Dear Hotohori,
Do you enjoy dressing up like a woman as much as Nuriko?
Dear T-chan,
No one enjoys dressing up like a woman as much as Nuriko does.
Dear Nuriko,
You are SO kawaii!!! Will you go out with me???
Dear Amiko,
Arigato! Maybe. Depends on what you want to do...
Dear Tasuki,
Pixy stix are yummy in my tummy! I can't believe Jill didn't know what they were. Oh, heck, I like anything that contains a lotta' sugar! i haven't had one in a while... I'm goin' to buy a bag and maybe I'll let you have a few! ;)
Dear Chrissy,
Heh-heh, great ain't they?
Dear Hotohori,
There's this picture I've seen of all you guys in the clothes of Miaka's world and Nuriko is wearing capri slacks, a mid-drift, and high heels. Now, I was do you think YOU would look in capri slacks?
Nuriko no Knob
Dear Nuriko no Knob,
I think I would look like a complete and utter baka!
Dear mish,
Hi yerself.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How do you write "Happy Birthday" in romanji(did I spell that right?)?? I'm making a card for a friend for her birthday and i want to write Happy Birthday in romanji. Arigato.
Dear Mary-chan,
Tanjobi omedeto gozaimasu
Dear Hotohori,
ACK!!!! You mean it didn't go through? Darn, darn, darn... I sent Hotohori's portrait but I didn't send the Happy 99 thing *grumble, grumble*, don't worry I'll send it to you again. Stupid home computer... I'm on my school computer at the moment... I'll try again when I get home, ja ne!
Dear Jean,
Arigato. I look forward to seeing it.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh! Mitsukake you look so cute in the picture! ^_^ *Give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek*
A friend
Dear friend,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* Arigato gozaimasu.
Dear Tasuki,
Don't worry, I'll leave out the strip poker, I'm not even legal age to play that yet, but that doesn't stop some people *coughcoughDTFCcoughcough*. I'll leave out the whipped cream too. Anything else that you don't want? I'll have to go to the store and hide all the jello and whipped cream from those girls. Thanks for telling Nuriko I said happy birthday!!
Dear Mary-chan,
That sounds good to me! Yer welcome!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is for Tamahome and Tasuki. I'm still laughing from what you did to that Nakago, ara, Asshole Shrine. You guys are so evil it's hilarious!! Did I mention I'm still laughing? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Nakago can go to &*#^!! You guys are so funny!
Dear Chrissy,
Glad ya' liked it!
Tasuki and Tamahome
Dear Tamahome,
why you like money so much?
Dear person,
I guess it is because I have never had any.
Dear Mitsukake,
In Valentine's day that you? Godsh! you look so different. Frist I saw it i don't know is you! then i notice is you. Oh! one thing how do you feel abut the pictures?
p.s I still can belief is you!
Dear mow,
I guess it is the price we pay for being Seishi...
Dear Chichiri,
I have a kinda weird question to ask you. When you wear your mask, can you see out of both eyes?? Because of course you know you have a scar over your left eye and you can't see out of it. I was just curious, no da.
Dear Mary-chan,
Iie. I am still blind in that eye, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*peeks from behind Amy-chan's shoulder* Konban waaaaaa!! Atashi wa Neko-chan desu, a friend of Amy's! *smirks* I was wondering...if you'd...pose in the red satin for me tooooo?! Mulan-san can't be the ONLY one to see you like tha-at!!!
Dear Neko-chan,
IIE!!!! DAME!!! NOPE!!! I AIN'T doin' THAT again fer no one!!!
Dear Tamahome,
I'm your fan and i really love you..but you really love Miaka..right?
I can't understand you..Why do you love Miaka? She's not pretty and she's always thinking about food..She will be FAT!!! Please tell me..and Please remember this..
"Money is way better than Miaka!!!"
Your lover..
Dear Your lover..,
No she won't!! Not with her metabolism! Anyway, money can't keep me warm at night and keep me from being lonely.
Dear Tasuki,
I've noticed your sister is very violent as are you and I was just wanting to know if that is an inherited trait
nami nami
Dear nami nami,
Must be!! Mostly from my ma's side of th' family!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, will you dance with me? I'm generally good at it by myself, but I need a partner sometimes, too. . .We could do each others hair and makeup and pick out spankable outfits together. . . well? whatdaya say?
Dear sshadow,
I'm trying to move away from the make-up thing. You actually had me interested until you said "spankable outfits". Totemo kowaii!!
Dear Chichiri,
(More from me, are ya sick of it yet? ;) Do you know where I could find a kasa, kesa and a staff like you have? (Preferably ones that are magic... :)
Fran-Nyan (The Baka no Miko)
Dear Fran-Nyan,
You can get a reasonable kasa in Chinatown, no da. But the staff and the kesa you will have to make yourself. All non-magical of course, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Who is your best friend, Kouji or Tamahome?
Dear Dreamie,
KOUJI!! He's my bro'!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Dear Ju-chan,
What is a Klondike Bar?
Dear Tasuki,
It's too cold up here. Can we borrow your tessen to get rid of the snow? How much sake would it take to bribe you? ;) And why do you keep telling people to join the DTFC? I thought you hated them...?
Do you have any idea where I could find a tessen? I have a halisen, but it's starting to fall apart (it's more of a TAPE fan then a paper fan... :). And can I get you to sign it for me? ;)
Ju-chan, Fran-Nyan, & sshadow
Dear Ju-chan, Fran-Nyan, & sshadow,
Nah, I don't hate 'em! Jus' all th' s--t they like to put me thru! An' I don't where ya' can get a tessen. Chiriko suggests ya' try searchin' th' Web.
Dear Mitsukake,
Well, I know Tama neko made a good choice! you're cool!
Dear sshadow,
Arigato! I don't think anyone has ever described me as cool before.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello, It's Fran-Nyan again. This is more of an update then a question, but...
The guy who was ostrasized from the group that I was trying to be friends with just told me that he wasn't getting anything from out friendship and didn't want to be my friend anymore. A few days before he told me this, I had been playing nursemaid for him, going to his room and cooking raman for him because he was too sick to go to the dinning hall and staying with his for 3 hours making sure he had a cold cloth on his head and in general trying to make him feel better.
I've been on the giving side of out relationship (we were dateing the begining of first semester) and for him to say that he wasn't getting anything... I'm not sure weither to cry or maim him severly.
Oh, and here's the other annoying part: Even though he doesn't want to be friends, he still wants me to wave and smile at him when I see him and talk with him. In other words, he wants me as a surface friend. This hurt me more they anything, as I have shared A LOT with this guy. I've been actavly ignoring and avoiding him because of that request.
At this point, I'm starting to feel that I've been used once more. Nearly every guy I have cared about has used me, abused me metaly in subtal ways, and then dropped me like a hot potato. I though I had leaved from rthe first two experances, but this mess has proved me wrong. I'm a very giving and loving person, and I care alot for people, and so far these traits have only gotten me into trouble. I used to laugh when people told me I was too nice, but now I'm wondering if they have a point.
This is the third time this has happened to me (once was 5 years ago, the other 2 1/2) and I would REALLY like if it never happened again. Any advice, comments or other wise is greatly appreciated.
P.S. Just a follow up question:
Would it be appropriate to kick the guy in the balls? (It sure as hell would make me feel better, and I'm not sure I'd want this guy to have children anyway....)
Dear Fran-Nyan,
Tasuki is voting for a maiming or at least a beating. But we're just ignoring him and you should, too. Write him off as the total loser that he is.
While being a caring, loving person is a good thing, being a doormat and allowing yourself to be used, is not! I know it's hard but sometimes you just have to say NO! Don't sell yourself short or give up hope, you will eventually find that special person who will treat you with the kindness and respect that you deserve.
As for a physical attack on him, it would be a BAD idea as you could get arrested or worse for doing it!!
Dear Tasuki,
I don't mean to laugh, but it cracks me up to read how these fans of yours are always falling in love with you and asking YOU how to get over it. Makes no sense to me... maybe they just needed something to write... I'm glad I'm not in love with you. Actually, I think the girls that are, are quite masochistic. No offense to you, of course. DEATHWISHER is okay. He's still at the hospital. He couldn't believe I told you some of what happened, but enjoyed it all the same that you seemed to care. Hmm... I wonder if I could get a tessen... There's a couple people I'd like to burn to a crisp! What's really pissing me off is that my parents are making alcoholic drinks and won't let me have any! Not even an innocent little sip! What cruel parents, I mean, just because I'm at the drinking age yet is no reason to... Ok. I understand now, but I still think it's stupid! Well, gotta' go for now for reasons unknown to mankind... oh, if you don't mind, could you tell me how I could contact Aidou? She seems like a fun person... hehehe... Bye!
You're Funny Looking!! (no joke) hehehe
Dear You're Funny Looking!! (no joke) hehehe,
He's STILL in th' hospital?!?!?!? That don't sound like jus' a couple of broken bones to me!! When;s he gettin' out?? Should I send him a get well card?? If so, ya' gotta send me an address to send it to.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey whoever did that picture of you can do portraits pretty well but what's with the slippers?
My feet were cold.
Dear Nuriko,
AAAACK! Nuri-chan! When was your birthday?!?!? Oh god, oh god *bounces around nervously before grabbing the Weird no Miko and digs around in his pockets*
Jean: I'm giving Nuri-chan a present! Keep still, your pockets need cleaning out anyway, Ohniichan!
Hikaru: WOULD YOU LET GOOO~?!?!?!?
Jean: AHA! Here's what I was looking for! *pulls out a picture of shirtless Hotohori* For you Nuri-chan! Happy late birthday! *pause* Ano~, Niichan, why do you have a shirtless picture of Hotohori-sama? I thought you had a girlfriend *yaoi images fill her mind*
Hikaru: *eyes wide and blushing* NOOOO NOTHING LIKE THAT~!!!!
Jean: *shrug* Whatever, happy birthday again!
Jean and Hikaru
Dear Jean and Hikaru,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Brock: My eyes always look closed? Gee..... okay you're right!! It's probably because I have small eyes or something though, and I also have a tendency to look down a lot which may be another reason, otherwise it's one of those mysteries even I can't figure out. By the way, how about you and me sometime, eh? *Gaze slids over to Nuriko*
Ash: OI! *sweatdrops and falls down*
Misty: Forget him he's stupid.
Brock, Ash and Misty
P.S. We found Charmander by the way, but thanks for helping us out anyway.
Misty: HURRY UP!!!
Dear Brock, Ash and Misty,
I'm glad you found your Charmander, no da. Gomen Brock, Nuriko is busy drooling over his picture of Hotohori, no da! *Rolls eye, shakes head, & sweatdrops*
Dear Nuriko,
I sent you a sketch that I didn't draw but colored in. Tell me what you think of it, ok? Oh, and happy be-lated birthday. My friend and I put our hair like yours and wore matching bracelets on each wrist. See ya!
Dear Mary-chan,
How kawaii! Arigato for the picture! It was totemo kirei!
Dear Tasuki,
That's not a very good reason!!! *has panties on head* Oh um, what would you say to a guy who is older then you (me) Who got a blackeye from a very ticked off 14 year old girl? (Kitty)
Dear P.J.,
That ya' probably deserved it! Good fer ya' Kitty!!
Dear Tamahome,
Eh Tamahome! ^_~ how are you?
Dear P.J.,
Genki desu. Ogenki desuka?
Dear Chichiri,
Well, I don't think the age factor would help much... considering he is already 18 (two years older than me, YUCK!). A kick in the shins sounds pretty good though! But, then again, I'd probably get in trouble or something... Alot more of my freinds are helping me out, so I think it might be resolved at sometime in the near future. Thanks for your help! Bye!
Dear Storm,
If he is 18 and you are 16 there are REAL world laws to kep him from harrassing you. If he is truly out of control, you may wish to investigate them, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
there's a guy i like and i don't know if he likes me. what should i do?
Dear sailormoon,
Does Tuxedo Mask know about this? Perhaps you should try to be his friend first and see what develops. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
..Tamahome...I'm worried for you. You see Miaka was having a fight with P.J. over YOU. 0.o; He said " Tamahome would make a good Sailor Venus"
then she said " Why?" and then he said " Because I think Sailor Venus is sexy ^_- " 0.0; You might of read that, but I just thought I'd warn you.
So if you see P.J.....RUNAWAY!!!!RUN FARAWAY!!!
Dear Peach,
Thanks for the warning. I guess he's decided to give up on Tasuki and start in on me!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri. I just wanted to tell you I joined the NO DA! mission and I think it's a really great idea. I'm going to tell my friends that we should all write NO DA! at our school. It's all for you Chichiri.
Dear Mary-chan,
That's great, no da!! Arigato, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Gomen! I think the only reason I couldn't recognize you from the pic is because you weren't wearing that one bandana thing. Try wearing different things and people might be able to recognize you. *hands him a fish* That's for Tama-neko.
Dear me,
I suppose it is because I rarely wear red satin sheets in public. Arigato for the sakana for Tama-neko. I'm sure he will enjoy it.
Dear Chichiri,
Thanks for responding as quickly as you did. It actually helped. You were right, I probably would get kicked out of the carpool if I tried to talk to her about that. I just drop hints or yell at her every now and again, and since I'm her funnest friend she has started listening to me and behaving. Besides, when you accuse someone of totally coming down on you and being a jerk, they really try to make up for it! It's kind of a long process, but one I have come to understnad very well! You know what, you're pretty cute when you blush... *gives him a quick kiss before leaving* You're cheek is soft, that's why I love kissing it! Bye for now! =)
Dear Chrissy,
Glad I was able to help, no da. I'm glad to hear that she is starting to come around, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
So you don't get too many letters, eh? Poor you! *gives him a hug*
I'm a fan of yours you know? We ARE out there! Your just as cool and funny as the rest of the seishi. Maybe the reason they get more attention is because they're single, and girls like to write love letters and stuff to them. They just don't want to mess up your thing with Miaka. I think you guys are so kawaii together! and wish you two the best of luck!
Now for my question, Which fellow seishi do you think you're closest to?
Thank you for your time!
Dear Tessa,
Don't tell him this, because I'll NEVER live it down, it's Tasuki.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I asked Tasuki to tell me what Kouji is like, but I decided to get two opinions. What do you all think of him? What is his attitude like? I really need to know since I want to include him in my non-hentai fanfic! please help! I will be forever in your debt if you do! I'LL DO ANYTHING!! Please don't make me beg... and sorry if that got annoying! Bye for now!
PS. All of you are the greatest and most wonderful people to ever walk the planet, whicever one that is!
Dear Kurisutenha,
He is a great warrior and a loyal countryman. We are all proud to call him friend.
Dear Tasuki,
Can you please give me details about Kouji's attitude and some general information on him? I'm writing a non-hentai fan fic, and I'd like to include him, but I don't know him well enough. I haven't seen enough episodes with him in it. Please help me! I would be VERY VERY VERY grateful! I'll give you all the sake you could ever drink in a life time!!! I promise!! Arigato gozaimasu!!!=)
Dear Kurisutenha,
He's a very loyal! He's good to have on yer side in a brawl or a battle. An' he can ALMOST out drink me!!
Dear Nuriko,
What would you like for your birthday? *grins* (if you say a dress, I'm _not_ getting it for you. ;P I like you as a guy better. ^_~)
Dear Myrna-chan,
A shopping spree and a purple keeki, kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi there! How are you? I'm glad I'm not an emperor, it seems to be such hard work. My mom congratulated me when I told her there will never be a perfect government, she was being sarcastic though. I never really thought about it, but it is true. That's pretty sad. Actually, it's not surprising. Everybody is different and there's no possible way you could please everyone at once! Sorry, I'm just ranting.
What's your favorite color? It's weird, but I always ask everyone what their favorite color is. Sometimes that little bit of information can help you get to know the person. Knowing any kind of info about a person would help you get to know them! Oi! Common sense kickin' in there! Well, I'll stop bugging you now. Sorry I'm not like some people who just go on and on about how beautiful and sexy you are, but I'm not a drooling fan, or a fan at all, well yes, but not as much about some things. And gosh dang am I digging myself into a hole! (figuratively speaking of course!) Sorry if I said something wrong, I think I'll go now...
Dear me2,
I am fine, thank you. I actually prefer the color red. I think it compliments my coloring.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I might be kicked out for asking this question but I'll ask it anyway: What (do you think) is your weakness? It's funny that when I took some test one time, I found out that I had a soft spot for OKANE (oi, Tamahome!!! =D) There is some truth in it because I demand to get paid for *almost* everything that everyone asks me to do. :-)
Dear Jill,
That's OUR secret!! We don't want the Seiryuu Seishi to get any ideas...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you like pie?
Dear nasty,
What KIND of pie?
Dear Mitsukake,
Tama-neko is SO cute! When did you get him? How did you get him? How long have you had him? I have two cats of my own and I love them very much! By the way, if Tama-neko is your kitty, how come he hangs out with Chichiri so much? Just wondering. Write back as soon as you can! You're funny! People don't give you near enough credit for being the cool guy you are! Anyways, bye for now!
Dear CLH,
He was a stray that found me a year or so ago. Chichiri rubs catip on his beads!! That's why Tama-neko hangs around him so much. (Check out the letters in the very first archive...)
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi. This is more of a plee for advice than a question. Here I go... *takes a deep breath* Well my best friend is a leader of an anime club were I live, it sortta only friends are aloud in kind of thing. But anyway, she met my older brother and *sighs* fell in love with him. I really didn't want her to date him, but I said nothing even when she asked me what I thought. So long story short he dumped her she was crushed and is still obsessed with him. Well we (the anime club) met a my house for a sleep-over. Total people sleep-over was 3, 2 guys and and my best friend. My guy friend told my brother that my best friend had something to say to him. My brother acted like an @ss by not really paying attention. She curled up into the fetal position saying,"Why is this happening to me?" and saying ," I can't be the group president after this,( I am 3rd in command and the vice-president was thratin' to leave with her) I was in shock my best friend, the one who had seemed like an older sister to me was doing this?! I lost it I started screaming at my brother, while my guyfriend was talking to her and hugging her in an attemp to calm her down. I stormed out of the room crying (I don't get angry at people I cry) babbling on about it was my fault and and I should have told have told her about what I had thought... and my 2 friends guy and bestfriend tryed to calm me down and she said, " that it not your fault and if you had told me I wouldn't have listen anyway." And my guyfriend told me that I and him was holding the group together while evryone one else is fighting. I was now calmed down threw her and my brother into a room and locked it and told them to solve their problems. They just sat there.
So my main problem is to make her understand that he will never love her.
2. to stop him from using the group as a dating service. But I can't kick him out because she and the vice-president will also leave.
3. to make them under that I don't want to be leader.
4. to make her and them understand their self worth
Sorry to put this all upon you guys, but you're my last hope of keeping the Anime(glass) Dinesty together.
Dear Artemis,
1) You can't. She will just have to do that on her own, no da.
2) Tell yer bro' that yer club ain't no datin' service!! An' hold yer meetin's elsewhere!!
3) Tell everyone flat out that you don't wanna be leader!!
4) The last one is the hardest, no da. Sometimes you just cannot force people to believe in themselves and to have self-esteem. This may be something that they and she will just have to learn on their own, no da!
Chichiri and Tasuki
Dear Tasuki,
Genrou! What's the matter with you?! Why isn't Tamahome fried to a crisp?! Where's the damned loyalty?! Can you believe he's tryin' to sell my stuff! What does he do with all that money anyway? Probably needs all he can get to pay for Miaka's food bill. Heh heh, I don't feel so angry anymore. I still want ya' to fry him!!!!!
Dear Kouji,
Well, he DID offer ya' a percent of his profits!!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi there! You're cute. Baby cute, which is actually a compliment. Just had to mention it.
Dear me,
Baby cute?? Thanks, I think...
Dear Chichiri,
Hey ya'! How's it goin'? This site has given me the best ideas! I am very appreciative of all your work! Just thought I might tell ya', and thanks for the info! you responded more quickly than I thought. Well, gotta' go. School has gotten hectic it being the end of the year and all. I knew what daijobu meant! I was SO proud! Me and my best friend sometimes practice our Japanese, and we say that a lot. Don't ask why. Well, as I said I gotta' go and I hope you write me soon! *gives Chichiri quick kiss* Arigato gozaimasu!! Ara, would you like me to be formal with you or no? I also thought you were 24, I guess you're one of the anime characters who doesn't stay the age they started in their series after ten years! Haha, it's funny now that I think about it how some characters stay 16 for about 2 years. Am I strange? Nevermind... don't answer that. hehehe *nervous/hyper smile* Ja ne! (no da) hehehe
PS. I wrote this right after school, so that should explain my behavior.=)
Dear Chrissy,
You don't have to be formal with any of us, no da! I am glad to hear that you are practicing your Nihongo, no da! Hai, we actually do age a bit by the end of the OVA series, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
If I wasn't busy drinkin' and brawlin' I would kick yer ass myself! I'll make sure to let Genrou know what yer up to! It's people like you who really make people like me respect a certain metal fan! If you don't get my hint yer more of a stupid f*cking moron than I thought!
a STILL very PISSED Kouji
Dear Kouji,
Guess this means you DON'T want to split the profits...
Dear Chichiri,
Since you seem to be the religious one of the group, I thought I'd bring my question to you, although the others are free to respond if they really want to. Do you think dreams have significance in the real world? 'Cause I had this dream practically 3 years ago in which I spoke an incantation to save my sisters life. I can't seem to forget it. It seems so darn familiar, yet I know I had never heard anything like it before. It was like, calling the forces of nature, air, earth, water, fire, and spirit, to surround me and protect me and my sister. I find it wierd that a year ago that sister converted to paganism where they call upon nature and pray to the forces of nature in a similar way. I remember the thing perfectly, when I usually forget most of my dreams. Is this just my wierd mind making up this paranoid feeling or could this be like, 'divine inspiration' or something?
P.S. Dia duit a Seishi! (hello seishi, in irish), I just gotta say that Chichiri's my fave, though I like you all. Something about a man in a mask...
Dear jen,
I do believe that dreams can significance in the waking world, no da. From what you have told me, I'd say "someone" is trying to tell you something, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
15, huh? Well, I'm 15 so I'll throw you a party on your birthday. Just have to find some way to leave the DTFC out of this. That's going to be a tough one. I can definately leave the jello out of it because jello is really disgusting and makes me sick. Anyways, tell Nuriko I said happy birthday. Me and my friend are putting braids in our hair just like Nuriko's and going to wear matching bracelets.
See ya
Dear Mary-chan,
Don't ferget to leave out th' whipped cream an' strip poker, too! I tell Nuriko ya' said Happy Birthday!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ahh... I'm so sad. Last night I fought an air hockey championship with my buddy Kurita (she's tha crazy genuis who asked a previous question of you all) and I lost!! It wouldn't have been so bad if the stakes hadn't been so high, we played to see who could have Chichiri! I have to say I made a very good comeback and almost beat her. She said that I could have Tasuki so it wasn't too bad. Moving on... I love all you Seishi (esp. Chichiri no da!) so I too would like to comment on you:
Tasuki: Trust me kid, Kurita could kick your @$$ in a drinking contest. I love your flame red hair. (:takes out a freudian like couch and pad of paper:) now let's talk about your hostility issues....
Chiriko: The young genuis, Kurita and I can really relate to you. I think you seem somewhat underrated though, not enough screen time if I do say so myself.
Mitsukake: I have to admire your courage, it took guts to do what you had to do to Shoka to save everyone. And your cat's just sooooo adorable!
Hotohori: Your just really cool! Very honorable though a little melodramatic at times. I'm sure Miaka would have loved you had she not met Tamahome first.
Tamahome: ack! Sorry but you intimidate me. (:tries to hide:) think before you act, that's all I have to say, you can't let your emotions rule your actions. You're very devoted I have to give you that.
Nuriko: I want your hair!! (:turns green with envy:) I tell ya', It's not GOOD when a guy looks better than you in a dress!
Chichiri: help! I've fallen in love with a drawing!(j/k) You're definately my favorite FY character. I want a hat I can dissapear into...
Dear HuntressLiselle,
Omoshiroi comments, no da! Tamahome apologizes for intimidating you. He really doesn't mean to, no da! Nuriko just giggled at your comment about him in a dress. Tasuki insists that he has no *expletive deleted* hostility issues @_@;; and I thank you for saying I am your favorite Seishi, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
can i see the sailoruranus page?
Dear Tai,
I suppose so. If you have the link for it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who is Chichiri no Aijin? She seems to be in many of your letters.
Dear Wondering,
She is VERY special friend of Chichiri's (and a friend to ALL of the seishi). She is the person who helps us with our peeji and also helps us answer your letters.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, I'm not gonn'ta to drool all over th' place like some people here, but I'll say that I like ya. Not like THAT, mind ya--but I do think you're cool. Donno how you feel about hittin' a girl, but I'd be willin' to fight with ya anytime. *takes a few practice punches* How 'bout it, eh? Seems like it'd be fun. Oh yeah, an' if ya like sake, I donno where you could find that around here, but then again I'd bet I can come up with some strong stuff. *thinks for a moment* Wonder if I can outdrink ya? Well, maybe not, but it'd sure be fun to give it a try, ne? Genrou-san, you're probably one of th' only guys than could beat me up and outdrink me, so I think it's only right that I pay respects to ya. In fact, if ya were only int'rested, I might feel like invitin' ya to come along with me an' my friends to th' next gory movie we go ta see. None 'a that disgustin' chick-flick business here. Well, anyways... That's all I got ta say.
Dear Lisa,
A gore flick, eh?? Sounds interestin'. I don't generally go around beatin' up women. It just ain't my style!
Dear Chichiri,
Did you really like that picture that I colored in of you? Tell me honestly because that was my first picture I have ever color in with Adobe Photoshop. I can make more if you want.
Dear Mary-chan,
Hai, no da! So did Chichiri no Aijin! Is is on her Nihongo no shukudai notebook, no da! Arigato gozaimasu.
Dear Tasuki,
Sure you can have your sake, I mean St. Patrick's Day (please don't tell me YOU don't know what it is!) is almost here. My friends know I'm forgiving (sometimes ^_^), so i'll let that comment about my fave female character slide. I'm glad you told me what you meant. Okini Tasuki!
Dear Mika-chan,
KAKKOI!! *Raises a sake bottle to his lips...* Kanpai!!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! I'm really sad. My grandpa had a heart surgery, and now he's not doing very well. At first I was okay, but yesterday I almost started crying. I don't know what it would be like if he actually did die. Oh gosh. I don't know what to do, and a little support would work, but no one ever seems to know the right things to say. I'm not exactly sure what I'd like to hear, either. Well, the picture will come! If you like it, do you think you could get it up on a webpage? I'm sure your fans would love it... you have your shirt off... I wasn't being perverted, either, I was merely letting people see the beautiful bod under the clothes! Well, I have to be going and I hope you are doin well.
PS. As I comment on everytime, I have to comment on again: You are KAWAII!!
=) A smile makes some sadness go away...
Dear Chrissy,
*Hugs her* It is ok to cry, no da. Try to spend more time with him. It should help to cheer him up to know that you are there, no da. If you send me the picture I will see what I can do about putting it up on a webpeeji. Gambatte kudasai, no da!!
Dear Nuriko,
Do you like Burritos?
Dear Nyanko-chan,
I don't know. What are they?
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! This is Metamia! You're one of my favourite people in FY! I love Tasuki (which is SO obvious) but I love you as well! Almost as much as Tasuki! I hope you're not mad because I said that...
Most of my favourite scenes in FY always has you in it (along with Tasuki). You guys make such a great team! But not yaoi...*Metamia shakes her head* sir...
I asked my mom if I could dye my hair like yours. She said she'd shave me bald if I did. O_O****
Okay, my question is: Do you think you will ever love again? A woman I mean. (You'd be surprised how many people wants you with Tasuki...) O.o***
I hope you do! You're such a great guy! You'd be a wonderful husband and father! It'll be a waste if you didn't meet someone.
Good luck! ^_^
Metamia ^_^
Dear Metamia,
I'm sure that sometime in the future I will allow myself to love another woman. Arigato for your sweet compliments, no da! I hope if I ever marry and become a father I can live up to your expectations, no da! Please don't dye your hair to match mine, no da! Bald is a VERY difficult look to carry off!
Dear Mitsukake,
Looking smooth in that picture that Mulan-chan and Amy-chan drew of you Mitsukake. I never knew you could look like that.
Dear Mary-chan,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* Ano, neither did I!
Dear Chichiri,
can i be a sailor moon?
Dear laurie,
If you really want to be a Sailor Scout, I suppose you can, no da. But you probably need to ask them this question. They're peeji is on our links peeji, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
what would you do if you had Hotohori alone in a dark room?
Onyx Blade
Dear Onyx Blade,
*SWEATDROPS!* Let's not encourage him, onegaishimaus!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
I love you! I love you! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! (where can I find pictures of you with out a shirt on?)
Incredibly shy yet so forward at the same time
Dear shy,
You are very sweet. I appreciate your exhortations of admiration. Have you tried searching my webring? There is a link to it on our Links Peeji.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
are any of you afraid of the nyan nyan's?
Onyx Blade
Dear Onyx Blade,
Isn't everyone??? All they wnat to do is fix you!! Even if you're NOT broken!!
Dear Hotohori,
YAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOO~! Hotohori-sama! I finished your portrait! The stupid teachers at my school gave me waaaaay too much work so I couldn't work on it! And then, my brother had to hog the computer so I couldn't scan it! grumble...grumble... argh... neh, I was wondering how much I have to pay Tama-chan to beat up my teachers into a bloody pulp? That way, I can paint more portraits of you! The portrait's in the mail!
Dear Jean,
Arigato! We received two emails marked "Hotohori's Portrait". One was blank and the other had an executable file called "Happy 99" and it was an animation of fireworks. Were they from you?
Dear Chichiri,
Dear Chichiri no Knob,
"Ano... why did you chose the name "Chichiri no Knob", no da? You do know that it means the Knob of Chichiri or Chichiri's Knob, no da? Dare I ask why you are calling yourself that, na no da? KOWAII!"
Well, basically, my 3 best friends and I have a name for our little group. Kind of like how you 7 guys are generally "The Suzaku Seishi"...we're "The Knob Squad." I guess "Knob" means "geek with a mission" which is what we think of ourselves as. We're geeks with a mission and together we are THE KNOB SQUAD! *a-hem* Anyway, we're all Seishi no Knob, basically. I'm Chichiri no Knob because I love you the best. My other friends are Nuriko no Knob, Tasuki no Knob, and Amiboshi no Knob, respectively. See? It all makes perfect sense :)
Lots of love!
Chichiri no Knob (Cristi)
Dear Cristi,
If you say so, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
I haven't talked to you in awhile, ne? So then how are you? Um, I left home not too long ago. I miss my family and all, but I'm doing all right with my Aunt. Something that keeps bothering me though, is that when I left home everyone said goodbye to me, except Kitty. She wouldn't look me in the eye or say anything to me. She just turned her back on me and walked into the house. I haven't been able to talk to her. So I don't know if she's mad at me or what. Do you know what I could do? I'm just a little confused. I don't know what to say or think, so I don't expect you to know either. So if you can't find an answer that's OK ^_^
Dear Kiwi,
I think she may be choosing to not deal with everything that has been going on in her life, no da. She also may be feeling a bit abandoned. Perhaps you can get in touch with her by email and stay in touch with her so she will feel better. Any chance of your returning home, no da? Take care and please keep in touch!
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