Dear Mitsukake,
Are you really good in healing? Are you better than me? You and Shoka reminds me of me and Ferio. I'm so happy for you two that your reincarnation gets to be with the new Shoka. It must be fate that you two are destinied to be with each other. ^_^
Dear Fuu,
I too am glad that Shoka and I get to be together again. I don't know if I am any better or worse at healing than you are.
Dear Hotohori,
No, I wasn't. ^^; Actually, my friend and I wrote this fanfic. It is basically about you and some other choice FY characters (all of the Suzaku seishi, some of the Seiryuu seishi, both mikos) and Sana from Kodocha and Kenshin living in this land where you all worship this holy bottle of yak milk. (Yes, you still worship Suzaku, but you "worship the yak milk more because you feel it can touch you on a personal level")
So, I just wanted to know your opinion on yak milk. Yes, I am strange. hee. Thanks for you answer, Hotohori-sama!
Dear Nyanko-chan,
That sounds truly bizarre! Will I ever get to read it?
Dear Hotohori,
hi hi. it's me again. well i just wanted to ask you what is your ideal girl friend? that's all. ^_^ take care. see ya
with love,
Dear miki,
My ideal woman/girlfriend is my wife Houki.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm thinking about writing a Fushigi Yuugi Parody sometime that will include all of you and many others. Do you think I should watch the whole series first before writing the parody?(It will have people like Tasuki no Miko, Wandering Mage Chichiri, Chichiri no Aijin, Black Jade and more than I can list here) I hope they approve of me planning to put them in.
Dear Saffira,
Yes! You should definitely watch the entire series before delving into a parody! It will give you a better insight into all of us. However, we have asked Wandering Mage Chichiri, Chichiri no Aijin, and Black Jade for their thoughts, permission, etc. and here are their replies:
Wandering Mage Chichiri: I ask for the right to read it before it's public debut, so if I find anything out of character with
how she uses me I can comment and have it fixed no da!
Otherwise this is what I consider worthy of counting
for background info:
Tall 5'8", nabiki style hair cut, dark brown with red highlights, pale blue-green eyes, shares all the magical qualities Chichiri has. Has a similar personality type to Chichiri, and is madly in love with Chichiri, although she never really pushes him about it (one of those usually quiet sort of things ^^ but well I have my needy moments of mush :P)
background info:
adopted clan sister of the Hin, and hence a relative, if not by blood, to nakago, survived Hin massacre because a soldier who only had orders to kill the blonde haired hin, was able to save the dark haired girl. Infiltrated Suzaku Seishi for reconnaisance, and
realized they weren't the enemy, and had huge fight with Nakago because of it, went separate ways, fell in love with Chichiri :P (gee isn't that obvious)
Loves cats, and isn't one of those fangirls chasing Chichiri around with fluff (marshmallow creme) or jello etc. Summoned Chichiri, asked for three wishes, tour of
kasa, hugs and chichiri dolls for all the summoners, and 3rd wish was food protection for hentai fangirl uses, so he's immune to such things. ^_^
Any other questions have her ask me [] ^_^
Black Jade: She also asks for first read rights. If you wish her background besides her being Hotohori's cousin. Ask here for it and we shall email it to you.
Chichiri no Aijin: I also want to read it before it is published. I don't have an extremely detailed backstory. Meandered into "THE BOOK" and met Chichiri, Tasuki and the rest of the Seishi. Fell in love with Chichiri but is willing to share him with WMC (see above). Decided I just couldn't leave him and the rest of the Seishi behind so with his and Chiriko's help, I fashioned a cyber abode for them to live in.
I'm 5'5" with black hair that has deep auburn highlights in it. I have hazel eyes that go glowing green when I'm pissed off and a temperment somewhere between Tasuki and my beloved Chichiri. Trained under the both of them for fighting and magickal skills. I tend to dress the same as Chichiri except MY shirt is black not white. I have also been known at times to not only tease and beat on Tasuki, but to teach him a whole NEW potty mouthed vocabulary! For some reason my treatment of Tasuki seems to amuse Chichiri because he has yet to scold me for it. The 3 of us have a rather unique relationship...
Well, hope that helps you and answers your questions!
Dear Tasuki & Chichiri (both answer please),
You two are my favorite characters in the show.
Tasuki: If your Chinese(they said it was an ancient Chinese book) then why do you have flaming orange hair!!! And how come you don't use the paper thingies(y'know that turn into wolves and stuff) after you got your fan?
Chichiri: Why is your hair light blue(these are really retarded questions I know). And can you clear something up for me? Did you cut your eye out to remember the day by or did a big log knock it out? And why did they have to knock you out of the whole 5th tape(my least favorite tape, sorry Tasuki), your way cooler then Hotohori (no offense or anything Hotohori), why did you have to be nice to him and take his place!! (umm don't hate me for saying that stuff).
The Distant Wizard,Tasha
P.S I admire you for not falling head over heals for Miaka Chichiri, and for being plan cool. And Tasuki I admire you for being so cool looking when you use your tessen fan.
Dear Tasha,
I got th' flamin' hair 'cos it's in my family. An' Miaka wasted alla my paper spells on food!
Genetics, no da? My eye is that way because it was gouged out by a branch when I was trying to save my best friend, no da.
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! Uh..I don't have any beauty question but I DO have a question. I have friends that boss me around, should I think of them as friends or should I not? And do you think you look like Houki(Hotohori's wife)??
Dear Kesuke,
Depends on what they are making you do? If it's study, then they're just trying to help. If it's something that can hurt you or get you in trouble, then they aren't. I think Houki looks like me, but I'M cuter!
Dear Tamahome,
Did you kiss Xi-fang that time? Remember then Miaka came in and the camera was pointing at her with the shocked expression. So, we couldn't see whether you and Xi-fang were about to kiss or did kiss but we couldn't see it.
Dear Kaoru,
We were about to kiss. That was enough of a shock for Miaka.
Dear Chichiri,
Was there ever another girl that you liked besides Korin?(I'm sorry if I spelled that wrong)
The Distant Wizard, Tasha
Dear Tasha,
Iie, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Do you think of your self boring?? I don't think you're boring!! *mummbles to myself* -_- You should get more attention....
p.s. Love ya Nuriko & Mitsukake!
Dear Penpen,
I don't but others certainly do.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I feel weird writing this but I need to ask this anyways. I am going to a anime convention (heehee, okay so that's not the big deal) in Canada (Don't give me funny looks, I live there ok? ^_^;;) and there's one big one that arrives every year. I've never gone to a convention before and have been dying to goto this one since last summer (missed it last year as well). I have two problems because of this.
1) One friend is graduating on that day and wants me to attend, she warned me ahead of time, but I've been proclaiming that I didn't know what day the convention was on, and I wanted to goto that first and foremost. I found out that it is on the same day and told her, she simply said : Goto it on Friday or Sunday. Sunday most of the stuff is picked over, Friday I'd have to buy a weekend pass and not use it because I still have exams to study for. She's threatened to drag me there, (jokingly), but seriously she wants me to attend. I feel the way she's been talking, that our friendship is riding on this one day - I think that if she's my friend she'd know how bad I wanted to go and let me go without guilt. Then again, I feel bad because if I was a good friend, I would skip the convention and attend her graduation - I'm so confused I don't know what to do.
2) If I do go, I was talking with a person I call my friend, about meeting her there, since she's in another province. She's danced around it vaguely by saying that she has other friends that have to enter artwork and their costumes, and she doesn't know if she's even meeting this other girl, etc. I kept asking if I could meet her until she finally said, "Come early for the morning, then we can meet for lunch." I realize now I may have invited myself, I didn't mean to, but I really wanted to meet her & another friend. I also think she may have just agreed out of pity, because I said nobody else was going with me (which is true - they all bailed 'cuz they wanted to dress up and couldn't get a costume :( ....) I know she's been busy a lot, she works and takes night school, but everytime I call her she's in the shower or not home and she never returns my calls. I feel stupid, I ask her if I'm bugging her and she says no, but I can't help but think that she's avoiding me. She also said she'd call about a time and place to meet for the convention, but I also have a feeling she'll "lose my number" or "forget to call" or something. I like her as a friend, and I think she's a cool person - certainly a great writer. I feel really stupid but what do you think? I've confronted her as I said before and she brushes it off as nothing, "no [she] was busy, no big deal, you're not buggin' me" But I can't help but feel she's just being nice. Maybe I sound clingy? I don't mean to, just in my school, not many people (maybe two) know and like anime - not to mention one likes Fushigi Yuugi, and I just like to talk to people about the characters, who like it. Can you help me solve this? Is it just me or what?
Dear Distressed,
Well, your first problem is your priorites, no da. Which is REALLY more important to you? Your friendship with this person or going to a convention that you can attend either later in the day/week or even next year, no da? This is your friend's only graduation. I would hope you know which is more important, no da. As to your second problem, while you may not be annoying this person, she does seem to not want to take the friendship to closer level. Perhaps, you should just let her go her way, no da. I understand your lack of anime friends, but it just doesn't seem that this person is looking for that, no da. Gomen nasai, if this is not what you wanted to hear, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
What's up with your hair? I like it and all, but it hurts my eyes after 5 episodes in one night!!! This is Momoko-chan's friend.
Sey Something
Dear Sey Something,
Tell yer friend to adjust th' brightness control on her TV, 'cos there ain't nothin' wrong wit' MY hair!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I left something on the message board but I felt like participating in this page after just reading letters every week. :o) I'm sure people already spout on about how neat this page is ['this page is SOOOOOO cool!' or 'I love you guys soooo MUCH!'], but I'm not that type of person. For me, it's more like: You do a great job on your page and I hope that I can read more of you guys in the future.
I think I'll probably write more now that I've started, but I'll pile a whole bunch of questions on here anyway ^_^; Hope you don't mind. Firstly, do over-energized crazy otaku fangirls scare you? If I were in that place with otaku fanboys I would be terrified for my life ^_- Another question I thought of when reading the past few letters: Why do people persist in asking why Miaka is so 'popular' among you? I would think that after ten answers, they would understand. Sorry--reading the same questions over and over again gets a bit tedious.
Closing comments: I love checking up on this page every week and seeing my favorite characters interact with regular ol' anime fans such as myself. And to my favorite bishounen on the show... Tamahome, I love reading your responses the most. :o) Have a nice day minna-chan!
~Kris (the silent observer) <3
Dear Kris,
Glad you're enjoying our peeji and that I'm your favorite (take THAT Fang Boy!). Thanks for you sweet words. I don't think scared is exactly how I would put it when talking about the crazed fan girls. Embarrassed and confused is more like it! It does get wearing to answer the same things over and over again, but we aren't really setup to say, "Go to this archive on this date and on this part of the peeji and there is your answer." Sumimasen. We'll try to do better.
Dear Mitsukake,
Thank you for not falling in love with Miaka. It's so nice to see someone not moon over her.
Dear MD,
She is a very sweet child, but way too young for me.
Dear Tasuki,
I heard someone say that in the manga, you did kiss Miaka when you first met her, is this true? If it is, I wonder why they changed it on TV...
Dear Kaoru,
I didn't she decked me in the manga, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! Is Miaka's cooking really that bad, or does she actually cook something good once in a while?
Dear Andrea,
You don't seriously expect us to answer this, do you, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Hi. I got some friends to start watching Fushigi. They were over today and got up to the episode where evil you and Tasuki duke it out. One of my friends grabbed my wrist and would cringe each time you hit Tasuki while you were stepping on his head. She reacted the same way earlier when Nakago was whipping you. Well, as I was watching these episodes over I remebered how later you go nuts while Miaka is telling you that you only broke her arm, you only beat Tasuki to a pulp, and you only had a sword fight with the emperor himself. Well, I was wondering how long it took you to get over that, even though you couldn't remeber having done it. Well that's it for now. *leaves a bag of coins*
Dear Mikani,
It took awhile but I did come to realize that not only was I drugged, but that in some way my love for Miaka prevented me from killing her. And for that I am grateful. Thanks for the okane!
Dear Tasuki,
Who is your equal of the Sieryuu seishi??
Ya' know like, Tamahome and Nakago are equal...Well who are you equal with..Soi?? (just guessing..Don't hurt me) Gomene! Just wondering..well..To add to the fact, who are all of the Suzaku seishi equal to? I know Tamahome, Nuriko...That's about it.. Nuriko and ashitare...
Oh, well...Please help me out.. so confused.
Dear Kaori,
Hmph! Ain't none of THOSE losers any of OUR equals!! An' I don't think Nuriko would like yer sayin' he's equal to an ugly freak, either!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello Tasuki, I have loads of questions to ask you, I hope you don't mind!
1)How did you become a bandit and why?
2)How did you meet Koji?
3)Will you ever learn to read, did you once have an oppertunity?
4)You always say that you hate women, yet you save them, help them, etc. Why?
5)After Suzaku is called will you return to a life being a bandit?
Last one... 6)What is it that you steal? Bye! =^^=
Thank you for your time,
PS Whats your favorite animal, besides a wolf?
Dear Elyra,
Boy, ain't ya' th' curious one? I became a bandit 'cos I left home at 15 an' when some nasty guys tried to kick my @$$ I was rescued by th' leader of th' Mt. Reikaku bandits. That's also where I met Kouji. Uh... if I couldn't read I wouldn't be able to answer this letter of yer's. I guess it's 'cos I'm jus' one hell of a nice guy! Maybe, I dunno. I steal whatever is valuable that I can get my hands on! An' I guess besides wolves, I like cats, too.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri! The Sphere of Illusion is finished!!
Do you want to peek? Sphere of Illusion Hey! Have fun you guys with all the letters! Chichiri Ga Ski!!! ^_^
Dear Kaori,
Nice site, no da! We are adding you to our links peeji and would be very happy if you did the same for us, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hihi. Recently my mother told me that I couldn't go to Otakon to meet some friends of mine because it was to far away and she didn't know who these people were (my internet friends). Even though I'm 18, I understand her fears and respect them, though I _really_ wanted to go so much. But upon breaking this news to my friends, they got completely upset and guilt tripped me all the way to Topeka. ^^;;; I don't know what to do. I really like my friends and don't want to never talk to them again because of a silly thing like this, but they keep on pressuring me to delcare my independance of my mum and go against her wishes. I'd rather not do that. How can I explain this to my friends? What should I do!? >_< I'm gonna start biting my nails if this keeps up! (oh horrorrs!)
Dear Emi,
Are you still living with your parents? If so, you have to abide by their rules. Your mom does have a point. If you have never met these people off-line how do you who they REALLY are? While I'm sure you would be fine at Otakon, what happens if your internet friends flake on you or worse turn out to be total scary freaks? How do you get out of that situation? If they are really friends, they would b---h and moan, but still respect your mom's wishes. When you are ready to move out and live on your own, then you can declare your independence. And don't start biting your nails! There will always be another Con you can go to.
P.S. On the other hand, if they are close by why not arrange a real world meeting with them AND your mom?
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, What is your opinion on Ashitare...
Do you think he is a nice person underneath all that wolf stuff? What's the scoop??
(Gomene..I know I'm annoying) K BYE!
Dear Kaori,
I really don't know. I think he was horribly abused by Nakago, but that is the extent of my opinion on him.
Dear Mitsukake,
How come you have such a deep voice? You passed puberty, right?
Dear Masaaki,
Yes I did, with flying colors.
Dear Tasuki,
This is my first time writing on this board - I just recently stumbled onto it! I just wanted to drop a note by saying I have a friend who's little brother is somewhat similar to yours. Well, he may not have bright orange ruffly hair but it's got some orange tinges and his older sister (who's unmarried and still living in the house (ack she's only 13! hehe) has dark brown hair & brown eyes) but..., to make the situation scarier - they both have four older sisters. Is Aidou the oldest or youngest of your sisters ('cuz if she's the youngest - that'd make Tammy-Neko like Aidou.... Well, she can be scary sometimes, but she doesn't whip logs at him - as far as I know..., notebooks and videos yes, logs not quite ^_~;;) What's scary though is she has the fangs not him -_-;;0 Somebody help Travis! hehe... Just thought you'd find it as funny as I did.
I *DO* have one question for you though! What happened? Y'know, when you're walking away from Mitsukake's hut, the funny walk n' all, looks like you got injured. Tammy-Neko claims that you must've said something and Miaka got a little creative of where to stick the fan. 0_o;; I hope not! ^_-;;
P.S. You're my fav! Love the fangs & tessen! You also look extremely cute when you're doing the Peach-chan for Miaka-chan thing! Hehehe Please tell Koji I said "Hi!" as well....
Dear Nykee,
Pretty amusin'! Nah, Aidou is th' oldest an' I'm th' youngest. Ano... I'd rather NOT talk 'bout that right now!
Dear Tamahome,
konnichiwa. how are you and miaka doing? i wish miaka and yui can join this site so i can talk to them too. anyways tamahome you are one of my favorite suzaku seishi. you're so kawaii. you almost remind me of nabiki tendo. she loves making money just like you. she's also one of my fave. i think you and miaka make a lovely couple. *gives tamahome 4 bags of gold* best wishes to you and your miaka. bai bai oh yeah can you help me say hi to miaka and yui. doomo
Dear miki,
We are both doing fine, thank you. Thank you for you kind words. The decision was made early on that this would be a sit strictly for us Seishi to answer your letters, gomen. I will give Miaka and Yui your regards.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,'s been a long time since I wrote to you, but I just need to talk a little. One of my best friends went into a coma last year, due to a massive malignant brain tumor. They've removed the tumor and he's awake, and so far they expect full recovery. Today I went to see him and and I talked to him for awhile. He doesn't fully recognize me yet, and can't speak much. I know it's important for me to go and it means a lot to him, even if he doesn't know it's me. The problem is, afterward, I get terribly sick to my stomach and I cry (when I get home) I keep going because he needs me, but it breaks my heart.
I'm going to take him some photographs. Can you think of any good gifts I could bring him--and any ways to take the edge off of these awful feelings I get?
Thanks for listening. I feel better just letting it out.
Dear Tsutsuji,
While this is very hard on you, you are doing something very wonderful for your friend. Try to see it that way and maybe it will be easier on you. As to gifts, did he have any favorite songs? Perhaps you can bring him tapes of the songs you remember him liking. How about tapes of friends wishing him well? You also might want to ask his doctors what gifts would be good for him and also that would aid in his recovery. Maybe you and some of his other frinds can get together and make a video for him. We send our wishes for his recovery, too.
Good luck,
Dear Hotohori,
Will you accept a challenge to a duel of swordsmanship?
Dear Lantis,
I am not one to step away from a challange. I just hope that you are equal to the task at hand.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you think that you are just a little bit full of yourself? Since you've become a loved character of FY, do you think that it's possible that your head may have swelled up a little bit? When this girl Tora wrote in saying how every girl fell in love with ya 'cept her, your response was "Yeah it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it" Any comments? And don't worry, if you admit to these charges, it's ok, because the wonderful M.o.t.O.R. admits that she's full of herself too. And for your trouble, here is 13 bags of gold (cause 13 is my favorite number) *Kisses kouji on the lips....leaves sometime later that day* Bye!!!!!!!!
Meredith the Kleptomaniac Demon of The Weird World
Dear Meredith,
What do you mean "Just a little bit full of yourself"?? He's totally full of himself!!! Always has been. Some days his head is sooooo swelled he can't get through the door!! *Hahahahahaha.... ITAI!! Watch where you're flaming that thing!* *Runs off with the 13 bags of gold...*
Dear Meredith,
Oh, he's REAL funny, ain't he??? *Looks at slightly burnt Tamahome...* He jus' sez that s--t 'cos I get more letters than he does. 'Che, can't ya' people take a FEW wisecracks?!?!?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, what's up? ^.^ It's me, the crazy flute player. This time I actually have a serious question. ^.^;; Well, this is how it is.. a friend of mine dropped hints that he liked me as more than a friend, and I don't like him that way, so I kind of acted like I was oblivious. Anyway, he wrote me this whole long guilt trip email and was like "My life will be ruined if you aren't with me", blah blah etc etc. I felt REALLY bad, but I still turned him down. Do you think I did the right thing? I mean, I know I would only have hurt him in the long run, and I really don't like him.. and NOW he won't leave me alone.. the minute I sign on he pesters me! I try to ignore him but he keeps chattering. What can I do, save changing my AOL IM screen name? I can't get him to go away! ;.;
Kaji Flutesong
Dear Kaji Flutesong,
Tell him if he don't knock it off ya' won't be his friend anymore either! If that don't work an' ya' both are on AOL, tell him it's harrassment (do this in email for documentation) and if he won't stop, get him kicked off AOl fer harrassment. Ya' can also tell yer partents an' maybe they can have a talk wit' his parents. You were right to be upfront wit' him. Now he jus' has to stop bein' a baka an' grow th' *^%$ up!
Dear Chichiri,
Hiya Chichiri-sama!!!!!!!! LOVEs you sooooo muchie....well...dis is FUSH again....I've been waiting everyday impatiently for this comment thang to work again..It was tortured not being able to write some letters, but I gots a whole bunch to write in case this thang takes a break again....then I can see all da answers to my questions while I wait. *smiles*
I was Miaka's world....I would like to know what kind of car all of you would drive...since everyone is of age....except Chiriko...gomen cutie...but still tell me all what car you would like even you too Chiriko!!! What color....brand...that kinda stuff....heh heh....I'm just curious! (P.S. how come the driver's side of foreign cars is in the position of the passenger's side here in the USA and vise-versea?? )
Also...if you were reborn in Miaka's world.....what kinda job or position would you all hold?? schoo is out dis Thursday...and me sooo happy...that makes a whole summer to get what ever FY thangs i can find...ish sooo kawaii...i gots to work on my drawings too...what are u and the others all doing dis summer??????
What do u think about if i got my right ear pieced one more i can wear two earrings on just my right ear and one on my left....does that sound bakana?? I thought it might be coo....what ya think??? You know people be trying to sell replicas of your necklace and tasuki's...but we all know there just plastic......what are your big beads made of on your necklace....i know Tasuki's is like made of gems....but whats yours??? Wish i had one too.....heh heh ... when i get a scanner and scan my drawings...would u like to see them too???
Chichiri?....*eyes sparkling* do u know where I can find some more mp3's songs that I can download to my mp3 player so I can hear you soo sweet & Kawaii voice & Tasuki's hot, sexy voice too??????!!!! Arigato then!!!! GOts to JA-NE!!! And arigato again....gomen for being so long and asking so many questions.....heh heh *winking with a happy grin and waving good-bye*
Gomen nasai, I don't know of any MP3 sites that have our songs, no da. As to what cars we would drive, jobs we would hold in Miaka's world, and what we are doing over the summer, your answers are below, no da!
Tasuki: A red Ferrari an' I would be yer world's version of a bandit... a lawyer! Heh-heh-heh...
Nuriko: A lavender Jaguar and I would be a fashion designer.
Hotohori: I would drive a Lexus and I would be in politics to help make the world a better place.
Tamahome: I would drive a Saturn SL2. It's practical AND economical! I would be a banker. Maybe an investment banker. That will be 2 gold ryou, kudasai!
Chichiri: I would ride a Kawasaki motorcycle and travel around the country, no da.
Chiriko: I'd like a really kakkoii car! I'd like to be a professor at a university.
Mitsukake: I'd drive a Land Rover and I would be a veterinarian.
Chichiri no Aijin will be going to AnimeExpo in July and we are hoping to join her, no da. But mostly we'll be answering letters and taking breaks if we get too backed up, no da!
My original necklace was made of wooden beads. The one Taiitsu-kun gave me as of precious stones, no da. I would certainly like to see your drawings when they are finished, no da! AS to getting your ear pierced again, that is your and your parent's decision, not mine, na no da! Gambatte kudasai! DA!!
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