Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ohayo Suzaku Seishi, I come with gifts for all...
Tamahome: 10 gold ryu
Hotohori: a new hand mirror (pocket size)
Nuriko: a pair of earings (purple of course)
Chichiri: a cloth and polish for his staff
Tasuki: dental floss (need to take real good care of those fangs)
Mitsukake: a new first-aid kit
Chiriko: some new book marks
Well now that all the gifts have been handed out ohayo once again. I am a very big Fushigi Yuugi fan. I am currently working on my webpage titled:
"Tasuki-san's Fushigi Yuugi Page" I took up the name Tasuki-san since I like the ring it has. I got it from the OVA, I remembered Chiriko addressed Tasuki as Tasuki-san when he was not felling to good...Anyways. Well I come to ask you this...Are any of you envious of all the attention Tamahome gets? I would appreciate it if all of you answered, even you Tamahome. Oh, and no Tamahome is not my favorite seishi. I won't say who is, maybe in another letter. Untill then, answer honestly, let your true feelings out. And heck if you have to, go ahead and let your anger out on Tama-chan over there. (Tamahome not Tama-neko)
Dear Tasuki-san,
Tasuki: Since when does Obak-chan get all the attention??? I'M th' one gets th' MOST letters!!!
Chichiri: Hai, no da! I generally get the second most letters, no da! Poor Tamahome-kun seems to rate somewhere after Mitsukake and Tama-neko, no da.
Nuriko: Tamahome gets ALL the attention?!?!?!? Hee-hee-hee...
Chiriko: I get more mail than he does!
Hotohori: Poor Tamahome, he must feel soooo neglected. At least he has Miaka as compensation.
Mitsukake and Tama-neko: Tama-neko and I even get more letters than he does. Right Tama-neko? *Nyao*
Tamahome: Geez can't you guys cut me a little slack??
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Just writing you to let you know that I read what you said. Arigatou for your sympathy, demo I don't want you to get teary eyed about it. There has been enough tears shed about that to last everyone a lifetime, so there is no need for anymore,ne? ^_^ *hands him a tissue* Besides, what about all those people who get upset when you cry? So you see, if you cry then you will end up making others cry, and then I will end up crying. See how complicated things would get? ^_^;; *smiles trying to get him to smile*
Dear Kiwi,
OK. I don't want ya' cryin'. *Gives her a hug.* Don't worry 'bout Kitty, I'm sure she'll get over it. Try an' keep in touch wit' her, Rain, Peach, an' us!!
Dear Chichiri,
Jing Su, nin hao! Ni ting de dong wo, ma? Yao shi wo neng wo hui yong zhong wen gen nin jiang hua ke shi wo bu neng. Zhi hao yong ping ying. ^_^
Xiao Hai
Dear Xiao Hai,
Please write in either nihongo or eigo (Japanese or English) kudasai! Romanized Chinese doesn't make much sense, no da. Arigato.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Chichiri!!! Did I ever mention you're my most favorite seishi? Even thought you're the oldest, you're the youngest at heart. It's very kawaii!! Well, just wanted to give you a couple compliments before bugging you about a problem I have been having. Well, there's this girl I carpool with to school and if I didn't need her for a carpool I'd gladly never see her again. The reason she makes me so mad is because she acts so childish and gets mad about little things. She destroyed a friendship with someone because she was jealous the girl was becoming best friends with me. She(the girl I hate) is very possessive and I don't know what to do. Just a few days ago she decided to get mad at me about something that happened three weeks ago!!!! Oh, well. She thinks we're best friends, but I can barely stand her. I admit we have had some fun times, but I just can't take her hostility and attitude sometimes. She's very conceited, and I just have to grin and bear it which seems to be getting harder. Well, hope you can give me a little advice even if it is only take a deep breath. Arigato for your time! I'll get the pic to you soon! A few technical difficulties. *give him a quick hug and kiss* I may be a little too young for you, but you're a cute anime character so please just humor me. *gives him another quick kiss*
Ja ne!
Chrissy =)
Dear Chrissy,
*Blushes at the kisses and compliments.* Ok, take a deep breath, no da! Have you tried to sit her down and have a serious heart to heart talk with her or would that get you kicked out of the carpool, no da? Perhaps if you let her know how you felt she might straighten up, no da. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello. We are Ash, Misty, and Brock, we're here to look for our Charmander. He seems to have run off, which isn't good since he tends to burn things.
Misty: OH!! you SHUT UP! Have you found him or not?!!?!
Pikachu: Pika pika pickachu!
Ash: Have you seen Charmander? *looks hopefully at the seishi*
Brock:*looks at Nuriko, hearts appearing in his eyes* HEllo! you're pretty!
*Ash, Misty, and Pikachu sweat drop*
Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu
Dear Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu,
Arigato for your sweet compliment, Brock! Well the only thing that blows flames around here is Tasuki's tessen. Would your Charmander be attracted to that? Oh, by the way, Chichiri no Aijin has seen some of your adventures and is curious as to why Brock's eyes appear to be closed. Can you help us out with that question?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello. I have a problem. I'm not really sure I should be asking you guys about this, but there aren't may people I feel comfortanble going to about this... so... I guess I'll just let it out. There's this guy I know and don't like very well. For now let's just call him Dan. Dan dosen't have many freinds and when I met him, he wanted to hang out with me because I was into anime and not many people in my school are. So, trying to be a nice person, I let him hang out with me and my freinds not really knowing how much of a pest he was. Now, you should know that my close freinds and I are a very sarcastic group of people; we seem to always be insulting each other, but we're really not. When Dan entered the group he took all of there playful sarcasim very seriuosly, and even after I explained to him that this was just how they were and they weren't being serious he continued to hang around and be very mean to all of my freinds. After a while I just wished he would go away.
That was all at the begining of the school year. Now that most of the year has past things have gotten worse, but only on my part. He isn't being so rude to my freinds anymore, which is good, however still quite a pest. Now it is apparent that he 'likes' me. This I find completely repusive, especially in the way he is going about showing it. Everyday at school he grabs my belongings (i.e. backpack, books, etc.) and threatens to not give them back. That wasn't a real problem until he began to grab at ME. He pulls at my jacket, or my arm, or he'll keep pokeing me on the shoulder or something. You should also know that I absolutely dispize human contact, whether it be my freinds, family, whatever; NO ONE touches me. I of course told Dan that several times, that I hated people touching me and if he would stop. He just thought I was kiding and didn't seem to care. This is getting to the point were I am very VERY uncomfortable around him.
My best freind, we'll call him Fox, is trying to help me to get out of the situation. Lately all we've been doing is just not going down to our regular hangout where Dan is always waiting for me. Fox is being really cool in leaving all his freinds at our hangout to try and help me get away from the pervert, but it just dosen't seem right running away from my problem. There should be something eles I can do can't I? Something that can get this situation out of my way permanently?
Thanks for listning to me, I really appreciate it. Bye.
Dear Storm,
Tasuki is advocating a kick in the, shall we say, "shins", no da! I prefer a serious discussion and if that doesn't work, I suppose ignoring him completely may have "chilling" effect on him, no da. Unfortunately, young men are quite clueless and we can only hope he gets better as he gets older, no da! Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! eh.. heh... or at least I hope it's your birthday when you get this... I actually didn't have a question. I just wanted to wish you a happy birhtday. You know, your birthday is the same as my mother's. Well, bye!
Dear Jade,
Domo arigato gozaimasu! That's very cool that your mother and I share the same tanjobi!
Dear Tamahome,
*Oni symbol glowing on his forehead* That's certainly a most apt name you have chosen for yourself! AND DON'T CALL ME OBAKE-CHAN!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do you think of Sailor Moon? Which one is your fave? WHich one is the least liked?
Dear Anonymous,
We have seen a lot of Sailor Moon (Chichiri no Aijin especially likes Tuxedo Kamen/Mamarou). But, the rest of us have no favorites or least favorites.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan! Tasuki likes Amy-chan!..............................
Ohlala!! *wink wink*
Dear annoying,
YES YOU ARE!!!! Is this PJ again?? I'm gonna flatten ya'!!!
Dear Tasuki,
NO!!! THIS TIME THAT WAS NOT ME!!!!!! How come every time someone writes a letter that's a little crazy and they don't give a name, everbody asumes it's me....-_-
Dear P.J.,
Here's a wild guess... heh-heh... Could it be because you like to write hentai letters and run around with panties on yer head???
Dear Tasuki,
Well, its funny to see you get mad about liking a girl. It's even funnier to see you blush. Just because I'm making fun of you liking Amy-chan doesn't mean you can't cook for me. Don't worry Genrou, I'm just teasing you about liking Amy-chan. It's just funny to see you get mad. Oh yeah, since your birthday is almost in a month, what do you want beside sake and such? Bye
P.S.-How old do you have to be to drink in Konan?
Dear Mary-chan,
Yeah, yeah piss off th' guy wit' th' worst temper! I can see where THAT would be a barrel of laughs! Birthday, eh? Hmmmm... I dunno, maybe a party like ya got in yer world! Just leave th' jello, whiped cream, an' ANY ideas 'bout strip poker behind! I dunno what th' drinkin' age in Konan is, but I started aroun' 15.
Dear Chiriko,
Thanks for answering the other questions I wrote, although they were under a diffrent name which I can't recall right now. Like I said thanks, I apperciate the prompt reply very much. ^_^ By the way I'm thirteen too. How about us two going to the library to study? You could help me with my math!
Dear Jen,
If I ever make it to your world I would love to! Thank you for your invitation.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello. I'm writing to say that I really like you and I think you're a great guy and all...but I think I'm falling for you and I hate myself for it *smacks herself*...what do you propose I do?
Dear Missa-chan,
I dunno. Maybe join th' DTFC (Drooling Tasuki Fan Club)?
Dear Chichiri,
I'm going to be writing a fan fic of you guys, and considering my wonderful memory (sarcasm), and the fact I can't get to the right videos or webpages to help me right away, can you please tell me what everyone received from Taiitsu-kun? I remember Nuriko's and Tasuki's, but that's about it. THe help would be greatly appreciated! Bye, cutie!
Dear Chrissy,
I got a new necklace, no da! Hotohori got the Deity Sword, Chiriko got a scroll, and Mitsukake got special holy healing water. Oh, and Tamahome-kun got nothing, na no da.
Dear Chichiri,
How old or u?
Dear Kim,
26, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Were you and Shouka married before she, you know, passed away?
Dear someone,
No. I wish we had been and that I could have been there for her.
Dear Tasuki,
If you're not secretly in love with Koji, how about Chichiri?
Dear @*#!,
IIE!!!!! I AIN'T in love wit' ANYONE!!!!!!!!! Secretly or not!!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
I have a dollar. You can't have my dollar. Do you want my dollar? You can't have my dollar. Do you REALLY want my dollar? You can't have my dollar. If you wanted my dollar, you couldn't have my dollar. Well... You can have a penny. Do you want a penny? You can have a penny. If you really wanted my penny, you can have my penny. Here's the penny! *drops the copper coin into his hand while waving the dollar around as she skips away*
Dear lalala,
What an incredibly strange girl...
Dear Tasuki,
I'm sort of getting used to getting up early now. Ah, the blessed weekend. Except this weekend, I got really sick >.< And then my mom made me clean my room. AAAAGH!
Do they ever force you to clean your room? :P I had to go through my entire desk to pull all the junk out. Considering how huge my desk is, it took nearly two hours. I am so tired now.
Hehehe...if anyone should be blamed for me bein a girl, it's my dad. WA HA HA HA HA!!! *ahem* Yeah, who says guys and girls can't be friends. Heh heh heh...erg, I think the cough syrup's goin to my head. cat just fell into the trashcan, so I better go rescue her. Ja na.
Dear KnM,
Hope yer feeli' better soon! NOBODY forces ME to do ANYTHIN'!! Although, Chichiri does try to annoy me into cleanin' my room. Ain't worked yet!
Dear Mitsukake,
hello! I'm just another random animal lover who's been wondering as to wether or not Tama-neko has any litter mates and if they might be up for adoption or not. I've never had a cyber-pet before.. . Purrrrrrrow?
Dear sshadow,
Gomen nasai, as far as I know he has no littermates. He was a stray that found me, not the other way around.
Dear Tasuki, I'm Metamia. I don't know if you remember me but I was the crazy girl who ranted on and on about how I love you and asked weird questions...
Okay, I just like to say that message was written in the peak of my hentai obsession for you. I have calmed down, slightly. Let's just say I won't write crazy, insane messages about your coat. But I still love you! And I think you're great!
Please forgive me if I have offended you. I just want to be your friend. Honest!
By the way, I'm planning to write a fanfic where the Suzaku seishis visit the real world. What kind of activities would you like to do? I've thought of Miaka and the gang going to the beach, shopping, roller-blading...and KARAOKE! What do you think of my ideas? What song would you like to sing? Other than the THTC songs, of course.
Would you like to read it after I'm done? I would love to get some criticism (But I love praise more...hint, hint, nudge, nudge).
Metamia ^_^
Dear Metamia,
Hmmmm... what would I like to do in th' miko's world??? How 'bout drinkin'? Skiiin', snowboardin', goin' to class wit' Miaka might be fun! Songs to sing... I dunno, maybe Kansha Shitte by SMAP? Of course I wanna read it when yer done! It's got me in it!
Dear Nuriko,
How can you make yourself very beautiful?
Dear Mai,
I'm not already????? WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! BOO-HOO....
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Out of curiousity, have u ever watched Sailor Moon or any other anime in general??? I watch them and somehow, Chibiusa reminds me of Miaka; Heero Yuy(Gundam Wing)reminds me of Tama; Sailor Star Healer reminds me of Nuriko; well, the list can go on, but basically, I'm asking have u ever watched any other anime and get a uncanny feeling??
Lady Hecate
Dear Lady Hecate,
We have watched some of the aforementioned anime but, the only time we get what you called an uncanny feeling was when we watched "Weiss Kreuz" and "Escaflowne".
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! So sorry about the pic, but I need a bit more time until I can send it to you. Sorry for the delay, but it wouldn't be so hard if I HAD a scanner! I'm trying to get it to my friend so she can send it for me, but we live kind of far away from each other and only see each other on weekends. Bye for now!!
Dear Chrissy,
Daijobou, no da! I did get a very nice picture from a Mary-chan that was a sketch of me that she colored in. It was very nice, no da! We printed it out as a thumbnail so Chichiri no Aijin could take it with her to nihon no kurasu, na no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
For some strange and unknown reason, my random thought processes brought me to ask this: If you could fill up a bathtub with foods to sleep in, what foods might they be?
Dear sshadow,
We really don't know, but we DO know what they WON'T be: jello, whipped cream, and anything else that has managed to get smeared on us by crazed hentai fangirls!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
who's that as a the valentine card?
Dear me,
Ano, *sweatdrops* that is me in the picture. Ummm... I guess no one recognizes me without Tama-neko... *sigh*
Dear Tasuki,
what's yer fave color?
Dear me,
I dunno. I never thought about it. I guess Suzaku red. I also like black an' I guess whatever color looks good on me...
Dear Chiriko,
yer so kawaii! i didn't give ya muchcredit until i really got 2 know yer personality.
Dear lala,
Arigato for you kind letter!
Dear Tamahome,
Don't even THINK about sellin' my stuff!! I guess you need to make a date with Genrou and his tessen, and don't worry because I'll make ALL the arrangements!!!!!
A VERY pissed Kouji
Dear Kouji,
Aw, c'mon, think of the financial oppourtunity here! Tasuki sheets slept in by Kouji!! They'll sell like crazy!! And I'l even split the profits with you 90/10 (90 for me, 10 for you since all you have to do is sleep)! What do you say???
Dear Tasuki,
DEATHWISHER is doing okay. Dang, I spend way too much time on the computer. So, you wanted to be the one to break his bones, hm? Well, have fun trying. He will be coming home soon, well okay, not very soon at all, but beware because he really feels like brawlin' now! Just thought I might send ya' the FYI. If ya' see her, tell Aidou I said hi and that we should get together sometime. I've always wanted to learn the technique of log throwing. By the way, how may other girls do you have in your family, and are all of them like Aidou?
You're Funny Looking!!!
Dear You're Funny Looking!!!,
Glad yer bro' is doin' better! I have a ma an' 4 other sisters besides Aidou an' they're ALL a buncha pains!
Dear Chiriko,
How old are you? What are you doing? How many friends do I have?
Dear Mai,
i am 13. Right now I am listening to "Aqua" and answering your letter. Is this a trick question? I have no way of knowing how many friends you have.
Dear Chichiri,
***sniffle*** Chichiri-chaaaaaaaaan!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I love your guts! I think you're just SO sad and you really don't deserve to be! You deserve only the best and if anyone ever tells you any different, I'll beat them with my...HAND!!! You're the greatest guy ever, and you REALLY need a hug! ***gives Chichiri a hug*** Look, I just want you to know that IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT!!! Nothing has EVER been your fault! So stop blaming yourself, dearest. I suppose if I could glomp you right now, I most certainly would. *sigh* Would you return my affection or just scream and disappear into your kasa? I was just curious. I mean...not to be mean or anything...but I *do* kinda look like "her." You know who I mean. Oh, and I'm saving my next paycheck to buy a replica of your necklace. Nifty, ne?
Disgruntled Chichiri Fangirl
Dear Disgruntled,
Don't be disgruntled, onegaishimasu, no da! Arigato for all the nice things you said about me in your letter. I doubt I either scream or do the other thing you mentioned, no da. But I MIGHT give you a hug back, na no da.
Dear Hotohori,
HAHAHAHAHA!! I'm still laughing about the look on your face when Mitsukake so wonderfully commented how popular you are with the GUYS. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Does that ever bother you that you attract them? Well, gotta' go! I can't stay sitting up I'm laughing so hard!!
Dear hehehe^-^,
Being as beautiful as I can be such a hardship. *sigh* One must bear it as best as one can...
Dear Chichiri,
You know, I've now heard every song you've ever sung and I think you've got the best voice of any of the Suzaku seishi ^.~ Anyway, here's a hypothetical question: If I was to, say, draw fanart of you...would you care much? Even if it's...questionable? *a-hem* And what do you think of all the yaoi with you and Tasuki? Personally, I'm offended! I know that neither of you are like that! Well...I'm not so sure about Tasuki...but YOU definitely aren't! And you're usually the subserviant one in those fics, too. How does that make you feel?
Chichiri no Knob
Dear Chichiri no Knob,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. I would certainly like to see any fan art that you do of me. As for the yaoi stories of me & Tasuki, neither of us pay much attention to them, no da. They are not a reflection of our true selves, no da! Neither one of us is that way, although there is nothing wrong with being yaoi, it is just not a part of us, no da. Ano... why did you chose the name "Chichiri no Knob", no da? You do know that it means the Knob of Chichiri or Chichiri's Knob, no da? Dare I ask why you are calling yourself that, na no da? KOWAII!
Dear Tasuki,
Just wonderin'...what is pixy stix? I've been reading so many fans giving you this nowadays and I still haven't figured out what it is. ;^^
Take care always!!! =D
Dear Jill,
Pixy stix are paper tubes filled with a sweet flavored powder that is 99% sugar. OISHII!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Ne, will you marry me? (Kidding, kidding..^^)
Dear Myrna-chan,
HAIIIIII!!!! Jodan dayo! (joke, joke) Tee-hee...
Dear Hotohori,
Arigato for your understanding reply. With such tolerant advice coming from an emperor, I'm not exactly sure what to say, but I certainly do intend on trying as hard as I can to do well in the Navy. According to my recruiter/coordinator, I have a very good chance at being a successful officer. Maybe I can make up for things in that way. Thanks for the encouragement! I'll keep you posted!
Dear US Navy no Yui-chan,
Doitashimashite! (You're welcome) I am glad that I was able to help. Do your best and you will suceed! Gambatte kudasai!
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