Dear Tasuki,
It's been a little while, nee, Tasuki-san. Well...hasn't really been that long, I guess...I've just been jept busy. Before I go into my latest fit of pathetic whining, there's some previous stuff...
Kinda weird, actually, but since I vented about that guy, he hasn't been calling me or returning my pages or anything. At first I was kind of mad, but now, I just can't really make myself care. It's kind of good, actually, I guess, because now I have more time to devote toward writing, which is a lot more fun than torturing oneself over a guy, I think. It's just kind of times, I feel like it's ok to be alone, and that it's no biggie that I don't have a boyfriend, and at times, it really bothers me, and I feel very lonely. I don't really know if it's normal to feel like that...have long stretches of time when you just want to be by yourself, but I'll work with it. It gives me a chance to write more on my novel.
And yeah, I'm going to AX, though I'm tempted to go in disguise, considering some of the nastiness I've been getting over my anti-nakago page lately. I'm not hurt by it, don't take me wrong, and I frankly find people flaming the page kind of funny...but I really don't want to start a public scene if someone that's decided they don't like me finds me or something. Yes, I'm being paranoid...but hey, in real life, I tend to be really shy, and I don't like face to face confrontations very much. I dress to blend in to walls, and such...the only times I ever wear bright colors are when I'm in full costume. I don't even talk much to people face to face, just because I'm not very good at people think I'm really stand offish and cold, just because I don't know how to act. -_- So I don't want to take a chance, you know? Besides...the prospect of meeting a bunch of (or even a few) people who already know how strange I am is a very intimidating one...Yes, I am being silly, I admit it.
Now on to the new stuff. The job is same old same nothing really to talk about there. I just helped my best friend move into my house, since she can't stand living with her father any more. It's been kind of different, but nothing too bad. I actually don't see much more of her now than I did before, since we both work full time jobs. I might see even less of her in the future, actually, because I'm trying to get the midnight to eight shift at work...which means I won't actually be seeing much of anyone. ^_^ (Mom: Well, we're pretty sure she's still alive...there's someone in her room all day, and food disappears out of the fridge on a regular basis...) Also, my grandma went into the hospital for surgery, because they thought she might have cancer...but she's ok now, and if it was cancer, they caught it in plenty of time, so I'm very relieved about it.
It's been kind of sad, though. Right when I moved my best friend out, her dog got really really sick. Her stomach swelled up...and then she died when they had her on the operating table for exploratory surgery. I saw her the night before she died, and it really bothered me, because the poor thing was in a lot of pain. She couldn't get comfortable, but she couldn't walk either, and she just kept looking at us like she expected us to make it all better. And we couldn't. There was nothing we could do. And it HURT. I hate feeling helpless so much.
And it made me remember when Cupcake, my old dog, was diagnosed with advanced cancer. The last night, she was hurting so much, and I couldn't do anything. And all I could think about were the times that I told her to go away because she was bothering me, or I ignored her when she wanted attention. And I still feel horrible, even though its been more than a year. Is that a normal thing? I don't know.
Geeze, this is a huge letter. I'm really really sorry. I didn't mean to vent like this, because really, I didn't think I had anything to vent about. I guess I was wrong. Every time I write, I say next time, I won't whine as much, and somehow, I do anyway. I'm really sorry, Tasuki-san. Gomen nasai.
Dear KnM,
WHEW!!! Let' stake this a paragraph at a time!! What yer goin' through is normal so don't sweat it! Enjoy the time ya' got when yer by yerself! Nuriko suggests treatin' yerself to somethin' REALLY GOOD!!! He says yer worth it!
Yer welcome to hang wit' Chichiri no Aijin an' me! Hell, she don't take no s**t from NO ONE!! I taught her well! *Big fanged grin... ITAI! OI! Watch it wit' that staff woman! Whatcha' mean one more gloat 'bout "how I taught ya'" an' it goes where th' sun don't shine??? ...oh... sweatdrops...* See what I mean? She'll make sure no one picks on ya'! At th' very least try an' look her up while yer there. She'll be th' on ein the kasa an' beads wit' th' staff (an' th' attitude ITAI! GEEZ!!!)
Glad yer tomodachi is livin' wit' ya'. Sorry 'bout her dog. Losing a pet is hard. Yer still mournin' th' loss of yer Cupcake so it still hurts. People mourn a loss in different ways and for different lengths of time. So yer normal.
Ahhhhh, don't be sorry! Glad to help ya' out an' all. Try an' look us up at AX. See ya' then!
Dear Nuriko,
Did you become gay because your sister died?
Sunukake Baba
Dear Sunukake Baba,
No, I became a cross-dresser because she died. I wanted to live her life for her.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just wanted to let you guys know that I am mad!! I finally get the internet and the ability to write into guys personally instead of having my friend do it for me...and you take a break. And right in the middle of a big problem of mine...I had to result to the Sailor Seishi who haven't written a response in like 2 weeks!!!! But i am glad your back. Hope to write to you guys in the future
Mary the Kleptomaniac Demon of the Weird World
Dear Mary,
Gomen nasai, no da. It is really the only way we can keep up, no da! The alterenative is to cut back on the letters we answer and we REALLY don't want to do that, na no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Phylisophical Question here: In "Green Eggs and Ham" (the lovely piece of classical literature by Dr.Seuss) is it just the eggs that are green, or the ham too?
Also, what is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?
What's 'weird' in Japanese? We would like to know so that we can add on to our long list of psuedonyms.
Now remember, we want answers!!!
Weird World Seishi
Dear Weird World Seishi,
I believe that the ham as well as the eggs are green. And the meaning of life, the universe, and everything is 42. How about hen, kawatta, and kikai (na)?
Dear Chiriko,
You have a wonderful big brother! It was rather cool of him to name his son,(your nephew)after you. Also that he told his son that you were a very loyal suzaku shichiseishi that died during the task of serving the Suzaku no miko. That was cool of you too. You are always so loyal. Whenever there's great trouble, you're the one that saved all the seishi's @sses. Well, see ya.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Arigato gozaimasu for your generous words! I really just did what had to be done.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, here's a question for Tamahome, Hotohori, Nuriko, and Tasuki. If Yui was the Suzaku no miko, instead of Miaka, would you have fallen in love with Yui?
Dear Houki,
Good question... probably not. She's very different from Miaka.
Tamahome, Tasuki, Nuriko
PS. Hotohori already answered you.
Dear Hotohori,
If Yui was the Suzaku no miko, would you have fallen in love with her and ask for her hand in marriage? You have to tell me the TRUTH!
Dear Houki,
I married you! Isn't THAT enough?
Dear Tamahome,
*sighs as she approches the bishounen*
... Damn it I don't see why I have to apologize!! *the sky rumbles* Fine, Dad I'll do it.
Tamahome.... I'm.... *grits teeth* Sorry, for punching you in the gut. The only reason why I'm apologizing is because, Dad doesn't like it when I pick on his "seishi". It either apologizing or go through on of his borring lectures about how I'm half god, and it's really unfare to the mortals.
Dear Shophila,
I appreciate the effort even if you don't really mean it. But, mortal, Seishi, or demi-god, you really shouldn't go around just punching people... and that goes for kicking, biting, and scratching, too. I won't EVEN go into spitting...
Dear Chichiri,
*smiles as she smooths her hair out* Witch one? Both Kurama and Zelgadis are trying to get us together. Hm... I supose that it's up to me ne? I'll talk to him soon, and maybe I'll get something out of the little imp.
*looks at Chichiri*
If I didn't know any better, I would have to say that you are enjoying this just as much as Kurama. *Kurama is in the background beaming, and saying something about the perfect plan.* But you are not going to get obessed with it like him. Thank Koenma-sama that you aren't. Oi, could you give me a tip on how to approch this subject?
Arigato! ^_^
Dear Erin,
Very carefully, no da! We are generally very shy about such things, no da! Gomen nasi, I don't know either him or the situation to really say more than that, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Sup Tasuki-sama!!!!!!! *running to give a hug* Your so kawaii....but of course u knew dat already....with your so cute
potty-mouth language...singing...those shy looks...when u blush...of course I could go on....but that might take me several pages *drooling*. .so....
I gots a guy friend who I let borrow my 2nd OVA tapes....but he hasn't given it back for a month now...he says he hasn't recorded it yet...but he had lots of time....I'm afraid its broken or somethang...well anyways..he says he give it back to me on Thursday...which happens to be my final exam test...and I might forget and I'll be hella pissed if he thinks he can keep it or keep it over da any advice???? Actually can I just have you come and Rekka Shien him with your kawaii fan???????????? That could be less work for me.....heh heh Arigato
Ask him to give ya' yer *&^%$#@ tapes back! An' it's jus' too *&^%$ bad if he ain't had time to record 'em! He can do it after yer break! Or he can give ya' blank tapes an' you can do it fer him.
Dear Nuriko,
*purrs* well, if you're going to be that sweet i just might have to curl up in your lap. how are you? sorry about the sneezing fit, but you're always on my mind. you're just that great, and wonderful, and sweet, and that's why you're my favorite! write back soon!
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
A-A-A-CHOO!!! *sniffles* Aside from the sneezing, I'm fine thank you. Here... *fishes some catnip and a ball of yarn out of his pocket .* Have a kitty treat!
Dear Tasuki,
what i gave kouji was a semi-small silver medallion with the picture of a wolf carved into it on a black leather necklace. necklace sounds stupid, but i can't think of what else to call it. that way he can always think of me, Hakurou, and you. how are you doin anyway? hope yer doin well. i also found a tasuki-haters club. it was interesting.... they call you ashboy... pretty funny..... how did kouji like his gift? later!
Kouji No Miko
Dear Kouji No Miko,
I'm doin' fine. How're ya' doin' yerself? Kouji loved his gift! He told me to tell ya' thanx! A Tasuki haters club?!?!?!? DOKO??? DOKO?!?!?! I jus' gotta see this!! They mus' all be hentai Tomo lovers!! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chiriko,
Hiya CHiriko! I gots some final exams coming up dis Wednesday & Thursday....any tips on the best way to study and not cram too much?
I got my history one down.....but I'm having a hard time with Spanish cuz its so frikken confusing and long...... ARIGATO *smiles*
(P.S. maybe I could just find me a copy of the 4 Gods and jump in to huh? my coolest dreams....heh heh .....)
Setup a specific time frame to study in (2-3 hours) and go to a place where you can study comfortably, with good lighting, and no distractions. Study your subject for the length of time you chose and then take a 20-30 minute break. When your break is over try to review and study for another hour or so. At least this way you shouldn't feel like you are cramming. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*pulls out a piece of string for Tama-Neko to play with* Well, the worst happened. She died the other day. I went to the funeral, and now we're with family for a few days. It's really for the best, 'cause she was really drugged up and stuff.
*pulls Tama-Neko into her lap and snuggles him* Thanks for listening to me, and everything. At least it's over now.
Dear Ju-Chan,
Gomen nasai, Ju-chan. We all send our condolences on the loss of your beloved oba-san. *Gives her a hug.* At least it is, as you said, for the better. I'm sure your obasan is in a better place now and that she knows you love her and miss her very much, no da. *Tasuki walks over to her with tears in his eyes and gives her a hug, too.* I know it hurts an' all but we're all here fer ya'!
Chichiri and Tasuki
Dear Tamahome,
My, Tamahome, such a harsh reaction. You wound me!
Well, if you and Tasuki are too close to be parted, then how about... hmm.. Nuriko? He's a little effeminate, but he'll do. Surely a businessman like you can see the benefits we could gain from mutual associations.
Dear Tomo,
IIE!!! What do the words "not a snowball's chance in hell" mean to you?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello, all of you! I have a question. Are you all going to fall in love with Miaka?
Dear Yui,
Iie. Neither Chichiri, Mitsukake, nor myself have succumbed to her charms.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey... I'll give you as much money as you want if you get me those Tasuki sheets. PLEASE!!! *watery eyes* Pretty please! If I have 'em, I can brag to everyone and say that I sleep with Tasuki evry night, but of course I won't tell anyone he's met... Heh heh heh. As much money as you want! For now, here's your 2 gold ryou.
Dear Asuka,
Look, I want to make okane as much as the next greedy guy, but I can't promise he'll give them to me and I WON'T steal them! (That's Tasuki's job.) So I'll try, but no promises...
Dear Tasuki,
*sigh* Final exams are finally here... My parents and my big bro has really been bugging me about studying for them. It's VERY annoying. My mom is yelling at me right now, AGAIN, telling me during this period, I can't touch the TV, the internet, and video games. It IS TOTALLY annoying. She thinks I'm not going to study unless she tells me so. Sometimes I think parents are like retarded or something, they think kids can't think for themselves. They think that they are the smart ones or somethin'. Anyway, I DID study, during school, teachers were explaining things to us. And during study hall, I look over somethings too. How can I get everyone to stop bugging me?
Today's the finals, I've studied quite a lot yesterday. But my parents and my big bro are still bugging me. They said I didn't study enough. Well, I think I did. Is there a way to convince them that I have studied enough? Well, see ya.
Gen-chan no miko
p.s. Ano....I hope I'm not bothering you with my stupid problems...
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Nah, ya' ain't botherin' me and' yer questions ain't stupid, either! Well if ya' tell 'em that th' hassle their givin' ya' is gonna mess up yer tests, they might lay offa ya'. On th' other hand, if ya' pass yer tests, then ya' can say "see I told ya' I studied enough!" Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
konnichiwa minasan, ogenki desu ka. i think all of you guys are so.........kawaii especially tamahome. *gives a kiss to all the seishi* *gives tamahome bags of gold* i just love those fangs of yours tasuki. well, anyways good luck to all of you and best wishes. bai bai
p.s. take care
Dear miki,
Ogenkii desu! Arigato gozaimasu for your kind words. Ki o tsukete kudasai! *Gives her a kisu on the cheek.*
Dear Tasuki,
I'm not writing for a question, but to merely talk and get some sympathy 'cause I'm in pain and going stark raving BORED! (What is the purpose of an appendix anyway, other than to hang around and cause one pain?) There is nothing to do around here accept sleep.
Anyway, I have a constant hitch in my side and I hold my side when I walk. Fun, huh? At least I got out of anything resembling work for at least 2 weeks. (hee hee)
So how are things going up on Mt. Reikaku? Arilyn, Moonbeam and I ought to throw another party soon and have you guys over again (God knows it'll break up the monotony here...)
Well, I'm done rambling on about cruel fate and defective body parts. Have fun, and give a shout out to Kouji for me.
Your (suffering) friend,
Dear Iridal,
So, I guess ya' got it ripped out, eh? Things sre doin' good at Mt. Reikaku. Th' party idea sounds kakkoii!! Kouji an' th' other bandits said to tell ya' HI an' to get better soon!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You know, I've been reading some of past letters and they were mostly addressed to Chichiri and Tasuki. Aren't the rest of you jealous? Even a little bit? That has been bothering me for a while, I just had to get it out. Great job on the site! Bye, Bye!!!!:D
See Moua
Dear See Moua,
Glad you like the site! Nah, we're not all that jealous. Besides, we have more free time and less aching hands. Although, Tasuki's ego has manged to swell so big that we're thinking of having it answer letters, too. Ha-ha-ha...
Dear Tasuki,
Why'd you try to kiss miaka when you first met her?
Dear Asuka,
Hmph! I guess 'cos she's cute!
Dear Tamahome,
Hello Tama-chan!!! Your sooo kawaii....well compared to Tasuki....Tasuki is way so kawaii but your kawaii too!!! I've been wondering this for a while....oks...remember how Tasuki's Hailsen Tessen Fan burns anything to ashes whoever Tasuki aims it at?? Why is it all the time he burns never turn to ashes...but just look toasted.....I thought the fan burns things to ashes, but ya still able to pop back up and beat Tasuki up for it...explain please??? *smiles* Arigato Tama!!
LOves & HugS
As one of Suzaku's Seishi I can take a lot of physical abuse. Besides, I get the feeling he may not be using it on me at full strength.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wai! Wai! You're back!! We missed you all! Tell CHichiri no Aijin that I'll be okay at Anime Expo, I was by myself last year too since my dad just followed me around and didn't go into any of the screening rooms and stuff. The coordinator of the Weird World page, Carrot Demon Mandy, wants to know how she could do a "Ask the Weird World seishi" webpage. Will you teach us and is it okay if we do it?
Dear Jean,
It's fine if you want do that type of peeji. Teaching you to do it, is another thing altogether! Chichiri no Aijin and Chiriko used a book called "Teach Yourself WebPublishing with HTML 3.2 in a Week" by Laura Lemay. They also use a program called "HomeSite 3.0". We can tell you what the tools are, but it's very difficult to teach someone Website publishing vie email or this letter. Gomen nasai. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Why are you so beautiful? In the manga, you look EXTREMELY beautiful. Not that you're not beautiful on TV. Do you brush your hair all the time since they are always so shiny? How do you have such a nice complexion? Also, tell your brother that he's beautiful too, I don't want him to feel left out.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Arigato gozaimasu for your lovely compliments! I do brush my hair 100 strokes a day and as to my complexion, I eat healthy foods and keep out of the sun whenever possible. I shall pass your compliments on to my brother.
Dear Hotohori,
Why do you always look so sad? Whenever I see you, you have this really sad expression on your face. Is it because Miaka is not the ideal miko you were hoping for?
Concerned one
Dear Concerned one,
I did not realize that my loneliness and disppointment in her preference of Tamahome over myself showed that readily. Gomen nasai. Miaka is a splendid miko. I have no complaints about her or the way she carried out her duties.
Dear Chichiri,
Are you stupid?
Daphne Yin
Dear Daphne,
No he ain't!!! YA' GOTTA PROBLEM WIT' THAT!?!?!?!?!?!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!! I'm Sailor Starrunner3!! What? You don't know me!! Oh well, you will soon!! My ever so (rude) Kind friend Malcoda is writing a really cool fan-fic with you in it!!! He would really appreciate a good picture of your human form. (If you have the time) Thanx!!
Sailor Starrunner3
Dear Sailor Starrunner3,
We are ALWAYS in human form, no da! What other form (besides superdeformed) did we ever come in, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
I want to ask who everyone's seiyuu is....and how they are written in kanji.. Hope that don't cause you a lot of trouble... Well, here's a tip of 100 gold ryou...
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Here are our Seiyuu. How are their names written in Kanji? They are written quite well actually, but aren't readable on the peeji. I tried. Gomen nasai.
Tamahome: Midorikawa Hikaru
Chichiri: Seki Tomokasu
Tasuki: Hayashi Nobutoshi
Chiriko: Kawakami Tomoko
Nuriko: Sakamoto Chika
Hotohori: Koyasu Takehito
Mitsukake: Ishii Kouji
Dear Chichiri,
*blushes a little* Te.. tell you about Hiei? *clears throat and regains composhure* Hai... where should I begen?.... I got it. Hiei is cold, aloof, inimical and utterly ruthles when it comes to his everyday adittude. Demo... I don't really think that he is really like that. He maskes up his emotions, maybe because he doesn't like to face the truth. You see I found out that he was casted away from his homeland as a baby, destenied to die, demo a clan of theifs (I'm such a horrible speller) found him and took him in. He then later left the theifs to find his twin sister, but he was promised to never tell her who he was.
*sigh* I feel sorry for him, demo.. he's stonge and I don't think he wants my help.
*tries to get on a better subject* You know, his friends told me (except Kurama) that he has cold, unfeeling features. I don't find that true at all. He is so full of life, I mean when I look into his eyes I can see the beautiful fire of life dancing an erotic dance that few have, let alone see. *sighs again, slumps shoulders, and smiles a little* I guess you could say that I have a small crush on him, ... demo.... Chichiri-san could it be more? I just don't know.
Love love,
Dear Erin,
Maybe, no da. *Smiles and ruffles her hair...* You do have a friend who would like to see the two of you toghther, no da. I'm not quite sure how to help though, no da. But he does sound good for you, na no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Dear Fire-Fan Boy,
Letters, letters. I don't understand it. How is it you're so popular and all you do is look cute for the TV camera, huh? I'm a @%$*in' DRAGON and nobody even knows my name...(but you say "Tasuki" in a group of girls and suddenly the room starts screamin'!!!) Tell the truth...I'm just lonely. I sit by myself with only Starrunner (who's always sayin' how cute you are.) and wonder if I'll get any ice cream. (Gomen, inside joke.*also, I speak ENGLISH...please don't go all japanesey on me cause I won't have any freakin' idea what your sayin'!*) What else? Oh, yeah...
Kouji. What's the deal? I mean I know your friends but friendship only goes so far!!! *Starrunner busts in, "MALCODA YOU BE NICE!!!"* I am bein' nice, HONEST!! Besides, when did YOU get hold of the keyboard??? Anyway. I understand the confusion a guy-guy kind of relationship gets but.. *Starrunner helpfully puts in.."He said not to write anymore of those kinds of questions..."*
Anyway,before I was so rudely interrupted... That's about all I have to say, (that and Starrunner's havin' a fit...) so I'll see ya later and the best of luck with...whatever you're doin' nowadays.
Malcoda the Black Dragon
Dear Malcoda the Black Dragon,
What can I say??? Th' girls jus' love (*&^^%$ COOL, redheaded bandits!!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi. been a while since I wrote last. bveen erading through the archives and having a ball. Oy. I really don't know why I'm riting. not much to say, but I need to talk to someone, and the amount that I've bitched to people on this topic, I keep expecting someone to hit me next time I bring it up *smiles wryly*.
I have a really close friend (Jessie). She's living with her Grandma now, but she'll be moving back up to New York soon, which means she'll be living with her dad or her sister. The problem is: she moved down to Florida and her Grandma to get away from them. her mom lives in West Virginia, and last time she was there, Jessie fet like she didn't belong, so she doesn't want to live there (although she might). She had thought she would get along well at her Grandma's, but she's discovered that it isn't working out that way. She just isn't happy there. But she wasn't always happy up here either! Her dad could be really nasty to her (he threw a chair at her once). I don't think there was any physical abuse (he didn't hit her with the chair), but there were times she'd call me up practically in tears, and before we graduated, she asked if she could stay with me and my parent 'til she moved to Florida if her dad kicked her out (which he didn't).
My parents really like her. In fact, thery were the ones who payed for her to send out college applications. (She's not going to college now, no money for it, but she's saving up.) I've tried to be there for her all I can, but it gets frustrating some times. Jessie's a really great person, and she's definitely smart! She deserves better then she has, and there's nothing I can do about that!
Guess that's why I really don't know why I'm writing. There's nothing you can tell me that'll change anything, and this might just depress you. Sorry. Didn't mean to do that. It's just that when your best friend hurts, you do too, ne? She's like the twin I never had and it hurts not to be able to help her. Oh damn, I'm gonna make myself cry soon. Can I have a hug?
Dear Ju-Chan,
*Hugs her and dabs at her eyes with he\iskesa.* Can your friend still stay with you and your parents, no da? Throwing chairs at someone whether or not it hits themis still abuse and your friend should not be in such an environment, no da. Why don't you disucss this option with yoru parents, na no da? Good luck to you and your friend.
Dear Tasuki,
Did you ever watch Magic Knight Rayearth? If so, who are your favorite characters? Mine are Hikaru, Lantis, Eagle, and Zazu.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I never watched it, but Chichiri no Aijin has an' she has a Priest Zagado doll.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri, I've started a shrine to you, Hotohori and Tasuki...If you'd want you can check it out at: Shrine
Oh, By the way, My name is Suzuno Kaori...Well, it's actually Kaori Rockwell, but..Hey, can I help it if my Japanese side of the family changed it around so it would be more western-y...Believe it or not, I am Biakko No Miko's Greandaughter!...If I have the time, I will probably get my story up as soon as possible so you can read it. It's kinda' neat though, in the story, your my best friend...Well...My best friend besides Hotohori and Tasuki..Then again, I hang out with you more and get along with you better (Probably because we're both wierd and both Geminis) Well, anyways, I also have pictures I need to scan in, and later if I get them up, I can show them too you.
Oh by the way..Genbu No Miko II says hi..(Same situation I'm in..she just hasn't come into the book yet.) (Tell Tamahome he has another big fan..Okuta Yumi..Or Yumi Lee...Also, Tell Hotohori and Tasuki I said hi! And also, You guys are the best at singing than anyone else in Konan!! Right now, I am listening to Kachou-fuugetsu (Beauties of Nature) It's my favourite song! K, gotta' Go! Love you all!
Dear Kaori,
Your website is very kakkoii, no da! We can't wait till it is fully constructed, no da! I have given it a link on this peeji. I look forward to reading your story, no da! Gambatte kudasai! DA!
Dear Mitsukake,
I have two question for you..... 1) What's your cat's name??? 2) CAN I HAVE YOUR CAT???? OH PLEASE!!! I LOVE YOUR CAT??? HE (or is it she??) IS SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!
not so mello
Dear not so mello,
My cat's name is Tama-chan, but we also call him Tama-neko. Gomen nasai, you may not have him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi guys. There's really no point to this. I just need to ramble again. I know I could talk to my parents, but I've already talked to my mom, and I know my dad is feeling worse about this then I am. I also have really good friends, like Jen-Chan and Fran-Nyan, but this is too.. OVERWHELMING. You'll be able to understand better, I think. *thinks of Tamahome's family, Kourin, Shouka, and Hikou and Chichiri's fiance and shudders, sighing in relief that nothing like that happened to her own family*
My aunt, my dad's nee-san, is doing really badly. She's been doing badly for a while, but it's getting really worse. I've been afraid for a while that mom and dad would call me up at school to tell me that she was...*gulps back sobs*...dead, but now it looks like it won't be too long. My parents went to visit her last weekend, but I didn't want to see her like that, and when they got back kaa-san said that it was just as well that I didn't go, 'cause she didn't want me to remember my aunt like that. Kaa-san says that she doesn't think my aunt will make it to her next birthday. *tear start rolling down her cheeks*
Dad has to be feeling really bad about this. I mean, his brother died a few years back, and now this, and I don't want to talk about this with him, 'cause I don't want to see him even more depressed, and I don't want to hear him talking about dying soon. *pauses to let her voice stabalize*
I mean, I know there's nothing I can do for her, 'cause this has been a long time coming, and kaa-san says that she wishes it would just end for my aunt so she wouldn't be in pain any more. And I ~don't~ want to see her like that, but I've always felt bed that I never got a chance to say good-bye to my uncle *more tears roll down her cheeks* and now I'm afraid that I won't be able to say good-bye to my aunt either, and...*stops and squeezes eyes shut* *whimpers* I just don't know what to do.
I'm getting you all depressed now, aren't I? I didn't mean to, but I needed to get all this out to someone, and you guys are always here, and don't talk back, if only 'cause this is a letter. That's better in many ways. I can get everything out of my system now. Excuse me while I curl up in a corner and cry. Can I borrow Tama-Neko to cuddle with?
Dear Ju-Chan,
*Tamahome wal;ks over and places Tama-neko next to her and then puts his arms around her an gives her a hug.* I know how hard it is to lose a loved one and I also know the pain of never saying goodbye. Perhaps you can call or write your obasan and say goodbye that way. I'm sure she knows thatyou love her and will understand if you call or send a letter instead of visit her. Ki o tsukete kudasai. *Tama-neko nuzzles and purrs for her...*
Dear Chichiri,
Okay, here I am once more. But I forgot something. In the episode where you first appear, Miaka calls you Mr. something-face.....uh....yeah, I'm being real clear. Uh, Faux Face, perhaps? At any rate, if you know what I'm talking about, what did that mean? Me and Rose were kinda like ...okay... But any way, I'm sorry I missed your birthday. Happy Birthday anyway, heehee.(see? I told ya I'd be writing frequently...perhaps a little too frequently..manical laughter...regains composure). well, talk to you later.
Bye bye!! @---}--- (a rose for you birthday) :)
Dear Antonia,
Arigato for the lovely hana, no da. Miaka called me kitsune kao - fox face because she thought I was a mischievous fox spirit, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Would you be willing to fall in love again?
Dear Kaori,
Eventually, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Awwww, you're so cute! How can I make a mask like yours?? Its neats!! I've already made a little dangling Chichiri face that I've hung from my rear view mirror (like the fluffy dice some people have, only cuter!) Oh, yeah, I was watching the Pioneer version of Fushigi and does 'no da' really mean 'you know'?? Or is it just a cute little thing you say?
Dear Rhiannon,
No da is the short form of no desu, which means to be or it is obvious. So I guess that is somewhat close to you know, no da! My mask is magical, so I don't think you'll be able to make it, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Um, this really doesn't have to much to do with YOU but with Amiboshi... I hope you still answer it though!! When he first appears it looks like he has a Suzaku symbol on him, well, uh... I know that he's not really Chiriko and that he is a Seiryuu seishi so how did he get that red symbol????
Dear FYcrazy,
It was a tattoo.
Dear Tamahome,
Last time I wrote to you, you only answere two out of three of my questions. I thought of it as nothing, but when my older sister read it, she wanted to know the answer. So here I am again with the question: How would you react if Tasuki kissed you?
We would realy like to know your response. Thanks. *2 bags of coins left behind*
Dear Heenker,
After I got over the initial shock, I'd either drop him in a lake or kick his @$$ into next week! Tnanks for the okane!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you people train?? Like fight each other and stuff??
Dear Tora,
Occassionally, when we have a break from rescuing Miaka. Say Hi to Ushio from us!
Dear Tasuki,
I just read a letter someone wrote to you pointing out different parts of the manga that can prove that you do love Miaka. Well, my first question is... YOU TRIED TO RAPE HER?!?! It was 'cause you were drunk right?!?! Sheesh, drinking does have a down side ya know. Any ways, the next one is, more of a comment. You do like Miaka don't you. Not only do the manga incidents imply so, but your response to that letter did to. You do have feelings for her, but you know she is with Tamahome. Your too cute Tasuki, that is why you're my favorite Suzaku seishi. Well any way, here's some sake and don't get too drunk near Miaka. Come to think of it you shouldn't be drunk near Nuriko or Hotohori or ya might mistaken them for women. Well until next time, bye bye!
Dear Mikani,
I wasn't drunk!!!!!!! I was under an evil spell!!!! I would NEVER willingly do anything to hurt my Miko and tomodachi!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
GOMENASAI!!! GOMENASAI!!! I didn't know I was making you feel sad and uncomfortable when I wrote you that letter to convince you about.... GOMENASAI a thousand times. I had no intention of hurting you.. It's really none of my business what's between you and Miaka... And that Miaka is now with Taka... GOMENASAI!!! *_*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Daijobou, daijobou. Shinpaishimasen!! It's OK. Don't worry!
Dear Tasuki,
Yo!! Okay Tasuki, there's these kids at my school who are real @$$holes. Got any tips on how to beat 'em up???
Byakko no Miko
Dear Byakko no Miko,
Hai!!! First ya' gotta... OI!! Wha' th'...?????
Konnichiwa, no da! Tasuki is a bit *coughs and sweatdrops* "tied up" right now, no da. *Muffled griping can be heard the background...* If they are harrassing you (physically or otherwise) they should be reported to the proper authorities, no da. If they are just being a bunch of bakas, I would just ignore them. They really aren't worth your time, no da. Besides, Tasuki's "advice" would just get you in huge trouble, na no da!
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Hotohori,
On this one website I saw a manga picture of you holding your son and your wife holding your sword and not looking very happy. Why was she upset with you? Also why was Tasuki holding your son upside down in one of the Ova's, and why was there what looked like tentacles coming from your son and holding the other seishi? I guess some people don't like kids at all, I don't understand why, little kids are cute and quite sweet at times.
Dear Saffira,
Well, I do not wish to give away any spoilers. Perhaps you should watch the OVA 2 series to have all your questions answered. Gomen nasai.
Dear Tasuki,
Are you aware that pretty much every girl who watches Fushigi Yugi falls in love with you?? Although, I don't love ya'. But, if I did that would mean I'm gay like Nuriko.
Dear Tora,
Yeah, it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it...
Dear Chichiri,
I have such an aggravating problem and usually no one will listen to me, so I figured I'd try your advice. It's terrible but I probably have enough of a temper to challenge even Tasuki, and it used to get me into a whole lot of trouble with parents and friends and such. Then one day I decided, okay, hey, I'll start controlling it more and try to stay more calm.
WELL, I guess I got TOO calm! Because now I won't even come near to losing it unless I'm really pushed far. And I try to be really mature when people make me really mad, such as my parents. But I'm only 17, so they ARE still my parents and have a major say so in my life. But now, instead of getting mad at me for losing my temper, they get mad at me for staying calm and trying to me mature about the situation! They say I'm being a smartass and a big shot, and it's really offensive because I'll I'm trying to do is not lose my temper! And that really hurts my feelings some time! Do you think maybe they can't understand that I'm trying to grow up and learn how to handle situations in a rational way? I wish I could understand their motives, but I can't. Anyway, sorry about pouring my heart out, but I felt you could help because you are usually the rational one. Arigatou!
Dear Chiesu,
I'm glad you have learned to control your temper. ONE Tasuki is enough, no da! *Smiles* Sometimes the way one stays calm can be misinterpreted, no da. Add to that the fact your parents are watching their child become an adult and it may be difficult for them to start to let go, no da. Have you tried discussing this with them? Perhaps you should try, no da. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I keep writing to you guys because your page is soooo awesome!! Maybe you guys can help me out.
I am going to college in the fall and my parents are really nice and everything, but since I am the baby of the family, they tend to be a little protective and I want to be a little more independent. Any advice?
Going on the college thing, I have had many problems from elementary to junior high(which I went through the ten worst @#$^&*#^% hells in my life) to even some problems in high school. I don't exactly fit in. Where I live, if you do not fit with the rigid standards, you are an outcast. Guess what I was? I'm sort of all past that now, but I still suffer from depression and I sometimes have to take medication. I haven't really ever had a boyfriend because I don't want them to find this out(to be on the safe side, I am a girl and *&^%$ PROUD of it!!!). Anyway, the boys around here aren't exactly the best selection. In college, I know it will be different, but I still have a hard time trusting people in general and I am afraid that if some guy I like finds out about this he won't like me anymore and will tell others to stay away from me. I realize this is an irrational fear, but I don't know how to get over it. I wish Chichiri or Hotohori would be at my school!
Switiching from college fears, my mother thinks that my depression is all her fault, which just isn't true!! She tried everything to help me, but I am just too sensitive to live where I live. Also, I tried telling her that this is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain(I took psychology-good class!), but it is still a sensitive case. I want to see a counselor, but she is convinced that the counselor will make me believe that it is my mother's fault. I am thinking of seeing my school counselor at college, but again I fear that she make me see a psychologist's office. How do I approach my mother if this comes up? I love my mother dearly, and I think that the worst thing I can possibly do is to make her cry because of me.
Thanks for listening to me ramble. I know that others have gone through much worse; but in my world, it is a big deal.
Fy fan
Dear Fy fan,
First off, arigato gozaimasu for your lovely compliment! We're glad to hear that you enjoy our humble (except for Tasuki) webpeeji. OK, down to seriousness:
You should try to stay in a dorm if you want some independence from your parents. Try not to live at home if your budget can handle it. As for trusting anyone with your secret, trust, like respect, is earned. If you trust someone enough then you should be able to tell them about your past. In your world taking medication for a condition does not seem to be a big deal. If you can keep your condition in perspective, accept it, and remember that a lot of people suffer from depression and take medication for it; perhaps that will make it easier for others to accept it, too. The right people will not find fault with you over this.
A good counselor will not blame your mother for your depression. They will work with you and possibly combine therapy with medication in order to better help you. It may be hard for her to accept, but if you are clinically depressed, you should be seeing a counselor not only for the therapy but to monitor your medication and make sure that you are taking what is right for you and that the dosage is proper.
As for the "rigid clique" people you described, they are everywhere and have nowhere near the level of inteligence or creativity of the people they belittle and pick on. Ignore them. They are NOT worth your energy! Once you come to realize this and your self-esteem builds, you will be the successful one, not them! You may not be the most materially wealthy one in your class at the reunion, but you WILL be the most fulfilled! Just remember, all the kids in my village teased me about my Oni symbol and I grew up to be a Suzaku Seishi!!
Gambatte kudasai!
Tamahome and Mitsukake
Dear Tasuki,
Konbawa Tasuki-kun! How are ya? Guessy guessy what! You have another admirier! His name is Jonathan and he's my six year old cousin. He likes you a lot and agrees with me that you are *literally* the hottest seishi! He likes you coat. I like your coat too *sparkly eyes*. And he wants to be a bandit "Just like Tasuki!" His Korean name is Tasugi, coincidence? Tee hee! Just wanted to tell you! *kisses him on the cheek* Ja ne!
Dear Jean,
So yer little bro' aspires to be jus' like me, eh? Kakkoii! Maybe ya' should tell Tamahome 'bout that! It oughta fry him!
Dear Tasuki,
How come you're so popular? I mean, you aren't that great, you aren't that cute, and you don't really get any character development at all. While the others have some sort of fascinating story behind them, you're just some whiny kid whose sisters picked on him. And if you say "People like me 'cause I'm just soooo #%&*ing cool!" I'll hit you. Really hard. With a yo-yo.
Dear Shun-chan,
Knock it off Obake-chan! Ya' ain't foolin' anyone! Heh-heh... gomen nasai ni-ban!
Tasuki (Ichi-ban!!)
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm not going to ask you anything bad like Tama's or Hoto's. You're very nice and don't deserve anything like that. That fish was YOURS!! Or Tama-neko's... I'm sorry about Ms Shoka, but Miaka was right. You saved her. Your eternal friend-
Dear Sasami2,
I do thank you for your lack of abuse on my part. However, neither Tamahome nor Hotohori deserved such abuse or language! Shame on you!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! I wasn't sure which one of you to ask this, so I figured I'd just make it a general letter! ^.^ I was wondering if any of you Suzaku seishi have musical talent! I ask this because my life REVOLVES around music. I know that both Chichiri and Tasuki sing like angels, but I haven't heard any of the others! Also, is Amiboshi the only one that can play the flute? I've been playing for four years, and I absolutely adore it! ^.^ If anyone else can, tell me, okie-day? Remember, music is really really cool!~ ^.~ Oh yeah! I also wanted to say that I'm such a crazy otaku that I got up in front of everyone in my school that went to the foregin language banquet (that was about.. oh, 300 or so people) and sang Mizu-Kagami in German, English, and Japanese.. switching off languages in the verses and the chorous in German. It was really, really fun! Although the techies seemed to have a little problem figuring out how to get the tape to start.. -.-;; Anyhow, ja mata! ^.^
Kaji Flutesong
Dear Kaji Flutesong,
That must have been difficult with multiple translations and such, no da! Arigato for your praise, no da. We all sing, even Mitsukake! There are many CD's out with ALL of ous singing on them, no da. You might want to look for the Character Vocals CD, na no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey, Chiriko! I know what marshmallows r made of! (yea!!!) It comes from a plant and a lot of oxygen is added to it.
crazy gurl
Dear crazy gurl,
Good for you! That sounds far more appetizing than boiled down cow's hooves. Or was that jello...?
Dear Tasuki,
-a kawaii, navy-haired gurl walks up to the bandit-
HIIII!!!! How have you been? As for me, it's been H#$%. Circe hasn't stoped bothering me since she found out i was giving u candy. (Oh, by the way, did u receive ur shipment yet?) Well, anyway, I know u have had elder sibling problems urself, so do u have any suggestions on what I should do? (u think logs are bad, have u ever heard of dill-brands? it's hard having a pyromanic for a sister, a older sister with powers for that matter!)
Dear Bast,
I've been fine. Hmmm.... Have ya' considered usin' a fire extinguisher? Got th' Pixie Stix! Thanks! Oishikatta desu yo!
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa!! (Gomen..I don't know if I even spelled that right!)
You are the best of the Suzaku seishi besides Hotohori! I live near a big city but there are no anime expos that come by or they come and I don't know about them. Can I borrow your kasa and go to an anime expo? You can come with me if you want! I got to admit, I think that you and Hotohori are very kawaii(don't worry, I am a girl, no da!!).
Anyway, anime is getting really big here and I am finding more and more people who like anime but are not as obsessed as I am. The girl can't help it; I just love Fushigi Yuugi to death. And what is this about birhtdays? Please explain this to me; I was reading the responses to other letters.
Chichiri fan
Dear Chichiri fan,
Birthdays, no da? Back in our archives you will find letters asking us when our birthdays are and our responses. I wish I could come to your world, too no da. Then I would be able to show you how to use my kasa, na no da!
Dear Hotohori,
your so beautiful, did u know that?
the gurl with the hair! ~_`
Dear gurl,
Hai!! But arigato for your kind words.
Dear Hotohori,
Hii! I have two questions for ya. First, if you weren't the emperor, what would be your ideal occupation? And, what is your opinion on yak milk? **_**
Dear Nyanko-chan,
I might stay in politics. And well, I have no opinion on yak's milk. Were you hoping I would say it was yakky??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is addressed towards all the seishi who have liked/loved Miaka in a romantic way. I'm counting five so far (could Amiboshi make a special appearance?), Tamahome, Hotohori, Nuriko, Tasuki(don't deny it now!!), and Ami-sama. ~_^
What IS it about Miaka that's SO special? Forgive me for saying so, but she's incredibly stupid, she thinks she's trying to save lives by running off by herself, wherein she justs makes everyone worry about her and get hurt trying to find her. She violent, and always had the perverted thoughts in mind. How many times has she beat on poor Tamahome becuase SHE thought he was trying to do something to her? Hmmmm??
Tasuki- You're my fave! And you go with Miaka too? Artificial resuscitation my foot! I'll give you some room to gloat over Obake-chan and the others at this point... ^.^ You're absolutely FABULOUS in the 2nd OAV. Your outfit is sugoi, Rekka Shinen got better animation, and amazingly, you got even cuter!! ::gets starry-eyed:: Sure you can't drop by the real world for a nice visit sometime?? Onegai?
Amiboshi- What exactly IS your relationship with Miaka? You're one of the sweetest people, but did you just protect her as a friend or what?
Nuriko/Hotohori- What can you possibly SEE in her?!?
And how come none of the guys ever go for Yui? She does get Suboshi(and Tetsuya), but I can't help but think she feels left out!
Dear Tay-chan,
We all (Amibosi included) agree that despite everything you pointed out, Miaka is a very sweet, trusting girl who genuinely cares about other people. And that is why we cerish and love her so much. Tasuki says thank you for your compliments and as soon as they invent a way for him to visit, he will. Amiboshi, I think, really loved her. Remember he wanted her to stay in the village with him. Yui just never appealed to any of us, gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello Gen-chan!!! This is Metamia!! I recently watched FY with two friends of mine who's never seen FY. They love it!! I'm so glad!!
My friend Jamie is SOOOOOOOOOO in love with Tamahome. My other friend, Yoon Young couldn't decide which Suzaku Seishi she liked the best (but she didn't like Tamahome...too sappy for her). Then we saw the fight scene between you and Evil Tamahome. After that...Yoon Young decided that you were the coolest, the best looking, the best fighter, best everything. I have to agree. ^_^ She also decided that she hates Miaka...because of her you got beaten to a pulp...I also agree with this!!!! OOH!! I HATE MIAKA!!!!
SO how does it feel to have all these adoring fangirls after you?
Metamia ^_^
Dear Metamia,
Sugoi in a VERY kowaii way!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I really love anime and, like anything related to the Japanese culture, but I'm not too swift on my Japanese. I know a little bit, but not too much. Well, all I want to know is: What does "Arigato" mean? Just wondering.
Dear Rose,
Arigato means thank you. Unfortunatelythe site I was going to refer you to is no longer in existance. Gomen nasai.
Dear Chichiri,
Okay, Lord help me not to ramble like a nut...which I am....I degrese. One, I love you sooo much( blushing, imagining getting a big hug from Chichiri). I'm writing my own Fushigi Yugi continuation, and you are, like, at the center of the story * shines big spotlight on Chichiri, grinning ludicrously*. Two, who is Chichiri no Aiji(or something like that)? Third, Tasuki's cool too. Are you guys good friends? And I think I heard something about you being hentai? AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Please say this isn't true! Oh, and I'd love to learn how to do that ki thing! In closing, thank you and I hope I can find your book.
P.S. Well...I didn't ramble too much. Did I? Hmmmmmm......
Dear Antonia,
To answer your questions, in order, no da: Arigato gozaimasu, I look forward to reading your tale, no da! Chichiri no Aijin is a very special tomodachi of mine, who gave us this sugioi cyberabode, no da! Tasuki and I are friends. But NOT like THAT, no da!!!! Take care, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! First off, I'd like to say that I think you are, like, the best of the seishi. You're so cool. I hope there are guys like you in my world. They just don't show up too often. Anyhoo, when I found out about your past, I was just like, "Ohh, poor, poor Chichiri!" I just want to give you a huge imaginary hug. You poor thing. I just want you to know that I think you're so strong and valiant, and you don't really need to wear that mask because you look just fine without it. You are so wonderful, Chichiri, and I've never been more sincere. Plus, I have a question about your songs: Did you write them yourself? I would be interested in knowing this because the lyrics are so poetic and beautiful. I love them. Well, since this letter is getting quite extensive, I'll close now. Okay, bye, Chichiri! You're really cool. Plus, I think you're just about the best fighter of all the other seishi. I like Tamahome's martial arts, but sometimes it seems clumsy (no offense to you, Tamahome). Dear God I talk too much. In any case, my friend, Antonia, who wrote to you already has something she wants to say. Bye!
Antonia: Hi again! I TOTALLY agree with Rose. Your lyrics almost made me cry, they were that good. You've got talent, boy. I write poetry too...wait, don't even start , Antonia, or you'll start telling your life story. Speaking of which, I'm really eternally sorry for what happened to you. I wish I could meet you and talk to you face to face, console you prehaps. And you are beautiful, mask or no. You go, boy.And if I ever met anyone like you, I'd be goneeee, man!! Can't wait to hear your response, and I'll be writing to you guys alot. Bye Bye!!!!!
Dear Rose,
Arigato to both of you for your kind words, no da! *Blushes* You are both VERY sweet, no da! I do not write the songs, but I do have some input, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
how do i get my hair to defy gravity like that?? it's soo cute!!! yours and Chirko's!!
Dear Jen-Chan,
In your case, lots of mousse, gel and freeze spray, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I wasn't sure who to ask. My friend keeps insulting my boyfriend and I don't like her much myself, but I don't lnow what to do. You all would probably just say have nothing to do with her or ask her to get along with him. For your information, he's Kouji or in my imagination, but I wanna kick her ass, but I still want some advice, k? Help me please.
DevilHunter Ayako
Dear DevilHunter Ayako,
If you don't like her, why do you hang out with her and call her friend? If you do like her, but don't like it when she insults your boyfriend, tell her so. If she continues, you either need to re-evaluate your friendship or your boyfriend. Maybe she sees something that you don't...
Dear Nuriko,
Since you answered my other letter, I decided to hust write straight to you. That girl that's mean to my boyfriend. She said she's mean cuz it's FUN!! I'm gonna kick her stupid @$$!! But... do you have a better idea? You're my favorite character (along with Soi) so... I ain't bein' a suck up! Everyone tells their favorite character when they're their favorite, right? She's not my friend, her nickname's Usagi... ugh! *shudder* She looks A LOT like Queen Baryl, I swear! Her hair's really puffy, she's got the scary eyes, and... well she could lose some weight. then she'd REALLY look like Queen barrel. she's a tomboy too. Now that I think about it I hate her, but she is always laughing the Nahga-type laugh and following me around. This is serious. Help me, K? ^^'
DevilHunter Ayako
Dear DevilHunter Ayako,
Ja, if she isn't your friend, I would stop hanging out with her and tell her that since she is so mean to your boyfriend, that you want nothing to do with her. Make it clear that you want her to leave both of you alone.
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