Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! I passed my tests! I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!
Erm...that raises some problems now. I'm leaving my roommate, who is like now one of my best friends on earth in a completely roommate-less state. And the anime people at college are going to hunt me down and break my kneecaps for leaving them with nothing to do on a Tuesday night. -_- It's just so strange...I've been at college for a semester and nearly half of the next one...and suddenly, I'm leaving. I'm going to be gone in four days. It's just so weird. I'm going to miss all my friends.
What the HELL have I gotten myself into? Oh god...
*ahem* Before I get disgustingly teary or something, I also wanted to let you guys know the new numbers for the club...
Tasuki: 20 (In the lead, and there's no catching him!!!!)
Tamahome: 11
Chichiri: 11
Hotohori: 9
Nuriko: 8
Mitsukake: 4
And here are non-Suzaku Seishi:
Suboshi: 7
Amiboshi: 7
Nakago: 4 (no accounting for some tastes, IMO)
Tokaki: 2
Tomo: 2
Tatara: 2
Tomite: 1
Hikitsu: 1
Yui: 1
Kouji: 1 (shouldn't even be in the running...but since Kouji is your bud, I'll allow it ;)
Anyways...those are the numbers. Make sure to share them with the other seishi, and feel free to gloat at Nakago for me ;)
Ki wo tsukete!
Dear KnM,
Heh-heh, in th' lead! Ya' hear that Obake-chan?? Well, I hope yer new job works out fer ya'. So, does this mean ya' won't be going to college no more?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello. Recently I have been having a lot of lower abdominal pain, esp. when I needed to make a bowel movement. I have a disease called Crohn's Disease, which affects my digestive system. It's been almost 10 years since my Crohn's disease was diagnosed, and I think it's flaring up again. My doctor has scheduled a colonoscopy (sp?) for me soon. I'm very nervous. What should I do if it's my Crohn's disease again? Last time it was acting up, I couldn't digest my food right and I weighed like 53 pounds until they got me on some medication... but now I'm allergic to that type of medication...
Do you have any advice for me, being a doctor? I guess I'm paranoid, but I can't help but wonder... what if this is the proverbial "It"?
Dear Miaru,
My best advice would be for you to do what your doctor prescribes for you to do. It would be horribly wrong of me to give you medical advice without ever seeing you in person to make a proper diagnosis. If you do not like what your doctor tells you, seek the advice of another physician, perhaps a specialist in that field. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
*sniff*'re most probably the best person who can help me with this little problem...
You see, I'm currently a webmaster of a certain non-Fushigi Yuugi related website. It has been on the Net for nearly two years now and it is only recently that it is starting to gain so much popularity (it is dedicated to one of the most popular American singers). I enjoy it a lot and yet..there are so many drawbacks. I guess I shouldn't elaborate the fact that I get totally rude e-mails almost everyday. I'm quite amazed that I am still able to reply to them politely considering the fact that my temper can equal to Tasuki's. ;^^
I dunno...I'm seriously closing the site down now. I'm getting tired of all the pressure so many people are putting on my shoulders. They demand ALL kinds of things as if they see me as this...non-human being. If I don't meet up with their "expectations," they get angry and get more demanding. Like recently when I renovated my site, some person e-mailed me, bluntly saying that he/she didn't like the style and he/she told me that I should change it immediately.
It's such a shame that when you try hard to give everyone the best, they just do *not* appreciate it.
Anyway, I'm getting confused on what I should do now. Part of me is screaming that I close the site down yet the other part is pleading that I do not. I've been analyzing this problem for a long time (since last year) but I still haven't got a concrete solution.
Chichiri, I know you are the most knowledgeable seishi when it comes to experience with people and this is why I am asking for an advice...*any* kind of advice will be greatly appreciated. I'm kinda desperate now. ;^^
Domo arigato gozaimashita! :) Take care always!
Dear Jill,
Well, why did you start this site in the first place, no da? Was it for your pleasure? If so, ignore the rude letters and do what pleases you, no da!
We have gotten letters with suggestions (thankfully ALL polite!) for things we could/should do to the website. Since we are so busy, Chichiri no Aijin answers them for us and sometimes we'll find she has implemented one or more of the suggestions in some form or another, no da.
I would say keep the site up and open, take the suggestions at face value and if they please you, make those changes, please realize you cannot make everyone happy nor can you please everyone, but most importantly, do not waste your time replying to rude people who flame you and your hard work! They really are not worth it, na no da! Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Anou...Tasuki-san...wouldn't you like it if I called you Gen-chan? ;_;
*flings her arms about him and gives him a big hug and kiss* Domo arigato gozaimazu...tell Mitsukake I feel much better already. ^_^
Dear Amy-chan,
ACK! Ya' said ya' weren't a hentai chick! *Looks at her...* Well, OK MAYBE I'll let ya' call me that once! Only once! Mitsukake is glad to hear that yer feeling better.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok, I'm sorry that you got me and Tasuki mixed up. I used the name Gen-chan because its too damn cool! But I'll use a different name, ummm..., Mary-chan, ok? I'm sorry and I feel really bad now. Sorry Tasuki!! and everyone else!!!!
Dear Mary-chan,
OK, Mary-chan it is then! Don't feel bad, we were just giving Tasuki a hard time.
Dear Tasuki,
What tastes better, red jell-o or green jell-o? ^^
Dear Nyanko-chan,
How th' hell would I know?!?!? All they ever do is smear it on my coat! D'ya know how much it costs to clean full length wool coats nowadays??
Dear Chiriko,
If u suddenly fell in love with this girl (thirteen is not a bad age for love), who would be the first person u're going to ask for advice?
Dear Adorable,
I guess it would be Tamahome, since he's the one that got the girl!
Dear Chichiri,
I wanna know where you got that nifty staff....
Dear Tsuki,
Wasuremashita, no da! It is a monk's staff and since I am a monk, I guess it was an appropriate acquisition, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello. My friends and I were wondering, if you could be any Pokemon what ones would be?
Dear Utena,
We are not very familiar with the show and it's characters beyond knowing that Pikachu is yellow. Gomen nasai.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
You don't hate me? *goes starry eyed*
Do you LOVE me? Wait, I don't care. Ureshiii!!!!! *starts hugging him* Isn't this somewhat familiar? o.o
Dear Myrna-chan,
ACK! *Trying to peel her off of his neck.* Hai! It's familiar and KOWAII, too! Ano, do you always try to strangle your friends???
Dear Tasuki,
*wanders in with pink easter egg hair (long story)* OOOoooohhhh!!!!
So you hate being called Gen-chan,eh?*smirks* So what's up Gen-CHAN!?!
How are you and Kouji Gen-CHAN!?! Has life been good to you Gen-CHAN!?!
Why do you hate people calling you Gen-chan, Gen-CHAN!?! *sticks a name tag on Tasuki's forehead that say in BIG bold letter's " Gen-chan "*
Am I getting on you're nerves yet Gen-CHAN!?!
*Tabitha starts screaming in the background at him...*
Tabitha: What the Hell are ya' doing!?! And go get some @#$%^&* pants on DAMNIT!!! Nobody wants to see YOU in your boxers!!! What are ya' trying to do!?! Give what's his face over there nightmares!?! *she wanders in and wacks P.J. over the head with his text book* And Get back to work!!!!
I think she's been hanging around Peaches for too long....*Peach starts yelling in the background "what did you call me!?!" being called peaches gets her SO mad* ......nothing.......0.0;
Dear P.J.,
*Looks at PJ, pulls tessen from its quiver. Looks at tessen, looks at PJ and WHACKS him in the head with the tessen.* Because CHAN is only used fer little kids an' women an' I ain't no kid or woman!!! Peach! Come get yer bro'!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I really need advice this time, I love my mother very much but she pressures me, especially in Math. I try hard and am in the honors class but she's disappointed that I get B's instead of A's. A B for an honors class at my high school is an A and I have told her that but she's still disappointed. Sometimes I wonder if I'm failing her and I really try hard and study and everything but she's not happy unless I get a perfect score. She's taken away my free time and now what I'm doing for most of the day is study all the extra work she gives me. Of course, I still have SOME free time but not a whole lot. A lot of times, when I disappoint her, I lock the door to my room and I start crying. Please tell me what I can do to improve all this!
Dear Jean,
This is a very difficult situation. While it is important to get good grades and do well in school so you can get into a good college, you also need some time for yourself. Have you told your mother what you have told us? She may not realize what she is doing to you and the only way she'll know is if you tell her. We know this can be painful and difficult, but you should consider doing it. Gambatte kudasai!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*drool, staring goggle-eyed at the bishonen in front of her* Oops! Sorry oh great Tasuki-sama *bows down and briefly worships him*. I wrote a song for you, I kinda got it off of Danielle's "Nuriko the Beautiful" but I changed the lyrics for "Tasuki the Beautiful"! Ano... I'm not very good at writing songs though...
Oh beautiful for his red hair
And his cries of Lekka Shien
For amazing quantaties of sake
And his interesting volcabuary!
Tasuki! Tasuki!
The greatest of seishis!
Forget about Kouji
And run away with me!
*promptly gets jumped by Kouji*
Kouji: GENROU'S MINE!!!! MINE I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Kouji: Why don't YOU leave him alone?!?!?!?!
Jean: Oh great Tasuki-sama, he's wrong right? You're not his right?
Kouji: C'mon Genrou, tell the whole @#$%-en world the truth about us!
Dear Jean,
*Looks at the two of them fighting and shakes his head in dismay.* OI! I don't belon' to nobody an' I intend to keep it that way! Interestin' song! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
You didn't mention what your fave color was, and that was my goal in my first letter to you. Tell me, please. Bye for now! =)
Dear Kurisutenha,
Blue, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, I'm completely confuesed here. Is it Mt. Reikaku or Mt.Leikaku?
And is it Kouji or Koji....or baka? O.o; Thanks!
Dear Confusion,
Heh-heh, all of the above!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What does omoshiroi mean? U say it a lot, but I'm too stupid to figure it out. Save my sanity and tell me. hehehe, it's late and I've been drinkin' (coffee) hehehe
Dear kana,
Ah, no Nihongo/Eigo jisho, eh? Omoshiroi means interesting.
Dear Tasuki,
Are you still afraid of the water? Is it because you can't swim or something? Can Kouji swim? By the way, how old is Kouji like before and now?
Dear Tammy,
Yeah, yeah, so I swim like a (*&^%$# hammer!!! So what?!?!?!? Yes, Kouji can swim, lucky b-----d! An' he WON'T teach me!
How old was Kouji before what? He's about 2 years older than me.
Dear Chichiri,
How's it going? People don't realize it, but just saying hello can brighten someone's day. Anyhow, I drew a pic of you and it looks great! If you wanna see it gimme an adress so I could send it to. I'm sure all those Chichiri fans would love it! I wish I had a mask to hide behind, although I sometimes make my own(in a figurative sense). Do you like cats? I actually have a cat that looks like Tama-Neko, well, not really, but itis a cat so that has to count for something, lol(laugh out loud) In case you didn't know what lol was, I didn't know it at first but being in chat rooms as much as I am you just kinda learn. Bye for now! Luv ya'!! Heck, I love everyone! But you a little more (as a friend, no need to get scared)
LOL Bye, again! =)
Dear Kurisutenha,
Of course I like nekos, no da! If you wish, you can send the picture to me by clicking here: Suzaku Shichi Seishi. Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Teach Chiriko some cool stuff? Hmmmm....I hope it's not something he's too young to learn....
Take Care!
Dear Adorable,
Nah, jus' th' basics... spittin', swearin', an' scratchin'. We'll do brawlin' an' drinkin' when he older.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arigatou for your help and I think everything will be fine now. Ara...I've been kinda down lately but there's really no point, so I'll stop...^_^
Anyway this is going to be sort of a light-hearted letter, I just wanted to say (again...) Thanks very very much, minna. I love you guys!!! (Yes, I'm an Ardent Female Admirer [TM]) But no need to worry, I won't be chasing after y'all...except maybe Chiriko, who is just my age.
( wanna go out for a study date or something? I know a really huge library near my house...and can you give me 40 pages of research on the state of Massachusetts? Just kidding!)
I brought you some gifts...*Pulls out a small bottle of sake, a few books, a bundle of catnip, a mirror, a hairbrush, foil-wrapped chocolate okane (^_-), and a guide to different fish.*
Domo arigatou gozaimasu (you must be tired of me saying that already...) and baibai...
A-chan aka, IRL, Amy.
Dear A-chan aka, IRL, Amy,
Arigato gozaimasu for all the kakoi presents? Tasuki is already drinking his!
If I have a chance to visit your world I would like very much to study with you.
Dear Tasuki,
*sniff, sob* i don't wanna move,i'll miss my friends,i like my room,and now i can't try out for the sport i want cause tryout is when i move*starts sobbing uncontrolably*an-and i am st-still working*sniff*on a fanfic about you.Te...Tell chichiri-sama he's cool.* i'm not a little kid ok?*
Dear Tieng,
*Gives her a quick hug.* I know kiddo, movin's a bitch!! But fer what it's worth, as friends go, ya' still got me!!
Dear Hotohori,
I think you are a seriously attractive guy (not that you didn't know that) and I think you're pretty cool to have left Tamahome alone even though you liked Miaka too... But seriously, have you ever wanted to just kill him, hide the body and tell Miaka that he mysteriously disappeared and have her marry YOU? Be honest.
Your devoted fan
Dear Your devoted fan,
Arigato for the sweet compliment. But seriously and truthfully I am neither a vicious nor dishonorable man. I would NEVER even consider such a reprehensible act!!
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you keep getting so much mail!!
No Name
Dear No Name,
Because I'm SOOOOOOOO (*)^%$# COOL!!!
Dear Nuriko,
I just saw Bastard!! (another anime) and I was wondering why it is that you sound so much like Arshes Nei!!!
No Name
Dear No Name,
I don't know. Who is this person?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Alright, here's my question. Miaka was a normal japanese student in Tokyo who couldn't read Chinese (she was amazed when she discovered that Yui could), right? Then, why is it that when she is transported to Ancient China, she can understand everything that everyone is saying to her even though it should all be in ancient chinese??
Dear Rhiannon,
The book is magical, no da! How else would we find our Miko and she us?
Dear Chichiri,
If you use pomegranate juice in your hair, wouldn't it stain it red-purple?
P.S.- Tasuki, you're the best!!!!!!!
Dear Gen-chan,
It depends on the color of one's hair to start with, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My friend thinks the letters you get are not from real people so paste this to either prove him right or wrong. Hey Eric I'm on the peej!!
Dear Lina,
Why yes you are and right at th' top, too! So Eric if ya' bet her, pay up or else!
Dear Hotohori,
Do you guys like grow old cause Fushigi Yuugi's been going on for several years now and everyone looks the same and I'm pretty sure that all of you are still the same age as you were when this anime first started.
Dear lin,
Yes we do get older, we just age well. Good genetics and makeup artists.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko. Through out the whole series, I think you were the cutiest character. Even though I like Tasuki, I wouldn't mind being your friend. Would you like to be friends? I'm 15 and your 13, so not a big age difference there. I'll wait for your reply.
Dear Gen-chan,
But Tasuki we're already friends, aren't we? And I thought you were older than 15.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! I love your hair and everything about you! I wish I could control my emotions the way you do, or hide behind a mask, but I'm not that lucky. Bye!
'lil me
Dear 'lil me,
Arigato, no da! But you really do not want the control or the mask that I have, no da. The price I paid was TOO high, na no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi. It's me again. I have another question, what is with the DTFC and jello? I've been to their site and I don't understand there obsession with jello and whipped cream and such stuff. I would never, I repeat, NEVER to that to a man, let alone you, Tasuki. I hope you can answer my question. Bye
Dear Gen-chan,
I don't even know what th' deal is wit' th' DTFC an' jello!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Cept it's damn messy!!! Ano, the other Seishi think I'M writin' to them when ya' sign Gen-chan. Maybe ya' can fix that?
Dear Tamahome,
Okane? Okay
*digs into pocket and pulls out two gold ryo*
Here. Man this is the most expansive question I ever asked. And all I wanted to know was what's with your voice?
No Name
Dear No Name,
What do you mean, what's with my voice? Are you talking about my voice in the subtitled version or my dubbed voice? Please be more specific.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi. I justed wanted to tell you you're a really great person and I hope you are pestered to much by fan girls. They can be annoying, but even though I'm a girl, I hope I'm not like them. See ya and I really like your hair!
Dear Gen-chan,
So tasuki-kun, since when did you decide you were a girl, no da? Arigato for the compliment, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay everybody this is a really tough question. Everyone I asked this question either take forever to answer or reply I don't know.
Up for the challenge? Okay maybe it's not that hard. The question is: *drumroll*
What's your favorite song?
Gameshow host
Dear Gameshow host,
Anything by THTC or Weiss Kruez!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi. What other animals do you like beside Tama-chan? And Tama-chan is an amazing chat. I didn't know he could talk. That's really cool. Well, thanks for taking the time to answer my question!
Dear Gen-chan,
I basically care for all living creatures. So Tasuki, why are you asking me such a strange question?
Dear Chichiri,
Nina:*sweatdrop* Ano, gomen about that it's just that my friend here. *shifts eyeballs nervously* likes to be over dramtic. Leslie get up.
Leslie: .................. *sweatdrop* Ara?
Nina: Crazy friend here but you gotta sorta not really but in a way respect her. Leslie?
Leslie:*whispering* What are we doing here?
Nina: I don't know you're the one who said let's go visit Chichiri. Here we are what did you want to ask him?
Leslie: I didn't want to ask him anything. Just stare at him. He's so cute!
Nina: He's also right in front of us.
Leslie: *faint at having embarassed herself in front of a real cute guy*
Nina: ahem....... bye!
*disappear dragging Leslie leaving a confused mage behind*
Leslie and Nina
Dear Leslie and Nina,
Ano, was there a point to this, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki. I don't know why those hentai girls think of you and Koji like that!!!! You are the coolest person I have ever seen in my whole life. Your so cool that I think I'm in love with you! Whoa!!!!! Anyway, I'm not perverted like those other DTFL girls, and I could stand you! Even though I'm in love with you, can we be friends? It would be an honor to be friends with you, and be friends with Koji too! It's ok if you say no, I'll understand. Since your my hero, I'll always admire you. I hope to read your reply soon! Arigato
P.S.- I'm a lame person and I love your nickname so much that I wanted to borrow it. Is that ok? Oh, I'm a girl so don't think since I used Gen-chan that I'm a guy, ok? If you want I can tell you my real name later. Bye!
Dear Gen-chan,
Sure you, me, an' Kouji can all be friends! I guess it's OK that ya' borrowed Gen-chan, especially since I REALLY HATE bein' called that!! But knowin' yer real name would be nice, too.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How come you guys know english?
Dear huh?,
We know Eigo, no da?? We always thought YOU knew Nihongo, no da!!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi, Hotohori-sama. :)
A friend of mine has been having some difficulty in determining the eye and hair colors of your very beautiful Empress. ^^ I, too, have difficulty in determining these. In the anime, they're both violet (aren't they?) and in the manga, they're both brown. It's really confusing. ;^^
Thank you very much for your time. By the way, how are things going there in Konan? Please extend my regards to Her Royal Majesty and your very adorable son. :)
Dear Jill,
Boushin and Houki both send thier regards. Things are much quieter now. Although her eyes and hair are violet, artists have been known to also draw them as brown. I prefer them as violet and so does she.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi there! Just decided to say hello since you're my friend and I care deeply about my friends. The worst thing happened to my friend and I guess I can ask your advice about it if you don't mind. Well, she went to a dance and this guy gave her a lot of compliments and she started liking him, but he is a player and he has a very bad history with girlfriends(almost made one pregnant), long story and I told her to forget about him, but I just hope she listens. I wish I could help her more. What would you do?
Dear Chrissy,
You have done your duty as her friend. If you are worried about her possibly getting pregnant, perhaps you should discuss that aspect of the relationship as well as birth control with her. If she is well aware of this boy's nature and still decides to pursue him, well we all have to learn from our mistakes. If he hurts her, please be there for her as a friend with a shoulder to cry on and to listen to her. She'll probably need it.
Dear Mitsukake,
What you're doing to Tasuki about Tama-Neko is MEAN!! (And oh so funny!) I'm enjoying this. . . *smiles evily*
Dear Chrissy,
And that's why I'm doing it! *grins innocently*
Dear Tasuki,
Whadda' ya' mean you don't wanna hurt me 'too bad'?! I don't think you know exactly what you're up against. I'm not going to say more than that, and I don't want you soundin' over-confident either. Hmm... This keeps gettin' more interesting. Don't ya' think? Anyways, so when do ya' wanna' fight? That was only a slight detail ya' left out. Talk/write ya' later!
PS. Have you read the first letter I sent? Chiriko, I think, answered for ya', but remember before ya' pull out your tessen that that was after a brawl we had when you were... um... I think you were too drunk to remember and I was too. Nevermind. I just wanna' concntrate on the brawl comin' up. Can you find a time when you don't have to save Miaka from herself?
Hmmm... ashita ju ni ji! (Tomorrow 12 noon)
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sorry! I got the humor quotes from someone else so I couldn't tell ya'. But I will try to find out where my friend got them from.
Dear CLH,
Arigato gozaimasu! We'd REALLY appreciate it!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh, I get it! You're trying to drive Tasuki up the wall with that, aren't you? Well, have fun! Oh! And give Tama-neko a scratch under the chin for me, ok.
So, I was just wondering, what kind of stuff do you like to do in your spare time? Ya' know, like what are your hobbies and stuff? Well, anyway, see ya' later!
Dear Storm,
Well, when I'm not healing Tasuki and Tamahome (don't ask), I like to study all the different forms of the healing arts.
Dear Tasuki,
You don't think I'm annoying, do you? =/ I mean..I know you hate all women, but, I was hoping you wouldn't hate me and put that in that category.. -_-;;
Dear Reddie,
Nope, yer not annoyin' me. I jus' really hate bein' manipulated BY women!
Dear Tamahome,
You didn't know that you have a son...-_-; WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU ANYWAY!?!?!? Geez...
Dear Chaossy,
I think you must be referring to Boushin. He is Hotohori and Houki's son. Last time I checked with Miaka she didn't recall EVER being pregnant.
Dear Tasuki,
I have no @$$ idea, why you loves Miaka so much!
Are you blind? My friends and I were so shocked when we read fushigi yuugi's manga number.. mm...let's see... I forgot. I forgot, which manga. But, grh........ you are silly!
Shinji Maekawa
Dear Shinji Maekawa,
I'm confused! Ya' mus' have me mixed up wit' Tamahome! An' that's pretty hard to do since everyone knows I'm th' better lookin' one!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Nuriko. I'm just wondering how do I grow my hair out to be long and beautiful like your's? Could you give me some tips?
Dear Erin,
Arigato for the compliment! A good shampoo & conditioner would be a good start. You should also make sure that youget it trimmed regularly so the ends don't look damaged. Just keep in mind that hair as long as mine takes a LONG time to dry and a lot of hard work to care for and maintain.
Dear Chichiri,
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, FINE!!! Be a hermit all of your life. No wonder she all ways says that men are naive, they are. And I'm speeking from experience here. I don't mean to be rude but do you expect to live the rest of your life as a hermit with no one to truly love? I'm kind of.... worried about you.... that's all.
On to a different subject. It's about Erin... I'm worried about her. You see I've been staying over at her house for the last couple of days, and during the night she listens to some beautiful music when she sleeps. I wake up to it and hear a faint crying. I usually check on her and shes there curled up in her bed crying. I don't know what to do. I wake her up and she cries in my arms for a while talking about horrible nightmares. It's not like her to have nightmares. What should I do?
Dear Fei,
No I do not expect to live my life as a hermit, no da. I expect to live it as a Seishi, no da. Erin needs to talk to someone about what is going on in her life that is causing her to have nightmares, no da. I know from her letters that she has not had an easy life. I am glad she has a good friend like you to take care of her, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
YESYESYESYES~! Of course I'd love to be palace artist! Okay, first thing first, your wardrobe. Now, that bucket hat has got to go! SO do those frilly clothing, they make you look too much like a woman. Well, do you want to look beatiful like a woman or beautiful like a man? I'll send you some lovely designs soon!
Dear Jean,
Well, the clothing you are referring to are my Imperial garments and regardless of whether or not they please you, I am obligated to wear them at Court. Although for drawings and such, I prefer to look like a beautiful man as I am one.
Dear Tasuki,
Taski-san i have one thing to say to you.That is kind of nervous for me to say. WELL! here it goes! *take a deep breath* I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really LOVE YOU! WOW! finally i say it out. I never got to say it out. Thanks any way, even that you don't know me, or you don't like me. I just want to say to you I like you a lot A LOT! you're a really cool guy.
P.S. thank you for listening to me.
Dear Miako,
Uh, yer welcome? Glad ya' think I'm so cool. Have ya' considered joinin' the DTFC (Drooling Tasuki Fan Club)?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OK OK TELL THE TRUTH!! who are you guys really?
Dear huh?,
I'd tell ya', but then I'd hafta fry ya'. Ya' might wanna check out th' links peeji an' get more info from there.
Dear Chichiri,
You are so gosh darn cute! You're my favorite! The only thing I don't like is that you hide behind a mask. I know why you do it, and the reason is really sad, but you're doing okay now(I hope)? Oh, well! Sometimes sh*t happens! It's your choice! I was wondering, what's your favorite color? Mine's aquamarine, in case you were wondering. How's everything with you, anyway? Just curious. Did I ever mention you're my gosh darn fave seishi? Well, I'll stop bugging you now, but not without asking if you will be my friend. If you will, I hope to become a regular to this site, but if not then I'll have to cry for the rest of my life. Not really, I'm just kidding. I know you're a nice guy and will be nice to me! Oh! I brought you some sashimi! Hope you like it!*hands him the sashimi*
PS. Happy late Valentine's Day!! *kisses him on the cheek* *embraces Chichiri in a hug before leaving to wait for response*
Dear Kurisutenha,
Thank you, no da! I am glad to hear that I am your favorite of all the Seishi, no da. Of course I'll be your tomodachi, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Happy New year!!
*hands out a red envelope with money in it to everyone*
Or belated New Year. Chinese New Year I meant.
Wait a minute, are you guys even Chinese? If not I guess I'm going to have to take my envelopes back. *looks at Tamahome* And the money!
New Year Wisher
Dear New Year Wisher,
Happy belated New Year of the Rabbit to you, too! Thanks for the lucky money!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Anything is possible! I mean, geez! You're an anime character and have your own webpage! That doesn't seem odd?!? Sorry, but I'll always take the cat's side. Hope my point got through to ya'! Don't ya' hate it when woman make sense?! *giggle*
You're Funny(looking)JOKE!!
PS. Don't be too angry with Amy-chan and that other person 'cause DEATHWISHER has been showing his buddy the picture and they've been laughing. Since he's happy, I'm happy. He is my brother after all.
PSS. Hi Tama-neko! How are you? I have cat's, and an extra toy as a gift for you. *dangles cute mousie toy in front of Tama-neko and smiles*
Dear You're Funny(looking)JOKE!!,
Not really! It's my alternate universe an' I like it that way! So Deathwisher is yer bro', eh? Omoshiroi desuyo! Tama-neko loves th' cat toy.
Dear Tasuki,
Gomen nasai Tasuki-san....*sniffles* I didn't draw it...Mulan-chan must have posed for her...;_; Besides don't worry...although she's been sick all the other shichiseishi will be done soon...and obake-chan' remember Mulan-chan's notebook...ara, let's just say it makes yours look very conservative.
Wai! Of all the places to hide you choose my closet...*eyes water* Anou....matte...Tasuki-san...*blushes* If you hid in my closet...then...then...wouldn't you...*just shuts up and reaches up to pat his head, thinking Tasuki-san wouldn't be one to watch her undress or anything....strives to keep from blushing anymore*
...*manages to say a few words quietly* And I'm not ecchi. At least most of the time. ;_; ...ara. I got you something for Valentine's Day...instead of chocolate...*hands him some chocolate amber ale* ^^; And Chaos-kun is helping bake a special keeki for you too...demo....Kouji-kun helped a bit too, and we subsituted sake for the water in the keeki mix Chichiri no Aijin-sama gave us...x.x *timidly kisses his cheek* You can always use my closet to hide in if you want...
Dear Amy-chan,
OK kiddo, I'll fergive ya', THIS TIME!! I thought that pic was jus' fer ya'. Th' keeki sounds omoshiroi desu!
Dear Nuriko,
Were you born with super strength? Do any of your other family members have super strength? Jes' wonderin'.
Dear me,
I'm sure I was born with this strength, but it didn't manifest itself right away. None of my family have this power that I know of.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there! Didn't feel like waitin' for ya' to reply before sayin' somethin' more 'bout the brawl. Let's make it hand-to-hand combat, yes, that means you have to leave *ALL* weapons at home! Put the tessen down! Before the brawl we should do a bit 'o' drinkin', just to make it more interesting. Did I mention how hard me and buds laughed when we saw that pic of ya'? My sides still ache! It's guys like you that give us a bad name! Well, hope you decide to write back FAST!! Also, get Chiriko to download some songs from THE OFFSPRING: AMERICANA CD. The music is cool, though some songs over-played, but you may like it once ya' hear it. That's enough for now! See ya'!
OK, there's this little inn at the foot of Mt. Reikaku, let's meet there. I wasn't plannin' on usin' th' tessen on ya'! This is a brawl! Not a fight to th' death! I don't wanna hurt ya' too bad.
Dear Tamahome,
I gotta' dollar!
you gotta' dollar!
I gotta' dollar hey hey hey hey!
My poem for Tamahome. Actually, I only have a couple pennies and a dime. Sorry!
Dear obnoxious,
That's OK. Arigato for the poem and your spare change!
Dear Chiriko,
Do you know any other languages; my pronunciation lang 'uh ' jiz; besides English and Japanese? I know English(obviously), an bits of pieces of Japanese, Spanish, and I'm almost fluent in basic French. Go me!
Shizuka(doesn't suit me as an adjective)
Dear Shizuka,
I seem to be able to understand and speak both English and Japanese.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! You're cute! Bye!
'lil me
Dear 'lil me,
Hi yourself, no da! Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
Hello. I just wanted to say that I think you look good with your hair up. It's just my personal opinion, but I think it makes you look more manly which is more sexy. Excuse my bluntness, if you please. Bye for now!
Dear Misato,
Arigato for your very nice compliment.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi!uh...... well! Tasuki ther is a qestion i really want to know.what kind of worman you really like?can you tell me please!*look at with hopless eyes*
P.S.would you want to be my friend?
Dear **##@@,
One who can stand up to me! Sure I'll be yer tomodachi!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a question for you... I've been having terrible insomnia lately, and when I do sleep, I have bad dreams and wake up exhausted! My life has been stressful lately, but I've been trying my best to keep everything in perspective. Still, apparently it's affecting me. What do you all do to relax, and do you have any ideas on what might help me sleep?
Dear Tsutsuji,
Perhaps some warm milk with honey in it or another flavor that you like or some hot cocoa might help to relax you. Have you tried taking a warm relaxing bath or quietly meditating before you go to bed?
Dear Tasuki,
do you like Miaka?
Dear Frances,
What kinda question is that?? If I didn't like her, I wouldn't be out nearly dyin' fer her!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If each of you were a food, which food would you be ^.^?
Dear Miaka,
Ano, doushite? Do you plan on eating us?
Tasuki: Hot peppers!
Tamahome: Beef steak
Chichiri: Sakana (fish), no da!
Chiriko: Bean sprouts
Mitsukake: Oatmeal
Nuriko: Ame (candy)
Hotohori: Honey
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Wai wai! *-* ::gives him some sake:: Are there any openings for cute female seishi protectors?
Dear Emi-chan,
Sure, th' line forms on th' left! *Points to a line of drooling, starry-eyed fan girls that seems to go on forever.*
Dear Nuriko,
Do you hate me? ;_;
Kourin No Miko
Dear Kourin No Miko,
Goodness no!!! Why would you think that? I know I haven't had as much time as I would have liked to be on the Message Board, but I certainly don't hate you! Gomen nasai if I made you feel that way!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can I get # wish from U?
Dear katsuki,
NANI?!?!?! Do we LOOK like genies to ya'??
Dear Tasuki,
Gen-chan you hottie. i just can't stay mad at you.
Even though your comment about being a guy is just plain stupid. Than again all the highschool guys in my school are like that too so i gust i should be used to it. HAPPY V-DAY!!!!! even though its a day late but i was at a sleep-over. how i wish you could be my valentine...sigh
ps I'm writing my first fanfic. its about you,me don't worry its not anything hentai. its probubly gonna be sad though. kouji and chichri*ahhhi cant spell his name right*will get in the story later. its my first sooo i'm nervous.
Dear tieng,
Yeah, you an' th' entire membership of th' DTFC!! I wanna see yer fanfic when yer done!
Dear Tasuki,
How to get $?
Dear katsuki,
Ask Tamahome! My answer would be illegal in any and all countries!! Real or fantasy!
Dear Mitsukake,
*sits down* okaa-san finally put her to sleep...she woke me up this morning asking if I wanted her buried or cremated....early. And then I had to lie awake in bed...listening her talk to my father...about how terrible my neko-chan was. She couldn't even was horrible last was so sudden...she just suddenly became frail...and could barely walk...and it got worse so sudden...
And since it was so sudden...I couldn't do anything for her...just watch. And now...well I'm sick with something too. *rolls up her sleeve and shows him where they drew blood from her* -_-; Lovely, ne?
The thing is...well if you lost Tama-neko...would you adopt another neko-chan...? Or maybe should I say let another neko-chan adopt you...*smiles sadly and gives Tama a stroke* I just feel so alone now...I've lived with a neko-chan by my side for 14 years. *hides her face in her hands, and does her best not to cry at all* I don't even think I realize she's gone yet...
Dear Amy-chan,
I am deeply saddened to hear that your beloved neko-chan had to be put to sleep. But if she was frail and possibly suffering, it was for the better. Chichiri no Aijin and her shujin lost their beloved neko 2 years ago and were devastated by it. She and her shujin opted for cremation and a nice urn so their neko-chan would always be with them. *Embraces her and says* You should cry if you feel like it. You have lost a dear friend and an important part of your life. As far as adopting a new neko, wait for your new neko to find you. When the time is right he or she will come into your life. Two new nekos came into their lives several months after their loss. Just wait, your neko will find you, too. *Hugs her and then hands her to Tasuki for him to hug her and comfort her.*
Dear Chiriko,
What subject U've studied in school?
Dear katsuki,
All of them.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa, minna! I decided to send this to you since I though it was funny:
Things Fushigi Yuugi characters woudn't say:
"One week fast will do me some good" -- Miaka
"I'm busy studying" -- Miaka
"Tama, I love you, man" -- Tasuki
"I need a makeover" -- Hotohori
"Where's the men's locker room?" -- Nuriko
"I'll help you forget" -- Nakago
"F*ck you no da" -- Chichiri
Hope you thought that was somewhat funny, cause, well, I did. The last one has to be my favorite! Bye!
Dear CLH,
We were all VERY amused by your letter, especially the last quote! Chichiri no Aijin laughed so hard she fell off her chair! So, what website are they from, onegaishimasu?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
hi ^.^ I'm sick with the flu and a real nasty cough, and every cough medicine I've taken has done zilch. Do you have any suggestions for me? Maybe a home remedie or something? Nyao, Tama!
Dear Nyanko-chan,
Perhaps hot tea with honey in it will help you. Have you been to see your kazokou ishya (family doctor) yet? If not, you should see him to ensure you do not have a serious ailment.
Dear Tamahome,
$2 to U! Do your child w/ Miaka Have the power of Senshi?
Dear katsuki,
WHAT CHILD?!?!?!?!?!? MIAKA!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Tasuki... ::get's pushed in reluctantly by a short red-haired girl::
My friend Ranko.. er, uhm...
::thinks up a name:: uh.. Sally.. yeah.. Sally really likes you. All she does is talk and talk and talk about you! Uhm.. ::scratches her head, trying to remember what she was supposed to say::.. er.. honyahonya honyahonya honya (("blah blah" a-la OVA2)), she likes you, and all that good stuff...
::stands on the tips of her toes, trying to look over Tasuki to see if she can spot Chichiri-- and does!:: *distracted* There was something in there she wanted me to say about pants, too, but I forget.. Eh-hehehe! ^^;
Anyway, ::extends her hand:: My name's Marron, and I'm quite pleased to make your aquaintance, person! (I think my Aniki introduced me to you before, but I don't know if you remember. ::staaaaares at him with big blue eyes:: o.o) Oh yes, and next time you see my Kouji-Aniki, will you say hello to him for me? I miss him so much! Uwah! ;_;! He's always off doing "bandit stuff" or spending time with some guy named Gen-chan. Do you know him?!
[Ranko]: *thwap!* Baka, ne! Gen + chan = Tasuki!!
[Marron]: Souya? I never was good with math.
[Ranko]: -_-;;; *HUGE sweatdrop*
Anyway, Tasuki-san, this Gen-chan person stole Kouji-Aniki from me... *sniffle* Make him share! >O!! Hey.. wait... ::the truth of what Ranko has said finally sinks in:: YOU'RE Gen-chan! Oh yeah, I forgot that. ^_^; Oh well. Why can't I spend time with you and Aniki?! ;_;!!!
::stops being strange/silly::
Ooh! Before I forget, I have a gift that I made for you! It's a computer wallpaper I made. It's a you/Nuriko (Not that kind of "/", eechi readers! >O!) wallpaper. I guess it's a bit spoiler-ish to those who haven't seen past ep. 30... Anyway, it's called "Farewell", and it can be found right here if ya wanna take a look!
Ja matta na! ^_^ And take good care of Aniki, or else! >o!
Dear Marron,
Nice wallpaper! So ya' think that Kouji is yer bro', eh? Sure, I'll take REAL good care of him fer ya'!
Dear Chichiri,
Do U love me?
Dear Katsuki,
Dare desuka, no da?? Do I know you, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If u were on a beach, what would u wear? And, what would u be doing? What's ur favorite food?
Just curious....
Dear Adorable,
We'd probably wear bathing shorts, tee-shirts, sunscreen, sunglasses, the usuual. Why what do YOU wear at the beach? As to what we would do probably swim in the ocean, play volleyball, or just lie around getting a tan.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! How many masks do u have? U seem to have an unending supply of them...??
No Name
Dear No Name,
My mask is magical, so I do have an "unending supply" of them, no da!
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