Dear Tasuki,
d*mn! because of this peeji i see ya' even less than i did when you were off fightin' with suzaku no miko! how ya' been? well, i noticed i have quite a few fans myself, and to them all, 'HI!'. too bad i can't meet any of 'em, like my miko. not much is goin' on, so i don't have much to type, so, ja!
ps. no one is gonna' buy my genrou stuff! so QUIT ASKIN'!
Dear Kouji,
Yo bro'! How's Aidou? Tell her th' family is OK!! Meet ya' on th' board when I get a chance!
Dear Nuriko,
I was wandering around and found a pic of you. (Obviously from much later in the series.) DID YOU CUT YOUR HAIR?! And if so....WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! Guys with long hair are soooooo HOT!
Dear Kura,
Yes I did. But it's still sort of long , it's just not down to my waist!
Dear Nuriko,
how can i make my skin softer?
-harsh skin
Dear skin,
Use a good moisturizer and a moisturizing soap or body wash.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, I really don't have any idea how this works...but hell, I'll give it a shot how bout this, do you still love Miaka? (For lack of something better to ask...)
Fanged Bandit
Dear Fanged Bandit,
Only as a sister! An' I'M th' only fanged bandit around here!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hola! I was the one who wrote in "accusing" Tasuki of being full of himself (just in case you forgot). But when i read my response earlier, i was surprised that Tasuki didn't comment about me and kouji.
I'll give it straight to ya. I like three guys at the same time (which is unlikely for me). Two of them i know from working at the renaissance pleasire faire and the other i know from jujitsu. I can't decide which i like more and i can't get anyone out of my mind! It is sooooo driving me insane. Sean has my # and knows he can call me if needs someone to talk to. (that's how i developed my crush on him) Mike is a brother of a friend of mine and lives 2 hrs away. He'll also be 19 in 2 weeks (i'm 15). He is nice, sweet and a big cuddily teddy bear. Hamid is the guy at jujitsu that i have a great time talking to (like sean). I only see him once a week though. It is a whole conspericy against me and i am sooooo confused that i feel that i just confused you too. I know that i have to be realistic (meaning no mike and sean) but then i can't stop thinking about either one of them. Well, basically, i just need some advice on how to go about possibly looking to forget these awesome guys in a romantic way, or something along the lines of that. Or if you have any advice that may help me sort out anything, that would be greatly appreciated. I'm really sorry if i am confusing you guys/nuriko, but if it's any consolation, i'm confusing myself too. Thanks for your help in advance! Bye!
Mary the Kleptomaniac Demon of the Weird World
Dear Mary,
Whew! Three guys?!? You go girl! Anyway... Mike at 19 is TOTALLY friend material! At least until you are 3-4 years older. Besides, he lives 2 hours away. Try to stay friends with him and focus your attention on Sean and Hamid.
From you letter, I would say Hamid is the front runner, but why worry about romance at all? Why not date BOTH of them as friends and decide later which one you want to be romantically involved with. You might surprise yourself and decide on neither of them! Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
You are so cool! I never wanted to admit it to myself, but I did start liking you in the series! I promised myself I would never fall in love with you, and the top reason is that you are with a wonderful person already. You and Miaka are such a cute couple. I have to admit the show was almost hard to watch because the whole theme was 'break-up Miaka and Tamahome'. If I had gone through that, I don't think I would have been able to have as much strength as Miaka did, although I would try. Well, that's all for now. Sorry for having you have to respond to another ofyour many letters, but I appreciate it very much! And where do those people get all those bags of gold? I wish I had that much to give you, but I'm afraid I don't. You'll still like me anyway, won't you? It'd be cool to say 'I'm friends with Tamahome'. Well, I'm done now. Can't wait to hear from you!
a distant admirer
Dear admirer,
No okane?!? Guess I can bend my own rule a little for you... Thank you for your sweet words about me and Miaka. Sometimes I'M amaxed we were able to survive everything we did! I guess love truly does conquer all!
Dear Chichiri,
How are you? Seems to me you're doing okay, but I'm not sure since you're always hiding behind that mask of yours. I read the cutest fan fic about you and Chiriko! Find another love, and I was thinking, you know how Nuriko led Hotohori to Houki? Well, what if your fiancee helped you find a woman. What do you think of that? Just wondering since I decided you would be the best father a kid could have! Wish you coulda been mine! I have kind of a bad history about dad's... I've gotten on with my life, making the best of it and doing the right thing. Well, type back when you can. Patience is a virtue I'm happy to have!
PS. Instead of the rose (@~~}~~~~), I'll have a written name. Not much different as it will be Bara-chan. What do you think?
Dear Bara-chan,
Bara-chan is a nice name, no da! I don't know if Kouran would do that. But one never knows what the future holds, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Hey there, Chiriko! First, I want to tell you I think you are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I cried so much during that awful awful episode, and you're a smart kid and know what I'm talking about. I found out more about that test you're taking, and geez does it sound like it sucks! And you passed the first one? CONGRATULATIONS! Pat yourself on the back for me, ok? I would have made sure a party was set up in your honor, but nonetheless, I'm here and you're there. The hard facts of life! Well, you have a heart of gold and stay sweet and innocent! And away from Tasuki to keep yourself that way... Just kidding, he does have some good qualities, just like... ... ... Well, I'm sure there's something you like about him, and tell me what that is and I might be able to see it too. Bye!
Kitten (my new nickname) kakkoi, ne?
Dear Kitten,
Arigato for your kind words. Good things about Tasuki? Hmm... He's a VERY loyal friend, he does truly care about other people and he too, has a heart of gold (and no he didn't steal it from anyone). Just don't tell I said anything or else he'll accuse me of trying to ruin his image!
Dear Tasuki,
*stretches. yawns. stares at the screen* hmm... i haven't written in a while, huh? how ya been? geez, i think people use you as an excuse to be able to get to kouji. doesn't it make sense? sorry, i'm not writin' just to give you a hard time. i'm better now. it's great. i've been doin' stuff. i've been able to read a bit of 'genrou den', and let's just say it's VERY entertainging. i especially loved the part where you took the instructions of 'show me your a man' (or somethin) so literally. good thing KOUJI was there to bap ya. pretty funny, thanks for the entertainment. i hope you've been doin okay, stayin outta trouble just enough to stop makin people feel nervous. i'm just kidding really. i think i'm the only one, besides obake-chan (see, i'm on your side), who actually gives ya a hard time. i'd hate it if someone didn't stand up to me every now and again. things'd get boring. well, i gotta go. later!
So ya' been readin' Genrou Den? Did ya' find a good translation or can ya' read Nihongo? If it's a good translation Chichiri no Aijin would be interested in it as she can't read kanji yet. Glad yer up an' around an' haven't set fire to yer place! Say hi to yer sis fer me! Tell her Chichiri likes her sketch of him!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello..Chichiri.. I never wrote a letter to you before even though I'm your huge fan.. You are the oldest person of Suzaku Shichiseishi..right?
But how old are ya right now? Well..I don't know what to write.. By the way..I love your mask because it's always smiling.. sometimes..I want to get kind of that mask too.. Anyway.Thank you for read my letter..Bye~
Dear Jamie,
At 26 I am the oldest of the Suzaku ShichiSeishi, no da. I'm glad you like my mask, but I am concerned that you wish to hide behind one of your own, no da! Daijobou deska? (Is everything ok?)
Dear Hotohori,
well, i used to be majorly in love with you ready to beat down the obstacles, until i found out that you have a lovely wife and an adorable son. tasuki may beg to differ about boushin, but oh well. by the way, did you notice that comment nuriko made about claiming to be cuter than houki? do you have an opinion on that? if you don't, i'm not surprised! well, i better leave you alone now. take care of your family! they're lovely! just like you!
Hotohori no Tomodachi
PS. i decided to change my name, so i'm not hotohori no lady friend anymore, just to let you know... =P
Dear Hotohori no Tomodachi,
Saa, Nuriko cuter than MY beloved Houki??? I shall have to have a few words with him. Thank you for your compliments on my family.
Dear Mitsukake,
hi! how you been doin??????? i've been doing well! went on vacation, oh how nice! i love the beach! how's tama-neko? i've missed you! i had a cut i wished you could have been there to heal, but i've had to be patient through the long process of the healing process. it takes much too long. did you ever have to just tell tasuki he had to go through the healing process? i mean, if you were healing him all the time and someone got hurt, what would you do then? you can't heal everyone all the time. you even said. oh well, he'll learn, ne? i also wanted to ask you about part 2 of the 'recreation bus tour', and i know you know what i'm talking about. at one point you had chichiri in a choke hold, and i would like to know why. i think the people dubbing screwed up. well, that's all for now! bye-bye you wonderful guy! it even rhymes, just for you! do i act like a kid or what??? 'my friends say i should act my age... what's my age again? what's my age again?' sorry, that's part of a song i've heard and like. wish you knew what, but if you do, then let me know! as i said, bye-bye now!
Mitsukake no Fan
Dear Mitsukake no Fan,
Tama-neko and I are both doing fine, thank you. I have had to tell Tasuki he has to wait to heal because I had either just heale someone or had to heal someone who was more seriously injured than him. I don't really remember that bus trip that well, gomen nasai.
Dear Tamahome,
Hello~Tama chan.. How are ya? I just want to ask you somthing.. What are you gonna do for your birthday? Well.. Let me guess..have wanderful time with Miaka...!? Anyway..I'm just asking ya..and Happy Birthday.. bye~
Dear Jamie,
Arigato for you birthday wishes! Miaka and I will probably go to a nice yet inexpensive restaurant for dinner. I love her but she STILL can't cook!
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou for your advice! ::very quick kiss on the cheek:: I appreciate it a whole lot! I took your advice and talked to my onee-chan about it, and she said that SHE'D take care of the problem if it got too out of hand for me.. let's see.. I think I'll compare her to Aidou here, only she throws things that are worse than logs.. ::sweatdrop:: And did I mention she also likes you a WHOLE lot? It's her fault I got into FY in the first place, but I'm really happy I did, ya know? ^.^ I never thought I'd get to say I got advice from Tasuki-san! That's a really big honor! Maybe we can be tomodachi, too! Don't worry, I'm not a hentai fangirl. ::laughs:: Yosh`! Time to get back to practicing. Thanks again!! ::waves, grabs her flute, and goes back to her music::
Kaji Flutesong
Dear Kaji Flutesong,
*Listens to her play...* Not bad. Amiboshi could learn a thin' or two from ya'! Glad it all worked out fer ya'! Yer oneesan sounds like Aidou! KOWAII!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Please forgive my friend,sey something, for that little comment about your hair. She was on a sugar rush! Anyway, I got the 2 oav series and the character's vocal memories. The first part of the 2 oav was cool but the secound part was even BETTER!! ( I think you know why!!) ,and boy, can you sing!!. You,Chichiri and Nuriko have the best Voices. Chiriko's is cute too! Well I have to go. JA!
Dear Momoko-chan,
Arigato! Glad ya' like our singin'! Guess I'll let yer tomodachi slide on her "comment"...
Dear Hotohori,
I am surely equal to the task at hand as you are. I just want you to be prepared. I am quite a well swordsman myself. I am the #1 swordsman in Cefiro, after my brother....Let's not talk about my brother since he is not with us anymore...For I shall not blame Hikaru and her friends for that. Anyway, getting back to the duel, let's have it on the infamous stage in Konan. Hope to meet you there. Well, good luck. You shall be prepared.
Dear Lantis,
It is settled. On the stage inn Kounan, then. I await your arrival.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, guys. I know it's been a LOOONG time since I visited your site and wrote you a letter. Been extremely busy making my own Fushigi Yuugi and Tasuki sites (oh yes, Tasuki, you've got another shrine that'll soon be opened - perhaps next year, ;^^).
Anyway, I have one question for you guys. Do you know the names of the people who have done your voices on the English dub by Pioneer? Just curious. Although I know it is more expensive, I purchased the subtitled version released by the same company and I am planning to complete all 52 episodes. I believe that it is much more fun to watch the series in your REAL voices, ^_^
Take care always and God bless!
Dear Jill,
Unfortunately we don't and a visit to the Pioneer website was fruitless. Are you the same Jill that moved out of the States to New Zealand? If so, how are you doing? And even if you aren't, how are you doing?
Dear Tasuki,
I just now realized i shoulda put all of my letters in the suzaku seishi box... Tell the others sorry! How do you spell Recca Shien/Rekka Shinen/Lekka Shien?? (It's chinese so the R would sound like an L right?) But what's with Shien/shinen and cc or kk?? I don't know which way to spell it. Arigato for reading this. Bless you!
Goddess Urd
Dear Goddess Urd,
Hell, even in Japanese th' R would sound like an L!! Anyway, it's spelled REKKA SHINEN.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello, sorry I'm not used to this and I dont know what to say. My cousin (Kris) posted a question and she told me to read her answer and post one too. So...
Anyway, I just started watching and learning about FY(I've only seen the first 8 eps). And I know they havent gotten to you yet but I go online and read about it and I think ur the coolest charater!!! But the others r very kewl too. and i like how u answer everything with a No Da. My cuz loves Tamahome(she just likes him cuz he's the main savior and all[over-rated if you ask me}) NeWayz...ummm I dunno what to say.
I like the show cuz it has a lot of mythology in you know which mythology is connected to the show and if so a webpage descrbing how?
And one final question....what would you do if Tasuki was coming at you with his fan powered up cuz you stole something from him?
The Incredible Magnificint ME!!!!! <----its Dai if you haven't figuired it out
Dear Dai,
I would guess that it is connected to ancient Chinese astrology, no da. Try the Chiken of Doom website that is listed on our links peeji for more information. Saa, first I would not steal from anyone, let alone TASUKI no da! And second, I would just erect a protective shield around myself, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Have you seen Oh! My Goddess?
Goddess Urd!
Dear Goddess Urd!,
Hai! Totemo omoshiroii desu yo! Belldandy wa totemo kawaii desu yo!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! Just thought I would reply, seeing as that I was reading the responses on this page again--as always ^_^
I don't know if it's just me, but I realized lately that most otaku are not very fond of the main character of a show. Example: In Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon, Tsukino Usagi/Sailormoon is not a character most people are partial to. You could use the same situation for Miaka in Fushigi Yuugi. Now, I know it's pretty biased in my opinion already (since I like you as a character so much and she is your girlfriend), but I still don't understand why people are so upset with her. If you don't like them so much, why don't you just leave the subject alone? Enough of that babbling, however :) I also noticed that Tasuki gets the majority of the e-mails around here. If you ask me, you should get at least half. ^_^
(Onto my actual reply!) I think that this page is wonderful the way it is. I don't know how you could change it to make it any better, to be truthful. [This isn't giving you a swelled head, is it? ^_~] I love how this site actually lets me write back and forth with one of my favorite bishounen in anime. It's great. (Oooh, this letter is long! I'm such a talker!) Thank you for listening, and...oh, I'm not good at this at all...*hands over a bag of o-kane* ^_^ I don't like to part with money when it can be spent buying anime merchandice! Jya!
~Kris <3
Dear Kris,
Arigato for the okane and for all you wonderful compliments! I shall pass them on to the other Seishi. Perhaps the main character is disliked because she always gets the hero?
Dear Chichiri,
the eye-thing... did it likre totally hurt like hell, or did you not notice after a minute because of your concern over hikou?
Goddess Urd!
Dear Goddess Urd!,
Of course it hurt, no da!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Oh, come on, Tama-chan, how about you selling, let's see.....Chiriko to me. For 500 gold ryou! How's that deal?
Dear Tomo,
Why you hentai, baka yarrou!!! *Punches Tomo in the mouth...*
Dear Chichiri,
I want to go to Otakon cause its not to far away from us, but my mom is not sure what the people are like(she thinks anime fans are strange!!) and how old they are. Can you tell me what the average age the fans are when they go?
The Distant wizard, Tasha
Dear Tasha,
The average age seems to be in the 20's at least for AnimeExpo, no da. I have never been to Otakon, no da. There's a reason your mom thinks that otakus are weird, they are, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Umm aren't you to young to drink? Because I thought you were only 17, *no da*?
Dear Bunny/Usagi,
I'm 19 now an' there ain't no drinkin' age in Konan.
Dear Chiriko,
WAI~! Someone's read HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy!!! (It was just a test, I knew that it was 42 all along ^_^)
Thanks for the Weird Words, but most likely we will become the Ni no Seishi... Hey, that means we can be... THE KNIGHTS WHO SAY NI!!! NI!NI!NI!NI! Oh, wait, I'm sorry if I scared you...
Chiriko kawaii!!!
Mandy, WW Seishi
Dear Mandy,
Does this mean from now on I will have to bring you a shrubbery?
Dear Hotohori,
What's your son's name and who tried to slice him, miss and hit (my favorite dearly loved) chichiri?
Goddess Urd!
Dear Goddess Urd!,
It was an agent of Tenkou's. Tasuki and the Nyan-Nyan took care of her.
Dear Tasuki,
tasuki, I thought you'd be the best person to ask! There's this really nice homeless guy that i talk to after school everyday. i talk a lot about FY and he likes you the best. Anyway... ya see, he needs some sheets to keep him warm at noight and i was hopin you'd give me those tasuki sheets to give to him. *smirks* Please?
Dear Asuka,
Uh-huh... d'ya' take me fer some baka that just fell off a turnip cart? NO!
Dear Nuriko,
What should i wear at my sister's wedding?
Goddess Urd!
Dear Goddess Urd!,
In your case, clothes would be an excellent choice!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just have to meet Soi! Can you give me a link to the Ask the Seiryuu seishi, cuz all the others are broken. Pretty please? I'll give you a free consultation at the Goddess Hotline! Ask Keiichi for the #!
Goddess Urd!
Dear Goddess Urd!,
Gomen nasai, if I had a valid link to them, I would be happy to post it. It seems all the Ask the Other Seishi peejis have folded.
Dear Mitsukake,
Can you use that "Demon Be Gone" power on my dumb-oaf big sis, Urd? *glares at the napping (snoring loudly) urd*
Little Skuld
Dear Little Skuld,
Sorry, it only works on demons, not goddesses.
Dear Tasuki,
*sniff sniff* You serious?!?!?! You would be a *LAWYER*?!?!?! *wails* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! The guy I'm in love with wants to be a lawyer!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *grabs on to his legs* Say it ain't so!! Say it ain's so!!! You better or I'll have Mandy turn you into a CARROT!!!
Rachel: What are you doing down there?
Jean: Ahh... better to see you my dear??
Rachel: *realizes what she's 'seeing' and sweat drops
Jean and Rachel
Dear Jean and Rachel,
*Looks down at his legs and sweatdrops.* Eh-heh, guess ya' got good taste in men?
Dear Tasuki,
Yes, I got my appendix ripped out. But I am happy to say that (finally) I have no more pain, I can walk totally upright again, and I am allowed to drive my car again without fear of muscle spasms (my parents din't think it possible that a person could miss their car THAT much). Of course, I still have to go back to the doctor later on this week so he can give me the clean bill of health, and that means I have to go back to work, but it all good.
So all this happy news means one thing: PARTY! So you and your bandit buds bring the booze, and me, Arilyn and Moonbeam will supply the music. Hell, bring the rest of the seishi too. I'm in a mood to celebrate!! Finally, I get to cut loose after 2 weeks of showing people my scar, boring TV shows and endless jello (you don't know how DISGUSTED I am of jello).
So, whattaya say? You guys gonna show? *smiles roguishly* I'll show you my scar... (hee hee, sorry, I'll be good now).
Your recovered and strangely energized friend,
Dear Iridal,
So when an' where is this party? Kouji an' I are itchin' to party an' brawl!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Did you get the sheets??
Dear Asuka,
No, I guess you lose on this one. Gomen nasai!
Dear Hotohori,
*A delivery truck pulls up in front of Konan Royal Palace* Hey, I got a delivery for some dude named Hotohori! Would that be ya? Well, I don't care so here ya go! *dumps huge bouquet of flowers in his arms* Oh and here's a telegram.
Here's to the handsomest father in Konan, Happy Father's Day Hotohori-sama!
The Weird no Seishis
Dear The Weird no Seishis,
Domo arigato gozaimashita! The hana are kireii desu!
Dear Mitsukake,
How come they say you are boring?
Naomi bradfield
Dear Naomi,
I don't know why they say that. Perhaps it is because I am a man of few words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why is there no Ask the Sieryuu seishi anymore? I didn't even get to look. And the link was already's funny too, I got some pretty interesting questions for them too...Will it ever be available in the future? Arigato for being so nice to me! Chichiri, Tasuki, Hotohori ga ski!!
Byakko No Miko (Kaori)
Dear Byakko No Miko (Kaori),
Gomen nasai, that was never our site. So we have no control over them, nor do we know if they will ever return.
Dear Chichiri,
Ni hao Chichiri-kun no da! Has Chichiri no Aijin found a kasa yet no da? I hope she has no da! It's still not definate if I'm going to AX but if I do, I'm wearin my kasa no da! See ya no daaaaa!! *runs away in SD mode*
Dear Jean,
She has, no da! She will be at AnimeExpo with my staff, kasa, and beads, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Are you having a bad hair day? Sorry, do you have any brothers or sisters?
Naomi bradfield
Dear Naomi,
NO! Are you? Yeah, I got 5 older sisters an' boy am I sorry!
Dear Chichiri,
Do you have two fiances? One name Kouran and one name Ten-mei?
Dear Yuu,
Iie, they are the same person, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
hey there! how are you? how's kouji? i can't tell you where the tasuki haters' club is, but that's because i found it by accident, and now i can't find it. sorry, but maybe someone else'll find it and tell ya probably. i'm glad kouji liked the gift. i saw that and just instantly thought of him. he's so cool, and i'm pretty dang proud to be his miko! who wouldn't be? oh, i'm doing alright. a couple problems here and there, but that's a little thing called life. talk to ya later!
Kouji no Miko
Dear Kouji no Miko,
Oi, Kouji san wa genki desu! Too bad ya' don't remember th' URL fer th' site. It would of been fun goin' on it an' rattlin' their cages a bit!
Dear Nuriko,
*gives the catnip to her REAL cat and then holds back the urge to play with the ball of string* you'd be surprised how many things you can do with string... *ties some of it together and does that cute little string trick called cat's cradle* see? oh! by the way.. bless you! sorry about all the sneezing! i can't promise you i'll stop thinking about you, but i could try, but it won't last that long, and that's something i CAN promise you. how have you been? good i hope... *kisses him on the cheek* well, i best be going. i can't wait til you write back! *finally decides to let her cat have the yarn and it attacks it mercilessly* arigatou for the gifts... i enjoyed the yarn... *sigh* ... the cat in me always seems to take over... oh, do you even like cats? okay, NOW i should go. luv ya!!!!!
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
Of course I like cats! I'm fine, thank you. I hope you are doing well. I'm glad you and your neko enjoyed the presents.
Dear Tasuki,
You're my sun, my moon, my fav character, my tessen, my bowl of soup, my desktop wallpaper, my screen-saver and my pointer. *puts one knee on the ground* Would you marry me?
Dear Neotasuki,
Dear Tasuki,
Isn't hard to kiss when you have those fang?
meow - chan
Dear meow - chan,
Dear Nuriko,
So you´re just a cross-dresser, eh??? But you where in love with Hotohori!!?? You have nice hair by the way, why did you cut it of?
Dear Connie,
Ano... Ithink I was in love with the idea of living my sister's life for her and what better way to honor her than to become Empress? I cut my hair when I decided I was in love with Miaka and wanted to be all man for her.
Dear Tasuki,
How are you Gen-sama? Yesterday was the last day of school and some stupid baka went wild and threw a smokebomb in one of the halls... my friend's locker was over there!! I wore my kasa to school except I had to lend it to Anne and Mary to watch it for me during PE.
Yesterday also meant graduation, I'm just a freshman, well now a sophmore but some one *blushes* very special to me (a senior) graduated and I'm worried that I'm never going to see him again... I spent the whole week looking for him and thinking about him but the only time I saw him was after I stepped out of the locker room on Tuesday to go to PE. He had his yearbook with him and asked me to sign it. After that, I got a hug and he left. I was a total airhead the whole day and couldn't play tennis right, the ball nearly hit me in the face countless times.
He's the nicest, sweetest guy I ever met and I could tell him anything that was wrong... kind of like an older brother. Sometimes I can't help thinking what would have happened if I told him I cared... but one of my friends told me that the guy already knew my... feelings...
I really wanted to the senior graduation but my mother wouldn't let me because she thought graduations were for "family only". Mandy had to go to play her flute and complained about it the whole time! I tried to convince her to take me but she kept on whining about going. After she came back, I called her to find out how everything went and she told me that she wasn't paying attention. I should have been expecting that, Mandy IS Mandy, the girl with zero sex appeal and her fave character is Taiitsukun... what do you have to say about that? What should I do Gen-sama?
Jean, the Head Weird no Seishi, the Head Weird no Seishi
Dear Jean,
Try keepin' in touch wit' him when he goes away to college. It worked for Chichiri no Aijin. She married her High School Senior!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, this is going to be a short and happy e-mail! What a relief! ^_^ I just can't wait til AX...less than four weeks now!!! As long as Chichiri no Aijin promises not to beat on me like she beats on you, Tasuki, I'd really like to meet her. ^_^ I'm actually going to be dressed up for two days. On one, I'm going as Shinsen Gumi, and on the other, I'll be dressed as Tomo. Yeah, I know it's been done...but I've put a lot of work into my costume, and it's a costume I love, considering half the time, when I have everything going right, no one's even sure if I'm a guy or a girl. I like hiding like that. ^_^
Oh yeah, and tell Nuriko that I'm taking his advice, sort of, and I'm treating myself to a hot fudge sundae at this really good icecream place in Colorado Springs. He's welcome to come along if he wants to...
Oh yeah, and you're more than welcome too. It's a great place. Depending on the sundae you get...some of them come with incendiary devices in joke. You can get a sundae called the volcano, and it actually erupts.
Anyways...take care, Tasuki-san! Ja ne!
Dear KnM,
So yer goin' as the Shinsen Gumi, eh? Are ya' goin' as a particular member or as th' WHOLE damn Gumi??? Heheheheheheheheheheh... An' don't worry 'bout Chichiri no Aijin that seems to be somethin' special she reserves jus' fer me! An' th' rotten part is Chichiri let's her! Yer' explodin' ice cream sounds interestin'! If we ever get up that way I'll have to try it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::looks at the round Suzaku picture:: You're sure that's not a rubber chicken? Sorry. Uhm...yeh...well, what are the Seiryuu seishi like? Lemme put it this way...if there was one word to describe each of them, what would it be? Domo! ::So, Nakago knows how to do "chi-raising", ne? Hm...h_h::
Nothing no miko
Ps--I'm not just asking for nothing; it's because my tomodachi Phantasia and I are writing a fic, so...we kinda need to know what they're like. Other than the fact that they are evil; we know _that_ already...
Dear Nothing no miko,
Doing this in one word was hard but here it is:
Ashitare: Pitiful
Tomo: Twisted
Miboshi: Evil
Soi: Loyal
Nakago: Manipulative
Amiboshi: Misled
Suiboshi: Damaged
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
You do realize that there are those of us who despise you not because you have done anything annoying, but simply because you take up too much screen time, serve no major purpose (anyone else could have been "Tasuki" and it wouldn't have made a large difference) and you have practically more fans than the rest of the seishi combined? Honestly... have you a bone of modesty or self-realization in your body? Or are you just the shallow person you seem?
P.S., I'm NOT Tamahome! If you can't tell who I'm named after, hey, that's *your* problem... but it sure as hell isn't Tamahome!
Dear Shun-chan,
Hey babe, I bet if ya' were a pond no one would drownin ya' either! 'Che! Shouldn't ya' be writin' to th' Tasuki haters club? An' if ya' REALLY think I'm all that shallow, ya' obviously ain't seen our adventures or ya' need to watch 'em again!
Dear Chichiri,
*has the brightest smile ever* Wow!! I didn't know that he liked me. Oi, Chichiri-kun. Kurama and Zelgadis locked me and Hiei into a room. *sigh* They wouldn't let us out until we told each other what was on our minds, because we both were mopeing about trying to figure out how to approch the conversation. But anyway, after a long time (around 4 hours) I told him what I felt, needless to say he took it well (with his eyes widening and all). He then told me that he likes me very much!!! *blushes and figets* He kissed me too....
*clears throat* Well anyways, I just wanted to say 'Thank you' for giving me advise on the whole subject, it helped me a lot. So if you ever need anything just ask me okay?
*hugs and kisses you on cheek* Got to go. Hiei is very protective and starts to worry about me when I'm gone for too long (a day or so, staying at a friends house ^_^).
Love love,
Dear Erin,
It's good to see you so happy, no da! It's nice that he worries. Just make sure he gives you your space if you need it, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
It's not everyday that I apologize, Tamahome. Franckly I don't see the reason why I should have in the first place. I hope you know that when I apologize I mean it. So don't get your pants in knot okay? You might be wondering why I don't like you, well I have my reasons. *hn* Ja ne.
Dear Shophila,
Arigato gozaimasu Suzaku no kodomo. Gomen nasai if I offended you.
Dear Nuriko,
*scratches head* Hello Nuriko! Did you ever think of yourself as a Big brother to Tamahome and Tasuki?? you take care of them so much and treat them like if you are brothers. From puching them to telling them what's good for them. So what's the answer? You guys look alike too! Well sorta, you're more good looking. *laughs* Bye Nuriko!
Dear Penpen,
I suppose so. Although I guess at one point I was more of a big sister! Tee-hee...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I would *LOVE* to know how Mulan-chan and Amy-chan got you all to pose for them in that kind of style! I have to try to convince you guys! Name it, tons of sake, mirrors, okane, books, pounding Koenma-sama and vandilizing Nakkie-poo's face when he's asleep... TELL ME!! I REALLY WANNA WANNA DRAW YOU ALL LIKE THAT!!!!
Dear Jean,
*They all look at each and sweatdrop...*Ano... I suppose asking nicely would help, nmo da. But, if you do something different, it may appear on the Seishi of the Week, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*a tiny black kitten with a white tummy crawls over to him and puts a paw on his foot. Looks up with big, kawaii eyes and mews* Mrrowww??
widdle black neko-chan
Dear widdle black neko-chan,
*Picks up kawaii neko and cuddles it to his cheek.* Awwww, kawaii neko desu yo!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've just got to admit that you guys have some pretty good taste fot websites. Better than mine! I was wondering if you guys find more good sites you guys could post them up or something. Well, bye!!
See Moua
P.S. If you're gonna write back only use my first name. Thanx!
Dear See,
When we find sites that we like they are always posted to our links peeji so we can share them with everyone.
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