Dear Tasuki,
Just wonderin'...I noticed something strange about your clothes (the dark red one) in the anime OAV part 2. I noticed that you are wearing this circular something in your right thigh (and nothing on your left). Does this have a special use? I just find it very interesting. ^_^
Take care and God bless!
Dear Jill,
Nah, it jus' looks cool.
Dear Hotohori,
Me and my buds (jean,Zel-ko, Mandy and Anne) write these funky stories.
(The Wonderful World of Weird, just in case if you lost the site). What i wanna know what your wife and son look like. Anyway... why are you so vain? And why is your crown shaped like a bucket sometimes?
Jean: DOn't answer her question Hotohori-sama! Oh, can you tell me what color is Boushin's hair and eyes? I'm working on a family portrait of all three of you!
Klepto no Mary and Jean
Dear Klepto no Mary and Jean,
Hmmmm... Houki, my wife, bears a strong resemblance to Nuriko without the mole under his eye. Boushin, our son, is beautiful child. What else could he be since his parents are both beautiful? He has dark hair and eyes. Your site was quite interesting. Arigato.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi this is so cool!! You're birthday is on the same day as my friend's birthday! Her name is Dorothy and she's a really smart and nice kind of person, she invited me to her birthday party. *looks at him* Ahem.
Well it's 10:11 pm on April 2 so i guess there's no way you can invite me to your party then.
Anyway tell me about your party. At Dorothy's we watched a movie but I played ping pong disturbing those movie watchers. *hehehe* anyway i had fun and I hope you're having fun too!!
Ja ne!
P.S. you are so kawaii!!! U should get to know Dorothy, she's a very refined kind of person, you'll like her. By the way she turned thirteen. ^_^
Dear Myan,
We had a quiet dignified party as befits me as Emperor of Konan Kotou. (Tasuki complained it was boring.) Your friend sounds like a nice young lady. PLease tell her I said, "Otanjobi omedeto gozaimasu" (Happy Birthday).
Dear Tasuki,
The other night I had a dream about you guy's, but the weird thing was I was in it, and I was SOI !!. Well, I was fighting with you, and I killed YOU!!. Out of all the people it had to be you, Tasuki, my favorite FY character!. Anyway, I woke up crying and I couldn't go back to sleep( oh man, did I feel bad!). Sorry I had to tell you this, but I just had to get it out of my system. You will always be my #1 guy! Luv ya!
Dear Momoko-chan,
Ya' killed me?!?!? That's no way to treat yer #1 guy! Glad to hear it was only a dream!
Dear Hotohori,
*shows up in front of him with a pile of presents, balloons and cakes* Hey, be a gentleman and help me out with these, will you?*
*the beautifully wrapped packages contain a leather jacket, a pair of jeans and boots...*
I thought you'd look great in these...sigh!
I totally love you!
Dear Adorable,
Arigato gozaimasu! *Takes presents and exits - returning several minutes later decked out in jeans, jacket, etc.* So how do I look?
Dear Chichiri,
Daaaaa~! *A little lavender haired boy appears out of nowhere and starts mimicking Chichiri; wearing a monk-like robe and all except no face mask* Oi, Chichiri-san, no da! Say do yah ever make faces at people who annoy yah behind your mask, no da? Hee hee, I figured that wearing that mask hasta be good for SOMETHING 'sides whatcha use it for, no da. ^^; Oi! If I hadda cool mask like that I'd make ever funny face humanly possible at my papa, Vejiita! (He doesn't take too kindly to insults, no da! Usually responds with a ki-blast or some profanity-- Hee! You should see 'im and 'kaa-san have a shout match! ^_^ Papa's good, but kaa-san always wins, no da!) *blinks* Wai! Wai! There's Goten-kun! I gotta go, no da.. Jaa Chichiri-san, no da! *stops* Hee hee, I bet when someone uses, 'no da' like yah it really get's on your nerves, huh? Eep, gotta run, Jaa! *flies off*
Some kid who looks a lot like Chibi Trunks for Dragonball
Dear Some kid,
*Smiles benignly at the boy.* Hai, no da! I'm making a face at you right now, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OH MY GOD!!!! IT'S A TRAGEDY!!!!! DID U HERE? SAILOR MOON IS GOING TO BE CANCELLED ON CARTOON NETWORK!!!! Have u sent some form a sympathies to the Sailor Scouts, they really need them now. DOn't ask why i'm telling u this...
Sailor Nemesis
Dear Sailor Nemesis,
No we didn't, have you?
Dear Tasuki,
Oh you poor thing! Going through all that harsh fighting and broken bones, you must really be tired. ::pours him some sake:: And here you are the coolest of all the Suzaku Seishi, you must have really been put through alot!
Wishing Star
Dear Wishing Star,
Not really, but thanks fer th' sake!! Oishii desu!
Dear Hotohori,
Nice party! How'd you like my presents? Did you see the mirror tucked under one of those packages... By the way, the hangover is still killing me. I'm not used to drinking, you know. I wonder what Tasuki's birthday is going to be like? Might be a blast! I heard it's going to be a pool party! Hope I get a chance to throw him in...
Dear Adorable,
Glad you enjoyed yourself. Gomen nasai for the hangover, demo I did say not to try and outdrink Tasuki! If you wish to toss him into the pool, I am told that the line forms on the left. Have fun!
Dear Hotohori,
Jean: *bellows to other Weird Seshi* And a one and a two!
Weird Seishis: (sings off-key)
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Beautiful Hotohori!
Happy Birthday to you!
Mandy: Sorry for the Bucket Head comment, we all pitched in and got you this! *snaps fingers and a huge room falls down*
Anne: The room's full of mirrors! Enjoy!
Weird Seishis
Dear Weird Seishis,
Sugoi!*Has a look of total delight on his face.* Domo arigato gozaimasu!! This room shall certainly get a lot of use!!
Dear Chichiri,
You are soooo very cute! How about going to prom with me next week? I'll gladly ditch my boyfriend to go with you instead! Hehehe!!
Dear Chichiri-crazed,
Arigato gozaimasu! I think you should go with your koibito, na no da! Thanks for the invitation, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I really love Fushigi Yuugi, and I want to know where i can buy the whole series without missing any episodes. The OAV's would be cool too.
moon countess evelina
Dear moon countess evelina,
The series is out on video tape and should be available through your local anime shop. The OAV's are only out as original Japanese laser discs and as fan subs.
Dear Nuriko,
Why did you start dressing like a girl when your sister died, don't you think she would have liked you to live your life as you?
a Nuriko fan
Dear Nuriko fan,
Because I wanted her to live.
Dear Mitsukake,
You are a doctor, right? Donīt you be sorry if your patient dies? For a couple of days ago my cat died, she was only a half year old.
Someone had poisoned her with something. She started to have terrible kramps and she drooled.
We drived her to the vet as fast as we could. She use to bite my fingers when she wanted to play with me. In the car she softly bited my fingers and looked up at me, she looked so unhappy, just as she knewed that she was going to die. The vet did everything she could, I know she did.
We didinīt know what sort of poison it was and nothing that the vet gave her worked.
So I made the hard chose,"Put her to sleep" She was in such a pain and it was hard to se her like that. I think i made the right thing.I am really going to miss her.... I canīt understand why doctors and vets doesenīt cry when someone dies. Sorry to bring this up with you but you are a doctor...
Cutieīs best friend
Dear Cutieīs best friend,
Well, we have to put that part of our heart asidde as we do see a lot of death in our line of work. This does not mean that we don't grieve at the loss of a patient, just that we must be professional about it. I'm sure your vet felt very sad for the loss of your kitten. My condolences on your kitten's passing.
Dear Chiriko,
Dear Nuriko,
I have a family reunion to go to and i don't want any one to recognize me what do i do?
Onyx blade
Dear Onyx blade,
Doushite?? I suppose you can get your hair cut differently or wear mask.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you know where we can find translations for your character vocals? Nobody seems to have translated them :(
Ju-Chan & Jen-Chan
Dear Ju-Chan & Jen-Chan,
Have you tried any of the sites on our links peeji, no da? The Chicken of Doom site has LOTS of invaluable information, na no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Do Chinese herbs really work as cures for sickness and disease? (No, this isn't homework.) Because I was talking about this with my cousins...and we were saying that technically, by Western "standards" (?) that they wouldn't...
I got two more questions--O_o--how long has Tama-neko been with you...and...does Tasuki-san like cats? How about dancing...can he dance? =^_-=
Dear Lime,
Depends on the illness you are trying to treat, but yes they generally do in the hands of a qualified healer. You may want to remind them that Eastern medicine has been around for thousands of years longer than Western medicine has. Although both have their positive and negative sides.
Tamo-neko has been with me for a couple of years and yes, Tasuki does like cats. It's women that drive him insane! I suppose he likes to dance, as he always whenever he and Kouji get together.
Dear Chiriko,
I didn't even know it was your birthday, so I missed it... Happy Belated Birthday Chiriko-kun!!!!
*Smiles and waves at screen* =^_~= Well, I just wanted to know what "genki" means, because I thought I knew, but then I saw it used in the incorrect context, so...O_o...
The otaku formerly known as A-chan, Lime
Dear Lime,
Arigato for your birthday wishes! Genki can mean healthy or energetic. It is also used to mean cheerful. Genki o dasu means cheer up!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Knock on door, four girls in pizza shop outfits standing there*
Onyx Blade: Hi it's me again, these are my freinds.
Girl with short pink hair: Hi im Rosalyn.
Girl with curly blond hair: Salutations my name is Amber. I love you Chiriko.
Girl with violet hair in a long pony tail: My name is Tasogare but thats not important....What is however is one of you nuts ordered twenty danm pizzas and charged them to the emperor's are the pizzas can we leave before he has us beheaded or something?
Onyx, Rosalyn, Amber, and Tasogare pizza girls
Dear Pizza Girls,
Miaka!! Your dinner is here!!
Dear Nuriko,
If you want Hotohori that bad why don't you drug him when no one else is around?
Dear nasty,
That's not very sporting, now is it? Besides, he'd be unconscious! Where's the fun in THAT?!?
Dear Mitsukake,
You poor kids. You must be getting so much attention now. Well, at any rate, I love you, so I made a webshrine to you! A Tiny Mitsukake Shrine
I hope you like it, honey!
Dear Love-Struck,
I rather enjoyed it. As did Chichiri no Aijin and the other Seishi. Your site has been added to our Links Peeji. Domo arigato gozaimasu!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you watch soap operas? Just curious.
Ju-Chan & her future sister-in-law
Dear Ju-Chan,
Iie, no da. We barely have any time to answer letters, na no da! Miaka is such a mischief, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Does Sailor Neptune like Darien?
Dear Sailorj_12,
I don't know. Don't they all like him?? Perhaps you should check out this website Ask the Sailor Senshi. It may answer your Sailor Moon questions better than I can.
Dear Chiriko,
Why do you have a pony tail? You look like a girl.
P.S. I like you very much anyway!
Dear Juni,
I have a ponytail because I am too young to have a horse's tail! Hee-hee... Actually, it keeps my hair out of my face. I really don't think I look THAT much like a girl!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello fellow wandering mage! I just heard that Tasuki turned 20? Whoooooo!! That does sound kind of old..... but that makes you around 27, ne? How does it feel to be nearing the big 3-0?? ^_^ Don't mean to be annoying or make age jokes or anything but wow!
Dear Oddball,
Considering our world is like ancient China, it makes me feel pretty good, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey it's me the unpopular guy...... hehe...... well anyways thanks for answering my little comment. I didn't even expect it to be pasted. Well good luck with your sister, Aidou? My sister sure ain't gonna let up on me. ^_^
Dear kid,
Yeah, an' neither's Aidou! Guess I get to dodge logs fer a looooonnnggg time!
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah wit you I gotta expect something not good. Anyway I just heard about those sister's of you. Watch out!! Aidou sounds BAD!!
Dear Someone,
Nah, just a big pain in th' @$$! But she has excellent aim!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, I was wondering do any of you know what the name "Iria" means? Our adorable little sister, Iria, won't tell us. So we figure you guys would know.
*Iria tyed and gagged in a chair mumbling until she pushes the gag out of her mouth*
Iria: See Tasuki! I told ya'!!
Utena: Shut her up!
*Sephiroth places the gag back in her mouth and Artemis helps him drag her back upstairs*
Utena: Arigatou. *smiles* We'll be waiting for your reply.
Dear Utena,
Ya' got me! Closest I could come was "iriai" an' that means "sunset". Now let her go! Wha' are ya' part of?? "Th' Aidou School of How to Abuse an' Piss Off Yer Siblins'"???
Dear Nuriko,
It may not be my place, but I think your response to Suboshi was incredibly mean and uncalled-for. All he did was ask you for some advice--he didn't even make any threats or hold any grudges this time. At least you could have suggested that he simply send a card or put it GENTLY to him that Yui now has someone else. Poor guy--I bet you crushed him!
Dear Shinto,
Perhaps, but considering what he did, it was the mildest response I could think of at the time. Gomen nasai if I upset or offended you. It was not my intent to do so.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey you! *sexy smile* I heard your friends are going to throw you a party...Well, am I invited? I'll bring a lot of sake and pixie sticks...Yeah, and your presents too...I'm also a pretty good dancer. So, what do you think?
Dear Clueless,
PARTY?!?!?! What party??? I think I don't know nothin' 'bout it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Pool party, eh? Do I get a chance to throw Tasuki into the pool? Give me a shot of that, OK? Am I invited?
Dear Adorable,
Everyonr is invited and the line for "Tasuki tossing" is forming on the left! That will be 3 ryou, kudasai.
Dear Tasuki,
*laughs* Act like I don't know them. I wish! Artemis will embarrass the sh** out of me and Sephiroth and Utena will kick my *ss. *grumbles* I think my parents got seats on a separate plane on purpose. Ever see "Twilight Zone the Movie"? Well that was what my last plane trip was like
Hmmm...ask Kouji...? I would if I could find him. I mean just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't fight. If you see him would you tell him I'm lookin' to join....*starry eyes* please.
Oh yeah, before I forget Happy Easter! *hand over a big chocolate rabbit will hugemously large candy eyes and a big pink bow* Enjoy Tasuki! And don't let Miaka see it. ^_^
Dear Iria,
I'll tell Kouji yer lookin' fer him. Ya' gotta be able to kick the @$$ of ALL th' bandits to join if yer a girl! Thanks fer th' chocolate bunny! I only got an ear before Miaka grabbed it outta my mouth! 'Che! That girl can eat!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama!!! Hi! I'm Metamia. ^_^
Right now it's April 1 (Happy April Fools!!), but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday a bit early. I'm kind of hoping this will get posted right on April 2. Then it will have more meaning.
This is my gift to you.
*Metamia hands the beautiful and wonderful Hotohori an envelope. It contains a gift certificate to a luxury health and beauty spa* Now you can relax and beautify yourself even more!!
Metamia ^_^
Dear Metamia,
*Reads certificate, eyes widen & he smiles his beautiful smile at her.* Domo arigato gozaimasu!! I KNOW I will enjoy this!
Dear Chiriko,
Do you think there's any way that someday somehow who knows who cares that you'll fall in love? Many people think love isn't real. I want a diffrent opinion. How about u?
Just Asking
Dear Just Asking,
I'm sure when I meet the right girl, I will fall in love. I do believe that love is VERY real!
Dear Chichiri,
There once was a little monk his name was Chichiri. He was one of the Suzaku seishi! (YAY) I'd say more but i think he's cool so i don't want to insult him.
And for that I thank you, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi peeps, it's me!
Don't mean to take up space or anything but you see i have a slight problem.
At my school..... it really sucks. The people there, except for a few rare individuals are so MEAN! Seriously they are so immature. I don't like mouthing off about people but when you're really pissed (I mean really!) there are times when you break the code. There's the usual meanies with stupid jokes they make behind your back bout whatever, your friends, what you wear, etc.
Then there are those which are harder to ignore. Those people yell out to the teacher that i am irresponsible. The teachers cool and says she doesn't believe them, but then those kids will be yelling at me that I did something wrong, (just a little mistake there was no harm done!) You see i'm a helper at my home econmics class and what i did was give some people their raw beef frozen. WHo cares!!! it's just a little harder then usual!! I know i shouldn't have blah blah blah but i learned from that mistake. Those kids are still giving me a hard time however. No matter what, they'll probably still be spreading their stupid little rumors still giving me those dark looks and be laughing at me. I have no idea why they have this grudge against me! Everything is so confusing. -_-
Dear Unhappy,
It's not a grudge, no da. They are just being kids. Wait until someone else makes a mistake, then they will be picked on instead, no da! Besides, you could have said that you were making shabu-shabu (a dish that starts off with frozen beef that has been sliced paper thin), na no da!
Dear Tasuki,
::WAHH:: Ahem. Sorry Tasuki-kun I'm in a bad mood but you're so mean to me and everyone else you treat with at least some decensy. Oh well.... i'll get over ya so whatever.
Not telling U!!
Dear Not telling,
Whaddya' mean I was mean to ya'!! I'm jus' that way to everybody! Sheesh!
Dear Nuriko,
Aii! Too many birthdays in only a few months! X_x;; Here's the keeki, and the okane for the shopping spree. *plops a brown bag and a fairly large purple keeki in front of him* Okay. Now I gotta give one of my books to Chiriko and something to Hotohori. Aii..I'm not good at this birthday thing. least I know what to give Tasuki. -_-;;
Okay, hope you like the stuff. I'd just like to warn you my best friend's -obsessed- with horses. (She was the one with the alias "Michimichi", if you want to know. ^^;;) Anyway, isn't she weird..? Heheh.
Okay, I'm shutting up now. *blinks* Do you know where Chiriko is..?
Dear Myrna-chan,
Arigato for the keeki and the wonderful shoppiong spree! I guess it's better that she's obsessed with horses instead of Hotohori ~_^ ! I do believe that Chiriko is studying in the gardens.
Dear Hotohori,
Man! As I was reading the past letters I was starting to worry that everyone's forgotten your birthday!! There were a bunch of letters talking about *Tasuki's* birthday but not yours...poor you! Anyway I hope you'll have a blast tomorrow! Otanjoobi omedetoo gozaimasu Hotohori-sama! *special delivers a full-length mirror* Hope you like it! ^.^
Dear Dreamcatcher,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for your present and your birthday wishes. The mirror is lovely.
Dear Tasuki,
Sure, we'll be careful with the fire. We don't want to burn the campus down (except maybe Records & Registration - grr).
I'll see if I can wrestle the marshmellow bag away from Fran-Nyan to give you some. You want them cooked or not cooked?
Dear Ju-Chan,
Raw. I can grill my own, heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
do you guys believe in angels?
Dear angelica,
I suppose so, no da.. We believe in kami sama and megami (gods and goddesses), spirits, and an afterlife, so why not angels, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Did you really think that you ever had a chance with Hotohori?
Dear nosey,
Hey, it was worth a shot!
Dear Chiriko,
What are marshmallos made of?
Is it true they come from cows? ^^;
Dear needstoknow,
That's what I've heard. Jello, too! You might want to research it on the Net though.
Dear Nuriko,
Where can I get myself a set of those dolls you gave Miaka? Can I make my own instead? How?
Nuriko fan
Dear Nuriko fan,
You might try a craft show. Perhaps someone there has made something similar. I have been told that Native American craftsmen make similar dolls. As to making them yourself, start by taking a pottery class...
Dear Chichiri,
*A girl with dark-navy blue hair and pink eyes walks up to Chichiri, with a pissed look on her face.* He's a guy. Ewww... Well, u look smart, do u know how i can get back to El-Hazard. I must get back to my dear Fatora.
Dear Alielle,
What is El-Hazard, no da? Are you a Wanderer, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
*from out of now where a girl with dark-blue hair and pink eyes runs over to Nuriko* Wow...I love purple hair. You're so pretty.
*the girl starts rubbing up against Nuirko, till she notices something* Oh, my god, you're a a guy. Eww.... I can't believe I almost. Ewww.... I feel dirty. You're a guy.
a totally pissed Alielle
Dear Alielle,
Well, EXCUSE ME!!! And just what is so wrong with that?? Anyway, I'm prettier than you are, so there!
Dear Tamahome,
I think having a pool party for Tasuki is a great idea!!! Say, do you think I can teach him how to swim?? *holds big pouch of okane* Please??? You're soooo nice. Well, I hope you don't feel affended to have a 6 year old fan. Sorry if you do. I would ask you to give Tasuki a big kiss for me but that would be......ummmmm......weird...
Dear Mary-chan,
Not at all. Your cousin is very sweet. She reminds me of my younger sister Yurien. Kiss Tasuki??? Ugh!!! Can I just tell him you said, "Hi"? Of course you can teach him to swim!! The line for THAT forms on the left!
Dear Tasuki,
Kouji NEVER told you his birthday?!?!? That's really messed up!! How are you suppose to celebrate his birthday if you don't know when it is??? I agree with ya, some people. Oh, I started watching Escaflowne, and I noticed Dilandau is somewhat of a pyro. He kinda reminds me of you, except you're not crazy........well.....most of the time anyways. Oh, are some people getting mad that I let my 6 year old cousin watch some of your adventures??? I swear, I only showed her the interesting parts and didn't read any of the cuss words out loud!!! And I showed her where you came in too. Sorry if anyone felt affended, yet I don't know why you would. Anyway, tell Hotohori me and my friends say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Dear Mary-chan,
He don't want no celebrations. Actually Dilandau reminded me of Nuriko... *ITAI!!* *Nuriko punches him through the wall...* SEE!!! Same lousy temper!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*a cute, little girl that appears to be six walks over to the red-headed bandit. She has navy blue hair, and a symbol of yin-yang on her cheek.*
Hi!!!! I'm Circe's little sister. Don't worry, I'm not as uhh...stubborn, and stupid as she is. Would u like a pixy stick? here try some twix. -hands over a object covered in a gold foil- Hurry before Miaka finds out that I'm giving this out.
Dear Bast,
*Hides Pixy-Stix and scarfs down Twix!* Oishii desu yo!! Domo. Got anymore of them Twix thins'??
Dear Mitsukake,
My head hurts, is that normal after a battle with a demon? I think I also got a hang nail, any suggestions?
Demon Hunter Yohko ~108th in my line~
Dear Demon Hunter Yohko,
If al you got was a headache and a hangnail, consider yourself lucky! I get headaches just from listening to Tasuki. Take 2 aspirins and see a professional manicurist for that hangnail!
Dear Chiriko,
(in response to response to previous letter)
Would eat them with a fox? If that fox was Courtney Cox?
Would u, could u in a train?
Would u, could u in the rain?
Dr. Seuss
Dear Dr. Seuss,
I don't think that Courtney Cox is all that much of a fox. I would not, could not in a train. I would not, could not in the rain. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam I Am.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey, sweetie! Just thought I'd say hello to the MOST GORGOUES GUY ON THIS SITE!! So, how are you? I'm doing fine, thank you! I'm trying to decide what your best trait is, but since you have so many, I can't decide what the best one is! What do you like most about yourself? Besides the fact that you can heal which is ABSOLUTELY wonderful! I actually have the power myself, but haven't mastered it yet. Sounds strange, but it's true. Maybe we were meant to be:) You never know;) Well, let me admire you a little more........... a little more.......... I'm a tiny bit satisfied now. Well, I'll stop taking up space and what for your response! Bye!
Mitsukake no Fan
Dear Mitsukake no Fan,
Ano... you are too kind! In response to your question, I suppose my quiet demeanor. Or perhaps it is Tama-neko.
Dear Tasuki,
Ya moron! I can't believe you can't remember my question! .... .... I can't either so maybe you can do the dirty work and go to the archive peeji. Well, I'm bored as h***. Why do you think I write so much? I haven't seen my bud in a while and wonder what's going on. Nobody tells me much, which to me seems REALLY stupid! Good thing yer always good for a laugh! It helps to get through this. My sis has really been here for me, and I'd like to get her a gift, but I haven't been able to leave the house! I hate casts! I hate everything that has to do with getting in a car accident! That son of a..... Gomen. Well, I've said enough. Figured I'd keep you informed since you seem to care. Well, have any ideas on what I could do since I'm sittin' around all day? I already used up my sister's bottle of hairspray making a tiny tessen with a candle. You may not understand how that works, so just ask and I'll explain. It's fun though, but doesn't last very long. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'm so D****D BORED!!! Oh, well. L8r!
Hmmm... Bored an' settin' fires... sounds like me on a BAD day! If yer SO bored, YOU go check th' archives! Might amuse ya' fer awhile. Heh-heh...
Can ya' get yer tomodachi over to entertain ya'? Chichiri no Aijin spernt 3 months in a wheelchair after her car accident. Ya' shoulda' seen th' wall!! Not a scratch on it! *ITAI!! She jus' smacked me in th' head!!!* But her tomodachi came over an' watched our adventures an' other anime with her. She also several BAGS of manga to read. Ya' might wanna try that. Have yer sister get ya' "Sanctuary". It's a great manga 'bout th' Yakuza an' th' politicians of th' Diet. "X" by Clamp is cool, so is "Parasite" (put out by Mixx), 3x3 Eyes (if she can find it) is also pretty good. These are all translated into English an' they're ALL good readin' (Yeah, I read. Wanna make somethin' of it???)
Take care!
Dear Chichiri,
Who are you?
Sailor X
Dear Sailor X,
I am a monk and a Suzaku Shichiseishi. Dare desu ka, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
I really am asking a lot of questions, aren't I? I hope I'm not TOO annoying, because I'm hoping to be a regular at this circle/group thingee... I managed to escape the-ranting-and-raving-women's-rights-activist-aka-Terri long enough to come back. Anyway, how do you deal with school/studying, Chiriko? I don't study very often and I utterly DESPISE math... and science... and language... I have the feeling you'll know how to like school, oh all-wise-one!
Dear JadeS,
I don't know if liking academics is something one can be taught. Just try to find something in each of your subjects that interests you. That should make it easier. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi, I'm getting kinda annoying by writing so much, but I just wanted to know: Where do you go when you go into your kasa?
Dear JadeS,
Why Kasa-space, no da! Where else?
Dear Chiriko,
Your hair is *pink*? *PINK* I always thought it was a light brown with strange highlights..... It can't be *pink*!!! *Pink* sux!!!!
con-fus-ed :);):)(wink)=)
Dear con-fus-ed,
Ok, maybe not an extremely pink pink, I guess it is kind of light brown. But the highlights make it look sort of pink.
Dear Tasuki,
I found the best page for Kouji! I'm SO HAPPY!!! He's the greatest guy, and please tell him that for me if you see him! I saw the cutest picture of you two, as well!! You two better stay best buds FOREVER or I will personally come and knock ya' senseless!!!!! You'll have some dumb comeback for that, but go ahead and TRY to impress me. Bye for now, and make sure Kouji hears this!!!!! AISHTERU KOUJI-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kouji no EXTREME FAN!!!
Dear Kouji no EXTREME FAN!!!,
Yeah, sure ya' will! Glad ya' found a kakkoi Kouji peeji. Mind sharin' th' address wit' the rest of us? Ya' can send it to th' address on th' bottom of our front peeji. An' we'll stick it on our links peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
How and when did you find out you were a seishi? Jes wonderin'... How r u? I'm ok, for the moment, especially since no one is home. It's nice to sit back and relax.... Time to watch more crappy television, or how about some FY! Yeah, that's it! *yawn* I'm bored, in pain, but that's what that wonderful jar of pills is for.... Bye!
PS. Tell Mitsukake to get his @$$ out here!!!
I found out I was a Seishi when I was 'bout 15. The leader of the Mt. Reikaku bandits told me. Sorry to hear yer so bored. Maybe ya' can get yer parents to rent ya' a boatload of anime to keep ya' outta trouble. Got any tomodachis wit' big anime an' manga collections? That's what Chichiri no Aijin's tomodachis did fer her when she was stuck in a wheelchair fer 3 months after her car accident. I told Mitsukake 'bout yer situation, but it's not possible fer him to get here. Gomen bud!
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa no da! I was just wondering 2 things-
1: Since Tama-neko is Mitsukake-sans pet, how come you always have him?
2 : Do you ever read any of the fanfiction about you? You almost always end up wuth Tasuki! @_@; I mean, theres a few good ones., but often theyre yaoi! Do you know why? (Im currently working on a fic to remedy averse are you to otherworld girls? ^_~)
Ganbatte ne no da! (You kawaii kitsune ka!)
Dear H-chan,
Tama-neko is with me alot because he has excellent taste in companions, no da! I have no aversion to women whatsoever, no da! As to why there are so many yaoi fanfics out there, I am at a loss for a reason. I am always with Tasuki, eh? Since he is male, he is not my type, na no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, Nuriko...I bet you heard this a million times...but you're really cute!!! I've made a [currently under construction] tribute to you on my page and linked the Ask the Seishis page on my site. You can go here: Nuriko site By the way, I come here every once in a while and see what's up. I have one question:
Do you have ANYTHING to do with the whole Houki thing? Write back, 'k?
Ja ne!
someone you don't know
Dear someone you don't know,
Maybe... tee-hee... Like the website! Keep up the great work!
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