Dear Mitsukake,
*hands a picture to Chichiri no Aijin...*...I won't tell Shouka.
>.<;; *goes back to sulking over why shichiseishi only pose in red silk for Mulan-baka*
Dear Amy-chan,
*Looks at picture and sweatrains!!!*
Ano, interesting use of ummmm... sheet there. Thank you for not trying to balance Tama-neko on my shoulder.
We pose for Mulan-chan because she threatens to do evil things to us if we don't!
Dear Tasuki,
Does it make you mad when I talk about you liking Amy-chan? Oh, and you can cook for me anytime because i can't cook but i can make better food than Miaka can. :)
Dear Mary-chan,
So, ya' tease me 'bout Amy-chan, expect me to cook fer ya', and wanna know if yer tickin' me off????? Whaddya think???? An' ANYONE can cook better than Miaka!!
Dear Tasuki,
Well I'm moving now, next thursday.*sigh* at least I'm not davastated anymore. I wrote about 20 pages of the story about and your family, its just the beginning, gonna be novel length. I probably won't be able to read your answer unless you answer it in the next 4 days, I doubt.
I write to you again after I move and settle down. *depressed o well* I have a strange request, please don't look sad ever again cause it makes me sad. You'd be surpriesd how much it pains me to see you sad.
Tieng( not my real name)
ps Please don't call me a *kiddo* K? then I won't call you *Gen-chan*K?
*blushes* Uh....arigato for the um..hug. see ya!
Dear Tieng,
Glad to hear yer feelin' somewhat better 'bout yer move. I'll try not to look sad if ya' try not to be depressed over th' move. Hell, it ain't much but ya' still got me to talk to! OK?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I can't help but wonder...How can I possibly be speaking with all of you when some of you are practically dead.
Dear Anonymous,
No we're not! We're anime characters! Besides, that's OUR little secret, tee-hee!
Dear Tasuki,
I just want to say hi. I am 9 years old. I watch my sister's Fushigi Yuugi tapes with her sometimes! Your my favorite person! I'm having a fight with my sister about what you are called is it seishi? or sushi? My sister says it's seishi but I think it's sushi. Thank you for reading my letter. It took me a long time to write it. I don't type that well. But I try. Bye!
Dear Brodie,
Your sister is right! Sushi is raw fish an' rice. Pretty good eatin', too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*bows* Hello, all. *sighs* I have a question, and I wondered if any of you would be willing to answer.
Lately I've been in a quandary about myself and my past, and since the Seiryuu no Seishi, masters of the unfortunate past, have not been punctual in responding to the messages sent their way, I thought I might consult you all. To put it bluntly, I used to be an Antiamerican in the worst way. I stomped on flags and cursed the see where I'm going. If I lived where you do, I'd've lost my head for treason about 4 years ago...and yet here I have been allowed to continue to live in freedom and peace no matter my beliefs. I realized last year what an incredible hypocrite I'd been, and I felt like I owed the nation I'd so long criticized. Sort of an honor thing, I guess, so I decided to join the military and serve my country even if it meant having to go to war and die. I have been thinking lately that maybe I made this decision because, in a way, I *want* to die, to face some sort of consequences for my actions, which I now believe to be terribly wrong. I can't find it in me to forgive myself for what I have done. What do you think I should do?
US Navy no Yui-chan
Dear US Navy no Yui-chan,
As an Empereor I know I dislike having my rule or my country criticized. However, as you live in a place that allows you to do such a thing, I feel that you should forgive yourself. You are paying your debt back by joining your country's armed forces and I see no reason that you should have to or even want to die for your past actions. Have your past actions actually harmed any person physically? Were you destroying buildings or hurting others by what you did? As I understand your country's laws even defacing their flag is not a crime, but protected as Freedom of Speech. I think you should proudly serve your country and when your service time is up then decide if that is what you wish to do as a career or go back to civilian life and consider your debt paid. Perhaps you may wish to reach out to other young people who feel like you did and talk to them about your experiences and try to help them better understand the country that they live in. Whatever path you decide on good luck and gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Wow...I finally got to take a look at the new's been a while. I get home every day from work and just fall asleep...because I have a 7:30 report time, and I'm used to staying up late and sleeping til like 11. It's hard. I've been so tired.
Work is ok. I really don't know what's going on at all there...mostly because with my job, I'm not going to even be qaulified to do real work for at least six months. So I just get to sit around and be extremely bored for eight hours a day, and somehow stay awake. The people are really nice, though I think I'm probably the youngest person in the entire building. >.< 85% of the other employees are old enough to be one of my parents or grandparents! Sheesh! Well, at least if they tease me about being a kid, I can tease them back about being an old fart. :D
It's just been a real hard adjustment so far. My mom is still freaking out...she keeps setting her alarm so that she gets up earlier than me, so she can make sure that MY alarm goes off. It's really tiring her out, and I'm worried about her. At the same time, though, I'll have to admit, it kind of annoys I'll blow up at her, and I feel bad. And then, even when I'm not mad, I kind of have to keep all my stress from showing, because I don't want to worry her more. It's kind of hard. But I think things will be better soon.
And I just wanted to say...thanks. It does mean a lot that you're here for me. ^_^
Heh heh heh...does that mean you've forgiven me for bein' a girl, since you normally don't like girls?
* ahem* sorry...being tired does weird things to my brain. :) Oh yeah...I got a playstation! Yay! So anytime you guys want to come over and play Bushido Blade, drop on in. Just watch out for the schnauzers. Ja na!
Dear KnM,
Glad to hear yer doin' pretty good. Once yer in th' habit of gettin' up at that time yer ma will stop gettin' up early fer ya'. An' if she don't, jus' tell her yer worried about her an' ask her to stop. Heh-heh... I like to tease Chichiri 'bout bein' so old, too! Jus' make sure they don't whack ya' wit their canes or anythin'! Yeah, yeah, yer fergivin' fer bein' female. It ain't yer fault!
Dear Tasuki,
Do you know how to cook? Just wondering. Oh, and how should I beat up my baka older brother? He's really annoying and always wants to fight me, but I don't like fighting but I've really fed up with his s--t. Any advice.
Your fan but not hentai one (thank god for that too, if I was hentai I would have to shoot myself. What disgusting girls those hentai chicks are)
P.S.-How come you didn't answer my last question? I'm sad now :(
Dear Mary-chan,
I can do a mean char-broil! Heh-heh... As to yer bro' I guess logs work fer Aidou... nah... one good punch in the solar plexis/guts should cool him down! ITAI! Chichiri is smackin' me with his staff an' tellin' me to tell ya' that fightin' never solved anythin'! 'Che do what ya' want within reason, jus' keep me outta this!
Dear Tasuki,
How ya been? Haven't written in a while 'cause I only have the net at school -_-... but anyways, What did you mean when you said Lina, the beautiful sorceress, was neko-pai!? (I only study japanese as a personal interest, so I'm still kinda new at it ^_^!) If it was somethin' mean, I WON'T be giving you this bottle of sake I went and bought for you. Hopefully I can write back soon. Ja ne!!
Dear Mika-chan,
Ano... neko-pai means flat chested... heh-heh... jodan! JODAN!!! (joke) Now can I have my sake?
Dear Chichiri,
*taps foot* Hmmmmm..... past life ne? If I was an other person I would just brush that off with a laugh, but I'm not. I take that kind of things to heart and contemplate it for as long as I have to.
*cough cough* Gomen, I have been ill lately.
Anyways, I have had some strange thoughts lately... Well, it may not be strange to you, but to me it is very odd. You see I do not think of religon that much(unless it has something to do with World Cultures class), and lately I have been thinking about a religon that seems so familiar to me but I have no idea what it is called or why I have been thinking about it. *cough cough* Strange things seem to happen a lot to me.
Well, I'm glad that you like the bracelet. I got to go take some medicane that doesn't seem to work, and sleep the rest of the day.
Ja ne no da!
Dear Erin,
I hope you get well soon, no da. So, tell me more about this religion that you say seems familiar to you. Perhaps I can help you to identify it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Uh well, I would be lying if I said that I've heard from her lately. Her mother has passed on, so she went to live with her aunt for awhile.
I haven't talked to her since she left. She said that she would call me.
But she hasn't, so I am worried about her. Everyone was mad at her for leaving. Kitty didn't say goodbye to Kiwi, Rain did, but he lost his temper once she was out of sight. I was mad too, but I'm not anymore. I must say though, Even though she hasn't been gone for that long. Things just don't seem the same at all without her, they seem empty in a way. I'm sure she will come back though. I just have to be patient (which isn't one of my greater strengths) and understanding. She has had her heart broken many times, so it may take awhile for her to,well, be her again ^_^ I told her before she left, that if she ever got into any trouble, I would still be here to support her. Even if it means having to drive all the way to NY to kick some ass. That made her laugh, which was nice to see. Things will work out for the better somehow, I'm sure of it.
Dear Peach,
Okuyami to Kiwi, Kitty, an' Rain on their loss. *Turns awawy from Peach with tears in his eyes.* I hope ya' hear from them soon. We all like ya' guys an' wish only th' best fer alla ya'. I dunno if any of 'em will see this, but maybe ya' can let 'em know they're in our thoughts.
Dear Chiriko,
Ni hao Chiriko-kun!!!! We have a liiiiittttlllleee question, what's priest in Japanese? You see, we are members of the Seven Weird Seishi and our miko happens to be a guy. This is a problem with our seishi Anne 'cause she's his girlfriend and doesn't approve of him being a shrine maiden or something... Oh well. Actually, the rest of us like calling him the Weird no Miko (and he looks like a girl anyways) but... ITTTTAAAIIII!!!!
Hikaru:THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!
Jean: Oh, speak of the devil... *gets whacked again* ITAAAAIIIII~!
Mandy: Come to our site if you're confused okay?
7 Weirdos - 3
Dear 7 Weirdos - 3,
To answer your question saishi is a general word that means priest. As to the rest of your letter, it was edited to make it more appropriate for this peejii instead of being placed on the message board like your letter to Tamahome was.
Dear Tamahome,
I love you Tamahome! You knew that already! I know we'll be together always! I also heard your comment about making you broke with all the food I eat! TA-MA-HO-ME!!! Oh, well. There's no problems in liking food! You can be so sweet, even on that subject. *they embrace in a long loving kiss, then Miaka sees food and runs away, a large sweatdrop appearing on Tamahome*
Tamahome(frustrated sigh): Some things will never change. *Tamahome can't help but smile as Miaka smiles her precious smile at him with a piece of fish hanging out of her mouth*
Dear Miaka,
Ja, that about sums it up dear. Ano, your point? Uh, by the way, do you know you have a fish tail hanging out of your mouth???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am one of Fran-Nyan's friends. i just want to let you know that the situation here is more complicated than she let on. She did a very good job summarizing, but things aren't that simple.
The situation has been building since last semester. We don't like the situation either. The one who has been ostrasized has hurt basically everyone in the group. We have done our best to get through to him that we're being hurt, and to help him with problems that are still troubling him. He brings out the worst in all of us, and at this point we really don't think that there's anything else we can do to keep him from hurting us, so we're staying away from him. He has been the cause of many of the problems our group has had since we got here, and we just can't deal with him being the center of all of our attention anymore.
I'd like emphasize that WE DIDN'T WANT THIS. If we thought that there was anything else we could do, then we would. But nothing we say gets through to him, no matter how often we say it.
We really aren't trying to make anyone choose between us. We've stressd this point. We just don't want to be with him. If any of our other friends want to hang out with him, it's fine. We don't want them to feel bad about it just because we don't want to be with him.
I'm usually in the position that Fran-Nyan is in. I've tried being the radical in this, and I've tried playing the middle. Playing the middle doesn't work. It really doesn't. At this point the only thing left to do is stay away from him. Considering the situation, we aren't acting like children. We're trying to protect ourselves now, because we just CAN'T deal with him any more.
Just thought I'd give you another side of this.
Dear Ju-chan,
Arigato for writing in to us, no da! This puts a VERY different spin on things, no da! In this situation the best thing that Fran-nyan can do is NOT try to fix anything and just remain friends with you and the disruptive person. At this point, you are correct, it is best that you and the other person's paths just do not cross. It is very sad that this person has cuased so much srtife in your group and alienated himself from potential friends, no da. I am hoping that someday you will ALL be friends again. Good luck, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Even though you act like you're all tough, it's so obvoius you're not! It's a proven fact girls are stronger emotionally than guys. hee hee... Guys are so delicate... I think women intimidate you.
wouldn't u like ta know!
Dear wouldn't u like ta know!,
NO THEY DON'T!!! Have ya' been talkin' to my wretched oneesan Aidou??? She's got them same crazy ideas!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! For a day I tried saying 'no da' after everything I said and it was really funny because it annoyed my mom so bad that she refused to talk to me! I've been laughing about it ever since! Heck, I think it's so gosh darn cute! The more I watch FY, the more I come to love the show! It's SO much better than Sailor Moon could ever be, even if the ditzy super-heroine theme is there. How come Miaka's always the one to get sick or hurt? She's abusing the privilege! Oops! Look who I'm telling this to. Tell Chiriko thanks for getting the thing fixed, now I can send you my picture which your fans will REALLY love. If you put it on your page, tell Tamahome I'll give him a good amount of money. (Gotta' get ya' to do it somehow) Well, now it's time to go study and do homework o_0. It's a part of life, a crappy part of life, but a part of life. Grin and bear it! Bye for now! *Gives Chichiri a quick kiss just because he's so darned cute!*
PS. I forgot what name I was writing under, so the one below will have to do for now. I think you could figure out who I am if you really wanted to. =) Smile.
Dear Chrissy,
I'm glad that you are enjoying our adventures. But please try to be more forgiving of Miaka, she only has so much to work with, no da. I look forward to seeing your picture of me, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi. I'm going to be trying out to play the part of... well... YOU in an RP that I recently discovered surfing the net. The onlt thing is that I'm afraid that I won't get your personality right and I won't get the part. Maybe I shouldn't have chosen you since I don't know your personality that well, but then again there weren't to many other parts left... Anyway, I just wanted to know if you could tell me anything about yourself that might help?
Dear Storm,
Well, I am the strong silent type. I chose to become a healer because I love life and cherich all living creatures. Well, except maybe for Nakago. *hint of smile*
Dear Nuriko,
Something with purple? ^^ Okay. I might ask her. She just wanted "The Temple Of Nuriko"..I'm more creative, I wanted something different like "The Official Temple Of The Purple-Haired Bishonen" or something like that.
Since I do all the work, I'll probably be able to talk her into it. ^_^ She's focusing on her homepeeji herself and only like added 10 reasons why you kicked ass. Bah.
Anyway, there's also something I wanted to ask you. I'm home from school today since it's my parents' 21st Anniversary, [they waited 8 years before having me. ^^()] but I also sorta played hooky from school 'cause my classmates are a buncha backstabbers. There's one girl who always punches me in the arm for no reason [or petty reasons, like accidentally mis-pronouncing her name or something] and calls me "Myrnina" o.o;;;
There's another guy who says sexual type things about my Mum, and I told her, and he got suspended for a day. But he still bugs me. ^^;; And he makes fun of my, my mother's, and my little sister's names. He's got a really boring name when we've got really nice ones. [My sister's named after the anime character Madoka Ayukawa from Kimegure Orange Road] And there are many people who make fun of my weight, when I'm not really that fat. *sweatdrops*
Okay, okay, I'm shutting up. How should I deal with them? BTW, they're the same ones who called me a lesbien. ^^;; Oh, before I forget..they've stopped calling me a lesbien, but have gotten sicker. They say that I slept with the retard in the class, and other boys. *sweatdrops* I keep telling them I'm a..well, you know..but they don't cut it out!
Anyway, isn't "backstabbers" a perfect name for my classmates?
Dear Myrna-chan,
Immature is more like it. Have you discussed this with your parents? It sounds as if things are getting out of hand and they need to intervene on your behalf. Generally, my thought would be to ignore such people and behavior, as they are beneath one's notice. Considering your and your classmate's ages (yes, I figured it out from the information in your letter), believe it or not they WILL eventually grow out of it. That's the good news. The bad news is it will prbably take several years. Until then you can choose to either ignore them or have your parents bring this sitaution to the attention of the school authorities. Gomen nasai that I can't do more for you. Gambatte!
Dear Chichiri,
I did as you told me I found someone from my own world but he lives about 631km from me (which makes him as far as if he was from another world)T_T but I still have a few questions for you ^_^
What kinda clothes do you like to wear when you're not dressed as a Suzaku seishi?
What colour is your hair?(I've seen it blue and blonde in some pics)
What kinda underwear do you wear? (don't have to answer this one if you don't want to, this is just my curiosity)
Do you like doing anything in special?
Dear Yuukina,
My clothes are my clothes, no da! I don't dress any special way as a Seishi. I just dress as me, na no da! My hair has been described as "the color of the wind". You figure it out, no da! My answer to THAT question is clean, no da! The one thing I love to do is fish, na no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I dunno, you and Amy-chan seem very close. I mean, she gives you big kisses and hugs, right? I think you like her and don't want to admit it.
Dear Mary-chan,
Grrrrr... I DON'T think so!!!
Dear Chichiri,
I think it's great you can give good advice, but it's just sad that a lot of the hardships you've been through were the experience for you to be able to give that advice. Hope you don't think that sentence was very confusing. I would break it down, but you're such a smart guy. *hands him a fish* You're probably wondering why I did that. Well, I know you like fish, and I felt like it. you understand. Bye for now no da!
Dear Chrissy,
Arigato for your letter and for the um... sakana, no da! Sakana wa oishkatta desu! Tama-neko liked it, too, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Geez! Why has Tasuki been the Valentine's card for like a month now?!
Dear me,
Because Mulan-sama an' Amy-chan ain't sent any new pics yet! OI! Amy-chan what gives??
Dear Tasuki,
I have some bad news. My bro 'DEATHWISHER' has been badly hurt. I'm really scared. He's in the hospital, but was having fun talking/writing with you so he wanted me to tell you why he hasn't written lately. He may be able to come home soon. Oh, Gods! I wish there was something I could do. He was looking forward to brawling with you and says he wants to when he's better. Then he laughed and passed out. I'm so worried... Mitsukake! Why can't you belong to OUR world?! This is going to be hard, but I visit him everyday and take care of his e-mails. He's pretty popular with the ladies, but gets mad when they send him stuff they SHOULDN'T since he's pretty happy with the girl he's got now. Ok, I guess I haven't metioned what happened. He got into a car accident and broke some bones, like ribs, his leg, and fractured his arm. He was even being a good citizen taking his STUPID drunken friend home. He hasn't told us yet how they crashed, but I've been trying to get it from him very slowly waiting until he's ready. The reason he thought of you and told me to write was because since he got in the wreck he's felt like roasting his friend after what he did (whatever that was). I know he really doesn't want to, it's just really sad this had to happen. Well, I'm probably boring you since I know you're ANYTHING but sensitive! Bye for now, and I will be writing in his place if he has something for me to write to you about.
You're Funny Looking! (Just Kidding)
PS. How's Tama-neko? heh heh heh...
Dear You're Funny Looking! (Just Kidding),
WOW!! Sorry ta hear 'bout yer bro'! 'Specially since I was plannin' on breakin' his bones myself! Heh-heh... jodan!! (joke) Glad to hear he's seems OK 'cept fer some broken bones. He's tough, he'll be fine. I know how he feels 'bout his friend, I've wanted to smack Kouji sometimes 'cos he does such stupid s--t when he's drunk, too. Stupider than me even!!!! Tell him I said hi an' we'll brawl when he's all healed, if he's still up fer it then. Oh yeah, Tama-neko is fine.
Dear Nuriko,
Very clever, Nuriko san ^_^ Sorry I put you on the spot like that ^_^
Dear Nyanko-chan,
Daijobou! And you people only thought that Chichiri was the clever one! Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Kay... now I feel dumb... What's bi-ru???
Dear Chaos-kun,
Hmmm, when it's pronounced beee-ruuu it's Japanese fer beer!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I wrote this to all, because I'm not sure who exactly will know the answer, even thought it deals mainly with Nuriko and Hothori. Anyways, I have a silly, poinltess hypothetical question that's been bothering me...If Hothori had chosen Nuriko for his bride before he found out...what would have happened ^.^;?
Dear Kakamau,
He woulda' had one HELL of a surprise on his Weddin' Night!!!! Heh-heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
Umm..Happy Early Saint Patrick's Day or ::hands him a bottle of sake and some pixy stix:: Yanno..have you ever like, tried dumping the pixy stix in the sake and mixing it together? *pikupiku* works nice with soda..with sake, I dunno. And, I got you some brownies. ::hands him some homemade brownies:: I made them..but um..I'm not exactly the greatest cook. Tell me what you think, ne? ^_^;
So how you been? ^_^ Any hentai girls been chasin' ya lately? Poor, poor Genrou. Maybe I should get to work on building a hiding place for you. I can get my older sister Ucchan to help! Heh..payback for always picking on me. And she works really well. When she's not throwing gunk at me. And I can have Marron help too! Heehee..
Well, *twirls her pigtail* guess I'll be goin' now. *hops off*
*runs back* Oh! One more question!! I'm working on a webpage about you..when it's finished..would you look at it? It may not be a LONG time, 'cause my imouto-chan is teaching me HTML, and's kinda hard. Eh heh.. ^.^; Webupeijis are not my forte, but, you learn something new every day, ne? Ja! ^.~
Dear Reddie,
Th' crazed hentai chicks seem to leavin' me alone at least fer now. Hai!! I wanna see yer peeji on me! So ya' wanna feed me sake, brownies, an' pixy stix?? I dunno if even my guts can take that much abuse!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you could be any article of clothing, which piece of clothing would you be? Please answer our question (however odd it may seem)!
*leaves several bags of gold ryuo and bottles of sake as bribery*
Psyche and Moonbeam
Dear Psyche and Moonbeam,
We did the best we could. Here are our answers:
Tasuki: A boot so I can kick the next person who asks me such a *&^%$#@ goofy question!!!!
Tamahome: A shirt
Nuriko: A bikini, because I would look SOOOOO kawaii in one! Tee-hee!
Chichiri: A cape, no da. Blue of course, na no da!
Chiriko: A beanie cap.
Mitsukake: A beige tunic.
Hotohori: There are no articles of clothing as beautiful as me.
Dear Tasuki,
You have this problem, too, so I'll ask you for advice..I know girls are drooling over you and trying to steal your coat and stuff, but, I have the same problem. I have these people who are obsessed with me, always asking me on a date, and practically mauling me, barely giving me room to breathe because they're so competitive of each other. They ALWAYS have to be around me! And I'm NOT interested in ANY of them. And I've TOLD them this, too. They just will not leave me alone! And they don't take no for an answer either. I'm not full of myself or anything at all, these people REALLY do this. What can I say to them to get them the hell away from me?! Argh!
P.S...and they're not girls..they're GUYS. So ha. :P
Dear argh!!!,
Tell them that they are harrassing you and if they don't stop you will report them to the proper authorities, no da! I am answering you because Tasuki's answer was not feasible or legal or your world. Besides what would you do with all the charred remains, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
you're not boring at ALL!!!
don't let anyone ever tell you that!! as you've probably guessed, I'm a fan!! ^_^
but um, i gotta question too! YAY! here it goes: how'd ya first meet Shoka?
was it love at first sight? i think you guys are so cute together!
a loyal fan
Dear loyal fan,
Arigato for saying I am not boring. I appreciate it. I met Shoka when I was caring for people in her village. Yes, it was love at first sight.
Dear Tamahome,
Heeey, Tama-chan, I've got a job for you! How 'bout I pay ya some money and you can steal the Tasuki bedsheets from Kouji for me? I've got a lot of ryo here! *jiggles money bag in front of his face* Well, what do you think? Can we work something out?
Dear Jean,
Hmmm... Kouji IS easier to take in a fight (no tessen!). I'll see what I can do.
Dear Chichiri,
wat would u do if u feel like you're alwayz alone, and no one cares 4 u? all your friends left u out and u feel like u hav nothing to depend on? Please just answer my question.
Dear ChI99,
I would try to either make new friends or at least find out why my old friends are behaving the way they are, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you have a scar on your body? where?
Dear Anonymous,
Ain't that a bit personal??? Do you?? Doko?
Dear Chichiri,
Ho there! Just learned that Mitsukake left u this healing water that will help ur other eye to see again. Have u used it and forgotten the past? I can't help but wonder. what happened to your fiance, anyways? Take Care. Bye.
Dear Adorable,
No I haven't, no da.. Suffice it to say that she passed away.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know this is a silly question, but who really cares *sigh* Since you all live in Konan, does that make you Konanians or something?0.o;
Dear Rena,
Since the story seems to take place in ancient CHina, my guess is that we're all Chinese.
Dear Tasuki,
I asked Chichiri this question too. Have you ever read the fanfic "Broken Consorts"? If you have, what did you think of it?
Some strange wierdo
Dear Some strange wierdo,
Is that th' yaoi one wit' me an' Chichiri??? I AIN'T yaoi an' he ain't my type!!! Th' writin' was good though.
Dear Chichiri,
Have you ever read the fanfic "Broken Consorts"? If you have, what did you think of it?
Some strange wierdo
Dear Some strange wierdo,
Is that the one with me and Tasuki and *GULP* yaoi overtones, no da???? We are NOT yaoi!, no da!! But is was well written, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
So, Tasuki, is sake your favorite kind of drink or is there another kind that you prefer? Just wondering...
Dear Chaos-kun,
Pretty much sake, but I'll drink bi-ru, too.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama, who are your two favorite women? (*growl* besides-Kourin-and-Miaka *growl*)
:-) *innocent grin*
Nyanko-chan and Myrna-chan
Dear Nyanko-chan and Myrna-chan,
Hmmm... Tasuki and Tamahome!! They looked soooo kawaii when we all had to dress up in the Omake section of OVA 1!
Dear Chichiri,
when will the second episode of fushigi yuugi be release in singapore. I wait until my neck is long like giraffe. this is indeed my favorite cartoon
Dear saintofgames,
I'm glad that we are your favorite anime, no da. Unfortunately, I don't have that information, no da. Have you tried Pioneer's website, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm a first year college student and I've never really had any friends, so it was a great thing when suddenly on campus, I had a large group of 8 friends (one which got me hooked on FY. *smile*) Only trouble is, the group has been having internal problems, and one of my best friends was ostrasized from the group. He was pretty much told by a couple of members of the group that they couldn't deal with him anymore and that they on longer consitered him their friend.
Now, I've always been the one with a Nyan-Nyan complex (trying to fix situations so everything is better and in general acting like a psychiatrist.) so I've been trying to help everone out, but they're all beyond anything I can do for them. The group is stubborn as anything and is sticking by the desision to pretty much forget that my friend exists, and my friend is pretty much in the mind set of "Fuck 'em!" exept for one of the group who he's got a crush on (Which is a whole nother mess in itself...)
I though that I could still be friends with all of them and now have to worry about anything, but I'm starting to feel like I'm caught in the middle. Both sides (as much as I had to say it, there are sides) are trying to pull me their direction, and it's getting to the point where, emotionaly, I can't handle this anymore. I don't want to lose any of my friends, but it feels like I'm going to have to choose between them.
Any advice on what the hell I can do would be GREATLY appreciated.
Dear Fran-Nyan,
Tell ALL of 'em that ya' ain't gonna choose an' what they're doin' is unfair to ya'!! Sounds like yer tomodachi need to grow up!
Dear Mitsukake,
Why are dentists so sadistic?
On a similar note, do you think that in a different life Nakago was a dentist?
Dear Miaru,
Low pay?? They know everyone hates them? As to your question about Nakago, HAI!
Dear Chiriko,
Buenas dias mi amigo!
Tu eres tan intelligente! Ay, y que lindo eres tambien! Sabes espanol? Claro que si, verdad? Bueno, queria preguntarte algo. Que lo que es un "google". Es una palabra en mi clase de mathematica. No lo se. Por favor, ayudame. Oh, y puedes poner la repuesta en ingles o japones isi quieres. Yo se leer esos tambien! ^_^
Muchas Gracias lindito!
Mucho gracias para su letra. Yo hablo español un poco. Un googol esta uno con ciento ceros. Buenas fortuna en su clase de mathematica.
Dear Tasuki,
hi, this is a fan of you.
Lily ^_^
Dear Lily ^_^,
I didn't include yer question 'cos it's a HUGE spoiler an' I am tryin' not to do spoilers! Sorry.
Dear Chichiri,
*smiles lightly and offers him some V-day heart candies* Ara, I don't want to sound like I'm hitting on you (^.^;;) demo, since you lost two of the most important people in your life near the same time, do you ever feel lonely? I know you have your miko to protect and the other seishi as friends, but do you ever long for someone else? *sweatdrops and bows* It sounds sort of silly, however I was just curious as to your feelings because I lost someone close to me. *bows again* I don't mean to pry. Arigoto Chichiri-sama ^_-
Dear Autumn-chan,
In a sense I am. But I know that I am surrounded by people who love me and care about me and that helps alot, no da! Arigato for the ame!
Dear Tasuki,
*reads the letter that P.J. wrote not too long ago* -_-;; Gomen nasai Tasuki! *glares at P.J. from across the room, he whimpers and runs away looking for a place to hide* It shouldn't happen again. *Kitty reads over her shoulder and does her Mr.Burns thing... "excellent" and Tabitha starts doing her little "mwahahaha"* eh-heh-heh-heh ^_^;;
Dear Peach,
It better not!! So how's Kiwi? Heard from her lately?
Dear Chichiri,
It's seems strange but I have fallen in love with you. What should I do now?
Dear Yuukina,
Find someone in your own world, no da. As Tasuki would tell you, I am a wandering heart-breaker. But we can, of course, be friends, no da!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Eat you? Mm...I don't know...I am awefully hungry ^.^;;
Dear Miaka,
*Big collective GULP and SWEATDROP!* Tamahome!!!! We think it's time to take Miaka out for dinner!!!!!
Hotohori, Nuriko, Chichiri, Tasuki
Dear Chichiri,
I would send you my pic, but when I clicked on the thing you put in the response for me, it said something about a file not being found. It's NOT a bad pic, so why are you doing this???? Just kidding, I know you probably didn't know that would happen. Help me out a little. Arigato gozaimasu!
Dear Kurisutenha,
I had Chiriko fix it, no da. It is in our Archives now, no da. It is the peeji for Week Ending March 06, 1999. Gomen, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
This is really important, and I figured you were the only one who could really help me with this. Okay, you used to think of Hotohori as the man you could love even though you were a man yourself, but he proved to you that he would never be *like that*. You still like him a lot, but become strait since you realize that what you were doing seemed somewhat silly. Then say Hotohori tries to get you together with his friend,then something bad happens and you're not sure you'll ever see her, but she sent you some wonderful e-mails that just couldn't let you do anything except fall in love. Then one day Hotohori tells you that he loves you and would be *like that*. He also says he's jealous when you talk about the girl. What do you do? Please tell me all you can because I really need some help. I'd greatly appreciate any advice you could give me, also have Chichiri help out a little if it seems necessary. I wish things didn't keep getting harder and harder.
can't tell you
Dear can't tell,
WOW!!!! That's painful!! WEll, who do you have the stronger feelings for her or him? Go with your heart, but let the other party down gently and perhaps you can ALL remain friends. Good luck!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Bishounen Hunter Kurita 'ere! Before I ask my question I gotta make my little comments(Hey,be's an obession!)In no particular order..
Tamahome- ::gives him two gold ryou:: I'm a jobless student so I'm just about broke now. Thanks. ^_^*
Hotohori- It must be a real strain to be the emperor, huh? I'm the big sister and it's hard enough being in charge of 4 little siblings!
Nuriko- How do you keep your hair so nice and long with no split ends?!?
Chichiri- I think your one of the cutest seishi, with or without mask ^_~ But anyhoo..We have the same birthday so that's pretty cool.
Mitsukake- I swear out cats must be from the same litter! My Yami looks just like Tama-neko!
Tasuki- Nice piccy you got there on the main page..too bad a gust of wind didn't come along..Just kidding. But I want you to spend New Years Eve with me to see who has a higher tolerance level (I think I can beat you! I'm only a tiny girl. ^_^;;) Oh and bring someone who will actually stay sober long enough to see who wins.
Chiriko- I know how you feel, growing up with a high IQ..People used to tease me all the time cause I was smarter than them..and the teacher.. ¬.¬
Now it's time for the question!(If you guys haven't run in fear by now, I'd be happy if you'd consider me a friend. ^_^*)
Okay, I've got a little problem. There's this guy who's been trying to get me out on a date for so long it's not even funny. I keep telling him. "Thanks but I'm not interested it dating anyone right now." But he won't listen. Just about everyday he asks me out. Turn him down. He asks again. Turn him down. He asks get the picture..I was afraid during christmas.(Damned dorm building christmas party and the 45 pieces of mistletoe..O.o;;) Please tell me how I can get him off my back for good without him getting more persistant!
Dear Kurita,
Is he so horrible, no da? Perhaps you could give him a chance and meet him for coffee. You might be surprised, no da. If you really want to say no, perhaps you should tell him in a forthright and confident manner that he does not appeal to you and that he should stop wasting his time and yours. But be prepared, you may hurt his feelings, no da. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Where'd you get the money to buy a coat like that?? Oi, the next time the DTFC fangirls rub jell-o all over you *taste* some of it, and then tell me? K? Are we cool? Cool.
Dear Nyanko-chan,
I'm a *&^%%#@ BANDIT!!! Where d'ya THINK I got th' okane fer my coat???? An' no way am I about to suck an' lick my coat after they rub that jello s--t all over it!! That's disgustin'!
Dear Nuriko,
Ack! I'm choking you?! O_O *lets go of him*
Gomen nasai Nuriko-sama! *bow, bow, worship* Ne, me and my best friend are starting another peeji [which means the Shrine might be neglected..] which is a temple to you. Can you think of any good names? *giggles*
Oh, and what did you think of the fanart I did of you? *grins*
Dear Myrna-chan,
It was very nice. I also liked the new website! Yes, I lurk on the board and I happened upon you shaeless plug. Tee-hee... A name for the peeji??? I don't know. How about something with purple in it?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
how long does it take for you guys to answer a question? do you answer ALL of them?
Dear curious,
It all depends on the questions we are asked. Some questions are quick and easy and some we really have to think about! We try to answer as many questions as time allows. However, while we may not answer EVERY question put forth to us, we do actually READ each and every question that we receive.
Dear Nuriko,
do you shave your legs?
had to ask
Dear had to ask,
No. I use wax...
Dear Tasuki,
hey, i don't care what anyone says....
you have the coolest hair in the suzaku side!!!!
can you send me a lock of it in the mail? PLEASE!!!!!!
i'm begging you!
Dear begging,
Glad ya' think I got th' coolest hair on th' Suzaku side!! But, if I send ya' a lock of my hair, then I gotta send a lock to everyone who asks an' then I'll end up bald!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
i'm kinda scared of death, and since you've been there, tell me what it feels like.
Dear afraid,
Hmmm... been there, done that, got the tee-shirt, eh? In my belief system death is neither feared nor deliberately invited, it is just another state of being. Why are you afraid, if I may ask?
Dear Chichiri,
sooo..... ummm......
this may be a stupid question....
but um.......
why do you always say "no da"?
Dear curious,
I just do, no da! In my village everyone speaks this way na no da.
Dear Hotohori,
I am definitly a big fan, but something's been bugging me for a while. when nakago was defeated, and miaka was to make a last wish....
why'd ya ask her to let you stay with her?
Dear curious,
I didn't. I think you may have me mixed up with Tamahome. Besides, Miaka is very selfless and was more concerned with getting her world back the way it was than with her own needs or feelings.
Dear Tasuki,
damn tasuki, you get sooooo many questions! how can I be as popular as you?
Dear geekazoid,
Ah, c'mon Tamahome, you'll NEVER be as *&^%$#@ cool or popular as ME!!! Heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
did you ever have any girlfriends back home?
Dear curious,
No. Whatever gave you THAT idea??
Dear Tasuki,
Have you EVER had a girlfriend?
Dear Mary-chan,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
where can I find some good pictures of the Sou family on the net. I'm making a cute dedication thing to them, and need some pics. thank you.
need a link or two
Dear need a link or two,
Try here! It is a HUGE image index. You should find something there. Arigato for doing this for my kazoku!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, what exactly is going on with you and Amy-chan, huh? I thought you didn't like women.
Dear Mary-chan,
I dunno. She's jus' a special tomodachi. Not my koiboto or anythin' like that!
Dear Mitsukake,
When Shouka died, did u ever think of finding someone new?
Dear Adorable,
No. She is not so easily replaceable.
Dear Tasuki,
What's the way to your heart? I mean, if a woman suddenly enters you life, what do u think would attract you to her?
Dear Adorable,
Lots of women suddenly enter my life an' I ain't attracted to any of 'em! The way to my heart? Hmmm... probably good food an' sake. Although, Obake-chan keeps sayin' it's through th' left side of my chest wit' a sharp knife!
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you very much for the advice! It really helped a lot. :) I'm feeling a lot better now. I'll keep the site up; after all, if I do close it down, I'll be disappointing so many people. That's the last thing I want to do. ^^
Once again, thank you *so* much. ^_^ By the way, this question has always plagued my thoughts: What do you currently do right now and where are you staying? I know that you are a wandering monk but I've always wondered where you sleep and rest. :)
Take care!
Dear Jill,
You're very welcome, no da! I sleep wherever I happen to be at the time. Sometimes an inn if I have the okane or can barter some labor for room and board, sometimes I sleep under the stars with only my kesa to cover me if there are no inns or buildings around, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi there! It's me again. Just want to know. Among the seishis, who are u closest to?
Dear Adorable,
Tasuki and Mitsukake. Probably in that order.
Dear Tasuki,
*A group of guys appears at Mt. Reikaku.*
*They wait for ten hours*
Dammit, Tasuki! I think we need to work this out a little better! There is a SLIGHT time difference I think you could get Chichiri to help out with. So, you're a lead weight in the water. Heh heh heh. I used to be on a team, but that was a couple years ago. Now it's football. I might have looked up to you, if I wasn't 6'5''. Anyway, I'll try to meet up with you again. My buds weren't too thrilled to be sitting around when they were wantin' to brawl. Til next time.
PS. You weren't hidin', were ya?
Hidin'?!?!?!? Where th' hell were YOU????? Hmmm...Maybe ya' need to get here first an' then send word yer here so we can start th' brawlin'.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! I just want to know something. Did you really love your empress? As in really love her without thinking of Miaka on the side lines? Like, if things were different and Miaka fell in love with u instead of Tamahome, would u choose her instead of Houki?
And, while were on the subject of empresses, u haven't answered my question...About being your second empress. If memory serves me right, that's legal in ancient China especially for emperors like yourself. Anyways, hope u answer this one. 'Til here. Take Care! Have a nice day!
Dear Adorable,
Yes, I truly do love Houki. I did eventually realize that I was more in love with the idea of the Miko (someone who would keep my loneliness at bay) and not the Miko herself. While it is, as you put it, legal to have concubines and several wives, I have chosen to have only Houki as my Empress and only wife and lover.
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah...I'm going to be dropping out of college, because it's a 40 hour a week job. There are a lot of advantages and after six months, they'll pay for me to go to college part it's not like I've stopped going to school forever...I'm still going to get my degree.
It's just scary. I didn't have a lot of close friends in high school...and now that I'm in college, I have four or five really good friends...and I don't want to leave them all behind.
And then...a's just such a huge change, like the second huge change I've had this year. It's just frightening, I guess. I'm just being worried and silly.
(You score a 20...WAY over obake-chan...proves that people out there have taste, doesn't it? ^_^)
Dear KnM,
Heh-heh, it does. Doesn't it?? WOW!! So yer goin' off to live in th' real world, huh? If it means anythin' to ya' I'LL still be here fer ya'! Good luck! Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko. I'm a fuzzy animal that thinks the world of chu. Chu are so pretty. I would love chu be your friend. I'm Chu-chu, please chu meet chu. I'm an 11 year old boy. It would mean a lot chu me if chu would help me chu deal with big bullies at school.
P.S. I'm not typing this. My big sister is. I'm just telling her what I want chu say to chu.
Dear Chu-chu,
So is your big sister named Anthy? And does she have a friend named Utena? Like Chu-Chu in "Revolutionary Girl Utena", do you love to eat and play cards? Tee-hee...
Thanks for saying I am pretty. That's very sweet of Chu. I will certainly be your friend, but you should learn to stand up for yourself. So, gomen I am unable to help you with your school bullies. Perhaps your parents can enroll you in a self-defense course. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri!! *bug hug and kiss on cheek* Missed ya'. Fei left today with Elly. He told me to take it easy and Elly said that I should get closer to you. I don't know what those two are up to. Married couples can be so weird don't you think? ^_^ It's so nice to see you again. I missed seeing your blue hair, and hearing you cute 'no da's. For some reason the world isn't as happy when I'm not talking to you(if you can call it that).
Fei also wanted me to talk to you about my dreams. He said that you might be more understanding. The nightmares had stopped a few nights ago, but now I have this weird dream where I'm walking down this hall way and every step that I take pain shoots throughout my body. I can't stop, it felt like someone was calling me. I finally colapse to the ground screaming in pain(kind of hard to imagine sence I have never screamed in my life). When I get up I have long hair and a silver fox tail. What do you think that it means? Unlike the other dreams/nightmares, in one I had dropped a large gem that had hit my leg. When I woke up I had a brouse on the same spot where the gem had hit my leg. Weird ne?
Well, if I'm bothering you then I'm sorry. I made you this. *holds up a sky blue friendship braclet that had some maroon stars in it, ties it around your wrist* It maches you very well. It's kind of like a 'Thanks for everything' gift.
*hug* Got to go.
Ja ne no da!
Dear Erin,
Ariagto for the bracelet, no da! *kisses her on the cheek.* You are not bothering me at all, no da. As for your dream, I consulted Black Jade and she said it sounds like you are reliving a past life, no da. I hope you do not mind the consultation. I am a monk and not a seer or soothsayer, so this was a bit out of my sphere of knowledge, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Of course, I would wear a bathing suit to the beach and all that stuff...What I was wondering is what exactly would u terms of color, style and stuff. and, which would wear which...
Dear Adorable,
Here is a picture that should answer all your questions!
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