Dear Chichiri,
Your so ... so... beautiful. Your hair flows like the wind... your..hehe... uhmm... I can't think of anything else to say... *holds in laughter* ^_^; how about you and me go out for dinner sometime?
Dear Bokono,
Arigato for your , ano... compliment, no da. I would very much like to join you for bangohan, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Your Just SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO KAWAII!! I can't help , but talk about you everywhere i go. but i have a small question.......
DO you ever plan to get married???
Please don't get upset for me asking, if not can i be your sake server?? Or a maid??
Dear Asellus,
I suppose so. But she would have to be a VERY special woman fer me to settle down wit'! I ain't upset wit' ya, but I don't need no sake server or a maid. How's 'bout jus' tomodachi?
Dear Hotohori,
Hi again. A while ago I made a webring for you and I need more people to apply (to show that you're as popular as some of the other seishi)! Could you please link my webring site to this page? Arigato gozaimasu! ^.^
Dear Dreamcatcher,
Arigato gozaimasu for the webring! Consider it done. You are now listed on our links peeji. Or people can click below.
The Hotohori Webring
Dear Mitsukake,
I've got a sore throat, and my mom made me drink this horrible yuckyuckyuck hot lemon stuff. *makes a face* And I have to take this red and yellow pills with a drink all the time.
Why does medicine taste so bad? ^^;;
Myrna-chan/Kourin No Miko
Dear Myrna-chan/Kourin No Miko,
So you won't enjoy being sick.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My friend is in love with a guy that doesn't think he can ever be loved. Do you guys think she can help him and that he'll realize how many people love him?
Dear scrambler,
Perhaps, but she may be hurt by him if he doesn't come around. Unfortunately we (men) can be VERY insensitive or clueless when it comes to affairs of the heart. Tell her to be careful. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
You're pretty.
No Name
Dear No Name,
Arigato. I know.
Dear Tasuki,
You have the coolest hair. Ya know that? No... really. Ya do. *rams her head into tasuki's stomach* You're my favroite seishi!!!! ^_^
Dear Bokono,
*UGH* Thanks, I think. But no more head butts ok? I'd hate to lose my sake on ya'.
Dear Mitsukake,
I have a big concert coming up, plus heaps and heaps of reports due in the next few days. I'm really really stressed out.
Do you know of any good ways to relieve stress? ^^;;;
A Stressed-Out A-chan
Dear A-chan,
A hot bath and some tea are generally quite relaxing. You might want to try meditation and see if that helps, too. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori, are you????
well.......i'm fine..thanx!!!! just wantted u to know that u are the cutest guy.......well......after Tamahome....of u have a girlfrind????????????/
Bye!!!!!! You're so hot and sexy!!!!! Laterz!!!!
Dear Alice,
I am fine and I have a wife and a son. Thank you for saying I am the cutest even if it's after Tamahome-kun... sigh...
Dear Chichiri,
I took your advice...well, actually, I _tried_ to...but it didn't quite work, since they hardly ever get together anymore...well, anyways, it was good advice, and arigatou for it. O_o
Dear A-chan,
Gomen, but sometimes it's better that way, no da. Doitashimashite! When they are ready to put their differences aside, they will, ne no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Recently, i just finished watching your show. There is something i don't understand, if you guys live in china and speak chinese, then how in the world can you guys speak japanese and understand what miaka say?
Dear xoxo,
It is part of the magic of the book, no da. How else would our Miko find us if we could not understand her and her us, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Ano...*nervously clasps her hands together*...I'm sorry for being so nervous but I need to get this out of my chest: I really like you! Now don't worry about me chasing you and stuff; I'd rather admire you from afar. ^_~ When I first stumbled upon this site, I first thought of writing to you but because of my ultimate shyness, I backed out and wrote to Chichiri instead (I also admire him but not as much as I do to you).
Actually, I didn't like you at first and in fact, I liked Tamahome very much (;^^). But for some reason, as I watched your adventures and how you related with the other seishi, I admired you more and more. Although my sister will probably not agree (don't mind on what SHE thinks), I realized then how truly great you are.
Anyway, I know I'm probably inflating your ego by now so I'll stop. :) Also, don't think seriously about Tama-neko beating you for being the cutest. As I study in an all-girl school, it's very easy to get comments about you and the other guys. ^_^ I remember once, I bought my FY artbooks in school thinking that that would be a good time to study them. My friends and classmates weren't so interested in anime you see. Geez, I was so wrong! The moment they saw you, they were practically drooling and ogling at the pages that I had to literally *shout* at them to stop...'cause hey, the artbooks were in grave danger of getting drenched. ;;^^
So with all these said, I hope we'll be friends. If you have problems or any of that sort, you can always count on me. :) (Majoring in Psychology does have its advantages, ^^)
Take care and God bless! Hope the New Year is starting great for all of ya!
Dear Jill,
Thanks fer th' nice letter. Of course we can be friends! I still can't believe I got beat out by a neko! But at least it wasn't by Tamahome! *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
Does your son appear in the oav's? (i haven't had a chance to see them yet) Do you have any info on Koyasu Takehito's group "Weiss"? I know nothing about them but I love your singing voice so I wanna know more! Thanks!
p.s. can I still be your personal slavegirl/masseuse?
Dear hotohorinomiko,
Boushin does appear in the second episode of the second OAV series. On the Chicken of Doom website I believe they have Weiss Kruz information. Unfortunately, I don't have any information on them handy. If I find a site, I'll have Chiriko post it to our links peeji.
Dear Nuriko,
Will I ever get a boyfriend?? I have glasses and guys aren't interested in me.
Dear LoveStruck,
I'm sure the right guy will come along for you. Even Mitsukake had Shouka! By the way, if you don't like your glasses, have you considered contact lenses?
Dear Hotohori,
(this is for you AND nuriko)
Since you "guys" dress up like girls do you wear BRAs??? Go to the restroom the "girl" way.
Dear Nuhto,
Hotohori and Nuriko
Dear Nuriko,
Cindy Crawford???? You two don't look anything alike!!! well Hotohori picking Leo out of all people is pretty sad too. *gets wacked over the head by Kiwi, Kiwi: Ahem? don't be mean* guess that was the point in picking them...mabey? ^_^; why did you pick Cindy anyways? Even though I think I know why.
Dear Kitty,
The mole! Even though it's not under her eye she still has one. And besides, Chichiri no Aijin kept saying John Leguazamo should play me because of the movie he was in with Patrick Swayze and Wesley Snipes! I think that may be worse!
Dear Tasuki,
WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO FRY MEEEEE!?!?! I was just showing you a bit of affection ^_~!!!! that is all!!!! *wraps Tasuki up in a hug* And I thought you liked it. damn.
*Peach falls over and sweatdrops. Gets back up looking annoyed and grabs a chair and breaks it over P.J.'s head* Peach: HENTAI, YAOI, FREAK!!!!!
*drop kicks P.J.* Peach: Um Tasuki I feel SO sorry for you, after all You were hugged by P.J. -_- do you want somw new clothes? So you can burn what your wearing?
P.J...& I guess my mean lil' sis who does nothing but beat on me..-_-
Dear Yaoi Freak of Nature an' Peach,
*Through clenched fangs* Just get him outta here before I do somethin' he'll regret!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
WAI! You actually want to be with me? *starry lovesick eyes* How about shopping? I'm obsessed with clothes..though..I'd prefer if you bought male clothing, you're much sexier as a guy. ^^
Oh yeah, I got a question. Since I've become Kourin No Miko, would you have anything to do with the summoning? ^^
Myrna-chan/Kourin No Miko/Whatever
Dear Myrna-chan,
Only if you stop trying to trap me. See, I am on the message board, too. Hee-hee.
Dear Tasuki,
*sigh*.. I need some advice. Recently, my little group of "friends" have decided that they feel the need to change me, the way I think, the way I look, the way I feel. They also seem to enjoy talking about me behind my back, and bossing me around. Are they really my friends?! I've known them since I was little, but lately, they all seem to have changed. They treat me like I'm their little sister and boss me around all the time. And, no, they don't throw logs at me, thank goodness.... X.x
But lately, this has gotten me to thinking about who are true friends, and who aren't. And I've withdrawn from people. I've been trying to ask a lot of people so I have different aspects of advice. But, since I think of you as a mentor(sorta. ^.^;) I'd like your advice too. This has been really troubling me lately and I've retreated to my room, and haven't gone out to hang out with any of my friends, except my online friends, and my very best friend, who lives an hour away, so I don't see her much.(We're close like you and Kouji..we even have a little dance we do when we see each other again! ^_~)
Anyway...could you give me your feedback? And maybe..if the other seishi would like to answer too, that would be great.
*hands him a sake bottle* Arigatou for your time, Genrou-san. *smiles*
Dear Ranko-chan,
Yer askin' me fer advice?? OI! Chichiri!! I think hell finally froze over!! An' tell obake-chan he owes me a case of sake an' 10 gold ryou!!!!!!! Heh-heh... OK, NOW I'll get serious. True friends don't try to change ya'. They accept ya' for who an' what ya' are.
Unless what they are tryin' to do is make sure yer not doing anythin' that's abunai!! If yer doin' somethin' that could hurt ya' an' yer tomodachi are tryin' to see ya' don't get hurt, heh, that's like when Chichiri drags my a-- outta th' bar BEFORE I start bustin' th' place up an' drink myself into a NASTY hangover! He ain't tryin' to change me, he's jus' lookin' out fer me 'cos he's my tomodachi!!
However, if yer old tomodachi ain't treatin' ya' right an' ya' ain't doin' nothin' to hurt yerself, get some new ones! Don't totally blow off the old ones, but keep in mind people change and grow apart. Maybe that's what's happenin' to ya' an' yer tomodachi. Don't hide from th' world, LEKKA SHIEN it!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Ummmm.... Hi... I heard from some friends that you are a good listener and that... you have good advice. *bites bottom lip, and slumps down into a ball* It's about my past, and if you could just e-mail me your reply I would like that. Well you see, I've been in a slump of depression all year, I pretend to be happy for my family's sake..... but my sister April(the only kind one in my family) caught on. And she had me tell everything that was bothering me. It starts off with my older half brother, whom is a molester(need I say more, at least I'm still pure), then to my brother Cory who has tried to drown me in public pools and suffocate me with pillows, then to my sister Emiy who has tried braking my neck and crushing my neck all through out my childhood, then I became 13 and on my birthday my parents where busted for use of drugs Marijuana, lucky me I didn't go to a foster home, and to top it off complete strangers will spit on me and hate my guts for no.... reason.... *starts to cry* Gomen nasai.... you probably would hate me too if you meet me.... *holds knees tightly to breast* I just don't know what to do anymore. I only have a few friends and it feels like they are going far away and that I'm going back into a dark abyss again. *cries harder* I don't want to be alone anymore.... Can you help me?.... please...
Dear Erin,
Gomen nasai, but we do not answer to private addresses, no da. Forgive me onegai? I feel for you. For one so young, you have had a hard life, no da.
Instead of shrinking away from life, however, do your best to draw strength from what has happened to you. It is said that that which does not kill us makes us stronger. Find a bright spot in all of this or something that interests you such as art or music and focus on that.
You and your sister April need to stick together and draw strength from each other. Also, have you tried talking to your parents or another adult that you trust about this? If not, you should seek out a professional counselor or someone in your community that you trust and feel comfortable with, no da. I will certainly try to provide you with moral support, no da. Mistukake agrees with me that depression is a serious illness and if it is lasting for more than just a short while, you really should seek help for it from someone who is trained to deal with it. Promise me you will do this, no da?
Take care and keep in touch,
Dear Tasuki,
*girl that looks simalar to Nuriko (no beauty mark, brown hair, brown eyes) runs up and gives you a big hug* TASUKI ONIIIIIICHAAAAN!!!! It's really you, WOW! Tasuki... why do people think that Aidou is cool? I mean she beats you up for no reason, and she sounds like a raving lunatic to me. Oh, my sister April says 'Hi!'. She's shy you know. Oh, and I want to know why the hell do people like to make yaoi fanfics about you and Koji-san along with you and my wonderful guy Chichiri?
*puts a pare of bracers into your hand* This is for you. April and I have become fed up with that log thing, so if you x your arms in front of you when that girl Nikara(or whatever) or Aidou throws logs at you these little babies will throw up a magic sheild and burn the logs up on impact.
*Grins and shows fangs* Hope you like them.
Wandering Priestess Korin (WPKorin for short)
P.S. please write back, arigato gozamasu!
Dear WPKorin,
Oi! Arigatto fer th' cool weapon? I know ya' said it works on logs, but will it work on my pain in th' butt sister, too?
Dear Chichiri,
Why dont you get another girlfriend, or are not interested in girls , cause i would love to get together with u sometime.
your devoted lover,
Ian Wang
Dear Ian,
When I feel the time is right I am sure that I will, as you say, "find another girlfriend". Contrary to certain hentai fanfics, I am very much interested in women, no da! However, I would have no objection to being your friend, ne no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! I'm sorry, this isn't a question. I'd just like to say that you look so much like my little brother, Ian. Don't get me wrong, that's not a bad thing. ^_^ *gives him a big hug* Can we be friends?
Dear Bokono,
Sure! Is this the same Ian that is writing love letters to most of the Seishi? Just curious...
Dear Hotohori,
I am called Lady Crysiana, and I am the head advisor of the Empress Adrienne Windrider, the benevolent ruler of Namoren.
Recently I have been informed that a colleague of mine, Zoisite no Miko, has behaved rather badly and sent an insulting letter to the seishi Tasuki. I have also been told that she put my name on the letter along with her own.
I would ask your forgiveness for any insults she may have directed towards any of the seishi, and you can be sure that she will not be allowed near computers again for some time. Be assured taht she will be disciplined for her actions, as I am sure you would discipline such a member of your own court. I have also made sure that Tasuki will receive a letter of apology from Zoisite no Miko.
The Empress Adrienne says that she would hope that this incident does not predjudice you against interacting with those from Namoren. We have only begun to come out of a long period of isolation and, as a small, sheltered nation, we need to find allies in countries such as yours that are the great examples of what nations should be.
May you find the wonder that life holds for all who choose to seek it.
Lady Crysiana
Dear Lady Crysiana,
I thank you for your most gracious letter of apology. As for the letter to Tasuki, he was not horribly put off by it and also accepts both your's and Zoisite no Miko's apologies. We look forward to corresponding with you and hearing more about your country in the future.
Take care,
Dear Mitsukake,
Could you let Lina-chan know this? Arigatou!!
Dear Lina-chan,
Don't feel bad! I'm just very jealous over Mitsukake. It wasn't you, it was him. If you like, we can share him! *pulls out a handsaw* I read about this in a book. Which half do you want?
Love Struck
Dear Love Struck,
Ano... let's not be hasty about this! Why don't we just decide on alternate days to spend with me, ladies? I'd much rather NOT be sawed in half, if you don't mind.
Dear Nuriko,
Oh, no no no! I didn't make a 1100 on the SATs now, I made it in the 7th grade! *laughs* Now I make more like a 1350 or so. Being in the 11th grade makes things different... *hands Nuriko a kiree flower* Arigatou for your time!
Dear Miaru,
Arigato for the kiree hana! It smells lovely! I'm glad I was able to help.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What turns Miaka on?
Dear Maxjenuis,
Well two things turn her on; food and Tamahome. We're pretty sure it's in that order, too.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Hehe.. Mulan is really obsessed with you.. she'll just never admit it. She even wears her hair like yours (when it was longer)! She swears that she just thinks you're really cool.. but she hates Miaka and I bet you it's because she's secretly jealous. Makes sense, ne? Well ::pats him on the back::I've had my fill of talking to you.. don't want to get *too* sick now.. *grins*
Bai bai!
Dear Missy,
So, talking to me makes you sick? Are you related to Tasuki by chance? If Mulan wears her hair like mine does that mean she has teal streaks in it, too? Pretty cool.
Dear Tasuki,
Akemashite Omedeto!!!! *takes out a bucket with two bottles of champagne and ice in it* Here. One bottle for you, one for me. ^_^;; Eh-heh-heh...ara Tasuki-san, who did you kiss to start the new year? ^_^
-_-; *hands him a few bottles of sake with red ribbons wrapped about them* These are for Christmas. Eeee..*also holds up a red scarf* Mulan-chan made me knit this for you too. O.o;; I guess you can use it in defense next time Aidou tries to drag you back home...^_^;;
Oh yeah! *pulls out a perfectly baked keeki* I made another rum keeki, 'cept this time it didn't burn. ^_^ I used alll the bottle again!! ^_^ *cute innocent smile* Just for you, and I made sure Mulan didn't steal any this time. ^_^
Dear Amy-chan,
Oishii!! Arigato fer th' keeki! Well, since ya' weren't aroun' an' Chichiri no Aijin was practically horkin' up chunks of lung, I didn't kiss anybody fer New Years!! Doshite? Volunteerin'???
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