Dear Tasuki,
Thanks for the card. I was going to argue with you about being a fool, but I can't. Everything's gotten really complicated and is wearing me out! Well, how are things with you? California is nice.... ;) Well, that's all for now. Just wanted to let you know I appreciated the card and kickin' my @$$ won't make me get better! But you probably already knew that, heh heh. This is the first I've laughed in a while. It's nice. See ya'!
Wishin' 2 Brawl,
Well wit' ya' bein' all broken up an' all, yer parents should be tryin' to keep yer stress level down. Havin' busted bones sucks! I know!! Glad ya' liked th' card an' that it gave ya' laugh. I'm doin' OK. Sanosuke an' me are sparrin' a bit. Ain't busted nothin' yet. Chichiri no Aijin is tryin' to get one of her otoko nihonjin tomodachi (Japanese guy friends) to teach her Karate. Guess she thinks if she learns it she can take me in a fight... heh-heh... Guess we'll jus' hafta see what happens. Oi! Give yer sister a hug from me. All of this is bringin' her down, too. Take care an' try not to let all th' s--t stress ya' out!
Ja mata,
Dear Nuriko,
I have a problem with my hair I don't think it is good enough what should I do?
Dear Akhila,
Good enough for what or who? Perhaps you just need to visit a good stylist.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Happy Passover!
I realize you aren't Jewish (except maybe Tasuki - the Happy Dance with Kouji is awfully Jewish, and he ~does~ say 'oy' rather a lot - hmm...). Anyway, even though you're not Christian either there are plenty of people who wished you a happy Valentine's Day, or happy St Patrick's Day (and there'll probably be plenty wishing you a happy Easter too), so I didn't see that it was a problem.
At any rate, chag sameach Pesach (have a happy Passover holiday)!
Dear Ju-Chan,
Arigato gozaimasu and a happy Vernal Equinox to you!
Dear Chichiri,
An elephant that sticks to the roof of your mouth, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
Do you have the pwer to send people from your world to Miaka's? Also, would you be able to control time in your world to match that of Miaka's? Just wondering sos' I know what to do with a fic I'm writin. Arigato. Also, I have a theory that when you write a fic you shoudn't have a few sentences in Japanese because that's what they are speaking, just for others to know what's going on we have to write it in English. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way.
anonymous fan
Dear anonymous fan,
No to both of your questions. I'm not THAT powerful, no da! As for putting in some Japanese in a fanfic, well, if you have access to a Japanese dictionary or dictionary server, then you can look up the meaning of the word and you will have learned something new. That's not a bad thing, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
JadeS: Hi, it's me again! (I changed my name to JadeS 'cause there's another Jade here...but if you don't remember me I was with Terri the sexist hater!!)Terri: HEY!! Well here's a question for ya'll: What do you do in your free time? You know, when you're not saving the world or gazing in the mirror or declaring your hatred for women? *deadly glare at Tasuki* JadeS: And how do you all keep your hair neat? Mine blows all over the place outside!! Oh, and Chichiri, you rock no da!!!
JadeS and Terri
Dear JadeS and Terri,
Lots of gel and hairspray, no da! Here are the rest of your answers:
Tamahome: Try to make okane any way I can!
Tasuki: Hang out at Mt. Reikaku wit' Kouji an' my bandit buddies.
Chiriko: Study
Hotohori: Run the country.
Nuriko: Clothes shopping!
Mitsukake: Continue my medical studies. There are always new things to learn.
Chichiri: Go fishing, no da!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
What's your favorite dessert? I would be honored to bake for you! Please, majesty? You're so... beautiful... *begins to drool* Sorry about that, can't help it. Bye!
one of your many fans
Dear one of many,
I have become quite partial to chocolate ice cream. Thank you for asking.
Dear Tasuki,
WAI~~~! WAI~~~~! Tasuki's soooooooo cooooool!!!! Neh, have you read "The Man and His Miko"? It's a really good fanfic, one of my favorites! How DO you feel about your miko anyways?
Tasuki no Miko Wannabe
Dear Tasuki no Miko Wannabe,
No, what site is it at? I love Miaka like a little sister. A klutzy, whiny, somewhat inept little sister who eats like she has a tapeworm, but still like a little sister.
Dear Nuriko,
How do you say 'gay boy' in Japanese? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Did it ever bother you that you were called a gay boy? hehehe... you're not gay anymore though, right? .......or at least that's what you want us to think!!!! I'm actually a fan of yours, but I'm not in love with you. Sorry!
Hikaru (not magic knight)
Dear Hikaru (not magic knight),
Oh, aren't WE funny!!! I'm not gay! I'm a crossdresser! Sheesh, try to be Empress and that's ALL anyone remembers...
Dear Chichiri,
You are cute. You are very cute. You are really cute. You are so cute it's scary! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOO DDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Chichiri no Weirdo
Dear Chichiri no Weirdo,
Arigato, I think, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi. Who is Koji if you don't mind me asking????
Dear Moon_Princess4,
He's my best friend!!! Where've ya' been???
Dear Tasuki,
How did Kouji get that scar on his cheek?
How long have you been friends with Kouji?
How long have you been a bandit?
What color are Kouji's eyes?
I know this is kind of a lot of questions, but please answer them all!!!!
Kouji no Miko
Dear Kouji no Miko,
Here are yer answers in order of askin': Fightin' a demon, since I was 'bout 15, since I was 'bout 15, dark brown or black I think. I don't spend any time gazin' into 'em. Oi! Yer his miko, how come ya' didn't know th' answers???
Dear Nuriko,
I am Serena Tinakeo(Thats my real name) I wanted to know if you can give me some beaty tips for when i draw my anime,and if you can give me some Examples by sending some pics to my E-mail add.???????
P.S I love your site.
Dear Serena,
Well, as I am not an artist it's rather difficult to give you tips. I don't really have any examples to send to you. Have you tried searching The Anime Turnpike for tips and hints on the anime style of drawing? I'm glad that you are enjoying the site.
Dear Tasuki,
Why are you constanly getting drunk?
Dear chocofill,
It ain't constant!! It jus' seems that way!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi I am MoonPrincess,and I have a question Is Neptune and Uranus GAY?
Dear Moon_Princess4,
Ano... Iie, they are PLANETS, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why is it that you are the good guys and the Seiryuu seishi are the bad guys? (this question was a dare to ask a really stupid question).
Dear chocofill,
Because it's in the script.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Tas'ki! How's it going? Did you have a good St.Patty's Day? ^_^ I mom didn't make me eat corn beef cabbage this year.. *gags and makes a face* heh..anyways.. ^_^; I got a quick there any way that I could send a picture that I drew of you to you? Or is that not possible? If it isn't, maybe I can post it on a webupeiiji so that you can see it..let me know, onegai? Thank you. ^_^ ::hands him some sake:: bai bai!
Dear Reddie,
Hai! Ya' can send it to th' address at th' bottom of th' Main Peeji. Jus' scan yerself fer viruses before ya' send anythin'! We already got nailed once!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi's me again, Ranko-chan. Remember, I wrote you a while ago about how I was having friend trouble? Well, I took your advice, and I tried to be a little more outgoing too, and because of that I've made a few friends in school that I hang around with. We don't do anything outside of school, but it's nice to know people in school now. ^_^ ...too bad I'll be switching schools next year.. -.-;; Oy. Anyways, I just wanted to say arigatou for helping me. ^_^ ::hands him a bottle of sake::
Dear Ranko-chan,
Kakkoi! Glad I was able to help. Thanks fer th' sake! When ya' switch school's try th' same thin' there an' also keep in touch wit' th' friend's ya' made at yer old school!
Dear Chiriko,
Gah! Chiriko-san! I REALLY need your help. ;_; You see...I just got a letter from my school in the mail, and..I'm failing two classes! Biology and Math...bleh. >.< Anyways, I've been trying so hard and I don't know what's wrong! I think that maybe I need better studying habits. I DID get a tutor, ,and she DOES help, when she isn't yelling at me.. -_-*
Anyways, do you have ANY suggestions for better studying habits or anything? Onegai, help!! ;_; Ano.. ::hides the letter before her dad sees it:: ¬.¬;;
Dear Reddie,
Schedule a specific study time and don't give in to interruptions (TV, music, friends, computer games, writing letters to us, etc.). Take notes in class and study them. Make notes as you study. Highlight what is relevant in your textbook and in your notes.
Hope this helps you out. Don't forget to show that letter to your parents. Good luck! Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
I've never have a boyfriend, but all my adult relatives say I'm beautiful. I don't know how to get a guy interested. You are a guy, what do you think?
Dear Ugly????,
Yer askin' a guy who doesn't want a girlfriend how to be one???? Do ya' have a particular guy in mind? If not, don't sweat it!! When th' time an' the guy are right, he'll be attracted to ya'!
Dear Nuriko,
I used to despise Hotohori, but after watching the episodes again, I can understand why you like him! You have good taste! Also, you have good fashion sense, but I think you would look a lot better if you wore more masculine clothes. You are SO hot! I love that little mole under your left eye! It makes you ADORABLE!! Well, I'll stop ranting now. Did I mention your 'tee-hee' is absolutely to die for? Write back, please! Arigato! Bye sweetie!
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
Arigato for all your sweet compliments! So I should wear more masculine clothes, huh? Hmmmm... perhaps I'll give that a try! Thanks for the suggestion! Tee-hee...
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Tamahome, I am your biggest fan. I like your cartoon very much but if there is something that I can complain, it is that you and Miaka shouldn't like each other anymore. I don't like to see you guys together. It makes me jealous because I love you and I think you're hot. Only if you were a real person.... I wish you were a real person, I would follow you anywhere. Miaka is like a pig. She eats too much. I think she is still pretty and thin but burf... After ten years, she would get fat not that I really care since you are the hot stuff. Please please write me back. I will wait for it day and night. It will mean so much to me. I love you. If you were only real.....
Love always,
Your secret lover
Dear secret lover,
I'm sorry that you don't care much for Miaka. However, you and I can be friends if you wish. But no picking on her and her uh.... interesting eating habits.
Dear Tasuki,
What was your former leader's name?
Kouji no Miko
Dear Kouji no Miko,
Hakurou was the leader before me.
Dear Tasuki,
which do ya prefer. a warehouse of sake for you to owned or Miaka?
Dear Kouji,
Sake of course!!! What are ya', nuts or somethin'??? why would I want Miaka??
Dear Nuriko,
halo, how are you. hehehe.... I know I'm on your enemy side, but I'm really need your adviced. Tomorrow is Yui-sama birthday, and I want to buy her a present. What present should I give her? please....tell meeeeee!!!! and pleasedon't tell tamahome that I write to you.
Dear Suboshi,
She doesn't need you or anything from you! She has Tetsuya now and is VERY happy. Leave her alone!
Dear Tasuki,
Hardy har har. Cut the sarcasm. You ain't so smart yourself.
Dear Someone,
Aw c'mon, people don't write to me an' not expect SOME abuse or sarcasm... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
GOMEN NASAI!! I finally realized what I had written to you in my other letter, and it was rather vulgar. Please think no less of me!! It's Tasuki's fault! He had the beer and threatened me with his tessen, so I HAD to drink it! He'll deny it, but that's because he was stoned off his @$$!!! Please forgive and forget! You're the 2nd best person on this planet! (sorry, I have to put my REAL best friend 1st, you understand) Bye, sweetie!
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
PS. You have a VERY kawaii giggle!
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
Tee-hee... no hard feelings about being #2! I understand about best friends. I'm not sure if I remember... ah yes... the sexy mole letter!! Don't worry, I was kind of flattered by it. Tee-hee...
Dear Mitsukake,
Out of all the Suzaku Seishi, who do you feel you are closest to? I wish I were a seishi, because then I'd get a chance to know you a little better. Who knows what goes on behind the scenes ;) Before I close this letter, I want to say you are a VERY sexy, great guy! I'm trying to make a webpeeji in your honor. Bye!
Mitsukake no Fan
Dear Mitsukake no Fan,
Thank you! When you have finished your webpeeji, let me know as I would very much like to see it. I suppose that I am closest to Chichiri as we are of similar age and backgrounds.
Dear Chichiri,
Which seishi do you feel closest to?
i love my cat
Dear Cat Lover,
Mitsukake, no da. We both have lost our one true love. And we both have painful memories because of our losses, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Why are you trying to impersonate me, no da? As long as people are enjoying this page, I will gladly give you permission to use my name, no da. Just please don't say anything that would give me a bad reputation, no da! I can't be there to supervise, na no da! Ja, no da!
PS. The reason I am able to write you is because I have come to visit Miaka and have use of her computer, no da. Miaka says 'hi', no da.
Dear Chichiri^_^,
I am impersonating YOU, no da?? More like you a re impersonating me, no da! This entire concept is bizarre, na no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is there ANY webpage out there where I can get some info on Koji??!! PLEASE TELL ME IF THERE IS!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
You're hair is GORGEOUS!! Along with your body... oops, I'm thinking impure thoughts... tee-hee... How are you? I hope your life is wonderful, because with you in mine it is!! Did I ever mention how sexy that mole is? Yum!! Bye now!
Nuriko no Ko-Neko
Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,
Arigato for all your sweet compliments! I'm doing fine. I'm very glad to hear that you are, too! Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
My brother is doin' great!!!... ... ... *a tear trickles down her cheek* He's not, and neither am I. He's been in so much pain lately, and no matter how much I try to make him feel better, nothing seems to work. His friend's parents and ours have been at each other's throats about what happened. He's really upset because he and his friend have been friends since they could walk and now can't even try to talk to each other. Dammit, I don't know what to do!! I've never felt so lost before. I'm usually strong because my brother is, and he's always there to back me up, but now... I don't need you pitying me, I just had to get that out. Thanks for reading, and you don't have to reply to this if you don't want to. Hope you weren't wanting to brawl with him anytime soon. Bye for now.
PS. Please write back if you have any advice for me.
Sorry to hear 'bout yer situation. Unfortunately, I ain't got any words of wisdom fer ya'. Does this help any?? *gives her a hug*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok, tell me what you think of this.(Hands them each a snikers bar.) There my favorite i hope you all like them.
Onyx Blade
Dear Onyx Blade,
These are great!! How much do you think I can sell them for in back in Konan?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Where can I find the mp3 of the theme sond to Fushigi Yugi. (tv version preffered)
Dear animagirl,
Try here! We can't vouch for the quality as it is not our site, but we think it has what you're looking for.
Dear Tasuki,
I just found out that we have somthing in common (besides swearing and fighting)! Wanna hear it? We both don't like water! Actually, I know how to swim but I've been swimming ever since I was like 4 or something so now, I'm reeeeeaaaaaaally sick of it. How come you don't like water that much? Wo ai ni!
Dear Jean,
Because I swim like a kanazuchi(hammer)!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi there! Hey, it's going to be your birthday soon. How old are you going to be? Is there going to be a party? Well, hope you'll invite your greatest fan. I'll bring you a cake and lots of balloons and stuff. Well, advanced Happy Birthday! Bye.
*May you have more birthdays to come...
Dear Adorable,
I will be in my twenties. I haven't planned a party, but that doesn't mean Miaka and the other Seishi won't give me one. I shall in form them of your request.
Dear Tasuki,
Jeez, you are like totally temperamental! I ask a few simple questions and you like go ballistic on me...MEN!
So, fang boy, I heard your birthday's coming...How old will you be by then, hmmm? Maybe by then, you'll be a little bit more mature...Don't change too much 'coz I think you're pretty cute the way you are. I love your fangs, by the way.
Maybe I should throw you a surprise party. I'm totally good at that...
Dear Clueless,
Let's see, I'm twenty. 'Che! That sounds soooo old. Think I'll stick wit' 19! Glad to hear ya' like th' fangs! I'm pretty attached to 'em myself!
Dear Tasuki,
Your a baka and an anoying jerk..... You remined me of myex-boyfreind ... ..I LOVE YOU!
Dear dori,
And being a baka AND an annoyin' jerk is a compliment... HOW????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are you getting Tasuki (April 18), Hotohori (April 2) for their birthdays? You have to start thinking about that, you know. It's already the end of March...
Dear Adorable,
We have all decided to get Hotohori a HUGE mirror and we're going to throw Tasuki in a pool... ano let me "rephrase" that... We're going to give Tasuki a surprise pool party and swimming lessons.
Dear Nuriko,
I'm thinking about growing out my bangs, but then that means I can't wear my bangs any longer unless I want them right in my face. I would rather have Tasuki right in my face and... oops! What do you suggest?
Dear Jean,
I think that bangs in your face, if properly styled, are A LOT safer than Tasuki in your face!
Dear Chiriko,
What's the difference between Autotrophs and Hetertrophs? Dang dang dang, I hope you're good at biology, Chiriko-kun, then maybe you could help me out with my homework!
Dear Zel-ko,
If you have the access to the Internet to write to me, you have the access to do your own homework. Gomen nasai.
Dear Tasuki,
can I have your tessen? onegaaaaaiiiii??? I want a neato flame-shooting iron fan!!! ::kawaii obsessive otaku girl jumps up and down trying to reach tessen:: please please please please please?????
Dear DrkKaeru1,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I do believe last time I asked you a question about whether you like horses or not, you didn't answer. o.o; Ja, well. 'Nyways... just have one other question to ask, plz answer me. o.o; Have any of you ever felt sorry for Nakago? After he died, after you heard about his past and all, I meant... And Soi? Ever felt sorry for -her-? Anyway.. uh.. yeah. *Blink* Plz answer me, I'm jus' curious..o.o;;
Dear Michimichi,
If you check below you'll see your first letter was answered. As to Nakago, I pitied him but his lousy childhood was no excuse for massive death and destruction, not to mention attempted world domination.
Dear Tamahome,
Tama-chan, what's this I hear about you selling Tasuki-stuff, WITHOUT TELLIN MEEEEEE~~~~~~?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Sell me some Tasuki stuff too! I'm a willing buyer, you know that!!!! If you don't I'll be forced to show off the wonderful capacity of my lungs and make you DEAF! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~~~~~~!
Dear Jean,
Gomen nasai, I'm all out of Tasuki stuff. But if you visit Kouji, he mat GIVE you some of his Tasuki stuff!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
why is it that you guys know about Reese's peanut butter cups and you didn't know what Klondike bars were??....i have another question, why does everyone speak Japanese in Ancient China??
Jen-Chan :)
Dear Jen-Chan,
We can't eat every type of junk food, no da. Miaka gets to most of it before we do! Everyone speaks Japanese becase it is magic, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I have a couple of questions for you!
1. What is your favorite color?
2. How often do you get drunk?
3. What do you dream about when you are asleep?
4. Do you have any girlfriend?
5. Have you ever had one?
6. Does your tessen only work for you?
7. Is it hard to speak with those fangs?(They suit you good anyhow)
Well, that was all my questions for now. By the way, I really like your style and your singing voice!
Dear Dreamie,
An' I have a couple of answers for ya'!
1. Suzaku red!
2. As often as I'm able to!
3. ...Heh-heh-heh... this is a PG-13 peeji kid!
4. Nope!
5. Maybe, I ain't tellin'!
6. Ya' betcha!!
7. Nope, had 'em ALL my life!
Glad ya' like my singin' voice an' style! Obake-chan keeps sayin' I can't carry a tune in a bucket!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi. o.o; Was jus' curious, d'any of you like horses? oO; 'Nyway.. uhh.. yeah. *Blink* That be all, ja!
Da' Michimichi
Dear Da' Michimichi,
We like horses and most other living creatures with the exception of the Seiryuu Seishi.
Dear Tasuki,
*comes back to bother him* WAI!!! I'll be nice if you share you birthday keeki with me!! *goes SD, eyes all teary* Onegai? Onegai? Onegaaaaiiiii?
Dear Neko-chan,
*Looks down at her and sighs* Yea, sure, right, whatever ya' say... now leggo of me!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Seems like you guys are getting pretty popular......... lucky... everyone ignores me, except for my sister, i want her to ignore me though! Anyway just wanted to say neat place although the people who come here are kinda cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo! Not all of them but there are a few individuals who caught me eye. I guess I'm taking up space so later.
Dear kid,
Glad ya' like th' site! Gotta have some place fer th' kura kura pa's to roost! Heh-heh...jodan da yo! I know how ya' feel! I wish my sister Aidou would leave me alone an' ignore me, too!
Dear Chiriko,
Would you eat green eggs and ham???
Dr. Seuss
Dear Dr. Seuss,
Not in a house or with a mouse. Not with a goat or in a boat. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them Sam I Am. See, I read the classics, too!
Dear Tamahome,
This is Rachel again. Thank you for writing back. Your family is very cute. I am going to keep on writing back because you are my favorite character so much. Tell everybody I said hello. I been telling my sister all about you. She said I can't understand Fushigi Yuugi. Happy Easter. Goodbye
Dear Rachel,
Konnichiwa Rachel! I'm glad you like my family. Your sister is correct. As the story progresses it does get very confusing for younger kids. When you are older, your cousin sais she will let you see the rest of our adventures. Take care!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey there! You are VERY appreciated here! Has anyone ever told you you're very handsome? You are! Well, did you name Tama-neko? I'm kind of confused. What does 'Tama' mean? Also, what does 'fushigi yuugi' mean? I'm going to wait for your reply, thinking of how handsome you are...yum...
*plants a kiss on his cheek* Bye!
Mitsukake no Fan
Dear Mitsukake no Fan,
Arigato for your sweet remarks! They mean a lot to me. Miaka actually named Tama-neko. It is a common name for a cat and as far as I know doesn't have a particular meaning. Except that Tamahome did take offense at it at first because Tasuki teased him so much about it! "Fushigi" means mysterious or amazing and "Yuugi" means play or game.
Dear Tasuki,
Umm... could you have made your answer a little more vague? Well, I'm laughing because you get a lot of weird harrassment from crazy fans. I would say not all of them are crazy, but they are. My sister said she wouldn't want a guy with such a bad history(of women). She actually likes FY since it's more for adults, so I hope that girl with the little 6 year old cousin doesn't let her watch too much. Well, I'm NOT a slacker! My sis told me 'bout that comment! Hmm... could I borrow your tessen for a couple minutes? I'd like to fry my @$$hole of a friend! Well, my sister is typing this for me, so I'll let her stop now. Ja!
PS. Pixy stix? Haven't had those in a while...
Uh... what answer??? Must been a bender I fergot th' answer AN' th' question!!! Heh-heh-heh.... Maybe yer sister can get ya' some pixy stix. Th' gorl wit' th' 6 year old cousin has cut her off from our adventures till th' kid's older. I'd loan ya' th' tessen, but I think fryin' people's against th' law where you come from. Feel better soon!!
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen nasai! I know you get a LOT of letters! You guys are so popular, and don't you feel loved? =) How are you? It's too bad you get so many letters, because for some questiong when you need details you get only a few words. Also, my friend and I have come to the conclusion you cuss, just not to anyone's face. Is that true? Who knows what goes on behind the scenes! =) Well, this is ONE letter, so I hope you answer it. *gives Chichiri a kiss* Had to, you understand! =)
PS. Do you enjoy having SO MANY fans?
Dear Chrissy,
Well, I may be a monk, but I am only human, no da! I suppose if I was angered or irritated enough I might do a fair imitation of Tasuki, no da! Although answering so many letters is hard work, I do appreciate ALL of my fans, na no da!
Dear Tasuki,
It's me. You know, the man-hating warrior/sorce....
Enyo: It's us again....
Enyo: Excuse u. what did u call me.
Enyo: Make me!!!!!
{circe ties enyo up}
Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted, after many hours of testing, it has been proven I am not in any way related to u. Did this gurl and four others come up to u guys????
Dear Circe,
Nah, they jus' asked th' other Seishi a buncha questions. Glad to hear you an' I ain't related!
Dear Tasuki,
In reply to the last question on where my parents are during all of this is not home.*laughs* My father doesn't get home until mid-afteroon and my mother has to check up on my injuried cousin. Basicly I'm very happy when my untire family is away. *laughs* I soon will have to leave home to visit relatives and have to fly there and imagine this scene. Utena, the pink haired she-freak. Artemis, the tealed haired she-freak. And Sephiroth, the white haired freak on a plane. And my parents have to take a seperate flight.0.o; I thought you took vacations to get away from your family! I think this spells terbulance. In short I'm doomed...
Got any advice? Or an openings for bandits?
Dear Iria,
Ya' gotta ask Kouji 'bout th' bandit openin', but I don't think he's lettin' any women in. An' from yer name I'm guessin' yer female. Advice? I dunno, act like ya' don't know 'em an' hope they don't demolish th' plane?
Dear Tamahome,
Don't worry. I told my cousin when she is old enough, she can watch the rest of the episodes. I wouldn't show them to her for two reason:1. I don't want to read the sub-titles out load to her, and 2. As you mentioned before, I don't want to tramatize her for life. So no need to worry. Thanks for the concern anyways. So how are you and Miaka doing? Oh yeah, you know, Tasuki birthday is on the 18th. Planning on doing anything mean to him? I trying to get a party together for him, and if you have anything planned that would be "interesting", tell me. Well, adios.
Dear Mary-chan,
Miaka and I are both fine, thanks for asking. I was thinking of having a pool party for Tasuki's birthday. What do you think?
Dear Tasuki,
We wouldn't think of molesting you at the party...Unlike other people, WE know how to keep our hands to ourselves...
Anyway, we expect you to show up at the party on your b-day. We'll bring the sake, and you bring Kouji, K?
Until then...
Dear Iridal,
Sure, ya' do... I'll be bringin' Koujiso get the sake ready!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i need some help..i can't play this game anymore..i'm in college and did very well last well in fact that i got an award for academic excellence and a scholarship...this semester i'm not doing so great...i'm not failing but if i keep this up i will fail and lose the parents and family are so proud of me and i keep fooling everyone into believing that i'm doing great in all my subjects, when in reality i'm not...i think i'm even fooling myself sometimes...i can't do this anymore and i can't tell my family that i've been lieing to them about my grades, they'd be disappointed in me..and i don't want that..i know that i should work hard for the rest of the semester and boost my grades up but i know myself too well..i have spring break next week and i know that i won't do any school work...i'm on vacation!!..i'd rather be hanging out w/some friends than sitting home and doing work...i'm not sure why i'm writing to you, i guess it's because i don't know who else to tell..i needed to get this out in the was starting to kill me inside when ever someone asked how i was doing in school and i heard myself reply "i'm doing great!"...please write back soon!!!!!
Dear Jen-Chan,
First stop lying to yourself and to the world in general and get some academic help! If you aren't failing, NOW is the tiome to tell your parents and get a tutor if you need one. You're obviously very intelligent since you were awarded a scholarship, so wht ahas happened this semester that is different from last semester? How long is your Spring Break? If it is 2 weeks, perhaps you could spend one week studying and one week partying. I know it's hard and sometimes no fun, but all your hard work will pay off in the end. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
NO, you can keep the fire extinguisher. Fran-Nyan's enjoying the flames.
("Fire... pretty fire...." *Chibi picture of Fran-Nyan with marshmallows in hand* heheheh... :)
We kept it going as long as we could. You might have to come back soon, cause it's going out, and then Fran-Nyan will go - well - even more insane then she already is.
("FIRE! FIRE! YEAAAHH!" ;) (Gomen... I like fire... ;)
Ju-Chan and (Fran-Nyan)
Dear Ju-Chan and (Fran-Nyan),
Sure is pretty isn't it? Hmph, well don't get burned! An' if ya' do, don't blame ME fer it! Marshmallows... YUM! Gimme some kudasai???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi there! What are your elements? (Wood, Metal...) That kind of thing...Just want to know.
The Occultist
Dear The Occultist,
Well, aside from the obvious two (Tasuki - Fire and Hotohori - Water [his symbol is the sea snake]), I don't think we have any elements per se. Do we need them?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do your names mean?
Dear hm,
Check this site for the meanings to our names, no da! It is quite extensive, na no da! Arigato to Kristi, Priya, and their friends, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I wasn't saying Kouji wasn't your best friend. We all know Kouji is your best friend. You've said it tons of times. We all know you want to hurt Tamahome even though he's a friend of yours. So how is Kouji anyways? Tell him I said hi even though he doesn't know me. Since you are Kouji best friend, when is his birthday??? Oh don't worry I don't like him I like you. *wink wink* Just KIDDING!!!!
Dear Mary-chan,
He's NEVER told me!! Sheesh!! Some people! Try the Chicken of Doom website (on our links peeji). Maybe he told them!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Um... you say Kouji is loyal, well thanks for the TINY bit of info, but I need more traits about him. What's his personality like? What does he love? What does he hate? Does he like his name being spelled
K-O-U-J-I or K-O-J-I??????????? Please just tell me!
needs more help
Dear needs more help,
Ok, he spells his name KOUJI. He is 2 years older than Tasuki. They met when he was 17 and Tasuki was 15 and Tasuki first joined the Mt. Reikaku bandits. You might try looking for the Kouji Shrine. I know that at least one exists on the web. I just don't recall the webaddress, gomen. You might also check the Chicken of Doom website (it's on our links peeji) for where to find the translation of Tasuki's novel Genrou Den. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Hori-sama! Don't ever forget that your the coolest suzaku seishi!!!!! YAY!!!!
now to my question...
Remember back when you and Nuriko and Miaka went to Mt. Leikaku to find the 5th seishi? And 'member when you had to act like a female servent? ^^;
Well, I gotta know the name of that bandit that hung all over you! He cracked me up! :o)
I gotta know! (I bet you have fond memories of him... ^_^)
hmmm... maybe Genrou would know... Gen-chan!?
Dear fanfic-writer,
Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I do not have any memories fond or otherwise of that bandit. It was a most unpleasant experience! I asked Tasuki and he said "Fred". I doubt that is his real name as Tasuki was... well... just let us say, "being Tasuki". Gomen that I was unable to help you with this.
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