Dear Tamahome,
*Metamia digs around her pocket and fishes out 2 gold ryou* Here you go, Tama-chan!! At this very moment, I'm listening to Zelgadis from Slayers sing "We Are". But since you guys have the same voice actor, I'm just pretending it's you singing!! Midorikawa Hikaru is a really good singer! Would you ever serenade for me? How much would I have to pay you?
As for my question... If for some mysterious cosmic reason, you couldn't be with Miaka, which of the seishis would you like her to be with? Tasuki? Hotohori? Nuriko? Chichiri? Mitsukake? Chiriko? Of course, this would never happen. You guys are meant to be. This is just a hypothetical question.
Metamia ^_^
Dear Metamia,
*Thinks it over for quite awhile...* *SIGH* I guess Tasuki. But you do know that would mean all their kodomo would all have *shudders* FANGS!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, it's the weird as usual Katsu no Miko here...I hope you had a nice vacation and you're well rested and everything, cause if you don't mind, I'm going to have a nice tearful power whine...guess I'm going to even if you do mind. Gomen. *sigh* I promise that if you bear with me, I'll take you out drinking when I'm feeling better, and my next note will be a happy one. Swear.
I've been having a really stressful last three weeks...that thing at the high school happened, and that's a high school I've actually visited for competitions, and I knew some of the band people there...but I really am not going to get in to that, since things have finally started settling down, and the last thing anyone needs is me stirring them back up with weeping and gnashing of teeth.'s not something I can change, it's just there, and it hurts...but anyways...gotta move on, I guess...
What's really been getting to me the most is work...on top of all the emotional junk that I hate messing with, I just found out some very scary things at work. The company is talking about moving a bunch of jobs, and laying people off, and I'm scared, because I'm the bottom of the heap, so if anyone has to get chopped, it'll be me...and I can't move out of state with my job, so I'm worried...and I'm also worried because when you hit six months with the company, they decide whether or not to keep you, and I'm at the three month mark now, and I'm absolutely terrified that I'll get canned because I take too many potty breaks or something dumb like that...and I'm having trouble sleeping because of the stress, so I'm constantly tired and, of course, extremely grouchy, so I've been getting into screaming matches with my mom at least three times a week.
And best friend suddenly decided to get in touch with a bunch of our old high school friends...and she got a hold of the one that was my first crush, who I'd thought I'd gotten over...but oh well, guess not. I really hate hiding my feelings from anyone, even though I do it on a day to day basis, but I just don't know what to do.
And last and least, I haven't updated my web page in nearly a month, I think...everyone that visits it is probably getting frustrated and annoyed at me, and I feel guilty. Baka KnM-chan.
Ok, I'm done whining, I didn't cry all over you or anything, so that's good. Keeping it together and all. I guess I'm not looking for advice, really, though any you have would be welcome...or any any of the other seishi can give would be welcome, too...I guess I'm just looking for someone to listen...which is what e-mail is good for, since you can't interrupt me and tell me how silly I'm being.
Ok, now for the huge favor. Can I have a hug? I think I really need one for once. Standing alone gets old. Thanks for listening to me, Tasuki-san. Oyasumi nasai.
Dear KnM,
'Che, yer a sack of joy... *Musses her hair and gives her a hug.* Jodan dayo! Losin' people ya' care 'bout sucks don't it? I know from experience how much that can hurt. Ya' jus' gotta hang in there fer them an' fer yerself. As fer yer job, if yer that stressed out, GET A NEW JOB!!!!!! Nothin' is worth what yer goin' thru an' you'll only make yerself sick or worse!! Ain't no amount of okane worth th' hassle yer gettin' an' th' way yer health will be if yer so damn srtressed!! So ya' never got over yer old crush, eh?? Why hide yer feelin's? If he's free maybe th' two of ya' can get together over coffee or somethin'. Chichiri no Aijin married her old high school crush! Don't worry 'bout yer peeji. It jus' means ya' got a life! Don't give yerself more stress than ya' already got! Take care! *Gives her another hug and a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Nuriko,
I want to apologize for the gigantic spoiler I had written before. But I HAD to say it! I was telling my friend Shirley about Fushigi Yuugi and how much I love it. She knows nothing about anime and when I mentioned that I cried really hard parts of the show, she nonchalantly said: "How can you cry over a stupid cartoon?". I knew she meant it as a joke but...
*Metamia's eyes light up with righteous fury*
So I showed her scene I mentioned before. *Sniff* Nuriko-sama...and it brought back all my memeories of the wonderful purple one...and I just had to write about it! Nuriko was my first love in FY! I still remember surfing the net and stumbling across a FY site and at the time, I knew nothing about FY. Nuriko-sama was the first to catch my eye!! You're so cool Nuriko-sama!! And don't worry Tasuki! Chichiri! I still love you guys too!
Actually, I mentioned this site to my friends in the Tasuki Mailing List. I'm glad to see some of them here, like Mike "Tasuki no Neko" and FUSHIGI15!! Sugoi! I know this message isn't really a question but I just had to say this. I really love you Nuriko-sama. I hope you get reincarnated into my world and meet someone who resembles Hotohori!! Good luck!
Metamia ^_^
Dear Metamia,
Cool! Arigato for your kind words and sweet compliments! And thank you for getting the word out about our site!
Dear Hotohori,
I know you've heard it a million times but... You're really, really hot. All you have to do is lose the box-hat. Really... the Chinese Take-Out Style doesn't do much for you (nor would it ANYone!)
Second.. do you pay ANY attetion to the women in your harem? If you do, can I join? >) Or can you have a second wife?? Hey, you're the emperor!! ^.^
And teach me sword fighting one day!! You're the best and I really wanna learn!
Dear Dreaming,
Arigato for your lovely compliments! As I only paid attention to Houki, my wife, the harem was not needed nor do I intend to take a second wife.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi honey! ^.^ I was just curious.. okay, no, obsessed. I'm doing a fan documentation on the suzaku seishi, you know, compiling information about each seishi into a journal-like book, and I had a few questions. ^.^
WHY do you say "no da"? It's the cutest expression and it IS contagious, but why do you say it?
Second... the only time my bangs ever achieved a five inch lift was after they had been held back by a headband when my hair was wet. Is there any particular reason for it, or is it (yet again) a way to be distinct? Whichever, it's cute! But whenever I flash ANY pictures to my friends, all I EVER hear is "Yeah he's cute! But what's with the bangs..?"
Third.. just how heavy is that staff? o.O;;
Fourthly.. I promise one day I'll find my way to Shijentenchisho, and you and I have just gotta talk. And we have to go fishing. After all, my family is in the fishing industry. And I like it, and I know you do, too!
And you should show your face more. Really. You're very, very, VERY attractive.
Oh, and lastly.. -.-;; I'm confoozled.. do you cook? Because my friend says you do, because she says she's seen pictures from manga. Just curious! Need more info for my fan journal! ^.^ Doomo arigatou!!
Lovingly Obsessed and Happy
Dear Lovingly Obsessed and Happy,
Your answers in order are: No da is a contracted form of no desu, which means it's obvious, no da! As for my hair I have been told I have a VERY tall "cowlick". I swear I NEVER saw the cow, no da! My staff weighs about 20 pounds.
Arigato for your kind words. I am glad that my face does not make you uncomfortable, no da. And yes, I do cook. Mostly sakana, yasai, and gohan, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Well....I was pondering this question but I always forgot to ask goes.....I was reading through some of the responses when someone ask if you like Miaka like a little sister because she resembled someone that you admired or something.....I fogot the name of the could you let me know this person's name and who she/he was???? Arigato!! ~Bottle of sake before I go~
Her name was Rei-Rei. She was someone I card a lot about. She's in my book Genrou Den.
Dear Chichiri,
Guess what! On a recent field trip to Chinatown, my friends and I hit the stores and I found something veryveryvery wonderful! A KASA FOR ONLY $2.55!!!! WHAT A DEAL!!!! Too bad no one else understoond my constant ramblings about the wonders of kasas.... hmm... how do I disappear into one and get into your world?? Please tell me and if anyone else cares, you can get a really good deal when you go to Chinatown in downtown LA!
Dear Zelko,
Sore wa himetesu, no da! Chichiri no Aijin will probably be down there this weekend to get one for herself and one for Wandering Mage Chichiri. Last time she was down there they only had small child sized ones, no da! So, will you be attending AnimeExpo this year, na no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You all do very well at maintaining this page keep it up! By the way what do the characters on each seishi mean? Plus are there uncut, subtitles episodes available in the US of Fushigi Yuugi?
Dear Saffira,
Thank you for your encouraging words! You can get uncut subtitled tapes from your local anime shop. Pioneer puts them out. Here are what our characters mean:
Chichiri: Well (as in a hole you get water from)
Hotohori: Sea Snake
Tamahome: Oni (Ogre)
Tasuki: Wing
Mitsukake: Rare Cart or Sadness (There is still a debate about this.)
Nuriko: Willow
Chiriko: Stretching
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm having a really bad day, and by the time you read this, I will probably be having another bad day. How can you be surrounded by people who love you and still feel so alone? *sigh* Sorry to bother you. Yes, this is the Chrissy who happily became a regular here. I just had to tell someone, and it's easy to tell someone who you're not going to see. Strange huh? I'm sure this feeling will pass soon, but I don't know. My friend will probably yell at me not to committ suicide. I thought I was weak, until that happened. I'm glad I'm here now, and somehow have kept away from that. I have something to hold onto, but every now and again that grip gets a little loose...
Dear Chrissy,
Don't lose your grip, no da! Perhaps you should discuss this with your guidance counselor or your brother. Or another adult that you trust, no da? If it makes you feel any better I too have felt that way, but realize that in hurting myself, I will only hurt those who love and care about me, na no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HIYAS! I was just wondering why only a few of the seishi die and not the rest...Not that I want you all to die but I was just curious!Thats all! Buh bye!
Dear Bunny,
They were ALL having REALLY BAD days!!
Dear Chichiri,
HI,NO DA!I just wanted to say that your my favorite character!!!!!YOUR SO CUTE AND FUNNY! HEE HEE!!! Hey! SAY NO DA FOR ME,WILL YA?!?!?! Thankies! Buh bye!
Chichiri's #1 fan
Dear #1 fan,
Hai, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey babe. Isn't it weird that a GIRL is almost exactly like you? First off, switch alcohol. I visited Japan and had a chance to try sake, and quite personally, it's horrendous. Go for, like, Plum Wine or something almost as potent. Really.
Second.. please come Lekka Shien my brother. Really.
Third - *I* don't believe you are hentai with Koji. Maybe with Miaka... (hehe, I DON'T believe the "mouth-to-mouth resussitation" (sp?) excuse, and I don't think Chichiri did either (and he knows best! <3) But at least someone out there believes that you aren't a total hentai! Also, keep flamin' Obake-chan!! Hehehehee >D
By the way.. those necklaces scarily resemble something that came out of a Mardi Gras Parade.. I just noticed that the other day. ^.^ Is there a reason you wear them? Just curious.
Dear Wonderous,
First, sake can be good or nasty. Sounds like ya' been drinkin' th' nasty stuff! Switch brands! Glad to know SOMEONE out there doesn't think I'm yaoi! As fer th' neclaces I wear 'em 'cos they're valuable gems an' be traded if I need quick cash! (I'll jus' steal 'em back later! Heh-heh...)
Dear Chichiri,
*Kurama smiles as he shutes the door behind himself.* It worked Chichiri-san. Past life regetion really helped, but Hiei is still warry. He insisted that he stayed with her. Zelgadis is resurching more about her. It turns out that she had a spiritual teacher that is named Sean Long. *sigh* It was so much trouble just finding that out. Makai(demon world) is such a large place. Hey, not to change the subject but.... How would you like to help me get the little Koorime/Hiei and Erin together? It'll be fun. ^_~
Dear Kurama,
Perhaps, but let's get her well first, na no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Don't worry! Silence is a gift. I'm quiet. Quiet is good. ^.^ Some may think you're slow, but that's okay! We know the truth! :> In case you were wondering, I go to a boarding school and I now have shown over 6 people videos and books with you in it and they think you are really hot. They are even sending me requests asking me if I will sketch you for them. (I'm an artist.) Maybe one day you can pose for me. Hehe!
Manga no Miko
Dear Manga no Miko,
I'm glad to hear that you have given me such a following. If I can ever make it to your world, I would be honored to pose you. Arigato gozaimasu.
Dear Tamahome,
Are you cheating on Miaka?
Come on.. with all those girls falling all over you, are you gonna tell me that you AREN'T getting it on with them??
Curious Adultery
Dear Curious,
Of course not!! How could you think SUCH a thing???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sorry about the other letter. I'm just weird, I guess. I'm just a 'silly silly girl'.
Dear Chrissy,
Well, you had us all VERY worried, no da!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was wondering if you might know the address to the Ask the Sailor Senshi page. I saw it here once and I did bookmark it, but AOL says it cannot find the page when I type it in. Maybe if you put up a link I could get to it from there. Thank you all!! :)
a huge fan,
Dear Adrienne,
Here is the link Sailor Senshi. We tested it out and it worked for us.
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichi wa Nuriko-sama!!! I wasn't too sure who to ask this question I thought you would be the goes...
Well, there's this guy at school that when I first meet him in the beginning of the year, he was a total flirter with all the girls and an annoying pain in the a*&...but now I noticed and saw another side to him...I saw a caring and sweet side I didn't know problem is that I can't understand if I like him as a friend or a little more than see he use to say things to me as if he cared and wanted to know if I felt the same bout him, but the only thing was that I thought he was joking all the time like he usally was...I can never tell when he's for real or just pretending....but then was like I didn't know what other girl he told that too either....even though I had several people ask me if I did like him in that way....of course I said no cuz I didn't like him that time....but now I'm not sure what do you think about this, Nuriko??? Arigato for listening to me.....gomen if I sound baka.....arigato again...
Love you lots~~~~ ~smiling while hurrying off to school~
Be friends with him and see what develops. Have patience! Friendships often last longer than romances.
Dear Tasuki, this question bugging here I go.... How exactly did you become afraid of water??? I already know why you don't like milk, but why are you scared about swimming.......ok, ok, ya I'm kinda scared of huge bodies of water too...but its only because I'm not too comfortable with water I can't see the bottom of .....and I also almost drown twice....which doesn't help me get over my little water fear.....I like pools and stuff....but sometimes I just don't know why I'm so nervous around lakes and etc.
But thats cool least you don't have to ask me for swimming lessons...heh heh......
But if there was a huge supply of sake at the bottom of a large body of water like a lake.....would you go and retrieve it??
If you do.....then the sake I put there is yours...haha...but if its too hard...just tell me and I'll get someone to go down and bring it back up to you, sweetie...smiles for now...
I don't like th' water 'cos I swim like a frickin' hammer!! Sake at th' bottom of a lake?? No problem! I'd have Kouji get it!! Heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there! By the way, Happy Birthday! Glad to be invited to your party! *holds out a lot of sake, pixie sticks and a life saver tied with a big red ribbon, a box of teeth earings and a package filled with toothbrush and dental floss* Well, I guess, you're ready to be thrown into the pool. *places the lifesaver on his neck and throws him into the pool* Nice party! Looks like you're safe in water now... Hey, the other gifts should remind you to take care of your fangs--'Love those shiny white fangs! I think they're hot...
*Flying Kiss* Take care now!
Dear Clueless,
Ya' better *&^%$#@ RUN!!! "Cos when I get ouuta this pool... OI!!! I ain't sinkin'!!! Kakkoii!!
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Birthday, you! How many times did you get thrown, hmmm? Good thing my friend clueless gave you a life saver for your B-day! Well, I got this really cool silver stud for you--Thought you'd look better with a subtle approach...Heh! HEh!
Dear Adorable,
Too many *&^%$#@ times to think about!!! Now, 'bout this silver stud, it IS for my ear, right? Jus' checkin'...
Dear Hotohori,
I'm glad you like my gifts. I really enjoyed seeing 'em on you. What I didn't like is seeing you die. I really felt sad. Anyways, I'm planning on reviving you...I mean, that's the advantage of being from a book world--It just takes a different writer to make things different from you. And, I'll try to be that. I hope you like my gifts--Are you wearing them, right now?
Dear Adorable,
Hai! Have you watched the 6 part OVA series? By the end you may feel somewhat better about my early demise.
Dear Chichiri,
is sailormoon better then you?
Dear Kayla,
At what, no da? I suppose Mamoru-san\Darrien thinks so, na no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Ah! I see you've also taken the course on how to be obnoxious! *pulls out the Big A$$ Dictionaty (tm) and begins looking up the translation for what Chiriko-baka wrote* *smiles* Oh my -- *begins to laugh* Benevolence? Me? Please tell me I translated that wrong! *Laughs in a very evil manner*
*Ju-chan takes over typing as Fran-Nyan is incapasitated on the floor in laughter*
Ata m'daber ivrit, Yeled Tipshi? Ata lo yodaea et Fran-Nyan. Fran-Nyan hap'rutsa pega. Hi lo nadiv.
*Fran-Nyan is heard in the backround yelling "Evil, evil I say! Dilandau-sama!!!! Where's my flame throwers! You said you'd give them back!"*
For those who don't speak Hebrew, Fran is evil incarnate. She loves to torment people. And burn things. There is nothing benevolent about her. She's rather schizophrenic, though.
B'seder, Chiriko. We love you anyway, but you should have realized by now that Fran isn't (and will never be) nice. She channels people like Tasuki amd Dilandau and Sanosuke too much. *ducks flying flames and yells "watch it with the flame throwers! You could hit the computer!" to Fran-Nyan* Excuse me while I go and stop her from killing something that doesn't deserve it. L'hitraot, Chiriko-chan!
Ju-Chan (who takes college Hebrew) and Fran-Nyan (who is Evil Incarnate)
Dear Ju-Chan and Fran-Nyan,
Ja, chigau!!! Totemo hen, desu yo!! By the way I'm not telling you the correct translation either! Hee-hee... Tasuki and Nuriko are right! This IS fun!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I tried to go to "Ask the Seiryuu Seishi" site, but it didn't work! ;*_*;
Then I tried the "Ask the Genbu and Byakko Seishi" and that didn't work either ;*_*; (breaking into huge tears) Lastly, I tried to go to Miaka's Shrine, guess what, that did NOT work! (bawling and running away from the computer)
Dear Miiru,
Gomen nasai Miiru-san, but they are not our web sites and as such we have no control over them.
Dear Chichiri,
Is it harder to breath with your mask on?
Dear Mitsukake,
Not at all, no da! The mask is magical. But you already knew that, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Do you still want to be a female?
Dear Korin,
Not anymore. Disappointed?
Dear Tamahome,
Today is Miaka's birthday..frankly I don't like her because many guys like her(including you!!)but anyway.. I want you to say to her "Happy birthday,Miaka!!" Will ya say it for me?? Arigato..
P.S Can I call you 'Tama'? When Nuriko called you 'Tama'you were mad..but isn't it cute though??
Dear Jamie,
I'll tell Miaka that you wished her a Happy Birthday. Tama is the cat's name not mine! So please don't call me that.
Dear Tasuki,
Nope, I haven't read the Chichiri book or the Nuriko one. I'll read them some day though...So, anyway, how was your day, Tasuki-san? What have you been doing lately? Hope you don't drink too much sake, it's bad for your health. Well, see ya!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Pretty much answerin' letters!! We got over 60 of 'em an' we haven't even checked th' mail in a couple of days!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi there Tasuki! What do you think of all those drooling fans out there? Must be tough. What is the first thing that goes through your mind when someone asks you if Koij is your lover? I've seen pictures of you and the rest of the Seishi and you guys are all such hams at times! I'd give you some sake but I think everyone else has given you plenty and I heard you act really nutty when you are drunk. By the way what would you do if I did this - *Taps him on the head with her fan.* Well so long! *Darts off and leaps out a window and runs so fast that no one sees where she went.
Dear Saffira,
When I'm asked that 'bout me an' Kouji I usually jus' wanna FRY 'EM!!! Th' fans are fun as long as they ain't hentai! Oi! What th' hell was that?? Heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi wa Chichiri!!!!! This is me FUSH again......heh....I sat down and thought about it and I realized your birthday is coming up on the 21st......heh..... ~grinning~ Correct me if I'm wrong though.....but if true......Happy Early Birthday Chichiri!!!! How old are you turning now??? Hey everyone......could you all do a little favor for me ~ smiling ~ Could you all put down your birthdays....please???~!!!
Arigato ~~~~~
Sore wa himetesu, no da! Here are our tanjoubi, no da!
Nuriko: March 10
Chiriko: March 19
Hotohori: April 2
Tasuki: April 18
Mitsukake: May 7
Chichiri: May 21
Tamahome: June 28
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey what's up?? what time are you guys on?!?! everyday i see ya guys but then i don't!!! do you know the Poke`mon?? or the people from
your friend,
Dear LilMissy,
We're on TV?!?!?!?!??? Doko????
Dear Chiriko,
How come people keep on asking you questions about the Sailor senshi? o_O Well, senshi, seishi, I guess they are KINDA similar sounding... someone even called you guys the "Suzaku senshi" when talking to Yuu Watase at Animazement 99. I could have just died from embaressment! She must think we Americans are all idiots now.
At any rate, the Sailor senshi don't seem to be answering questions anymore. It's been well over a week since their webpage has been updated. It seems they don't have the stamina you guys do. ^_- I admire you!
Well, enough of a pointless letter. Time to go re-watch the Evangelion movies and see if I can understand them *this* time...
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Gomen nasai that the Sailor Senshi aren't answering letters. Perhaps they took a break. Suzaku knows WE needed one! Ja, if you do end up understanding the Evangelion movies, could you explain them to US?? Onegaishimasu???
Dear Tasuki,
Mary: First off, your advice to my friend, zelko was really good advice. Although, even though i am that girl that zelko wrote about, i am not the ditz that she made me seem like. My attention has moved accordingly. That guy and i are still friends, nothing more! He and his girlfriend are doing great and Kouji and I ARE DOING FINE!
I am just writing you to comment on your advice giving skills. As my friend
(Jean) wrote earlier, that leather jacket on you even has me drooling over you. *Looks at Jean*
Jean: Drrroooool *has stars in eyes*
Mary: Any way, a very happy belated birthday to ya! Hope you celebrated it with no pool problems *ahem*. But i have another question to ask you, seeing how your advice is superb.---- Anyway, my friend has a major major crush on this guy. She acknoledges the fact that he is sometimes egotistical, but still finds him attractive (mentally and physically, don't ask me why, i think that he is a term far worse than baka). Anyway, he knows that she likes him and at first when she told him, he discarded her and thought nothing of it. Now he flirts with bimbos (yes, they are blondes) right in front of her. The WW. Seishis think that she deserves way better than this. Any encouraging words?
Mary and Jean
Dear Mary and Jean,
Tell yer tomodachi th' guy's a bum an' to set her sights on better guys! He sounds like a TOTAL aho!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Jean: *glomps on Tasuki* HIHIHIHI!!! Sorry, had too much sugar!
Mary: No duh, hey, where's Kouji?? WAAAAAAHHH MARY WANNA WANNA!!!!
Jean: Anyway, I need some help on a fanfic idea I have, it's this whole thing where you all get reincarnated as college students and I need to know stuff like what kind of clothes you all would wear and what subjects you wanna take. Also, I have a Tasuki b-day fic in mind... *evil gleam*
Mary: HEY!!! That's my department!
Jean: Minor details. Ohh... Tasuki don't look so panicked, I'm inviting the WHOLE DTFC and your miko! Did I mention that I have a swimming pool.... oi TAMA!!! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO SELL ME THOSE BEDSHEETS!?!?!? Don't worry Tasuki-darling, I'll hit him if he tries to throw you into the pool. But you owe me....
Mary: Of course, *I* could give you swimming lessens...
Jean and Mary, WW Seishis
Dear WW Seishis,
*They all look at them and shudder and sweatdrop...* KOWAII!!!! Ano... here are your answers:
Chichiri: Jeans, nice shirts, turtlenecks, and sweatshirts. I would study philosophy, no da!
Tasuki: Leather jacket, jeans and the occasional dress shirt. Maybe I'd just go shirtless... heh-heh... I wanna be a frat guy!!! And I'd study... ahhhhh, who am I kiddin'??? I probably wouldn't study!!
Tamahome: I probably dress the same as you see me in the OVA's and posters when I am in Miaka's world. But no spurs on my boots! I would study business management and accounting. I'd probably go for an M.B.A.
Mitsukake: I would wear dress shirts and pants. Sometimes a suit. I would be a Pre-Med student.
Nuriko: I would wear whatever is the cutting edge of ultra-hip fashion! I'd double major in Drama and Fashion Designing!
Hotohori: I would wear the finest clothing that your world has (read designer jeans, shirts, etc. Suits by Armani...) I would be a Political Science major.
Chiriko: I would dress in jeans and tee shirts and I would triple majot in Ploitical Science, Law and Economics.
Dear Tasuki,
ARAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HEEEEEEELPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!GET AWAY FROME ME GET AWAY!!!Hurry Tasuki and lekka shien!OH wait, don't or I'll be in deep s***t. How am I gonna explain it to their parents.(Sorry but your daughters have been fried to a crisp). My crazy little cousins have been buggin me about Fushigi yuugi. I mean how the heck to you explain the whole story to them? the oldest one is only nine and already shes gonna fight me for you.(scary) And i thought she didn't like boys, after all shes the one who said boys are icky, she certainly does not think you're icky. But anyway my nine year old cousin, Boogi wooogi,(don't ask)has been trying to steal my FY cd and she sings your song and says no da all day long. You know whats even scarier? She has only seen the first eposiode and you and our beloved monk guy have not even appeared yet!But she did look at a lot of pictures and she fell in luv with your song right away. And Boogi Woogie's little sister,Crazy Kid, is obesssed too.(Why did I tell them about FY?Why o why?)She can't even pronounce Fushigi Yuugi. They love you, they worship you, Boogi Woogi is ready to take on the world for you(Oo)Heeeeeelllllpppp meeeeeeeeee!!!! I had to leave out a few details about FY. EX. you under spell+Miaka,Brothel etc I don't want to pollute children minds and ruin your perfect image. Did you recieve my first mail after a long time?(the d***ed computer) Let me know because when I sent the letter something happened with the computer.
Happy B-day(kinda late)I'll send the gift-wrapped sake to you! I gotta go the pack of wolves are coming but luckily my youngest cousin is only so shes not bothering me. I'm so glad they can't enter FY websits!
P.S I still can't find my FY Mangas! They're in some box. I WANT THEM I WANT THEM!!!!!!!
Dear Tieng,
An' I'm s'pposed to do what 'bout all this????
Dear Tasuki,
Hi. I am answering for Iridal. No, you did not get dumped in a pool. We knew Tamahome was planning that, so we left that to him and the other seishi. However, I do remember someone with flame red hair drunk off his a** singing "I'm a Little Teapot" with his best friend, whose initials start with Kouji, running around the room screaming at the top of his lungs, "Look at me!! I am Suzaku, the chicken of DOOOOOOOOOM!!" :) hehehe. I must say, the two of you were hilarious!! We all had a very good time. You and Kouji must come back sometime. We'll provide the sake! :)
a new drinking buddy, Arilyn
Dear Arilyn,
Yeah, ja, heh-heh, guess we're jus' th' life of th' party...
Dear Tasuki,
I know you don't think you give good advice, but you do.. I've read past letters of people that you've helped. I don't really know if you can help me..but I know you're a good friend and I hope you could at least listen to me.. I really need someone to talk to right now..
You see, lately I've been really down. I'm failing school, and I think I failed my final exams. I know my dad's not exactly happy with me, but he's making things worse by telling my relatives (especially my grandfather, the most critical person on Earth -_-*) how well I'm doing in school. It just bothers me because what if I find out I'm not passing my classes? It would seem like a lie. My dad just doesn't understand..
And my dog is really sick. I know it wouldn't seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but it is to me. She's been on three types of medicine now, and nothing is helping, says the vet. She has something wrong with her kidneys; wether it's an infection, kidney stones, or a tumor or something, we don't know yet. And it bothers me..she's too good of a dog to have this happen to her.
I guess lately things have seemed so overwhelming to me..I can't seem to be good enough for anything anymore, and I've been so upset..Because of this, I've done some really stupid cutting up my arm.. -_- My mom caught me and yelled at me. I know it was stupid to do..I don't know what I really want you to say for advice, if you can even give any. I guess I just needed someone to listen to me. Thanks..
Dear K-chan,
Have ya' tried talkin' to a guidance counselor, yer parents, or some other adult ya' trust 'bout all this? Cuttin' up yer arm is a huge cry fer help an' if yer parents ain't gettin' th' message, ya' gotta tell 'em in plain language jus' what th' hell is goin on in yer life!! Let 'em know what's happenin' so they can get ya' a tutor or any other help ya' need! Ki o tsukete kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! How's it goin? Everything seems to be comin together here. How you like havin the peeji back up? I was thinking about it and what IF there was one person writing under a lot of names. It seems kind of stupid, but my sister does it sometimes because she makes such an @$$ of herself or asks a stupid question. It's funny. I brought some sake, but it AIN'T all fer you! I need a drink myself! How's everything goin? D*mn! Don't you hate it when you were thinkin somethin and then you forgot what it was? I'll write ya later when I remember! Talk to you later! See ya! Wait... Oh YEAH!! How do you say DEATHWISHER in Japanese? Jes' wonderin'. Ciao!
If only one person's writin' ALL these letetrs to us than they GOTTA get somethin' better to do!!! Deathwisher is written in Japanese in th' card I sent ya'. Shinu no negai no hito is how it is said in Japanese.
Dear Tasuki,
geez, he hurt you that bad? *digs around in her purse and pulls out a bottle of aspirin and gives him two* hm... i don't think you should take these with sake, but i probably can't doscourage you from that... *holds out a bottle of sake, but also a bottle of water just in case* so, i was wondering, how did you and kouji become friends so fast? did you just click? that happened with me and my best friend! she's the greatest! well, that's my question and please answer it soon. i feel bad asking, but you guys don't seem to mind answering a ton of letters a day. you probably don't have to do much since you're drunk off your @$$. Ja ne!
Kouji no Miko
ps. i'm glad kouji knows i exist now. ^_^
Dear Kouji no Miko,
Yeah, yeah he knows ya' exist. He's jus' so damn proud to have his own Miko, he's almost gotta bigger head than certain too beautiful people we ALL know... heh-heh-heh... if ya' know who I mean. Thanx fer th' aspirin an' sake. Oh yeah, an' fer th' water chaser. Washed 'em down good!
Did me an' Kouji get along from th' start? Nah, he used to beat th' crap outta me every chance he got! See, I was th' new kid an' so I got all th' cruddy jobs an' got to be his slave sorta. But eventually, he stopped stompin' me (where did ya' think I learnt to brawl?) an' we got to be good friends. Th' novel Genrou Den tells ya' ALL about it!
Dear Tamahome,
Please help! I don't get this whole Tamahome/Taka thing! It's sooo confusing cause I just saw both OAVs. I mean, I thought I understood it at the end of FY ep 52, but OAV 1 messed me up! Please explain.... (wow, Miaka's sooo lucky to have two bishounen look-alikes to love her! tee hee)
Dear confused,
You're confused?!?!? I was there and I'm confused! But, I'll try to sort it out. Taka was my reincarnation that held no memory of my former life in Konan. The Tamahome in the 2nd OVA was created by Tenkou from the memory orbs he had stolen from me. When he merged with Taka, I became whole again and had BOTH sets of memories.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey it's me...again! never DID say if I could borow your fan or not :)....and you said you thought it was cause he likes me......that's the whole point, i subtly tried to hint.....then I had to up front tell him to get lost! I guess his ego was hurt or something.........that's no need to spread lies -_-* anyway.......nice to talk to ya again! bye!
Dear Rei-Chan,
Hmmm... lessee ya' crush this poor aho's feelins' an' then ya' wonder why he does somethin' nasty to get back at ya'.... HELLOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! NO ya' can't use my fan!!
Dear Chiriko,
ARIGATO CHIRIKO for telling me what Sore wa himitsu desu means!!!!! Ju-Chan and Fran-Nyan thought my letter to you was very funny...and they were pretty upset that their fun was ruined...but i'm not!!! you know it drives me crazy when Ju-Chan puts me in any kind of suspense like that and doesn't tell me things...and i've known her for almost 5 years and she...well...lets just say that she's told me that she lives to torment me...nice friend huh?! (hi Ju-Chan!) anyway, i was wondering if you could tell me what "Sore wa hanashita mono datta. Anatatachi wa jishin mono ga shirabemasu!"'re probably not going to though, ne?? this is what you told Ju-Chan and Fran-Nyan when they asked if you had anything that they could torment me with....can you please tell me what that means????????? MAYBE??
Dear Jen-Chan,
I would, but that would be telling. So perhaps your friends should look it up for themselves. Hee-hee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
*Fran-Nyan catches the mashmellows in a small wire net and blows on them to put the fires out.* Oye, I think ya need to turn down the flame a bit for the next batch, these are almost all charcoal! :)
*Pulls a large bar of chocolate from her bag along with a small box of gramm crackers. After carefuly prying the charcoal from the toasty marshmellows and places them on the cracker and piles a slab of chocolate on top then hands the s'more to Tasuki as she begins to make one for herself.* That's the best way to eat 'em. :)
Enjoy! :)
Dear Fran-Nyan,
Oishii!! Got any sake to wash it down wit'?
Dear Chichiri,
*Hiei holds a sleeping Erin close to him protectively, narrowing his eyes at Chichiri. Kurama walks in with a blanket and wraps it around the two.*
Kurama: Don't worry about him Chichiri-san. He's just very protective of her. Sometimes I think he's in love with her. *shakes his head* Poor little kitsune. She's had it tough, but she knows that there are people out there that has had harder lives. That's why she is thankful to have the life that she has now. Um.. About the advice that you gave her. The professionals can't help. She's tried it before. Her night terrors are getting better though, it's because Zelgadis, Hiei, and myself have been working with her spiritually. It turns out that she has a very powerful chi and doesn't know how to use it. I think that it is the reason of these astro beings are after her. What's your opinion?
Dear Kurama,
That is a possibility, no da. Perhaps she needs to do some spiritual research to control her sleeping state. Once she can control her night terrors she should be able to handle her day life as well. I still feel that there is something that has happened in her past to bring this about. Has she considered past life regression therapy? If traditional therapy isn't working for her this may be a way to go, no da. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Could you tell me a story?
Dear onegai?,
I could...
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri. I need to ask you for some important advice.Well I'm in Galway to pay my respects to my grandmother. However, my mom came up to me and told me that my birth mother has asked to meet me. I have mixed emotions about it. A part of me wants to, but another part of me doesn't. I've asked my family for help, but some say "meet her" and others say "you'll regret it" so they haven't been much help at all. Anyways, I thought I'd just ask you what you think about it. If you don't know what to say, that's alright too. I don't expect you to know everything. ^_^ Thanks for your time.
Dear Peach,
Gomen nasai that this has been so long in coming, no da. I say meet her, no da! Then you will learn new things about your family. And take it from someone who has NO blood relations, family can be very important, no da. If this woman is willing to meet you, you should give her a chance. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello! Thank you SO much for the advice! I knew you would be a sweetie! Basically because you are! *sigh* Well, how old are you? Because you were, ya know, and then you 'came back'. Oops, I gotta run, respond soon!
*gives him a quick hug*
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
You're welcome! Glad to be of help. I am now 20.
Dear Tasuki,
I thought you liked being called Gen-chan....I was so absoulutely positively sure. Remember in that see, when you stepped on Tamahome and said, "GEN-CHAN REVIVED!" You referred to yourself as Gen-chan..... Well, I got ONE more question....WILL YOU PLEASE MARRY ME?????
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Fer th' last time, I AIN'T MARRYIN' ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu Mitsukake-san!!! *gives him a Shoka-dolly with a pink bow around it* I sewed it for you since you need someone to keep you non-lonely. ^_^;
*innocent like giggle* Anou...and since it's your birthday...*slides him a bottle of sake* You should ara, unwind a little. ^_~ Just for today...I'm sure Tasuki-sama would sponsor a drinking trip for you. @.@;;
@.@;; Araaaaa, also, be happy you're not a doctor in modern times, for I've found that CAT scans are very kowai. *sniffles and hopes she won't have to do that every again*
..^_^; That reminds me. *dangles a little Tasuki-rag doll she sewed that's filled with cat nip in front of Tama* I got made you a gift too neko-chan. ^_^; A whole set of catnip Suzaku shichisei...Suzaku-kami included. ^_~ Maybe this will keep you away from Chichiri-san's balls eh-heh... *sweatdrops*
Dear Amy-chan,
Domo arigato gozaimasu Amy-chan! Tama-neko LOVES to bat his Tasuki doll and carry it around. And it does seem to keep him away from Chichiri... You had a CAT scan!!! Did they find any cats? Chichiri no Aijin had to have one on her ankle. What was your's for, if I may be so bold as to ask?
Dear Chiriko,
You're cool, u know that? I don't care what everyones else says about you, i think you're one of the bravest people I've ever known about. Especially since you're only, what, 13? You're totally awesome!! I just wanted to make you feel happy, since--frankly-- you're not exactly as popular as Tasuki or Chichiri or Nuriko... but I really don't give a care!! Lotsa love to ya, Chiriko!!! *hugs him* Hope this made you feel better...
Dear JadeS,
Thank you! No one has ever called me cool before!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! I have this obsession with this one guy, even though we've gone out twice before. I went out with him once for 1 month, like the beginning of the school year. He dumped me, we were friends for about 3-4 months, and I loved him for like, the longest time, and I knew he liked me too. He asked me out again, we went out, and he dumped me again in 1 month, 3 weeks, 4 days. It's almost been a month since then, and just yesterday, I thought that I was totally over him. That I only liked him as a friend no and nothing more. I go skating every night, and there was this guy named Triston that I kind of like. During the couple skate, my little group of 4 there, Triston and Sarah (who should be going out, they like each other, and they look like they're going out, but they know that Sarah doesn't want a boyfriend), Jamie, and me. They played the only 3 country love songs that I like, and all that I could think about was Neil. I almost cried, but I didn't. Not until I got home to my room. I was so depressed. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid that if I tell him how I really feel, we might lose all friendship we have left, or we might go out again, but I know that it will only end in heartbreak. With him dumping me, and me ending up in tears. But I love him so much. I am so confused. Please help me, tell me what your thoughts are. I love him, and I want to be with him, but I don't know what to do...
Clinically Depressed Patient ^-^
Dear Depressed,
Chiriko gave me this to answer as he has no experience in this area. I can understand how you feel.*gives her a hug* But, if your friendship with this young man is important to you the sooner you get over him the better off you will be. Gambatte kudasai.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know this is the 3rd time i'm asking a question but hell it's free! :) My friends and i at school yesterday(Friday May 7th) morning had a small
argument . Starting with my friend Andi and her Friend Sheila saying at the locker the concert for Nsync Sucked Royal. And i tried to ignore it but i finally got fed up and said the spice girls were fags and tramps. (Which they are:) ) and that pist Andi off and she said not to talk about either group at all and i told her it's really hard having my friends Emily and Ami as Big Nsync fans.. (I know i am like really weird for asking real advice to you guys but i trust you guys more than i trust my friends.. Kinda weird huh?) What Do i Do? My brain is about to explode.
And i worship any cute guy from Fushigi Yuugi.. Including Nuriko! (Da! You too Chi Chiri! even with the mask :) ) Well again my mom caught me doing this..
Gotta go,
FY Seishi No Miko(Jill Beanz)
Dear Jill,
We're not sure why this fight started or what it is about, no da! However, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, like, and dislikes, no da. Why don't you all apologize to one another and just agree to disagree on this subject, na no da? Tasuki's opinion is to fry their a... hem. Never mind his thoughts, just make up with your friends, no da.
Why does your mother object to you being on our peeji? Chiriko wants to know if you are doing homework and studying hard. If you aren't you should be, na no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Did you marry Houki because she seemed so much like Nuriko? Did you miss Nuriko after he died and realized that you loved him? hehe Houki's hot anyway. Arigatoo Hotohori-sama!
Mike, Tasuki no Neko
Dear Mike,
I was unaware that Tasuki had a neko, let alone one called Mike! I married Houki because she matched both my beauty and my intellect. I knew she would be a good Emperess and take care of my people. I missed Nuriko as one would miss one's brother.
Dear Chiriko,
Do you have any siblings? Was it hard to leave your family behing when you looked for Suzaku no Miko/shichi seishi? I mean, you just showed up, and stayed with them. You never went back home. And then.. *sniff* you died.. I mean, did your family mean much to you?
Dear wondering,
Of course they did! That's why I gave my life to save my world and the people that I loved.
Dear Tasuki,
You're Kouji's best friend, right???? Well.... You GOTTA convince him to start answering questions on this page!! He's the coolest Mt. Leikaku bandit!!! (beside you, of couse ^_^) I'd be cool if we could ask him questions, too!
shoujo bandit
Dear shoujo bandit,
There as s'pposed to be an "Ask th' Mt. Leikaku Bandits" peeji. But, I don't think they ever got around to it. Ya' might wanna check around on th' web fer it an' if ya' find it, let me know!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Somebody explain OVA 1 for me b/c I'm confused.
Dear Usagi-chan,
You're confused?!?!?!? I was in it and I'M confused! It was a transition story from the end of the series to the beginning of the second OVA series.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello, How would I go about makeing a Tessen? I did make one out of paper, but it falls apart too easily. I'm thinking of using Alluminum, would that work?
Dear Gillian,
Ja, first ya' need a fan made of iron, second ya' need th' magic to make it throw flames, an' third ya' need Taiistsu-kun to make it so yer th' only one who can use it!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri! Are you allowed to teach your techniques to others? Like the kasa disappear thing? And the turning into kawaii-blue-haired-shoujos/biseinen-emporers thing? I mean, do you have to ask sunake baba's permission or something?
The reason I ask is cause, I WANNA LEARN!!
I would be the first student at your school! ne?
u're new student!
Dear u're new student!,
If you could find your way to my world, I would be happy to tach you, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey Mitsukake! I just saw the episode when you gave up your life to save the little Shoka. Wow, your so cool! I wonder, did you ever consider that maybe the little one was your Shoka's reincarnation? That would be soo cool, too! *sniff*
Well, I wish you the best!
u're fan
Dear u're fan,
The thought did cross my mind. Thank you for your kind wishes.
Dear Tasuki,
You're fangs are soo cool! How long are they, I wonder? But anyways, in the book world, do any vampires exist? And do you like the taste of blood?
Eww... hope not!
baka o' me
Dear baka o' me,
My fangs are long enough an' I don't ever r'member meetin' any vampires in Konan or in my travels. Whaddya think this is?? Buffy th' Vampire Slayer?!?!?!!??!?!? As fer th' taste of blood, I don't even like th' taste of my own. 'Specially after me an' Obake-chan have been braawlin'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm curious, Where do you guys access the letters sent to you? I mean, is there a computer or something at Sunake baba's mountain or something?
And how did you guys learn how to use the computer anyways.. last time I checked, there weren't any in ancient China...
Dear curious,
We access our letters from the humble cyber-abode that Chichiri no Aijin has graciously allowed us to share with her. She taught Chiriko about computers and helped him to teach us.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi!!! Tasuki, I was just wondering what you're doing after manga 18, do you go back to Mt. Leikaku and take back your place as leader or are you returning to your home and help your family chop woods?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Mt. Reikaku!!!!!!!!!! I went there in th' first place to get away from my family!! 'Che! Why would I wanna go back to 'em???
Dear Tasuki,
Gen-chan!!! You're soooooo cool!
Love ya much! As you probably guessed, I'm a big fan! :o) But, um, I'm not only here to worship... I gotta question, too. heh heh.. You LOOOVE sake, right? How come? (yeah, I know, stupid question) It's just that I've never had it. What does it taste like? And do you like it cause of the taste, or the effect it has on you?? Or Miaka? (oopps, did I type that? anyways... )
& tell Kouji I love 'em too!!
Dear Hmmmm??,
Ja, I like th' taste. Sake is Japanese rice wine an' is usuually drunk hot (But I'll drink it however I can get it! Heh-heh...) I s'ppose I also like th' e'fect it has on me. I don't wanna talk 'bout what it does to Miaka!
Dear Tamahome,
Were you EVER attracted to Yui at ALL???
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
No, not at all. Gomen, Yui-chan.
Dear Chichiri,
I'm sad. I wanted to wish Mitsukake happy birthday today, but, I can't... This crummy computer at school has this crummy Netfilter thing and
made it so that the only icon showing up on the screen is yours. Nothing against you of course, because you ARE so cute, but could you do me a favor and wish Mitsukake a happy birthday?? Thank you, so much, you're sweet!
Dear Rhiannon,
Hai! I have given Mitsukake both your birthday wishes and your regards, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Your book, "Genrou Den" was awesome!!!!! I loved it!!!! If only the people who wrote it can turn it into a special OVA or movie, that would be super......*sigh*
Well, bye for now!
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Glad ya' liked my hon! Have ya' read Chichiri's an' Nuriko's yet?
Dear Tasuki,
Jean: *sighs dreamily* He liked my singing... *drrrooooollll*
Mandy: Umm... I think she's trying to say that she likes you in that outfit...
Mary: O.O He looks hot.... *drrroooooooolllll*
Jean: He's sooo wonderful...
Mary: Almost as hot as Kouji...
Mandy: *gag gag gag* How are you ABLE to put up with this constant drooling?
Jean:*starry eyed* He's soooooooo hoooottt *sighs*
Anne: *clamps hands over ears* I'm not hearing this, I'm not hearing this, I'm not hearing this...
Weirdo Seishi
Dear Weirdos,
Heh-heh... so ya' like th' look? Guess this outfit's a keeper! Domo! An' whaddya mean ALMOST as hot as Kouj??? I'M *&^%$#@ HOTTER!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there cutie!!!!!
Its me again....Fushigi15......i do like this page allot....wish i known of it burning question for today is.......................
How old and how exactly did you become a bandit??
I got several pages about how you became a bandit....but i wanted to hear from you....since you are the real Tasuki.....and of course your story will be the real one..... Cuz....i can't really believe a gorgeous and humorous and caring guy like yourself can be a bandit!!! But I guess it was for the best....cuz your soo cool in whatever you do or say.....well i gots to go -- later
I was 15 when I joined up wit' th' bandits an' if ya' read th' novel or translation of "Genrou Den", then ya' already know why an' how I got to be a bandit. I don't wanna spoil th' book fer anyone.
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