Dear Tasuki,
We just got some more beer in, so come on over. And german gummis, which are oh so yummy. ^_^ And one of my friends is twisting my arm, so I'd better ask if you can bring Tamahome as well, or she'll cause me serious bodily injury. The way she's eyeing that rope is kind of scaring me, though she says it's all for Tamahome. Oh, and I cleaned out my closet, because I heard Aidou asking around for
Mmmm...and just to fit everything in one e-mail, here's this week's updated scores on the number of people that want to stand too close to you guys when naked. ^_^ Make sure to share the numbers with everyone else.
Tasuki: 14 [Still in the lead, going strong, and widening the gap with every day]
Tamahome: 8
Chichiri: 8
Hotohori: 6
Nuriko: 5
Chiriko: 1
and on the other side-
Suboshi: 3
Amiboshi: 2
Nakago: 2 [urgh...]
Tomo: 1
Yui: 1
^_^ Ja ne!
Dear KnM,
Heh-heh... I'm six ahead of Tamahome an' widenin' th' lead! Sure. I'll bring Obake-chan pre-tied if yer friend wants! Ano, don't ya' think Chiriko is a bit young fer this sorta survey?
Dear Chiriko,
HI!! Do you know what the longest word in the english language is? And how many letters is it? Thanks!
Dear Guru,
Hai! Antidisestablishmentarianism. 28 letters. There are two words that have been made up, but are used in literature: Flocconocconihilpillification. It means using big words yet saying nothing. Hippomonstrosesquipadelian. It means a very long word.
Dear Tasuki,
Yay! I have a friend! Anyway, I was just wondering, do your fangs ever get in the way? For example, when your eating, drinking, talking, etc.?
P.S. Oh yeah! I heard you like pixy stix.*hold out a sack full of pixy stix and grins*
Dear Guru,
Nope! They ain't THAT long! Arigato fer th' pixy stix!
Dear Nuriko,
*clears throat* Why dun't we change Nyanko's question to 3 people? *gives him a _look_* ¬¬
Dear Myrna-chan,
*Sweatdrops* Sure, but this island is getting less deserted as time goes by...
Dear Tasuki,
I don't know exactly why I'm writing this here or..more you, but I just have something I need to say to get my thoughts in order.
My roommate was injured a few days ago. It wasn't terrible...looks a lot worse than it is. Suddenly, the people on the floor of our dorm are very concerned about it, and while she's out with her friends I've been taking messages, telling people how she is, etc. I find it strange because I had a bad injury last semester and nobody said anything. Well, anyway, here's the problem: I'm starting to feel resentful and kind of angry about it. That makes me feel guilty, because I'm pleased that everyone is concerned about her; she's a great friend to me. I don't know why I feel this way, but I can't seem to stop. I haven't talked to anyone about it...I don't think it would help anyone. So, is this normal, or am I being hypersensitve?
Well, anyway, thanks for listening.
Dear Neko,
Yer askin' me about sensitivity??? Oi! Tamahome, ya' owe me 10 more ryou! Someone is askin' me fer advice an' they're askin' about bein' sensitive!! Heh-heh... no one EVER asks his opinion on ANYTHIN'!
Anyway, I don't know how to explain why this is happenin to ya'. I guess it's normal to feel that way, but try to remember it's not yer tomodachi's fault. Maybe those people did ask about ya', an' ya' jus' weren't told. Chichiri no Aijin's got a nihon no tomodachi that she used to call a lot an' when he wasn't home she'd leave a message wit' his roommate. He never returned her calls! She was REALLY pissed about it an' told a mutual friend that she was hurt 'cos her tomodachi never returned ANY of her calls an' she figured he must hate her or somethin'. Turns out, his roomie is a nice guy but he ain't no Chiriko an' he was forever fergettin' to give th' messages to his bro'. So maybe when people voiced their concern to a third party ya' jus' never got th' message, so to speak.
I wouldn't let it bother ya'. Yer a good tomodachi fer takin' care of yer bud when she needed ya' an' if people were insensitive before when ya' were hurt, that's in the past an' should jus' stay there. Chichiri would tell ya' there ain't no future livin' in th' past! Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys rule!!!
Dear STT,
Well, actually Hotohori rules. He is the Emperor after all.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri!!
*Runs up to him and gives the monk a big hug*
I always wanted to meet you! Would it be too much to ask you a question?
Well here I go. You have a friend named Tasuki right? And he also has these sisters who are always throwing logs at him too, well I have a sister who doesn't exactly hurl logs at me, but you gotta admit, comes awfully close. *shudders* kowai isn't it? There's another problem. She's younger then me. Five years younger then me to be exact and she annoys the hell outta me!! For one thing she's always sending me death threats, teasing me, making me look bad in front of my friends, put simply, she's driving me insane.
How do you handle a she-devil in the disguse of a little sister, without looking like a big mean bully?
Dear Wini,
Have you tried to set aside some time for the two of you to do something special together? Your little sister sounds as if she is doing anything just to get your attention, no da. Even if the attention is negative, she is still getting it. Perhaps if you start doing something just with her, she will calm down, no da. And then she will no longer be an annoyance, ne no da. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
HI!! I really think you're a cool guy, and one fine hunk of man, but since you say you don't like women much I guess I don't have a chance *sob*. That's ok though. I just hope we can be friends, and maybe I can hang with you and Koji some time. Here's some sake for your troble- *I hand you a keg of sake* -BYE!
Dear Guru,
Friends is cool! Arigato fer th' sake!
Dear Hotohori,
*A cloud of dirt arises, suddenly it stops, two ears followed by a head appear*
Hey, what's up doc? *Munches on carrot* You wouldn't happen to know where the warner bro. studio is would you? *Munches some more on carrot*
Tell me the truth, I've been having a real bad day *leans in* first of all there's this crazy hunter after me by the name of Elmer Fudd. Don't tell him I'm here. *winks* Then I met this crazy chick with red hair who threw some logs at me for target practice or something. My back's still sore. *rubs back* Next thing I know, there's another person with red hair, a guy who tried to fry me by yelling Lekka something and some other crazy stuff about his sister and logs. I barely made it outta there alive.
*Goes pale*
There he is! The guy with red hair! Don't let him fry me! I'm just a poor rabbit!
*dives into hole, then after a few seconds pops out again*
He's gone now right? *looks around uneasily* Good very good. Like I was saying, who is that guy, who was that girl, where am I, and where is Warner Bro. studios?
Buggs Bunny
Dear Buggs Bunny,
I believe you have taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque. You are in Konan country and I believe that you wish to be in Burbank, CA.
Dear Tamahome,
Oh hewo. Did you happen to see this wasculy wabbit around here somewhere? Could you also direct me to Warner Bro. studios?
Elmer Fudd
Dear Elmer Fudd,
Nani?? You are looking for an usagi? Wakaerimasen! I think you want the WB is located in Burbank, CA. That will be two gold ryou, kudasai! Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
You like fish? Well, I'm a vegetarian... so as long as there is grilled cheese! ^^! Why don't we not go to any restaraunt and go fishing? I'll go get some cheese and bread! ^^/ *runs away and comes back with stuff to make cheese sandwitch* Well? =^0.0^= hehe
Dear Bokono,
Sounds good to me, no da! I would like very much to bring Wandering Mage Chichiri along if you don't mind, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Ne, Tasuki, I have this li'l problem. Ya see, my friend is suffering from a great deal of delusionary thoughts: she thinks that she is the right girl for you. It's frankly making me annoyed and I keep on telling her that it'll make one hell of a girl to turn your heart into putty. But, ah, she doesn't understand. Any specific tips? Perhaps if she sees you reply to this message, she will stop. (But geez, knowing the kind of INSISTENT girl that she is, it might take an eternity to do so, ;^^)
Anyway, can I just tell you this piece of information: you and the guys are getting really popular here in my school. It is surprising that some girls here actually appreciate anime yet it's even more overwhelming that Fushigi Yuugi is actually known in the Philippines (yep, I live in this little country in the south east). Guess I underestimated the number of anime series being released here.
Take care always! ^_^
Dear Jill,
Nah, I ain't got any advice, 'cept fer pointin' her to th' DTFC website. Pretty kakkoi that we're so popular in different parts of th' world!
Dear Nuriko,
hello! whatcha doin'? I want to ask you, are you a boy or a girl? If ya are a boy why do you look like a girl so much? *puzzled face*
Dear Jen,
If you can't tell the difference, then I'm not going to tell you! Keep watching our adventures and you'll see soon enough what I am...
Dear Tasuki,
So little brother, I heard you were considering coming back for awhile. hehehe. Good idea. I was wondering if it was time I switched to something heavier then logs to convince you. Someone called Amy-chan coming with you? That's a first!
All right enough with the small talk. *hurls log* My arm was getting sore from holding that. Whew! That's a weight off my mind. See ya later!
Dear Aidou,
Missed me!!! BIDAAAAAA!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
HI!! I was just wondering. How do you get that amazing 8 inch lift on your hair? is that it's natural color? And what exactly dose "no da" mean? Maybe I'm just dumb, but I couldn't figure these out. Thanks for listening. Bye!
Dear Guru,
My hair just does that naturally, no da. As for the color my hair has always been this color. "No da" is a shorthand form of "no desu" which means "it is" or "it's obvious". Hope that helps, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What would you all do if your family was having trouble getting along? You know, seems like everyone is fighting all the time...I've been feeling really down lately, and nothing seems to be going right...I can't do well in school & my grades are dropping, my friends don't seem to want to talk to me computer is so messed up it isn't even funny...
Can you give me some advice onegai? I know I already wrote to Mitsukake-san & Chichiri-san about this but...I kind of wanted advice from all of you...*sniff* ;_;
Dear A-chan,
Are they actively fighting? Have you tried sitting down with your family and telling them how you feel and how it is effecting you and your grades? Perhaps you should try that tactic. If that doesn't work perhaps another adult can intervene for you. Gambatte kudasai!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
You have a lot of female fans. It's kind of depressing for people like me because I am female and a BIG fan. Why do you keep kissing everyone? What I mean is , some lady writes nicely and you're all over her. Don't you hate women? Gomen, I guess I'm just hurt. That's seems kind of dumb, but not to someone who truly admires you. I'm just glad I'm not one of your regulars asking you out for a drink. I'm sorry, just thought you were. . . different. GOMEN!! D*mn emotions! I've been under a lot of stress from school and homelife and you're the only thing I can truly look forward to. I do have a life outside of you, I just don't visit it as often. *stares at the computer screen for about 20 minutes* Geez!! I'm totally beggin for sympathy or something!! I hate it when I do that!! *stops to think a minute* But I don't do that very often. I'll be fine if you respond. By the way, why are all the seishi using only 1 computer?
Dear Christina,
Because Obake-chan is a cheap b-----d and won't cough up okane for another and he has convinced Hotohori that we only one!! An' I don't kiss every woman that comes along!! Only Amy-chan!
Dear Chichiri,
Oh hey.
My name is gabrielle and I just wanted to know, was there this woman wearing unusual armour here? I thought that I heard her call me or something. Oh, and her name is Xena.
Soooooo.........hey, nice hairdo. *Smiles*
Dear Gabrielle,
Hai! She went that way, no da! *points in the direction that Xena was last seen walking*
Dear Tamahome,
Just out of curiosity, what do you love more, okane or Miaka? And is that your natural hair color?
Dear Guru,
Hmmmm... Okane or Miaka??? Miaka or okane??? Why Miaka of course! *Smiles sweetly at Miaka who is glaring at him for having to think about his answer* My hair color is black with teal highlights.
Dear Tasuki,
Mulan-chan says people with fangs are all stupid idiots who should learn to shut up. -_-* *mutters* I would snap her bra-strap again...demo..;_; If I do she'll tear up that special picture she promised me. *starts to blush as she thinks about it*
Anou..*takes his hand and pours some little red cinnamon heart candies into it* Here! ^_^; They're red, and spicey, and hot, yet sweet and cute and little just like you are. ^_~ A-a-ara...well maybe just not the little part. ^_^;;;
Dear Amy-chan,
Itadakimasu! *pops them into his mouth and takes a swig of sake* Oishii desu ne! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Any time you want to meet Sanosuke-san, you're welcome to come for a visit (and if you want, you can even raid my and my roommate's store of imported German's great stuff...and heck, Sano's been doing it constantly >_<). Just warn us before you drop in, so we can make sure that no underwear is lying around on the floor, etc...I think that tends to be a real big sweatdrop causer for guys. ^_^ heck...if you like dancing, I'll take ya to one of the swing clubs. :)
Oh yeah...and I WAS having a problem with my boyfriend. But that's been solved...mainly by the fact that I don't have one any more >_<. (Men can be such scum...but then again, so can women, so I guess it all evens out, ne?) You're perfectly welcome to beat the scum sucking jerk up, if you want to. In return, I'll let you hide in my closet and drink imported German beer when Aidou is looking for you...since I know how it is to have a darn annoying older sibling. *growl*
Bed time for me. You have yourself a nice night.
Dear KnM,
Gomen ya' broke up, but now ya' can get someone better! Brawlin' and bi-ru, eh? Sounds like a fun night to me!
Dear Tamahome,
I was just wonder, what martial arts style do you practice? I have a real interest in it myself (let's see...kendo...jujutsu...northern shao lin...ninjutsu) and I'm very curious.
(Oh of the girls in my anime club is after you.
Dear KnM,
All of them! Seems I was born with the innate ability and talent for all styles of martial arts.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Should I stop procrastinating?
Dear M,
Eventually, when you get around to it.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
You are so cute. I don't like you in the way of wanting to kiss you all the time or being madly in love with you, I just like who you are. You are there for people when they need someone to talk to, and that is so hard to find, a person who will really listen and give advice that's actually useful. Well, that's all I had to say.
Dear Christina,
Domo arigato for your kind words, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
YAAAAAWN...I'm tired*rubs her eyes* just glad that finals are over.
Looks at Tasuki, *smiles then all of a sudden whips out a long rope and ties up Tasuki* Don't worry Gen-chan I'm not gonna try anything Hentai*alough it is temping, Takes out a cup of milk* Tasuki please drink this ever heard of Milk It Does your body Good. Hnmm?
Besides all the brawling could break you bones and milk prevents broken bones. Drink it , for meeeee?*looks at him menencingly when he clenches his jaws and refuses to drink* IF you don't drink this I'll release the hentai fangirls,then dump you in a large body of water. *hmmmmmm maby I should try a different approch* Gen-chan I'm making you drink this cause I care about you besides sake has no nutritional values...does it? If you just drink this itty bitty cup of milk ....I'll give you a gallon of sake. Just remeber to share it wit Kouji. k?
Tasuki no Miko's rival(Tieng)
Dear Tasuki no Miko's rival(Tieng),
*Through clenched teeth* If ya' add sake to it, I'll drink it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I sent my friends mushed cookies and chopped up carrots in the mail. =) Would any of you like a broken candy cane sent to you??? Just asking...
Dear Usagi,
Iie, mou keeko desu. Ariagto.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How quickly do you answer questions? It must take a whie, but it's worth it to everyone who write to you! Believe U me!
Mistress Kurisutenha
Dear Mistress Kurisutenha,
As fast as we can, no da! There are seven of us, one computer, and 20-30 questions a day, no da! We are very glad to hear that our efforts are appreciated, na no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I've read a lot of letters written to you, and someone wants to drink with you, beat you up, or ask really dumb questions. You handle it a lot better than I would have ever imagined though. Actually, the only dumb question is the one not asked. Damn! I can't believe I typed that! Probably because I got school tomorrow, and am staying up all night to do the net thing. I have to say you are cool. Yeah, that sounds kind of uncreative. . . okay, really uncreative, but I'm being sincere.
How's life? Please write me a semi=long response about anything on your mind. I want to get to know you a little better. I am female, and I know you hate us women because we're 'cunning', but ask my friends and they'll tell you I'm like no one you could ever meet. Gimme a chance before thinking, "Great! Just what I need! Another girl giving me a lotta' f*cking praise just because she thinks she's special!" Well, I'm special, but everyone's special. Answer me before I lose my mind! *kisses him on the cheek* Gomen, I just needed to keep my sanity.
DAMN IT!! I WISH YOU WERE REAL!! Since this is the closest I can get to the guy I look up to, humor me and don't be mean!;-) _ _
/ \/ \
\ /
\ /
How many people have done that for ya'?! Huh?! Huh?!
Dear Christina,
Awwwwww, how kawaii!! But as we ALL know there is NOTHING on or in Tasuki's mind! It's just an empty sake bottle waiting to be filled... and boy does he fill it!!! Hahahahaha... ITAI!
Dear Tasuki,
**eyes go wide** THIRTY POUNDS!!!!! **faints in shock**
Dear Yuffie,
Kore wa nanda yo?!?!?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
Ne Genrou-kun,
I thave this friend that been going through a some hard times and I wanted to get your input. I'd ask the others but I doubt I can pay them off with Sake. ::holds a bottle up:: You see K- err.. lets call her Reddie-chan. Well she has this crush on this guy named.. um.. lets call him Mr Log. Well she's a bit shy and so she cant really tell him how she feels you see hes the type that a lot of girls go for. Persoanly I dont see why they do, I like the crossd- wait. o.o; ignore that. ::looks around for someone that has purplle hair:: Have any thoughts about what the best way to tell Mr Log, and when it would be best to talk with him? I just want to see her happy, and I'm sure you could make her happy. Your a really sweet guy once you get past the fact that you have a scarry older sister that I'd be happy to beat up for ya. ::cracks her knuckles:: Also that you seem to always get betten up a lot. ::hands him the bottle of sake:: Thanks for your time and better leave before the girls spot ya drinking...
Dear Mel-baba,
Log-san, eh? As in gets smacked wit' one by his obnoxious older sister on a semi-regular basis???? Have her write to me. I won't bite her *fanged grin* Arigato fer th' sake!
Dear Nuriko,
If you could be stranded on a desert island with only 2 people, who would they be? (points to herself grinning slyly, and trying to look innocent)
Dear Nyanko-chan,
Hotohori-sama!!! *Looks at Nyanko-chan* OK, you, too.
Dear Tasuki,
I think you should be with Nuriko. There is a picture I have seen of you two together and I have been convinced ever since. Besides, Koji is your best friend and those kind of relationships never work out! I'm not just saying that either. Please reply with as little vulgar language as you can. I know you've probably heard this before. . . but I love those fangs of yours. You are the coolest, Nuriko the cutest.
PS. I want you to e-mail me! THANKS A BUNCH!!
Dear Chrstina,
Sorry, we don't do personal e-mails. An' I AIN'T YAOI!!!! So I ain't gettin' together wit' Nuriko or ANY man!
Dear Hotohori,
I'm just wondering,In your country, if people claimed that someone was a witch and was an evil person. What would happen to that person who was thought to be a witch? I'm just curious. I hope this isn't *that* weird of a question. Also, when is your favorite day of the year and why?
Dear Tess,
In my coutry we really do not believe in witches. Granted there are certainly evil people everywhere and if someone were do something of an evil nature to another person, they would be suitably punished for their crime.
I would have to say that my favorite day of the year besides New Year's Day is Tanabata - The Star Festival that falls on July 7th. It is a festival for lovers and as such is quite romantic.
Dear Chichiri,
Oi, Chichiri-san..I need your help. My friend lately has become very depressed, so down to the point where she doesn't even feel like getting out of bed in the morning. I'm really worried about her. What should I do? She's becoming really withdrawn lately, and she worries me.
A concerned friend
Dear A concerned friend,
Let her know that you are there for her and care about her, no da. Give her a hug and a shoulder to cry on if she needs it. Perhaps you can encourage her to seek the help of an adult that she trusts to talk to about what is happening in her life that has made her so depressed, no da.
Try to get her to go out and do things with you. Have you brought her behavior to the attention of her parents or a school counselor? If not, perhaps you should, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you could be vegetables, what kind of vegetables would you be?
Bifuteki no Otoko
Dear Bifuteki no Otoko,
Here are our answers:
Tamahome:I would say ninjin (carrot) for me and Tasuki should be natto (fermented soybeans)! Hahahahaha! Itai! Watch where you're flaming that tessen!!
Tasuki:NATTO!!!! Why ya'... LEKKA SHINEN!!!! That'll teach ya'! I would be a daikon (radish) and toasted Obake-chan over there should be a jagaimo(potato)!!
Chichiri:Nasu (eggplant), no da!
Chiriko:Take noko (bean sprouts)
Mitsukake:Kyuuri (cucumber)
Hotohori:Shiitake (Japanese mushroom)
Nuriko:Hoorensoo (spinach)
Suzaku Seishi
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