Dear Tasuki,
You are WEAK!! I can't believe you tried to commit SUICIDE! What would Kouji have done?? Didn't you think of all the people that would be hurt?? Sorry, that episode upset me quite a bit. That IS and will ALWAYS BE the cowards' way out. Sheesh...
Dear Chrissy,
Suicide?!?!?!? WEAK?!?!?!? Who th' hell are ya' callin' weak???? I oughtta have yer bro' sell ya' to th' gypsies!!! Are ya' talkin' 'bout the time I turned th' tessen on myself? Chichiri may see it as a suicide, but I see it as savin' Obake-chan's @$$ siince wit'out his Seishi powers I'd have fried him to ashes!
Dear Tasuki,
Heh, since I'm feelin better me and my sis are goin back to how it used to be, which means harassing each other to no end. It's all just fer fun, so it's pretty cool. She got really depressed, but I yelled at her to be strong and now she's doin ok. Being a big brother is quite a job! How ya been? Sheesh, sorry for commentin on yer writin! I was only mentioning it, and I have been able to decipher it. See ya later!
Yeah, an' so's bein' th' youngest an' ONLY brother of 5 sisters!!! Some days ya' jus' wanna sell off th' whole damn lot of 'em!! Glad th' 2 of ya' are doin' better! So when ya' up fer some brawlin'???
Dear Nuriko,
Everyone says I'm more cat than human, so a little scratch under the chin wouldn't hurt. How are you? Hee hee hee... only the screensaver... he must be crushed... tee-hee... You are pretty cool, and you're njust like me about trying new things and all. I'll try anything once! Well, I hope you're doing well and I'll be thinking about you, which will explain why you sneeze or your nose gets itchy, hee hee... Love ya! Bye!
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
I'm fine except for an occasional sneezing fit. There, how's that? *Scratches ko-neko under the chin...*
Dear Chichiri,
It's not that I don't forgive Tasuki-kun or nothin' It's just that what he said gave me some thoughts, I can't believe he said, "I almost did to Tamahome what Hikou did to you." I think Tasuki-kun DID betray Tamahome/Taka or whatever his name is. I know that Tasuki-kun didn't mean it. But the things that Tasuki-kun did, showed us the REAL him, and the sensitive side of him, his subconsious. The REAL him. He showed us his REAL and TRUE feelings of himself. He showed us what is REALLY going through his mind, except without reason or thinking it over.
Dear Kei-kun,
Well, if was without any reasoning thought behind it, it wasn't his true mind, no da. Hikou betrayed our friendship just as Tasuki betrayed Tamahome. Remember, Kouran killed herself over what Hikou did to her.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh, Mitsukake! I finally got to watch the episode of FY where you come in and it was so sad! I really like you and feel so sorry for you! What was going on in your head when you had to... um... kill *her* again? That must have been so hard for you! and boring?!! No!!! You're not boring! I really like you!
Dear Aurianna,
I realized she was already lost to me and that the demon had to be destroyed in order for her to find peace. Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmm... I remember seeing somewhere that there were other sites like this, like Ask the Seiryuu Seishi and even an Ask Miaka page-- but I can't find them anywhere!!! Do you know if these were just rumors? If they WEREN'T can you help me FIND them?
Dear Rhiannon,
They aren't rumours, but they also aren't in existance anymore, either. Gomen.
Dear Tamahome,
Just what color ARE your eyes? There are times I think that they're gray and then they sometimes look purple and occasionally even BLUE! I drew a cool picture of you and I don't know what color to make your eyes! Help!!!
Dear Rhiannon,
A greyish purple sounds about right.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It must be hard being a Suzaku seishi and having to look out for not only yourselves but the priestess all the time.. I was wondering, has there ever been a time that you wished that you WEREN'T a seishi at all?
Dear Curious2,
Ithink the only one of us who may have felt that way was Tamamhome. Mostly because of what Suboshi did. On the other hand if her weren't a seishi, he would never have met Miaka. I suppose that this can be chalked up to one of life's little trade-offs.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! I have a few questions I want to ask you (and not a lot of money so can I have these answered for FREE since its my first time asking you anything? PLEASE?!!).
1) Before Miaka, did you ever have another girlfriend? Ever? I'm just curious because you are SO sweet to Miaka- you must have practiced being that sweet with SOMEONE else, right? hehehe
2) What is it that you like the most about Miaka? You seem to like her a lot and I was just wondering what attracted you the most! I hope its not her appetite!
Dear Curious1,
Question 1: No there was no one before or after Miaka. Question 2: I love Miaka because she is completely selfless. She always puts other people before herself - Just not before a meal...
Dear Chichiri,
I'm back from Ireland, and I met my birth mother...but um. I also met someone that I never thought I would ever meet. I was never told about her either. When I went to visit my birth mother, I found out that I have a sister...not only that, but a twin. She looks exactly like me. she even has the same beauty mark. I was so shocked I didn't know what to say at first. After awhile I notice that Gwenyth (that's her name) and I had two totally different personalities. As my mother put it..she acts more like a girl then I do. Do you think I seem to act more like a guy then a girl? Gwenyth and I didn't get along very well. But I got along with my birth mother ok I guess. It was a very weird experience. But it is nice to know who my mother is. but something that bothers me a little is the fact that she kept Gwenyth but she didn't keep me.
Dear Peach,
I'm glad that you met your birth mother and that you got along with her, no da! Gomen you and your sister did not get along. If the question of why your birth mother kept one of you but not the other bothers you, perhaps you should ask her, no da. She just may not have been able to raise two children and decided to give one of you a chance at a better life then she felt she was able to give you at the time, na no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey babe. I took your advice on the entire "try a new brand of sake" approach and you were right. It WAS a bit better! Not the best thing I've ever had to drink, but it was much better than whatever I had tried that time!
As for those beads, gomen! I just had to ask, because I really did see some like them at a parade and I found it terribly humorous! But hey, most guys can't pull wearing something like that off. At least you can.
Well, arigato for the sake advice! Maybe one day you can supply me with me some names to try. ^.^ Baibai!
Dear Ne-chan,
Yer welcome! Maybe I'll give ya' some names to try, when I've tried 'em all!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko-san...if you read my letter to Tasuki-san, then you know that I'm kinda depressed. On top of that, my love life is going downhill fast.
Do I sound like I'm wallowing in self-pity? Gee, I hope not.
Anyway, on with it--one of my tomodachi found herself a boyfriend, but they broke up not too long ago, he's miserable, she doesn't care much but was still kinda depressed...and then she says she doesn't need a guy. Now she seems pretty happy..
Well... There's this guy at school I like, or used to. Maybe I still do, demo...I can't tell. ^^;;; We used to be really good friends, and now it's like he's avoiding me. I don't really want to approach him because I'm infamous for my forwardness'. *Teary smile*
Hope you write back...Hugs,
nothing no miko
Dear nothing no miko,
If he's avoiding you, you could start by apologizing for offending him. If he says, "Why are you saying that?" tell him it's because he seems to be avoiding you and you thought you did something to make him do that. See where it progresses from there. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
*clasps her hands together and beams* Doomo arigatou for helping me with those questions!! (I'm the girl who asked if you cooked, why you say "no da", etc.) Now that I finally finished my exams, I can continue my journal! Since your my favorite, you're first in my journal series, and since I was confused I had to pause it for a while.
Heehee, aaaaaand... I feel so bad!! I live at school during the week since it's far from my house and the computers at school are so mean to me, so I couldn't write, therefore... I MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY! Gomen gomen gomen gomen nasai!!!!
Well, then... HAPPY BELATED!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^ I'd give you a big huggle shower but then you'd probably think I was really, really weird. Hmmm.. well, I just thought I'd say hi and I also had to wish you a very nice birthday, late or not! (Because hey, isn't it the thought that counts?) ^.^
Good luck on aging yet another year! Don't worry, you're not old enough yet for people to send ya cards that tease you about approaching The Hill. (that's pretty far off anyway, ne?) Heehee, bai bai!
Dear Ne-chan,
What hill is that, no da?? Arigato for your kind words and wishes, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hihi...My parents don't listen to me, and frankly I am a little tired of it. They're always ranting and raving about grades and work and all that. I really dunno what to do anymore. I don't think I can trust people anymore. I know you aren't known for your people skills and compassion but tasukete onegai!
*Chewing nervously on a pencil* I guess I'm just a little depressed, but you're my fave seishi and I needed someone to talk to. *Staring off into space* Hm...oh, and do you know who else is going to AX99? I'm so excited, and I'm cosplaying as Ryouga-san. Even down to the parasol--I mean, umbrella. *Weak laugh* Okie dokie...well, I await your reply.
nothing no miko
Dear nothing no miko,
So how ARE yer grades????? 'Cos if yer grades are bad, ya' need to (I can't believe I'm goona say this...) study more an' get a tutor if ya' need one! Are ya' also holdin' down a job? Maybe ya' need to work part-time so ya' can keep yer grades up. I'll look fer ya' at AnimeExpo!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HIHI~ How's everyone doin'? I have a question for Tamahome, Hotohori and Chiriko. Do you guys feel left out cuz almost "everyone" write to either Chichiri, Tasuki, Mitsukake and Nuriko?? I really feel sollie for you guys cuz you guys are the cute and handsome one (doesn't mean that Chichiri, Tasuki, Mitsukake and Nuriko aren't handsome). Also Tamahome, I luv ya a lot ^-^ hee hee...Do you like being Taka or yourself better? I personally like Tamahome better than Taka ^o^ ... C ya guys later~~
Miaka no Miko
Dear Miaka no Miko,
No, we don't feel left out! We also don't get writer's cramp or carpal tunnel syndrome either... hahahaha! Well, since Taka was me reincarnated on Miaka's world and once he got all of the memory orbs back, he WAS me; I tend to think we were one and the same person all along.
Dear Tamahome,
hi cutie, i think out of all the guys in fushigi yuugi you're the best. so, how's things going with you and miaka? you love her alot don't you? are you still money hungry? well, best wishes to you and your love. bai bai
p.s. take care handsome
Dear peach,
Miaka and I are both fine, thanks for asking. Of course I love Miaka a lot! She comes right before okane!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is embarrasing and I never told anyone, because people already think I'm weird as it is except for my 2 only anime fan friends. I cry almost everynight knowing I'll never be able to know an anime character. I'll never be able to meet Tasuki... Whenever I hear his song "Setsunakutemo... Zutto" I feel like crying because his voice is so unbeleivably... nice. Then you see Hayashi Nobutoshi and the perfect Tasuki image goes down a bit. Seki Tomokazu's voice is nice too. Kouji and Chichiri are nice too. I wish I could like... be reincarnated as an anime character or something. Then I'd be eternally cheerful. I could never dislike anime or FY specifically. I love Kouji, Tasuki, and Chichiri so much... I feel sad again. DAMMIT!! Give me some advice will ya'? Chiriko, you're smart. Come up with something. It's not a disease like Akane's cooking ^^' but I want to talk to someone other than my Amboshi-crazy friend. You guys are as close as I get, so... I'm sayin' you're real. ! I LOVE YOU ALL! Help me. Tasuki... Chichiri... *watery eyed now*
Dear Silene,
Well ya' hit th' nail on th' head! We're from 2 different worlds an' I don't think that can EVER be solved! Yer certainly welcome to write to us an' we'll do our best to answer. Keep yer chin up, kid!
Dear Chichiri,
Greetings Chichiri-sama! Joyeux Anniversaire! (That means happy birthday, no da!) I forgot to post this on your birthday. Gomen....I was at a friend's house having a Fushigi Yuugi Marathon. In honor of your birthday, we said "no da" all day. And do you want to know something odd? No one mentioned it. I guess they are used to us acting strangely...
I don't have anything to give you. 15 year olds often do not have much money. I drew a picture of you, but my scanner is not working properly. Hmm....ah, I know! I shall return.
*runs out of the room and comes back with a bag full of candy*
Chocolate! Chocolate is good, is it not? And there is enough to share with all your friends. Just make sure Miaka does not eat it all, and that Tamahome does not try to sell it. I hope you like it, no da. *twists the end of her hair around her finger for a minute*
I have an odd question for you. Can I be your honorary little sister? I told you it was odd question. I just think that you are a very intriguing person. (Coming from me, that is the same as saying that you are cool.) At least I'm not asking you to marry me. How many proposals has Tasuki-san gotten so far, no da? Anyway, enjoy the chocolate, and I hope you had a nice birthday *looks at her calender*....5 days ago. ^_^;
Dear ParadoxNoMiko,
Arigato for the chocolate (I hid it from Miaka, no da!). Tasuki has gotten more proposals than he cares to count! Hmmm... I see nothing wrong with your request, so hai, you can be my honorary little sister, no da! Now be good, na no da!
Dear Tamahome,
If you could give your life to save any one of the other seishi, but all of the other seishi would die, who would you die for first and foremost? (Psst... I won't tell anyone the secret, so no one gets upset. Deal?)
Dear Shun-chan,
That's a hard one! Gomen, that is a decision, I just can't make!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi hi Chichiri!! I really really wonder what's the meaning of "NA NO"? I know the meaning of "DA" which has the meaning of "desu", but why do you have to put "na no" infront of da? And I wanna say that you are very cool and I luv ya a lot!
Na ni? -'.'-
Dear Na ni? -'.'-,
Arigato for your kind words, no da! Na = Oh! No da = it is or it's obvious.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'M ON A QUEST!!! *sings: walking down the road again, do da, do da...* I'm looking for the truth of life. Where do I go?? Who do I speak to??
Dear T-Bone,
Try to find Taiitsu-kun's mountain and ask her your questions. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HEEELP!!! I'm home from college and I'm f@$*in BORED! One can only write fanfics and webpages so much in one day, my manga is almost memoried and all the anime tapes are down in Long Island with Tirtzah (the friend with the anime!) What can I do? I'm in a hick town too with no car... and I've already walked to my high school and scribbled 'No da' and other random phrazes on all the blackboards I could.. I've run out of things to do and I still have 3 more months to go! Help me please!!
Fran-Nyan (going sane from boredom)
Dear Fran-Nyan,
Hmmm... how about surfing the net for Fushigi Yuugi websites? Studying your Japanese to use on Ju-chan and Je-chan? Renting anime?? Are there any anime conventions coming to your area? Get on our message board and start a thread...?
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki!!!!!! *running with open arms* Hey there cutie! Give me a hug first before I talk! *hugging Tasuki tightly* Oops...gomen...I forgot u needed to breathe...heh bad...
Well...ya I have heard of that japanese bookstore...what was it again..Kinokuniya.....i just rememebred that theres one down in Chinatown where I live....heh heh....I didn't realize the name till now...well...i'm heading there this I might go and check if they have a copy of it....I brought one comic where u are ....hint hint..2nd Ova flashback...heh heh.....but when i went again...dang the whole book section was sold i hope they gots some when I go....But then I'll have wait for the translation.....oh da way....hows Koji been doing?
well....thats it for there a book up in Kinokuniya where they feature u and your sisters? What's it called? I would like to find that one.....coo well later then *bottle of sake as an apologize for almost hugging u to death......heh*
Ja, th' Kinokuniya in Lil' Tokyo seemed to have all of our manga up to #15 in stock. If they don't have it, they can order it. That's how Chichiri no Aijin got her novels.
Dear Chichiri,
Hun, do you think love hurts? Do you believe in closing your heart paths, hunting back tears of sorrow your heart will heal? Or those unsheden tears will going to turn your heart toa stone, cold and unable to forgive? What do you feel about your friend's betrayal, now? You killed him because you hated him?
Dear Miriade,
Saa, to answer your questions in order - Love can hurt, but it makes us stronger and the pleasure it brings even more intense, no da. I do believe that after grieving a lost love, one should eventually open one's heart again. I was hurt by his betrayal, but now that I know the whole story, it saddens me all the more. If I had been able to stop Kouran, they might both be alive now, no da. I did not kill Hikou! Nor do Ihate him, no da! Perhaps you should reread your manga or rewatch your OVA, na no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello Everyone! This is Metamia ^_^ I'm thinking of writing a fic about the Suzaku Seishis trying to pick up girls. Or guys in Nuriko's case. ^_^ It's a pure parody and meant to be laughed at...SO DON'T HAVE A COW TASUKI!! IT'S JUST A FIC!! DON'T PANIC!! I wanted to know...what would be your pick up lines?
I'm participating in a FY Fanfic Contest and this is one of the fics I'm thinking of submitting. If I use your ideas I promise to give you credit!!
Metamia ^_^
Dear Metamia,
Well, good luck with the contest! Here are your answers:
Chichiri: Want to tempt a monk, no da?
Tasuki: Hey babe! Don't be afraid! I DON'T bite!!
Tamahome: I can be yours for only 2 gold ryou. Just don't tell Miaka!
Hotohori: How could NOT want to date a man as beautiful as I?
Nuriko: You look quite lovely. But, you're missing one accessory... ME!
Mitsukake: You look like you have a broken heart, may I cure you?
Chiriko: Hi! Want to study with me?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
the look during the OVA episode and you know what i mean so i won't give a spoiler. i hope you're doing okay and i am praying for you.
Dear @~}~~~,
Arigato. I am doing better, no da. Thank you for asking.
Dear Tasuki,
What hell of hair spray do you use to make up your reddish hair on that way??? Why don't you try an ortodonthic treatment to put those fangs of yours in their right place? Why do you always have to use *so* horrible words to answer people who is just having fun ?
Dear Miriade,
My hair is jus' naturally *&^%$$# COOL!!! An' my teeth are in th' right place! 'Che! I answer like that 'cos they annoy me!
Dear Tamahome,
*an innocent looking girl walks in, looks up at Tamahome with her pretty golden eyes as she puts up her silver hair to hide her silver fox ears, and tries to hide her bright red wings* I was wondering Tamahome-kun.... If you and Chichiri-kun got in a fight, which one would win? Oh, yes. My father told me to give you this before I do anything to you. *give Tamahome a small bag full of gold ryou* I hope you like it. *punches Tamahome really hard in the gut, kneels down by the gasping Tamahome and puts a silk blanket over him* My mother said to give you this after I did anything to you. *wages all of her 7 tails as she smiled* You should know that my dad is your god Suzaku, and my mom is an Irish fox spirit named Shantu. *smile turns into a smirk* Thanks for the chat Tama-chan. *disappears into the wind with a laugh*
Dear Shophila,
Well, *cough, cough* I may have the martial arts skills, but he has magic on his side and would probably just wear me down by disappearing and reappearing till I'm dizzy.
Dear Chichiri,
One day i got really really bored and started ending all my sentences with 'no da'. This made my mom and dad pretty mad....along with my best friend. Do you think it was wrong of me to keep it up for another 3 hours after that? ...I couldnt really help it! It's really a catchy phrase! O.o Also....if i get bored again...should i start up again? It's still better when you say it though. ^-^
Dear Night_Child17,
I think you should leave well enough alone, no da. Give your parents and friends a break, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
how do you get your hair to stick up and out like that?
Little Chichiri ~AKA~ The Munchkin
Dear Little Chichiri ~AKA~ The Munchkin,
It just grows that way, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Genrou-sama! *runs up and cautiously gives him a belated birthday kiss* ^_^
Anou...*looks down and starts to blush* How big are your feet? ^_^; I had to ask well *something*...*notices all the accusing looks she's getting and begins to poke her fingers together* A-a-ara....I...I didn't mean anything ecchi by that. Really...;_;
Dear Amy-chan,
My feet are big enough fer me to stand on. Saa, have ya' an' Mulan-baka made up yet???
Dear Mitsukake,
Its my sinuses which I had neko-scanned. ^_~ I missed a terrible amount of school, simply because illness never left me. I'd rather undergo a kowai surgery than have to deal with the constant infections. ;_; I'm always tired alot too...demo, I've switched to eating mostly fruit, so I'm doing better. ...but I still miss eating odangoes...and chocolate...and ice-cream. ;_;
How's Tama-neko doing? ^_^ Wai wai, for my 18th birthday I think my obaa-san is planning to buy me a neko-chan. I'd like maybe a Japanese bobtail...since they look cute. ^_^ Demo...the truth is, I'd much rather adopt a full-grown unwanted one. Something that reminds me of myself...there's too many who don't have happy homes these days. When I move out I fear I'll become an old senile cat lady...demo there's nothing bad about that, ne? ;_; would also be fun to become a senile old bandit wife...*-* *zones into her own little Genrou fantasy world*
Dear Amy-chan,
maybe you can suggest to your obasan that she should save a furry little life and adopt a neko from the pound. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I don't think senile is such a good thing. Why not just an old bandit's wife who lives with lots of cats??
Dear Chichiri,
Jean: WAI! WAI!! It's b-day time again!!
Anne: Tradition, tradition *grumble*
Mandy: Why do we do this anyway?
Mary: It's fun no da!
Chichiri, Chichiri can't you see
How much you mean to me
We all love your kawaii ways
And we're wish you a Happy Belated B-DAY!!!
Anne: Do re mi fa so la ti do!!
*dogs howl. window shatters. babies cry*
Anne: HEY!!! *strangles Mandy who wrote that in*
Jean: Ano... ^^;; Mandy managed to _convince_ Koenma-sama to let you have a pass to see some people very special...
Mary: Here they are!!!
Kouran: Houjun!
Hikou: Hey, Happy Birthday old friend!
(meanwhile in Reikai)
George: You know Koenma-sama, you *could* try standing up to Mandy...
Koenma: And have her turn me into a CARROT?? NO WAY!!!
Weird Seishi
Dear Weird Seishi,
Domo arigato gozaimasu, no da!! *Turns and kisses Kouran and puts an arm around Hikou as the 3 of them walk away...*
Dear Tasuki,
Can't you get Kouji to come see me?! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! I'll do anything you want! Name it! Don't say you need time to think about it! If you ask Chichiri to go get him for me I'd be happy with that too. Anything! I wanna see him! **sniff*sniff** Haven't you any human compassion?? PLEASE!!!! Bring me Kouji! *Watery-eyed Puppy Face** Anything you want.
(Lonely) Reirei
Dear Reirei,
Che'!! Some people!!! *Drops a sleepy half-dressed (in Tasuki jammies) Kouji at her feet.* Now, where's my *&^%$#@ sake?!?!?!?!?!?
Dear Mitsukake,
I know this is kind of mean and all, but how come you look like someone from GI Joe? Also, how come you have so few fans? You're one of the cooler seishi, in my opinion. (Well, you're not my favorite charachter from FY though... That position is reserverd for Sunkake Baba. Whoohoo! Taiitsu-kun!)
Lady Mandy of the Orange Root
Dear Lady Mandy,
Who or what is a GI Joe??? *Chichiri no Aijin explains it to him...* Oh, I suppose it must be my haircut. As to the fans I have, I seem to have quite a few. But, like me they're a quiet bunch.
Dear Tasuki,
Your sooo kawaii!!!! ~~smiling sweetly~~ Ya..I finally found a place on da net that has translation to your "Genrou Den" .....but their sooo damn slow to far I've only been able to read Chapter 1.....I'm sooo unpatient to see the other chapters.....but then again it must be allot of work to put up all those translations.
When I talked about the waterfall pic that u should pose in....I meant without ya clothes....well..except maybe some shorts or so... ~~sparkling eyes~~ heh heh Well...anyways...I gots to later sweets...... : ) ~bottle of sake before I go~
Hmmm... me in th' water wit' only my tessen an' a grin.... Yeah, I bet you'd love it!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI AGAIN!! It's me Momoko-chan! (Sorry i keep writing to you, I just love this page so much!!!) O.K First thing i want to know is would you guys ever forgive Amiboshi for what he's done? what do you think about Yui?
Secoud question is for chiriko. Finals are coming up in the next two weeks ( and school will be out THANK THE FOUR GODS!!) I was just wondering, what are some good study tips you could give me, although im not to worried about it.
Dear Momoko-chan,
Amiboshi, right?? I think so. After all Miaka forgave him and even tried to save his life. As fo study tips, here's a few: Set aside a specific time to study and stick to it. Stdy in a quiet place that is free of distractions and make sure you hava a good light to read by so you don't hurt your eyes. Gambatte kudasai!
Tamahome and Chiriko
Dear Tasuki,
I thought you were or still are in love with Miaka,....right? Well, I got prove! ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
*SPOILER ALERT* for mangas 14-18 *BEWARE*
Evidence that Gen-chan loves his miko:
1. From manga 14: When Miaka said how she was so happy to see you again and thanked you, you looked kind of startled, and blushed a little when Aidou said it's not like you to get all bashful.
2. From manga 15: After the artificial respiration scene with Miaka, you blushed and looked at Miaka's lips like you want to kiss her again. Then you touched your own lips and looked like you were thinking hard about *something* You then felt Miaka's face like you want to hold it up so that you could kiss her again or something. When a monster attacked at Hotohori's palace, Miaka fell and you used yourself as a mat to let her fall on you so she won't get injured. Then when Chichiri teased you about saving Miaka a lot and you giving her a kiss, you got all red and started saying it was an *artificial respiration*
3. From manga 16: When Miaka was all upset, you offered her food to cheer her up. Later, when she still looked upset after the food, you have this strange look on your face and frowned. After that, you just kind of tried to cheer her up. Then later, when Taka came, he asked Miaka if she believes that he didn't *do* anything. You started saying that you don't believe him and acted kind of jealous of him and Miaka. Afterwards, you start taunting how Taka and Miiru must have done something. You told Taka not to walk with Miaka since he might scream hysterically.
Later, when Miaka was out to look for Rokou for the stone, you went with her and started saying to Miaka that Taka must have done something with Miisu. Miaka got mad at you for saying such things of Taka, you looked sort of hurt and said, "I just don't want to see you look so sad......... A-----H, I don't even know what I'm saying!" After the snake attack, when Miaka was helping you walk down the street, you looked down her er.... bra. Then you start saying that Taka is gonna kill you if he sees you guys walking in there like this. Then you said, "Even like this, I'm still worried about Taka." So Miaka won't be mad at you and partially because you still care about Taka.
4. From manga 17: When Miaka was looking upset again, you had a BIG frown on your face. Then later, when you saw Miaka and Taka hugging, you had another frown on your face. Afterwards, Hikou put a spell on you that brings out your subconsciousness, your secret desires, but without reasoning. You beat the crap out of Taka and said you would take Miaka from him.
Then you went to Miaka and starts playing with her hair and you brought her to a resturant. In the resturant, you got her drunk and brought her to a room upstairs. You start saying that Miaka will be better off with him than being with Taka. You started kissing her and said that she became a woman and that you are a MAN. Then you tried to rape her, but Taka came just in time. You and Taka starts arguing about who is worthy of Miaka more. You looked REALLY embarrassed and REALLY blushed when you said sorry to both Miaka and Taka.
Oh, this list will NEVER stop, but I shall keep on going to convince you that you were or still are in love with Miaka.
Then later, when Chiriko came and asked what you guys were *doing* You got the wrong idea and misunderstood the question. You REALLY blushed again... Later, you punched a tree and said,
(Tasuki):...How...come you didn't realize it...Tasuki... (Tasuki):You're hurt ...and breaking down...because of her (Tasuki)'s not..."friendship"...Idiot......
*These manga translations are by the wonderful Tasuki no miko.*
Finally, manga 18: You TOTALLY freaked out when you saw how injured Miaka was and immediatley ran to her which you ended up hurting yourself by the barrier. At the end, when Miaka was to go back to her world you told her to be a really good woman. and so on.........
Did I convince you now, Tasuki-san? I sure hope so, I spent about an hour typing this up and looking things up from the manga.
Well, see ya!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well ya' convinced me yer a persistent lil' thin' and ya' got a lotta time on yer hands!! But I jus' wanna drop th' whole subject! Whether I love her now or loved her then don't make no difference as she's wit' Tamahome an' all rehashin' it does is bring up all kinds of hurt and s--t. I don't wanna deal wit' it! 'Kay???
Dear Nuriko,
I just wonder if you got my picture of you.
Did you like it?
Dear Dreamie,
Hai! Gomen nasai for not sending you a thank you for it! It was very pretty. You did a good job! Chichiri is waiting to see his...
Dear Chiriko,
Konīnichi wa Chiriko. I wanted to ask you what Suzaku, Seiryuu, Byakko and Genbu really meens. Oh by the way, you are so kawaii(oh yes you really are). Bye! ^_^
Dear Otomodachi,
Arigato for your compliment! As far as the names are concerned, aside froom them being the gods of the 4 quadrants to the sky (South, North, East, and West), I don't believe they have a special meaning. I can tell you that Suzaku is also the kami-sama of love.
Dear Chichiri,
you see my brother doesn't take bathes any more and he is really starting to stink. He wouldn't even lisen to my mom when she tells him to bathe.
What should I do because his stench is making me sick. Please write me back. Good Bye.
Anique B. Cle
Dear Anique B. Cle,
If this is true, perhaps he needs more help than a bar of soap and some deodorant, no da. How old is he? Very young boys are just sometimes difficult and stubborn. While older boys in their teens may be going thru a rebellious stage or may actualy be depressed. If he is older, perhaps your mother should take him to the doctor, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
You see I got a friend who likes make-up ,but doesn't know how to put it on.Can you give her some tips? People say she is real ugly in fact sometimes I don't know why but I just wish she doesn't live across the street from me. Why is that? I mean I don't know how to say it to her but I think she is so maen to me. What color are you.
Dear susanna,
The beauty tip I can give for makeup is less is better! I don't know why you don't want this girl living near you, but if she is mean to you and you dislike her so, why do you call her your friend? As to what color I am, I guess you could say I'm Nuriko color! Tee-hee...
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