Dear Tasuki,
So, what do u do for fun? (With the exception of drinking sake, burning up Tamahome and playing strip poker...) And, how'd u get ur fangs? Did it happen genetically or whatever scientific mumbo jumbo? Just got curious. Bye. Take Care...Happy Chinese New Year (Feb.16, 1999).
Dear Adorable,
I was born wit' th' fangs an' Strip Poker is NOT somethin' I consider all that much fun (especially since I always somehow end up losin'!!)!! So, what do I do fer fun? Hmmm... brawlin', hangin' wit' my bro' Kouji, hangin' wit' Chichiri (he's pretty funny when he's annoyed an' tipsy heh-heh), an' teachin' Chiriko cool stuff.
Dear Mitsukake,
How can your cat possibly answer questions without the ability to type or talk? Or are you giving him a liitle 'help' in that area? Just wondering... bye.
Dear Storm,
Shhh... it's driving Tasuki crazy trying to figure out what's going on. *smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Okay Chichiri... This is annyoing. Are you that naive?! I'm not blind. I can see you and her together. *takes a deep breath to calm down* Okay listen man. You are right that she is beautiful, but young lady she is not. She is a woman, the most.... there are no words to discribe her. Chichiri... you should try to get closer to her. Then you would understand. Go ahead and ask her a few questions yourself. I think that she would enjoy it if you did.
Dear Fei,
I appreciate what you are trying to do, no da. But friends are all I am interested in right now, no da. Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki!! It's me Erin (also known as, Wandering Priestess Korin, Genko, and a lot more names that I can think of at the moment). How's it going? *plops down beside you* I know that you're angry at Kouji-san for having that room dedicated to you, but look at it this way. When you're gone, Kouji-san gets sad because he cannot see your wonderful, happy, fang grin that everyone loves, so to cure that saddness all he has to do is walk into that room and his spirit is lifted. Oh, these are from Kouji-san. *hands you an other pair of earrings that look the same as the ones that you are waring* He was off on a raid and wanted me to give you these. He said something about how you liked these kind of earrings, and that he was sorry about the room.
Hey, could you answer one of my questions as a sign of friendship? Okay here it goes. *deep breath* You see I have a few problems. One is Tomahome's face. Could you rearange it some how so it would look good (piccaso still please)? A other one is the name Feng Sei Young. I was trying to think of a name for a character in a story that I'm going to write, and I thought up on the name Feng Sei Young and that name has been in my mind ever sence, it's getting unbarrable. What should I do? Okay now for the last one. Where the (exceuse me volger language) HELL can I find plush Fushigi Yuugi dolls?
Thank you kindly for your time, Bro.
Dear Erin,
Hmmm, nice earrins'! Tell Kouji I said thanks! I ain't gonna beat on Tamahome fer ya'. Sorry. Can't really help ya' wit' th' name thin' either. As fer th' dolls, check out the letter that's later on th' peeji to Chiriko. It lists some anime sellin' sites.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
helloies!! umm this is to Tasuki AND Tamahome... <3.<3 ::takes out the drooling bucket and starts to drool:: wait.. something is missing... ::pulls Hotohori in and drools somemore:: umm uhh yeah...Tasuki Kun... do you like Tamahome? (hey it's not about you and Koji) And Tamahome.. you and Tasuki seem to flirt a lot... i mean he burns you and stuff, and you tries to throw him in water.. i think you two should be together... ohhh BTW I'm in China right now as i'm typing this... umm that's sooo out of the topic... -.-; anyways... i think you two would make a good couple.. LOL ... you two really do flirt a lot.. at least in my wouldn't be that unusally... i mean.. Nuriko-san like Hori-sama.. ::look at hotohori:: hori-sama... :;drools:: i love you more... you are the best... <3.<3 so do you two like each other? heehee Spankies!!
::walks away draggin a half naked Hotohori with her:: buh baies!!
Miaka-chan <3.<3
Dear Miaka-chan,
YAOI!!! Not like that!!! *Looks at Tasuki and smiles, Tasuki responds by frying him and walking away shaking his head...* ITAI! But seriously he is my friend and fellow Seishi and that is as far as it goes! Uh... could you please put our Emperor back? Arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
All I was saying was that your eyes are beady, meaning your pupils are a little bit smaller than most other peoples pupils. It's not a bad thing, and I didn't mean any insult by it. I was just asking a pointless question...that's all...
Anyway, we're goin' drinking! Cool! But are you sure you want more to drink? I mean, they must have given you alot to get you to pose like THAT for the picture on the main page...or did they convince you some other way???
Dear Storm,
OK. Yeah, me an' Amy-chan an' Chichiri no Aijin are gonna have a talk about that pic jus' as soon as I can find 'em! I don't remember willingly posin' fer it! An' I gotta HIGH tolerance fer sake! So, I wanna know what they did to me!
Dear Mitsukake,
Tama-neko ain't a part of yer' body!!!!!
Dear Chaossy,
How do YOU know???
Dear Tasuki,
*sighs* I said I would keep my promise. Maaa....You're so cruel Tasuki-san. have you decided to hide all day tomorrow? -_-;
Dear Amy-chan,
YEP!! In yer closet! An' you an' me gotta little talkin' to do regardin' a certain picture of yer's truly... Now where is Chichiri no Aijin?? I gotta have words wit' her, too!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi again...
now.. I have a question... if you really love someone and you get them a present.. shouldn't they love you back??? well I gave this guy a present and he just treated it like it was dirt. It was an expensive book with guitar songs in it.. (it was about $30.00).. He just threw it away. If I would have gotten it I would have loved it. But he hated it.. what should I do???? You are my favorite seishi Chichiri (you are also good looking...hehe)
Dear kouran_chan,
No. Presents do not generate love where there is none, no da. However he may feel about you, what he did was rude and inconsiderate, no da! You should direct your feelings towards someone who is worthy of them and you. I would forget such a person even as a friend if he were to treat me with such disregard, no da. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Damn, I think I know how you feel whenever you receive those yaoi messages about you and Kouji. Being a student in an all-girl school, it's REALLY annoying to hear someone ask if I have a relationship with a female friend. Even worse is the fact that I get *that* look from schoomates whenever I'm strolling along the campus with a friend. It's like I'm not allowed to walk with a friend without getting those "We-know-what-you're-up-to" looks. #$#!!! (sorry about that...I needed to get it off of my chest...)
Anyway, you can be assured that you have my FULL support about your feelings on the whole issue. :)
Btw, Happy Valentine's Day! What are your plans spending the occasion? As for me, I dunno. I wanted to spend it having a drinking fest with you and Kouji but I can't tell if I can keep up with you guys. ;^^ But ah, to tell ya the truth, I have had experienced a couple of drinking sessions. Luckily, I stopped drinking before I completely zonked out on my chair, hehehehehe.
Take care!
Dear Jill,
I spent Valentine's Day hiding from the DTFC in Amy-chan's closet! I dunno what Kouji was up to.
Dear Chichiri,
I was searching the internet and I found 2 diffrent names for your (sob) fiancee... Kouran and Heishita (or something..).. is her name Kouran???
your soon to be 2nd fiancee (sigh) kouran_chan
Dear kouran_chan,
Kouran is correct, no da. Second fiancee???? I don't recall asking anyone to marry me, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Why're you freakin' out about cute 'lil Tama Neko talkin'? If the kitty has the talent, then the kitty should d*mn well use it! Paranoid?
You're Funny(looking)JOKE!!
Dear You're Funny(looking)JOKE!!,
And in what part of YER reality do cats talk an' use computers???
Dear Chiriko,
How can you use a computer in Konan? How can you connect into the phonelines here without *ANY* phonelines/electricity in Konan? It just seems questionable.
Dear CuRiOuS,
Who said he were in Konan? We are in the Humble Cyber-Abode.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why are all the seishi guys?(with the exception of Nuriko, but I can't say that anymore because you start acting more like a guy! Just spoil my fun!)
Dear me,
Ano... because that is the sex we were born, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
I'm mad at myself. When I first saw you I thought you were a girl. I'm sorry! You just looked like a little girl!
Dear ?,
*Sigh* That's OK. Everyone makes that mistake at first. I'm used to it.
Dear Tasuki,
You make a cute Valentine's card, but I'm surprised you're not mad about a picture like that up for *everyone* to see. It's cute, but it just doesn't seem like you to let someone put that up.
Dear CLH,
NANI?? DOKO???? AMY-CHAN!!!! CHICHIRI NO AIJIN!!!!!!! What th' hell have you two done?!?!?!?!???
Dear Chichiri,
I would just like to say, I'm glad you and WMC are okay now.... I'm happy for you two. wish you two the best! ^_^ *hugs*
Miss Huro
Dear Miss Huro,
Arigato gozaimasu, no da! I too am glad that we settled our differences, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
What can you tell me about Australia's combat troops under British leadership? I don't think you know about the history of earth, or the United States, but look it up if you want! As if you didn't have enough to do! *smiles like a dork at realization*
Dear CLH,
I can tell you that you really need to do your own homework!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well, in the spirit of Valentine's Day, I'm giving you all a kiss! *hands each seishi a hershey kiss* Love you all!(friendly tone, not love-sick)
Dear Christina,
Arigato! Oishikatta desu!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
I'm glad to here you'll be my friend! So, how did you like being our world? (I didn't want to say Miaka's world because it doesn't belong to her!) Also, how's life? I asked you, but you didn't say anything. Also, when you were goin after Hotohori did you ever think he would really want you as his, um, 'bride'? Oh! Since it is Valentine's Day, in two days but who cares about details!, just wanted to give you something. *hands Nuriko a large extremely kawaii bear holding a stuffed heart that says: Be my valentine!* Hope you like it. I gave my mother a box of chocolates today, I know its a little early, but she was feeling really depressed and I wanted and was trying to cheer her up. And I think it worked *smiles*. Enjoy my gift!
Dear Chrissy,
Ah! KAWAII!! Arigato gozaimasu! I really wasn't in your world long enough to know if I would like it or not. AS for Hotohori, well, one could always hope...
Dear Tasuki,
DEATH WISHER here. Gather together as many people as ya'want! You're not too hard to brawl with when yer stoned! I also got a couple of buddies of mine who wanna' join in on the fun! Sure you know what yer gettin' into?
Hmmm... me, Kouji, Sano, an' th' Mt. Reikaku bandits brawlin' wit' you an' yer buds? Sounds like a kick-ass good time to me! Are ya' sure ya' know what YER in for?
Dear Chiriko,
Since you're so very smart, it stands to reason that you're familiar with computers? I'm looking for a few good websites that sell Fushigi Yugi products online, preferably keychains, but can't find any. It'd be nice to have a lil' SD Miaka or Tasuki figure dangling from my keys (Sorry, kid, they don't make no Chiriko keychains. They really rip you off, eh?) If you could point me in the right direction, I'd be grateful.
Long Island Yui
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Valentine's Day!(Or belated, depending on when you read this)..
I got another suggestion.. ^.^;; How about a fan art section or something? I have a few drawings that I've done of you that I'd like to send to you. But I dunno where to send them, if I can even send them. ^.^;
Anyways..just a thought..I know you're busy and all. Oh! And here! ::hands him some pixy stix:: I know you like 'em. ^.~
Dear Reddie,
Thanks fer th' pixy stix! We might consider that idea in th' future, but at this time Chiriko says we don't have enough server space fer such thins'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I think I know why Chichiri's hair sticks up like that. You see, I have the same "problem" with my bangs are pretty wild and they stick up most of the time. The reason? I think it's because my hair is naturally curly and fairly light. Chichiri probably has the same kind of hair too. But as to why his bangs stick up in that certain style...didn't he say he uses some juice for that? (Or maybe he got some sort of secret "beauty products" from...Taiitsukun?! o_0)
Dear Dreamcatcher,
I use pomegranate juice, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Have u used herbs when u're healing? Could u list me some with their uses and stuff? Really appreciate it. Give Tama-neko a pat for me.
Dear Adorable,
Instead of randomly telling you about different herbal remedies, may I suggest that you visit your local library or bookstore and checkout some books on herbal and homeopathic medicines. I shall pet Tama-neko for you.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi there! I have a few questions for u...Why is there a thing called love? What is love? And, what am I thinking of right now?...Read my mind!
P.S. I think u're a really a cute kid. Hope I can have a kid like u one day...
Dear sweet,
Since I am not psychic, I will not attempt to read your mind. As to your first two questions, I am not going to presume to know the answers to questions that wiser people have been debating for centuries. Arigato for your sweet compliment!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey there! *places two gold ryus on his hand* I feel like I'm going to play an arcade game...^_^! Where do u and Miaka usually go out in Konan country? (as in dates)...What are the romantic spots back there...? By the way, Advanced Happy Valentine's Day!
Dear Adorable,
We generally stay within th epalace grounds as it is safer there. Miaka is still Suzaku no Miko so I want her to be as well protected as possible. There are many gardens on the grounds some VERY secluded, and that is where we tend to spend our dates.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I'm Metamia!
*takes deep breath*
*pant, pant* that I've said that, I'll ask my questions.
1. I know Kouji is your best friend but among the Suzaku seishis, who is your bestest buddy?
2. Why do you do weird impressions when you're drunk?
3. Can I have your trench coat? I think you'll the best dressed seishi in the whole show! (Yes! Even better then Nuriko. Except in drag. In drag, Nuriko is the best! ^_^). Actually, can I have your boots too, and your shirt, and your earrings, and your necklaces, and your pants? You can keep the underwear for modesty sake. Which leads to the next question...
4. Boxers or briefs?
5. Can you cook?
6. Kouji the only one with the "Tasuki Bedsheets"? I WANT ONE!!!!
Metamia: *Tugging on sheets* Get your filthy hands off it, Kouji!!!!
Kouji: Go get your own!! Genrou's mine!!
Metamia: @#$*&%$^!!!!!!
Metamia ^_^
P.S.: Ahem...I am not insane.
Dear Metamia,
OK, here are th' answers to yer questions:
1. Chichiri
2. 'Cos I'm *(&^%$# DRUNK!!!!!!!
3. What does NOT A CHANCE!!!! mean to ya'??
4. Neither, fundoshi.
5. Heh-heh, charbroilin' is my specialty!! Just ask Tamahome!
6. Yes he is. But Chichiri no Aijin an' Wanderin' Mage Chichiri both know someone who can do pillowcases.
P.S. Coulda' fooled me...
Dear Mitsukake,
Red Dog
Blue Dog
Purple Dog HEY!
Stinky Stinky Stinky Stinky
Stinky Hey HEY!
My poem to Mitsukake-sama
You were cute when you were young!!
Tell Tama and Chiriko that Stukie is working on their poems!
Stukie the Turnip
Dear Stukie the Turnip,
Ano... Arigato for your omoshiroi poem. I shall inform the others.
Dear Hotohori,
Why do you wear those bucket hats? They make you look really weird... Not that weird is bad or anything! In fact, weird is very good!! (I should know, I work for Fred, the great goddess of weird). But, I mean, it must do something to your self esteem if everyone calls you 'Bucket-Head' all the time.
Dear Mandy,
As Emperor thery do not call me "Bucket Head"! The hats are variations of my Imperial crown. And my self-esteem is just fine, thank you.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi again! Is it OK for u if I sort of name my puppy after u? It's kind of insistent--if u know what I mean. Well, it sort of started when I was having a chat with my friend about u...^_^ Don't get flattered...u're not even real! This puppy (about a few months old) just decided to sneak on me and bit my foot so I like went like he's so annoyingly like Tasuki in some ways and so, I teasingly called it by your name. I guess, it sort of liked it 'coz it responded with a bark..(But, I wasn't really intending on naming him after u, 'K?) So, anyways, ever since then, whenever I mention your name (like when my friend and I are talking...Again, don't get flattered!, it kind of comes near me...He! He! He! So...Well...Hope u're not mad with this annoying woman who name u after a dog.
Dear cute,
Sure, it's OK.
Dear Chiriko,
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
If you want an interesting answer, I can tell you mine. But I'll only tell you if you ask, since I don't want to rant without you giving a d*mn.
Dear obnoxious,
Frankly, I'd rather you not rant at all.
Dear Chiriko,
I want to find out how old you seishi are. I need a little more information, though. How many weeks or months or years would go by in our time of 2 hours? I couldn't really figure it out, so I hope you'll be sweet enough to help me out. Geez! How could I *EVER* doubt that you would be so kind as to help me? I can be dumb sometimes. I guess that's why I'm talking to you. . .(trails off feeling rather stupid)
Dear someone,
We are not even certain about the time conversion! Our ages are:
Tamahome: 17
Tasuki: 17
Nuriko: 18
Hotohori: 18
Chichiri: 24
Mitsukake: 22
And me, Chiriko: 13
Dear Hotohori,
Exactly how old were you when you officially came into power as emperor?
Dear me,
Dear Chiriko,
I'm plotting world domination. Don't worry though, I'm giong to take over *my* world. I was thinking of studying Hitler, although I'm not going to do anything to cause people any pain. Do you have any hints?
Brain, & PiNKy *NARF*
Dear Brain, & PiNKy *NARF*,
Yes, take a lesson fom Nakago and quit while you're ahead!
Dear Tasuki,
Could you be so kind as to tell me more about the cards a taoist gave you. I heard you mostly use them for wolves, but what else can you do with them?
Dear Tasukiwannabe,
They're magic an' when ya' write on 'em say a certain spell, whatever ya' wrote on 'em appears when ya' throw 'em.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello. My name is Kaioh Michiru. I don't know if you have heard of me, but I am a world-renowned violinist. I noticed that you are giving beauty tips. It's noce to know that there are some people out there with a love for style and cosmetics that almost compare to me. Well, you're a guy and decided to dress up like a girl. My Haruka is a girl who dresses in a much more masculine way than a regular girl, and if you could do me the favor of convincing he that make-up is not evil or does it make her look like a slut. She was begging for a second opinion, although I'm not sure if she was expecting one, so this will be helpful to me. Arigato.
Dear Michiru,
Depending on the type of makeup and how much one uses, the look can be very natural and actually enhance one's beauty. Your friend should know that makeup, used properly is NOT evil!
Dear Mitsukake,
With your healing powers, can you get rid of zits?
Dear someone,
In my world yes, in your world, no. Try a dermatologist.
Dear Tasuki,
Ne.. Fang boy since when did you start likeing ecchi girls? ::eyes Amy and the red feather:: Ma.. Amy-chan is that MY feather you took away? Or Dana-san's? eh.. 6.6; I'll shut up now. ::leaves before she gets beat up::
Some Crossdresser
Dear Some Crossdresser,
I don't an' Amy-chan ain't!!!! *Looks at Amy-chan* Ya' ain't are ya'???
Dear Tasuki,
My friends and I were wondering, what do you look for in a woman? I mean, what's your dream woman?
Psyche and Moonbeam
Dear Psyche and Moonbeam,
Well, she ain't Aidou!! Read a little further down. I already answered this one.
Dear Nuriko,
How do you keep your skin so smooth? Oh and is that your natural hair color?
Dear Zelko,
Exfoliation and body lotion! And yes, that is my natural hair color.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What's your idea of a perfect girl? And NO answers saying Miaka from anyone else but Tamahome! I'm waaaay to jealous of that girl for hanging around with cute men like you guys (yes including you Chiriko, especially you and Tasuki)! Answer soon so I can see if I'm the perfect type ^_~!
Dear Jean,
Here are our answers:
Tamahome: Miaka
Chichiri: Since my fiancee' has died I have no ideal in mind for a perfect woman, no da.
Chiriko: Someone with a high IQ!
Tasuki: Someone who can stand up to me an' put up wit' me.
Hotohori: Houki
Mitsukake: Shoka, but she is dead.
Nuriko: Someone as beautiful as Hotohori and as wonderful as my late sister Kourin.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
HIIIIIII~!!!! I've been wondering about this question for awhile, is it just a coincidence that your wife looks like Nuriko or is there a hidden message somewhere ^_~? Oh and whos the castle artist? If there isn't one can I be it? I'll work rreeeeeeaaaaaallllllllyyy hard! Arigato!
Dear Jean,
Well, since I don not live in a castle, I do not have a castle artist. Perhaps you would like to be the palace artist instead? And just what are you implying by saying that Houki and Nuriko look alike? That perhaps they may be related?
Dear Chiriko,
Do you know how to tell if you have termites eating one's house before it collapses one's head? *sigh* What do you call baby mice? Other than baby mice, of course, but you knew that...
Dear Liselle,
The loud crunching and burping sounds??? Baby mice hmmm... They are called "pinkies".
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you for being so kind to me, and adding a link to my page! ^_^ As soon as I saw that (and, mind you, I'm a bit slow at times ^^;) I rushed to put a link to this page up.
I asked Nuriko-san for some advice today, but, I have another problem. ::frowns a bit:: You see, my new best friend (who helped me though the before mentioned hard times-- and (if you've seen my letter to Nuriko-san) he's the only one of my friends who doesn't tease or bug me about dressing like a guy), Danny, is really, really depressed. He acts all cheery and lively, but there are times when he seems to "grow tired of the charade" and is so solemn and mellow. His last words to me tonight were, "I don't feel my heart anymore. I just feel so empty inside."
I don't know what to do. I try to be there for him as much as possible, and do everything I can for him; I try to be around him and make him smile and tell and show him how much I care for him and how much he means to me. Demo... I don't know.
It sounds to me like he's lonely. Do you agree? Do you think that maybe I'm not being a good enough friend? ::on the verge of tears:: I try so hard, but I don't know what else I can do... Could you, perhaps, give me some advice about this, or maybe some words of encouragement? ::hugs herself, for lack of anyone else to hug, holding back the tears of worry and sadness::
I appreciate your listening to my baka babbling, and such.. I'm really glad to have a tomodachi like you. ... May I call you my tomodachi? I'd be honored if we could be.. Hontou ni arigatou gozaimasu no da.
Dear Marron,
He may be or he may have had a very sad event happen to him recently, no da. Perhaps, you should just let him know that you are worried about him and that if he needs someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on that you are there for him. I think you are being an excellent tomodachi to him, no da. And I would be happy to be your friend, na no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, everyone. :) Got a couple of questions to ask. First, on the average, how many messages do you receive per day? I'm betting that they are more than 30. ^^ Also, who uses the computer first and who uses it most of the time? I'm assuming that you only have one computer and I reckon it's pretty hard to wrestle the keyboard away from each other. :)
Lastly, I'm not certain if someone already asked this question but here it goes anyway. It's a question addressed to all of you: What is the thing you most love about your body and why? ^_^
I hope li'l Adorable here isn't bothering you too much. She seems to be enjoying this website very much judging from her squeals everytime I tell her that one of you replied to her message. ;^^
Anywayz, both she and I have a mutual friend who's rather good in drawing anime. It was only recently that she developed keen interest in Fushigi Yuugi and she actually drew a couple of doodles. :)
One doodle is located at: FY Doodles
Another doodle - no, it's actually a sketch of Tasuki - is located at:Tasuki Sketch
(She thinks that she hasn't drawn Tasuki that well and she's now trying to draw another image of him. ;^^)
Take care, everyone!
Dear Jill,
We get on average about 20 messages a day. Tasuki is generally first on the on the computer and he and Chichiri use it the most.
So, what we like most about our bodies and why? It's a skoosh hen but we'll answer it anyway:
Tasuki:Th' fangs! They make me unique!
Tamahome:Nah. They just make you a FANGED idiot. Hahahahaha... ITAI!!! My inborn martial arts talent. Because I can use my talent to protect the people I care about.
Nuriko:My hair. It's so luxurious and beautiful.
Hotohori:Do I have to pick only ONE part???
Chiriko:Gulp! Ano, I think I'm too young to answer this question!
Chichiri:I don't really have a favorite part, no da. They are all equal in creating the whole, no da.
Mitsukake:Tama-neko. He's cute and cuddly.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Erin: *resling around with Fei, Fei pins her down with her hand behind her back* ITAI!! Fei, aren't you taking this training a little to far?
Fei: *gets up and helps up Erin* You're the one who want's to be the best Mt. Leikaku bandit next to Tasuki. Good thing you have a different name with those guys. The name Genko fits you.
Erin: Fei, you have a big mouth.
Fei: That's what you say. Hey, Chichiri can you ask Tasuki if he knows a Genko.
Erin: That's it. I'm out of here before I hurt someone. *storms out of room*
Fei: Short tempers... An other Hibiki trait... *sigh* Oh well, Hey I have a serious question for you. Now I want you to think through this and give me a clear answer, and keep in mind I'm just asking as a friend that cares about Erin. Now I've seen the way that the two of you act around each other. I want to know what you think of her, and none of this 'Well, she's an okay friend no da' or 'Why are you asking me this question no da?' okay? Okay, good.
Fei and a little bit of Erin
Dear Fei and a little bit of Erin,
Well, Tasuki says he has heard of Gingko, no da. But I think he's referring to a plant and not a person. So, why are you asking this question of me, no da? I think Erin is a very nice young lady and I am glad to call her my friend, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey, Tamahome. Exactly, what color are your eyes? I've seen them described as both light grey and light purple (I think purple is cooler ^_^) So, do you like to drink much? I know Tasuki does, but he gets a little... um... how shall I say... VIOLENT, there's a good word for it! I'd think you'd just be more fun to go drinkin' with, and I'd be less broken in the end. -_- So, how about it, would you like to go drinkin' with me some time? I've got a really cool magical crate of sake! Well, you can think about it. See ya' later!
Dear Storm,
My eyes are light grey in color. AS for drinking, I'g really not into it like Tasuki is, but thanks for the invitation.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi, there. When compared to today's American currancy, about how much would one gold ryou be worth? Or how about one silver ryou? I really wasn't sure weather this was a question for you or for Tamahome, so I hope you don't mind me asking you. You are a very cute little boy, so I could't resist! ^_^ See ya' later!
Dear Storm,
Since ryou is old pre-yen currency and made of either gold or silver, I'd say it was worth quite a bit in American currency! It just depends on whether you look at the value of it as an antiquity or the value of the metal it is made out of.
Dear Tasuki, best friend is having guy prohlems (I think it's contagious), and she's having majorly violent thoughts. So which is better if you want to break someone's kneecaps? A tire iron or a baseball bat? ^_^ [and SHE'S the one that wants to play strip poker with Chichiri! It's not me!]
Oh, and I wanted to tell you...I'nm on the SASS ML, and I brought up what would happen if you guys from Fushigi Yuugi fought the guys from Kenshin...and no one believed me when I said that you could put the smack down on Soujirou. >.< I even wrote down my entire darn argument, logically and you have any little kown things about you or whatever that I could use to convince the evil unbelievers? Eeegh.
And please wish me luck. I have like two tests this week, a four hour job interview/test, and I have to meet with a man from a Japanese University, and I am VERY nervous. 0_0
Dear KnM,
What is it wit' ya' violent chicks!!! I would aanswer yer friend's question, but Chichiri no Aijin is threatenin' to twist a body part I DON'T want twisted!! So, good luck wit' yer next week! Gambatte kudasai!!
Dear Tasuki,
O.O *almost drops the feather...* Well where would you like me to tickle you with it then?
I always have sake for you...Tasuki-san...*takes out a bottle and pours herself a small cup, handing the bottle to him* -_-; Demo...I did make that promise to not do anything ecchi to you when you drank...ara, I have to keep to it, ne? ^_~
Dear Amy-chan,
OI!! No ecchi s--t now or I won't pose fer any more of yer pictures!
Dear Tamahome,
What do you like most about Miaka? She seems. . . entertaining. She's a good person, but can have her moments. Anyway, I'd give you 2 gold ryou, but at the moment I'm flat broke! Need to get a job. . . don't want to. . . *trails off muttering something*
Dear me,
She is independent, headstrong, and she truly cares about other people.
Dear Chiriko,
Have you ever found it difficult to be the youngest seishi?
Dear me,
Sometimes, but I tend to look up to the other Seishi as if they were my oniichan and role models. Especially Tasuki! Tasuki-san wa totemo kakkoi desu ne!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki. How come your eyes are so beady compared to everyone elses? I was looking through the archives and a few pages back you made a comment that was something to the effect of "who said my fan is little", Nuriko also made some kind of comment saying you had a "large tessen". Do these mean what I think they do??? O.o Or should I just shut-up before you start thinking I'm one of those crazy hentai chicks?
Anyway wanna' come drinkin' with me some time? I've got a magical crate of sake that never runs out. Don't worry I won't hit on you, I'd much prefer to hit on your freind Kouji (so it'd be smart not to bring him, I might end up glued to him) Well, see ya later!
Dear Storm,
Whaddya' mean I got beady eyes?!!!? Jus' what are ya' tryin' to say here??? As to comments on the size of my tessen, all I gotta say is NO COMMENT!! But me an' Kouji will be happy to join ya' in some sake!
Dear Tasuki,
I wrote to you awhile back about my roommate (I wrote under the alias "Neko") and I wanted to thank you for being so sweet in your reply. I felt so much better having written to you and reading your response, and appreciate your taking the time to help me. Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu!
Dear Tsutsuji,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey minna-san, when did Tama neko learn to talk?? *giggles*
Dear Nyanko-chan,
HE CAN TALK?!?!?!?!?!?! OI!!! Mitsukake!!! Since when does yer cat talk???? Jus' what th' *^%$ is goin' on around here????
Dear Nuriko,
I have a problem. Well, it's not really a problem, but... ::shrugs:: I figured that you of all (beautiful) people would have some advice for me.
You see, a lot of my friends give me a lot of trouble because I like to dress like a guy. For instance, the last dance our school hosted, I went wearing a pinstriped suit, with my hair braided back to make it look short and less feminine.
Some of my friends say that I'm being "weird" and that I should wear dresses sometimes, or at least dress more like a girl. Demo.. I like dressing like a man! When I wear men's clothing not only do I feel comfortable, I feel like I have the ability and confidence to be myself-- strong of mind and will. I guess some would call me a tomboy, but my friends say it goes way past that. They say, sometimes, they think I really am a guy. So, I've tried wearing dresses and earrings and girl's jewelry and stuff once or twice. But, when I did, when I looked into the mirror, I felt like I was looking at someone else, or like I was hiding who I really am.
Is this a bad thing? Should I try to change myself and be more feminine like my friends say? I thought, perhaps, you could give me some advice. I greatly admire you and Chichiri-san, demo, I thought perhaps you might have more experience with something similar to this.
Nuriko san wa.. Otoko.. demo kamawanee! Tasukete!.. onegashimasu!
Dear Marron-chan,
You should be yourself! And if that means you are more comfortable in pant's and men's clothing, so be it! As long as you aren't hurting yourself or others, you should dress as you please. Your real friends will understand.
Dear Tasuki,
Just out of curiosity I was wondering if there is a fan fic where you meet my fave heroine Lina Inverse (the girl 'even a dragon wouldn't mess with')...seein' as she doesn't take to well to bandits I don't think it would be a pleasant experience. Funny, yes. Safe, no.
Dear Mika-chan,
None that I know of. Lina Inverse, ain't she th' chick wit' th' neko-pai?? Heh-heh...
Dear Mitsukake,
I just injured my knee while preforming a kick in martial arts class. My mom says it's because I can't control my body very well, or my strength and this is like the fifth time I've been injured while my brothers haven't been hurt at all! I think it's because I'm getting older and my body's going through a lot of changes right now (I'm fourteen years old). Can yoy conferm this? Arigato!
Dear Zelko,
That is possible. However, in a letter you wrote to Tasuki, you described yourself as wild. Perhaps you should consider meditation as a way to calm yourself and gain better control of your changing body.
Dear Tamahome,
How much would you sell Tasuki's coat for? *wink* I'm willing to buy it at any price! Oh and the earings, and the tessen... and the boots too (shakes HUGE money pouch)! C'mon Tama-chan! Pleeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeee?
Blue Jeans
Dear Blue Jeans,
Gomen, I don't think either my Seishi power or my medical insurance will cover a burn THAT bad! *Eyes HUGE money pouch... drools...* Ano... let me think about this. How much okane is in there???
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