Letters Archive
Week Ending April 04, 1999

Dear Tasuki,

      can I be sailor moon?


Dear amy,

      I s'ppose ya' can be anythin' ya' want if ya' put yer mind to it. But I hear that th' Sailor Moon role was taken by some chick going by th' name of Serena or Usagi. Ya' might wanna ask her.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      How come i canīt write to Miaka on this site?


Dear Dana,

      Well, when this peeji was first started it was decided that it would just be the seven of us. Miaka, I believe, has her own website and she may even answer letters on it.


Dear Chiriko,

      Are they going to play the SuperSailorScouts on Cartoon Network?

SailorMoon Fan Lindsey Sophath

Dear Lindsey,

      That's the rumor. You should check the web for a Cartoon Network homepage and see what they say about Sailor Moon.


Dear Tamahome,

      ONII-CHAAANNNN!!! Wo Ai Ni, Onii-Chan!! :) When are you coming home? We miss you!!


(PS..Onii-Chan, this is Chuei. Yuiren wanted to write to you. She misses you a lot and wants you and Miaka to come home.)

Dear Yuiren,

      I miss all of you, too. So does Miaka. We hope to be home soon, but I do have to deal with the mail and my duties before I can leave. Be a good girl until I get home, OK?


Dear Chiriko,

      *darts in with a chocolate chip cookie cake and a neatly wrapped package*

      *smiles* Hi Happy Birthday...*sweatdrop*...sorry I'm late. ^_^; *places the cake on the table and then hand the present over*

      It's a collection of classical books like Poe and others. *smiles* I hope you enjoy them. As much as I do.^_^

Ja ne.


Dear Iria,

      Arigato gozaimasu! I quite enjoy reading the works of Edgar Allen Poe! The keeki was oishikatta desu!


Dear Tasuki,

      So you hate women because they can manipulate you?


Dear Someone,

      Bingo!!! Ain't ya' th' clever one?


Dear Chiriko,

      Okay, Chiriko-kun, I have only one question. Where's your parents in all of this?! I mean, you have to still live at home right? You're only 13. Did they give you permission to go save Kunon Country or did you sneak out of a window? ((You really need to go to this site some time!At least read the Public Service Announcement, It's hilarious!))


Dear Lea-chan,

      Ahem, as they were well aware of my "gift" they were more than willing to send me to Konan to help the Emperor and the country in their time of need.


Dear Mitsukake,

      hi...i forgot that you could heal animals too..sorry about that..my dog is home now and is back to her old self again...Arigato for the letter!!! and pet Tama-Chan for me!!!


Dear Jen-Chan,

      I am glad that your inu is home and doing well. Give her a pet for me.


Dear Tamahome,

      I just want to tell you that I think it is wonderful how much you love and care for Miaka. I hope that the two of you will be very happy together forever. You have a good heart and so does she. Just keep on ignoring what all the jelous people keep sayin (looks over her shoulder to dodge any incoming blows from annoyed fans) One question, do you have any suggestion for a rather lonely young girl? I find myself in this postion and my spirits are low. I can only pray that I may be as fortunate as Miaka was when she found you and find my own true love.

Thank you so much,


PS best wishes for peace and happiness to all the seishi

Dear Tears4theMoon,

      Arigato for your kind words. Why are you lonely? Did you just break up with your boyfriend? If so, don't sit home feeling bad, get out and enjoy yourself! Join a club or a sports activity that interests you. That way you'll be able to meetnew people with tastes and interests that are shared by you. You might even find your special person there. Good luck!


Dear Mitsukake,

      I know you're not boring. You're just pretty silent and talk lesser than the others. An advice to you: Smile a little bit more and try to open your mouth once in a while so you won't look so boring. Maybe you could even try to go out some. It really wouldn't hurt to not think of Shouka for awhile. One more thing: Maybe you should spend some more time with Tasuki...You could make him a little milder and he'll make you hot. I think you're a really nice guy with the right tones and muscles. Just let the inner you out a little more. You're not boring. You just need some more spice in your life. I believe Tasuki's the right guy for the job. He has too much of it.

Just Being Nice

Dear Just Being Nice,

      I actually spend quite A LOT of time with Tasuki. However, it is usually after he has been drinking and brwaling and I have to heal him. That is an interesting suggestion that you have put forth. I shall think about it. Arigato.


Dear Tasuki,

      Hi there! Why do you cry and yell so much? Is it a hormone thing or something? Or is it because you're total retard? Don't be offended, though. I think you're kind of cute! Wanna go out with me some time? I bet I could drink more sake than you do...Or maybe we'll just break even...if you're good enough. Fantasize about me, fangboy!


Dear Clueless,

      I'm not a *(&^%$#@ retard total or otherwise!!!! Jus' fer that, I ain't goin' out wit ya'!!


Dear Tasuki,

      Why do ya hate Wemon? Is it because you had sooooo many sisters, and you were the only guy in the family? Well I really want to know so e-mail me back k BYE

Misato Chan

Dear Misato Chan,

      Of course it was! You live wit' a bunch of evil harpies an' tell me if ya' don't end up hatin' women!


Dear Tamahome,

      Okay, you're the one that needs advice. First, let's start by calling you Obake-chan *cringes and backs away*. See? It's just a silly nickname ! Why do you beat up people who call you that? That's just plain wrong and you need to control your temper better! I understand how you felt when the kids called you Oba- that name because I got called a couple names myself that I didn't like. You should see my biology class, "gene" and "Jean" sound the same all the time so it's a pain. Not to mentions some kids are total @##$^$#*&%@!#. But, you're encouraging people by your reaction, so just calm down, okay Obake-chan? *eeps and runs far distance*, I mean Tama-chan *runs all the way home*


Dear Jean,

      Well, truthfully the only person I ever fought with over the name was Tasuki and we all know he usually deserves whatever he gets!


Dear Chiriko,

      Since you are the smartest Seshi I wanted to ask you something. One the 3 wishes that Miaka made, could she wish for more wishes? That has been bugging me for a while. Well Thank You for your time see ya!

Misato Chan

Dear Misato Chan,

      Good question! I suppose she could have but, it was just not fated to be.


Dear Nuriko,

      *leaves Tasuki alone for a change* Teehee! Oi, Nuriko-san!!! Let me wash your hair and style it!!! Onegai!! You have such beautiful hair...*clasps hands together and stars appear in her eyes* Kireeeeiiiiii...And we can have a sleepover!!! Wai!!!!


Dear Neko-chan,

      OK. But no pulling or snipping of my hair for collectibles!


Dear Hotohori,

      In response to your answer about the Reese's eating. >.< I found it somewhat disturbing that you savor every bite knowing that you're visualizing it as Tamahome. Cutting or no cutting. Why would you want him in your mouth?! *cringing* Is there something we don't know...

somewhat disturbed

Dear somewhat disturbed,

      I never realized it sounded that way! Gomen nasai! It does sadsly seem as if humour is NOT one of my MANY talents. *sigh*


Dear Chiriko,

      My best friend is planning on dressing like you for the next convention, but we're having one problem - the hair. What do you suggest we do in order to emulate your oh-so-cool hair style?

Hair Seekers

Dear Hair Seekers,

      1) Find a cheap pink wig and style it accordingly. 2) Find a hairstylist that will do a temporary color rinse on your and will style it that way. Personally, I would opt for number 1.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      Gotta know - which do prefer: boxers or briefs?

Underwear Gal

Dear Underwear Gal,

      We have answered this question more times than we can count, no da! The answer is fundoshi, no da!


Dear Chiriko,

      Hey Mr. Chiriko! How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie-roll center of a Tootsie Pop? *hands him one just in case*


Dear Gryphon-sama,

      I believe the correct answer is to ask Owl-san. Thanks for the oishii lollipop!


Dear Tasuki,

      Why can't we call you Gen-chan, Gen-chan?

Gen-chan Obsessive Person

Dear Gen-chan Obsessive Person,

      Because "chan" is used fer women an' children! An' I AIN'T either of those!


Dear Tasuki,

      *goes SD and latches onto one of his arms overprotectively, giving a slight anxious glare, and speaks monotone* Hoi....Tasuki-san....you'd only pose for me in black satin...or black silk sheets now...wouldn't you....? Ž.Ž;; *suddenly smiles, and is back to normal Amy-chan* Ara!! Mulan-chan illustrated my cereal idea....I didn't have time to ink it all yet. ^_^; Teehee, the end gets even better. *-*;;;


Dear Amy-chan,

      I checked out yer site but was only able to get parts of th' pictures. So, when's Mulan doing th' rest of th' Seishi pictures or did Tamahome, Hotohori, an' Chichiri give her some lame excuse to get outta it?


Dear Tamahome,

      How about a dime instead of some ryou? I'm dem broke today. Think crooked sister. How are you today? I just wanted to write because i'm in a airy mood and writing sort of gets rid of it. Oh and one more thing before I forget..... how'd ya like Nuriko's kiss?


Dear Anonymous,

      *Shudders at the thought* All things considered, it wasn't nearly as disgusting as Nakago's, but I prefer Miaka's kisses any day!


Dear Hotohori,

      Hotohori??...why do you invision a Reese's peanut butter cup as Tamahome?? you said that you wanted to slice it into itty bitty bits...why Tamahome?? is there something that i'm missing about the 2 of you??


Dear Jen-Chan,

      No, it was merely a joke.


Dear Tasuki,

      Oh my gosh........... it's the redhead. Ah, who cares? WHy's your head red?


Dear SUzy,

      'Cos I'm soooooo +*^%$#@ COOL!!


Dear Chichiri,

      If I had a kesa or a kasa I'd use it to fly away from home...... and my sister........ they're annoying......... So many pyramids. I hate construction projects....... we have to give an oral presentation........ can I borrow your kasa? I need somewhere to go until the presentation is over. Then maybe I'll go flying over a cliff or something, the Grand Canyon. THat sounds cool. But you're not going to give me your kasa ne?


Dear Oddball,

      No, I'm not, no da! Shukudai o shite, benkyo o shite, no da! (Do your homework and study, no da!)


Dear Tasuki,

      Tasukiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! Long time no see! How ya doin? I'm pretty good...all week, I've had training at work, and they let us out like an hour early. It's pretty cool. I still hate getting up early (who wouldn't) but for the pay, it's great, and I've made a lot of really good friends (even if most of them are old enough to be my mom or dad.)

      However...there is this one guy...practically the only guy in the building that's close to my age (he's 19) and he is SUCH A JERK! EEEEEERRRRRGH! I wanna kill him. He's always making me feel incredibly stupid, and being mean to me...he is so immature! AGH! What is it about dorky guys? I mean, you're about his age, and you aren't a jerk! (Notice, I didn't say you were terribly mature...but then again, your maturity level is higher than his, so it's cool. Who wants to hang around really grown up people anyway? ^_^) Wanna help me beat the little creep up? I'm so sick of the crap. >.<

      Back off that tangent. I've vented enough on that. :) I haven't counted up the members of the club lately, and I'm going to wait a couple more days before I do that, just 'cause I'm lazy, but I DID finally get around to updating the membership list (work certainly takes a nice chunk out of my day...can't update my page very often) and you're definitely still in the lead as far as people that want you for your body go. ^_^ WAY ahead of obake-chan.

      Oh yeah, guess what I've been doing! (the reason I'm so happy) I started writing a story a couple weeks ago, and I was just planning for it to be a short little story, and it's already 63 pages long! I'm so happy...because I haven't had writer's block yet, and this has to be the longest story I've written in such a short time...and it's not anywhere near being done yet. It's even a completely original story...so for once, I'm not writing fanfics where you get molested...(JUST KIDDING!)

      Anyways...I gotta run along, so I'll talk to you later. Give all the other seishi my love, but save a little for yourself, and hug them if it doesn't offend your masculine sensibilities TOO much. :)

Ja ne!


Dear KnM,

      Good to hear from ya'! Glad yer doin' good. I'll tell th' guys ya said "Hi", but I don't think I'll be huggin' ANY of 'em!


Dear Tasuki,

      Your comment about gettin in the accident to avoid you pissed me off at first, but I've been laughing about anyway. I think you're relieved this happened. Save you the humiliation of getting your @$$ kicked. Well, I'd come brawl with ya' now if I could get up! L8r!



      Yeah, yeah, ya' say that now when yer in a cast an' all! Why don't ya' heal first an' then we'll see who kicks who's @$$!!!


Dear Nuriko,

      Hi Nuriko! *waves genkily in Nuriko's direction* I just wanted to let you know I love you soooo much that I am opening Nuriko.net in your honor and I even dyed my hair purple for Animazement 99. I even wore a purple braid I made myself! ^_^. Now that is love. Thanks for being you!


PS. Check out my name baby!! ^_~

Dear RyuuenNoAisai,

      Interesting namae. I guess this Ryuuen guy must be pretty lucky, whoever he is! Kawaii!! Arigato for the Nuriko.net! I look forward to checking what you post there!


Dear Chiriko,

      Um...I have a question of language. I was wondering just exactly what the difference is between the male and female forms of Nihongo. I know it must sound terribly stupid, but I blundered my way into an awkward situation the other day by accidentally using the male form of something. I got some...odd looks from my friends to say the least. Then they teased me all day. *sweatdrop* Pleeeease help me, Chiriko-san!


Dear Oops!,

      Males will use boku or ore to refer to themselves as it means "I" and omae and kimi to refer to others. (Kisama if they are VERY angry.) Females will use atashi and watashi (men also use watashi) to refer to themselves and anata to refer to others. They will sometimes use kimi to refer to other women or small children. Most of the curse an slang words are used by males. Although, baka (idiot/stupid) seems to be used by everyone. Hope this helped.


Dear Nuriko,

      hi Nuriko!! i just want to know why hasn't anyone answered any of MY questions?? you answered everyone else's!!! why not mine!!!!??? i don't get it, Nuriko, i love all you guys...you're all so awesome. why didn't my questions get answered?? it hurts me that you guys wrote back to everyone else, even my friend Ju-Chan got responses back, but i didn't. write back soon!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Jen-Chan *confused and hurt*

Dear Jen-Chan,

      I do believe some of your questions may have been answered by the other Seishi. Check the Peeji and the Archives Peejis. We are so snowed under with mail that if one sends in multiple questions it does not mean that they will ALL be answered. We are doing our best, gomen nasai.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      Why are all of you males? Like Tamahome said..I wish the other seishi are females. *_*


Dear Kevin-baka,



Dear Tasuki,

      How could you let Miaka tie you up? I just finished watching that episode and how could you let her do that?!! It's just weird! Are you that easily tricked?!!!


Dear Someone,

      Now ya' know why I HATE women!!!


Dear Tamahome,

      2 gold ryou? 2 Gold ryou?? 2 GOLD RYOU??!!


      this 1 can b free! well, b-4 u b-came totally obsessed w/miaka, did u ever like yui? u'r a walking/talking hormone, so it's kind of admirable u didn't give in-2 her seduction. answer my question as fast as u can, please! thanx!


Dear shortcut,

      I hardly saw Yui before Miaka & I met. So I guess you say that Yui never had a chance.


Dear Hotohori,

      hiya! i would hate 2 b an emperor. u can't do much that u want. i can do a lot of things. have u ever thought about making some1 else emperor? just wondering... bye... can't think of anything to ask u... what do u like to do in u'r spare time? answer me!


Dear shortcut,

      Never. I actually do enjoy being Emperor. I would like to spend more time adventuring with my fellow Seishi.


Dear Tamahome,

      1 gold ryou, take it or leave it! Just wanted to say you're too good for Miaka. Join me instead.

a lady street tough

Dear a lady street tough,

      Thanks but no thanks. I love Miaka and would nver leave her willingly for anyone or anything.


Dear Tamahome,

      That was really sweet how you answered to my cousin's question. She was so happy when I called her house and told her you answered her letter. She was so excited. She also told me later that she wishes she was Miaka so she could always get attention from you. I showed her the first 12 epidsodes of Fushigi Yuugi but had to read the sub-titles out loud for her since she's only 6 years old and can't read. That really sucked. I suggest to anyone that they never ever read sub-titles out loud for six hours. Anyways, thanks for answer her letter. I don't think you're such a bad person, not that I though you were a bad person in the first place. Now maybe you can teach Tasuki to be that nice...


Dear Mary-chan,

      I'm glad that I was able to make your cousin happy. Although our adventures are interesting, as things progress the story does get darker and definitely too intense for 6 year olds. I just do not want us to be responsible for traumatizing your cousin.


Dear Nuriko,

      You're cute. Just thought I'd let you know ^_^ Bye!

Nuriko no Ko-Neko

Dear Nuriko no Ko-Neko,

      Arigato! tee-hee...


Dear Chichiri,

      I think you should keep your mask off. You're cuter that way. Facial scars are hot. ::purrs like a tigress::


Dear Meow,

      Arigato for the compliment, but I feel more comfortable with it on, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

      Do you love Miaka?


Dear Mother,

      Like a little sister.


Dear Tasuki,

      You're cute, will you marry me?!


Dear Brandy,

      Heh-heh... No!


Dear Chichiri,

      Guess what, no da! I have Chichiri fever, no da! I'm stuck on saying "no da", no da! I love saying "no da", no da! But it drives my friends up the wall, no da! Is there a cure for Chichiri Fever no da? This is because my friends are about to beat me into a bloody pulp, no da!


Dear Cheerecheere,

      Perhaps a cold shower, no da?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      MYYYYYYYY PAAAAANNNTTTIIIEEEEESSS!!!!!! *lands in middle of seishis* Uhh... where am I? What type of underwear do women wear here? Ooh! *spots Nuriko and pounces* Preeeeettttyyyy laaaddy!


Dear Happosai,

      *Slaps Happosai across the room* Get away from me you wrinkled weirdo!! Are you related to PJ????


Dear Tasuki,

      *sings* Sake things, and tessens! And little flames too!! ...Put into marshmallow form...Are so GOOD for you!!! *places a green derby on his head* Sing it with me now!


Dear Mulan,

      You are sooooo strange!!! So, where are th' rest of th' Seishi pictures (Chichiri, Tamahome, and Hotohori), eh?


Dear Chichiri,

      Yes I've tried to. I've tried everything I could think of. I guess you could talk to her, if you think it would help. Arigatou! Ah, could you also wish Chiriko a happy birthday for me?


Dear Kiwi,

      Hai! I will try to intervene on your behalf, no da. Take care and keep in touch, no da!


Dear Chiriko,

      Happy Birthday Chiriko!!!!!! ...well..belated that is...^_^; I had to make an unexpected trip to Ireland to visit family, or else I would have wished you a happy birthday sooner...eh-heh well here *hands him a chain with a four-leaf clover charm attached to it* It should give you good luck. I hope. ^_^ So how was your birthday? ...it wasn't one of those icky birthdays when your older brother dresses up like Barney and tries to sing with you was it..? (I'd know from experience.. PJ...)


Dear Peach,

      Ireland! Lucky you! Ano... *Sweatdrops and shudders as he visualizes PJ dressed as Barney...* I was lucky to have a birthday that was fun and free of purple dinosaurs.


Dear Nuriko,

      I'm soo hot for you! You are just so kawaii. It's just way too bad you're gay. Aww, dammit. You've made me depressed. I need your advice to cure the quest for unattainable love. And please don't refer to Mitsukake. I don't understand his medical mumbo jumbo.

I love nuri-chan

Dear I love nuri-chan,

      I'm NOT gay! Although I am still unattainable. Tee-hee... I don't know if there is a cure. Maybe the Nyan-Nyan can help?


Dear Tasuki,

      You're SOO cute!! I mean, really cute!!! I heard you go to prostitution houses (brothels). Where's the location? My best friend wants to screw with ya!!! (please don't flame me for that)

fire angel

Dear fire angel,

      Look, that was ONCE when I was 15!!! So knock it off already!! An' tell yer tomodachi to take a cold shower!


Dear Mitsukake,

      Who says you're boring? I've been very entertained by your, um, comments to certain situations and I don't think people give you near enough credit for the attitude you have. You poor guy. I can kind of see why you seem to be emotionless. I won't give away any spoilers because the newcomers to the show will not know what had happened to you. I hope you are doing better and now that you have one extra fan to add to your list! :-)

Mitsukake no Fan

Dear Mitsukake no Fan,

      Arigato! I'm glad to know there are people out there who appreciate me.


Dear Tasuki,

      After visiting your links peeji, I noticed a comment you made to Chichiri. Just what exactly were you suggesting? Haruka's been wondering as well. Sayonara.


Dear Michiru-san,

      Nani o imasen! Doushite?


Dear Nuriko,

      I noticed throughout the series everyone was so dang mean to you! Or else they just kind of ignored you... how could you put up with that? I came to the conclusion that it's because you were protecting Miaka so didn't really think about it, but how come you never really stood up for yourself? I hate to say a guy has more fashion sense than me, but you don't really considering some of the pictures and the clothes of our world which you have worn. Let's just say pink AIN'T your color. Hope you're not too angry about my comments, I just have an inquisitive side that can beinsulting at times. Please just answer. Arigato! Ja ne!


Dear some1,

      I don't think they all THAT mean to me. I was rather awful to Miaka in the beginning, so maybe it was just karmic payback. So, pink is not my color, eh?


Dear Hotohori,

      Hi Hotohori-sama! How are you? I don't really have a question, so I hope that's okay. I still can't believe when you were with the bandits earlier in the series and you were actually able to act as a 'common servant'. Also, I've never known you to run from a fight, but maybe tessens intimidate you, hmm? Bye!

your assassinator (J/K)

Dear assassinator (J/K),

      Hopefully J/K means joking. Genki desu. Acting is just one of my many talents.


Dear Tamahome,

      I said 50/50 and I MEAN 50/50!! Got it?! It took me a while to get the collection I have today and I won't just let you jip me out of it! Hope you understand a little more clearly now. Although it doesn't seem to be an issue anymore since, well, I don't care, and the fact I'm not gonna' let you sell my stuff anyway. *grins evilly waving a bad of goodies from a recent raid he had taken part in* Ja!


Dear Kouji,

      Fine! Be that way! Oh, check out what I made by selling some Tasuki stuff I had! *Grins and waves a HUGE bag of Okane* Ebay is GREAT!!!


Dear Tasuki,

      Hey there. Since regular t.v. has become annoying, just a bunch of crappy sitcoms with the same plot, I decided to watch some FY. I saw the one when you made your first appearance, and i have been wondering where on earth you had been before coming back and having your former leader freaking about your absense. Well, where had you been? Also, I'm doing okay. Typing takes forever when you can only use one hand! Gotta' go. Ja ne!



      Th' usual, out lookin' fer trouble... heh-heh... Glad to hear yer doin' better!


Dear Tasuki,

      Hey Genrou!! We were wondering if you would like to grace us with a visit for a birthday party in your honor. There'll be lots of sake, and ice cream cake (you know how WELL they go together...) So what flavor do you want? :)

      By the way, bring Kouji. We hear he's a lot of fun at parties. Hell, bring all your bandit buddies. We have plenty to go around.

Moonbeam & Iridal

P.S. What did you want for your b-day? (Other than more sake?)

Dear Moonbeam & Iridal,

      Since ya' asked, I wanna chocolate an' green tea ice cream keeki! An' I want to not be mauled, jello'ed whipped creamed, or otherwise abused!!! Is THAT too much to ask???


Dear Chichiri,

      Hello! You said you answered SOME of my questions, by why not respond to all of them? I knew I'd screw things up... Well, thanks for the info! I've also given up my old ways, so don't worry about any kisses this time. Oh, how come whenever anyone gets wet, they stay wet for about two seconds even if it had been a good dousing? Just wondering my weird thoughts. I guess I get a little too into detail. Oh, well. =)


Dear Chrissy,

      Gomen Chrissy, but we are getting so many letters that we are doing the best we can, no da. If someone sends us several letters, we may only answer one or two of them so we can also answer the people who have only sent one letter to us. This may not seem fair to you and I apologize for that but, we need to try and be fair to everyone, no da. Regardless of whether or not I answered all of your letters, I did read all of your letters, no da. You did not screw anything up, no da. Perhaps the drying of wet people has to with the ambient temperature of their environment, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

      I'm writing to ask you for a little advice (shocking, I know). I have a friend here at college, and lately, she's been getting grades that her parents consider 'less than satisfactory.' It's not that she isn't studying; she works her butt off, but she only manages to pull C's in her classes. As such, her parents are acting like real a$$holes and have come down pretty hard on her, taking her TV away and threatening to take her car away as well, but all they have succeeded is to give her extreme test anxiety, and she bursts into tears when she gets her test grades back.

      As her friend, I try to do as much as I can for her, you know, help her study and cheer her up, but I feel like my hands are tied. It's come to a point where I wince when I know it's a day when there's a test or we're getting out grades back.

What can I do? *sighs and gives a tiny smile* Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble.

Say hi to Kouji for me.


Dear Iridal,

      Ya' said, "Lately her grades have fallen." What was she gettin' before? If she was pullin' A's an' B's an' is now gettin' C's perhaps you an' her parents might wanna have a talk wit' her an' find out what's wrong. A lot of times when grades fall like that it's caused by having a drug or alcohol problem. (An' I KNOW from alcohol! Heh-heh...)

      If this is her problem, punishment ain't gonna work! They need to talk to her an' get her some help! If that ain't th' problem, talk to her an' try to find out what is. It may be that she needs a tutor or glasses or somethin'!! But either way yer a good tomodachi fer tryin' to help her. Good luck to both of ya'!


Dear Tasuki,

      Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaasuki!!! ::clings to Tasuki's leg:: Will you dump Koji for me? ::gives him a puppy eyed look::

Celes Chere

Dear Celes Chere,

      NO!! An' leggo of my leg!!


Dear Tasuki,

      Yeah! He's home, and oh so whiny! All his friends have been over at some point or another, and of course EVERY family member in our state has come to visit! I've had to do a LOT of cleaning! Well, he will probably write some more when he's up to it. He's just been resting. His girlfirend came over and gave him a kiss and he seemed pretty happy. Well, thaaat's all and thanks for being such a sweetie!


Dear DEATHWISHER'S lil sis,

      Heh-heh... no problem! Jus' tell that slacker as soon as he's able I'm ready to kick some butt an' have a good 'ol time brawlin'!


Dear Hotohori,

      Can you tell me a story?


Dear purple,

      If I had more time and more space on the peeji, yes I would. Gomen nasai.


Dear Chichiri,

      Everyone's talking about the year 2000 like it's a possible plague.... should I be worried?

should I

Dear should I,

      Probably not, no da. There will certainly be problems with computers that are not Y2K (Year 2000) compatible, but most companies and governments are working VERY hard to fix that, no da.


Dear Mitsukake,

      I was at Animazement 99 (Whoo-hoo! Yuu Watase's so cool!) and I found a pencilboard with your image. Tama-neko is on your arm, and you are only wearing an undershirt. My question is...

      SWEET MOTHER OF SUZAKU! If you look THAT good, why do you wear that stupid yellow jacket all the time?! Geez, man! Show off a little more or you'll never get fans!

Taiki no Miko

Dear Taiki no Miko,

      Arigato for the compliment. I am, however, very reserved by nature and really given to showing off. Although, I will keep your suggestion in mind. I am glad that you liked my picture.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      Here's a few questions:

1.) How long can u hold ur breath?

2.) Do u prefer stripes or spots?

3.) Do u say AHranges or ORanges?

4.) Do u sing in the shower?

5.) Do u sleep with a stuffed animal?

6.) Who is the loudest person u know? (he,he,he)

7.) WHo is the weirdest person u know?

8.) take a break relax

9.) Do u think boys or gurls have it easier?

10.) Do u think this is annoying?: Kakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka.

11.) And finally, do u think socks are fun?

not Nakago

Dear not Nakago,

      To keep it short we each chose a question:

4.) Do u sing in the shower? Tasuki: Heh-heh... Ya bet yer sweet @** I do!! 'Specially since I have th' best voice!

5.) Do u sleep with a stuffed animal? Nuriko: Does my Hotohori UFO Catcher Doll count? Hee-hee...

6.) Who is the loudest person u know? (he,he,he) Chichiri: Tasuki, no da! Especially when he showers, no da!!

7.) Who is the weirdest person u know? Tamahome: Tomo. But, I'm not sure if he really qualifies as a person...

9.) Do u think boys or gurls have it easier? Chiriko: Boys. In ancient China girls and women have few to no rights whatsoever!

10.) Do u think this is annoying?: Kakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka. Hotohori: Yes, incredibly so...

11.) And finally, do u think socks are fun? Mitsukake: As compared to what? Shoes?

Suzaku Seishi

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