Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konban wa mina-san, hajimemashite! Watashi wa Katsu no Miko desu. Ogenki desu ka.
Now that the greeting is done, let me explain the purpose of this. I run a (not so) little Fushigi Yuugi page called "Never Stand Too Close to a Naked Seishi".
Lately, there's been an overwhelming response of people (me included, I'll admit) that think that standing too close to a naked seishi isn't such a bad idea after all. Hehehe...So, I formed the "I Want to Stand Too Close to a Naked Seishi" club. It's not hentai! It's just another way for us to express our appreciation and...well...obsession. ^_^ So anyway, now that we have 10 members other than me, I thought I'd give you guys the preliminary naked seishi count (how many people want to stand too close to you ;). ^_^ When I get more people, I'll update you. :) Anyways:
Tasuki: 7 (the winner by a bit) (and I'll admit, my vote was here)
Tamahome: 4
Hotohori: 3
Chichiri: 3
Nuriko: 2
Mitsukake: 1
(and just so you can compare, here are the Seiryuu Seishi numbers as well)-
Amiboshi: 2
Suboshi: 2
Nakago: 1
And Chiriko-san, don't be're just not old enough yet. In a couple years, you'll be raking in the women ;)
So anyways, back to my enormous I-have-no-life webpage. ^_^ Ja matta, Mina-san!
Katsu no Miko
PS-Ano, Tasuki-san, want to go out for a drink (Sanosuke might be coming along as well)? I'm old enough, no worries...and I'm definitely no worries. Just don't get sick in my car or anything ;)
Dear Katsu no Miko,
Interesting webpage, no da! Tasuki said he'd like to go drinking with you and that he NEVER gets sick! (Don't believe him, no da!) You are already on our links peeji, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
What would you do if there was no more sake left in the world?
Dear Nyanko-chan,
Drink somethin' else I guess.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh rats!
Sorry Mitsukake. I came here to see if Tasuki was around.
*Clumsly shifts log and sweat drops.*
Did ya happen to see Aidou around here? She asked me to bring her this.
*Holds out log*
I wouldn't know why, hehe.
Dear Jinn,
PLease hand the log to me young lady. I amn geeting VERY tired of curing Tasuki because he has been afflicted with Aidou.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello little brother.
I just wanted to say that you shouldn't be so, afraid of me anymore. See I didn't bring a log. (Jinn suddenly appears carrying a log. "Here, you ordered this right?")
Oh look a log. How about another for the good old times?
*Throws log and sends Tasuki faaaaaaaaaaaarrr off.*
Dear Aidou,
An' they all wonder why I hate women???? Why don'cha go pick on Kenshin or someone else fer a change?????
Dear Tasuki,
I like a monkey
La La Laaaa
I like a chicken
La la laaaaa
Chickens and monkeys are good
My poem to TAsuki-CHANNNNNnn why didnt nuriko read my poem to him? STukie is hurt
Stukie the Turnip
Dear Stukie the Turnip,
He did an' boy are YOU hen!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you were asked to go on these four talk show's, but they all wanted you on their show the same day. So you had to choose one show to appear on. What would it be and why?
A. Oprah
B. Jenny Jones
C. Jerry Spinger
D. Montel Williams
If you don't know who they are ask Chichiri no Aijin, or Miaka.
Dear Masey,
Montel Williams. Since Montel was a Marine he'd be the most likely to understand warriors. But also because he'd be best able to keep Tasuki in line!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
An' what ia THAT supposed to mean!?! That whole there ain't enough sake in Japan thing!
Dear Miaka,
Jus' what I said!! What word did'nt ya' get? Don't let that thin' in the inn give ya' any ideas!! I was under a spell when that happened! Any way, yer more like a klutzy little sister to me.
Dear Tasuki,
*blushes more* Ari-arigato. O.O *moves a hand to one of her cheeks to cover up her blushing*
Ara, Tasuki-san...if you do submit to your sister's overwhelming requests to come visit her and the rest of your family...I'd like to go with you, because then, ara, I'd protect you from Aidou-san's logs and your okaa-san's chest. ^^;
Dear Amy-chan,
Hmmm... OK! Anyway if I show up wit' a girl in tow maybe th' shock'll kill 'em! Or at least knock 'em all out.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is wisdom?
Dear Nameless,
Knowing that you don't know everything, no da. That there is always something new to learn every day in life.
Dear Hotohori,
How long is a sword? You know... Generally... And how much does it weigh?
Dalia Bekke
Dear Dalia Bekke,
Depends on the sword. A short sword can be anywhere from 13-15 inches long. A longer sword can be as long as 2-4 feet. They can vary in weight from 1-30 pounds.
Dear Tasuki,
**raises eyebrow** No... You see... It's just that when you scream like that you remind me of a certain Aunt of mine... Hehehheheheh.... Aunty Tasuki!!!!!! **smiles innocently revealing dimples**
Dear Yuffie,
NOT FUNNY!!! Now take that Aunty crap back!
Dear Chichiri,
*blushes slightly and welcomes the hug, snuggles in trying not to cry* You know you are the frist guy that was nice to me from the first day. Arigato. *pulls a way* I wonder. *misses with your hair and it falls back to place* ...... Ben's hair use to do that *takes back a deep breath and holds back tears that threaten to spill* I'm not a manic depresent, it's just that my 16th birthday is comeing up. I don't like birthdays like I explained before. January 24th is pratically a gift from Satan himself for me, but talking to you cheers me up. April says 'Hi, I'll do my best to keep her happy. Arigato for talking to Moto-chan, and sorry to ask but isn't it 'na no da' and not 'ne no da'.'
... Chichiri..... Why do you... push women away? You're a wonderful guy, and you would make a wonderful father. Koran would want you to go on with your life wouldn't she? OH! *bows several times* Gomen nasai, gomen nasai, gomen nasai. It's not my place to ask. Please forgive my rudeness.
I'm so sorry. I probably over did my stay.
Ja ne no da. *turns to leave*
Dear Erin,
I would say Otanjoubi omedetogozaimasu, but I don't know if you wish to heasr that, no da. I guess I push women away for the same reason you do not want the world intruding in your life. Too many sad memories, no da.
I have been told many times, by lots of women, that I would be a good father, no da. *Blushes and sweatdrops* Some of these women have even volunteered to bear my child, no da! I guess I just fear a replay of what has happened in the past, no da. But, who knows, someday...
Either one (ne no da or na no da) is correct, no da.
Take care,
Dear Chiriko,
Did you ever have any problems with being so intellectually advanced, but young? I have a lot of problems because I'm in college now and everyone is at least 2 years older than me. It's kind of scary. I'm having a hard time making friends.
Oh you like European literature? I'm reading "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by Johann von Goethe (original german version, but I bet you could find one in the right language for you somewhere) and it's really good. You might like it.
Dear Jo,
I did have a hard time relating to people my own age, but not too much to adults. Although they do still tend to treat me like a child. But as I proved myself to them, things got a lot better. So keep your chin up! I have read very little Euopean literature, but I will keep your recommendation in mind. Arigato!
Dear Mitsukake,
What are the best ways to avouid the flu? And how is Tama-neko chan? ^.^
Dear Neko-chan,
Get yourself a flu shot, wash your hands if you have been in contact with sick people and try not to be around sick people. Tama-neko is genki and say "Nyao!"
Dear Chiriko,
I have a question...actually a question many people have asked before, but could never come up with a good answer, and I know you're really it is.
If a tree falls in the wood and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? ^.^;
Dear Baka-chan,
Dear Hotohori,
Does ruling a country ever get lonely or boring?
An aspiring Empress
Dear An aspiring Empress,
Yes to both! Luckily I have Houki and Boushin to keep me from being lonely and Miaka and the Seishi to keep things from becoming boring.
Dear Tamahome,
Are you and Tasuki just friendly rivals, or do you two REALLY like each other? *sweatdrop, gets ready to duck any flames from the tessen*
Dear Kawaii,
We get along just fine as long as Tasuki remembers I'm not here for his target practice.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-saaamaa! I have a question for you! My hair is such a pain! It never seems to want to do anything I want it to! I've tried everything! Hairspray, mousse...nothing stays. Even barettes! They always pop out! What should I do? Should I just wear a wig over my hair? -_-*
Dear Frustrated,
Perhaps a visit to your hair stylist is called for. A new style and some tips on how to care for it may be just the cure for your out of control hair. Gambatte!
Dear Tasuki,
I'm writing this because it's 2 am and I'm lonely. Heh.
I've been in college for a semester now, and I still can't adjust. I'm younger than everyone else, because I got skipped ahead a couple of grades. I've always been really shy around people I don't know, and it's gotten worse, so now I spend most of my time by myself. I don't have any friends up here, and I haven't had any friends (other than my best friend, but she's doesn't live near me...we're even in different area codes) since I quit marching band my last year of highschool. It was kind of like losing my family. So now I'm really lonely, and it doesn't look like it's going to get much better. All the people up here think that I'm kind of strange, I guess because I keep to myself, and I feel really isolated.
You seem to always get along with everyone at least ok (and considering the huge drooling fanclub you have following you around), so maybe you could give me some advice. I don't know.
So I guess the point of this was just saying that I need a friend, and would you mind being my friend. I feel a lot better just writing this. So maybe you wouldn't mind lending me the proverbial 'shoulder' every now and then, and be my friend. Swear to the buddha that I'm not some little hentai person.
Sounds kind of funny, I guess. Thanks for listening to me. I'll try not to complain too often.
Dear Jo,
Sure I'll be yer tomodachi. But, ya' know, ya' should find a club or activity that interests ya' an' join it. Then ya' can meet people ya' got somethin' in common wit'. It's a good way to make new friends in a scary environment. Or, ya' could jus' take up drinkin' an' brawlin' like I do!! Heh-heh... it's a joke! So don't go bustin' up th' joint. OK? Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello ppl!!! Selamat Hari Raya!! (Happy Hari Raya) and Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!
(Happy Chinese New Year)... and... well... I think thats all I can wish everyone for now. Hari Raya is almost over. Thank God! I am so tired of doing this 'diplomat's daughter thing'. I have to talk to people I don't know all the time and make 'polite conversation' blah blah blah... I shall go crazy soon!!! MWAHAHAHAHHAHAH!! Ohno! Too late... I think Hotohori should know what I'm talking about... Tasuki definitely wouldn't. **smiles in the same manner as she greets her fathers guests**
Dalia Bekke
Dear Dalia Bekke,
I certainl;y do my dear. Being a ruler or a diplomat can be VERY taxing at times. But you do get to meet many interesting people and do many interesting things that most people only get to dream of. In that sense we are both very lucky!
Dear Tasuki,
Boxers or briefs!?
Dear GeN,
Neither! Heh-heh... that oughta get 'em wonderin'...
Dear Tasuki,
Okay Tasuki, now *I'M* curious. What do you do when it gets cold?
Dear Nyanko-chan,
Shiver! Doesn't everyone???? OH! Heh-heh... I wear fundoshi. Heh-heh... had ya' goin' there wit' that neither answer didn't I? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
Nuuuuriko!! ::swoons at him:: You're so kawaii, would you ever be interested in a woman like me. You're so gorgeous and loveable, I would love to be your little housewife!! *clings to him*
Chun Li
Dear Chun Li,
Ano... *Sweatdrops* can we just be tomodachi hajime desu ka? I really don't need a shufu!
Dear Chiriko,
Where there public Schools back then in China?
Dear Jamie (and Sandra, too),
Not per se. Some parts of China had big tests and you could take the test and how well you did on them, determined where you were placed in a government position.
Dear Hotohori,
*deep bows and tries not to peek up at your gorgeous visage for too long, almost gets awestruck*
I think you are the most awe-inspiring, magnificent guy of Fushigi Yuugi...after you in my esteem is Nuriko and Amboshi. But anyways no offense to Tamahome and the rest but aye, you are just Da Bomb.. I mean I could fall in love with you! I mean you are confident, you know you are handsome and you admit it, you are always there for Miaka and you have the cutest voice.. I was spell bound when I first saw you, even though you were dressed up as a woman.. *sighs* But anyways.. you will be happy to know, that on my webpage, I am going to have a shrine to cute anime guys.. and I will proudly put you as 1# because as they say, "Ya can't compete with perfection! *L* Also I was wondering if you could please tell me where I can get the song "Boku no Ucchu kimi ni Ga Iru" because when I hear that song, my knees turn to jelly and I feel the world swirl in one big blissful and happy purple bubble!
The Angel Nia
P.S to Nuriko: You are on the gallery of cute anime guys too.. would you rather be pictured in a dress or a tasteful pants suit? *grins and winks*
Dear Angel Nia,
As I do not know where you reside, I can only suggest that you look for a Nihon no ongakuya or a honya that also sells ongaku. (Japanese music store or a Japanese book store that also sells music.) In Los Angeles, there is Kinokuniya. I believe they also have a web presence. And to answer your clothing question, both Nuriko and I would prefer that you have us in pant suits. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Y'all are sweet, decent, nice guys...yes, even you, Tasuki-san. So, can you explain to me why the heck every other man on earth is scum?
Can you tell I'm having a little problem? Grrrrr... I think I'm just gonna go curl up with my Sanosuke UFO catcher doll, and read a really cheap romance novel. Blah.
PS (Oh yeah, Tasuki-san...ever met Sanosuke? Something says to me that you two would get on like a house afire. [no pun intended, I mean it!])
Dear KnM,
Hmmm... sounds like we had a fight with our koiboto/kare, eh? Want me to "take care" of him fer ya'? I'm cheaper than greedy ol' Obake-chan (an' better lookin', too). So, when do I get to meet this Sanosuke guy?
Dear Tasuki,
Hi there, Tasuki. :) It's me again. Domo arigato for replying my previous message. *smiles shyly* Anyway, I would like to your song 'Setsunakutemo..Zutto,' was it specifically dedicated to someone? IMHO, the way you sang it sounded very heartfelt. Hehehe. ;^^
As always, take care of yourself! ^_^
Dear Jill,
Ano, iie. But I'm glad somebody likes my singin'! Nuriko's always makin' me shutup so HE can sing!
Dear Nuriko,
Ne.. Chou-kun.. you feel up to going shopping with me? If so what would be the first store you hit.. i dont mean as in leaving a big hole in the wall and me to pay for the damages.. not that i wouldn't cuz your so kawaii. I just want to know what type of clothes you'd buy if you were in our century.
Dear Mel,
Why fashionable, designer men's clothes, of course! What else?!?
Dear Tasuki,
Going to THOSE places don't make you a man. They make you anything but. Saying that, going to a place like that makes you a man, is what you guys say to cover things up, and to make you not feel so bad about it.
If you were drunk, may be that wouldn't be so bad. But anyways are you telling me that you could have kids that you don't even know about?????
Dear Rei,
NANI???? KIDS??? I DON'T think so!!!!!!!! Anyway, I go to bars FAR MORE than I go to the Yoshiwara an' visit the oiran!! So get offa my case fer being male! Sheesh! I get picked on because of my friendship wit' Kouji an' now this... cut a guy some slack, ya' know. One or two visits don't make me a bake-mono!
Dear Nuriko,
n is for nopert
u is for uiklert
r is for rubert
i is for aisheteru
k is for kawaiii
o is for stukie
that was my poem to you
Stukie the Turnip
Dear Stukie,
Arigato for your interesting poem, Stukie-san.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I don't understand, if your story takes place in ancient China why do you all speak Japenese?
Really Weird
Dear Really Weird,
Tasuki: We do???
Tamahome: They paid us extra okane!
Mitsukake: It's in the script.
Nuriko: Because it's fashionable!
Hotohori: Taiitsukun made us do it!
Chiriko: It was all Tama-neko's idea!
Chichiri: It is part of the magic of the book, no da. How else would our Miko find us if we could not understand her and her us, no da?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
My sister Reddie likes you a lot. She's a lot like you, actually...really good-hearted and fun to be with. Maybe you two should go out for drinks sometime. I think you'd like her a lot. ^_^
Dear Ucchana,
Well, if she likes me so much why ain't she writin' to me?? Have her write to me an' we'll see...
Dear Chichiri,
**a woman in very unusual armor walks in with a sword strapped to her back and a round thing at her hip**
**walks up to Chichiri**
Excuse me... Have you seen a blonde girl who likes to talk alot wandering around here??
Xena Warrior Princess
Dear Xena Warrior Princess,
Ano, iie, no da! If I do, I will send her your way, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Do you and Kouji ever get into fights? I mean, do you argue with each other any? My best friend and I do a lot. o_o;
Dear R-chan,
Heh-heh. Jus' ask th' bar an' innkeepers 'bout our brawlin'!! Watashitachi yuumei desu!! (We're famous!!)
Dear Tasuki,
Hi... *frantically trying to cover her mouth* ....I have a bit of sympathy for you and all that "Fang Idiot" nonsense that people hurl at you, see.....*Embarassingly uncovers mouth and grins to show two prominent fangs*....I have fangs, too. I get endlessly teased with words like "Vampire Chick" or "Wolf Girl"....*Blushes and covers mouth again* exactly did you deal with it when people started teasing you? And do you think it's worth it to go and have the fangs dealt with by a dentist? Because, truth be told, I kinda like them...they make me feel...unique....Do you feel the same?
Well....*blushes with embarassment* thanks for listening. And here's for your trouble!*Drags in a crate of the very best sake and a bag of pixie stix*
Domo Arigato!
A Fellow Fang Idiot
Dear Fellow Fang Idiot,
Oishii sake an' pixie stix!! I guess it's different fer guys. Fer us it's a sign of virility! Heh-heh... Arigato fer th' sake an' stix!
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