Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you know where I could sign up to be a Nyan Nyan? I wanna be a Nyan Nyan! Wanna be a Nyan Nyan! Nyan Nyan! Nyan Nyan! Ooh, Tama-Neko sooo KAWAII~~~~~~!!!!! Nyan Nyan nyan nyan, byebye!
Kawaii Piku
Dear Kawaii Piku,
Have you considered applying to Taiitsu-kun for the job, no da? They say that it's not so much a job as an adventure, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I was checking out FY pages and came across the page W0 Ai Ni Fushigi Yuugi Romances. (The site is WoAiFushigiYuugi) You should go there then enter Cupid's arrow and see what is written about you. I must say it is intresting. You could use what is written there as a check list for potential people seeking you. I would like to hear your opinon on the info there.
Dear Tasuki-san,
Oi! I'm th' ONLY Tasuki-san in this place! I went to th' webpeeji an' threats of drowin' an' crazed hentai chicks ain't gonna make me marry someone!!
Dear Tasuki,
How do you show your love to a girl? Would you like give her flowers or something like that or tease her to oblivion?
Dear Adorable,
Depends on th' age of th' guy. My age an' older generally givin' flowers is what we do. 15 an' younger teasin' her an' pickin' on her is usually what we do.
Dear Chiriko,
Everyone's been telling me that it's rude to point. *sniff* everyone's so mean *sniff* I'm just doing what I think is right to further the cause of justice. *sniff* why is rude to point anyway?
Dear Amelia,
I'm not cerain why, but it is. Etiquette is not one of my areas of great scholarship. Gomen nasai.
Dear Tasuki,
I must say that I think you have some very nice teeth. Your fangs are the absolute best. I do have a question... how often do you brush 'em? Huh? Huh? If you keep up eating all those pixy stix you might lose your teeth! Now we don't want that, do we? Heck, you never know what long term effect they might have. Maybe after eating a lot of 'em you will turn into a pixy. Hey that's an intresting picture... Tasuki the little pixy... heh heh heh. Well that will be al for now. Oh wait one more thing lay off the beer too! Try water, fruits and veggies. Well by for now.
Dear Tasuki-san,
I ain't gonna turn into no (*^%$#@ pixy! 'Che! Where do ya' people get these weird ideas??? An' I brush at least twice a day! So there! Oh yeah, I'M th' ONLY Tasuki-san 'round here an' I don't remember writin' to myself...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OMISGOSH! I JUST MADE A STARLING DISCOVERY!!!!! LINA INVERSE FROM THE SLAYERS IS, in her own subtle way, A COMBINATION OF ALL THE SUZAKU SEISHI AND SUZAKU NO MIKO!!!!!!! (Slayers is an anime, for the seishi that don't know)
1.) She's obsessed with money like Tamahome. (NOT THAT THAT'S A BAD THING. -CHA-CHING-)
2.) She's good in magic like Chichiri, and is a purdee good fisher. (HEY CHICHIRI, UR SO COOL!!!!)
3.) She can heal like Mitsukake. (MITS, MY BUDDY, MY PAL, MY CHUM, MY HOMIE, I'm running out of synomyns)
4.) After comparing her with Gourry, she's purdee bright. And she's also young, but is thought to be younger. (That's kinda goes with u Chiriko, NO OFFENSE. LUV U. LET'S BE BUDDIES)
5.) This gurl has a temper, and most of her attacks deal with fire, i.e. "fireball" and "flare arrows". GUESS WHO THIS IS ASSOCIATED WITH. U kick @$$ Genrou!!!!! Yeah!!!!
6.) She's confident, and a bit narcasstic. (at least she's happy with herself) No offense Hotohori, but that's you. I like ur confidence though. Kudos to u.
7.) She's witty, like Nuriko. (love u Nuriko, platonically. let's be friends!!!!)
8.) U should see this gurl eat, god. That's Miaka written all over. This gurl doesn't stop.
'kay. That's all I have to say. Oh, yeah, FUSHIGI YUUGI AND SLAYERS KICKS @$$!!!!!
~~~ravings of a brunette~~~, u can call me Clio
Dear Clio,
All seven of us AND Miaka all rolled into one tiny girl??? Koawaii, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
BAST: Is it true that love is a trick nature plays to get people to reproduce?
AELURUS: Oh, yeah, by the way. Tasuki, would u like to meet our friend, Circe. She so much like u.
ENYO: Yeah!!!!! She hates men, you hate women, somehow they cancel each other out, like a double negative or something.
ERIS: She's also a great fighter and likes getting drunk, too. She can cook also..........if she had to.
BELLONA: Come on other seishi, back us up here.
Bellona, Enyo, Eris, Aelurus, and Bast
Dear Bellona, Enyo, Eris, Aelurus, and Bast,
Not a chance! We don't get involved in Tasuki's love life (like he EVEN HAS one!)!!
Dear Tasuki,
Ahoy, hoy. U should feel very, very happy that I even considered speaking to u, being that u are a male and all. I am a female warrior/sorceress from a interdimesional dimesion somewhat simliar to urs. My comrades are teasing me by saying that I am so much like u and threatens to set us up. No offense, but there's this whole men make me want to vomit thing I have going on, and any man who dares touches me dies a horrible, slow, painful death, cuz men are pigs. Oh, hold up. I don't want to insult the pigs. Well, basically I just want to warn u. If five gyrls with strange colored hair and strange tatoos approach u or ur other senshi, run away!!!!!!!! Better yet, kill them!!!!! On second thought, don't kill them, Lekka Shein them or whatever u males do and injure them slightly. Make them run home to momma!!!!!!!!!!! mwahahahahaha!!!!!! {ha, teach them to make secret plots against me)
Dear Circe,
So, who's side of my family are ya' related to? Ya' sound like my sister Aidou!
Dear Tasuki,
I have a problem with my older brothers and sisters pickin' on me, pulling pranks, embrassin' me and basicly beating the crap out of me...
And I have 3 of them Sephiroth, Artemis and Utena. Sephiroth kicks my *ss, Artemis teases me and embrasses me anywhere at any price and Utena well she throw things at me and will barge in on me and drag me evrywhere.
Like for instantance when my friend slep-over one time they painted her face like Tomo's and dragged me outside in my jammies and threw me into the pool at 5:00am and here is the kicker, it was in the middle of Febuary. I am now comin' very close to be parinoid...
Dear Iria,
Heh-heh, sounds like MY family!! Where are yer parents when all this is goin' on?
Dear Chiriko,
Hello there! I have a question for you that I really need answers to. How do you know the gender of a rabbit and how do you know if they're pregnant?
Thank you!
Dear Adorable,
Take it to the vet for sexing and a pregnancy test.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
got milk?
Dear Chiriko,
Have u been good lately? I've been hearing things. Something about u being in a gang with Chibi Usa, Tomoe Hotaru, Trunks, Goten, AleAle, Skuld, Sasami, and some others. Is there any truth to these rumors? If it is then, I'd just like to say, somehow this is all ur fault Tasuki!!!!!! I don't know how, but this has the markings of a drunken escapade by u, Fang-boy. I mean Fang-boy lovingly.(gomen, none of that made sense, but u get the general idea)
Dear Pasiphae,
Daijobou! I haven't fallen in with a bad crowd! Tasuki won't allow it! At least until I'm older...
Dear Tamahome,
I am 6 years old. My name is Rachel. My cousin Mary-chan is writing this. Your my favorite Seishi. Please write back. Thank you.
Rachel, Mary-chan's cousin
Dear Rachel,
Thank you for writing to me. I'm glad to hear that I'm your favorite Seishi. Tell Mary-chan we all say "Hi!"
Kyo tsukete kudasai (Take care),
Dear Tasuki,
Can I borrow your tessen? Please? I need it to keep myself warm because I caught a cold and lately, my past activities was either sleeping or shivering under four thick blankets.
Dear Jean,
Lemme think 'bout this... NOPE! Get more blankets!
Dear Hotohori,
I tried sending it again, this time, on an attached file. I hop you're not mad about the picture I gave Nuri-chan *sweatdrop*, blame my niichan (but don't tell him I said so). I reeeaaaally hope it gets through! Ja ne!
Dear Jean,
We did receive it and we really liked it. It was a very flattering likeness. Arigato gozaimasu.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
is there a sailor star?
john bosan
Dear john bosan,
We don't know. But check in the letters below for an Ask the Sailor Senshi link.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there. Just kickin' back. Decided I could send you *something*. I was shocked you cared, but glad. =)
OI!! We're still on when yer better! No gettin' into anymore accidents to avoid me, either!!
Dear Nuriko,
Did you ever feel attracted to Tamahome?
Dear Kurisutenha,
Dear Tamahome,
Would you be terribly offended if I wrote a humorous limerick that just happened to be about the tragedy that happened to your family?
Spock and Damaru
Dear Spock and Damaru,
YES!! If you do, please do not send it to me.
Dear Mitsukake,
A while back, someone asked what your favorite part of your body was, and you said, "Tama-neko. He's cute and cuddly."
Anoo... Mitsukake-sama.... does Tama-neko mean 'something else?' As in, "a mysterious object that Miaka knows nothing of"?
Dear Momo,
IIE!!! It means I just was politely declining to answer the question.
Dear Chichiri,
Whom do you love?
A friend
Dear friend,
My late fiancee, my best friend, and my fellow Seishi, my Miko, and Tama-neko, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why did Sailor Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Chibi leave? I thought i saw every episode until I saw this websight. I never saw anyone of them. Can and will you bring them back to the sailor scouts? Please. thank you. Bye
Dear JACK,
We don't who they are so we can't bring them back. Gomen. You may want to try the Sailor Senshi peeji Ask the Sailor Senshi.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
That St. Patrick's Day pic is adorable! Nuriko- the rainbow suits you. =) Very cute! .... Tasuki's gotta' love this holiday=)
Chichiri, cute as always! Tama-neko is absolutely adorable too!
Dear Chrissy,
Arigato, no da. We are glad that you liked it, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIRIKO!!! Did you get anything for your birthday??? I would have got you something myself, but I don't have any money. :( Well, I hope you have a nice birthday. Bye!
Dear Jade,
Lots of books!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Koji means 'orphan'. I didn't know that until now. Is he?
Dear me,
I think so. He refuses to talk about it.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! I just want to ask you: do you know what OVA stands for exactly?
Dear Dreamcatcher,
It stands for Original Video Animation.
Dear Mitsukake,
hi..i just want to ask you...what does Tama-Chan think about going to the vet??...has he ever had to stay there overnight?? dog has an infection and has to stay at the vet's for 2 nights...i'm soo worried about's soo lonely here w/out her...everyone tells me that she'll be ok, i know she will but that doesn't take the worry away...have you ever felt like this??...i'm sure you have...write back soon!!
Jen-Chan (very worried)
Dear Jen-Chan,
He doesn't have to go to the vet since I am able to heal him. I understand how you feel. I felt the same way when I was away from Shoka and she was ill.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! Me again. Okay, okay. Forget the hair and makeup thing, and we'll ditch the spankable outfits. NOW will you dance with me? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase! It's a beautiful spring night and I need to do some pretty whirling graceful just barely provacative dancing... So, who better to dance with than you? Perhaps you could teach me a thing or two... or three... ne?
Come Play!
Dear sshadow,
Maybe. Dancing sounds like fun!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi...i'm Jen-Chan...a close friend of Ju-Chan's...i just want to know, how do you eat a Reese peanut butter cup??
Dear Jen-Chan,
Hotohori: First, I visualize the Reese's to be Tamahome. Then I slice it into itty bitty bite sized pieces... Then I savor each and every bite!
Tamahome: Miaka eats them before I can get any.
Tasuki: Lekka...
Mitsukake: Chocolate is not healthy for one's teeth.
Nuriko: I envison it as Hotohori and then I savor each and every delicious morsel!!
Chichiri: In the nude, no da! Don't want to make a chocolate mess on the kesa, no da! (Jodan no da!)
Chiriko: I just eat them.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
hi, me again. I'm interested in the healing field myself. . .you know, holistic healing, the laying on of hands. . .(Not like that!) herbal remedies, etc. I know some tidbits and stuff about pressure points, teas, and theraputic massage. I can also "Zap" healing energies into a body (Animal or human) to lessen or take the pain away completely. What say we swap some healing knowledge, hai? Peppermint tea is good for headaches, chamomile soothes a sensitive stomach, the pressure point in the center of the hand will aleviate stomach troubles, while the point between the thumb and forefinger ( about an inch inward) will lessen head pain. . . I can "scan " a person or animal for ailments, examining their physical beings and determining the natue and location of the trouble, then I "zap" it.
I kid you not. As psychotic and sensual as I can sometimes be, that's not all there is to me. I'm relatively certain that we are of a kind. So... We'll trade know-how, yes? Arigato Gozaimasu!
Dear sshadow,
Perhaps. You call yourself psychotic. Shouldn't that be psychic???? Or am I missing something here? Or are you... ?
Dear Tamahome,
would you ever forgive suboshi?
Dear ?????,
NEVER!!!! Not in million years!!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello. Who are most closest to out of all the suzaku seishi?
Dear ????,
Tama-neko. Actually, it would be Chichiri.
Dear Hotohori,
"beautiful, you're beautiful, as beautiful as the sun
wonderful, you're wonderful, as wonderful as they come...."
----smashing pumpkins
::sigh:: This song suits you...
I dedicate it to you!
hotohori fan
Dear fan,
Domo arigato gozaimasu. I am deeply touched by your choice of lyric.
Dear Tasuki,
*giggles* Okay, Tasuki-san...Black satin!!!!! *evil grin* >^.^<
Dear Neko-chan,
An' jus' what th' *^%$ is THAT s'pposed to mean?!?!!?
Dear Tamahome,
So Tamahome, if you marry Miaka, it would make her
Sou Miaka, right?
Dear right?,
Hai! But that sounds much better than Mrs. Tamahome, don't you think?
Dear Tasuki,
So Gen-chan, what do you REALLY think of Tamahome??????
Dear ??,
He ain't so bad fer a baka!! An' DON'T call me Gen-chan!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Are you a beautiful angel up in heaven?
Dear chibiai,
No, I am an anime character. Tee-hee...
Dear Chichiri,
*Erin and Zelgadis are sitting at a table.*
Erin: Hi! Sorry I haven't shown up lately. I've been busy talking to Zel-chan here and keeping my house in one piece when Gourry and Lina come over.
Zel: I think the only reason why they come over is because you are kind and a good cook.
Erin: *blushes* You know I can't take compliments.
Zel: *shrugges his shoulds* Can't help it, any ways you wanted to talk to Chichiri about that religion remember?
Erin: *smacks fist into palm of hand* Oh, yea! Okay this religion is like a cross of Christianity(I can't tell if that's spelled right or not), Buddhism, and Shinto. See the five characteristics of a religion:
1) Gods/Goddesses: The god is a woman. The creator of all, I think her name is Maing.
2) Trained Individuals: Priests and priestess.
3) Rituals: There is a large party that is held every year under a full moon. I don't know what for though. Oh and the priests and priestess ware a cross that is made out of silver with a ruby in the middle.
4) Myths/Legends: That every woman has a piece of Maing in her giving all women that mothering instencked.
5) Holy books: I'm not sure about it.. but I'm sure that there is one.
Zel: Sound like one of the ancient religions that has been long forgotten to me. What do you think Chichiri?
Erin and Zelgadis
Dear Erin and Zelgadis,
I consulted with Black Jade on this and it really bears no resemblance to any ancient religion either of us know of. The closest we could come, was the Greek Goddess Maia and that was stretching it, no da. Gomen that we couldn't be more helpful, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Would you have given Nuriko a chance if he were like Houki?
Dear ?,
Hmmmm... Perhaps...
Dear Chichiri,
Are you REALLY a monk? 'cause I don't remember them having blue hair and gravity defying bangs.....
r u?
Dear r u?,
Hai, no da! I am not a traditional Shinto, Shaolin, or Buddhist monk, no da. I suppose you could say I am Suzaku's or Taiitsu-kun's monk, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Have you ever heard of someone named "Messiah"?
Silver wings, dark green hair? Well, you remind me of him for some reason.....
Dear Kagetsuya,
No, gomen nasai.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HAPPY St. PATRICKS DAY!!! Are you wearing green??? I love the picture that Amy-chan did! It's sooo cool! I especially love how Tasuki looks in it, with the beer. KAWAII! Well, that's all I had to say. BYE!!
Dear Jade,
Arigato and yes we did!
Dear Tamahome,
So if you had to choose b/w Nuriko and Tasuki, which one would it be?
just asking
Dear just asking,
For what???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
So what do you guys think of Seiryuu no Miko?
Dear hmm?,
We think that she was used by Nakago and extremely misguided.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey Mitsukake!!! How ya doin Mitsukake?!
OK, Mitsukake!
So I gotta question Mitsukake! How old is Shoka, Mitsukake?! Another thing Mitsukake!
Do you like people calling you Myou Juan or Mitsukake, Mitsukake?!
likes to type Mitsukake :o)
Dear likes to type Mitsukake :o),
Shoka is 20 and I prefer Mitsukake.
Dear Chiriko,
What does "de gozaru" mean, and why is Himura Kenshin always saying it??!!
Dear ai,
He must be an old fashioned, polite person. "De gozaimasu" and the irregular form "de gozaru" both mean "to be".
Dear Tamahome,
What color do you think Miaka looks best in?????
Dear iiiiiiiiiii,
I guess pink. I'm not as good at this fashion thing as Nuriko is. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys like the dubbed voices so far?
Dear curious,
We haven't heard them yet. We're waiting for the DVD's to come out.
Dear Chichiri,
So tell me, do you like your dubbed voice saying "ya know" instead of "no da"?
gotta know
Dear gotta know,
I guess that is the best translation they could do, no da. So it doesn't really bother me, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko!!!! YAY!!! K, um, hi! ::giggles::
K, I have a question.... really! Um, here it is:
I have dark brown hair, right. Almost black.
So how can I dye it to make it exactly your shade????
Exactly what color IS your hair anyways? Everytime I see it, it's either dark blue, purple, and keeps changin!
Dear giggles,
Go to a good stylist and ask if they have a product called Cellophane. The color to use would be Hot Blue Orchid. My hair is purple. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-chan!!!! I simply MUST have beads like yours!! How can I make some for myself??? Hmmmmm????
Gotta tell me!!
Dear Gotta tell me!!,
Go to your local bead shop and see if they have beads that are similar to mine. Stringing them is easy, no da. Chihchiri no Aijin has 3 different strands that she made for herself, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Don't worry Chiriko. I'm sure Me (not myself you know the person named me) only said you were baby cute, because she(or he?) didn't want you to worry about her (or his) age and stuff. Like you do when other people tell you you're cute. Well if it means anything, I think you're cute! *pulls out a pocket mirror* See! *lets him look into it* don't want to catch any of Hotohori's habits though...*sweatdrops*
Dear Kitty,
Arigato and omedeto gozaimasu on PJ's black eye! I assume he truly deserved it. I doubt I will ever catch any of Hotorhoi-sama's bad habit as I have been under Tasuki's tutelage.
Dear Tasuki,
Dammit Genrou! I want my fan back! Give it back! Give it back!Give it back!
Dear Eiken,
Chikuso!! Zakennayou!!! It ain't yer's an' it NEVER was yer's in th' first place!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Gen-chan!!
Love ya!
your fan
Dear fan,
Hi yerslf an' DON'T call me Gen-chan!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey you know what Tasuki, I read that Tamahome said that you were his closest Seishi friend. What do you think about THAT???
P.S.- Sorry Tamahome, you wrote not to tell him, but it was so irresistible to not tell!!
Dear Mary-chan,
Heh-heh... guess old Obake-chan is right! But, Kouji is STILl my BEST friend!
Dear Tamahome,
Here's your 2 ryou. Go feed Miaka or something. Do you know how happy you look in that picture Amy-chan drew? Is it because you were thinking that now you could have a family AND feed Miaka at the same time?
Dear Mary-chan,
Dear Tasuki,
How did this whole pixy stix thing start? How in earth did you get your hands on one if you live in Ancient China? (more or less) Gomen, i was just curious.
Dear Tess,
I get 'em when I go to th' humble cyber abode. It's between worlds so I can get stuff from BOTH worlds.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey there Mitsukake.. ah.. just a little comment on another reply that you made to someone..
"Dear me,
I suppose it is because I rarely wear red satin sheets in public. Arigato for the
sakana for Tama-neko. I'm sure he will enjoy it.
Does that mean that you wear red satin sheets in private?
Dear Missy,
I have no comment on my choice of private bedding materials.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you realize how happy you look in that picture Amy-chan drew of you in the spirit of St. Patrick's Day?
Dear Mary-chan,
Of course I looked happy!! I had a beer in each hand!
Dear Tamahome,
Oh I don't know about that....*eyeing the'different' pictures on PJ's binder thingy* I think he has a crush on both of you. You know those little girly crushes, I think he gets those 0.o; Did you hear that Kitty gave him a black eye?
Dear Peach,
Can't he just admire us from a distance??? Hai! I heard about Kitty and PJ. Good for her!
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm feeling very very ill. Actually, I've been very sick for a while. I'm not asking for a diagnosis, the doctors already know what's going on with me, and... it can't really be cured. So that means I'm going to have it forever. And it's really acting up right now, and it hurts a LOT. It's kinda scary. I haven't been able to go to school, or eat without throwing up. What I was wondering is, and I guess this doesn't really come up for YOU, but if you had a patient and you knew they were going to die soon and there wasn't really anything you could do for them, what would you say to them? Just... wondering.
Arigatou and gomen for such a depressing-sounding letter.
Ryuu no Nina
Dear Ryuu no Nina,
I would let them know the truth and encourage them to enjoy what time they had left with family and friends, so that they would leave a legacy of happy memories behind.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(Ah, the Nyan-Nyan virus strikes again. Cure cure! Damn, it isn't working!)
I have a friend (I'll call her Amy). She's 19 now, and commuting to college. She does a lot of the work around her house, taking care of the dog, making dinner, etc. this is partially understandable because her parents work.
Her parents treat her like she's 5. She gets grounded for little things (like not taking her laundry out of the dryer as soon as it's finished - when she's on the phone). Conversely, they also expect her to act 'mature' (like ~any~ college student is mature!). All of her stuffed animals and coloring books - some of which we use - have been put up in the attic. Amy's parents can be completely unreasonable sometimes, and have stopped her from visiting my house (on the day she was supposed to come over) because she and her sister got into a fight (a verbal one)!
Amy says that she doesn't know if she can take it any more, but she also says she's not ready to move out. that's OK, but I think she's scared to tell them that she doesn't like being treated like this. Sometimes when I've asked her how long she was grounded for, and she didn't know, she was afraid to ask for fear they'd ground her longer. that's also why she's afraid to protest groundings.
Moving out, or talking to her parents are the only things I can think of to tell her when she asks me for help (well - the only legal ones: I don't think killing them would be a very good idea), but neither of them seems to be viable. What else can I do? How can I help Amy? ~Can~ I help Amy? Any advice here would be greatly apreciated.
Dear Ju-Chan,
Need a roommate, no da? Amy needs to handle this by herself. She should either explain to her parents that if they wish her to be mature that they need to treat her like an adult, no da. If they continue treating her like a child, they aren't doing her any favors. We all need to grow up and discover who we are, no da. Perhaps she needs to sit down with them and set up some rules and expectations for all of them. If they cannot agree to anything, then she either has to deal with the situation or consider moving out on her own, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
A Klondike Bar is basically chocolate coated ice cream. I'm surprised Tamahome couldn't explain it to you. He's been in this world, and i doubt Miaka would let any kind of goodies pass by without having him try them.
Dear Ju-Chan,
Sounds yunmmy! We'll have to try some BEFORE Miaka discovers them!
Dear Tasuki,
It's not cold here any more. thanks for coming over and taking care of it!
Dear Ju-Chan,
Uh, yer welcome! Do ya' want th' fire extinguisher now?
Dear Chiriko,
Baby cute us a good thing, dear. You see, you're not, um, adult enough to be thought of as a hotty or a babe. Maybe someone around your age might think so, but if someone's older, baby cute IS a compliment. Hope I was some help to you. =)
Dear Chrissy,
Arigato! That was na excellent explanation.
Dear Tasuki,
Before I give you the pixy sticks, I want to know how you came to know about this wonderful flavored sugar treat. I never would have thought they'd have them in Konan, so please enlighten me. Well, here you go.
*hands Tasuki a fistful of pixy stixs* Oh, what's your fave flavor? I like 'em all! Ja!
Dear Chrissy,
Someone from yer world gave me some. They were tryin' to get me off th' sake!
Dear Tamahome,
All right, but you CAN'T sell everything! The pillowcase stays!! And you can only do it if the profits are split 50/50! Got it? Ja!
Dear Kouji,
50/50?!?!?!? How about 60/40 in MY favor AND you get the pillowcase AND the pajamas?
Dear Tasuki,
You DO have feelings! No, I'm kidding, I think it's sweet you care about a perfect stranger. Well, there are two different kind of adresses you oculd send a card to. I think you know what I mean, so what did you mean? Be more specific. Thanks! Oh, he's coming home tomorrow. It's kind of funny the way he keeps saying how much he hates being 'babied' by the nurses. i told him 'whadda you expect?!'. You're really a nice guy after all. Type you later! Ja ne!
A real world address so I can send him a real world card. It won't be made public. Glad to hear he's comin' home!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey man,
how are u? I just want t say that..mmm..... you're the most beautiful 'guy' in fushigi yuugi, especially when you wore that sweet dress. Will you go out with me next week?
Dear Sakuoradamonte,
Hell no!!! Not after THAT comment!!
Dear Hotohori,
Will you marry Nuriko, if Nuriko is a woman?
Dear Shinji,
No. I am already married to Houki.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! Nuurrriiiiikkkkoooo.... I need your advice. I'm 14 years old, I'm not tall for my age, and I'm a little bit overweight. ^_-' What should I do?!?!?!?! Please tell me how to emaciate my body!!! *boooooo-hooooo*
nb: Oh yeah, I think you are the most beautiful mm.... what should I call you? woman/man? ah...whatever. One thing I know for sure, you're more beautiful than Soi. ^_^ I love your hair
Dear Shin,
Ariogato for your sweet compliment! Now, you do NOT want to emaciate your body!! You DO want to eat a healthy balanced, nutritious diet and start a regular exercise regime. Consult your family doctor for proper guidance. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Happy St. Patrick's Day Tasuki-san! ^_^;; I'm sure you'll enjoy
*sighs a little* Gomen nasai everyone has been bothering you...about I'm sorry to be so much trouble to you. -_-
Dear Amy-chan,
Daijobou! Don't worry 'bout it! I had a great time an' had LOTS of GREEN sake!! OISHIKATTA DESU!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello! I figured since you're kind of a cat person, I could tell you this. Well, I think it's so cute because I taught my cat how to give kisses. What's really cute too is that he loves riding on shoulders just like Tama-neko. Cats are great. I would like dogs a lot more if they weren't so obnoxious.
Dear Chrissy,
Your neko sounds very kawaii. Thank you for sharing his talent with me.
Dear Tasuki,
you knou what? my two friend get in to a fight they are angry at each other and i don't know what to do? How to get them to stop? could you help me?
Dear person,
Yer comin' to me fer advice on how to break up a fight?!?!?!? Ya' MUST be desperate!!!!! Chichiri's advice would be to try and get them to discuss their differences and hope they fix thin's fer themselves. I ain't no good at stoppin' fights peacefully. Jus' ask th' local inn-keepers... heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
Just thought I'd say hi. So, hi. How are you? You haven't responded to my letters yet, but I know you will when you have the chance. I hope I didn't scare you off, because I'll stop with the kisses and excessive compliments if you like. Sorry if I came on too strong because that was not my goal. Well, how long have you had your staff? And how long have you had your powers? Do you think you only have them because you're a seishi? And why are you guys sometimes called shichiseishi? That may be a dumb question, but I wouldn't ask if I had the answer. Well, better get going. *hesitantly gives him a kiss on the cheek* Old habits die hard... What can I do? You're too cute!
PS. Decided I'd test the limits... gomen... =)
Dear Chrissy,
Gomen, demo I have answered some of them, no da. Perhaps you should check the archive peeji. I hava had my staf and powers since I was 18 and went to live with Taiitsu-kun adn learn from her, no da. I think I have them because they are paart of who I am. Shichi seishi means seven star warriors, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Does it hurt when you take off all those faces?!
Dear Bekki,
Iie, they are magical, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Oyo! Earlier off in the series (i'm only getting the domestic release, so I've only seen a couple of episodes), did your handmaids know your secret?
Dear Okita-kun,
I edited your letter for spoiler content. The answer is no.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
if you were to live in Miaka's world, what would be all your favorite musical groups/bands/artists etc.?
just asking
Dear asking,
Anything by THTC or Weiss Kruez (Aya is a wonderful character). Namie Amuro, REM, SMAP, our tastes are rather eclectic.
Dear Chichiri,
I hope that sometime I'll be able to return home. I've tried to write to Kitty and talk to her on the phone, but she doesn't respond or refuses to talk to me. *sigh* I don't know what to say to her anymore, and if I did it wouldn't matter, because she won't listen.
Dear Kiwi,
Have you tried to contact her through the message board? Would you like me to try on your behalf, no da?
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