Dear Chichiri,
*Hiei stands out on a white pourch, one hand on the hilt of his katana, his gaze pircing the darkness. Erin is sitting down in a chair slightly rocking back and forth, trying to get confort form the smooth motion.*
Oh, hi chichiri. *a weak smile with frightened eyes* Your probably wondering what had happened. Well I'll tell you. Ever since I was a little girl I would have nightmares, but as I grew the nightmares became more horrific, detailed, and terrifing, then I started to wake up with scraches, bruses, and cuts. And I do not toss and turn in my sleep. I've been up for the past 3 days wanting to go to sleep, but... I don't want the nightmares. *tries not to cry* I... I don't.... *tears fall down cheeks, covers face with hands* I don't want them anymore. Hiei and Kurama say it's the effect of having a demon following someone around. I just want to sleep one night with out nightmares, or wakeing up with an injury. *continues to cry silently*
A troubled Erin
Dear Erin,
Perhaps the demon is something buried in your past. Have you tried talking to a professional about this?? If I remember correctly you have not had an easy family life. Perhaps there is something trying to come up and make itself known to you. Sleep child, and take Hiei, Zelgadis and Kurama with you into your dreams to protect you, no da. Perhaps they can help you control your night terrors and discover what they are trying to tell you. Once you have gained control of your sleeping world, you may find that the terrors will be no more. Ki o tsukete kudasai, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, It was so sad to hear about your sister.
And the way you took it was... um .... interesting. ^_^;
But, how did your parents react when you ... um.... changed?
Dear anita,
I was thrown out of my home.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How ever do you guys stay humble with all the compliments you get all the time?! ai.. I'm jealous.. *snifff*
little o' me
Dear little o' me,
We do?!?!? You haven't much of Gen-chan's stuff then have you? Hahahaha... ITAI! Tasuki! Watch where you're flaming that tessen!
Dear Nuriko,
Are you ALL straight now????
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Looks at the other Seishi and swaetdrops* Uh, guys is there something you all aren't telling me???? Or is this question referring just to me? I don't ever remember being bent? But I am not cross-dressing as much now if THAT'S what you meant. Tee-hee...
Dear Mitsukake,
are you boring
Dear hi,
Some people think so. Do you?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
my head hurts!!!!!!
annoying fangurl
Dear annoying fangurl,
Well, stop yelling and take 2 aspirins and write me in the morning.
Dear Tasuki,
Oo crud...did I send the mail?
Dear Tieng,
Heh-heh-heh... yes you did!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! I was working on my fanfic of you guys (The Legend Begins To Move Once More)and was thinking back to some of my favorite parts in the series and then thought this up: If the Suzaku Seishi were paired up to fight or compete in certain catagories who would win? So I thought that I could give you guys the situations and you could each choose one to answer in your opinion. So, here they are:
1) Tamahome and Tasuki in getting money. Tamahome can sell and Taskui is a bandit. Who could rake in more cash?
2) Hotohori and Nuriko in dressing up. Nuriko is a cross dresser and pretty while Hotohori is... pretty and is aware on how to use make-up. (Mt. Reikaku episodes) Who would be the best looking date? (Female)
3) Mitsukake and Chiriko in cooking. Chiriko has read lots of books and Mitsukake was alone for all that time. Who could make the best fried rice?
4) Chichiri and Tama-Neko in who can act the cutest. Tama-neko is a kitty and Chichiri is cut in SD form. Who could be the cutest?
There are the set ups. So who would you bet your money on in those situations? Please answer as many as you can.
Dear Mikani,
Here are your answers:
1) Tasuki - He's a bandit, so what he gets he steals. Lower overhead, higher profit margin.
2) Hotohori! Gomen Nuriko-san but even you have to admit he is beautiful!
3) While I have a lot of book learning as far as cooking (and LOTS of other things)is concerned, I concede to Mitsukake's years of experience!
4) Well, Chichiri no Aijin wanted to take this one! Even though she loves and adores her 2 nekos, she adores Chichiri even more. So she says he gets her vote for cuteness, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
What was going through your mind when Nakago kissed you? When Nuriko kissed you? How would you react if Tasuki kissed you? Here's your 3 gold ryou.
Thanks for reading my letter!
P.S. How much would I have to pay you to kiss Tasuki?
Dear Heenker,
When Nakago kissed me I wanted to trhow up and then kill him! As for Nuriko, at the time I thought he was a woman, so it was more of a surprise when he kissed me.
P.S. There is not enough okane in BOTH worlds for me to EVER kiss Tasuki!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
I just wanted to tell you that I've backed off from being in love with you. You're a nice person and all, but you have way to many "friends" and it's kinda hard competing with the other girls. And besides, I like this boy and if I could I would live with you, but I can't so I just wanted to tell you that. Anyway, I'm still going to bug the h*ll out of you! So don't think I've gone away!!! I know, you were hoping but it ain't going to happen!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mary-chan,
So ya' got yerself a boyfriend? Good fer you! Bug me all ya' want, everyone else does! Heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
Greetings! I am one of those people who is usually not that concerned with her looks. I make sure I look nice, but don't usually go out of my way to do something special. But there is one exception to that: my hair. I have very long hair (waist length) that is light brown and very thick. Lately I have been experimenting with hair styles I see in anime. I managed to do mine like Miaka's, looked quite silly on me. ^_^;; Then I tryed a slightly modified version of your hairstyle (the one you wore as a "court lady") It looked great! I hope you don't mind that I copied you, but as they say where I live, imitation is the highest form of flattery. (Or something similar to that.) I was wondering if you knew of any other anime characters with interesting hairstyles that I could try. I have already tried some of my favorite characters hairstyles, like Setsuna/Sailor Pluto from Sailormoon. My favorite seishi is Chichiri but...(No offense Chichiri-san, but not many people can pull that one off. Monks with cool hats can, no da, but as I am not one of those...)
If you have not seen that much anime, that is okay, but perhaps you could ask Miaka or some of the people that help you run this page about it.
Thank you in advance....
Paradox No Miko
Dear Paradox No Miko,
I've actually seen quite a bit of anime! It's remembering the hairstyles that's difficult! Hmmm.... how about Karou dono from Kenshin, Akane (with long hair) from Ranma 1/2, Lum from Uresai Yatsura (I may not have spelled that right, gomen.), the 2 sisters from Sorcerer Hunters. How's that for a start?
Dear Hotohori,
Arigato! For sharing ice cream with me, that is. =) So, how have you been? I've been okay, very busy though. Of course I make time ti write to you! I hope you're willing to be my tomodachi, because if you aren't I will be hurt. Hmm... what other kinds of foods do you like? Maybe I'll bring another treat. =P Write me back soon! Til then! Luv ya!
Hotohori No Lady Friend
Dear Hotohori No Lady Friend,
Of course I will be your tomodachi! I like all kinds of tabemono. I am especially fond of sushi, but also like to try new things.
Dear Chiriko,
It's a wonder that you didn't fall for Miaka! All of the Suzaku seishis (excluding the seishis who lost their love ones) loves Miaka!
It's not that I'm jealous of Miaka or anything.....but why do you think men are especially attracted to her?
I understand why Tamahome loves her, but why the other seishis too?
Tamahome- Fell for Miaka (naturally) because he is the main male character.
Hotohori- Fell for Miaka because she is the Suzaku no miko????
Amiboshi (pretended as a Suzaku Shichiseishi)-????????
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Well, let's see... Nuriko may have seen his sister Kourin in her and wanted to protect her, Tasuki may have also looked at her as a klutzy little sister who need protection, too. As for Amiboshi, he may have thought she was cute (they were the same age) and she did try to save him as he fell into the river. She even forgave him for what he did to her and to us.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello! I have a hair problem...O_o...I cut it really short, just above the shoulders, but now it's growing out, and it looks icky. So what do I do with it?
nothing no miko
Dear nothing no miko,
Go to your stylist and have them shape and trim your hair for you.
Dear Nuriko,
What eyeshadow and lipstick colors look great with like really ivory lookin peach skin and blue eyes ? I usually wear a darkbrown on the lid and lighter on brow ridge with either darkish red lipstick or beige.
Oh and I'm Too Much like you.. I'm a guy wannabe :) So i'm trying to look like a normal girl. (It don't work alot of times.)
What's your tip for keeping snarls outta yer hair?
My mom is lookin over here.. she don' know some stuff ..;_; MAAAAAAA! I read her stuff ne ways. Waii Waii yer good lookin. Tasuki-kun is drool worthy :) If i were male i'd ask you out in a second! I hope my friend andi don't find this site.
Jill Beanz
Dear Jill Beanz,
What you describe sounds nice. You want to go for a natural look so, NO BLUE EYESHADOW!!! Maybe a little blue eyeliner to bring out the blue of your eyes. As for snarls, a good conditioner and regular brushing along with visits to your stylist should help your snarls go away.
Dear Tasuki,
So exactly how much of the party we threw you DO you remember? If memory serves, there was SOMEONE running around singing drinking songs, and it sure as hell wasn't me... ;)
Anyway, glad you enjoyed the bash. Arilyn, Moonbeam, and I have to have you over again sometime, since you and Kouji are so much fun.
Dear Iridal,
Hmmm.... singin' an' drinkin'... OI! Did I get dumped inna pool????
Dear Chichiri,
Dear Jillian,
Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Ok i need to ask something i know this is sorta silly but uh.. I've been real depressed laetly about a friend (Technical Brother)
And I'm really hoping he's ok .. Ok the Question is .. How the hell do you know if your over somebody? (In terms of love relationships)
Jill a.k.a Justin
Dear Jill,
Your heart stops breakin' everytime ya' see 'em.
Dear Chiriko,
Why'd ya have to tell Jen-chan what Sore wa himitsu desu ment? We had her ready to kill us --- it was fun! :) We just kept tellin' her 'That's a secret' :) (Jen-chan no baka. :)
So now that ya've ruined our fun, could you give us another annoying phraze to annoy our tomodachi-baka with? :) (We enjoy tormenting her. (Hi Jen! ;))
Fran-Nyan and Ju-chan, the 'EVIL! Evil I say!' Baka no Miko and seishi.
Dear Fran-Nyan and Ju-chan,
Sore wa hanashita mono datta. Anatatachi wa jishin mono ga shirabemasu! Hee-hee...
Dear Hotohori,
Hi there you highness!! I just wanted to know if you are, you know, kinda not taken? And what kind of people you are interested with.
Sean Joey Sanders *is a girl*
Dear Sean,
I already have a wife. As for people I find interesting, I would say that I find all kinds of people interesting. Although I do prefer people of a kind and polite nature.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey. I have a very kawaii picture of you that i made. Do you want it? (Tell Chichiri that i am not finished with his yet.)
Dear Dreamie,
I would love to see it! YOu can send a scan of it to the administrator's address on the bottom of our front peeji. Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for the apology, and tell that %$*!@ cool guy, Kouji, that I said 'hi'. Sorry, dear, but you deserved to be smacked around for being impolite to his miko! Kouji is SO COOL!!!
Kouji No Miko
Dear Kouji No Miko,
Yeah, yeah I'll tell him! Now, can I have an ice pack, 2 aspirins, an' some sake to wash 'em down wit'? Kudasai!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuriko-sama!! How are you?? I want to tell you first how wonderful you are! You're WONDERFUL!! I'm glad you liked the rose, when I saw it I instantly thought of you.. don't know why. Well, this time I have a problem. You see, I met this guy and we're really getting along great(he's my boyfriend now), the deal is I'm 15.. and he's 19. Is that bad? He's so sweet and I love him so much. I don't know what to do, because if my mom found out she would freak! Well, I think yer the best seishi in the world and you will help me out, or get someone else to give me some advice. I don't feel guilty, just my mom wouldn't understand. She's really protective(annoyingly). Write back soon, sweetie!
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
You're 15 and he's 19??? Well, in MY world thta's not a big deal. However, in YOUR world and culture it is! At the age of 19 he is legally an adult and could get in big trouble for dating you (depending on what you two are ahem... doing). If he is a nice young man, why hide him from your mom?? You should have them meet her. She may decide that she likes him after all.
If your dates with him are just going to the movies and out to eat, etc., then there is probably no harm in seeing him. But, if he is trying to coerce you into a more intimate, physical relationship, you need to let your mother know this! Either way good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
About the lyric translations: I've checked on he Chicken Of DOOM site, and all of it's links, butI haven't found any. I was kinda hoping you'd have some other suggestions. Oh well. thanx anyway.
Dear Ju-Chan,
Gomen nasai! I will continue to check around, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Jean: We're writing now so that it'll be in time for your B-day!!!
Mandy: Of course, we're going to sing you a song.
Mary: Here, use these *hands him earplubs* comes in handy when Anne hits a high note
Anne: I heard that Mary, I can too sing!!
Steph: Suuuree... if that's what makes you happy...
Mandy: I'll spare you the pain since Anne's the only one that wants to sing.
Jean: Hey, I wanna sing!
Mary: minor details. *proceeds to duct tape Anne's and Jean's mouths shut*
Steph: Here's your present! *digs around in a bag* Umm.... some anatomy books, a cat toy for Tama-neko... umm.... oh! And refill of that holy water stuff!!!
Mandy: Here, it's a pass to see Shoka! *grinz* I "conviced" Koenma to let her be with you for the day!
*tied up Koenma in the background holds up "Help me Botan" sign*
Weird Seishis
Dear Weird Seishis,
Domo arigato gozaimasu!! These are truly wonderful presents!
Dear Tasuki,
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are sooooooooooo fine Tauski-chan! My name is Hotaru-chan!!!!!!! I'm a big fan of Sailor Moon and all you fine Suzaku Seishi!! Anyway I wanted to ask you about you and Koji!!!! Just kidding! If I did that it would be when I wanted to bother you, which is not right now!!!!!!!! Anyway my question for today is why did you change clothing in the OVA??? You looked so much finer with that black coat! In the OVA you had one that was kinda dark magenta!
Dear Hikaru-chan,
The OVA took place 2 years after th' original story. Sheesh! Even bandits change their clothes in 2 years time!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko-chan!! I am a very young and big fan of you! My sisters and I think you are very good looking! Anyway I wanted to ask you about how did you become a gay guy. I know that you dress up like a woman but it really bothers me that you became a fag. Anyway don't let it bother you because I already know that you realized that you loved Miaka as a man.
Dear Hotaru-chan,
I was never really a gay guy as you put it. I was actually a cross-dresser. What can I say, what some people will do to be Emperess... hee-hee. There is nothing wrong with being gay, just as there is nothing wrong with being straight. If you wish, you may refer to me as gay, bi, or a cross-dresser, but please do not refer to me as a fag. I find it to be a somewhat distasteful and unpleasant term.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello all! Being that last week was my birthday, I'm feeling generous. :) *opens a large bag*
For Tamahome: A leather money pouch with the inscription 'O-Ka-Ne!'on it. It even has a few coins in it. :)
For Hotohori: A picture of himself and Houki in an ornate frame.
For Nuriko: A picture of Hotohori in an ornate frame
For Chichiri: A kit for polishing his staff and a small collection of plastic fishing lures
For Mitsukake: A book of research on herbal medican and a small bag of catnip for Tama-neko
For Chiriko: A hardcover copy of 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galexy' (be cause I'm sure he hasn't read it and everone should. :) And a copy of the key to my basement were all my books are stored (there's over 1000 of 'em. Honest!)
And finaly, for Tasuki: First, *gestures over to where a door has appeared* A room full of sake. And! *grins as she pulls out the Brawling Buddy Dispenser (tm)* The marshmallows ya wanted. *empties three bags of 'mallows into the Brawling Buddy Dispenser (tm)* Ready yer tessen, boy, 'Cause here they come! *Presses the buttions and marshmallows come flying out at fantastic speeds*
Dear Fran-Nyan,
Kakkoi!! Th' other Seishis all say "Domo arigato gozaimasu" fer th' presents! OI! Check it out...! *Takes aim at flying marshmallows...* LEKKA SHIEN!!!!!! Heh-heh... oishii marshmallows. Want one?
Dear Hotohori,
I am your fan! I love you!
Yuan Yi
Dear Yuan Yi,
Arigato! It is always nice to know that one has fans.
Dear Chiriko,
How are you? What 's up? ok bye!
Dear Sailormoon,
Genkii desu! Nani mo imasen...
Dear Nuriko,
How dooooooooooo you get your hair like that? What color is your lipstick?
Dear Marron,
It's natural and I don't use lipstick. Just some berry stain to make my lips red.
Dear Tasuki,
PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASEEEEE can I borow your fan?!?!? There is a guy I need it to......well no use beating around the bush.........I want to beat his arse o_O.....he is going around school telling people these outrageous lies....*grumble grumble* it's not fun to have people call you a hussy :*( but hey if you don't want to lend me the fan you can always come do it for me!! It would be awsome to show up at senior prom with you just to watch you give him what's coming to him! :) any way...thanks for listning!
oh yeah! Happy Belated-Birthday,(yours is only a few days before mine!!)Sorry I couldn't make it to the party, would have been fun to throw you in the po....I MEAN TEACH YOU TO SWIM! ...even if Tama-chan was charging.....the cheap jer......well I guess i outta wrap this up! Jen ne! *_*
Rei-Chan *Leigh*
Dear Rei-Chan *Leigh*,
I cut out yer link as it wasn't workin'. When ya' send th' one that does we'll post it on th' Links Peeji. As fer that guy, maybe he likes ya'. Did ya' tell him to get lost an' then he started sayin' s--t? Ya' never know... Oh yeah, o tanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu!
Dear Tamahome,
Oi! Tama-chan,ossu! *gives Tamahome 2 gold ryous* ¬_¬ Don't spend it all on one place. Can I buy a date with you too? One night stands? I'm rich you know. >) I'll buy the marriage too!
Spoiled and rich gay
Dear Nakago,
Look, how many times do I have to tell you, I'M NOT INTERESTED!!!! Now go away, I think I hear Tomo calling for you.
Dear Tasuki,
Gen-chan, will you marry me? *smiles* Onegai? I'm really nice, and I don't use things like chocolate or Jello or whipped cream...
Tasuki no Saiai
Dear Tasuki no Saiai,
IIE!!! I ain't marryin' anyone!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Belated Birthday, Genrou-san! I wanted to write to you, but you were all on Spring Break. I know it's rather late, but I wanted to make sure that I got to wish you a Happy Birthday.. ^.^ *hands him a huge bottle of sake, and a peach-flavored cake in the shape of a tessen, and a little bag of pixy stix* Enjoy! ^.^
Dear Reddie-chan,
Arigato! Oishikatta desu! Good kekki!
Dear Chiriko,
What did SailorNeptune look like when she was a kid?
Dear RAE H.,
Wakarimasen. You need to seek out this peeji Ask the Sailor Senshi for the answer to your question.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I would like to know if there are any instruction books out on the U.S. market for drawing in the anime and manga style.
Thank you,
Dear Arienna,
I'm sure there are, although I don't know their names offhand. Have you tried Anime-Turnpike? It is a website that has TONS of information on all types of anime. Good luck in your search.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! My final exams are coming in less than a week. I'm studying, but I'm getting progressively more nervous as they get closer. Can you think of some good ways to relieve stress--and keep in mind I live in a tiny dorm room, so my options are fairly limited. Arigatou!
Dear Tsutsuji,
My recommendations are as follows: Chamomile tea, a hot relaxing bath, soft music, & meditation. Any or all should help relieve your stress. Gambatte kudasai.
Dear Chichiri,
You are hot, Could you be a real person?
Dear Meg,
I could be, but in your world, I'm not no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Did you like Miaka just because she is the Suzaku no miko?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Partially that and partially the hope that she would alleviate my loneliness.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you love Miaka just because she reminds you of Rei-rei?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Oi! Ya' read my book! Cool! Hoped ya' liked it! An' yer answer is maybe.
Dear Nuriko,
HELLO NURIKO-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do love your character and humor.......i just wanted to there a special gurl out there that you fell for???
Well....besides Miaka....i mean......i know you were always in love with Hotohori.....but when you became a man again....did you have an admiration or interest at all?????
Kisses and hugs ------
Aside from my sister Kourin, there is no one that I have any special feelings of admiration for. Perhaps sometime in the future I'll meet that special someone.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've ben liking this guy in my class for the past year. I've liked him since I first came to my current school. I talked to him a few times but lately he's real cold. But that's not my main problem. The last dance of the school years took place last week, I was gathering up my courage to finally ask him to dance one dance woth me. But, to my shock and disappointment, he came with a girl whom is said to be his new girlfriend. (he was never with any girls during this whole year) I know I don't know him real well like his girlfriend who was his friend, but I really liked him. It's worse that this girl knows I likes him and that she said once what do you see in him. Now when I'm in class with her and with him, it's real hard to control my emotions. 'sigh'... What sjould I do?
Dear SweetApple,
There are many more fish ion the sea, no da! Don't worry over the small fry. Cast your line in the waters and see what you catch, na no da! Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you were a type of plant, what kind of plant would all of you be?
Chlorophyll Kid
Dear Chlorophyll Kid,
Here are your answers:
Chichiri: A plant called a Wandering Jew, no da! Since I am already a wandering monk, na no da!
Hotohori: An American Beauty Rose
Nuriko: A Sterling Rose
Tamahome: An okane ki! (A money tree)
Tasuki: Snapdragon
Mitsukake: Poppy
Chiriko: Papayrus
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
PLEASE, I want an answer from each of you about these questions:
If you could be ANYONE, go ANYWHERE, and do ANYTHING, what would you do? Who would you be? Where would you go?
I know this may take a little time to answer, but it would really mean a lot to me. *makes puppy-dog eyes at all the seishi* Onegai????
Bye for now sweeties! Arigato for your time!!!!!!
Mahigi (my very strange nickname) it's funny how i got it
Dear Mahigi,
Gomen nasai, wa all discussed your question and we came to the conclusion we are all quite content with who we are living our own lives, no da. However, we all wish we could visit your world, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
I want to know if you'll ever fall in love again.......i know about your lover before.....but is there a chance at all for another jump in love???
I'm sure I will someday, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh hi Tasuki!!!!!!! I luv you soooo much.....# 1 anime guy.....!!!!!!!! I got to say you sure are popular with us gurls....and guys (not in that way though heh heh) well anyways.....what i wanted to know was.......
Did you ever feel anything or fall in love with Miaka at any point in time????? In the OVA.....when you were sitting in the touched your lips after kissing you were thinking of did you????
Lots of kisses and hugs.......
Maybe, in a moment of weakness. I'm not really sure anymore.
Dear Tasuki,
how come you r soooooooooo hot?
Dear alexia,
'Cos I'm soooooooooo *&^%$#@ COOL!!
Dear Tasuki,
This weekend I went and got the 5th video of FY (in english) beacuse you came in. I was so happy that i would get to hear your english voice! Well, I was kind of disapointed,beacuse you didn't cuss at all! and your voice sounded to old for you. Other then that I loved it!! ( might I add, Kouji's voice I like! ) Anyway, I was wondering, when the old boss died where were you at the time? and why did that fat pig take over and not kouji? Thanks for reading this! GOKIGENYOU!!!(If thats wrong,sorry Im just learning!)
Dear Momoko-chan,
Well, we didn't get to pick our English voice actor an' thions' had to be "cleaned up" fer audiences here in th' States. As to where I was when the boss died, let's jus' say I was away on "business" an' that scum Eiken STOLE th' tessen, so he would be able to take over!
Dear Tasuki,
Jean: *drrrroooooooooooooooooolllll......*
Mandy: Jean, you're drooling...
Anne: No duh Mandy. Don't we have to sing happy birthday to him now?
Mary: Cover your ears
Anne: Here's a gift!
Mary: It's a lifetime supply of sake!
Jean: And a whole new outfit! Let's see... black leather jacket, ooh, neat jeans... t-shirt... oh and THIS!!!
Mandy: It's a ward that'll protect you when your friends throw you into anymore water places!
Weird seishis
Dear Weird seishis,
*Sniff, sniff, wipes away a tear...* That was beautiful!! Domo! An' kakkoi loot, too! *Grabs loot an' runs off. Comes back in new outfit, guzzling sake from the bottle.* So, how does this look on me?
Dear Tasuki,
Here's a real brain-teaser... my friend came to me with a problem one day, she's in love with this one guy, I mean REALLY head-over-heels in love with him. They would make a good couple, now that I think about it (they act alike, talk alike and all this other stuff) but HE's going out with another girl. The thing is, he's FLIRTING WITH HER!!! She's starting to think that he's going to dump the other girl and go out with her but I don't know if she should get her hopes up. Do you have any advice that would help? It would be very mucho appreciated!
Dear Zelko,
WHOA!!! Th' only advice I have fer her is if he's willin' play aroun' on one girl, he may do it to another!! ABUNAI!! Tell her to be careful!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! I am working on a painting of you.
Do you want me to send it to you when it is finished?
Dear Dreamie,
Hai! I would be honored, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Your so beautiful it's scary!!!!! -swwooonnn, swwooonnn- (guess what club i'm in)
A person
Dear A person,
Ummm.... the DTFC? Just kidding! Thank you for the compliment!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you get a lot of, how shall I put it, 'interesting' letters? What's probably the weirdest, or meanest, letter you have ever received? I'm only curious because it's surprising what some people do. I, personally, respect you all. *bows courteously before leaving*
Dear Kyori-kun,
Why yes do! Nothing that is too mean, but we do get some that SO suggestive that the other Seishi won't let me read themn!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are all of your real names? I'm kinda confused on spelling since everyone spells your names differently. Please respond soon!
Dear Chrissy,
Our names are as follows:
Tamahome: Sou Kishuku
Tasuki: Kou Shun'u
Hotohori: Saihitei
Nuriko: Chou Ryuuen
Chichiri: Ri Houjun
Mitsukake: Myo Juan
Chiriko: Ou Doukun
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
*Sniff* Hello. This is Metamia. *Metamia waves hello weakly* Um...Nuriko-sama... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Metamia -_-****
Dear Metamia,
There, there don't cry so, onegaishimasu!!! I cut your letter down because it was a huge spoiler! I am doing fine, so dry your tears and give your sweet brother a hug. Everything will be OK.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Chichiri and Tasuki, you two make a great duo! How'd you like singing together? I'm surprised anyone could get you to sing, Shun'u. It's still cool though!
Dear Chrissy,
We actually enjoyed it, no da! Yeah, singin' together was tanoshikatta! An', of course, I sounded great!
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can everyone of you please tell me what your favorite coulor is?
Dear Me,
Guess we can't all say Suzaku Red, no da? Here are your answers:
Chichiri: Blue, no da!
Hotohori: Suzaku Red (He's the Emperor, he gets to say it!)
Nuriko: Purple
Tamahome: The color of OKANE! (No surprise there...)
Mituskake: Yellow
Tasuki: Firey Red
Chiriko: Green
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
OK, here it is:
Whats the diffrence beetween -chan,-san and -kun when it
comes to names in Japanese?
Dear Juni,
Chan is used basically for females and small children. It sort of means "darling" i.e. Kana-chan would be Darling Kana. San is similar to your Mr., Mrs., and Ms. Kun is generally used between young males (teens and younger) that are friends in place of san the same as chan is used between teenage females that are friends. Remember Miaka calls Yui Yui-chan. Hope this helps.
Dear Tasuki,
I am just wondering. Does anybody else in you family have fangs? If not, why do you have them. I hope you don't use them to go around and bite people!
Dear Dreamie,
I'm th' only one wit' fangs 'cos I'm so *&^%$#@ COOL! An' no I don't use 'em to bite people! Sheesh!
Dear Tasuki,
--the little gurl with navy hair and a yin yang tatoo on her cheek once again approach the fanged bandit--
Moshi, moshi!!!! I got more Twix for you!!!
--hands five (count 'em) five boxes of Twix--
I don't know what Enyo is talking about, you don't act like my sister (Circe).
Dear Bast,
Oishii!!! Domo fer th' ame! Hell, I hope I DON'T act like someone's sister!!
Dear Tamahome,
I'm so in love with you!!! What I'm I going to do?! Please, help me. I think you re so perfect! Please, I have to go on a daye with you. Your my dream come true?! *sighs* It's so good to let that out.
Dear Kitty,
Is this the SAME Kitty of Kitty, Kiwi, Peach, and Rain?? Gomen nasai, but Miaka won't let me out on dates with anyone but her. How about being my friend instead?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! Long time no see!!!!! High school kept me so busy and I forgot about you guys! (sorry) Until I saw the final episodes to the OVAs!!!! It's so sweet, but, at the end of the OVA II there's this thing called Fushigi Mischief and I was wondering what is going on with Ren and Taiitsu-kun (Can't spell .. I Hope you know who I'm talking about). I know there something funny going on, but I don't get it... Could some one explain what that is suppose to mean... And is Taiitsu-kun a man or a woman... I'm still comfused b/c of the last TV episode showed a weird Taiitsu-kun with grown up Nyn-nyns...
I love you guys! xoxo.
Usagi-chan <3
Dear Usagi-chan,
Taiitsu-kun is whatever gender he/she wishes to be seen as, no da! I believe the seiyuu (voice actor) for Ren and Taiitsu-kun may have worked together before and had a friendly rtivalry going on, no da. That would explain the Fushigi Mischief with them in it, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone. I hope you are prepared because I have A LOT of questions for all of you. Here goes:
(1) This one is for any of you that can answer it. In episode 13, Miaka is really happy about something and she is shown super-deformed with a word around her (Genki), but it looks like there is another letter hiding in the part of the screen that we can't see. What is that letter?
(2) This one is for Tamahome. First, does it ever bother you that Miaka hitches rides with strange farmermen. In the first few episodes, she does this, like, 3 times. Okay, with that out of the way, I was wondering what are the names of all your siblings. My friend, Iridal, and I can only name 2 or 3 out of the four of them, so we thought we would ask for the record. ^_~*
(3) This one is for Chichiri. This one has been bugging me since you appeared in 8. When you disappear into your kasa, where does the kasa go?
(4) Okay, last one. Hey Tasuki. Iridal, Moonbeam, and I wondered if you enjoyed your birthday party with us. We brought the sake and we were good little we promised *tries unsuccessfully to stifle laughter* ^_~*
Lots of luv and thanks for takin' the time out to answer. I know you will have your hands full answering these questions.
Arilyn ;)
Dear Arilyn,
Well, here are all your answers:
(1) It is a second "i". Genkii is spelled with 2 ii's.
(2) Chuei, Shunkei, Gyokuran, and Yuiren are my siblings names.
(3) It usually stays behind, no da!
(4) Th' party (what I r'member of it) was great! Domo!
Chiriko, Tamahome, Chichiri, and Tasuki
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, me again. I forgot one. Ummm, this is for everyone. In the beginning of the all the episodes, you know, when the opening sequence is going, underneath it are the lyrics to the song being sung. Does ANYONE know what "Miracle La" is supposed to mean??? I laugh at it everytime I see it!! Okay, that really is all now. Thank you. ^_^
Dear Arilyn,
Ja, miracle means, well... Miracle! And LA I guess is there to make it rhyme/sound better. I suppose that seeing a Phoenix flying around would probably qualify as pretty miraculous.
Dear Tasuki,
*runs up to him* i must must MUST warn you..theres this psycho crazed in love with you fan...who happens to be my bestfriends.. *shakes head* you better run..she's got a bottle of sake fer ya...lots of ties..and handcuffs...::sweatdrop: be afraid...but seeing as how yer my favorite cursing fang boy...i figured id warn ya.....hey..and umm..if ya ever wanna share a bottle of sake..i'd love ta *she smiles sweetly* k..happy hiding!
Friend of the crazed Tasuki fan
Dear Friend,
Thanks fer th' warnin'! Sake, eh?? So jus' where is this sake totin' bud of yers????
Dear Chichiri,
Na no da!!! ive been waiting ferever to write you...but it was worth the wait seeing as how you are my favorite Seishi..but who wouldnt love an adoable monk in a mask?? So that im done obsessing over you..well not quite but ya know...i was simply wondering how you life has been as the such *smiles sweetly*I'm just dying to meet you someday..but i promise i wont attack..that would be mean and i'm sweet and inocent...*loud coughing is heard in background as Akari bops her upside the head*..well...kinda... ^_^¿ tee hee hee..anyways Chichiri love ya lots and hope you enjoy reading this!
Dear DA!<--obsessive,
Hai, no da! Life has been good, no da. I was able to spend time with Wandering Mage Chichiri and catch up on my letters. If I can ever come to your world, I'd like to meet you, too no da!
Dear Chichiri,
HIYA CHICHIRI-SAN! How are you?? Your hair has kept my mind occupied for the longest time now. How come YOU get to have gravity-defying bangs? It's so weird, but not in a bad way so don't worry. Can you teach me how to fish? I'm ready to learn, and since you do it so much you must be a master! *holds up a pole* I've got the equipment, now teach! Also, you're one fo the coolest seishi! I really idolize you and have been trying to control my temper the way you do, but I really act like a kid as well. I act too much like a kid... but at least I ain't about to reach the BIG 3-0! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry, I like making fun of people older than me, but even so, you're still my favorite! Ja!
Chichiri no Weirdo
Dear Chichiri no Weirdo,
So I am one of the coolest seishi, no da? Kakkoi! Fishing is very difficult to teach without being there. But it can be a very relaxing Zen-like experience, no da. Or at least that's my excuse for the times I am unable to catch any fish, no da! I suppose I got the bangs because that was ll that was left after Tasuki took the attitude, na no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I asked you those questions about Kouji, and thanks for answering, but you didn't have to be so rude at the end! Geez! I would aperciate an apology! *crosses her arms and stands with a determined look on her face*
I'm not gonna leave til you do!
Kouji No Miko
Dear Kouji No Miko,
ONLY 'cos yer Kouji's Miko! An' 'cos he keeps slappin' me in th' head!!!! ITAI!!! Baka! Ya' want me to get brain damage?!?!?!? YAMATTE!!!! Gomen! 'Che...
Dear Chiriko,
YEAH!!!!...YOU'RE BACK!!!!...boy did i miss you guys....ok, Chiriko, i have an important question for you, what does "Sore wa himitsu desu!" mean??...i really need to know....Ju-Chan and Fran-Nyan are teasing me and won't tell me what that phrase means...and it's really getting annoying now..whenever i talk to Ju-Chan (which is quite a lot since she's my best friend) i ask her what "Sore wa himitsu desu" means and she just says the phrase to me, with a little "tee-hee" at the end....I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!! *begs on hands and knees* PLEASE CHIRIKO!!! YOU'VE GOT TO HELP ME!!!!
Dear Jen-Chan,
Ahem, That's a secret. Honto ne!! It translates out to that's a secret. Kimi no tomodachi ga kitani, ne?
Dear Hotohori,
Hello, Hotohori-sama. So, you like chocolate ice cream, do you? Me too! *all of a sudden has two big chocolate ice cream cones in her hands* You can only have one if you eat it with me. Alright?
Hotohori no Lady Friend
Dear Hotohori no Lady Friend,
Hai! *Takes a cone and starts eating it.* Ummmm... oishii desu! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Hmm... I'm still tryinh to figure out why you've got so many fans. I know you're cool, but they all are totally in love with you and are just hurting themselves that way since you could never be with anyone of the 'real world'. That's the only way I could find to put it. I will remain one of your fans, but I am concentrating my powers on not falling in love with you like so many have done. Yer cool, bask in the compliment, and now you can write me back! Ja, Genrou-kun! Wait, you hate that when it's not Kouji saying it... so... Ja, Tasuki-kun! *gives him a friendly slap on the back, knocking him to the ground*
PS. Don't worry, I'm not masochistic enough to call you Genchan.
Dear Michiru ,
Heh-heh... sure ya' ain't nuts enough to call me Gen-chan... YA' JUS' DID!!!! But I'll let ya' slide, 'cos ya' said I was cool!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi there! How's life treatin' ya?? Good, I hope. I can't give you any moeny because I WORKED for mine and I'm gonna keep it! Sorry. I just wanted to know, Nakago kissed you twice, didn't he? You poor thing. I wonder if Nakago is gay. hehehe... just like Miaka is popular with the guys, you seem to be too... I'M KIDDING!!! CALM DOWN!!! Your hair don't look right standing on end like that! At least I didn't call you Obake-chan! Nevermind, here's ten bucks.. you deserve it after this. Have fun with Miaka! (I didn't mean that in a bad way) Bye!
Dear Yokoshima,
Domo for the okane! This will certainly help keep Miaka in tabemono for a bit! So how did you mean "have fun with Miaka?" Ha-ha jodan dayo! Just kidding.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi!!!! How are you doing?? My page! I can't get my page to work!!! I'm SO mad!! Oh well, I'll keep fightin with it... Have I ever mentioned how adorably sexy you are? *takes a moment to drool* Sorry, couldn't help it. You should understand. *kisses him on the cheek* Sorry, i gotta go now, but I will patiently, in an impatient way, wait for your response. Ja ne!
Dear Mitsukake no Fan,
I am sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with your webpeeji. Please let me know when it is back up. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
It's about time you guys got this started again! Well, just as long as i can communicate with you I'll be fine. *hands Nuriko a single red rose* I got this from my rose garden. Isn't it pretty? I saw it and thought of you. Hmm... the rose is the only thing that can come close to comparing with your beauty. I would write you a poem, but this little lady has work to do. Luv ya! Bye! *plants a light kiss on his cheek and smiles before leaving*
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
Arigato gozaimasu! It's beautiful! *Inhales fragrance and smiles.*
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles gleefully*^_^ Hey Tasuki! Miss me? *hug*
They finally let me go. And they said that they are enrolled in "The Aidou School of How to Abuse
and Piss Off Your Sibling, Arigatou." 0.o;This is no good for me...
So did ya' ask Kouji about me joining the bandits? *sparklely eyes* Don't worry I can hold me own
againist anyone.
Oh get this my niichan's birthday is coming up soon.
He has been lerking around the house and avoiding me and my sisters. The tradition started by my sisters is to embarass the Birthday person until they:
1. Scream,
2. Are reduced to tears, or
3. Beat the living sh*t out of the teasers.
I don't know what will happen but I'm bring a camera...^_~ Did your sibs. do that to you?!*smirk* And do you want copies?
And then family birthday order goes like this: Sephiroth is the first born- Tauras May 5.
Then the twins, Artemis and Utena- Gemini June 14. And then me, Iria- Cancer June 23.
*smiles wickedly* Now what birthday party should I throw for my adoreable
aniki and sisters, who was tourchered me so much this year?
And what should I give them...?
Dear Iria,
Ja, Kouji says if ya' can take 'em, ya' join 'em! Ya' could try freakin' yer siblins' out by bein' super nice to 'em on their birthdays! They'll spend th' whole day wonderin' what prank yer gonna pull on 'em! They'll spend th' day freakin' out an' ya' won't hafta do anythin' but be nice, kind, an' sweet to 'em!
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