenever you're around, something very comical always follows. So, on to a deeper question: I saw a picture of you about to get your freak on with Taka, or Tamahome, or whoever. I'm not trying to judge or anything, but what's up with that? Anyway, I still think you're really cool. Bye, bye!!
P.S. So you're good friends with Chichiri? Well, tell him I love him! How come you and Tamahome hate each other so much?
Dear Rose,
'Che, glad I'm so *(*&^%$# amusin'!!! Tamahome an' I don't hate each other! What ya' saw was me fightin' an evil drugged up Tamahome! I'll tell Chichiri ya' said hey!
Dear Tamahome,
Konnichiwa! I think you're really cool and very cute, as most girls do. I love your hair. Anyway, I haven't seen the rest of the series or the OAVs yet, but I've got to know: What's the deal between you and Taka? Someone told me a little bit about this; I'm really confused. Were you reincarnated into the real world? That's cool.
Okay, so I gotta go. You're a great guy. Tell Chichiri I love him, too!
P.S. I'm going to make a manga; and I'm designing one of my characters after you!
Dear Rose,
I was reincarnated as Taka. We are one and the same person. I'll give Chichiri your regards. I'm flattered that you are designing a character after me. Do I get to see your manga once it is done? And is he going to have any of my good points or only my "bad" ones?
Dear Chichiri,
YAY!! I have finally finished my new site! It's called Chichiri's Shakujou.
Also...The story is finally up on the Sphere! Only to Chapter Two, But hey! That's all I've written so far! 'Tis updated!
So how is everything?? My friend Elyra and I were on Chat for almost 7 hours yesterday..We made a huge conversational story about Her, Me, You and Tasuki....We didn't finish..The "To Be Continued" Part is going on tonight.. I have a question...In our role playing game, Elyra plays Tasuki. And, The other day, I called her and when she picked up the phone, All I could hear was screaming. Her and Kouji were drunk...(But you wouldn't believe off of what..)
So...Since You are the 'designated' seishi of the group..Has Tasuki ever gotten drunk off of Chocolate Milk before? (I told you you wouldn't believe it.)
I wish I could show you that story we wrote..It was right off the top of our heads...And it was sooo good...We were both crying. Tasuki even cried in part of it!! So, anyways...Hope you have a great day! Luv ya'!
Dear Kaori,
Ano... He generally gets drunk off of sake and beer. I visited your site and really liked it, no da! Arigato, no da! WE have added you to our links peeji, na no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello nuriko! i'm ur biggest fan! :: outraged fans in the background are beaten back by a bemused KNC:: i have a small sorta "personal" question. and i would feel alot better if u didn't post this one up, just repied to me via email.
Dear KNC,
Gomen nasai, we really can't send personal emails to our fans. Demo your question wasn't posted and I changed your name to protect your identity. So, does she feel that way about him? If so, perhaps it is for the best that you find someone else to be involved with. If not talk to him, it may lead where you wish. Even if she does, have you ever told him how you feel? He may feel the same way and just be too clueless to know you like him, too. We (males) can be VERY clueless in affairs of the heart. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
::laughs:: Yeah, she DOES kinda sound like Aidou, ne? Well, she's a sweetie most of the time. ^.^ Oioi, didja know that there is a fandub of the FY OVA series coming out? A friend of mine is producing it with -THAT GUY-.. so I'm not involved. But she's doing the voice of Chichiri! It's scary, she can even do the Starlights from Sailormoon.. ::shudder:: I don't like guys who can magically transform into girls.. that wear leather.. ::shudders again:: Just give me something normal! I like normal, normal is good! And thanks for the compliments on my flute, I take great pride in it! I've been playing for, oh.. four or so years. ::waves:: Ja~!!
Kaji Flutesong
Dear Kaji,
Th' fan dub sounds interestin'! So, who is doin' MY voice???
Dear Tamahome,
I have a friend who has been refusing to go to our senior prom. She is totally in love with you and has the same birthday as Miaka. She is your age and adores you. Would you be her escort?
P.S. I'll pay you!!
Dear Lyra-chan,
Hmmmm.... how much??
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, I love your voice! Were'd you learn to sing like that? I've been in a choir for 10 years...Did you take lessons? Or does it just come naturally to add to all the perfection that
Dear Kaori,
Heh-heh... OI! Obak-chan! Ya' hear that?? Perfection! It jus' comes naturally like th' hair. Heh-heh if ya' think I sound good sober ya' should hear me AFTER a coupla sakes!
Dear Chichiri,
are you married?
your loving friend
Dear friend,
Iie, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Seriously, how DO you get all your hair into that tiny little box thingie???
nakahome ;D
Dear nakahome,
Very well, if I do say so myself.
Dear Tasuki,
Are you a virgin! OWW!! *smacked upside head by Urd* What? Is it a bad thing?
Little Skuld
Dear Little Skuld,
Ain't ya' too young to be askin' such hentai questions? Do ya' think of yer sisters wit' that mind??? Ecchi!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Do you like golf? Tennis? ...Baseball? Football?? Have you ever played any of these? You must have played Volley ball and Golf? My question... What's your favorite sport?
Goddess Urd!
Dear Goddess Urd!,
Brawlin'!!!!!!! Does drinkin' count, too?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi. i just recently broke up with my boy friend. we both agreed to the break up but it really hurts. i still love and care about him dearly. what should i do? we didn't even talk about it he just said lets break up and thats it. i didn't really want it to end like that. :( that night when we broke up i'd cried myself to sleep. it still hurts alot. i don't think i'll ever fall in love again. actually i don't ever want to fall in love again. i don't want to go though the same painful thing. well, thanks for listen to me.
Dear miki,
Have you tried talking to him aboutthis? Sounds to me as if you didn't want to break up, but he did. Believe me, there are MANY more "fish in the sea". You'll meet someone new and forget all about him. You shouldn't be sohard on yourself. While love can hurt, it can also be the most wonderful thing to ever happen to you. Don't deny yourself the happiness it can bring. *gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Do you ever want another girlfriend?
Dear Paramihi,
Maybe, sometime in the future, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
How stupid are you?
Dear ???,
I certainly ain't as much of an aho as YOU, to ask a guy like ME a question like THAT!!! *Starts to pull out the tessen...*
Dear Nuriko,
*smiles, obviously hiding something behind her back* Aren't they cute? *places 3 kittens in his lap* A named one after your sister, Kourin. It's the one that's really cuddly and quiet. *sits down next to him* How have you been? Good i hope. I've been okay. I just wanted to tell you that i noticed my most favorite FY episodes revolve around you! You're just so cool and cute!!! *gives him a kiss on the cheek, retrieving a kitten that was crawling onto his shoulder* Sorry, they do have pretty sharp claws and attach pretty good to most fabrics. *giggles as another kitten attempts the same feat* You should feel honored. I don't let just anyone play with my kittens. *smiles sweetly at Ryuuen*
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
Aiya! Kawaii koneko desuyo! *Cuddles and plays with the kittens.* Daijoubu! They can climb on me if they want. *Let's a koneko perch on his shoulder, as one curls up in his lap, and the third one settles on top of his head...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Taiits-kun is a woman, ne? I heard someone say that Taiis-kun is a guy! She said that at the end of the series, Taiist-kun turned into her true ruler of the universe form, which is a guy. Well, I guess her true form does kinda look guylike. But it's totally not true about her bing a guy, ne?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Taiitsu-kun wa Taiitsu-kun, no da! Taiitsu-kun is Taiitsu-kun.) As the Creatrix/Creator of our universe she/he can appear as either gender, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Oh, Tama-chan, I didn't know you and Chiriko were that close, *wiping blood from mouth* Also that punch that you just gave me was a sissy one. And I like it... I'll give you 1000 gold ryou for you just to spend one night with me. ka ka ka ka.
Dear Tomo,
That's it!!! *Goes super oni and forms a HUGE ki ball.* Shienen!!!!!!!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Since you're thirteen and I'm 13, will you marry me?
Ou Doukun
Dear Ou Doukun,
No thank you. I think we are both too young.
Dear Hotohori,
Do you think Tatara can match your beauty?
Dear Kagami,
No, but Nuriko does come close.
Dear Tasuki,
I got some of the results of my exams back. I failed two of them, but the other two, I got A pluses. Strange, huh? Well, I thought I did study enough though. Oh, well. My parents are gonna kill me. But the final exams doesn't effect your final grade that much, thank God. That's all I have to say. I just feel so ashamed of myself.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yer' s'ppose to be one of MY mikos an' ya' flunked TWO finals?!?!!? Maybe ya' should hook up wit' Chiriko. I gotta be havin' a bad influence on ya'!!
Dear Hotohori,
I was wondering, what was it like singing "All Fired Up With Guts Flying" (sorry, don't know original name. *blush*) with Tamahome, Tasuki, and Chichiri? Was it fun? How does it feel to be mistaken for a girl? Also, I think you're very adorable, but I was wondering, in all the wall scrolls, posters, and stuff, Tamahome has on cooler looking clothes and I was wondering why? I mean, you are the Emperor of Konan, so shouldn't you get the coolest clothes? Finally, is it scary when all us fan-girls are chasing you? I'm not one of the *scary* fan-girls, I'm just a fan-girl. Here's a present for you, since you're my favorite seishi. *holds up ornate mirror, and blushes violently before bowing* Domo Arigato, Emperor Hotohori-sama. *runs off before my face can catch fire...*
Dear Lyra-chan,
It was interesting and fun singing with everyone. As for being mistaken for a girl, I have gotten used to it. Tamahome wears what you call "cooler clothes", because I prefer clothing that is more classical and dignified. I don't know if I would call the fan girls scary, per se. Disconcerting is more like it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi i'm mi-chan staggers forward and greets every one. your probebly wondering why i'm staggering ^_^... well lets see i was riding home on my bike then i slid and fell off my bike got scrached up and accidentaly runned over by my friend (usachan) who had been on her bike behind me and it was too late for her to stop. not a plesant experience i don't suggest you try it (it's very painful). oops well i gotta go my brother wants to go on now.
Dear mi-chan,
Hopefully you feeling better now.
Take care,
Dear Hotohori,
Son or daughter?? His/her name?
Dear Fujikuro,
I have a beautiful son named Boushin.
Dear Tasuki,
What were you thinking or how did you feel when Kouji treated you the way he did your first night at Mt. Reikaku??
Dear Eimi,
That if I wanted to be a slave an' get my a$$ kicked on a regular basis, I coulda' jus' stayed the *&^% home!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello Suzaku Sieshi, I want to know why Miaka isn't here? and Are all of you afraid of Anibababa? I know I am. But she's funny.
~*~Thank you~*~
Dear Tiara,
This peeji is just for us. No mikos or other seishi. Gomen if that is a bit of a disappointment. I think the only one afraid of Anibababa is Tamahome. He just never got used to her.
Dear Tasuki,
My sisters told me about this place and... well, I don't know everyone too well, but I know you know some fire spell thing with your fan... ^^'
Can you roast them, so they'll stop fighting so much? Even if you don't, thank you for reading this, if you did. *smiles*
Dear Belldandy,
*Looks at Skuld and Urd and sweatdrops...* As much as you would like me to, I jus' don't go around flamin' goddesses! I'm brave, not STUPID!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! :o] My hairs gets tangle every time I wake up. What should I do?
Dear Penpen,
You're a beer drinking penguin! You don't have hair, just furry feathers. If you did have hair, I would suggest that you braid it before you go to sleep.
Dear Chichiri,
*waves at Chichiri* Hello Chichiri! How are you? Aren't you afraid that when you pop up behind people you'll scare them. :o] Oh and is your mask made of wood? Love ya!
Dear GellyRolls,
Why do you think I do it, no da? My mask is made of magick not wood, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello Mitsukake, sorry for bothering you!
I have questions:
1) Are you good friends with Emperor Hotohori?
2) Who owns Tama-neko, you or Chichiri?
3) Why aren't you happy? You sound sad.
=^-^= Thank you =^-^=
Dear Penpen,
Here are your answers:
1) I suppose so. We were ceratinly on friendly terms.
2) Neither of us. Tama-neko being a cat is owned by no one. Actually, he owns me, but will occasinally borrow Chichiri.
3) I wouldn't say I am unhappy. I am just a quiet man of few words. May I say, for an aquatic waterfowl, you are rather prolific.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama!!!!! This again is silly FUSH.....and I just want to know just one question this here goes..................................... If....I mean if....everyone went on a date with a person....even you two Tama & Miaka....except not including you both going together but with separate would everyone meaning everyone describe how their one day date would go and turn out like????? Yes.....even you Tasuki!!!! Even though you say u don't care for gotta answer this too!!!!!! Arigato ~~~~ Nuriko-sama! Your so kawaii and I love your character lots...... *hugging tightly* I gots to go though so Ja-ne then!!! *gives a kiss on the cheek & runs off*
They all said that they would describe it as fun and that they all had a good time.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is going to be long, but I need to get it all out, so bear with me, please.
This week began fairly normal--making costumes for AX, fun stuff. On Monday, I had a major scare when a store I was in was robbed, and I had to lay on the floor while a frantic guy with a gun emptied cash drawers. No one was hurt, thankfully. So, as I recovered from that shock today, i got a call from a friend. You remember last week I told you about my friend who had the brain tumor, who I was going to see? Well, last night, a new tumor that had formed burst, flooding his brain. Tomorrow, my friends and I will go to see him in the hospital, to say goodbye, because they say within two days he will die.
I have many friends here who knew and loved him too, plus college friends who never knew him (you know Katsu no Miko, ne?) to help me through, but I still feel so shocked and so lost. I know it'll take me a long time to get over losing someone who helped me through some of the worst times of my life.
I...can't write anymore; I'm crying too hard. As always, thank you for listening and letting me talk for awhile. It always helps me.
Dear Tsutsuji,
*Chichiri and Tasuki walk over to her and each give her a hug.* Gomen nasai, no da. We apologize for not answering you sooner, no da. *Hugs her again.* I know how hard it can be to lose someone you care for. We all do, no da. At least you were able to say goodbye. Our deepest sympathies on your loss. Ano... Tasuki would like to say a few things, na no da.
Sorry that ya' lost yer tomodachi. If yer still goin' to AX look fer us an' Chichiri no Aijin! So, yer store got hit by a bandit? He wasn't one of mine!! So, I guess ya' live in L.A.? 'Che, I jus' ain't no good at this stuff... *Gives her another hug and then the other Seishis gather around her to offer their condolences and support if she needs them...*
Chichiri and Tasuki
Dear Tamahome,
Hiya Tama-chan!!!! Well.....heres 7 gold ryous for you cuz ya so kawaii!!!!!! I've been wondering about Miaka's age lately....I know she was 15 entering the Book....but in the OVA's ...... it says that two years go by and everyone is like two years older but that much time hasn't past in Miaka's world....I think Miaka mention that only half a year only went by when Chichiri or Tasuki mention it was 2 years inside the book. Does that make you younger than Tasuki then??? And how old is Miaka really in the OVA's or towards the end...cuz she looks so much more woman like and not little highschool girl type!
Of course I say that in a good way and not insulting way....well arigato then.....I gots to split now~~~~~~~~
That does make me younger than Tasuki and it makes Miaka 16.
Dear Hotohori,
What exactly is your sword made of to have that much power??
Dear Kaori,
It was blessed by Taiitsu-kun and I imbued it with my ki.
Dear Nuriko,
You're mean and here you were my second favorite. Heh. You've just become my third. Seriously, I don't know what to wearand i'd hate to go in my usual clothes. And yes, i change them everyday.
Goddess Urd!
Dear Goddess Urd!,
Oh, I was sure you changed clothes every day. I was just referring to how you don't always seem to be wearing much in the way of clothing. Perhaps a demure suit would be nice on you.
Dear Chichiri,
Thanks for the advice. We talked it out and she said I could got the convention just the same, but I decided it wouldn't be right to do that so I to her graduation ^_^;;. Oh yeah, about the other friend, I talked with her and she was just really busy anytime I came into contact with her, so everything's resolved. Thanks again!
Distressed - but now Resolved ^_^;;
Dear Distressed,
Glad everything is OK, no da! Have fun at her graduation, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Do you love Miaka as a little sister or as a lover? Many people has been arguing about this particular topic.
Dear Kei-kun,
Me? Little sister!
Dear Tasuki,
Why should I write to the Tasuki haters? They obviously agree with me... arguing with them would serve no purpose. (Damn, that sounded Nakagoish.)
And who the hell are you calling "babe?!" I am not a "babe," much less *your* "babe!"
I've seen the entire series, the OVAs, and read the manga. Yeah, so you got the crap beat out of you by Tamahome. Me too. Big whoop. When everyone else is giving up their lives, you hold getting beaten up as your big accomplishment? Gee, go you. Oh, yeah, and that fun stuff with Miaka in the second OVAs. Yup, you're a noble beast alright! Woulda done it anyway when you were introed in the TV series if she hadn't fought back, wouldn't you? Geez! People like you make me sick! You sloppy, maloderous pervert!
Go on! Prove you're any good! What did you do that no other seishi could have done?!
Shun-SAMA to you
Dear Shun-SAMA,
Hmmmm... lessee... Burned flesh-eating zombies and saved everyone's @$$es! Rescued Miaka from Eiken, rescued Miaka from drownin' an' I CAN'T SWIM!!!! Defeated Hikou... even Chichiri couldn't do that! How's that fer a start, BABE?!?!?!?
Dear Hotohori,
Wow, you actually *want* to read it? I'm honored! Hee hee! Well, I can give you the link to the abridged version (the unabridged is not online ^_^) Yak Milk Story
Be scared. Very scared. :) :) (Oh, and the friend who helped me write it is that Goddess Urd weirdo that's been writing to you guys lately. Blame her. :))
Dear Nyanko-chan,
We read it and were rather amused. It was a truly bizarre tale.
Dear Tasuki,
Thank you for writing back to me! I have made a shrine to you, if you like to cheack it out, you have the right! Tasuki's Tavern
I hope you like it?! Well I'll be going now, don't want to take too much of your time!
Loyal friend,
Dear Elyra,
Tnanks fer th' kakkoii site! Ya' gotta link on our links peeji! Thanks fer havin' a link fer us! Give yer friend Kaori a hug from me, she seems to think I hate her!
Dear Tasuki,
I'm really sorry to have made you so mad (my last letter about who everyone was equal to). I really didn't intend to offend you in anyway.
*sighs and turns almost to the point of crying* Gomene..Now you hate me...sniff sniff..
ANYWAYS...I see you have met my friend Elyra..Have you peeked at her site yet?
It's a shrine to you called Tasuki's Tavern. I hope I got that right. She's a big fan. You and Chichiri are my favourite seishi. But now that your mad at me... Have you peeked at my site? Shrine to you!! the real world what would you be? Besides being a bandit or a lawyer..What would your other options be? Also, I don't know if you responded to my other questions from a while ago..
1)If you met a girl (a miko for instance) that hated guys like you hate girls, would you think you're perfect for each other?
2)How come you can't swim? did you never learn?
3)Do you like Miaka? Like, would you be in love with her if Tamahome wasn't?
I think that's it for now.. Please do not take anything I say into offence, I don't mean to sound rude..That certainly wasn't my intention. But now your all P@#%^d off at me, so I'll leave now. *walks out of the room totally unloved by all the seishi*
Dear Kaori,
I guess if I weren't a bandit, I s'ppose I could be a jewel thief or an actor. OI!! An Idol Singer! Anyway, here's th' answers to yer questions:
1) I dunno, but I doubt it. Gotta get to know her first!
2) I lived on a *&^%$#@ mountain fer most of my life!! Why th' h*ll would I learn to swim?!!? There ain't no ocean around fer miles!!
3) I like her as my miko and as a little (klutzy) sister. If Obake-chan weren't around, I dunno.
I ain't hatin' pissed at ya'! An' who th' h*ll said ya' were unloved by all of us??? Lighten up!!! Or else I WILL be pissed at ya'!!
Dear Chiriko,
*runs over to the kawaii youngest seishi and hugs him* Chiriko, I love you! You're so cool! You've read the classics (Suess, HItch-hiker's Guide), and you've seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail too! What next? The Princess Bride? Clue? The Neverending Story? *kisses him on the top of the head, and hugs him again*
Take care, dear. Eat right, get plenty of sleep, and keep reading!!! But make sure to take breaks and play with the cat. :) nyao.
Dear Ju-Chan,
I've seen The Princess Bride (I also have the book.) and The Neverending Story. You take care, too!
Dear Chichiri,
I have a few questions to ask, if you don't mind that is ^_~. Will you ever heal your eye with the water that Mitskake gave you? Who is the closest Suzaku warrior to you? If you could have any pet what would it be? and whats your favorite movie?
The Distant Wizard,Tasha
P.S Tell me when I start to get on your nerves(*sweatdrop)
Dear Tasha,
Well let's sewe, no da... I may one day restore my eye. The closest Suzaku warrior to me is Tasuki! He's standing right next to me, no da! I already have a pet, Tama-chan. And I have no favorite movie, na no da.
Dear Chiriko,
A shrubbery?? I'd rather you bring Tasuki and the rest of your pals with you... sighed Mandy WW guide
Mandy: JEAN!! What are you doing to the keyboard??
Jean: Heh heh.... nothing *tries to look innocent*
Mandy: BAAAAALLLL!!!! *a flaming orange ball flies, misses Jean and accidently hits a drunk Tasuki*
Mandy: Oops.
Anne: Hmmm... I've never seen a drunk carrot before, what's carrot in Japanese anyway??
Weird Guides and a dragon rider
Dear Weird,
Ninjin is carrot in nihongo. Now, could one of you please turn Tasuki back into... well, Tasuki!
Dear Chiriko,
Thanks a lot for the info you gave me! I'm working very hard on the fic, it's gonna be a long one! Mandy came up with this other idea:
School Counsler: So... how long have you had dreams about this "past life"?
Duke Priyo: After those two crazy guys with a cardbourd fan came in and started yelling at me!!!
Yes, it's going to be based on the Sequential Stories but for Tasuki and Chichiri, I'm going to make up for what happens.... *evil glint* Mandy, Mary, Anne and Rachel's "helping" me write this but I get the final say because it's *MY* fic! So far, I have the prolouge done, would you like me to send it to you?
*Hands him a huge stack of textbooks* This is for helping me up! Happy reading! *kisses his cheek*
Dear Jean,
Sure! Then they can read it, too! So, what are these Sequential Stories you mentioned? Arigato for the hon!
Dear Tasuki,
*the black kitten tilts her head and purrs next to Tasuki's cheek. Peeks over one shoulder slightly and looks at the earing dangling from Tasuki's ear. Bats it slightly, then settles down to go to sleep in Tasuki's arms.* Puuurrrrrr......
widdle black neko-chan
Dear neko-chan,
*Looks at ko-neko and smiles* Shhhh.... *Puts ko-neko in his pocket so she won't be disturbed...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Seichis! I have two questions for you:
1. If you where a bird, what sort of a bird would you be?
2.If you could play a instrument witch one would you it be?
See ya!
Dear Dreamie,
Here are your answers:
Chichiri: I would play the guitar and be a blue bird, no da!
Chiriko: I would play the clarinet and be an owl.
Nuriko: I would play the samisen and be a peacock.
Tasuki: I would play Taiko Drums and be an Phoenix.
Tamahome: I would play the bass and be a hawk.
Hotohori: I would play the piano and be a peacock.
Mitsukake: I would play the violin and be an eagle.
Dear Tasuki,
I guess we can hold the party the same place as the last one (I assume that means you and Kouji definitely are coming, huh?). I think it will be this weekend. *sigh* My mom roped me into helping her with inventory at her store as well, so I'll be like the walking dead on Monday, but, at this point, I don't care. Are the rest of the seishi coming as well? Or is it just you and your men? (I gotta know things like this, so I can plan how big a spread to lay out...) Anyway, hope to see you guys soon.
Your friend,
Dear Iridal,
Yeah, it'll be me, Kouji, th' rest of th' bandits an' th' Seishi. Thanx!
Dear Tasuki,
Konichiwa Tasuki-san. ::smiles:: Since I read about the 'Tasuki Haters Club' ::shudders:: I've been trying to hunt them down with no luck. They must be hiding in fear. ^_^ I just wanted to let you know that I was trying to track 'em down for ya. I also volonteer to help you take care of them when you find 'em. ::smiles again:: Oh...and by the way...I absolutly love it when you toast Tamahome. ::giggles:: But don't tell him I said that. ^_-
Dear Kura-chan,
Heh-heh-heh, I like toastin' him, too! Thanx fer tryin' to find 'em. I jus' can't wait to find an' VISIT that peeji!
Dear Mitsukake,
You're a good doctor, right??? I have this horrible sunburn that hurts like heck and I can't make it go away!!!! By the way, I have a small crush on you... You're so attractive
Dear Korona,
Arigato! *blushes* Try taking aspirin if you aren't allergic to it and put aloe on the sunburn itself.
Dear Tasuki,
What would/do you do about older siblings beating you up all the time???
Dear Kathleen,
In my case I left home an' became a bandit! But I wouldn't recommend it to ya' as a way out. Why not ask 'em to stop or have yer parents MAKE 'em stop? Have ya' tried fightin' back? If yer gettin' shiners an' such yer parents should step in 'cause that ain't a friendly brawl!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is kind of a dumb question (or would you call it weird??)... But, have you any idea where to find pictures of Nyan nyan? I need to know because I'm drawing a poster and I wanted Nyan Nyan flying all over it!
Dear Rhiannon,
Have you tried Otakuworld? They have LOTS of links too all kinds of peejis!
Dear Tamahome,
Happy birthday in advanced!! (Today is the 23- I hope you get this by at least the 28th) So, how old are you now?? I'm just curious! *dumps a bag of money in front of you as a birthday present and runs off shyly*
Dear Rhiannon,
Arigato gozaimashita! I'm 18 now! I got this in time for boku no tanjoubi, we just posted it late.
Dear Tasuki,
*all zoned and blushing* Ne Tasuki-sama, how could someone think your fangs hinder your kissing ability? Don't they make you more kissable? o.O It puts you on fang-boy supreme level after ^_~
Anyways... *sniffles* My Tasuki earrings broke. And Mulan-aho stole them. -.-; Supposedly to fix... demo I'm still mad at her... ¬.¬;
Demo...anyways, I'll get down to the real question I meant to ask you...did you ever notice how much you were like Han Solo-sama? You've both got the fangs (he had them in the manga-version *-*), the sekushii voice, the lifestyle (You a bandit, he a smuggler...but that's basically the same thing, ne ^_~), the boots o.O, and you both are always saving the pretty girl's butt. ^^; Plus...that ego *-* *sweatdrops* A-ara, I mean you both share the ability of being the best, most powerful, handsome men of your respective series.
*pikus alot* Oh yeah... you've also got sidekicks/best buddies. o.o Demo... I'm having trouble linking Chewie with Kouji-san. o.o *whispers* Then they both drool? o.O
Dear Amy-chan,
Kouji only seems to drool over Aidou... She's jus' an old unmarriable bag! *looks around for flying logs...* Thanx fer standin' up fer me. *Gives her a kisu on the forehead* There, did that hurt? Amy-chan? Amy-chan...?
Dear Tasuki,
During that artificial respiration scene, it was very dangerous to do that with your fangs sticking out. You must have bitten Miaka by accident with those fangs of yours, ne?
Dear Kaoru,
Nope! An' why are ya' people all hung up on my teeth?!? Totemo hen desuyo!
Dear Hotohori,
If Miaka wasn't the Suzaku no miko, would you still have fallen in love with her? Also, before you died, you said that you fell in love with Miaka the first time you saw her? Is this true? Did you know that she was the legendary Suzaku no miko at that time?
Dear Kaoru,
Perhaps. I did suspect it when I first saw her. And yes, those were my last words.
Dear Chichiri,
Oh Chichiri! *Kaori Rushes to Chichiri's arms in tears*
Tasuki's mad at me!! *she slowly quiets down and flashes him a little smile*
I do have some good news though...I've started another site..My friend Elyra is helping me with it..I'll show you later when it's fully up. It called 'Chichiri's Shakujou' A nice big shrine! So, Can you tell Tasuki that I'm sorry...*a small tear runs down her cheek*...I didn't mean to make him mad..I don't like having him mad at me...*sighs and takes out a small piece of paper*
I do have a couple questions..
1) I keep hearing about you and Tasuki being partners...Partners in what?
2) How many masks do you have? 'Cause You took one off in..I believe episode 9? And had a spare...^_^
3) Exactly what types of powers do you have...Teleportation, Spell binding..Anything else?
4) I am writing my final exams right now...Tomorrow I have an language Arts test...I should do really good on that, I got a 92% on the written part! So, do you have any study tips, or does Chiriko have any?
5) I just read heard about what some of the seishi are reincarnated as (spoiler alert) Nuriko is a spy, Mitsukake is a Brazillian soccer player...What are you? Or do you even get reincarnated? I haven't seen that many episodes...I can only get movies from my friend Ayako and the ones that I can buy are $40.00 each for three episodes...right now..I have enough money for a video..*sniff sniff*.-_-.
I think that's it right now..Or as much as my little mind can handle right now. Also, Our school has a little role playing game going right now and I have assumed your role..(well also my own and Miaka's because me and my friend Kathy sorta' look like Miaka and Yui-Chan)..And now, whenever I forget to say 'no da' at the end of my sentences, all the people participating get to punch me in the shoulder *gently touches badly bruised shoulder*
So, I better get going, right now Elyra is waiting in Tasuki's Tavern for me..oh no..I'm underage..(then again, isn't Tasuki?)
GOMENE TASUKI-SAN! I DIDN'T MEAN TO INSULT YOU SO! I love you Chichiri! You are the best!
Dear Kaori,
Arigato, no da! We haven't had a chance to visit your site yet. When we do we'll post your letters & the site, no da! On to your answers:
1) Perhaps that came from our traveling together in the first OVA series, no da.
2) Since my mask is magickal I have an unending supply, no da!
3) Hmmmm... shapeshifting, protective shields, ability tosplit buildings in half and drop them on the villan, etc.
4) Chiriko says to study in a quiet area that is well lit. May I suggest studying instead of visiting us for awhile, no da?
5) I am still alive, so don't need to be reincarnated. It sounds as if you are reading fanfic, because I don't recall ANY of that happening, na no da!
Tasuki no shinpaii o shimasen, no da! Don't worry about Tasuki, he'll get over it, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am sorry to keep writing you with all of my troubles, and un-solvable problems. Well, i wrote you a letter saying that i liked these 3 guys. Well, Sean and i are now phone buddies.We just talk about misc. stuff that is going on in our lives. Well, he called me about 30 minutes ago and my dad answered the phone. When he handed me the phone, he was like "It's for you, and it's a guy... and he seems loaded." I told Sean this and he started to laugh. My dad all of a sudden put him on speaker phone. Out conversation at the time was about a T.V. Show called "Friends". Anyway, all of a sudden, my dad takes the phone out of my hands and into the phone speaker said "Um, sorry Sean, don't call back tonight, if ever." and hung up. My dad then gave me a speach about how guys just never want to talk.
After my dad left the house i called sean to appologize. he said that it was ok, but i know that it's not. This happens almost every time a guy calls me! and i think that it is soooo unfair! All of this happens partly because my dad is a little tipsy. But sometimes he totally humiliates me and get really uncomfortable around him. I am just getting so tired of putting up with his behavior. Can you help me?
Mary the Kleptomaniac Demon of the Weird World
Dear Mary,
Well I can understand your father trying to protect you, no da. But, your comment about him being "tipsy" does concern me. Especially since you say he does this "while tipsy" quite often. I do not wish to cast aspirations on your father, but have you considered going to Al-Anon? They are in what your world calls a phone book, no da. It is for the loved ones of people who get, shall we say, "tipsy" quite often, no da. Perhaps the help you seek will be found there. Ganbatte kudasai!
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