Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm writing to you to request your help and advice. Lately my life has been a bit confused and jummbled. The few friends i had left (all but one of them over the internet) have been very busy and seem to have no time left to talk with me anymore. My other friend has turned to drugs and also is busy. This has left me feeling very alone and not having anywhere to turn or anyone to talk to. I really miss talking to my friends and i know i should probley tell them that i feel ignored ....but I don't know how to tell them...or if it's really a good idea. O.o Normally I'm the optomistic this whoel situation is really making me disturbed. I also think i may be becoming addicted to caffiene! Because that's all I've been eating or drinking for the last 3 or 4 days and i'm starting to feel pretty sick. o.x I would really appreciate any advise you have for me! Thank you!
Dear Freefall16,
Hmmm... let's see... First off, cut back on the caffeine intake. It is NOT your friend!! Second, tell your friends that you are feeling ignored and neglected. They may not be aware of how they are treating you and just think you have no time for them. As to your friend and drugs, before they fall too far into it, try to help them stop using!!! Do their parent' shave clue what's going on?? Perhaps you should inform them. This isn't snitching, it's saving a life!! Depending on the person and the drug of choice, they could end up doing serious damage to themselves and possibly end up accidentally overdosing and killing themselves! Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
I remind you of your little brother? Cool! Which one? My sister has a purple belt too but she is in the older people's class. We're both going to take a test for green belt! I'm almost graduating out of first grade! I'm going to be in second grade soon! Bye bye Tamahome! Say hi to Miaka for me!
Hey Tama-kun! There, I'm not going to call you Tama-chan anymore since I don't want you to be mad at me *cowers*. Timmy was so happy to see your response and I'm watching out for him! Say hi to your kawaii little siblings and give them each a hug for me!
Timmy and Jean
Dear Timmy,
You me of Chuien-kun, he's a fighter, too. I hear your brother likes to boss you around. Try not to let him do it too much. No need to fight with him, just politely say no if you don't want to do what he asks. Besides, he should be helping your sister, too. Tell your sister my sibs say hi back to her and give her a hug from them and me. Take care!
Dear Chiriko,
You know how people always say "They say not to judge a book by it's cover", or "They say not to compare apples and oranges".. well, my question is, who are They? They must be pretty smart, because people are always quoting Them. Are They Taiitsukun and the Nyan-nyans? Just something random to ponder.. ^.^
Kaji Flutesong
Dear Kaji Flutesong,
Well, Chichiri no Aijin says "They" are some people called "The VanPattens". I think she was teasing me. *Frowns at Chichiri no Aijin* I think "They" refer to our ancestors who made up the proverbs in the first place.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
what happened to Miaka's page?? it wasn't working before, but when i tried it today, i can't find's not there a place where i can write to her or did she quit answering letters??
Dear Jen-Chan,
Miaka, the Seiryuu, Bykkao, & Genbu seishi have all taken down their peejis. Gomen they were independent of us, so we don't know why.
Dear Tasuki,
What type of woman would you want to go out with/marry? You MUST answer this question!!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
I don't gotta do nothin' I don't wanna!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Otaku *does* mean fan, but not the type of fan that you think that we are! Hmph! Anyway, from what I hear, otaku means the type of fan that worships, drools, yaddi yaddi yaddah a certain person or thing, which is anime! That's what I read in a magazine so, WHATEVER!! *glomp and kisses him on the cheek* Oh and I read about the Japanese word for handsome and it's spelled and pronounced as TASUKI (totally sucking up so that she could get a kiss)!!! I'll see you later and yes, despite what my youngest brother says, you *are* cooler than Tama-chan!!! Does he mind that I call you that? Kissies!
Would you mind if I glomped on you when AnimeExpo comes around? Also, tell Tama-chan that my parents won't allow Timmy to come to the Expo; I had a hard enough time convincing my parents to let me go last year! If I'm going, it still hangs in the balance, but it's a great chance for selling some art! Hmm... maybe I'll *keep* that Tasuki tile I painted and sell this Suzaku seishi mug I'm painting! C-ya!
P.S. Am I now considered a regular at this page?
Dear Jean,
Yep, yer a regular now. I'm sure it annoys Tamahome to be called Tama-chan. But not as much as it annoys him tobe called Obake-chan!!! Heh-heh... Does he mind that ya' called me handsome? Probably, but he's gettin' used to bein' ni-ban! (#2)
Well, ya' can hang out wit' me if Chichiri no Aijin an' her shujin don't mind. If yer little bro' is in 2nd grade, how old are ya'? Chichiri no Aijin is worried 'bout ya' wanderin' 'round by yerself. 'Che, she worries too much!! On a different subject, she may have conned... er convinced, yeah convinced Chichiri to lend her his staff fer th' con!! Now how cool is that?!?!?!?!? Heh! Almost as cool as me!!
Dear Tamahome,
Yep, my bro Timmy's a great kid alright, but the thing is, I'm worried about him not having much self-confidence. My other younger brother, who's a year younger than me, treats Timmy like a slave. A lot of times, I hear, "Timmy! Get me some water!" or "Timmy, help your sister set the table!" The only thing I see my other bro doing is playing video games. I'm really worried about Timmy but the thing is, Timmy totally worships the ground that my bro and his friends walk on. It might affect how he is in the future. Got any advice?
Dear Jean,
He should eventually grow out of it. He loves his brother and this is his way of showing it. Chuien did the same thing. Perhaps you can have a talk with your other brother and get him to show his brother more respect and be less demanding.
Dear Tamahome,
How much do you want for Tasuki? I'll pay cash!
Dear Tomo,
I may be a greedy kind of guy with a HUGE food bill (Hi, Miaka!), but even I wouldn't stoop so low as to sell Tasuki to YOU!!!
Dear Chiriko,
What's your favorite animal?
Dear A-chan,
I like all kinds of cats.
Dear Chichiri,
I just wanted to say that I respect you so much. You've been through a lot, and yet you're still one of the kindest people ever. You're always there for your friends and you're so kawaii too! ^_^
Dear Reddie-chan,
Saa, you are too kind, no da! Arigato, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
I just wanted to say that I admire you, because you are so kind and gracious to everyone. And... you're so handsome too! *giggles*
A Swooning Admirer
Dear A Swooning Admirer,
Arigato gozaimasu for your sweet words. *Catches her in mid-swoon...*
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-san! Do you have any good cures for stress headaches? I'm under a load of stress lately and I get headaches almost every day. Is meditation good? Any kinds of drinks? Thank you for helping me out.. ^_^
Dear K-chan,
May I suggest meditation, chamomille tea, aspirin, a hot bath, and even a beverage from Hansen's called DeStress. I have been told the last is a good stress reliever. Ki o tsukete kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Do you have any tips to stop nailbiting? I've tried everything from nail polish that tastes REALLY bad when you bite your nails, to even my friend decking me whenever she sees me doing it (Itai.. X_x)!
Dear Tasukete!,
Get a really good manicure and maintain it! Do your best to keep your nails nice and free from snags or breaks. Once your nails are nice and smooth, there won't be any rough edges or breaks to nibble on. If all else fails, and you can afford it, try acrylic nails. At least they're harder to chew on. Gambatte kudasai!!
Dear Tasuki,
Is the owner of this site a male or a female?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Doushite?? I ain't sure why it matters to anyone. The owner IS Chichiri no Aijin (an' lucky fer Chichiri) she's female!
Dear Tamahome,
You know.. Miaka's really lucky to have you. Someone who cares about her as much as you do, someone who will lay his life down for her. I hope you two stay together for eternity, because you belong together.. I know I'm being all mushy but I get like that when I watch you two. Usually romance grosses me out(I'm kinda a tomboy ^.^;) But watching you two makes me realize that love can be good if you find the right person. Good luck and may the sun always shine on you two.
A happy fan
Dear happy,
Arigato gozaimasu from both of us for your kind words and sweet wishes!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi Genrou-san. I just wanted to say arigatou for helping my friend K-chan. Thank you for listening to her and everything.. I know she appreciates it. *smiles*
Neee.. if it isn't asking too much.. could I have a hug? 9_9; I promise not to glomp you or anything ecchi like that.. just a nice hug. I'd really like to be your friend.
Dear Reddie-chan,
Well... OK. *Gives her a hug.* 'Che, this is gonna hurt my rep as a bada$$!!!
Dear Tamahome,
OOOOWWWWW!!!!! YOU BOOTED ME IN THE HEAD!!!! *moans and groans in pain* *gets up and walks over to Tamahome* HEY I wasn't ready!!! come and get me now shorty!! C'mon, are you CHICKEN!!??
Ed Gruberman
Dear Ed Gruberman,
Gomen nasai. You have obviously NOT learned from the lesson of Ed Gruberman... Boot to the head!
Dear Chiriko,
See? Aren't you having fun confusing us with stuff we don't completely understand? (Just wait. We're both taking Jpanese next semester :) That's what we do to Jen-Chan (only it's more fun because she gets more annoyed at it. hee hee)! You can understand why we were having so much fun, ne?
Dear Ju-Chan,
Hai!! Hee-hee... Have you figured it out yet?
Dear Tasuki,
what makes you so @#$%^'in COOL??
Dear BrAT,
Hmmm.. lemme see... th' hair, th' 'tude, th' fangs, the clothes... yep, th' whole damn package!! ALL of it makes me jus' soooooo *&^%$#@ COOL!!!!! Oh yeah, let's not ferget my *&^%$#@ *&^%$@ *()((&^%@@ POTTY MOUTH!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
still mad at me for throwin' u into the pool? Like, I just saved u from drowning, didn't I? other people were like throwin' u there anyways. thought i'd make it safer for u. so, r u using the stuff i gave u? r u taking care of ur fangs...? by the way, love what ur name means. it suits u..when u're not screaming anyways. Refined countenance and handsome appearance...Wonder what Hotohori will say 'bout that.
Dear clueless,
Hotohori'd probably say it should be his name!! Th' fangs are fine an' since ya' saved me from drownin', I guess I won't hurt ya'... THIS TIME!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi there! Haven't writing to u lately. In reply to my last letter, the stud is for your ear--Unless you wanna put it somewhere...
Anyways, just wanna know something. If ever u get urself into the real world and got stuck, what occupation would u choose?
Dear Adorable,
Hmmm.... guess I'd stick wit' what I know... or maybe I'd be a lawyer! It's ALMOST the same profession! Heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
I cooked Spaghetti and Garlic bread. My spaghetti wasn't as good as my dad's (that's his best and my mom can't cook well), but my garlic bread sorta came out okay. we went to see Star Wars Episode 1 and I would have invited you, but I thought you'd get the message late. Sorry... I wanted you to come! The pod races are soooooo cool! I'll go again happily. Will ya' come? Just come on over in your kasa and I'll figure something out. K? Love you! ^.~
Dear Reirei,
Spaghetti and garlic bread sounds oishii, no da! So how did you like the rest of Star Wars, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you were ice cream, what flavor would you be????
Dear Chrissy,
Here are your answers:
Chichiri: Blueberry, no da!
Hotohori: Chocolate
Tasuki: Pistachio
Nuriko: Tutti-Frutti (tee-hee)
Tamahome: Butter Pecan
Mitsukake: French Vanilla
Chiriko: Bubblegum
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Neh, Gen-chan, are you going to the AnimeExpo too *sparkly eyes*? Tee-hee! Anyways, I need some advice, I have a pain-in-the-@$$ little brother. He's one year younger than me and since we're asian, our parents tried to bring him up so that he would respect elders and call them ohnii-san or ohneh-san. Well, he used to call me nuna (older sis in Korean) but now he just calls me fattie. I'M *NOT* FAT!!! I just want to slap him silly sometimes! I don't pick on him as much as he picks on me and he's been doing that to me ever since I could remember! What's really frightening to me is that he's going to get taller than me someday and he's going to try to beat me up or something (we take the same Hapkido class). Got any advice?
Dear Jean,
Get better in Hapkido than he is?? ignore him when he does it or something totally sweet that will embarrass the crap outta him in front of his friends. AnimeExpo... heh-heh... 'course I'll be there...
Dear Tasuki,
Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), huh? Well, one difference between you two is like you totally hate women and he doesn't. One more is that he like sucks blood--Um, you don't right?
Dear Clueless,
No, I don't! But hey, we're two totally cool handsome guys an' that's close enough!
Dear Tasuki,
Heya...finally got a little time to write, and hopefully I'm not going to be as whiney this time around as I was last time. I'm feeling kind of funny because I got really sick this morning...I've been fighting off a cold all week, and the cold finally won, so I'm feeling rather ill. Anyways...
The job's still exactly like it was, but I'm not going to worry about it anymore, since there's nothing I can do anyway. If I had to, I have enough training now that any communications company would hire me, so I'm not way too worried any more.
About the guy though...well, therein lies the problem. He's taken, and has been for the past nine months. Really, it wouldn't even bother me that much, since in the end, I just want him to be happy and I don't really care all that much if my feelings get trampled on, since I will get over it someday...but it bothers me A LOT because I HATE his girlfriend. Now, don't get me the wrong way here. I am not being a catty girl and saying I don't like her because she's got him and I don't. No. I'm saying I don't like her because I simply DO NOT like her. There are just people that I meet that I automatically don't like, and she's one of them, so I don't even have good reasons, except for the fact that I just don't. Agh. I knew her before she went out with the guy, and I didn't like her then, either.
So every night, I go somewhere with this guy, and I spend several hours with this guy and I have a lot of fun, and then, I have to take him to his girlfriend's house. -_- I'm begining to think that I'm a masochist, because I will NEVER be brave enough to say anything, and there's no way I'd even consider it unless he was available, because otherwise, it would just be RUDE. So that's the situation.
On the happy side...48 DAYS UNTIL I LEAVE FOR AX!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!
I hope you're doing good. See ya later.
Dear KnM,
AX??? Yer goin' to AnimeExpo?!?!?!? Kakkoii!!! Look fer Chichiri no Aijin, she'll be there! Back to th' guy. Maybe ya' should say somethin' or at least stop takin' him to his kanojo no uchi!! (Girlfriend's house) Ya' ain't a doormat are ya'?
At least tell him ya' care about him an' would prefer to drop him at his place 'cos ya' ain't a delivery service fer his kanojo! Let HER pick HIM up.
An' if this girl's so great, why is he spending so much time wit' ya'?? Who knows?? He might jump ship fer ya'! If not, tell him ya' wanna be friends (if ya' wanna) but that don't include taxi service!
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