Dear Nuriko,
Hey how about an arm wrestling match?
The winner has to kiss Chichiri. hehehehehe
Oh and if we tie(somehow) we both have to kiss him okay?
Dear Juno,
Ano... how about you peel Chichiri no Aijin and Wandering Mage Chichiri off of him and kiss him yourself?
Dear Tasuki,
Do you think I'm cute?
Dear lily,
How th' hell should I know? I ain't never seen ya'!
Dear Hotohori,
My sister and I always were wondering how the HELL you got to fit all your hair in that hat. I mean, don't you keep the whole thing up with a small pin? We're just sort of curious to know... we DO get obsessed with things easily sometimes...
Sorry if it doesn't sound like a very decent question to ask the Konan Emperor. I really can't help myself at times.
Dear Lucinda,
The "hat" as you call it, is bigger on the inside than on the outside.
Dear Tasuki,
whats your favortive way to drink sake? warm, on the rocks, with orange juice? i cant wait till the weekends cuz then i cand drink up mr. sake. my sake has %15 alchohol, is that normal? it smells good. my life goal is to go to school drunk on sake, how bout you? sake is our freind. my mommy bought me sake to supporting my intrest in japan, aint that great. ive said too much, have you ever been drunk on sake and found miaka attractive. hooohoo that was mean.
Dear Misatooooooo,
Straight up an' generally from th' bottle! Are ya' old enough to be drinkin'?? I don't think yer goal is all that great. An' there ain't enough sake in Japan fer me to be drunk enough to go fer Miaka!
Dear Tamahome,
You're so wonderful!! I love you so much! *runs over and gives him a kisa on the cheek* (it was a friendly kiss, don't worry) I really look up to you. You know that? I wish there were actually people in the world like you^_^
Feiluna Maii Hiei
Dear Feiluna Maii Hiei,
Arigato gozaimasu for your sweet words! *kisses her on the cheek* And that kiss was on the house! No charge!
Dear Nuriko,
We are your far..far...away.... fans in Indonesia. We loved fushigi yuugi very much especially because there were you inside it. he..he... We are doing a comic project, which there is a twin, boys and girls named Shin and Shinji. This twin like to challange each other. Until one day they challange each other to change school. So Shin go to the boys school, and Shinji go to the shin's school. Now our questions are:
1. Please...please...tell us how to make Shinji look like a girl? about make-up, wig, and every thing.
2. We ask this question because you were been both a boy and a girl. What do you think will Shinji do for you know.....he will act to be a girl so he should prepare everything. MMM...sorry if we make you angry. What did you use to plug your breast when you were been a girl in manga no:1 ?
Well, we think that's it. We will be very apriciatte if you want to answer our questions. We are very sorry to make you waisting your time by answering our long letter.
^.^sabs and ^_^Kutre
Dear ^.^sabs and ^_^Kutre,
Indonesia? Honto, ne? Kakkoi!! Well Shinji should of course dress like a girl, his makeup should be natural and not overdone. Perhaps a shoulder length wig would be nice on him. Although, since I have no idea what he looks like this is a bit difficult. I never stuffed my kimono, so to speak. That's why Miaka was able to discover my little secret when she shook me. He may want to just leave well enough alone in that area. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of you go in for a medium frame, long brown haired woman with 502 years of life(I look 27) and a palace that beats Hotohori-sama's under the dirt? :) Responses are especially wanted from Hotohori , Tasuki, and Chichiri! :)
Her Majesty Killashawndra Ree of Chaos
Dear Her Majesty Killashawndra Ree of Chaos,
Hotohori is already married, Tasuki (except for Amy-chan) still seems to find women to be a big pain, and Chichiri generally has Chichiri no Aijin and/or Wandering Mage Chichiri glommed on him. That's about all he can handle! Gomen!
Dear Hotohori,
.. You're not exactly the most beautiful person on the face of the planet. Not by far, actually. Why are you so concieded? And, god! When Miaka and Tamahome were stuck under the numerous amount of rubble, you acted so calm! What's with that? They could have died! I mean, you only picked up one block up at a time and carefully placed them on the ground. Why? Why? Why?
Dear Shimotimobiki,
Actually I am the most beautiful person in Konan country. I never said I was the most beautiful person on the face of the planet. And when you are as beautiful as I am, you have a right to be a wee bit narcissistic! As to your last question, Nuriko came in and saved them before I was able to move more than a few pices of masonry.
Dear Chichiri,
WAI!! You'll have dinner with me? *_*
I'm honored! Where would you like to go?
Dear Bokono,
I don't know, no da. I like fish. Maybe a sushi bar, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Kouji: Konnban wa!
Who is it? It's Genrou's best buddy Kouji here writting him a letter with a friend.
Oh, well please write as much as you want! Arigato.
WPKorin: Kouji you do that even with your letters? Cool!
Kouji: Arigato Genko. Genrou it's been a while hasn't it? This is Genko a new recrut. She's really good at being a bandit. *In the back ground WPKorin has a bag of money and is teasing Tamahome with it.* I was wondering why do people think we are gay?
WPKorin: Yea! It seems that you can't be friends with people with out being their lover now a days. *moves the bag of money, rather fast, next to the wall, Tamahome follows it into the wall* He's so fun to tease!!
Kouji and Wandering Priestess Korin/Genko
Dear Kouji and Wandering Priestess Korin/Genko,
*Laughing at Tamahome* I like her!! She's in fer sure! An' bro' people think that crap 'bout us 'cos they ain't got any lives. Besides ya' got all that Tasuki s--t in yer room! When are ya' gonna give it to th' DTFC??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey just wondering, how many of you are still virgins?
Really Weird
Dear Really Weird,
Yes, you are Really Weird and we're not telling!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
A-ara...*blushes, and timidly leans forward, kissing him briefly* ^^;
Dear Amy-chan,
*kissu* Heh-heh... yer kinda cute when ya' blush...
Dear Nuriko,
I took your adivice and my friend said, "If you didn't like me going out with your brother you should have told me", my jaw must have drop 20 ft. But I expained my reasons and she said she forgave me. And then just to make her laugh I said, "Ok now that that's settaled ...can I go out with your brother?" She politely responed by throw her pillow across the room, with deadly accuracy of Tasuki's sister, and sending me flying off the bed and I return fire. Well, we killed two pillows. Arigatou Gozaimaz! *while doing victory sign*
Dear Artemis,
YEA! I'm glad that I was able to be of help and that you two are friends again.
Dear Tasuki,
(Two woman appear over the horizan,one in front of the other. Although it's not really clear, you can see that the one in back has fiery red hair and what looks like fangs. The one in front of her steps forward)
Hello Tauski! Allow me to introduce myself. I am just a simple wanderer who came here for a single purpose.
(The girl in the back steps forward trying to hide a bulky log behind her back.) "Hey little brother!! Remember me?"
(She hurls the log at Tasuki and sends him flying. It turns out the girl is Aidou. Her companion runs toward Tauski.)
Sorry about that Tauski. Your sister wanted me to give you a message but since I don't have a good aim with logs she came along herself. Oh and she wanted me to tell you to come home or something.
Please don't get mad at me. Your sister said that she wanted to visit you so I decided to tag along.
Umm... I should run now shouldn't I?
Hey Aidou!! I think your brother got the message!!
Dear Jinn,
Yep. Ya' better start runnin'. Whenever me an' Aidou get together it's worse brawlin' than me an' Kouji!
Dear Chichiri,
(A gitl skdjffffff skddjfe kadkffjllkajsdlfkjdlksjfjust wehrn youadrfe thwoeurhdd tyoeiufda ksjdflkelksiowerh)
Translation: Where the heck am I?
Dear Xorph,
On the Ask the Suzaku Seishi letters peeji, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, ummm.... Never mind
Confused P-Chan o^_^o
Gomen Nasaii
Ara...if time is money, how much do you charge for an hour?
Just kidding. ^^;;;
P-Chan o^_^o and A-chan =^_^=
Dear P-Chan o^_^o and A-chan =^_^=,
You REALLY DON'T want to go there do you?? Anyway, you couldn't afford me. I may be yasashii desu ga (easy), I'm not yasuii desu (cheap)!
Dear Tasuki,
Urmmmmm...... Why do you go slightly hysterical at certain points in your character single?? You know the "lekka shinen" bits...
Dear Yuffie,
Because I felt like it! Gotta problem wit' it? *fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
i just wondered,do you have any intreast in Nuriko at all? You must have some or you wouldn't marry Houki right?
pee chan
Dear pee chan,
Wrong! Pure coincidence! I married Houki because she was beautiful, intelligent, and I fell in love with her. I knew we would have beautiful children together. That's all there is to it.
Dear Tasuki,
The bracers are mainly for defence. I think they do work on people. Oh! I have an idea lets test them on Tamahome!! We can lurer him with this. *holds up a bag of okane* Want to try it? *grins showing small fangs*
Wandering Priestess Korin
Dear Wandering Priestess Korin,
Sure!! Then I can tell him, "Sorry Obake-chan, I did that on purpose!!!"
Dear Chichiri,
*sigh* I've tried all of those, it didn't work. *smiles a little* Arigato for listening. It means a lot to me, it really does. You should know as well as I do that the past will always come back in memories. Mitsukake... heh he reminds me of my dad. My parents tried everything that they could but the courts dropped everything, but what can you do? *streches and looks out window* I feel safe, warm, and loved when I see the sun rise. I miss watching them. Ah, gomen nasai I was starting to drift. It's okay about the e-mail thing..... I'm sorry about this but I feel like I have to do this. *hug and kisses you on cheek* Arigato for everything, you don't know how much I needed to hear that advice from someone besides my sister.
Dear Erin,
Hai, I do know that the past will always be there to haunt us, but like me, you must learn to move forward, no da. *holds her face in his hands* Dwelling on the terrible things that have happened in our lives will only bring us sadness. We both need to leave the past in the past and get on with our lives, no da. Seek strength and solace from your sister. You will find that as you leave the past in the past and your outlook brightens, the world is not such a terrible place, no da. Please feel free to lean on me if you need to. I will be there for you, ne no da! *kisses her on the forehead & hugs her tightly*
Dear Tasuki,
Its nooooooot FAAAAAAAAAIR, I worked really hard on a compare and contrast speech about Japanese animation and american animation. I stayed up till three or four AM doing an elaborate outline, then I stayed up till one doing posters, three of em. I tried not to be baised and put equal amounts of everybodies pic but somehow your pics exceeds the amount of others. But anywayyyyyy....I memorized everything. I had microscopic words cramed on a tiny notecard, just the main points. Even though the words are small,they were neat and organized. I got STAGEFRIGHT . *sobe* I'm gonna start crying. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTT FAAAAAAAAAIR.Tasuki make me feel better. !!!!! I got an idea!!!!!! brawl with me!!! I'd join you for sake but I,m not of age to drink. Now remeber this is a FRIENDLY BRAWL by my terms not yours. I don't think beating koji with a tessen during brawling is friendly.
Tasuki no Miko's rival(nevermind just call me Tieng)
Dear Tieng,
Gomen on th' stagefright, kiddo. But I ain't gonna jus' let ya' beat on me 'cos yer frustrated!!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, oi!! Although you're pretty KAKKOI ze for the whole vulgar drinkin' thing, you SURE you ain't in denial!? Oi, I mean, hey, excessive "Sanosuke" style coolness can definately point to the "yaoi" factor! Ehhh, heh! Sou da, sou da, er, kedo.. JUST pointin' out a fact! Heh heh.. Oi, keep drinkin'! No hard feelings!
Drunken Butterball
Dear Drunken Butterball,
Yeah, yeah... that's what they all say after insultin' me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hal----ooooooo Is there anyone in suzaku side know how Suboshi die?
suzaku and seiryuu spoiler
Dear suzaku and seiryuu spoiler,
Hai!! But we don't do spoilers!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Ano.. You're so strong, Nuriko-chan! ::smile:: You see, I want to be strong, too! I'm academically average, although I was able to get into a really good school without much problem, I don't think of myself as any sort of "intellect". At least not in math, eheh! (I'm ichiban in my Nihongo kurasu, however!) But, my flaw is, I'm lousy at athletic events! Well, I guess lousy isn't the operative word, I'm actually fairly talented and coordinated, it's just that my endurance is really... really... well, it's oboro-kuso, if you know what I mean. I've been working really hard to build up my endurance, I've been doing weight training, I've been trying out distance running, and I've gotten just a bit more fit, endurance-wise and strength-wise, kedo, I don't think I can ever be good enough to beat a truly fast runner in my school. I tried racing some of the better runners in a 100m dash, and I fell behind towards the end, probably because I was running out of energy. I want to be able to be strong, and fast, but it seems that no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get in better shape or technique than the others! I tried many things, such as the martial arts, and now I've moved onto Kenjutsu, so I'm mentally disciplined. I say to myself that I have the potential and heart to become as good as ANYBODY, because willpower is all it takes! However, it's still not working out for me, as hard as I try. What would you do, Nuriko-sama?
Tomoe Midou ~.^
Dear Tomoe Midou,
While physical fitness is a good thing, perhaps it is just not where your particular talents lie. Or maybe you just haven't found the sport that is suitable for you yet. You do have a talent for language! Nihon-go is a rather difficult laguage to learn, or at least that is what I have always been told, and you are number one in your class!! Omedetogozaimasu!!! Keep trying and I'm sure you will eventually find a sport that you can excel at. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Genrou-sama...could I have a little drinkfest with you? *grins and winks, carrying sake bottles in her hands* I bet I could outdrink you.. *gringrin*..whaddaya say?
Your 'kanpai' girl, Reddie
Dear Reddie,
I doubt it, but ya' can try if ya' REALLY wanna!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OKAY I asked you all to take a poll earlier and I didn't see this it would of help though 'cause my 'uck hand hurts anyway. I need some ideas for my FY fanclub to be name. (discussed) 2yrs. established and we don't even have a name!
Anyway, I just wanted to let you ALL know you have MIKOs. Even Nuriko, my friend we have 4 the Miko is guy... it works, Mits. (sorry Mits. I can't pronounce your name let alone spell it ^_^) Chiriko too! (she's about you age give or take a year) I have Hotohori and will defend my claim to the death ask my friend who has dibs. on the pyro. and she has the same personality the same w/ Tama(human) and Chichiri ...has one too...
From aside multi-voices: There she is oh...IRIA!
:sweatdrops then does SD look: oh **it!!
:runs away while duck flying bowling balls and fallin' Almighty Red Chickens of Doom :
:then suddenly stops turns around and pulls out a meduim sized dragon out of her back-pack:
(said to the dragon) Go get them Draco!
:Draco runs after the group:
*sign then cheerful face* we're all one great big happy family.
(then screams are heard)
PS. I was sick at the time I wrote letter.
Dear Iria,
To answer your poll from all of us... Nagako!! He basically manipulated the rest of the Seiryuu Seishi to get what he wanted and caused alot of people a lot of unnecessary pain!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Helloooooo! Will you let me tag along with you and Myrna when you go shopping?? Pleaaaaase?? I'll stop trying to trap you!! I promise! I do a bad Hotohori anyway. *puts on sad, puppy voice and bows at Nuriko's feet* need a personal servant??
Dear Nyanko-chan,
Now if that personal servant act didn't work for Miaka, why would it work for you?? *Sighs* Of course you can come shopping with me and Myrna. Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Are you and Koji a sexy kinky couple? oooh la la!
Dear Nameless,
OI!! Can't ya' read?!?!?!? I said no more of them *&^%$#@ hentai questions 'bout me an' Kouji!!!! Good thin' yer nameless!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Are you gay?
Dear Me,
Gay? As in happy? I guess so, since I can now be with Shouka. She was my fiancee before she died.
Dear Nuriko,
My best comedic compadre, Reddie, REALLY has this HUGE crush on Tasuki, and.. She doesn't know what to say to him! ^.^ So, well, since you're SO cool, and have a TOTALLY cool laugh, and, well, let's face it, you rival Hotohori's looks, WHAT do you think she should say to win his heart?!=D Domo Nuriko-chan!! You're the BEEEEST! ^_^;
Saotome Ran-ko!
P.S. o.O; We're trying to perfect our "Nuriko" laughs, with much success.
Dear Saotome Ran-ko,
She could start by appealing to his rather sizeable, ahem... ego! If that doesn't work, sake and pixie stix will sometimes do the trick. Gambatte kudasai!!
Dear Tasuki,
I just wanted to say thanks for the advice you gave me. It would be nice if I could have friends like you, who would listen and give advice..^_^
I think you give really good heck what anyone else says. >O *wedgies Tamahome*
I think I'll have to come to you for advice more often! ^_^ My best friend says I act like you sometimes. ^_^; Although.. I'm pretty shy and don't speak my mind. ^.^;
Again, thanks for everything, Gen-chan. ^_^ I hope things work out okay between me and my friends. And, I'll try to stick up for myself a little more! (even if I AM four feet eleven and could probably only hit someone in the kneecap. X_x;)
Bai now! *drags in a crate of sake for him, shakes his hand, winks her eye and hops off*
Dear Ranko-chan,
Glad to be of help to ya'! Oi! Kneecappin' can really painful, so be careful who ya' do it to! Ya' don't wanna get a bad rep!
Dear Hotohori,
Were you just born beautiful? Or did it take extensive practice?
Himura Lan-ko-sai
Dear Himura Lan-ko-sai,
I was born this way. Good genes I guess.
Dear Tasuki,
eh-heh-heh-heh *sweatdrops* at least you lost to a cute neko,ne? Well you were the cutest seishi by far,ne? eh-heh-heh...
GOMAN NASAI!!!!! I didn't mean to offend you! really!!!
a very sorry Chaos
Dear Chaos,
Yeah, yer right. At least I was the cutest human seishi. An', heh-heh, I BEAT OUT OBAKE-CHAN!!!!!!!! Heh-heh-heh-heh... now who's the coolest eh, Obake-chan??????
Dear Nuriko,
^_^ It's not really a question or anything but I just love how you look. It's so cute, no? Oh and be careful that you don't get another fun-in with Ashitare! Just kidding!!
Bye bye!
E. Nygma
Dear E. Nygma,
Thank you for the compliment! "Fun-in" with Ashitare, eh? Fun for who??
Dear Tasuki,
When you want to fry people, do you say "Rekka Shien" or "Rekka Shinen"? I've seen both spellings everywhere, even in the subtitles of your adventures.
Dear Dreamcatcher,
Either way's OK wit' me. It ain't how ya' spell it, it's how ya' say it that counts!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My friend is sick and can't be my date to my semi-formal this friday. Any volenteers? Eh heh....especially Tasuki-san...
Dear Ginny,
Gomen, but we are not able to come to yor world. If we could, I would probably would NOT recommend Tasuki as your date. He is a bit of a hot-head after all.
Dear Nuriko,
Kon'nichiwa! Go kigenyo.
Are there a lot of disadvantages to being strong? I was just wondering... I don't really have that problem. *slight smile* I seem to still be alive, but ghosts don't go through themselves, so I just can't tell...*giggles*
Anyway, what's the current fashion here? I don't really want to stand out too much. *looks down at the black clothing she is wearing* It CAN'T be this? *nervous laugh* Couldn't really be helped though, I guess. I had to leave home in a hurry, and this is my training clothing...*blush spreads across the bridge of nose*
Are most people nice here? You have the look of someone whom I can trust. *winces* G-Gomen...oh my, what a bad habit...I-I'll stop that now...or, at least I'll try.
Gomen...I don't mean to trouble you.
Dear Subashikoi,
No trouble at all! What you are currently wearing is ok, although a bit dark. I would certainly say that most of the people in Konan Country are nice. As with any new place one goes to, one should still be careful with who they speak to. I don't mind showing you around if you wish.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi ^.^ what are all of your new year's resolutions?
Dear Nyanko-chan,
Ain't ya' a little early? The Chinese New Year ain't til February. Heh-heh...
Dear Hotohori,
my head hurts
my calves hurt
my abdomen hurts when i laugh
that was my poem to you.
Stukie the Turnip
Dear Stukie the Turnip,
Arigato for the uniquie poem. Gomen that it was so painful.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello Chiriko!!
Everyone considers you the smart one so I just want to ask you a couple of questions. First of all when the you usually answer questions? Like 2 days after you get em, a week, what?
I know it's not a unsual question but I just wanted to know so that the next time I ask you guys a question I won't be checking back every other day to see if you answered yet.
Thanx for your time.
Once again thanx,
P.S. Tell Tauski sorry about that log incident. Aidou is not apoligizing but I thought it might cool him down a little if I do.
P.P.S. Also warn Tauski that his sister might be coming more often. She really wants him back i guess. ^_^
Dear Jinn,
Good question Jinn! Lately Miaka has been into more mischief than usual!! As a result we are WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY behind on answering letters! It is very difficult with over 70 letters and only one computer. Once we are all caught up (give us a couple of weeks at least), we usually answer letters 2-3 times a week. Gomen for the delay! Arigato gozaimasu for your understanding! I will give Tasuki your warning.
Dear Chichiri,
How would the geography of China affect its government and religions.
Please answer as soon as possible. Thank youuuuuuuuuu!
Tasuki no Miko's rival(Tieng)
Dear Tasuki no Miko's rival(Tieng),
Iie, no da! Do your own shukudai (homework), no da! You can research that on the internet, ne no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Whats your favorite thing about being a Suzaku seishi?
Dear Tess,
Well, Tasuki would say his tessen, no da. But we all agree it is the having the ability to protect Konan and it's people and the wonderful friendships that have developed between us, ne no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*Bows to the almighty Nuriko-Sama*
Nurikooooooo! I absolutely ADORE you! I am your TRUE one and only MIKO! *Showers Nuriko with kisses all over*
Tell me will u accept me as your miko? I would do *ANYTHING* for u and i absolutely love you because u are so sweet *Can't forget your great strength too! ^_- *
I'll take u shopping, i'll spoil u to death because i love u so much! *_*
*Kisses him more* You are so handsome! I need to bear your children Nuriko! I am in total LOVE with u!! Tell me i can be your Miko?!?! *_*
Nuriko No Miko * The one and ONLY!* ^_-
Dear Nuriko No Miko,
KOWAII!!!!! I already have a Miko. But, if she has no problem with it, then you can be my Miko, too.
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you hate women?
Dear Jem,
Because they either abuse me or manipulate me into doing stupid dangerous s---!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Me and Amy-chan were talking, and we were wanting to know if Tasuki's is really the biggest? ::Amy-chan shouts in the background, 'Constellation! Constellation!'::
Dear Dana-chan,
Uh-huh, sure... constellation... right... tsk-tsk. I don't know. He won't show me. But he does have a large tessen. Does that help???
Dear Chichiri,
There is this weird rumor about you and Setsuna from Sailor Moon, are you two really a couple?
Dear Linda,
A couple of what's, no da? Seriously, I don't know her, no da. So I doubt we would be involved with each other, ne no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Ara, Nuriko-san,*whispers* Myrna-chan...she was too shy to ask you, so I'm asking for her. ^_~ Hmm, so would it be to much to ask if you were to give her, her first kisu of the new year? *drags a blushing M-chan over, and pinches her cheek* Look how kawaii she is!!! Ara, and she said something about being to shy to ask to be your Valentine as well. ^_~
Dear Amy-chan,
Sure... tee-hee. Would she prefer me dressed as a male, female, or as Tamahome-kun? Tee-heeheeheehee...
Dear Nuriko,
Male, thankyaverymuch. ;P
And what kind of answer was that? O.O Tamahome-kun..¬¬
Myrna-chan/Kourin No Miko
Dear Myrna-chan/Kourin No Miko,
Just testing... Male it is!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki! I love you but I am really mad at you! You never answered the questions I asked you! I asked why do you seem more shy in the manga? Also, whats up with I ONLY LIKE WOMEN WHO CRIES? Plus a bonus question, hate asking this but there are inquiring minds. Did Koji at the ( ) house when he went there....ordidyouwantto. Ack! Don't hit me for asking this question!(hiding in a corner with a book held up ready to defend herself)
Tasuki no Miko's rival
Dear Tasuki no Miko's rival,
Well I guess what I was tryin' to say was I like feminine women. Not women like Aidou! An' yes I did!! An' YES I wanted to!! Gotta problem with me bein' a man?????
Dear Chiriko,
Oh, no. Definitely NOT the same Ian. I thought the Ian that was writing those love letters was a girl, am I wrong?
By the way, something I would like to know. How old are you? ^_^ I'm not hitting on you, don't worry. I just think that would be so funny if you were the same age as my brother.
Dear Bokono,
We all get the feeling Ian was male and as his letters were a bit.. ano... *blushes and sweatdrops* explicit, only Chichiri answered his.
As to your question to me, I am 13.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you love Miaka?
Dear seichi,
I generally thought of her as a sister, until Hikou and his rotten mind games. But, I guess I would have to say I do love her, like a sister. A klutzy, pain in the neck sister, but that sure as hell beats the vicious ones I grew up with! Heh-heh...
Dear Tamahome,
Well.. not exactly sick.. ::grins:: and nooo.. I'm not related to Tasuki-san. Tasuki's really kewl though, heh.. Amy wants me to dress up like him and go down to her work and scare off some idiot who's hitting on her there. Should be fun.. but I don't think my hair will spike like that.
Na, Mulan's hair is just black but she wears it in a ponytail with a whole bunch of ponytail holders in it. I guess her reasoning is something like.. "If I can't have Tamahome then I can be him" but Mulan-sama is really small and a weakling.. heh.. so she's more like.. oh I dunno.. Chiriko. ::Bows::I'm not saying that Chiriko-san is a weakling or anything, just Mulan-sama is closer to his strength than yours.. and her Seishi symbol would actually be Chiriko too.. wierd.. O.o;;
Well, I'm done rambling because I know poor Chichiri no Aijin hasn't been feeling well soon so I don't want to take up too much of her time.
Ja na!
P.S. Tell Chichiri no Aijin that I hope she feels better when ya see her.
Dear Missy,
Chichiri no Aijin says "Hi" and that lots of hair gel will spike pretty much anything. We ALL read Mulan and Amy-chan's letters and thought they were VERY amusing! Mulan-chan certainly seems jealous of Miaka, it would be interesting to meet with her sometine. Tell Amy-chan that Tasuki sends a kissu to her (I think he must be soft on her. Or maybe he's just soft in the head... ha-ha-ha... ITAI! Darn tessen!)
Dear Tasuki,
Hi there! 'Member me? Anou.....I've been on vacation......I just got back! ^_^ So, wanna go drinking again?! o^_^o
Pixy Moon
Dear Pixy Moon,
Sure, soon as I get all of my letters answered! Gimme a couple of weeks!!
Dear Nuriko,
My older sister hates this one jack-butt boy, but he likes her, he sent her a not so little gift and ask her on a date. What do you think she should where? A really pretty kimono (they are going to a japanese rest. and is own by our father) or a tank top t-shirt and REALLY short shorts??
Thanks and my older sis idolize you, 'cause your just plain beautiful!
Dear Neko5,
Why not a nice pair of jeans and a nice shirt? The tank top and short shorts would give the poor boy the wrong impression. The kimono sounds very pretty, but the jeans just strike me as easier and more comfortable.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hellooo I think your really cool and nice. Your calm and quiet, Tasuki could learn a few lessons from you. O yah, did I mention sensitive? Thank you for healing Tasuki when he tried frying himself.
Tasuki no Miko's rival
Dear Tasuki no Miko's rival,
Arigato for your kind words. I have tried in the past to teach Tasuki how to be calm and sensitive towards others, it just never seemed to sink in.
Dear Tasuki,
*fights of a blush* Volunteering? Well, hai I guess I am. ^_- Ara, Mulan-baka was terrible today...she followed me home from class. And ended up cackling when my okaa-san showed her chibi pictures of me...-_- *eyebrow twitches* She says her favorite is when I was a cowgirl at age 4 for Halloween. -_-;;
Dear Amy-chan,
Alright then! *puckers up..* Heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
What kind of questions should I ask?!
Nico southy
Dear Nico southy,
Anythin' 'cept them hentai yaoi questions ' bout me an' Kouji!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Oi, oi! Tamahome-san! Heh, since you're such a great manager of money, what should I spend my "KIREI NO OKANE" ;.; on!? Ooohoho! Well, you see, I'm torn between BLOWING it all on anime tapes, or BLOWING it all on anime CD's! OOOHOHO (Er, no, I'm not a Nuriko wannabe, I just happen to.. er.. have some of the.. same.. laugh.. traits..?? Eheh..) Saa, see, since I'm lousy at keeping it, I might as well spend it on something I enjoy, so, what's your opinion? Dooomo!
Lord God Jinnai
Dear Lord God Jinnai,
Spend a quarter of it on an anime tape, a quarter of it on an anime CD and send the rest to me for this expert advice! That will be 2 ryou onegai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
just wondering, any of you ever wonder what a hamster tastes like?
Dear Tama-neko,
Probably just like chicken, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi. I wasn't sure which seishi to ask this but I need some advice on what to do. My best friend is in love with my brother and I hated it but then he broke up with her and then I was happy. But one of the reasons he broke up with her was that I had heard him say he didn't want her to drool over him like a dog in heat and then I kind of made/persuaded him to break up with her. So my bro. happy but my friend is still crying over him and I'm about to kick her ass. I've been alway protective of him because his taste in women have not always be great . And I'm younger than him too.
So what do I do now?
Dear Artemis,
I'm not the best person to ask about relationships, but I'll try. What you are doing reminds me alot of what I did to Miaka and Tamahome when we first met. I thought it was a good idea at the time, but later regretted it. You do realize that because of your meddling your friend was hurt. My advice would be, console your friend as best you can and resolve to stay out of your brother's love life unless he asks for your help.
Dear Hotohori,
I, Torimiko, faithful servant and friend to Ryuuen, and keeper of the The Konan Country Cross Dressing Coalition wonder if you think it strange that you married a woman that looks so much like Nuriko-kun? Though, gomen, your son is quite handsome, not unlike his father.
Torimiko: HiSing
Dear Torimiko: HiSing,
I never stopped to ponder the implications.
Dear Chiriko,
Ara...Chiriko-chan. Hoka ni onegai dekiru kata mo gozaimasen no de(You're the only person I can think to ask this of).... *sighs lightly* Can you help me prepare for my exams? Especially my AP Latin Poetry? *holds up the first few books which make up the Aeneid* I just need someone to push me along...and make sure I study and prepare well for it. -_-;
Ara, I would ask Tasuki-san...demo....he probably would decline my offer, or would simply not have the time. In addition, I'm afraid that he would be too much of a distraction. *looks down and twaps her two fingers together, going SD as images scroll past her head, of her drooling over, and zoning about Gen-chan* -_-; And besides as of late, he seems to busy dealing with the myriad of other female admirers he has. *sighs lightly and scrapes the ground with her foot*
Goshinsetsu wa wasuremasen (I won't forget your kindness),
Dear Amy-chan,
Tasuki-kun would probably burn your books! I, on the other hand, would suggest that you find a place that is well lit and comfortable and start reading, kudasai! Do you have notes from your previous kurasu? If so, study those, too. *Takes headphones off her head...* No more Tasuki ongaku until you have studied. He is too much of a distraction. If you really want ongaku, I or Mitsukake would be happy to oblige you.
Gambatte kudasai!
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