Dear Tasuki,
Hee hee hee. I was very entertained by your comment about saving Miaka from herself. She may or may not have deserved that, but I thought it was funny! You're the only realistic seishi(about Miaka's. . . stupidity) and of course YOU commented on it. Just wanted to say so. Byes!
Dear Chrissy,
Heh-heh... Glad I was able to entertain ya. She's still complainin' 'bout that crack!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How long have you been doing this question-answer page? Where do you find time?!
Dear me,
We have been doing this peeji since June of 1998. We just make the time in between rescuing Miaka and everything else we have to do.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
When and how did you get your tessen?
Dear CLH,
NOPE!! That would be tellin'!! An' I ain't catchin' s--t fer doin' spoilers! Watch an' see!
Dear Tasuki,
Why a dragonfly? I used to look up to you. . . maybe we should just have another brawl! Meet ya' at the bar!
Ok, but Kouji an' Sanosuke will be there, too. Think ya' can handle all 3 of us?
Dear Nuriko,
Did you ever wear lipstick?
Dear Baka-jan,
Hai! When I was dressing as Princess Kourin I stained my lips to enhance my beauty.
Dear Chichiri,
I don't see why people are so infatuated with figuring out how you get your hair the way you do. Maybe they're trying to copy the style... that would be interesting to see...
Dear me,
Omoshiroi, no da?? More like KOWAII, no da!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello again. ^.^
Ano..I have kind of a suggestion...I know he's not a seishi, but maybe you could have Kouji answer some letters sometime. I know lots of girls who would love to talk to him. Maybe it's not possible, I don't know, but it's just a suggestion. ^.^;
So what're you doing for Valentine's Day? Hiding from the hordes of women who want to be your Valentine? (Like me? ^.^; Er... ::pretends she didn't say that:: -.-;) I don't blame you. ^_^;
Anyways, I get to go to class lucky you don't have to go. ;_;
Have a nice day, Gen-chan. ^_^
Dear Reddie,
Valentine's Day!! Hidin' sounds like a great idea! 'Che we already have 7 of us fightin' fer computer time and now it seems th' *&^%$#@ neko is vyin' wit' us fer th' PC. I don't know if we can fit Kouji in!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hiiiiiiii.....I was looking through the arcives again (I love reading through those) and you made a certain comment about Chichiri's beads (balls) and catnip in one of the first entries. I was just wondering, is it true and if so, does he still do that???
Where did you learn how to heal people n' stuff? Can you do anything eles special besides that? How tall are you? You're the tallest seishi right? I hope you don't mind me asking all these questions, but I don't know too much about you and I wanted to learn more. Well, anyway see ya' later!
Dear Storm,
I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself on our site. As for Chichiri and his beads, I say it's true, but Chichiri still denies it. I am 199cm tall (roughly 6'2"). As for healing people, I was born with that power as my gift from Suzaku, same as all the Seishi and their special gifts. I did learn about herbs and medicines from a healer.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How can Tama-neko answer questions if he can't talk or type? *gasp* Or CAN he???
Dear Guru,
Tama-neko can type?!?!?!?!?!? OI! Mitsukake!! What th' hell has yer cat been up to????????
Dear Tasuki,
Let's go drinking! I got over bein' sick and feel like putting my renewed health to the test! Wadda ya' waitin' for? Oh, what da' hell! Let's bring Koji, too! A brawl sounds like some fun as well!
Dear Satoshi,
Sure, sounds like a blast! Kouji's up fer it, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What's the weather like in Konan? It seems to only rain when something bad is happening or there's a fight. Also, how'd Miaka 'n Yui get used to the major time change?
Jes' Wonderin'
Dear Jes' Wonderin',
Generally the weather is good. As for Miaka and Yui, they seemed to easily accept the time differences.
Dear Hotohori,
Is it hard to be the emperor of Konan country? The show doesn't really show much about your problems 'cept the ones wit' Miaka. Please tell me what it's really like to be you.
Dear Curious-chan,
It is hard to be the ruler of ANY country. The details of which are usually long and boring, so I shall spare you. Suffice it to say that until Miaka, the Seishi, and Houki came along, mine was a very lonely and sheltered existance.
Dear Tasuki,
I can't believe how obsessed people are wit' you 'n Koji being gay! You were right saying they don't have lives! It makes me mad because these days you can't be friends with anyone without 'em thinkin' yer some kindda gay freak! I say you fry 'em wit' yer tessen, and I can kick 'em around a 'lil bit bein' a blackbelt 'n all! Heh-heh... I haven't fought for real for a while...
Dear Kaito,
Sounds like a good time! Jus' don't put a hurtin' on nobody in yer world, 'cos they frown on that sorta thin' where ya' are!
Dear Chichiri,
My friend is getting me and her best friend together. The deal is, his dad was trying to kill him and his mom because he uses any and every kind of drug he could get his hands on, and so they had to move. The guy can't have a life until his dad is found and taken away to prison. We've been e-mailing each other since he got a crush on me, and now I started liking him since I got to know him through the e-mails and my best friend. I'm told that he will definitely return, but I have my doubts. Also, my friend keeps yelling at me becuase I complain about my looks and weight. I'm averagea and pretty, but sometimes I doubt myself. Is there anyway I can feel bad without taking it out on myself? If so, please tell and help me. It will be GREATLY appreciated.
Wyhy do you want to feel bad, no da? Life is too short for Pity Parties, no da (Tasuki's turn of phrase, NOT mine!)! If you don't like your looks or weight, do something about them, no da! A new hairstyle or color, exercising and eating halthy foods will ALL make you feel better, na no da. Ano... I feel like nuriko, no da! *sweatdrops, goes SD and changes into an SD Nuriko*
Dear Tasuki,
I love your hair! Also, I feel sorry for you! Aidou is always launching logs at you! I harass my 'lil brother, but I have my limits! Sorry you have to put up wit' that!
Dear CLH,
So am I!!!!!
Dear Tasuki, Nuriko, and Chichiri,
What's your fave food?
Dear me,
Tasuki:Steak, charbroiled of course!!
Nuriko:Miso soup
Chichiri:Fish, no da!
Tasuki, Nuriko, and Chichiri
Dear Mitsukake,
Who says you're boring? They should got to @%#$!!
Dear Smile,
Ano... *sweatdrops* Thank you for your support.
Dear Nuriko,
YOU ARE SO CUTE!! Okay, what's it like living in Konan? Do you have a crush on any girls there? If not, are you looking for someone, even a friend? I'm a girl, I think you figured that out, and would like to be your friend if not more. Bye! I also hope everything is going well for you! You're beautiful!
Dear Chrissy,
Arigato for your sweet compliments! Living in Konan is VERY different from living in your world. There are not as many "modern conveniences". Everything here is fine. I would certainly like to be your friend!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! How are you? I hope you're doing well! I was so upset to find out about your past life! You seem to be doing well though, which is good. I thinkyou are so cute, and I know a lot of other people agree with me. Well, dat's all I had to say. By the way, what's your daily routine like? Don't cheat oput of explanations by saying: It's different every day. Give me the basics to what ya' actually do.
'Lil Miss Curious
Dear 'Lil Miss Curious,
My daily routine, no da? Awaken, wash up, asagohan no tabemasu (gohan, sakana, miso), advise Houki on matters of state, answer letters, rescue Miaka... You know, the usual, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is the most awesome thing you got going here! I had questions, you answered them (... over time), I mean it's great! It may be a hassle, but us crazy fans enjoy this place VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!
Dear me,
We are all glad to hear that our fans are enjoying the website. Arigato totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo totemo banban!!!!!!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Dear obnoxious,
Afican or European?
Dear Chiriko,
Dear obnoxious,
Ah, you should have said so in the first place. To answer your question, a woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
But he can't, so he won't.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How many seishi does it take to change a lightbulb?
Dear someone,
Her in Konan we do not have such things as light bulbs. However, if we did, I would have my servants change them for me.
Dear Tasuki,
Ara...*blushes and looks away* Tasuki-san...Mulan-chan already sketched you out for the Valentine's Day series...demo...demo...can you pose like that for me...later?
*shyly takes out a red feather and teases him with it lightly* Onegai...? ^_^
*looks away again* I'll even pose for you in a red sheet too...^_~
Dear Amy-chan,
Ahhh... Sure, but put th' feather down! Or at least don't tickle me there wit' it! OI! Got anymore sake??
Dear Chiriko,
Hello there! You've been doing a good job in maintaining this website...It must've been a real challenge with Tasuki around, frying the server. So, how high is your IQ? And, what made you want to be government official, anyways. It's tough work...You don't get that much time for yourself. And, you have to end up growing up too soon...Although, it's a totally admirable trait...Bye now!
Dear Adorable,
Arigato for your kind words. I am glad that you are enjoying the website. Well, as for Tasuki, we have invested in multiple fire extinguishers for the humble cyber abode and especially for the server area!
I have never had my IQ measured, so I don't know how high it is. If I wished to become a noble, being a high-ranking government official is a good starting point.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi there! I'm really just a new fan of yours. Actually, it was Jill who got me into this craze...And, website. I really think your fangs, great sense of humor and your voice makes you like a totally cute studmuffin. I entered those reasons in the drooling fan club thing a geocites. Don't worry, though. I'm not in the habit of chasing guys...
Anyways, I'll just start with the questions before your head starts to grow so big that it wouldn't even fit in Konan country...Or the whole Four Gods and Earth book for that matter...^_^
So, where did you and Koji get that really cute dance step? I'd like to try that some time? Could you teach me? How many cups of sake do you drink before you get really drunk or pass out? Yeah, and before I forget...What color are your eyes? My friend's been bugging me about it. She doesn't believe it's green--like some websites describe it. She thinks of it as more of amber...
Dear Adorable,
The dance was somethin' we've done since we were kids. As to how much sake gets me drunk, I dunno, I'm ususally too drunk or passed out to count 'em! An' yer friend is right. My eyes ARE amber.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What's the deal with the picture at the top of the response page? It's. . . cute. . . but who drew it? Tell them to keep practicing, but they're off to a good start!
Just Me
Dear Just Me,
Actually, Chichiri no Aijin's shujin drew it. He has never drawn anime and it is a rather difficult style to emulate. He also did a cel of Chichiri and Chichiri no Aijin. Perhaps one day she will allow me to display it on the site.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
That kitty on the show is SO darn kawaii! It should have it's own episode!
Dear cat-lover,
I agree! Nyao!
Dear Mitsukake,
I wish you could leave Konan to come visit me! I had an operation, and went through months of suffering, only to find out that the stupid operation didn't work! It was awful! Well, I hope you're healing the people you can. It's definitely a divine skill!
Dear Me,
I am sorry that your healer was not successful. I wish I could come to your world to heal you. Unfortunately, I can't. I do hope you will eventually get better.
Dear Chiriko,
i think you are the cutest little boy in anime. whats your secret?
mars the wondergal
Dear mars the wondergal,
As far as I know I don't have any secrets. Sorry!
Dear Hotohori,
You are beautiful, but a little self-centered. The only reason I'm saying this is because how could you just seem to completely ignore Nuriko? I don't get it! You're both beautiful! I don't think you look like a woman, though.
Dear me,
I do not think I am self centered. I place the entire welfare of a country before my own. That is HARDLY self centered! As for Nuriko, at the time I was not interested in marrying anyone, but the Miko.
Dear Tamahome,
I'm SO sorry! I don't know what for, well I do know, but I don't know if you could handle it. It had to do with a hentai story my friend sent me. I have strange friends! Again, I'm sorry!
Dear CLH,
I'm afraid to ask who they had coupled with. But, it's OK. You can read whatever you want. Just don't believe everything that you read!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello! How's it going? I was just wondering, what's a normal day of yours like? And don't say you're always too stoned to know, because I really want to know what you actually do all day. Arigato!
Dear Chrissy,
Mostly protecting Miaka from herself! 'Che that girl can get in more trouble... Then I guess it's off to th' bars fer drinkin' an' brawlin'!
Dear Mitsukake,
Not boring, huh? I'll take your word for it...So, healed a lot of people lately? How's your cat? What breed is it?
Dear Adorable,
Mostly Tasuki and Kouji. Tama-neko is fine. He is a mixed breed cat. I think he has some Siamese in him.
Dear Tasuki,
what made you want to be a bandit?
mars the wondergal
Dear mars the wondergal,
Havin' to live wit' my family!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*laughs a long with Fei Fong Wong*
Erin: No way! Dr. Uzuki did that?
Fei: Yep! It was pretty funny.
Erin: Oh, hi Chichiri! This is Fei, you might know him from Xenogears. He's one of my friends. Fei this is Chichiri, he's the one I told you about.
Fei: Hi, Chichiri. *shakes your hand* Erin tould me about the chat that she had with you. It cheered her up a lot. She's not herself when she's depressed. *whispers* She also has a small crush on you.
Erin: *clears throat* Don't make false accussions, Fei. *walks up beside Fei* Hey aren't you supose to meat up with Elly?
Fei: You just want me to go so that you can talk to your boyfriend. *nugges Chichiri a little and whispers* She's a real find my friend.
Erin: FEI!
Fei: *pushes Erin into Chichiri's arms and starts to run off* She's a real find! Not to mention she has a nice figure!!! *disappears before Erin could react*
Erin: *looks up, swallows and tries not to blush* Sorry... He's a spunky person...
Erin and Fei
Dear Erin and Fei,
Daijobou, no da! I am VERY glad that you are feeling better and that I was able to help, no da! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Mitsukake,
Anou...can you cure my unknown illness? Onegaiitashimasu?
Dear Byounin,
If you were in Konan, hai! As you are not, you should pay a visit to your local healer.
Dear Tamahome,
*Drops gold ryou in his hand*
Hey, I thought I write this to you since I figured you had the same problem. Well I have this name that everyone tease me about and I am older now and they still make fun of it so naturely being enbarassed by it changed it to intials Mj. But I feel still embarrassed and near tears and extreme rage when someone make fun of it. I don't feel like myself with my nickname I wish to change it when I am older but I don't want to upset my parents who cursed me with it. So here's my name don't laugh. It's: Maryjulia. And by the way what's 2 gold ryou in american currency? Arigato.
Dear Maryjulia,
Arigato for the okane! Since it is made of gold, 2 gold ryou would probably be worth a couple of hundred dollars in American Currency. I don't understand why anyone would tease you about your namae (name). It is quite pretty. You can certainly change it when you are older, but you may feel differently by then. People didn't tease me about being called Tamahome, they teased me about the Suzaku mark that appears on my forehead.
Dear Chichiri,
hmmm... I never good at writing this things but I really need at advice on what to do on feuding friends. Sit back and relax this could be long and confusing. *takes a deep breath*
Ok my best friend was in love with
my brother but then he broke up with her. And she was devastated so my friend Akane talked to him and seeing how upset she was then relayed the message to Angel-chan that he maybe would get back together with her. So she was still sad but hopeful but the message wasn't true. Angel-chan had no clue for about a month ...then Akane's boyfriend and my friend in a moment of weakness blurted out the lie. Now Angel-chan is as thick skull and would not listen to Akane's plea and said it was only to save her from more emotional stress, she had been going thru a lot lately. And now I, Lady Kayura, enter the scene Angel-chan was angry at Akane and so she calls me up and told me her story. We are all in an anime group so Angel-chan is the president and asks me to kick her out. I said I don't want to take sides. So after talking to her Akane calls me very sorrowful and tells me her story I once again tell her I do not want to take sides and told her I'd talk to Angel-chan. Now I find myself caught in the middle and I don't want anyone to get hurt. So what do I do? Arigatou.
Lady Kayura
Dear Lady Kayura,
Get out of hitting range, no da!! These people need to sit down and discuss their differences and you need to be elsewhere! That your brother nad best friend broke up is sad but you should stay out of this mess, no da. Akane should never have lied to Angel-chan and should apologize even if she did it with good intentions, no da. Try to get Angel-chan and Akane together to talk about what has happened and once they are together, leave the room, no da. The middle is a very bad place to be! Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What da' heck does Obake-chan look like?
Dear Wondering,
You obviously haven't watched enough Fushigi Yuugi! Keep watching... all will be revealed...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Which one of you is best dressed?
NJ Rob
Dear NJ Rob,
Why me, of course!
Dear Chichiri,
How do you get your bangs to defy gravity like that before the invention of hair spray? Or gel. Or pomade, for that matter. It was far before the time of greasy-hair products.
Dear Cristi,
Pomegranate juice, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
I dunno if you can even help me, but I know you're a healer..I hope you can at least try. This has been bugging me for quite some time now. I, like you, have a pet Neko-chan..and she's been one of my best friends for 12 years. She's always there for me, like a silent friend.
But lately..I don't know what's wrong with her, but there are times when she sits up, and she can't breathe's like she's gasping for breath. Then she's fine.
People are telling me that she's just choking on a hairball or something, and I know that sounds gross, but I just worry... I'm afraid to take her to the vet. Because I don't want to know if it's something don't understand, I can't lose her..she's one of the most constant things in my life, and if I lost her, I'd be lost too.
I've spent many nights crying over this, and my mom and dad both offered to take her to the vet..which I think I'm going to end up doing soon..I asked some of my friends, and some agreed that I should of my friends just looked at me plainly and said "it's just a cat..." *sigh*
Maybe she *is* only just a cat to everyone else, but not to me. Am I doing the right thing? Please, please..onegai..tell me. Because I don't want to make my cat suffer..but I don't want to lose a best friend, either...
Dear Ranko-chan,
While it is hard to lose a treasured friend, your neko does sound as if she needs medical attention. This does not necessarily mean that she will have to be put to sleep, just that she is ill. Take her to a vet and let him make a diagnosis. It may turn out that she has something that is easily curable. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Oi, Chichiri-sama..I hope you can help me..or at least give me some sort of insight..
You see, I fell in love with a friend of mine a few years ago, but I'm too shy to say anything to him...and lately I've tried to get the courage up to tell him. Well, of my friends has been getting really "friendly" with him. I don't even understand why..because she already has someone! So why does she have to go after him..? I don't know whether she knows that I like him or not..but I've hinted it countless times..and even mentioned it when me and my friend are around our other friends.
It really hurts that she's doing this to me..and whenever we all get together, and he's there with her..and they're constantly drives me nuts, but I stay silent, and say nothing, of course...but when I go home I do nothing but sit in my room and cry. It's the only thing I do best, it seems..
Am I being hopeless? Should I just give up? I'm starting to think I'm gonna be by myself forever..
Anyway...thank you for listening to me, Chichiri-sama...I guess I'll never understand love.. and Tasuki was right...If you fall in love, it DOES make you cry..
Dear K-chan,
Have you tried flirting with him yet, no da? Or directly telling your friend how you feel about him? She may just flirt with him because she thinks it's fun and enjoys the attention, no da. Try flirting with him, no da and if he is receptive and flirts back, then you should tell him how you feel, no da. But start out at the "I like you" level. Guys get scared when they hear "I love you" early in the relationship, no da. Good luck, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*blush* This is so embarasing... I never had a date before and I'm 14!!!! It's like men don't find me attractive here (my friends keep telling me that I'm pretty but I'm not getting any results)! Hmm, if I came in through the Shinjin Tenchi Sho, would guys think I'm pretty*? Also, how old were you guys when you went on your first date? Oh and I've been wondering about this question, what was your reaction when you first met Watase-sama? That's all, arigato!
*Physical Description: Asian Girl w/ long layered hair that's more dark brown than black, round face and small eyes (I'm Korean but people say I look Japanese... *sweatdrop*)
Blue Jeans
Dear Blue Jeans,
Well, Tasuki was 15 and Tamahome was 17. Chihciri was 18 and already engaged to be married. Hotohori was ruling Konan at the age of 14 and married by 18 and I still haven't had a date!
Dear Tasuki,
I dunno if I asked this to the right seishi but oh well, (whispers: that's because you're my favorite seishi *wink*). Anyway, I'm a martial arts student and really strong. And wild, I forgot to mention that I'm wild. A lot of my friends tell me that I'm too violent and if someone insults me and I don't know that it's a joke, I'll often insult or smack the person. Any suggestions?
Dear Zelko,
Yer kiddin', right? Yer askin' ME fer advice on controllin' yer temper?!?!?!? 'Che, this is gonna cost Tamahome BIG!!! Well, ya' won't like it but since yer a martial arts student ya' jus' can't go around kickin' people's a--es! In yer world they arrest ya' fer that! I dunno, maybe try askin' the person if they're jokin' wit' ya'. Ya' don't wanna hurt someone one day over a stupid joke, right? If they ain't jus' ignore 'em, 'cos they ain't worth the trouble. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
Since you are the smartest (and the cutest, you're soooo kawaii *squeal*), I was wondering how I could improve my study habits. People say that I'm smart but I'm not improving in Biology and Geogpraphy *sigh* (I'm getting B's when I have to get A's). I'm under a lot of pressure from my mom and she's threatening me that I'll have to do more studying when I practically have no free time what so ever! It's not fair... please help me! ;_;
Dear Jean,
Are you setting aside enough time to study? Making sure that you have good notes from your classes? Make sure that you have a quiet, comfortable place to study. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Mitsukake,
My roommate's been getting sick a lot, mostly colds and stuff, but this time she has a really bad fever. I'm thinking it's because she's never spent the winter in Colorado (she's from Germany) so she's not used to the dryness in the air, and maybe that's making her get sick. I don't really know. Anyways, I was wondering if you have any suggestions on how I can keep her healthy, because I worry about her since she's a really good friend, and it's not good for her to have to miss so many classes.
Oh yeah...and which is better for bringing down fevers...tylenol or advil?
Dear KnM,
If the air is too dry for her, she may want to consider invseting in a humidifier. It will add warm moisture to the air and perhaps make it easier for her to breathe. Either one will bring down a fever. If you are worried about her being allergic to aspirin, then use the Tylenol.
Dear Hotohori,
Did anyone here order a pizza?
Pizza Hut
Dear Pizza Hut,
MIAKA!!! You have a vistor.
Dear Tasuki,
Pre-tied, eh? Oh, you've made someone a happy little girl. ^_^ Maybe she'll stop threatening me with grievous bodily harm now. ^_^;
Yeah...Chiriko is kind of young for people to be wanting to stand too close to him while naked. I'm hoping it's either an innocent little girl his age that doesn't really know what she's saying, or that it's someone that means they want to stand too close to him when he gets older. *sweatdrop*
And by the'd be 7 ahead of Tamahome, except they won't let me vote with both hands, even if I AM the president and founder. ^_^
Oh yeah...and I have ANOTHER friend that wants me to invite you to strip poker. *sweatdrop* But only if you bring Chichiri.
AGH! And Tamahome! And Tamahome! Stop hurting me! ITAI!
Watashi no tomodachi wa hen desu yo ne? Kowai. Please save me. I am becoming more frightened by the minute, and Sano's busy breaking the kneecap of that one guy that cause me to write the little "men are scum" letter a few weeks back...AGH! Help! Help! It's that Nakago fan! AIEEEEEEE!!!!!
Dear KnM,
Strip &*^%$#@ Poker!! I DON'T think SO!! An' I ain't messin' wit' Chichiri to trick him into doin' THAT!! But I guess if Tamahome will be pretied ya' can do whatever ya' want to him... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tamahome,
My friend had a best friend who had to go to Michigan, why I can't tell you, and he is coming back in a year. The thing is, he has been e-mailing me and I think we could have a great relationship. Everything he has written to me has been so romantic! I have my doubts that things will work out, but I think they will. Please tell me your thoughts and I will gladly give you 2 ryou.
Dear Chrissy,
Stop doubting yourself and give the relationship a chance. You won't know unless you try. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
Cheese and Bacon
Cheese cheese cheese cheese
Bacon bacon bacon bacon
sing it again!
Cheese and Bacon
Cheese cheese cheese cheese
Bacon bacon bacon bacon
That is my poem to you.
Stukie the Turnip
Dear Stukie the Turnip,
Arigato for the ano... poem, no da. Although I do prefer sakana to gohan, no da (fish and rice).
Dear Nuriko,
You are SO cute! I never did understand your infatuation with Hotohori, though. He totally disregarded you! It made me mad, but you didn't seem to care that much. Did you? Is it true that you're straight now? I was writing when I knew only about the beginning episodes to FY, and then I read the end and how you cut your beautiful hair! BAD IDEA! Your braid gave you such character! Anyway, how is it answering questions from a while back? And, what's your favorite food and color? Jes' wonderin'. Bye!
Dear Chrissy,
Hmmm... why go after Hotohori? Well, how about because he's beautiful AND the Emperor! Those seemed like two good reasons at the time to me. I guess my one of my favorite foods would be mochi and my favortie color would be purple, since it goes so well with my hair and eyes.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-sama, ::bows deeply:: Hajimemashite.
I have admired you from afar for quite some time now, and I must say that I think you are a brave, wonderful man. ^_^
I understand that you lost your best friend, and that you blame yourself for what happened. Please, if it helps, know that there is someone out there who understands. Last summer, my best friend was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street from my house to his (he lived right across the street from me). I tried to help him, but I couldn't. I thought that maybe if I had done something different, or asked him to stay a little longer, he might not be... gone.. I just wanted to say that I feel your pain, and I know that a lot of people must ask you why you don't remove your scar.. The pain is so hard to let go of, and we all have things that remind us of the sorrow in our pasts. I have scars on my palms from grabbing glass shards and pulling them out of my wounded friend after he was hit.. Dakedo.. We have to keep going-- keep hope for the best future possible, ne?
Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you how much I admire your strength and courage, and that you are not alone in the world. Knowing that there is someone else in the world who understands has always given me hope and courage. I hope that you do understand. If you ever need a friend, I'm here for you.
Oh, yeah! In a less serious note.. ::shamelessly adds a webpage plug:: I even have a shrine to you at: The Temple of Chichiri Feel free to visit this loyal fan-girl's sorry attempt at a page. ^_~;;
Dear Marron,
Gomen nasai for the tragic death of your friend. I thank you for your wise words. Arigato for taking the time out to create a peeji in my honor, no da! I have asked CHiriko to put it on our links peeji. Can you add our peeji to your links peeji, onegaishimasu, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
can I ask u a question, why did u get chosen as emperor? I think you are cool, but y are u the emperor?
Dear Jen,
I was the only royal child that bore the mark of Suzaku.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa Chichiri-san...
ogenki desu ka? like to travel very much, is that correct? where do you usually travel to? I'm kind of a rurouni myself you you have any suggestions? By the way..(you must have been told this many times) your my most favorite person in Fushigi Yuugi! you have such a sweet personality. kawaii~ hontou ni yasashi hito desu ne!
Dear sayo,
Konnichiwa Sayo-san. Genki desu, no da! I am just a poor wandering monk so I tend to stay within the confines of Konan country. Arigato gozaimasu for your totemo kind words, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are your favorite animals, if any?
Dear Reddie,
Dear Chichiri,
my sister is madly in luv with u. what can I do she just likes u.
nicer sister
Dear nicer sister,
You don't need to do anything, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Gen-chan..I'm Reddie..the one everyone's been telling you about. I wrote you like, once..but I didn't write after that because, well, I'm extremely shy and I was afraid that you wouldn't like me because I am, well..a girl. But I'm not like those "crazed hentai chicks" who are always after you..although I admit I have a crush on you.. ^.^;;
I have an oneechan named Ucchan who likes to beat up on me, so I know what you go through with fact..I'm the middle child..everyone ignores me! >O
So what is the life of a bandit like? ::hands him a momo-chan:: Now that you're a Seishi, do you see them much anymore? Do you miss Kouji a lot when you don't see him often?(and no I'm not implying anything yaoi, don't get mad!! ;_; ::Turns SD and flails::)
Well..thank you for readin' my letter. ^_^ I hope I can write to you often, if it's okay with you. ^_^
Dear Reddie,
WEll, th' life of a bandit wit' ME ain't so bad. Kouji visits th' palace a lot so still get to go drinkin' an' brawlin'! Glad to finally hear from ya'!
Dear Hotohori,
Why do people say you're pretty? The transvestite Nuriko, hopeless, helpless Tamahome, AND the fang-boy Tasuki ALL have you beat.
ME!! HA!!
PS. I will never speak badly of Chichiri, Chiriko, or Mitsukake because they haven't let me down!!
Dear ME!! HA!!,
I intercepted this letter before it could get to his Majesty. Sumimasen ga... this is no way for one to address His Imperial Highness! I do not know how he has disappointed you, however, he would be VERY hurt and insulted by your insinuations that he is anything less than beautiful! Are you by chance related to DEATH WISHER, who wrote an equally nasty letter to Tasuki?? Why are you looking to cause our beloved Emperor pain?
Dear Hotohori,
ME!! HA!!
Dear ME!! HA!!,
Chiriko did finally show me your letter. I must say it did pain me somewhat, but I do forgive you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you answer and put out ALL the letters you recieve? Or do you pick a few and say forget it.
Curious person- GUESS MY GENDER!!
Dear Curious person,
We try to answer all letters unless they make no sense, contain MAJOR spoilers, or are just plain rude/obscene. We do get behind in our answering if we have to rescue Miaka, too.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Learn how to control your temper!!!! Evil sake-drinker!! I wish death upon you. . . you evil, twisted, sorry excuse for a flamethower! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
I intercepted your letter to Tasuki before he could see it and flame the mail server! Do you perchance have a death-wish? I would advise in the future to not taunt the Seishi with the hottest temper. It can lead to painful burns, brusies, abrasions, and other physical injuries!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sorry 'bout what I said 'bout Tasuki. He's really a cool guy. I think I was just drunk. Hope you aren't wishing death upon me! GOMEN NASAI MINNA!! You seishi are really admirable characters. I TOLD you! I was drunk! I think I was even with Tasuki. . . Who knows? Yeah! I kicked his ass in a brawl when he was stoned off his ass! He was saying something about being a dragonfly when I left. . . I dunno.
Of course we aren't wishing death on you, no da! He thinks he's a dragonfly AGAIN, no da! Gomen, I shall go get him before he hurts someone or himself...
Dear Nuriko,
What're yer' bracelets for?
Dear s,
They were a gift and help increase my strength.
Dear Nuriko,
How can the bracelets help increase your strenght if it's all ready super-human? Have you ever used them?
Dear s,
You just haven't watched enough of our adventures. Keep watching and all your questions will be answered.
Dear Hotohori,
HI!! I always wanted to know how you fit all of your hair into that little thingy on your head? Oh yeah, what's that thing called anyway? Thanks! Bye!
Dear Guru,
Very carefully! The "little thingy" as you call it is a smaller version of my Imperial Crown.
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